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Knowledge Development
Gina N. Cervetti ■ Elfrieda H. Hiebert

n 2000, the National Reading Panel (NRP; the CCSS/ELA provide an opportunity to realize what
National Institute of Child Health and Human we have known for decades: that knowledge is a crit-
Development, 2000) identified five pillars, or ical component of the reading process, which has a
essential components, of reading instruction that tremendous impact on what students understand and
lead to the highest chance of reading success—pho- learn from reading. In light of this opportunity, we
nemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and propose that a sixth pillar be added to the components
comprehension. Since its publication 15 years ago, of reading instruction: knowledge development.
the report has had an enormous impact on reading
instruction and policy. The Significance of Knowledge
A decade after the release of the NRP report, the in Reading
majority of U.S. states adopted the Common Core Knowledge supports every aspect of reading, from
State Standards/English Language Arts and Literacy reading accuracy and fluency (e.g., Priebe, Keenan, &
(CCSS/ELA; National Governors Association Center Miller, 2012) to literal and inferential comprehension
for Best Practices & Council of Chief State School (e.g., Reutzel & Morgan, 1990). Studies have found
Officers, 2010). Among the significant changes that readers who have more knowledge of the topic
brought by the CCSS/ELA is a focus on knowledge of a text make fewer errors during oral reading and
development as part of literacy development and a make higher-quality, meaning-preserving miscues
focus on the acquisition of literacy skills specific to when they do make errors (Priebe et al., 2012; Taft &
learning in different disciplines. The CCSS/ELA call Leslie, 1985). For example, Priebe et al. reported that
for increases in the proportion of informational texts prior knowledge seemed to provide semantic (mean-
at all grade levels and indicate that “by reading texts ing) constraints on the process of identifying a word,
in history/social studies, science, and other disci-
plines, students build a foundation of knowledge in
Gina N. Cervetti is an assistant professor of literacy, language, and culture
these fields that will also give them the background at the University of Michigan’s School of Education, Ann Arbor, USA;
to be better readers in all content areas” (p. 10). e-mail
In forming connections between ELA and Elfrieda H. Hiebert is president and CEO of TextProject and a research
associate at the University of California, Santa Cruz, USA; e-mail hiebert@
disciplinary study and in focusing on increasing the
amount of informational reading students are doing,

The Reading Teacher Vol. 68 Issue 7 pp. 548–551 DOI:10.1002/trtr.1343 © 2015 International Literacy Association


