SA 8000 Training Course

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Introduction to Social Compliance &


Prepared by
Mr. Mohamed El Husseiny
SA 8000 Certified Auditor

Social Accountability International (SAI) is a non-profit organization

dedicated to improving workplaces and communities by developing and
implementing social responsibility standards. SAI developed one of the
world’s preeminent social standards – SA8000, which is firmly grounded in
ILO and UN conventions. The SA8000 standard focuses on the human
elements of the workplace and the supply chain. SA8000 is the standard that
considers the importance of each job and strives to recognize the equal
dignity of each person involved in the supply chain – from the worker to the
retailer to the consumer.

The SA8000 standard is intended to help apply these norms to practical

work-life situations. SA8000 expands on the eight conventions of the ILO
Declaration of Fundamental Principles of Rights at Work which covers child
labor, forced labor, discrimination and free association and collective
bargaining to include standards on health and safety, working hours, wages,
and discipline. All nine elements are interrelated and, to varying degrees,
compliance with one is dependent on compliance with another. Finally, the
management systems requirements of SA8000 move beyond a check list
approach, encouraging managers to make sustainable systemic changes in
how they run their business.

Prepared by: Mohamed El Husseiny Feb. 25, 2010


The Two-day Introduction course develops basic knowledge, skills and

attitudes for effective social auditing. The class builds on the collective
experiences of the trainees, offering insight into fundamental issues that arise
on a regular basis in field assessments. The course provides:

• An understanding of the importance of social compliance systems in

the context of globalization
• An understanding of SA8000 principles, origin and intent
• An assessment of company compliance with the SA8000 Standard
through evaluation of case studies
• Learning to plan and conduct a social audit
• Learning interview techniques

The course concludes with a comprehensive exam, and students who

successfully pass are awarded a Certificate of Achievement.

Prepared by: Mohamed El Husseiny Feb. 25, 2010

The course is targeted to senior and middle management from the public/
private sector; namely:

1- HR
2- Health & Safety
3- Quality
4- Production
5- Supply Chain
6- Representative of trade union(s) – if applicable
7- Compliance Dept.


Location: TBD
Dates: June 21 - 22, 2010
Course length: 2 days
Language: Written – English
Verbal – English \Arabic

Maximum attendees: 25

Training fees per participant: L.E 3,000

Prepared by: Mohamed El Husseiny Feb. 25, 2010

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