Cover Letter 28.06.2018

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Dear Sirs,

My name is VIORICA BODE and I am writing to apply for the position of – posted on

With 20 years of professional experience in trading operations, out of which more than 8 in oil products trading
operations, I correspond very well to the job requirements. I hereby attach my CV for your reference.

I have a foreign trade background, graduating with a Bachelor’s in International Business from Academy of
Economic Studies Bucharest/Romania – The Faculty of International Economic Relations in 1998.

Since graduating, I have worked in the international trade area, first in agricultural commodities and fertilizers,
for one of the most important exporters of Romania, INTERAGRO S.A. After about one year in a junior
position, I was appointed as Head of Fertilizers Department, where I coordinated the team handling the exports
of grains, fertilizers and liquid chemicals and imports of raw materials for fertilizers industry.

In 2005, I joined the largest oil company in Romania, OMV PETROM S.A., part of OMV Group. My first
position here was Product Operations Manager and involved carrying out export contracts of methanol and diesel
through Constanta port/Black Sea. As a next step, between 2008 and 2009 I was the Methanol Trading Manager,
having as main tasks deal negotiations for the methanol produced by OMV Petrom S.A., sale contracts
conclusion, shipping arrangements and close monitoring of the contract execution by the product operator.

My current position, as Team Lead / Head of Constanta Operations in OMV PETROM offered me a great deal
of experience. Coordinating a four people team handling the oil products export and import operations of the
company through Constanta port area was very challenging and at the same time rewarding. It also offered me
the opportunity to prove my creativity in finding the best customs and logistics solutions in a changing tax
environment, besides the usual operations including vessel nominations, documentary instructions, loading
instructions voyage orders, terminalling agreements, planning of deliveries and availabilities, invoicing,
payments, cargo insurance etc.

I highly value the skills I acquired and feel it is time to go further in my career, developing in an international
trading company, so I am applying for this job with great confidence.

For references and recommendations, please also check my LinkedIn account.

If you would like to further discuss my qualifications, please do not hesitate to contact me at 0040 726 766 857
or email:

Thank you for your consideration.

Best regards,

Viorica BODE

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