Obesity A Preventable Disease

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September 2005 Volume 39, Number 3 GHANA MEDICAL JOURNAL


Endocrine and Metabolic Clinic, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, University of Ghana
Medical School, College of Health Sciences, P.O. Box GP 4236, Accra, Ghana.

ABSTRACT the body - either around the waist and trunk (ab-
Obesity is a common and preventable disease of dominal, central or android obesity) or peripherally
clinical and public health importance. It is often a around the body (gynoid obesity) – have important
major risk factor for the development of several health implications.
non-communicable diseases, significant disability
and premature death. There is presently a global In general, obesity is associated with a greater risk
epidemic of obesity in all age groups and in both of disability or premature death due to type 2 dia-
developed and developing countries. The increas- betes mellitus (T2DM) and cardiovascular diseases
ing prevalence of obesity places a large burden on (CVD) such as hypertension, stroke and coronary
health care use and costs. Weight loss is associated heart disease as well as gall bladder disease, cer-
with significant health and economic benefits. Ef- tain cancers (endometrial, breast, prostate, colon)
fective weight loss strategies include dietary ther- and non-fatal conditions including gout, respira-
apy, physical activity and lifestyle modification. tory conditions, gastro-esophageal reflux disease,
Drug therapy is reserved for obese or overweight osteoarthritis and infertility. Obesity also carries
patients who have concomitant obesity-related risk serious implications for psychosocial health,
factors or diseases. Population-wide prevention mainly due to societal prejudice against fatness.
programmes have a greater potential of stemming
the obesity epidemic and being more cost-effective A central distribution of body fat is associated with
than clinic-based weight-loss programmes. Ghana a higher risk of morbidity and mortality than a
is going through an economic and nutrition transi- more peripheral distribution2. Furthermore, indi-
tion and experiencing an increase in the prevalence viduals with CVD risk factors such as T2DM, hy-
of obesity and obesity-related illnesses, especially pertension and smoking are exposed to significant
among women and urban dwellers. A national health risks at lower levels of obesity. It is there-
taskforce to address this epidemic and to draw up a fore imperative to assess individuals who are
national policy on related non-communicable dis- overweight or obese not only to determine the ex-
eases is urgently needed. tent of adiposity, but also for the body fat distribu-
tion and the presence of co-morbid factors.
Keywords: Obesity, Overweight, Type 2 Diabetes
Mellitus, Hypertension, Cardiovascular Disease, The body mass index (BMI) is a simple and com-
Non-communicable Disease monly used parameter for classifying various de-
grees of adiposity. It is derived from the weight of
INTRODCUTION the individual in kilograms divided by the square
Obesity is a common but often underestimated of the height in metres (kg/m2). By the current
condition of clinical and public health importance World Health Organisation (WHO) criteria, a BMI
in many countries around the world. Its general <18.5kg/m2 is considered underweight, 18.5-24.9
acceptance by many societies as a sign of well- kg/m2 ideal weight and 25-29.9kg/m2 overweight
being or a symbol of high social status, and the or pre-obese. The obese category is sub-divided
denial by health care professionals and the public into obese class I (30-34.9kg/m2), obese class II
alike that it is a disease in its own right, have con- (35-39.9kg/m2) and obese class III (>40kg/m2)3. A
tributed to its improper identification and man- BMI greater than 28kg/m2 in adults is associated
agement and the lack of effective public health with a three to four-fold greater risk of morbidity
strategies to combat its rise to epidemic propor- due to T2DM and CVDs than in the general popu-
tions. lation4.

