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Process, Power and Marine Division

Hangers & Supports User Training

A filter is a set of search criteria that selects or retrieves data based on the
object properties:

– System
– Assembly
– Named Space
– Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
– Analysis DB1
– Permission group DB3
– Object Type
– Spatial (Volume) Workspace
– Reference
– Properties See only the data you want to see.
– PDS (If PDS project attached)

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• Catalog Filters are filters which are
stored in the catalog and are
available to all users that use the
same catalog Catalog
• Plant Filters are filters available to all
users in a model. These filters are
stored in the model database Plant
• My Filters are created by the user and
are only visible to him. These filters
are stored in the model database My

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Filters Simple
Filter Filter
Simple Filters
Simple Filter is a query based on the
object properties defined through GUI

Compound Filters
A “Compound” filter is two or more
filters with an operator between them.

SQL Filters
Is a filter which provides a place to store
user-written SQL query

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Filters Rename
– New Folder Properties
– New Filter (Simple or Asking)
– New Compound Filter
– New SQL Filter
– Delete Folder

– Rename
– Properties

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Filter Properties
System Tab
Expand the search to include all selected
– A system is a way to group objects logically
– e.g. by discipline, by design area, by
physical area, etc
– Every object must belong to a system
– System Types

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Filter Properties
Volume Tab
Restrict the search to return only objects
within the volume

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Filter Properties
Object Class Tab
Restrict the search to return only objects of
the selected types

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View Manipulation
 Located on the top ribbon bar
 Allows you to change the view in the active window

Common Environment Toolbar


Common views command allow you quickly

change the view orientation to any standard
isometric/orthogonal orientation

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View Manipulation

Common Environment Toolbar

Zoom Tool command: Zoom Pan

Tool Zoom
- Zoom in (mouse roller ball)
- Zoom out (mouse roller ball)
- Zoom Area (left mouse click, drag and release)
- Pan (middle mouse drag)

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View Manipulation
Common Environment Toolbar

Fit View command:
Fit all visible objects within the current
clipping volume in the Active View
If objects are selected, then the command will
fit only the selected objects

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View Manipulation
Common Environment Toolbar


Refresh command:
Update your workspace definition (filter) in the Active View

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View Manipulation
Common Environment Toolbar


Rotate View command:

- Rotate the view interactively
- Change the rotation axis
- Change the rotation point

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View Manipulation

Look at Surface command:

-Rotate the active view planar to the
selected surface

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View Manipulation
Common Environment Toolbar

Clip by

Clip by Object command:

Allows you to define the view clipping volume (rectangular parallopiped)
to be the same as the object’s range box in your active view

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View Manipulation
Smartstep ribbon bar

Clip by
Object Select
Object Select
View Reject

A command step is also provided to assign the same clipping volume to

additional views
Use the Shift key to select multiple objects

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View Manipulation
Common Environment Toolbar

Clip by

Clip by Volume command:

Allows you to set the view clipping volume so that all objects not inside
the clipped area are hidden from the selected view

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View Manipulation

Smartstep ribbon bar Select
Clip by

Third Four
point point

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View Manipulation
Common Environment Toolbar

Clear Clipping command: Clipping
Remove the clipping volume.
It then prompts for select of the next window to clear
The command is terminated by:
- Right mouse click
- Esc Key
- Pick of another command

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View Manipulation
Main Menu

Restore the Previous View

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View Manipulation
Common Environment Toolbar

Active View

Active View control command:

Provides commands to dynamically
control the view parameters of the
active view

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View Manipulation
Common Environment Toolbar


Saved View (Named View) command

You can save the settings (location, orientation) of the active view so
that you can apply them again later
Recall views from the pull down on the command, four standard views
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View Manipulation
Common Environment Toolbar

View by View along

3 pts line
View by
View by 3 Points pts

- Let you pick 3 Points that define a plane

- The plane of your screen is the plane defined above (pt3 will be
located the center of the view plane)
View along line
- Lets you pick the two points along a line.
- The plane of your screen is the plane perpendicular to above line
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 Measure Actual or Minimum 3D linear distance between two points
 Measure delta E, N, EL distance between two points
 Measure actual angle defined by three points
 Measure radius and diameters

Measure Measure
Measure angle
Define Min Rad / Dia
Distance between
coord objects
system between

Set active Measure

Coordinate Measure
Min Measure angle
System between 3
Distance Distance Displays
between along points Relevant Data
points object
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SmartSketch is the mechanism to
automatically find special points when the
command is looking for a point.

