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Genesis 4

(Reading Chapter 4)
Cain and Abel
1. Then Adam had intercourse with his wife, and she became
pregnant. She bore a son and said, “By the LORD's help I have
acquired a son.” So she named him Cain.
2 Later she gave birth to another son, Abel. Abel became a

shepherd, but Cain was a farmer. 3 After some time, Cain

brought some of his harvest and gave it as an offering to the
LORD. 4 Then Abel brought the first lamb born to one of his
sheep, killed it, and gave the best parts of it as an offering.
The LORD was pleased with Abel and his offering, 5 but he
rejected Cain and his offering. Cain became furious, and he
scowled in anger. 6 Then the LORD said to Cain, “Why are you
angry? Why that scowl on your face? 7 If you had done the
right thing, you would be smiling; but because you have done
evil, sin is crouching at your door. It wants to rule you, but
you must overcome it.”
8 Then Cain said to his brother Abel, “Let's go out in the

When they were out in the fields, Cain turned on his brother
and killed him.
9 The LORD asked Cain, “Where is your brother Abel?”

He answered, “I don't know. Am I supposed to take care of my

10 Then the LORD said, “Why have you done this terrible thing?

Your brother's blood is crying out to me from the ground, like

a voice calling for revenge.
11 You are placed under a curse and can no longer farm the

soil. It has soaked up your brother's blood as if it had opened

its mouth to receive it when you killed him. 12 If you try to
grow crops, the soil will not produce anything; you will be a
homeless wanderer on the earth.”
13 And Cain said to the LORD, “This punishment is too hard for
me to bear. 14 You are driving me off the land and away from
your presence. I will be a homeless wanderer on the earth,
and anyone who finds me will kill me.”
15 But the LORD answered, “No. If anyone kills you, seven lives

will be taken in revenge.” So the LORD put a mark on Cain to

warn anyone who met him not to kill him. 16 And Cain went
away from the LORD's presence and lived in a land called
“Wandering”, which is east of Eden.
The Descendants of Cain
17 Cain and his wife had a son and named him Enoch. Then
Cain built a city and named it after his son. 18 Enoch had a son
named Irad, who was the father of Mehujael, and Mehujael
had a son named Methushael, who was the father of Lamech.
19 Lamech had two wives, Adah and Zillah. 20 Adah gave birth

to Jabal, who was the ancestor of those who raise livestock

and live in tents. 21 His brother was Jubal, the ancestor of all
musicians who play the harp and the flute. 22 Zillah gave birth
to Tubal Cain, who made all kinds of tools out of bronze and
iron. The sister of Tubal Cain was Naamah.
23 Lamech said to his wives,

“Adah and Zillah, listen to me: I have killed a young man

because he struck me.
24 If seven lives are taken to pay for killing Cain, Seventy-

seven will be taken if anyone kills me.”

Seth and Enosh
25 Adam and his wife had another son. She said, “God has
given me a son to replace Abel, whom Cain killed.” So she
named him Seth.
26 Seth had a son whom he named Enosh. It was then that

people began using the LORD's holy name in worship.

Chapter 4

intercourse: 성교, Sex, 부부관계, 교제

pregnant: 임신한, 애를 밴.
Bear – Bore – Borne: ~낳다
Have gotten a son: 아들을 낳았다.

1 Then Adam had intercourse with his wife, and she became
pregnant. She bore a son and said, “By the LORD's help I have
gotten a son.” So she named him Cain
1 그리고 나서 (Then), 아담은 그의 아내와 부부관계를 맺었다 (Adam had
intercourse with his wife), 그리고 그녀는 임신을 했다(and she became
pregnant). 그녀는 아들을 낳았고 말했다 (She bore a son and said) “하나님
의 도움으로 (By the Lord’s help) 내가 아들을 얻었다 (I have gotten a son)”.
그래서 하와는 그를 가인이라 이름 지어 불렀다(So she named him Cain).
다시 영어원문을 잘 듣고 매끄러운 한국말로 직접 동시통역을 해 보세요 (Listen
carefully again and this time you translate it into Korean by yourself according to
correct Korean grammar)
1 Then Adam had intercourse with his wife, and she became pregnant.
She bore a son and said, “By the LORD's help I have gotten a son.” So
she named him Cain

단어 보기
Give birth to: 아이를 낳다.
shepherd: 양치기, 목자
farmer: 농부
Harvest: 거두어들임, 수확(물)
Offering: 봉납, 헌납, 공물, 헌금, 하나님께 바치는 제물