Obesity is defined as a condition of abnormal or Measurement of the waist circumference - meas-

excessive fat accumulation in adipose tissue, to the ured at the midpoint between the lower border of
extent that health is impaired1. The amount of ex- the rib cage and the iliac crest5,6, or the waist:hip
cess fat in absolute terms, and its distribution in ratio (WHR)5 provide useful indices of abdominal
fat accumulation and a better correlation with an

September 2005 F. Ofei Obesity-A preventable disease

increased risk of ill health and mortality than BMI age group. Residents from the high-class residen-
alone2. An abdominal girth in excess of 108 cm tial area had higher BMI compared to subjects
(40 inches) for men and 98 cm (35 inches) for from the lower class suburb. Urban residents had
women or a WHR > 1.0 and 0.85 in men and higher BMI compared to rural subjects12.
women, respectively, are the currently accepted
indicators of excessive abdominal fat accumulation From a large body of evidence, the global epi-
which correlate with a substantially increased risk demic of obesity has resulted mainly from societal
of metabolic complications3, 5. factors that promote sedentary lifestyles and the
consumption of high-fat, energy-dense diets (3).
Despite certain limitations with its use, there is While genes are important in the determination of
general agreement with the applicability of BMI a person’s susceptibility to weight gain13, obesity,
measurements for assessing underweight, over- by and large, occurs when energy intake from what
weight and obesity in adults. The case for children is eaten and drank exceeds energy expenditure
and adolescents is, however, different because over a protracted period.
unlike adults, BMI changes significantly with age
during these stages of growth. In the late 1970’s Obese children are more likely than their non-
WHO recommended the use of a growth reference obese counterparts to grow into obese adults14.
for young children developed by the United States Data from a number of studies also provide robust
National Centre for Health Statistics7. The data evidence that children who are growth retarded at
from which this reference was derived is now old birth have an increased risk of becoming obese in
and, based on children from only the USA, cannot later life15,16,17. This phenomenon, which implies
realistically be applied to all populations world- foetal programming of adult obesity, is particularly
wide. The WHO has recently replaced this refer- likely to occur when a low body weight at birth
ence with a new one which draws data from a from intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) is
community-based, multi-country study of infants over-compensated for by a catch-up growth in later
and young children from birth to 6 years in all of life, and when this adiposity rebound occurs early
the world’s major regions, including developed in childhood16.
and developing countries. Ghana was one of the
six participating countries in the new study8. What Once the obese state is established, as yet incom-
is now awaited is a similar international growth pletely understood physiological processes main-
reference for older children and adolescents. Until tain the new weight at a set level. Leptin, a protein
then, age and gender specific BMI charts derived hormone expressed predominantly by adipocytes,
from data sets from six different reference popula- is believed to play a major role in this complex
tions (Brazil, Great Britain, Hong Kong, the Neth- mechanism of weight maintenance. Leptin nor-
erlands, Singapore and the USA)9 could be used. mally acts on receptors in the hypothalamus of the
brain to inhibit food intake by counteracting the
EPIDEMIOLOGY effects of potent feeding stimulants such as neu-
There is presently a global epidemic of obesity in ropeptide Y, while promoting the synthesis of α-
all age groups and in both developed and develop- MSH, an appetite suppressant18. Obese individuals,
ing countries. In 1995, there were an estimated 200 compared with their lean counterparts, have higher
million obese adults worldwide. As of 2000, the leptin levels19, suggesting a ‘leptin resistance’
number of obese adults had increased to over 300 rather than a deficiency in obese states.
million. In developing countries, it is estimated
that over 115 million people suffer from obesity- Infrequently, obesity may be a manifestation of
related problems10. A rapid increase in childhood other medical conditions such as hypothyroidism,
obesity has also been reported10, 11. Cushing’s syndrome and certain hypothalamic
disorders, which should as much as possible be
Obesity among Ghanaian adults is common, par- excluded on clinical grounds and occasionally by
ticularly among the elderly, females and urban laboratory investigations before proceeding to
dwellers. A recent survey involving two urban and manage patients.
one rural community in the Greater Accra region
showed an overall crude prevalence of obesity Increased insulin secretion is a common conse-
(BMI > 30 kg/m2) of 20.2% and 4.6% for females quence of obesity. The coexistence of hyperinsu-
and males, respectively. The age-standardized linaemia with normal or elevated blood glucose
prevalence of adult obesity was 13.6%. Obesity levels in obese individuals suggests the presence of
increased with age, peaking in the 55 to 64-year ‘insulin resistance’, now well accepted as the

