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Dentures (dental plates, false teeth and falsies) are artificial, removable dental
prostheses constructed to replace missing teeth. Like natural teeth, artificial dentures collect
microorganisms and food thus, needing regular cleaning at least once a day.

1. To clean artificial dentures by brushing, soaking and rinsing.
2. To give gums a rest and prevent buildup of plaque, food, calculus (tartar), and stain.
3. To avoid gingival infection and irritation.

 Denture container  Kidney basin
 Stiffed-bristled toothbrush  Towel
 Dentifrice or denture cleaner  Tissue or piece of gauze
 Tepid water  Disposable gloves
 Mouthwash
1. Assemble equipment after washing hands. Easy access to equipment prevents delays.

2. Explain the procedure to the patient. This allays anxiety and gains cooperation of

3. Assist patient to a sitting or side-lying To easily spit out dentures without swallowing
position. it.

4. Don gloves. Prevents contact with microorganisms.

To Remove Dentures
5. If the client cannot remove dentures, grasp The slight movement breaks the suction that
the upper plate at the front teeth with your holds the plate on the roof of the mouth.
thumb and second finger, and move the
denture up and down slightly.

6. Lower the upper plate, move it out of the

mouth, and place it in the denture
7. Lift the lower plate, turning it so that the
left side, for example, is slightly lower than
the right, to remove the plate from the
mouth without stretching the lips. Place
the lower plate in the denture container.

8. Remove a partial denture by exerting equal

pressure on the border of each side of the
denture, not on the clasps, which can bend
or break.

9. To clean dentures, take the denture A washcloth prevents damage to the dentures
container to a sink. Take care not to break if the nurse drops them.
the denture because it may break. Place
the washcloth in the bowl of the sink.

10. Using a stiff-bristled brush, scrub/brush Hot water is not used because heat will
the dentures with dentifrice/cleaning agent change the shape of some dentures.
and tepid water.

11. Rinse the dentures with running tepid Rinsing removes the cleaning agent and food
water. particles.

12. If the dentures are stained, soak them in a

commercial cleaner. Be sure to follow the
manufacturer’s directions. To prevent
corrosion, dentures with metal parts should
not be soaked overnight. Home substitute
for commercial cleaner are the following

a. 5-10 ml (1-2 tsp) white vinegar in 240

ml (1cup) warm water.

b. 5 ml (1tsp) chlorine bleach, 10 ml (2 tsp)

water softener in 240 ml of warm water. It is
essential to mix water softener with the bleach
to prevent denture corrosion and to rinse well
before placing in the mouth.
13. Observe the dentures for any rough, sharp, This could irritate the tongue or mucous
or worn areas. membranes of the mouth, lips and gums; and
should be prevented.

14. Inspect the mouth for any redness, Determines status of patient’s oral cavity.
irritated areas, or indications of infection.

15. Return the dentures. Before inserting Mouthwash leaves pleasant taste in mouth.
them, offer some mouthwash and a kidney Rinsing washes out food particles.
basin to rinse the mouth. If the patient
cannot insert the dentures independently,
insert the plates one at a time. Hold each
plate at a slight angle while inserting it, to
avoid injuring the lips.

16. Assess the fit of the dentures.

17. Assist the patient to wipe hands and mouth Promotes sense of comfort.
with towel.

18. If the patient does not want or cannot To keep it safe and clean.
wear the dentures, store them in a denture For proper identification.
container with water. Label the container
with the patient’s name and identification

19. Remove gloves and discard. Return Deters spread of microorganisms.

equipment to proper place.

1. Document all assessments and include any
problems, such as an irritated area on the
mucous membranes of the mouth.

2. Report problems to the nurse in charge.

3. Cleaning dentures is not normally

recorded. The location of dentures if not
worn is recorded.

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