2 Later she gave birth to another son, Abel. Abel became a

shepherd, but Cain was a farmer.
3 After some time, Cain brought some of his harvest and gave
it as an offering to the LORD.
2 나중에, 그녀(하와)는 또 다른 아들, 아벨을 낳았다 (Later she gave birth to
another son, Abel). 아벨은 양치기가 되었고(Abel became a shepherd), 가인
은 농부였다 (but Cain was a farmer). 세월이 지난 후에 (After some time) 가
인은 약간의 땅의 수확 물을 가져와 (Cain brought some of his harvest) 그것
을 하나님께 제물로 드렸다(and gave it as an offering to the Lord).
다시 영어원문을 잘 듣고 매끄러운 한국말로 직접 동시통역을 해 보세요 (Listen
carefully again and this time you translate it into Korean by yourself according to
correct Korean grammar)
2 Later she gave birth to another son, Abel. Abel became a shepherd,
but Cain was a farmer
3 After some time, Cain brought some of his harvest and gave it as an
offering to the LORD..

Lamb: 만1년 이하의 새끼 양.
Be pleased with~: ~에 대해 기뻐하다, 만족하다.
Rejected: 받아들이지 않다. 인정하지 않다.
Furious: 격노한, 격심한, 화가 난.
Scowl: 얼굴을 찡그리다, 언짢은 낯을 하다.
Scowled in anger: 화가 나서 얼굴을 찡그리다.

4 Then Abel brought the first lamb born to one of his sheep,
killed it, and gave the best parts of it as an offering. The LORD
was pleased with Abel and his offering, 5 but he rejected Cain
and his offering. Cain became furious, and he scowled in
그리고 나서, 아벨은 그의 양떼 중 한 마리에게서 태어난 첫 번째 새끼 양을 가
져왔고(Then Abel brought the first lamb born to one of his sheep), 그것을
죽여서, 가장 좋은 부분들을 제물로 드렸다(killed it, and gave the best parts
of it as an offering). 하나님께서 아벨과 그의 제물을 기쁘게 받으셨다(The
Loard was pleased with Abel and his offering), 그러나 하나님께서 카인과 그
의 제물은 받아들이지 않으셨다(but he rejected Cain and his offering). 카인
은 화가 나서 언짢은 낯을 했다(Cain became furious, and he scowled in
다시 영어원문을 잘 듣고 매끄러운 한국말로 직접 동시통역을 해 보세요 (Listen
carefully again and this time you translate it into Korean by yourself according to
correct Korean grammar)
4 Then Abel brought the first lamb born to one of his sheep, killed it,

and gave the best parts of it as an offering. The LORD was pleased with
Abel and his offering, 5 but he rejected Cain and his offering. Cain
became furious, and he scowled in anger.

Scowl: (명) 찌푸린 상, 우거지상.
Eviel: 나쁜, 사악한 (명) 악, 사악.
Crouch: (동물이 덤비려는 자세로) 웅크리다, 도사리다
Sin wants to rule you: 죄가 너를 다스리고 싶어한다
Overcome: 이기다. 정복하다

6 Then the LORD said to Cain, “Why are you angry? Why that
scowl on your face? 7 If you had done the right thing, you
would be smiling; but because you have done evil, sin is
crouching at your door. It wants to rule you, but you must
overcome it.”
6 그리고 나서 하나님께서 케인에게 말씀하셨다(Then the Lord said to Cain),
“왜 네가 화를 내느냐?(Why are you angry?) 왜 너는 얼굴을 찌푸리고 있느냐?
(Why that scowl on your face?) 만약 네가 옳은 일을 했다면(if you had done
the right thing), 너는 미소를 짓고 있을 것이다(you would be smiling). 그러
나, 네가 나쁜 것을 행하였기 때문에(but because you have done evil), 죄가
너의 문 앞에 웅크리고 있다(sin is crouching at your door). 죄가 너를 지배하
기를 원하나(It wants to rule you), 너는 죄를 이겨야(다스려야) 한다(but you
must overcome it).
다시 영어원문을 잘 듣고 매끄러운 한국말로 직접 동시통역을 해 보세요 (Listen
carefully again and this time you translate it into Korean by yourself according to
correct Korean grammar)
6 Then the LORD said to Cain, “Why are you angry? Why that scowl on

your face? 7 If you had done the right thing, you would be smiling; but
because you have done evil, sin is crouching at your door. It wants to
rule you, but you must overcome it.”

Turn on: ~에 적대하다, 맞서게 하다. 대들다
Be supposed to do: ~하기로 되어 있다; ~할 의무가 있다.
Take care of: ~을 돌보다.
8 Then Cain said to his brother Abel, “Let's go out in the
When they were out in the fields, Cain turned on his brother
and killed him.
9 The LORD asked Cain, “Where is your brother Abel?”

