Master Mind Quiz For Gr-5

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QUIZ 2018-19


SI. No Question Answer

1 Which river has largest drainage basin? The Amazon
2 Temporary hardness of water is due to the presence of which Magnesium
3 Which energy do not have problem of pollution Sun
4 How much of the Earth’s Surface is covered by forests? 30 percent
5 Which animal have a diet mainly consisting of bamboo? Red Pandas
6 Which vegetable protein is considered as good as vegetable Soyabean
protein? Protein
7 To which age Indus Valley Civilization belong? Neolithic Age
8 When is World Blood Donor Day, recognized by the UN June 14
9 A person returning from abroad can retain the foreign 90 days
currency upto what period?
10 Who is called Father of Economics?
1. Adam Smith
11 “Ashes” is the term associated with which sport? Football
12 What is the growth movement in a plant due to light called? Phototropism
13 Of the floating Iceberg in the sea, how much is the portion 1/10th
remaining above the sea level?
14 Who was the first to receive Nobel Prize? Rabindranath
15 Who signs on ten rupee note? Governor
(Reserve Bank of
16 Which color of heat radiation represents the highest White
17 Which salt is found in bone in largest amount? Calcium
18 Which of Indian bird has been included in the world Vulture
conservation list?
19 Plants which lack true roots, stems and leaves are called by Thallophytes
which name?
20 The highest annual precipitation occurs in which basin?
2. Amazon basin
21 Zozila Pass connects regions? Leh and Sri
22 The term “truncated spur” is associated with which process? Glacial Process
23 When is World Day of Water, recognized by the UN observed?
3. March 22
24 Where is Human’s body’s main organ of balance located? Inner part of ear
25 What is the energy of winds and the waves? Kinetic
26 Which sea is without a coast? Sargasso Sea
27 Who is the author of the book “Nineteen Eighty Four” George Orwell
28 Which allotrope of carbon is used for cutting and drilling? Diamond
29 What is the difference between IST and GMT? 5 hours 30
30 The cauliflower shape is associated with which cloud Cumulus
31 Who has the final power to maintain order within the house of Speaker
32 Who is the father of local self-government of India? Lord Ripon
33 The Lake Ontario and St. Lawrence of USA and Canada lie to Hudson Bay
the south –east of which bay?
34 Which Mughal painter according to Abul Fazal was excellent in Basawan
drawings of features?
35 Which Indian Cricketer was given the title “Tiger” Mansur Ali Khan
36 What was the greatest invention of man in Palaeolithic Age? Fire
37 Who was the first English person who visited the court of Ralph Fitch
38 Sweating during exercise indicates operation of which process Osmoregulations
in human body?
39 Who is the founder of World Economic Forum? Klaus Schwab
40 In India, who was the first to put forward the theory that the Aryabhatta
Earth revolves round the Sun.
41 Which is the lightest gas? Hydrogen
42 Who was the first Indian to become the member of British Dadabhai
Parliament? Naoroji
43 Feroz Gandhi Award, is given for outstanding performance in Journalism
which field?
44 The Kiel Canal links which seas? North Sea and
Baltic Sea
45 When is World Post Day, recognized by the UN observed? October 9th
46 Which is the gas usually filled in the electric bulb? Nitrogen
47 Who invented Laser? Charles H.
48 When and where were the First Commonwealth Game held? 1930 in
49 Which river crosses the Equator twice? Congo
50 With which sport is Leroy Burrell associated?
51 Dog bite can cause rabies. Which other animal can cause Bat
52 Palaeobotany is the branch of botany, what do we study Plant fossils
about in this branch?
53 Who invented the technique of extracting scent from Rose? Nurjahan
54 Who is the author of the book “Economic Nightmare of India” Charan Singh
55 “Higher than Hope” is the autobiography of which author? Nelson Mandela
56 Where is the head office of the World Council of Churches? Switzerland
57 What is the development of fruit without fertilization called? Parthenocarpy
58 By whom was oral polio vaccine discovered? Jonas Salk
59 By whom was Chandigarh designed? Le Corbousier
60 Who said “Child is the father of Man”?
4. William

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