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| 3 | Measuring | | Performance | in Operations LEARNING QUTCONES: Aiter you finish ne this chapter go tap tc se ofan a ner a etal teed to PAGE 69 for pln how to densa perme measure’ ys STUDY TOOLS ‘Were sure that most readers have visited aza0_—_—data, leading to better labor scheduling and, | fue renee a cfs eee eee relnperntin rate inate when soanat pe lala crete ota | Ga eer autrmrineied ee hag cee Bes prin eral ee eee ee dee ee ccerthanimas. urbe th dn ne he Zoos ben eaeteee chen | Sagas we ty we ‘The Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden has been ‘able to increase sales significantly. The initiative basis for making ws. By measuring and ‘ucts were not what eustorners wanted, and revenes and ORR eR SNmecas opin pubfriet itn tee monty end deers cna ht daa fer dan |e CGincinati Zo is ale to beter sag | (geater insight into visitors’ behavior and tailoring on average, benefits of $738,212 per year ‘Sperations to ther preferences inorder to increase Specifically, the Zoo has seen a 4.2 pereent ise visitor attendance and revenues Usingdata from in ticket sales by targeting potential visitors who a TYPES OF PERFORMANCE | fekaiogantpomotsae ystems houghout ‘liven specie codes, and increase food Se eo the Zoo with membership information and eves 25 perent and merchandise sles wet aden orca gd MESSED tropavtical data guthered om the ZPerdss by SBpercenthy optimising the mix products Foie muafbaeini ee wemceesliee | ompuimmanlye tens mace ca deme fal vito, he 2008 management, fand adapting selling practices tw he ee page reset sits | cea gran oe oe 5 see as ee The gd operons wesc tassel eee WHAT DOU eee ce er facto that tomers have noted age important nach | AL management econ Whatmeasies 4000 ryanzations sch as Point Desance oaeeen ste |e oemerant mr Going aferptcsrina tagline tine anfeaee | © Quy | Tae septmegaing __‘NAKACOMABNYSNUE Zoe a quar n Washington ee weather forecast, the Zoo's use evaluates gals state and story Colorado a eco Tee Sretecompuccunentfowests orservicts? Provide maoeutnin Denver have embarked roa hsp wl trash hgh ‘wth historic attendance and sles some amples onal ntatives he cent fh tts er ae (© meri ad eeoing © Pct and opera feney Susy Within each ofthese categories are ganizations evel measures that aeons mary to ser manag fr, well as moe specie measures that are wed by ‘operations managers Some of them are sunmarizd in alibi 21. ‘24a Financial Measures Financial mesons, such scot and revenue, often ake top prot infor profit ngiiations. For example the Iomiking industry monitors closely the costs asecated with checking azenunt transactions, Internet bank i eng promoted case ha dtc os advantage Exhibit 8.1 The Scope of Business and Operations Performance Measurement the etna transaction cons picaly ave 1 percent fof branch bank trsection costs, Teton Seaneal measure ha companies wt nea even, rota on investment, operating prot, pretax proft margin ss ntiliation, growth even frm new gods and series, tan ober liguidty measures. Noo prof onions sich asthe Red Cros, churches, and fonenment gees, fous more on minimizing costs {oe ang vat theietaryet masks, eases, tin sclety, Monirig cost and adherence to bulges fre imprat factors in her operational sucess, 3-tb Customer and Market Measures You hae probably comple enstomer stifutoa sur veys ta retunt or ltr an Eteret purse, or per Tugs yu ave lrgel compat. Throng exsomer and nut fede, an cpio ears hw std its arin pr sha Performance Measurement category wine Gan cmsa onan edema nt emepoNey be iu oc sen eon ee Tay canto Tae eee ns Seo hou iniocponten rai ene ene ht pe as ‘sary | tao ‘titer gpm Taianynd | amy eon ecg 50 ‘aiaiiy | twain ‘cme ca an esas ae ae Noten seo Fcstenpues there eR ‘saying around ey'sheadquartersis-f moves, measure it” Bay isjustone of may ntemet companies that pay cose attention to mea surements Web mets such ashow many people vita web, ester tobecome vers length aftime that vitorsspendon these and how long takes pages toloadare commonly used and tracked dosely by ‘most Interne companies, eBay monitors these things analyzes the dat, id uses the esults to make tly business decisions fr example, to Provide customer incentives suchas free stings to sumulate demand ‘using slow periods But asCEO Meg Whitman noted "Youhave to be Careful because you can measure too much One unique messurement ‘thot ay monitors isthe Take ate” —the ratio of revenues tothe value ‘of goods traded onthe se, Hom might they sets meticto improve ‘customer service and profitably? ™ i i : customers andstabder ae wih good and ners td porfomance. Other ensomer fasted performance ‘messes ined eastonee retention, guns und lose of aceon castor compat, earning, eure of preived al,yly, o te efar and eustorer relationship bulng Mewrs of eto ‘stoners end cston aici revel areas that eed improvement and show wheth rest in provement. A eustomer-satisfaction mea surement yet pres aconpony whiter ting af ‘pec gods and ce fetes and ines te els eee hase rinsed he casera bug be aver. racks tend atl revels patter of extorner Tethavor from which the company ean predict future censtomer needs a wants. 1 als racks and analyzes ‘complains and other measires of distifction, At Faceral Espets, for instance, exsteers ae ale to rate everything from bing tothe performance of cour fs, package condition, taking and tang capebilties, sompait handling and helpfnese of employes. A restaurant ight rte food appearance, tats, tempera tore and portions, a well lenliness, fen et slentienen and perception of ae sa weight of a good such a ‘age capacity, ater if, and actual spec are ex rnearie. Seve quality onsite meng o ez ster eget feat fe) and secede 95- tem prance ea es a see excaurter. Many ‘companies incl Amaoon com, Peder Expres, and [Nordstrom hive worked hard to pride superar seveo quality to thelr customers, Measring svioe cay is paramount in sch npn Marketplace performance ind tors conld inclade ert share toessues of busines growth, new prec nd geographic marten tered and preontage of ew produet sles a appropiate, For earple, 0 commodity market a which Can Kitchen Solitons competes making ‘cis gg pret for restaurants ‘nl school fom rg) po fernce diver inde the US. ive of market and total pods (of expects sold. Inthe highly torn, STMicronlactronis lok not only at ‘sesh bt alt iferentiate odie ale ‘competitive see 3-te Quality ‘Qualy messes the dee town the extputofopocssmees ster eq res. Quality applies to bs goods sad seve. Goods quality rts 0 the pnt pofamance and characte tesa goad. Cons gual ese erly meeired ing instruments, technol and datarcallection po ‘acs Fer cumple i dines laptop computer, er Coy Sn COUPER: Mexning Peirce nOpeationn 51 Servicesqualty measures are based primarily on human perceptions of sevice colleted from customer surveys, foes groups, andl itewiews. Research has ‘Show tht eastomers we Ave key dimensions oases. seve quality" 1. Tamgler—Physcl fetes, wiforms, equlpment shies, and appearince of employees (Le, the isa evidence), Relaity Atty to perfor the promised serie dependably and senate: RespontceneseWilinggessto hep customers and provide prompt mecivey to service uses ‘Amurance—Knorerge and courtesy ofthe serve providers and thir abit to ear rst nd eon fence in eutomers 5. Empathy Caving atte and indidoatied a fenton provided to customers ‘hese five dimensions hep form the bass for guaity measurement in service gations. Note that al but the fist pertain to behavioral chareteristes at the service roy perenne eet Cen ccd encanter kvl which are more difiato measure ha psc and technical characters. very service essonter provides an opportaity for ero asin erie eat an deve a sonetines ald sevice upsets or service flares. Service me Stes shouldbe inked ely to eustomer satisfaction a thal they Form the bs for inpovement efor Por ample, restart manager might koe tack of the Tmumber and type af corect omer oe mesure the time from exstomer order dlvery 3a Time Time relates too pes of pefrmance meusures—the spe of ding someting (sch a theme to process Castomer’s mortgage appheton) aud de eribiiy of the prosest. Spee cat lead t a sigficant ompettie fthantage, Pragessive Insurance, for example, boasts that it sees sutoinsurnce clans belore compe tors Ino thers hs heen an secient Speed i sally measure in clock time, whereas variability is wally tense hy quatiying the variance around average performance of argets A use measure i procesing {ime the tne toes 6 prom soe ast. For example to make a pz, w worker needs to roll ot the dug, Spree sae, and athe toppings, which might ake three minis, Quowe time aon word wal