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Dear Sir / Madam,

I Mr. ____________________________ am conducting a research on the topic – “Impact of brand
image on consumer decision-making with reference to Bhubaneswar CENTRAL” and I would like
to take your few minutes to know about your ideas, perception & level of satisfaction &
dissatisfaction regarding Bhubaneswar CENTRAL.

1. Age:

2. Gender: Male Female

3. Education: (Put a tick mark on the correct option)

Undergraduate/Diploma Graduate Post Graduate/ Others (please specify)

4. Occupation: (Put a tick mark on the correct option)

Student Home Maker Govt. service Private Service Business/ self-employed

5. How frequently do you visit CENTRAL?

a) Once in a week
b) Once in a month
c) More than once in a month
d) During festive seasons only
e) Rarely

6. Who recommended you to visit CENTRAL?

a) Friends
b) Family member
c) Relatives
d) Employee of central
e) Others

7. Do you feel that CENTRAL as a brand is better than others (such as Pantaloons, Reliance Trends,
Max, etc)?
a) Yes
b) No
8. If yes, what do you feel about CENTRAL’S brand as compared to others (eg: Pantaloons,
Reliance Trends, Max, etc.) [Rate according to your order of preference from 1 to 5]

Statement Rank
a) Products at central are priced better

b) Product variety at central is better

c) Product quality at central is better

d) Product availability is better at central

e) Products at central are more trendy

9. Do you purchase products at CENTRAL because of its good brand image?

a) Yes
b) No

10. The brand symbol of CENTRAL enables me to recognize the brand promptly.
a) Agree
b) Disagree

11. The brand image of CENTRAL is outstanding and gives me a good impression.
a) yes
b) no

12. CENTRAL is a leading brand in the market.

a) Yes
b) No

13. CENTRAL is always my first choice for making a purchase.

a) Yes
b) No

14. I will continue to repurchase from CENTRAL in future.

a) Yes
b) No

Thank you for your cooperation.

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