September 2005 Volume 39, Number 3 GHANA MEDICAL JOURNAL

common underlying mechanism for a number of most, and preferably all, days of the week. Behav-
disease states including T2DM, hypertension, ioural strategies including self-monitoring, stress
dyslipidaemia and cardiovascular diseases. The management and social support can enhance the
aggregation of several of these cardiovascular dis- gains from dietary methods and physical activity21.
ease risk factors, including obesity, in the same
patient indicates the presence of the metabolic Drug therapy should be used only in conjunction
syndrome20 which has significant implications for with diet, physical activity changes, and behaviour
cardiovascular health. therapy and only when these measures have failed
to promote weight loss after 6 months21. Orlistat,
The increasing prevalence of obesity places a large an oral pancreatic lipase inhibitor which inhibits
burden on health care use and costs. A few studies the absorption of 30% of ingested fat from the
show that 2–7 % of total health care expenditure in intestine, is currently the only drug approved by
a country may be directly attributable to obesity, the Ghana Food and Drugs Board for long-term
with the costs of hypertension representing 53 – treatment of obesity. Its side-effects may include
60% of the total direct costs of obesity. On the abdominal pain, flatulence and oily stools follow-
other hand, weight loss in obese individuals is as- ing a meal containing fat.
sociated with both clinical and economic benefits3.
Weight loss surgery, using various techniques, is
Weight Loss Strategies an option only for well-informed and motivated
Weight loss and maintenance strategies include patients who have clinically severe obesity (BMI ≥
dietary therapy, physical activity, lifestyle modifi- 40 kg/m2) or a BMI ≥ 35 kg/m2 accompanied by
cation, behaviour therapy, pharmacotherapy and serious co-morbid conditions21.
occasionally surgery. Using these techniques the
goals are, at least to prevent further weight gain, or Preventive Strategies
achieve weight reduction and maintain the lower Prevention is the key to controlling the obesity
body weight over a long term21. epidemic. The various prevention strategies rec-
ommended by the WHO include; a universal or
Several expert panels have suggested the best public health approach directed at all members of a
methods of assessing and treating obesity. Cur- community; a selective approach directed at high-
rently, weight loss therapy is recommended for risk individuals and groups; and a targeted ap-
patients with a BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2 and those with a proach directed at individuals with weight-related
BMI between 25 and 29.9 kg/m2 or a high-risk problems and those at high risk of diseases associ-
waist circumference who additionally have two or ated with overweight and obesity. Of these the
more cardiovascular risk factors3,21. Treatment population-wide obesity prevention programs have
must be geared to a 10-percent body weight reduc- a greater potential of stemming the obesity epi-
tion over a 6-month period, at a rate of 0.5 to 1 kg demic and being more cost-effective than the
per week (2 – 4 kg per month)21. clinic-based treatments3. The WHO has further
suggested the incorporation of the objectives of
Dietary therapy should ensure an intake reduced obesity prevention into the strategies and pro-
by 500 to 1,000 kcal/day from the current level. grammes for controlling other CVD-related non-
Low calorie diets (LCDs) containing 1,000 to communicable diseases (NCDs)3 since many of
1,200 kcal/day for most women and between 1,200 these conditions share common risk factors.
kcal/day and 1,600 kcal/day for men can result in
sufficient weight reduction. Very low calorie diets Ghana is going through an economic and nutrition
(VLCDs) containing less than 800 kcal/day are no transition and experiencing an increase in the
more effective than LCDs in producing weight loss prevalence of obesity and obesity-related illnesses.
and are to be discouraged21. There is the need now, more than ever, to set up a
multi-sectoral taskforce to assess the national
Physical activity increases energy expenditure and prevalence, trends, determinants and impact of
also reduces the risk of heart disease more than obesity and its related NCDs on the society as a
that achieved by weight loss alone. Physical activ- whole and on health care provision in the country.
ity (walking, dancing, gardening, household chores The recommendations from such a consultation
and team or individual sports) should be increased could show the way in which our environment can
slowly to a level that ensures at least 30 minutes or be made more enabling for adults and children to
more of moderate-intensity physical activity on eat more healthily and be more physically active

September 2005 F. Ofei Obesity-A preventable disease

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