time thetine pot wat. Tan portant wpect of mewsuring ine isthe var soe arn the average tne, ar uantated varailly is what often Ids tan unlapy eatomerexprtence Vary i wsuly measied by stasis soe athe stance deviation or mean absolute deviation For et- ‘ample, supe tit one company fas 10 dys to proces «new ie ‘nearance appli plus or ins Tai, while another takes 10 dys pos or ims 5 cys, Which Me Tasurance proces wl ge the best serie fos estes? Which em ‘weal you rather do busines with? ae Flexibility Flexible bi adap qty nd fetid 0 chong ceaute- met As new prone ae being fotrotyced fer and. cstomers expect ore castomiation, op trations snaagers must. design aloe bane that are highly Be Tbe, Fle can relate ether Measurir rae ds Oe igie FedEx developed a composite measure fis service performance caled the Service Quality Indeator (SOM, whichis 2 ‘weighted sum of 10 factor raflecing customer expectations of company performance: Thee te sted below EorType Description Wielght 1. Complaints reopened —astomer complaint (on Waces nvoies, mised pickups etc) 3 ‘opened after an unetistactory reslution Damaged packages—packages wit isle or concealed damage or spoilage du to 0 weather or water damage, missed pickup orate delivery Imernationala composite sor of performance measures onternationl operations 1 Invoice ojustments customer requests fer reltor funds foreatorpecehedalures 1 Lote pickup stops—packages thst wete picked up later than the tated pickup time 3 Los packages—deims fr ising packages or wth content ising 10 Missed proof of deivery—tnvoices tat ack wren proof of delivery information 1 |g dae lare—delvery pas promised time on height day 1 Thaces—package status and proof of deliver requestenotinthe COSMOS IB computer 3 system the Fee time” tracking system) 10.___Wrong daylore—delveryon the wrong day ‘The weights reflect he relative importance of each aur Losing a package. ornstance,smore serious than elverngit afew minutes ate, The nds reported weeky and summarized ona monthly basis Continuous Improvement goal forthe SO are se eich ear, Oli teal a measure of proces efectvenes. Meeting SO} performance goal aso can account foras much as 40 percent ofa manager’ performance evaluation siping to chang customer aed oto the volume ‘of demand, Goods and service design exbility ithe iy develo wide onge of asm good or ~ Ing customer nde Esp of design ety inclde Senund for seta po ieretes decrees, ot the ality to pro- he wide rvige of voles es demmid Buetintes, A hoe pial may have intersivecre rss on sandy in ese of 1 dramatic incre i pint range of eutontied computer hardware to accomsno- | demand because ofan acento beable to bora spe Ade bome uses, sal businesses, and age company’s | cid diagnostic equipment fom ether basal when server needs ora health db’ ably to eustomize an | needed. Mensres of volume fexbilty wood ince fndividal elon workout or provide caro reba tin elas fr heart pints. Sich fet ries a igh adaptable epertons capability, Design fay Saften culate hy sich measures asthe rate af new Dells ality to provide a wile Coen product development or the percent af «fms product re tet bes boen developed verte pst thre oar Volume fexblity 1 he aby respond ay © changes he vane at of deond. Thi mht mes rapid changeover fm one product t anather a the rey “Microsoft is always two years away from failure.” -Bill Gates ‘he te required to change machine setups or the tne required to "ump up” to an inceased prodction vo tne i esponse to sein sales, +. Innovation and Learning Innovation ref they 9 cet new ond we gov and series digester an ee cope Sree Many gos and sere ar ino shen ny fist sppenr—tink ofthe Phone How {her eomettos uly etch np og, Ganges Ar- Sul pertng neem ted he tt Br phones Ths twain neds fo be stant proce for ty compan nd mat be mene deere Teaming ts ocering ein andotreg eo tape ond mtn te cba ores reso ian teers, {hinge wong inone feo dion, a th or natin eo that he mia eo opened gan ind devs ot occur inter of oe dsons? The impore of innorton snd unig wl ted Il ats who eek “Mleroat lays v0 Jers ony re ‘Meue fini salen fms on a exgmiations people ane insta. Key mex- Sore might ele tle ast growth, pate 54 cus earn spplcton, the munber of rato” ingle seed wat ongutaton, wd he peeing tn podues dele ove he pst few ye hte protect portal, OF pst pertance ae me ‘Rls