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Stephen Schwartz
( sung by Jesus )

Out of the ruins and rubble Iz ruševina i smeća

Out of the smoke Iz gustog dima
Out of our night of struggle Iz noćnih borbi sa zlom
Can we see a ray of hope? Kako vidjet sjaj nade?
One pale thin ray reaching for the day Tračak svjetla javlja novi dan

We can build a beautiful city Izgradimo jedan ljepši grad

Yes, we can; Yes, we can Možemo; možemo
We can build a beautiful city Izgraditi jedan ljepši grad
Not a city of angels Ne grad anđela

But we can build a city of man Već grad za svakoga čovjeka

We may not reach the ending Možda ne završimo

But we can start Al' počnimo
Slowly but truly mending Malo po malo svi mi
Brick by brick, heart by heart Graditi srcem svim
Now, maybe now I, možda pak
We start learning how Naučimo sad

We can build a beautiful city Izgraditi jedan ljepši grad

Yes, we can; Yes, we can Možemo; možemo
We can build a beautiful city Izgraditi jedan ljepši grad
Not a city of angels Ne grad anđela
But we can build a city of man Već grad za svakoga čovjeka

When your trust is all but shattered Kad si tužan, žalostan,

When your faith is all but killed I kad vjeru izgubiš
You can give up, bitter and battered Ne predaj se crnim mislima
Or you can slowly start to build Nego počni graditi

A beautiful city Jedan ljepši grad

Yes, we can; Yes, we can Možemo; možemo
We can build a beautiful city Izgraditi jedan ljepši grad
Not a city of angels Ne grad anđela
But finally a city of man. Već grad za svakoga čovjeka

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