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ID NO.- 16-1-11470

Questions for Anatomy

A. In correct sequence, enumerate the different specific layers of the anterior abdominal
wall from skin to the peritoneum, that a surgeon will encounter when doing an
appendectomy :

a) At McBurney's point -
 Skin
 Superficial fascia Camper’s fascia (fatty layer)
 Scarpa’s fascia (membranous deep layer)
 Muscles and associated fat
 Parietal Peritoneum

b) Using a paramedian incision -

 Skin
 Superficial fascia (Connective tissue)
 Muscle and associated fat
 Parietal peritoneum


1. Differentiate false from true pelvis.

Ans- false pelvis- The superior aperture, also known as the superior circumference, is
what shapes the brim of the much wider portion of the pelvis and also forms the heart-
shaped anatomy that makes up the false pelvis. This area supports the intestines and is
considered part of the abdominal cavity.

True pelvis- The true pelvis is found below the pelvic brim of the superior aperture, and
it makes up the space between the pelvic floor and the pelvic inlet. The lesser pelvis,
unlike the abdominal cavity, contains the sex organs, colon, bladder and rectum. This is
all found below the linea terminalis, which is at the edge of the pelvic inlet that
separates the abdominal and pelvic cavities. The opening of the pelvis rounds out the
bottom portion of the cavity formed by the lesser pelvis.
2. Enumerate pelvic organs, which may become abdominal organs.

 Bladder
 Urethra
 Uterus
 Small bowel
 Rectum

3. Enumerate the structures found within the broad ligaments

- The uterine tube

- uterine vessels

- round ligament of the uterus

- ovarian ligament

- ureter (lower part)

- uterovaginal nerve plexus

- lymphatic vessels.

4. Give the clinical significance of the proximity between the ureter and the uterine

- In females, it is accompanied in its course by the uterine artery, which runs above
and anterior to it in the base of the broad ligament of the uterus. Because of its
location, the ureter is in danger of being injured in the process of hysterectomy.

5. Which is the deepest of the vaginal fornices? Give its clinical importance.

- Deespest part- posterior fornix

- The posterior fornix is clinically important because it is closely associated with

the pouch of Douglas . Thus, only the posterior wall of the vagina, which is covered
by peritoneum, separates the lumen of the vagina from the pouch of Douglas. The
pouch of Douglas is the lowest point of the peritoneal cavity in the female.
Clinicians, diagnostically, can access the peritoneal cavity by culdocentesis (placing
the needle through the wall of the posterior fornix into the pouch of Douglas).
6. Which is the lowest part of the peritoneal cavity in the female? Give its clinical

- rectouterine pouch (pouch of douglas)

- As it is the furthest point of the abdominopelvic cavity in women, it is a site where

infection and fluids typically collect. The recto-uterine pouch is used in the
treatment of end-stage renal failure in patients who are treated by peritoneal

7. What is the most important support of the female internal genitalia?

 Broad ligament
 Uterine ligaments
 Ovarian ligaments

8. Name the most dilatable part of the male urethra, the least dilatable part.

a. Most dilatable urethra – prostatic urethra

b. Least dilatable urethra – intermediate part (membranous par) of male urethra

9. What part of the male external genitalia is removed during circumcision?

- Foreskin the skin covering the head (glans) of the penis is removed during

10. Which lobe of the prostate gland is commonly involved in benign prostatic hypertrophy?

- The middle lobe of prostate gland is commonly involved in benign prostatic

11. Why is it important to know that both testes have descended into the scrotum at birth?

- Undescended testes are associated with reduced fertility, increased risk of testicular
germ cell tumors and psychological problems when the boy is grown. Undescended
testes are also more susceptible to testicular torsion (and subsequent infarction)
and inguinal hernias. Without intervention, an undescended testicle will usually
descend during the first year of life, but to reduce these risks, undescended testes
can be brought into the scrotum in infancy by a surgical procedure called an

12. Identify the layers involved in hemorrhoidectomy.

- Anal skin

- Swollen blood vessel

- Tunica adventitia

- Tunica media

- Tunica intima

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