ected th ona’ an Tere Cepli Thes co le semper ond Sib dwopment sation, sl wrk per fenmaes and cfleneens anges nde ss teu, turnover emplyee ett, ning hws porcmplye, ining ecthenes, and meas of Fepeotment nj tetirneaFor tanc, The Ter Caon Tae Company tls pres aver very ey mds marr ny nn fe pigeon wl lle of secon {nd ining rece. 3-1g Productivity and Operational Efficiency Productivity the to the output ofa proces othe nt. [as ont increases for constant lvl of fp, or a theamountofiapu decree fora constant evel fo pt potty nereases. Thus, a prodatvty mesure thscribes how well the tesourees f n organization are boing wed to prod output Quan oF Oust 4) Prodetsy =“ penity of Input "The measures wed forthe quantity of ont and quan ‘iy of input Eaton 1 need nt be expressed inthe same unis "Examples of productivity measures Sadde units produced per labor hour, ain revenue per pase fcr ml, hotel revenue per fulime employee, meds Served per labor dil, and the suber of students er SOLVED PROBLEM Conse a dion of Mller Chemis tht prodnces ‘ter pfiton esta for swimming pos The major inputs mein the pros proce ar abut, a tei and energy. Foe Yea 2 bor cot are 18000 raw atv ent S00 and ene costs amount 19 £55000, Labor ents for You 2 ve 50000; mater al cnt #4000 al ena css amount 4 09 Mil ‘hess priced 100 0 pounds of eta Year sn 15,000 por fetal in Ye Solution: ‘ing uation 1, oe have for Yr Quanity of Outpt Quai of pat 100,000 (iso + son 000 + KOON) = 0.465 dollar For You 8 we ave: dusty of Output ‘Quan of input 150000 ‘tipo + S400 F = 037 halle ‘We se that pti hs desined inthe past you Prat Prodi teacher. Prouctity measures are often usd to tack trends over tite, ‘Operational ciency isthe toprovidegodsand serie cate ith ia wast nd meen ae ton ofrecurce Some nieasires of operational efeency night inka the ne i aes oS orders, et up machinery and equipment, nes to change from te pede to soother on un eembty He sf turing yields, and supphy-chain performance, to name just ow ah Sustainability ‘The tiple bottom line (TBL 0 3BL) reso te measure met of evometl scl and exon sab E- ‘ronmental rgultions ws equiteongniztions measure and report compliance, but many companies go Dey whats minimally required. Organisations tal numerous environmental measures such as energy con sumpuon, eyeing and other sone emerson ae ‘Sts, al exisons, soll and hazardous wats rite, 50 on, Sock sustainability measures ince con ‘onee and workplace safety, community relations, and ‘comport ethics al governance, Messing conser tnd workplace ality silt all ngaizatons, a the ‘well-being oftheir exstomers and employes shoul be ‘major concem. Federal and state agents sch a the ‘Occupational Safety and Heath Adminstration (OSHA) reise expats to track and veprt safety ici tor, such as reportable accidents, Examples of say rebied performance mennmesialede acidet ries, {he pars per millon of tc chemicals na pub water sop oF the security in a hae rg. Ot socal sus tata measures wal oe henner the vo Ins and commniy service hn. Fil, econo sustainably measures might include Bnancal audit re sul, rgulitry compance, lg or gavemmental sane. ‘ns, donations ta che goups fines for envionment nations snd eases of accomplishment of sates Inte, such as the percentage of action plane and projet mesiones completed on ine ANALYTICS IN OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT ‘swe noted In Chapter 1, busines anaytis helping operations managers analyze data mae effectively and rake better deisons. Type! applications of business Cee cen ee) CoUPTR enue Pores inopwatont 55 analytics nclade suring data using charstoetaine frfommance trends calling base statisti mes- ores such as means, proportions, ad standard devi ‘ons; comparing ress reltve to other business units ompetitors, or best-in-class benchmarks and sing ration and regsesson analyses to elp ndertnd ‘eltonships among diffrent measures. For ecmpl, Pals Sun Serie uses an automated data clio, tateyation, ard unas gst, SysDine, to generate Sore level and company reports on ses ensomiee ‘SOLVED PROBLEM "The La Ventana Wind Company manfitres ga ‘auipmentand replacement windows freien bl Ingand remodeling aplatons taacting proces for certain window nel peeatnscallforadimenson of {3550 inches the dens sarge than 25.52 inches, Sa Bm 5H 5 «a5 40551 lL HY ee) 49 49 859 HST 55 2550 