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**** All words in italics are for your understanding – not to be said aloud to the new IR.


The first 48 hours after sign up are very crucial. Now that someone is your partner in this
business, he / she becomes your responsibility. You have to take his/her hand and lead.

Nurturing a New IR –

As soon as a person signs up,

• Spend 3 to 4 hours at once with him

• Re-assure him
• Show him the big picture
• Show how the business is to be done
• Do steps for beginners
• First 30 days, call him everyday
• Share your personal experience
• Help him to make his list
• Teach him prospecting, contacting, inviting
• Provide with 6 books and CD’s and ask him to read /watch it in the order:

1. Business School 1. 8 Building Blocks

2. Copycat marketing 2. Basic Training Course
3. Parable of the Pipeline 3.The Secret
4. Questions are the Answers 4. (and the rest of the CD’s like Flames
5. Who stole the American Dream of passion, Empty Your Cup…
6. Talk the Talk

• Personally take him and register him at an already existing FAITH system
(if there is one in your city / area)
• Help to show 5 presentations for him. He has to be present for this but you
will do 5 plans for him. Simultaneously, teach him the plan. Now, at the 6th
presentation, he has to do the first half and you will do the second half.
Then, for presentation number 7, you will swap the half parts. By the time
the 9th presentation takes place, he should be able to present all by himself
but should still do it in front of you.


It is a standard module which you need to do preferably within the first 3 - 4
hours after sign up or within the first 48 hours after sign up for sure.

(Training is the corner stone to your business. You have to tell your new IR to
attend trainings and give trainings).
There are 2 aspects to any training –
1. How you feel, what you feel when you hear it.
2. How you have to be able to duplicate it.

(How it was said, why it was said and how you felt).

This business is about training people up, not about signing people up. We survive from
training to training.

How should this module WELCOME TO FAITH be done? Don’t use your own
method. Duplicate 100%. This is the Mother of all modules and if done
correctly, nothing more is needed.

Your Voice Modulation, Tone, Posture and Attitude are of utmost importance.

What are the objectives of this module – What should be your mind fluid or
state of mind and your new partner’s mind set.

1. Re-assurance
2. “What do you expect from this business”
3. How do you get what you expect from this business?

(You will also need to cover some pointers, some stories and your personal experience in this


Take out these sheets and now read it to him.

Start with: “Buddy, now that you have put your money down, let me tell you
a secret. (PAUSE A BIT)
The secret is that there is no secret.”

There is a very powerful saying -


First and foremost, let me ask you. Do you think you are in the right business?
Welcome to FAITH.
You are not alone. You have taken the best decision of your life and become
family to a TEAM of honest, sincere, fun loving and law abiding citizens who
believe in Real Charity:
We really do mean what is said in this quote.
I cannot function without you, you cannot function without me. We are a TEAM. We are
partners, not only in this business. Do you realize that we are together in this business for
generations to come? We are building relationships for life.
This is not a B school management curriculum. This is REAL LIVE BUSINESS SCHOOL.

(NOTE : Now, here we will talk about the Company, the Team, about our Lead Bird Michael

Ok, so you love the plan, you like the product. Now, where do you go from here? Do you
realize what this company is all about?

(Here, you can talk about the Net Profit of the company, the Turn Over, the People, the V, the
company’s vision and branches. If you do not know much about the company, ask your leader
to give you information or go on the V website. You can read a lot about the V partners by
just going to the main website and clicking on EVENTS - then scroll down to the bottom and
you will be able to go into the V website. You need to know lots about the company. Below, I
show you what you can say and how you can say it).

Would you agree if I said that this is a people’s business? It is the people who make the
company what it is. It is us who make the V what it is, who make QuestNet what it is.

What do you do in this business?

This is an Ecommerce business – one of the most powerful concepts in the world.

Do you realize that a CUV is an international currency?

Let me tell you why.

Let’s say that this is you. You are sitting at home on a Monday afternoon, watching the 20-20
cricket match, sipping coke and relaxing on your big, comfy easy chair.

At this time, your partner Alex, signs up somebody in Dubai.

What are you doing? You are sitting at home, watching the 20-20 and sipping coke.
For the new sign up that Alex did, you got paid $41.67 which got converted into Indian
Rupees 1,917 and you earned.

Now, let’s say that at the same time, your partner Simone signed up someone who bought a
21 header QVI in the UK. Now, you get $41.67 x 21 = $875. This gets converted into Indian
rupees Rs.40, 257.
So, you have basically earned this money for sitting in your easy chair, sipping coke and
watching the 20-20 match.