leading to a higher rate of accurate iden- persisting through difficulties—which

tification and reducing readers’ reliance helps them understand and remem-
“[The CCSS]
on graphic information alone. ber what they read (e.g., McNamara
& Kintsch, 1996).
foreground knowledge
Knowledge also strongly influ-
ences students’ comprehension of text development as a focus
(Best, Floyd, & McNamara, 2008). Prior The CCSS/ELA and
knowledge impacts the ability of read-
Knowledge Building and outcome of ELA
ers to understand and make inferences
The CCSS provide an opening to act
within a text. It also supports their abil-
upon the understanding that knowl-
ity to remember information that is central
edge matters for reading development. narrative texts that should form
to understanding an informational text
Increased attention to informational the foundation of the school day
rather than remembering peripheral infor-
texts was evident in the wave of state at different grade levels, using
mation (e.g., Miller & Keenan, 2009). In
standards that preceded the CCSS/ the guidelines from the National
studies that assess both general reading
ELA, but the new standards foreground Assessment Governing Board
ability and topic knowledge, knowledge is
knowledge development as a focus and (NAGB, 2009) for the reading
often the better predictor of comprehen-
outcome of ELA instruction. This fore- assessment: 50:50 at grade 4, 45:55
sion (e.g., Recht & Leslie, 1988).
grounding of knowledge is evident in a at grade 8, and 30:70 at grade 12.
Knowledge of a text’s topic seems to
number of features of the Standards. The CCSS/ELA extend the guide-
support comprehension by freeing up
limited attentional resources so that read- lines to the entire grade span:
● Strong content knowledge is one of
ers can focus on making meaning. Very 50:50 for grades K–5 and 30:70 for
the seven features of being College grades 6–12 (Student Achievement
familiar background knowledge can be
and Career Ready (CCR). General Partners, 2012).
activated automatically during reading
knowledge and discipline-specific
with little cost to limited working memory
expertise characterizes students These four features support a focus
resources (Graesser, Singer, & Trabasso,
who are ready for college and the on knowledge development as the sixth
1994). Prior knowledge also helps readers
workplace. pillar of reading instruction. However,
fill in gaps in texts, easing comprehension
● A cluster of the standards is
(Ozuru, Dempsey, & McNamara, 2009). while much attention has been paid to
devoted to the integration of the turn toward more informational
As a result, individuals with more knowl-
knowledge and ideas. Integration of text across the school years, less atten-
edge about a text’s content are better able
Knowledge and Ideas forms one of tion has been paid to the connection
to use the context of a text to make sense
four clusters of standards (alongside between reading more informational
of new information, and they are better
Key Ideas and Details, Craft and text and knowledge building and learn-
able to form connections across differ-
Structure, and Range of Reading ing in the disciplines. Educators at all
ent parts of a text (Rapp, van den Broek,
and Level of Text Complexity). levels—classroom to university—will
McMaster, Kendeou, & Espin, 2007).
Knowledge of a text’s topic thus supports ● Standards for reading with infor- need to collaborate to determine how
understanding of a particular text and mational texts are presented best to make knowledge building the
also increases the likelihood that readers separately from standards for read- center of the CCSS/ELA. In the section
will acquire new information and vocab- ing with narrative texts. Each of the that follows, we map out some sugges-
ulary knowledge as they read. four clusters of reading standards tions to support that effort.
Knowledge seems to facilitate under- are represented by separate, but
standing not only because it provides a equivalent, representations for liter- Using the CCSS
base of information to support compre- ature and informational text. as a Springboard
hension but also because it influences ● The amount of informational for the Sixth Pillar
how readers interact with text. For exam- text increases relative to narra- One way to support knowledge build-
ple, higher-knowledge readers seem tive text over the school years. The ing as part of ELA instruction is to link
to spend more time making sense of CCSS authors provided ratios for the texts that students use in learning
ambiguous text—slowing down and the amount of informational and to read and write with content area


The NGSS provide the standard for knowledge building in classrooms.