9550 5.49, 2549 2550 Solution: ‘The OMS Spreaddhoot Templates work- book ents a worked “Stati cal Analy that eanputes base statisti ‘messi swell requeny dst tion and histogram fr wp 500 data val> tos Eat 3.2 th he eu ofthese galt measurements, We sce that the nessa! ein es are close oo the target: however, the frequency d= Futon aa tga show that no valves eacoed 2552, Int seven vals are 35:48 forless, paps mguesting the need for an AMjsiment othe procese The template ‘designed sch that you ean easy change the values fram which the eequene dis- ‘sation and histgam ar constructed 56 ows estrone count, product mix, ial food aed materi cot, and mover rales, dao has a automated correlation routine wable for analyng ey data to support oF pizational performance reviews and strategie pl fing, As result, Pas ble to identify bow changes none performance area aft al ther areas, make lccuratepertormnee projections, nd understand howe to opine its natageient system. Understanding the tane-and-ffec Tinks betwen hey measures of per Tormmance san portant sppcation of enaltes. il be to tight in asl apf 2548 inches tes, wl be too Jose and wil uot met customer ‘qlrements The plat manger elletd asampleof50 prt from thi protess and measured the dimensions, = ‘Shon bdo. Wa nfoution the data prvi? cS 2550 2550551 95.50 «2550 2550 540 9550S ee ee ee 2548 9561 553580851 Exhibit 3.2 Statistical Analysis Spreadsheet Template Results for La Ventana Window Company Data 3-2a Linking Internal and External Measures Mangers must undead the extent Ink fas between key meus of performance. These Ftp ten ean the ito tera ep rational perforant exert el cho rot tabi, tate sae, or comer aiaton. For trample how do gods nl sence pene tment Ene sevente growth? How do emproverens tn complaint handling act customer rettion? How de ners or decree inerpoye sisi aet tsstomer atc? How do change in customer st ‘ct icon adres? The cutie naeng of caseanect rn sister eteaond eal peromener ce aed interinkingIntetining tis to uatly the pe fees lips been all ur of he we thain=the process (‘how’) gods and series on puts Crt) and ester egerences al nteomes (ay?) Whining ned, mangas can obj. tel ak internal dco ta pt eter out tomes, for example, determining the olla of eding reaurcso apg the opering sem 1 ee rating tine, and thereby herese customer ssi tion ew Eat 2.) 3-2b The Value of a Loyal Customer Pa ere aecclaprpemny eee em eee Camels ninaly | ata ts hd eee aces fans Saplatala eto re, ering he i te tone decisions on revenue a cstomer retention sp gunn moe apopaty radi dre poiing {nations bth benefit fr nderstndig the vel Se lop cstomer performance relatonhip. When tne costes the fa that cats thee wo ve tines more to aca new este than ep exiting the oes af top manages aproerent inter tnd tgs Neva wa hgh an xg of cmptg the avenge fail astoner Support scompeter ‘nama estimates tht sete tet tec 0 per hich nan at 3 pret of etn tr tho pce acme wil mt yo gi (eal isthe customer defection rate~1~comer tration ni) Ase Bet Bed sare ptert Go the mantra aio rot angio {tra Te tenet ott Tin-ldang (tra) ANALYTICS FOR MANAGING SPORTS TEAMS ‘Socarment traitonal performance mets such pons, ‘eld gol perantage fol, locked shot sits, sel ‘umovers minutes played and efensve and defensive re bounds Araytisintheformefahot hats rebound charts, ‘ly by play dita, and mouon. The company asthe option of purchasing ghipment fo 15 00 with an operating He af he yar voll rede labor ors to 51,000 per yen Shou it conser purchasing Snel? See Ak fo resturant has ve hrough window adding pak ch ines an band nai fo earsper oor wt one perc taking onder ‘enblng them, and acting cies, The erage Sle per oer $3004 proposl hasbeen made to ‘tA wo woes and dete amon the hee new take deste secon ll semble there, she thd wil at at acer Wh ths ste, ‘tine hat ee per hrexn be sere Use producto argues to recommen whether or ma {a eunge the cutet sytem, Aly hort ontoone esi of ini pei. mance ghost (10S) tha the ober fdas apaent hostel For patent tone Ital with cite secant heart tac dh eg of yer hep ae years conssteatly decreaed, The bora alo ie dl for ‘alow teacnt opus, such asthe percentage tint eho recipi upon aa and cds Ee eee pl tlc lee, NSD). The dats ae ile purage Aspe vs re Tos onarrat— Medleton zo? A8ays 58 7% rae mae 8 oH mm cites x zi Rds 100% 8% htt th tok