The company coupled Ecommerce with Networking (people) – which is a human soul on

Tell me, who does the product research? The Company.

Who sends you the product? The Company.
Who does the commission handling? The Company.
Who does your tax deductions? The Company (applicable only for India Plan).
All you have to do is just talk to people, learn and talk to people. This we have been doing
from the time we were born. We networked when we went to school, college, with the
watchman, when we saw Chak De. And you never got paid.

Now, you are doing the same thing you did all your life and get paid for it and now, you find
it suspicious?

(Here, we talk about the company)

What is a Big Business? Is it a 50,000 sq. foot mall with articles on display? Does that mean
it is a big business?

A Big Business house always builds a network of products and services and they earn money
through each.

Example – Reliance.
When you come home and put on the electricity, who earns the money? Reliance.

When you wear shoes, who earns money? Reliance.

When you fill petrol, who earns double money? Reliance for electricity and petrol.

When you buy vegetables, who earns money? Reliance.

When farmers buy fertilizer, who earns money? Reliance.

When you buy a mobile phone and connect it who earns double? Reliance.

So, QNET has got 23 subsidiaries providing various products and services. Tell me, will
people ever stop traveling the world by plane? Will people ever stop taking holidays? Will
people ever stop loving gold?
The company has a 25 year plan in place. It is a LIVING PLAN. Now, is this truly a big

TEAM FAITH – is a team that keeps excelling and keeps providing people with excellence
and a place to excel.

You have to believe in it first. (Your people will only believe you when they see the fire in
your eyes).

FAITH stands for Fortitude, Attitude, Intention, Tenacity and Habit.

FAITH stands for Integrity. Never compromise on your integrity.
FAITH stands for Accountability.
FAITH stands for Approachability.
We stand for pride and truth. We are all about human networking. We add the human touch.
This is people business. People are our strength. Your people are your strength. Humanity
along with business. We unlock the immense potential of every person here. FAITH promotes
(Now, introduce and edify Lead Bird Michael Ferreira as though you are edifying your own
parent. He is our parent in this business. He is the one who guides us and leads us to our
success and freedom).

Do you realise that if he weren’t here, would you be here?

His genealogy was 1000 in his first 5 months.

His next 10,000 was achieved in 1yr, 5 months.
His next 10,000 was achieved in 61/2 months.
His next 30,000 was achieved in 7 months.

This is the exponential growth of the business.

There are 2 companies- Company A and Company B.

Tell me, what makes a company really big? (Let him answer. He will say turn over, people,
net profit). Bottom Line is Net Profit.

Company A: has a Net Profit of Rs.3.58 crores

Company B: has a Net Profit of Rs. 3.58 crores. Which is a bigger company? Both are the
same? Fantastic. Now we are OK to do business with each other.

Company A : makes an investment of Rs.300 crores in a hope to achieve 3.58 crores.

Company B : makes an investment of Rs.40,000. Which one is a bigger and a smarter
company? Company B? Oh really? How can you say that? So many people say that just
because company A has higher stakes it is bigger.

Now, there is Person P and Person Q.

Person P: Educates himself for 20-25 years from KG till MBA. How much investment from
KG to college? 1 crore. Who spent? You spent or your parents spent? Then, you got a job and
saved how much per day? Rs.100 – 500 per day.

Person Q: Trains for a maximum of 4 years. His investment is 1 lakh. To save Rs. 1,38,000
per day minimum.

Who do you think is smarter? Oh really? You think Q is smarter? You decide. God has given
you brains.

Do you really now believe that this is a fantastic business or not?

Have we all heard a story about the 3 LITLLE PIGS?

I will tell you again. Once upon a time, there were 3 little pigs. They were cooped up in a
little pig pen, enjoying what they love best, which is rolling in mud. Now, God was watching
the pigs and he decided to better their lives. So, he sent an Angel down and asked the angel to
invite the pigs to heaven.
The angel comes down and speaks to Pig number 1. He says “Little pig, little pig. I am angel
and I have come to take you to heaven where it is so beautiful, there are big green fields to
play in, there is fresh air, best life, freedom and so much more. Will you come with me?”
This little pig is so happy, he just nods and away he goes with the angel.