“Linking literacy Engineering Design in three sections: (a) We use the themes and texts in Table to
instruction and content science and engineering practices, (b) dis-
ciplinary core ideas, and (c) crosscutting
illustrate how ELA instruction supports
knowledge building of concepts around
area learning is concepts. There is also a section of each engineering. When reading sets of con-
standard that makes connections to the ceptually rich texts, we can support
beneficial for students’ CCSS/ELA. The crosscutting concept for students’ comprehension and knowl-
the Engineering standard is “Influence edge building in the following ways:
literacy development.” of science, engineering, and technology
on society and the natural world” (NGSS ● Discussions. The research liter-
instruction. There is substantial evi- Lead States, 2013, p. 32). As this state- ature is full of evidence about the
dence that linking literacy instruction ment illustrates, the themes within the critical role of discussion in compre-
and content area learning is benefi- content standards are stated globally. To hension and learning from reading
cial for students’ literacy development develop the knowledge implicit in global (e.g., Murphy, Wilkinson, Soter,
(Cervetti, 2013). Periods of the school themes, the grain size of content needs to Hennessey, & Alexander, 2009).
day should continue to be devoted to be smaller. We used the Massachusetts Discussions that build knowledge
content area instruction within the ELA curriculum framework for technology/ are guided by questions that call
classroom, but students can also read engineering (Massachusetts Department on students to think deeply about
and respond to texts that emphasize of Education, 2006), one of the first states important concepts in texts and
the critical themes of disciplines within to identify with engineering standards, as connect information from differ-
ELA instruction. A new set of science well as extended reading on the topic to ent parts of texts or across multiple
standards (Next Generation Science identify the topics in Table. texts. In particular, why and how
Standards; NGSS Lead States, 2013) We then chose a small sample of questions direct students’ atten-
and social studies standards (National texts for use in grades 4–5 classrooms to tion to important information in a
Council for the Social Studies, 2013) support building and extending knowl- text, help students form connections
provide guidance for these connections. edge about engineering. Among the across different parts of a text, and
One of the most important bene- texts are several open-access maga- help students monitor their compre-
fits of using concept-rich texts and text zine articles, illustrating a critical source hension (Hartman, 1995).
sets in ELA instruction is that it supports
a focus on the development of concep-
Table Grades 4–5 Texts Dealing With Engineering Design
tual understanding rather than simply the
acquisition of facts. Research has shown Concept Relevant Text
that, while many types of knowledge— Many of the things we use every day were You Wouldn’t Want to Live Without Cell Phones
factual knowledge, domain-specific designed by engineers working to solve a problem. (Pipe, 2015)
Switched On, Flushed Down, Tossed Out:
knowledge, general ideas about the world, Investigating the Hidden Workings of Your Home
and knowledge of word meanings—sup- (Romanek, 2005)
port reading comprehension, conceptual One source of creative thinking for solutions is Biomimicry: Inventions Inspired by Nature (Lee, 2011)
knowledge has the strongest impact on the natural world (e.g., birds’ wings and airplanes’ Nature Got There First: Inventions Inspired by Nature
wings). (Gates, 2010)
comprehension (Tarchi, 2010).
Huge engineering projects, such as bridges, Built to Last (Sullivan, 2005)
To illustrate the nature of this instruc- tunnels, and dams, require considerable The Hoover Dam (Mann, 2006)
tion, we have identified a strand from teamwork and collaboration among many
the NGSS for the grades 4–5 band— groups of people.
engineering. Among various topics of Engineers with unique solutions to problems Victor Wouk: The Father of the Hybrid Car
the NGSS, engineering seems especially can face many obstacles in getting their ideas (Callery, 2009)
accepted and implemented. Electrical Wizard: How Nikola Tesla Lit Up the World
germane to ELA in that the processes of (Rusch, 2013)
solving problems have an analogue to Using materials and tools to solve problems Taking Out Trash by the Ton (FYI for Kids, 2014)
the processes of most human endeavors, and invent solutions is a process in which From Grease to Gold (FYI for Kids, 2014)
including those in narratives. people of all ages can engage.

