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1. Construct the circuit in Figure 51.1.

2. Connect power to the circuit. Observe the output
frequency with the oscilloscope.
3. Using the frequency counter, measure the output

fc= 468 kHz (measured)

4. Calculate the expected resonant frequency for your oscillator. How well does this
compare to the measured frequency?

fc= 504.434 kHz (calculated)

5. Turn the DC power off.

6. Add a 20-pF capacitor from the base of the transistor to ground. Connect this capacitor
right at the base of the transistor.
7. Reapply circuit power. Measure the output frequency of your oscillator and record below

fc= 388 kHz

Calculate the percentage of frequency shift from the original frequency measured.

% shift= 17.1 %

Graph of the simulated Colpitts Oscillator circuit

Simulating the Colpitts Oscillator using Multisim

1. Disconnect power. Insert a 100-pF capacitor
between the output and L4 to create the Clapp
oscillator of Figure 51.2. Disconnect the 20-pF
capacitor in the transistor base.
2. Using the oscilloscope and the frequency
counter, observe and measure the output signal.
fc= 10 kHz
3. Turn DC power off. Add a 20-pF capacitor between the transistor base and ground.
4. Reapply circuit power. Using your oscilloscope, observe the output signal. With the
frequency meter, measure the output frequency and record it below.

fc= 10.1 kHz

Calculate the percentage shift in frequency caused by the additional capacity.

% shift= 1%

Clapp Oscillator simulated circuit

Transient analysis of Clapp Oscillator

Fault 1- Feedback capacitor (Cf) open
1. With the circuit power off, disconnect and remove the 20-pF capacitor shunting the base
of the transistor. Simulate an open feedback capacitor by disconnecting one end of Cf.
2. Using the oscilloscope, monitor the output signal. What do you see?

Simulation of the circuit with feedback capacitor removed

Section I
1. Discuss the reason, using frequency calculations, why the 20-pF capacitor affected the
Colpitts oscillator to a greater extent than the Clapp oscillator.
The phase shift network of Colpitts oscillator consists of two capacitors and one inductor.
While the phase shift network of the Clapp oscillator consists of three capacitor and one
inductor. The frequency stability of the Clapp oscillator is more compared to the Colpitts
oscillator. This is because of the extra capacitor.

2. For the Clapp oscillator, at what frequency did the capacitive reactance of Ceq equal the
inductive reactance Lt?
In resonance, the frequency is approximately 7.39 kHz since Xc=1/2*pi*f*C and XL=

3. Discuss the feedback signal to the base of the transistor. Is the feedback regenerative or
The signal is regenerative. The oscillator uses a pair of tapped capacitors and an inductor
to produce regenerative feedback.

Section II
Fault 1- Feedback capacitor (Cf) open
Discuss the effect of an open feedback capacitor on your oscillator. Include in your
discussion the additional measurements you need to make to isolate a defective feedback
With an open feedback capacitor, the oscillator acts as an amplifier only. A portion of the
output is not fed back to the input with the absence of the feedback capacitor. The output
is not of constant output signal as an oscillator should have. An oscillator should always
have a feedback capacitor to control the amplitude of the oscillator. If the feedback
capacitor of the oscillator is defective, it should be replaced immediately in order to
maintain the characteristics of an oscillator.
Quick Check
1. The Colpitts oscillator is typically used where frequencies between 1 MHz and 500 MHz
are needed.

True False

2. The Clapp oscillator is more stable than the Colpitts oscillator.

True False

3. The Colpitts oscillator uses an RC network as feedback.

True False

4. The Clapp oscillator is a modification of the Colpitts oscillator.

True False

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