The angel then comes to Pig number 2. He says “Little pig, little pig. , I am angel and I have
come to take you to heaven where it is so beautiful, there are big green fields to play in, there
is fresh air, best life, freedom and so much more. Will you come with me?”
This little pig thinks a little and asks “is there really such a place like heaven?” The angel
says yes and the pig goes with the angel.
Now, the angel comes to Pig number 3. He says “Little pig, little pig. , I am angel and I have
come to take you to heaven where it is so beautiful, there are big green fields to play in, there
is fresh air, best life, freedom and so much more. Will you come with me?”
This pig is what we call the pseudo intellectual pig. He looks doubtingly at the angel and
says, “What guarantee that you are an angel? What guarantee is there that there is a heaven?
What guarantee that the gold is pure? What guarantee that the company will not shut down?
What guarantee that I will get financial freedom?”
And Pig number 3 died asking questions so that he was neither able to enjoy rolling in the
mud or heaven.
Now, which type of pig are you? (Let him answer). You are not a pig. You are the ANGEL.

Do you truly realize that you are the angel who will share this business with millions who
need it out there?

Let me show you the magnitude of this business. Does this business really give you whatever
it portrays?
(Do the financial possibilities)

Remember the FD example we gave you during the presentation? How do you see yourself
growing in this business?

We expect that you too will earn:

Rs. 5-10 lakhs in the 1st Year

Rs.25-30 lakhs in the 2nd Year
Rs.60 – 75 lakhs in the 3rd Year
Crores of rupees EVERY subsequent year – INDEFINITELY i.e., FOR

If you help enough people to achieve whatever THEY want in life, YOU will
AUTOMATICALLY achieve whatever YOU want in life. The focus is on

I have shown you all the things that this business gives you. But you won’t be
able to go out there and achieve because of lack of knowledge.

Networking is a $100 billion plus industry which is also Recession and

Depression proof.
35-40 years ago, when people started stitching clothes, we called them Tailors
or Daily Wage Workers. Today, they are called fashion Designers.

Now it is called Hair Designing before the same profession was called

You really don’t know what this industry is all about.

What is this business all about? Coins? Gold?

What is McDonalds all about? (He will say Fries, burgers, milkshakes).
Tell him – the fries, the burgers and milkshakes are only the byproduct of
McDonalds. McDonald’s real business is real estate and franchising.

Similarly, in QuestNet are you or me in the business of selling coins, travel

agents or goldwallas?
Let’s say you want to see Chak De. To see the movie you need to buy a ticket.
Then, after the movie is over, what do you do with that ticket? Frame it? No?

Well, this is the movie of your lifetime that you enjoy with generations to
come. The coin is just your entry ticket.
The QuestNet business is transforming lives. All else is a by product.

Here, share your own personal experience as to how it has transformed your
own life).

You have now seen the magnitude of the business. Now, you tell me how do
you want to do this business?

Many people come to me and ask me, “Should I do this business full time or
part time? I never answer them. I just want you to pay close attention to the
visual I am going to show you”.

In this business, we study for 2-

4 years.
We study for 20-25 years.
We invest Rs.35,000 for the
Our parents spend Rs.25,00,000
business + for trainings and
for our education and
events totals = Rs.200,000 for
5 years. You spend a total of 8-
This qualifies you to be a slave
10 hrs per week and save
to someone for 8-10 hours T
Rs.100,000 per day,
everyday for 35 years to save P
3,58,00,000 per year,,
Rs.100 per day, from your job,
10,74,00,000 per year
business or profession.
Full - time? Part - time? You decide. Tell me, can anyone be a part time

Let me tell you the story of the Monkey and the Peanuts.

There is this monkey who is sitting on top of a tree with his girlfriend, happy,
very much in love, swinging from branch to branch, enjoying his free life.

A hunter comes by and wants to catch some monkeys. So, he places a

transparent jar filled with peanuts near the trunk of a tree and hides.

This monkey spots the jar of peanuts and happily goes to his girlfriend and
says, “Darling, I love you so much. And because I love you, I am going to get
you some peanuts. So, wait here for me, I will be back with peanuts for you”.

And he goes to the jar with eyes gleaming and puts his hand inside the mouth
and grabs a fist full of peanuts. But when he tries to take his hand out of the
jar, he cannot. The mouth of the jar is designed to let an open hand slip in and
out of the jar.
The monkey has a choice here – he can choose to leave those peanuts, go back
to his girlfriend and back to his life of freedom, eat the fruits of nature and live
a happy and peaceful existence. But the peanuts are so tempting, so hard to let
go off that the monkey keeps on clutching on to them and does not let go. The
hunter then creeps out and puts a sack over the monkey. Takes him away from
his girlfriend and his home and then sells him to the madaari.

The madaari puts a rope around his neck (tie) and then makes him do his
In this story, the madaari is the boss and the monkey is the person who works
so hard, away from his family and home for peanuts that he gets at the end of
every month.

You see, there were 2 farms pretty close to each other. They were neighbors
and their names are Smith and Jones.