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SmartSketch Options
• Allows you to enable the SmartSketch indicators

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The system finds Key point and Point on Geometry whenever you move the
cursor over those points
System uses only those points (stored in the stack) and check for linear
relationship points against every object in the workspace

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User will have two options on what objects are located by SmartSketch
- Locate on Display List
- Locate on List Only

SmartSketch Lock Constraint

When SmartSketch is being used, a middle mouse click will lock the currently active
smartsketch constraint.

- Middle mouse button (VERY USEFUL TOOL)

- Ctrl –L keys

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User will have two options on what objects are located by SmartSketch
- Locate on Display List
- Locate on List Only

Clear Stack Set Stack Locate List


Toggle Set Dwell

Display/List Time

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Pin Point
 Located on the top ribbon bar
 Allows you to specify an origin and offsets from that origin
 Allows you to place structure and\or route in a precise manner
 This can aid in testing rules and other support parameters

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Pin Point

 Display On/Off (F9) - Displays or hides the PinPoint options and distance values. The
shortcut key for this box is F9.

 Reposition Target - Changes the location of the target point. The EX- and NY-coordinates
are relative to a target point you define in the view. Also, you can reposition the PinPoint
target by pressing F12.

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Select Objects
• Select Command
• By Fence Inside Control
• By Fence Overlap Control
• Use shift key to add or remove objects from the select set.
• Tools -> Select by Filter
• Use Workspace Navigator
• & Quick Icon and toolbar

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General Options
• Allows you to enable the Undo command and the status bar
• The activation time of the quick pick tool
• Define the locate zone for SmartSketch
• Define the Tabs to display in the Workspace Explorer

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Colors Options
Allows you to select the colors the system uses for the background, Highlight and
selected elements

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Units of Measure Options
• Sets the display units
• Sets the precision of the units
• Everything stored in SI units in database
• Units can be added to any keyed in input values
Slope: in / ft
Distance: in (fractional)

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File Locations Options
• File Locations

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SmartSketch Options
• Allows you to enable the SmartSketch indicators

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To Do List
• An object’s relationship with another object become inappropriate, the
system generate an Error entry in the To Do List.
• A relationship has changed between to object, but the person who modified
the objects only have write access to one of the object. The system generate
an Out of Date entry in the To Do List

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H&S Vertical Toolbar
 Toolbar commands are used to place components, designed supports standard

Place Support By Structure
Place Support By Point
Place Support By Reference
Place Part
Drop Standard
Start 3rd Party App

Place Linear Member

Place Assembly Connection
Trim Member

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H&S Vertical Toolbar
 Toolbar commands are used to place components, designed supports standard

Select Used to select objects

Place Support By Structure
Place Support By Point
Place Support By Reference
Place Part
Drop Standard
Start 3rd Party App

Place Linear Member

Place Assembly Connection
Trim Member

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H&S Vertical Toolbar
 Toolbar commands are used to place components, designed supports standard

Select Place a support at the intersection of

Place Support By Structure a supporting structure and supported
Place Support By Point
Place Support By Reference
Place Part
Drop Standard
Start 3rd Party App

Place Linear Member

Place Assembly Connection
Trim Member

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H&S Vertical Toolbar
 Toolbar commands are used to place components, designed supports standard

Place Support By Structure
Place a support at a location
Place Support By Point
specified by the user
Place Support By Reference
Place Part
Drop Standard
Start 3rd Party App

Place Linear Member

Place Assembly Connection
Trim Member

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H&S Vertical Toolbar
 Toolbar commands are used to place components, designed supports standard

Place Support By Structure
Place Support By Point
Place a support at a location
Place Support By Reference specified by the user. The user can
then specify the length of the support.
Place Part
Drop Standard
Start 3rd Party App

Place Linear Member

Place Assembly Connection
Trim Member

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H&S Vertical Toolbar
 Toolbar commands are used to place components, designed supports standard

Place Support By Structure
Place Support By Point
Place Support By Reference
Add a support component to a
Place Part
designed support.
Drop Standard
Start 3rd Party App

Place Linear Member

Place Assembly Connection
Trim Member

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H&S Vertical Toolbar
 Toolbar commands are used to place components, designed supports standard

Place Support By Structure
Place Support By Point
Place Support By Reference
Place Part
Converts a standard support to a
Drop Standard
designed support.
Start 3rd Party App

