Converting Images To Color Modes (Lab)

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Converting Images to Color Modes

Exercise 1.1
Convert an image to RGB color mode

1. Open Photoshop CS4 if it is not yet open on the computer.

2. Open Color Mode Activities folder. You will be guided by your computer teacher to
where the folder is located.
3. Click and open color mode activity no.1
4. Select Image menu, mode, RGB color
5. Save your file. Your will be guided by your computer teacher on how to save your file.

Exercise 1.2
Convert an image to CMYK color mode

1. Do exercise 1.1 steps 1 to 2.

2. Click and open color mode activity no. 2
3. Select Image menu, mode, CMYK color
4. Do exercise 1.1 step 5

Exercise 1.3
Convert an image to Lab color mode

1. Do exercise 1.1 steps 1 to 2

2. Click and open color mode activity no. 3
3. Select Image menu, mode, Lab color
4. Do exercise 1.1 step 5

Exercise 1.4
Convert an image to Grayscale color mode

1. Do exercise 1.1 steps 1 to 2

2. Click and open color mode activity no. 4
3. Select Image menu, mode, Grayscale color
4. Do exercise 1.1 step 5
Exercise 1.5
Convert an image to Bitmap Color Mode

1. Do exercise 1.1 steps 1 to 2

2. Click and open color mode activity no. 5
3. Select Image menu, mode, Bitmap color
4. Do exercise 1.1 step 5

Exercise 1.6
Convert an image to Duotone Color Mode

1. Do exercise 1.1 steps 1 to 2

2. Click and open color mode activity no. 6
3. Select Image menu, mode, Duotone color
4. Do exercise 1.1 step 5

Exercise 1.7
Convert an image to Indexed Color Mode

1. Do exercise 1.1 steps 1 to 2

2. Click and open color mode activity no. 7
3. Select Image menu, mode, Indexed Color Mode
4. Do exercise 1.1 step 5

Exercise 1.8
Convert an image to Multichannel Color Mode

1. Do exercise 1.1 steps 1 to 2

2. Click and open color mode activity no. 8
3. Select Image menu, mode, Multichannel Color
4. Do exercise 1.1 step 5

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