He answered, “I don't know. Am I supposed to take care of my

9 그리고 나서 케인은 그의 동생 아벨에게 말했다(Then Cain said to his
brother Abel), “ 들로 나가자(Let’s go out in the fields).” 그들이 들로 나갔을
때(When they were out in the fields), 케인은 그의 동생에 대적하여 동생을 죽
였다(Cain turned on his brother and killed him). 9 하나님께서 케인에게 물어
셨다(The Lord asked Cain), “네 동생 아벨이 어디에 있느냐?(Where is your
brother Abel)”
그는 대답했다(He answered), “저는 모르겠습니다. 제가 제 동생을 돌보아야
할 의무가 있습니까?(I don’t know. Am I supposed to take care of my
다시 영어원문을 잘 듣고 매끄러운 한국말로 직접 동시통역을 해 보세요 (Listen
carefully again and this time you translate it into Korean by yourself according to
correct Korean grammar)
8 Then Cain said to his brother Abel, “Let's go out in the fields.”

When they were out in the fields, Cain turned on his brother and killed
9 The LORD asked Cain, “Where is your brother Abel?”

He answered, “I don't know. Am I supposed to take care of my


Terrible: 무서운, 두려운, 끔직한
Crying out:: ① 크게 소리치다[외치다]. ② (~에) 강력히 항의[반대]하다
Calling for: ~을 큰소리로 부르다. 호소 하다.
Revenge: 복수
Curse: 저주
Be placed under a curse: 저주아래 놓이다.
Can no longer farm the soil: 더 이상 농사를 지을 수 없다.
Soak up: ~을 빨아들이다, 흡수하다
Receive: 받다
10 Then the LORD said, “Why have you done this terrible thing?
Your brother's blood is crying out to me from the ground, like
a voice calling for revenge.
11 You are placed under a curse and can no longer farm the

soil. It has soaked up your brother's blood as if it had opened

its mouth to receive it when you killed him.
10 그리고 나서 하나님께서 말씀하셨다(Then the Loard said), “왜 네가 이 끔
찍한 일을 했느냐?(Why have you done this terrible thing?) 너의 동생의 피가
땅으로부터 나에게 호소하고 있다(Your brother’s blood is crying out to me
from the ground), 복수를 요청하는 목소리처럼(like a voice calling for
revenge). 11 너는 저주아래 놓이며(You are placed under a curse) 더 이상
농사를 지을 수 없을 것이다(and can no longer farm the soil). 땅이 네 동생의
피를 받아 마셨다(It has soaked up your brother’s blood) 마치 땅이 땅의 입
을 열어 그 피를 받은 것처럼(as if it had opened its mouth to receive it) 네가
네 동생을 죽였을 때(when you killed him).
다시 영어원문을 잘 듣고 매끄러운 한국말로 직접 동시통역을 해 보세요 (Listen
carefully again and this time you translate it into Korean by yourself according to
correct Korean grammar)
10 Then the LORD said, “Why have you done this terrible thing? Your

brother's blood is crying out to me from the ground, like a voice

calling for revenge.
11 You are placed under a curse and can no longer farm the soil. It has

soaked up your brother's blood as if it had opened its mouth to

receive it when you killed him.

Crops: (곡물•야채•과수 따위의) 작물, 수확물.
Produce: ~을 (재료에서) 제조하다, 생산하다; [농산물]을 생산하다
Homeless: (형)집 없는; (명) 노상 생활자, 무주택 부랑자.
Wanderer: 헤매는 사람, 방랑자
Punishment: 처벌하기; 벌을 받기
Too hard to bear: 감당하기에는 너무 어렵다.
Drive off: 쫓아 내다.
Presence:(남과 함께) 있음, 존재함.
12 If you try to grow crops, the soil will not produce anything;
you will be a homeless wanderer on the earth.”
13 And Cain said to the LORD, “This punishment is too hard for

me to bear.
14 You are driving me off the land and away from your

presence. I will be a homeless wanderer on the earth, and

anyone who finds me will kill me.”
12 네가 곡식을 재배하려고 할지라도(If you try to grow crops), 땅이 아무것도
생산해내지 않을 것이다(the soil will not produce anything); 너는 이 땅에서
집이 없이 떠도는 방랑자가 될 것이다(you will be a homeless wanderer on
the earth).
13 그리고 카인은 하나님께 말했다(And Cain said to the Lord), “이 벌은 제가
감당하기에는 너무 어렵습니다(This punishment is too hard for me to bear).
14 하나님께서 저를 이 땅에서 쫓아 내시고 하나님과 함께하시는 곳에서 쫓아
내십니다(You are driving me off the land and away from your presence).
저는 이 땅에서 집이 없는 방랑자가 될 것이고(I will be a homeless wanderer
on the earth), 누구나 – 저를 만나는 (어떤 사람이든지)- 나를 죽일 것입니다
(and anyone who finds me will kill me).
다시 영어원문을 잘 듣고 매끄러운 한국말로 직접 동시통역을 해 보세요 (Listen
carefully again and this time you translate it into Korean by yourself according to
correct Korean grammar)
12 If you try to grow crops, the soil will not produce anything; you will

be a homeless wanderer on the earth.”