Place Linear Member

Place Assembly Connection
Trim Member

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H&S Vertical Toolbar
 Toolbar commands are used to place components, designed supports standard

Place Support By Structure
Place Support By Point
Place Support By Reference
Place Part
Drop Standard
Starts a 3rd Party application to add
Start 3rd Party App
parts to a designed support.
Place Linear Member
Place Assembly Connection
Trim Member

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H&S Vertical Toolbar
 Toolbar commands are used to place components, designed supports standard

Place Support By Structure
Place Support By Point
Place Support By Reference
Place Part
Drop Standard
Start 3rd Party App

Place Linear Member Places a structural member

Place Assembly Connection
Trim Member

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H&S Vertical Toolbar
 Toolbar commands are used to place components, designed supports standard

Place Support By Structure
Place Support By Point
Place Support By Reference
Place Part
Drop Standard
Start 3rd Party App

Place Linear Member

Places an assembly connection
Place Assembly Connection
between two member systems.
Trim Member

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H&S Vertical Toolbar
 Toolbar commands are used to place components, designed supports standard

Place Support By Structure
Place Support By Point
Place Support By Reference
Place Part
Drop Standard
Start 3rd Party App

Place Linear Member

Place Assembly Connection
Trim Member Trims a structural member.

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H&S Horizontal Toolbar
 If the support placement command or already placed support is selected,
horizontal toolbar is displayed
 The commands on the toolbar assist in support placement as well as editing of a
 All the commands may not be visible or active. This will depend on placement
method and type of object selected.

Accept – Accept selection

Reject – Reject selection
Support location – Specify or change support location
Structure - Add or remove supporting structure
Straight Feature – Add or remove supported straight feature
Settings – Display or edit properties of selected objects

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 Can aid in selecting parent system for a support
 Click “More …” and Select system dialogue box will be displayed
 Can select another standard support or designed support as a parent system.

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Rule & Type
 If “Rule” option is checked, SP3D will populate a list of supports which satisfy
parameters specified in support XLS
 The list will be displayed in “Type” drop down box
 If a support is not displayed in “Type”, use can click on “More …” and “Select
Support” dialogue box will be displayed.
 If “Design” option is checked, “Rule” and “Type” commands are grayed out or are
not enabled.

 If the “Rule” box is un-

checked then last 10 placed
support will be listed in the
drop down list

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Toggle Toolbar
 Toggle toolbar assist user to place a support at correct location or modify default
location on supporting and supported feature.

Toggle Face Position (for 2nd structure)

Toggle Connection to Structure (for 2nd structure)

Toggle Face Position (for 2nd structure)

Toggle Connection to Structure (for 2nd structure)

Toggle Support Configuration

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Toggle Support Configuration

Toggle Support Configuration

 Changes feature connection of a support
 Developer can disable or enable (and customize) the behavior
of a support for the toggling command

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Toggle Structure Connection

Toggle Connection to Structure

 Changes structure connection of a support
 If two structures are selected then both toggles commands are active or
else only first toggle command is active
 Only available if Supporting object is a Steel Member

Top Flange

Left Right
Web Web

© 2013. Intergraph Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Bottom Flange

Toggle Face Position

Toggle Face Position

 Changes location of a support on structure face
 Developer can customize working of the toggle
 If two structures are selected then both toggles commands are
active or else only first toggle command is active
 Available depending on support type and structure type
 Only available for steel structure

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Place Support By Structure
 Used only when the route and structure are crossing
 Does not work with Slab, Wall, Vessel or with pipe-to-pipe supports
 There can be 1 or 2 structure
 Reference ports are created based on the intersection of the route and structure

1. Click Place Support by Structure on vertical toolbar
2. Select the feature to support
3. Click the Accept on horizontal tool bar
4. Select the supporting structure to use.
5. Click the Accept on horizontal tool bar
6. Select the support type
7. Click Finish

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Place Support By Point
 Can be used in any route \ structure configuration
 There can be 0, 1 or 2 structure objects

1. Click Place Support by Point on vertical toolbar
2. Select the feature to support
3. Click the Accept on horizontal tool bar
4. Select the supporting structure to use. This is optional.
5. Click the Accept on horizontal tool bar
6. Select the support type
7. Identify the location along the feature to place the support
8. Click Finish

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Place Support By Reference
 Can be used to place a support that connects to structure without having to
actually select the supporting structure

