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hom nay minh se huong dan cac ban cac buoc cai dat phan mem Creo 4.0

(Today I will guide you the installation steps creo 4.0)

Step1: Download File

Link phia duoi video nhe

(link bellow the video)

Step 2: giai nen cac file <SolidSQUAD_>,<PTC.CREO.4.0.M020.WIN-SSQ>, <PTC.LICENSE.WINDOWS-

SSQ>, va <PTC.Creo.4.0.M020.Win64>

(unzip file <SolidSQUAD_>,<PTC.CREO.4.0.M020.WIN-SSQ>, <PTC.LICENSE.WINDOWS-SSQ>, and


Step3: Tao file License va Copy file nay vao o C

- Vao thu muc PTC.LICENSE.WINDOWWNS-SSQ.7z vua giai nen, chay file FillLicense.bat

doi 1 luc se co file "PTC_D_SSQ.dat" duoc tao ra

- Copy file "PTC_D_SSQ.dat" vua duoc tao vao 1 thu muc bat ki trong o C

minh copy vao "C:\Program Files\Creo-4"

(Open folder "PTC.LICENSE.WINDOWS-SSQ.7z" to temporary directory

and run "FillLicense.bat". The "PTC_D_SSQ.dat" file near batch script

contains the license file with correct PTC HOSTID will be generated

Copy generated license file to folder of choice (for example, C:\Program Files\Creo-4)

Step 4: Tao bien "PTC_D_LICENSE_FILE" cho Creo 4:

- Chuot phai vao My Computer chon Properties -> chon Advanced system settings -> vao the Advanced -
> bam vao Environment Variables -> chon New...-> xuat hien hop thoai

- tai muc "Variable name" dien la "PTC_D_LICENSE_FILE"

- Tai muc "Variable Value" bam Browse File -> dan den file trong o C vua duoc tao o buoc 3

*** Neu khong co Browse File thi copy duoc dan cua file o buoc 2 dan vao Variable Value. nhu minh la

xong bam OK.

(Create enviroment variable PTC_D_LICENSE_FILE=<full path to PTC_D_SSQ.dat>

Right click My Computer -> Properties -> Advanced system settings -> Advanced -> Environment
Variables -> New...->

- "Variable name" -> "PTC_D_LICENSE_FILE"

- "Variable Value" -> Browse Directory -> link to file "PTC_D_SSQ.dat" in Disk C)

Step 5: bat dau cai dat Creo-4.0

(Install PTC Creo 4.0 M020 Win64)

nho cai matcad 3.1

( install Matcad 3.1)

Doi vai phut nhe

Wait a few minutes……

Step 6: Copy cac thu muc "Distributed Services Manager", "M020" and "View Express" tu thu muc

dan vao <Creo 4.0 progdir> (duong dan la C:\Program Files\PTC\Creo 4.0\ )

(Copy folders "Distributed Services Manager", "M020" and "View Express" from
"PTC.CREO.4.0.M020.WIN-SSQ.7z"\Creo 4.0 folder

to <Creo 4.0 progdir> (by default C:\Program Files\PTC\Creo 4.0\ ) with overwrite)

Step 7: chay file "SolidSQUADLoaderEnabler.reg"

(Run "SolidSQUADLoaderEnabler.reg" and confirm to add info into Windows Registry)

Step 8: Copy toan bo file va folder trong "PTC.CREO.4.0.M010.WIN-SSQ.7z\Mathcad Prime 4.0" vao
trong thu muc cai dat trong o C

duong dan la C:\Program Files\PTC\Mathcad Prime 4.0

(Replace original <Mathcad Prime 4.0 program folder> (by default C:\Program Files\PTC\Mathcad Prime
4.0 ) with cracked one from "PTC.CREO.4.0.M010.WIN-SSQ.7z")

Step 9: khoi dong lai pham mem va bat dau lam viec




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