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SOBIA GUL F2016141020

 GENDER CONSTANCY: This realizes that gender is consistent over time and situations.
Begin to identify with people of their own gender and behave in gender appropriate ways

It suggests that children go through a series of stages in their understanding of gender, linked to the ways
their thinking and mental processes are developing - they go through the processes as their brains mature.
This theory was developed by Kohlberg. It has further steps to be followed by the children as they grow
up. Kohlberg's (1966) cognitive developmental theory is organized around the notion that children's
recognition of the constancy of their own gender is the necessary prerequisite for the development of sex-
role attitudes. I believe which is true for the children cognitive learning abilities.

 GENDER IDENTITY: Gender identity is also known as gender-role identity. In order to

understand what’s gender role identity; we need to have a little knowledge about what’s gender
 Gender is the term used to refer to the social categories of males and females. And gender role is
each gender performing according to the roles they are given. It refers to the expectation that go
along with being female or male.

Gender-role Identity is our own perception of the self as psychologically female or male.

For example: I might think my past habits were like tomb boyish but I, sooner got to know that I’m
physically as well as psychologically female.

 Most people who are males but they have an intra-role conflict. They are males but
psychologically females, gets easily attracted by the female jewelry, clothing etc. this is known as
Gender identity disorder which is replaced with Gender Dysphoria (DSM-5)-Distress
surrounding the incongruence between sex and gender.

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