1. Click Place Support by Reference on vertical toolbar
2. Select the feature to support
3. Click the Accept on horizontal tool bar
4. Select the position of the support along the feature.
5. Select the reference position of the supporting structure.
6. Select the support type
7. Change the reference structure orientation if desired.
8. Click Finish

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Support Assembly
 A Support Assembly is an assembly of parts (Also called Components) that are
connected together as well as connected to the Supporting and Supported

Bea m

Bea m Cl a mp

Beam Cl amp Cl ev is

Fl ex ibl e Ro d

Lu g Cl ev is

Wel ded Lu g


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Support Assembly
 Each Support is defined in reference data, which assigns an Custom Support
Definition (CSD) to the Support.
 The Custom Support Definition is a .NET program responsible for selecting the
parts which make up the support assembly and connecting the individual parts
together using Joints, forming an assembly.
 The support CSD uses information from the model to determine the orientation,
position and possibly other things (i.e. Lengths, etc.)

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Support Assembly
 Two types of Supports include:
– Standard Support
– Designed Support

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Standard Support
 Automatically Selects and Positions Parts
 Contents will be an ‘Assembly’ of Parts
 Cannot change or delete parts
 Associated to Supporting and Supported Features
 Driven by customizable rules

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Designed Support
 A Custom Configuration of Parts
 Parts are manually placed into the support.
 Can contain parts or assemblies
 Can contain Structural Steel (Members)
 Can edit or delete individual bits

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Support Modification
- Placed support can be modified by
 Accessing Support Properties dialogue box
 Toggling
 Converting it to a designed support

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Support Properties

Notes Tab - shows any notes, either

manually added or added by code,
that this support has

Configuration Tab - shows the

placement data

Relationships Tab - shows the objects

this support is related to

Definition Tab - shows the catalog, or

default, values for the properties

General Tab - shows the properties of

this occurrence of this support

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Support Properties
 Some of the support attributes such as length, angle, etc can be modified by
changing the occurrence attribute values on the properties dialogue box
 Developer can customize properties dialogue box to include or exclude the
support attributes.
 Tabs on the properties page will also display weight and center of gravity
information for a support.

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Dropping A Standard Support
 You must convert the standard support to a designed support using the Drop
Standard command
 The Drop Standard command removes the control of the standard support over
the part selection and positioning, and leaves all parts in their current location

Drop Standard Command

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Place Part Command
 You place Support Parts manually with the Place Part command
 Support Parts have predefined positioning locations called “ports”
 If you want to add support parts to a standard support, you can just pick the
standard support as the system parent of the support part

Place Part Command

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Support Components
 Components used to build up supports
 Excel Reference Data defines the part class and relates the part to a 3D Symbol
 3D Symbol takes inputs from the reference data and generates outputs
– Graphical Outputs
– Hanger Ports
– Properties such as Weight, COG, BOM

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Support Component Ports
 Parts have predefined positioning coordinate systems called ‘Ports’
 Ports carry information about how parts connect together and how they connect to
the supporting and supported features.

Output Ports for an Adjustable Swivel Ring Part Symbol

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Support Component Placement
 Rotate the Part using arrow keys during/after placement as shown below.

 Stretch the Variable Length Part after the Placement using ‘Stretch Part’
from Horizontal tool bar.
 Toggle the Part Port using ‘T’ key or ‘Toggle Port’ during placement.
 Use Ctrl+Shift+P to see the available Part ports after placement.

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Support Component Placement
 Auto Rotation of Pipe Parts
Parts which are going to attach to the Pipe will be automatically be rotated
based on the Pipe’s orientation based on the below System Rule.

This rule should list the Port Type Values for the Port which is to be Auto
oriented for the Piping Part.

 This rule is defined in the HgrRules sheet of HS_System.xls

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User Defined Forms
 User-defined forms are powerful custom forms that contain illustrations of
 The Custom Form Definition command automatically displays when you
place the object for which a form definition exists

 Changes made to the attributes on the form automatically update the

corresponding attribute in the Property pages

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User Defined Forms
 Example of User Defined Form

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Support Drawings
 Smart 3D is delivered
with default drawing
 These can be
customized by you
(with training) or by

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Lab 1 – User Training

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Process, Power and Marine Division
3D Data Model
Smart 3D Data Model

Site Database:
Contains names of plants and catalog, model and report databases
associated with them.

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Smart 3D Data Model

Catalog Database:
Contains the reference data that is used by all disciplines.

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Smart 3D Data Model

Model Database: Contains design information

Report Database: Collection of views on the plant, site and catalog.

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