The Reading Teacher Vol. 68 Issue 7 April 2015



● Argument and Elaboration. of ELA instruction, we create opportuni- Murphy, P., Wilkinson, I.A.G., Soter, A.O.,
Hennessey, M.N., & Alexander, J.F. (2009).
Research with adults has shown ties for rich engagement with the kinds Examining the effects of classroom discus-
that asking students to engage of reading and writing that are the focus sion on students’ comprehension of text:
A meta-analysis. Journal of Educational
with multiple topically related texts of ELA instruction under the CCSS/ELA. Psychology, 101(3), 740 –764.
in order to construct arguments It provides opportunities for students to National Assessment Governing Board (2009).
and explain phenomena facilitates form connections among series of events Reading framework for the 2009 National
Assessment of Educational Progress.
integrated understandings more and ideas (CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.2.3), to Washington, DC: U.S. Department
than asking students to answer integrate knowledge across different texts of Education.
National Council for the Social Studies. (2013).
text-based questions (Cerdán and on the same topic (CCSS.ELA-Literacy. The college, career, and civic life (C3) frame-
Vidal-Abarca, 2008). Reading to RI.2.9), to read and comprehend techni- work for social studies state standards:
Guidance for enhancing the rigor of K-12
construct arguments seems to cal texts at a range of difficulties (CCSS. civics, economics, geography, and history.
be particularly powerful in help- ELA-Literacy.RI.2.10), and to write Silver Spring, MD: Author.
National Governors Association Center for
ing students gain deeper and more topic-driven informative texts (CCSS. Best Practices & Council of Chief State
integrated understandings of texts ELA-Literacy.W.2.2). At the same time, School Officers. (2010). Common Core State
(Bråten & Strømsø, 2010). we build the knowledge that will prepare Standards for English language arts and liter-
acy in history/social studies, science, and tech-
● Applications and Extensions. It is students to engage in content area learn- nical subjects. Washington, DC: Authors.
ing as they continue in school. It is time National Institute of Child Health and Human
important to give students reasons to Development. (2000). Report of the National
read and make sense of the concepts to recognize knowledge building as the Reading Panel. Teaching children to read: An
they are developing across texts by critical sixth pillar of reading instruction. evidence-based assessment of the scientific
research literature on reading and its implica-
providing opportunities to apply tions for reading instruction (NIH Publication
their learning. This may involve writ- R E F E R E NC E S No. 00-4769). Washington, DC: U.S.
Best, R.M., Floyd, R.G., & McNamara, D.S. (2008). Government Printing Office.
ing to communicate their learning to NGSS Lead States (2013). Next generation science
Differential competencies contributing to chil-
an audience within or outside of the dren’s comprehension of narrative and exposi- standards: For states, by states. Washington,
tory texts. Reading Psychology, 29(2), 137–164. DC: The National Academies Press.
classroom, or it may involve applying Ozuru, Y., Dempsey, K., & McNamara, D.S.
Bråten, I., & Strømsø, H.I. (2010). Effects of task
the concepts to students’ investiga- instruction and personal epistemology on (2009). Prior knowledge, reading skill, and
tions in content area study. the understanding of multiple texts about text cohesion in the comprehension of science
climate change. Discourse Processes, 47(1), texts. Learning and Instruction, 19(3), 228 –242.
1– 31. Priebe, S.J., Keenan, J.M., & Miller, A.C. (2012).
Using the first set of books in Table, Cerdán, R., & Vidal-Abarca, E. (2008). The How prior knowledge affects word identi-
which focus on the utility of every- effects of tasks on integrating informa- fication and comprehension. Reading and
tion from multiple documents. Journal of Writing, 25(1), 131–149.
day items developed by engineers, you Educational Psychology, 100(1), 209 –222. Rapp, D.N., van den Broek, P., McMaster, K.L.,
might engage students in a discus- Cervetti, G.N. (2013). Integration of literacy and Kendeou, P., & Espin, C.A. (2007 ). Higher-
science. In B.M. Taylor & N.K. Duke (Eds.), order comprehension processes in strug-
sion of crosscutting questions, such as gling readers: A perspective for research
Handbook of effective literacy instruction:
how technologies have solved prob- Research-based practice K–8 (pp. 371– 393). and intervention. Scientific Studies of
lems in everyday life and made us safer. New York, NY: Guilford. Reading, 11(4), 289 – 312.
Graesser, A.C., Singer, M., & Trabasso, T. (1994). Recht, D.R., & Leslie, L. (1988). Effect of
You might ask students to develop an Constructing inferences during narrative prior knowledge on good and poor read-
argument for or against a claim, such text comprehension. Psychological Review, ers’ memory of text. Journal of Educational
101(3), 371– 395. Psychology, 80(1), 16 –20.
as “People will always need new inven- Hartman, D.K. (1995). Eight readers reading: Reutzel, R.D., & Morgan, B.C. (1990). Effects of
tions to solve problems.” You might The intertextual links of proficient readers prior knowledge, explicitness, and clause
reading multiple passages. Reading Research order on children’s comprehension of causal
help students apply their learning about Quarterly, 30(3), 520 – 561. relationships. Reading Psychology, 11(2),
inventions that changed our lives as Massachusetts Department of Education (2006). 93 –114.
Massachusetts science and technology/engi- Student Achievement Partners. (2012). The
they work in science instruction to common core shifts at a glance. New York,
neering curriculum framework. Malden, MA:
generate engineering-ased solutions Author. NY: Author.
and evaluate solutions to problems McNamara, D.S., & Kintsch, W. (1996). Taft, M.L., & Leslie, L. (1985). The effects of
Learning from texts: Effects of prior prior knowledge and oral reading accuracy
(NGSS 3-5-ETS1-2). knowledge and text coherence. Discourse on miscues and comprehension. Journal of
Processes, 22(3), 247–288. Reading Behavior, 17(2), 163 –179.
Miller, A.C., & Keenan, J.M. (2009). How word Tarchi, C. (2010). Reading comprehension of
Conclusions decoding skill impacts text memory: The informative texts in secondary school: A
centrality deficit and how domain knowl- focus on direct and indirect effects of read-
In using content area connections to sup- edge can compensate. Annals of Dyslexia, er ’s prior knowledge. Learning and Individual
port students’ knowledge building as part 59(2), 99 –113. Differences, 20(5), 415 – 420.

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