Final Round: 15. Gas Pressure in The Offshore Pipe Has 120 Psi. What Is The Psi Stands For?

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Final Round

1. True or false? a cap rock is impermeable to the flow of oil or gas ?

Answer : True
2. There are oil based muds and water based muds. Which one is easier to detect fluorescence
Answer : Water Based Muds
3. A device fitted with a hinged collar and bowsprings to keep the casing or liner in the center
of the wellbore to help ensure efficient placement of a cement sheath around the casing
string. What is the device?
Answer : Centralizer
4. What is SP log stands for ?
Answer : Spontaneus Potential Log
5. True of false ? When drilling gypsum or anhydrate formations, an increase in calcium
formation will cause clays to flocculate
Answer : True
6. If the Bulk Volume 16,5 cc and the Pore Volume 12,1. Calculate the porosity!
Answer : 0,73 / 73%
7. Who was the SPE president on 2013 ?
Answer : Egbert Imomoh
8. Pertamina has subsidiary that focus on shipping industry, what is the name of the company ?
Answer : Pertamina Trans Kontinental
9. Who is the Father Of The Petroleum Industry?
Answer : Abraham Pineo Genser
10. A depression in the crust of the Earth, caused by plate tectonic activity and subsidence, in
which sediments accumulate. Is the definiton of ?
Answer : Basin
11. The lowest temperature (in °F or °C) at which the vapor continouse to burn after being
ignited. Is the definision of?
Answer : Fire Point
12. True or false ? Porous rocks do not create problems related to drilling fluids unless the rocks
show some degree of permeability
Answer : True
13. What is the most common type of reservoir rocks in petroleum production ?
Answer : Sedimentary rocks.
14. A geologic event during which sea level rises relative to the land and the shoreline moves
toward higher ground, resulting in flooding. It’s called?
Answer : Transgression
15. Gas pressure in the offshore pipe has 120 Psi. What is the Psi stands for?
Answer : Pounds per Square Inch
Bidding Questions
1. Which of the following are defined by the theory of continental drift ? Select all the correct
a. Volcanic activity resulting from movement of plates in the earth crust
b. The migration of hydrocarbon to surrounding rocks
c. Formation of mountains resulting from movement of plates in the earth crust
d. Plates of the earth crust moving away from each other

2. Air drilling can only be performed in which types of zones ? select all the correct answer.
a. Zones with large amounts of water in the formation
b. Zones without high pressure
c. Zones without large amounts of water in formation
d. Zones with high pressure

Mention the name of these two trap !
Answer :
1. Stratigraphic trap
2. Structural trap

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