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Michael John V.

Advance Human Resource Management
Dr. Jennifer Joy Olivar

Objective Strategies Performance Indicators
To demonstrate excellence in Participation in and contribution Increase HR evaluation from the
human resource management to sector HR conferences and employees and top management.

Encourage HR staff to research,

publish and present at

Participation in benchmarking,
ongoing research activities, and
regular evaluations and audits

To support the development of Develop and implement Increase in the proportion of staff
the institution as a learning leadership programs for other indicating on the Working Life
organization responsive to employees Survey their satisfaction with the
individual and organizational quality of local management.
needs Improve employee’s
management skills and
supervisory responsibilities

Provide support to University

leaders participating in
designated organizational
development projects

Further develop the research

grant management skills of grant

Provide expertise and support to

the annual Leadership Retreat

Develop and deliver customized

leadership training
To respond to workplace trends Engage in regular review of HR Effective and efficient HR systems
and opportunities and support policies and processes
effective management systems,
organizational structures and Collect, analyze and disseminate
practices staff feedback on a regular basis
to assist in policy making
Encourage HR involvement in
organizational reviews, working
parties and other University-
wide committees

Review, update and develop

policies and procedures ensuring
they reflect changes resulting
from new/amended legislation
and enterprise bargaining.

Develop a Cultural Competence


Conduct a Working Life Survey

on a regular cycle

Conduct a post induction survey

Improve employment processes


 Classification
 Induction
 Standard position
 Recruitment
 General staff
How did you start the job?

I started as Quality Control Head. CCP decided to transfer me as an HR Head in 2014. At

first, I don't like the job since I’m not unto it. I just followed and practice that was implemented
before. We don’t have the 4 divisions in HR so I handle everything.

How many years you are working now as an HR Manager

4 years almost

What do you think is the unique purpose of your position comparable to another position in the

The heart, mind and soul coexist. My job is to mobilize, motivate and empower the most
significant character in the company, the employees

In the past year as an HR can you mention some positive experiences that you encountered

- Seeing people improving is one.

- The mobilization of the employees from rank to top management

What are the particular challenges you face?

- Dealing with Gen Z workers

- Changing the culture of the company as practiced before.
- Reframing the views of the management which not helping the employees.
- Utilization of Technology

What is the most challenging role as an HR?

Being the mediator and arbiter. You are acting as a lawyer but with a heart. You need to see
the inside- outside.

What are the factors do you consider before giving your final determination?

Not all best decision is the right decision. Not all right decision is the best decision. I always
look on the win-win solution. Trying many options and considers other option. If I got everything I
need then there I lay my things.

Is there a specific principle or framework that influence you as an HR?

Actually, I don’t know, I don’t have much idea about framework.

If you will be given a chance to make changes or some adjustments what are those.

From being transactional and highly politicized to being strategic company

How do you get to know all your employees?

I actually make time to talk to them and know their walks of life.

How do you distinguish a good HR and a management?

Good HR conducts research, uses empirical data to make decisions. Also utilizes these data to
understand the people in organization with conflict, motivation, emotions and other issues.
Management: they focus on the running or managing the aspect of the organization such as
marketing, advertising, costing and the like.

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