Now, every day, around evening time when the sun would set, Smith’s dog
would howl. Once he began to howl, he would go on howling every other
minute or so.

This used to disturb Jones a lot. He was getting pretty tired of this howling
dog. So, one evening when the dog began his usual howling, he walked over
the Smith’s farm and went to Smith and asked him why his dog howls like this
every day at this time.

Smith explains that every day at sunset he sits on the porch on his rocking
chair to watch the sun set and that the dog sits near him. And where he sits,
there is a nail sticking out and that nail pricks him and in pain he howls.

So Jones asks “Why does the dog not move his place”?
Smith replies – “Yes, it hurts him but it does not hurt him that much that he
will get up and move”.

We are all like the howling dog in that story. We have a nail that pricks us
every day and all we do is howl. When the boss does not let us go home on
time, we howl. When we are not given leave that is required, we howl. When
we are called in to work on Sunday, we howl.
The nail hurts, but it does not hurt us that much that we will move.

We think we are all in our comfort zones. However, it is a very uncomfortable

comfort that we are used to.

Now, I will give you 2 types of news – good news and bad news.

Good news is that 80% will fail and not continue beyond year 1 and only 20%
will succeed.

How many IT companies shut down in year 1. How many restaurants shut
down in year 1. That does not make the business bad.

Out of these 20% who succeed, 80% of them will fail and give up this
business in the next 2 years.
So, the dropout rate is 96% and the success rate is only 4%.
The good news is that you decide whether you want to be in that 96% or the
4%. You are the pilot. You charter your plane course.
But, with the kind of people we have in Quest, you have no choice but to
succeed if you follow them 100% and work with them.

If you just Shut Up, Listen and Do as Pathman says, you are destined to get
Rs.10.74 crores.

(Here, introduce them to the tools of the business – books, CD’s, fact file).

96% 4%
Do not take the biz seriously Take biz seriously from Day 1.
Play the blaming game Take ownership.
Procrastinate Take proactive action.
Hunters Farmers.
Fear rejection Handle rejection.
See it as a 30,000 business Know it is a 3.58 crore business.
Don’t present Present from week 1.
Not focused Focused.
Think of only getting their 2 Realise it is about the power of 2.
Are prejudiced Show the plan to everybody.
I know it all attitude Submit to learning.
99.99% followers 100% followers.

There are only 2 ways to do this business –

Hard Way – Don’t believe a word I say. Use your own logic, do this business in your own
steam, then when it is not really happening for you, keep your ego out of the way, please
come back to me and I will hold your hand.

Easy Way – Learn from Day 1 and follow 100%. Yes, there is hard work involved but only
for 2 to 4 years as compared to donkey work for 40 years.

Year 1 is tough. That is why people give up and fail.

This is your graph.

Initially, Efforts and expense are maximum and Income is zero.

Gradually, the efforts decrease and the income increases. Till finally, the

First, you work, you work , you work… then, it works, it works, it works.

As you build your team, train them, pass the baton on effectively, your income grows.

The law of averages – You need to realize that rejection is a part of this business. This is why
you need to know the Law of Averages.

You will knock on 10 doors (try to speak to 10 people)

7 will listen
4 will show up to hear the plan
2 will sign up.

So, there is this waiter serving espresso coffee. He goes from person to person most say no.
once in a while one person takes the coffee. Does he got to kitchen, throw the tray of coffee
and resign his job because some persons rejected the coffee offered? No. Of course not.
Then, when someone says that the coffee is really very good, then people will keep calling
the waiter right? This means, that first people may say no to you. But once people start
talking about you and your lifestyle, your car, your home, etc., everyone will come to you.

There are 4 stages in the business,

Getting Partners
Retaining Partners
Building Leaders
Building Leaders for your leaders
First you are an IR – You have just signed up. There is no money earned by
you at this stage.

Then you become a FOLLOWER – When you follow your working upline
100% you start earning small cheques (2 to 4 cheques per month). How fast
you want to make a transition from IR to FOLLOWER depends on you.

Then, you become a LEADER – Money follows Leaders. Becoming a leader

does not depend on your size of cheques or the size of your organization. You
are a Leader when you think you one.
Leaders earn bigger cheques (8-10 cheques a week).
As a Leader, you will lead your team but you will always be a 100% follower
to your working upline.

Lastly, you become a TEAM BUILDER – This is the time you will MAX
OUT. This is the stage when you start developing leaders on each leg. This is
what this business is all about.

Your success depends on how fast you get your people from 100% follower to
leader mode.

You are on the right path, your dreams and your families dreams are going to
be fulfilled with FAITH and their leaders.

End with the Flute story.

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