elationsps by ont linger chars, sing seo showingthe LOS a Finetian of xch fh oter varies, What do these rls lyon? Customers eal eal enter to ae rm res ‘vation for «sll chal of 2 motel acted Pees eartlie Scdarcten ser tice ao Staten, Busnes analytics red Yo deter wand ifthe following performance metrics are relate tne by quarter, vers tne on ald (Geconds) before w customer reaches company toc sve repetitive, percent of ime ‘he cotomer ng saved the Hist tine (called Tesepas quality, and enstomer susan with ‘he overall ll centr expoiene. The company Hie alloted the alloying dates ouster Time Fe Tme_Setatacon @ Descends 60% 9H 05 Stowconds 85% aH 0% Semone 8% Oh Delp grap internkngsnade! hy onsrcting seater charts Showing the lations beeen each profane Wit do yourtwo mole too? 7 10> What sh average eo iy etomes V0) Inn tet at wget the erage purse pike we perva the roeny of epee Tos ncs por ow th cotton arg 1 perc steiner ee a Spc? 11 Vth etd n sion 10 ork thew oe byel tome VLC ol ge he tec come dln vate betes {Sanda port nner of 5 pera and the ety afta veer de al tine perenne fone yen. Sheth pp rt uel ch ln ep Se esumpconsan te VLC 12° Whats tegen at rey oxo Ihopposin aloe weno egy etme spend eer uso sp wpe be BankUSA operates in 20 tates sm and provides a ful ange off % nell sere for india nd busines. The credit card a Givin profit center hat hat experienced a 20 percent toma growth rte over the tat fve year. The ret cand Alvsion process two. pet of ert ead. Ove typeI for triton! ead ise sch a savings and loan bans, credit tring, smal banks without fred cant procesiog expt ‘iy, seloted priate label fig such ax ret cha, and BaskUSAS ow creat cards This “indvadual eustomer rnarket segment involves about se bankSAsndvidol customer mare segment creditcard service ince p1o- imaves abut 1 lion cardholders 15 allo cardholders, These ‘cing and sualing the plastic crit cards to cstomers, pre igang nent erento custom Ered te erat oby nal hing al euomer 68 ows marrone BankUSA: Credit Card Division Case Study cry soo has pec goss mang ane he as erent falcon asineremated 8 $2.70 pr year? 18, Research nd wnteasart paper how spotsanahtes ‘wed ye pfeil oun sel th te. 14, Gotathe Haig webs sn find the is tthe Inet eet ava eipent Rese eof the “ppiaion smarter nd dsc the type of erfornance eases hat Hose compass use 15, The anced orecad was originally developed by Arthor St Schoddenman st Analog Dios Vist swe, woschnederan om, and rd the testo ener the flowing tons fH vs thers balanced scorecard deep? 1 What tp aud sn onion flow ob gd lance scorecar? Why ale sorecardsametines fl? sequts such a billing infor ‘mation, adress changes, stop payments and 30 on, and pre paring and seating nary reports to all intra and stem stoners Recent the bankas boos receiving, muserons compli sat excessive is a tht fstomer suet ell center. fev exweatve staf meeting, Ms Jia Sutertaod, the president a BaltSAscret cad sn, veo tl pit lak by the fs (GEO: “Our estomers ae un Traps and wes ngs sc lesa asf to ‘lier ere cad So, what > lngon here? Twant fil eporeat nent meting” Ms.Sitherland was per plese sere cetera ‘Joi Jackson tld he that be Deliv that wat ines average es than two mits. Well, leven the mota In God we trast ll cers brings” she tol Join. “Show me the data" Overthe rat two werk, ohn sunpled 300 estome ells dong, akties (hell enter runs seven dys wee). The fata were recorded in an Escel le shown in Exhibit 9 (aio walle in the OMS Data Workbook in the work set "BunkUSA Call Center Wile Tins). Home Jolin knew ite about what todo with he dat ‘CASE QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION 1. You ben ella tas Mr Jakon in analyz th tae lected, Using base tite sabes wht can onl bn aout he walt 2. Hw shod Me aon respon to Ms. Suter ath eat ting? Wt sod el aed ‘wht steps might you sug he do et? STUDY TOOLS LOCATED AT THE BACK OF THE TEXTBOOK (Fes Out Caper Reve Crd LOCATED AT WN. CENGAGEBRAIN.COM 11 ey Tem Fash as Pract us pra fa tess Bette ok” and “ia tomate concepts 2 “Dasvord Pai” ta even key ems 1 Spredstet nites ies oat conpny 04 eames Exhibit 3.9 Sample Internal and External Credit Card Division Performance Data [This spreadsheet is avaliable inthe OMS Data Workbook onthe CourseMate Web site) CHAPTER: MesasngFeomanelnOpeatins 69

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