13 And Cain said to the LORD, “This punishment is too hard for me to

14 You are driving me off the land and away from your presence. I will

be a homeless wanderer on the earth, and anyone who finds me will

kill me.”

Seven lives will be taken in revenge: 복수로 일곱번 죽게 될 것이다. 일곱 배나
벌을 받을 것이다.
Warn: [남]에게 위험을 알리다, 예고하다, 경고하다

15 But the LORD answered, “No. If anyone kills you, seven lives
will be taken in revenge.” So the LORD put a mark on Cain to
warn anyone who met him not to kill him.
그러나 하나님께서 대답하셨다(But the Lord answered), “아니다. 만약 누구
든지 너를 죽이는 자는(No. If anyone kills you,) 일곱 배나 벌을 받을 것이다.
(seven lives will be taken in revenge)” 그래서, 하나님께서 케인에게 표시를
해 주셨다(So the Lord put a mark on Cain) 사람들에게 경고하기 위하여(to
warn anyone) – 케인을 만나는 사람이 그를 죽이지 않도록(who met him not
to kill him.)
다시 영어원문을 잘 듣고 매끄러운 한국말로 직접 동시통역을 해 보세요 (Listen
carefully again and this time you translate it into Korean by yourself according to
correct Korean grammar)
15 But the LORD answered, “No. If anyone kills you, seven lives will be

taken in revenge.” So the LORD put a mark on Cain to warn anyone

who met him not to kill him.

go away: 떠나다
go away from the Lord’s presence: 하나님 앞을 떠나다.

16 And Cain went away from the LORD's presence and lived in a
land called “Wandering”, which is east of Eden.
16 그리고 카인은 하나님 앞에서 떠났다(And Cain went away from the Lord’s
presence) 그리고 완더링(Wandering)이라고 불리는 땅에서 살았다(and lived
in a land called Wandering), 그 땅은 에덴동산의 동쪽에 있었다(which is east
of Eden).
다시 영어원문을 잘 듣고 매끄러운 한국말로 직접 동시통역을 해 보세요 (Listen
carefully again and this time you translate it into Korean by yourself according to
correct Korean grammar)
16 And Cain went away from the LORD's presence and lived in a land

called “Wandering”, which is east of Eden.


The Descendants of Cain

17 Cain and his wife had a son and named him Enoch. Then
Cain built a city and named it after his son. 18 Enoch had a son
named Irad, who was the father of Mehujael, and Mehujael
had a son named Methushael, who was the father of Lamech.
17 케인과 그의 아내는 아들을 낳았는데 그 이름을 에녹이라 불렀다(Cain and
his wife had a son and named him Enoch). 그리고 나서 케인은 도시
를 지었고 그 도시의 이름을 그의 아들의 이름을 따라 (에녹이라고) 불렀다
(Then Cain built a city and named it after his son). 18 에녹은 이
랏이라는 아들을 낳았다(Enoch had a son named Irad), 이랏은 므후야엘의 아
버지였고(who was the father of Mehujael), 므후야엘은 므드사엘이라는 아들
을 낳았다(and Mehujael had a son named Methushael), 므드사엘은 라멕의
아버지였다(who was the father of Lamech).
다시 영어원문을 잘 듣고 매끄러운 한국말로 직접 동시통역을 해 보세요 (Listen
carefully again and this time you translate it into Korean by yourself according to
correct Korean grammar)
The Descendants of Cain
17Cain and his wife had a son and named him Enoch. Then Cain built
a city and named it after his son. 18 Enoch had a son named Irad, who
was the father of Mehujael, and Mehujael had a son named
Methushael, who was the father of Lamech.

Ancestor: 조상
Livestock: 가축
Raise livestock: 가축를 키우다.
Musicians: 음악가
Harp and flute: 하프와 플루트

19Lamech had two wives, Adah and Zillah. 20 Adah gave birth
to Jabal, who was the ancestor of those who raise livestock
and live in tents. 21 His brother was Jubal, the ancestor of all
musicians who play the harp and the flute.
라멕에게는 두 아내가 있었다, 아다와 씰라였다(Lamech had two wives, Adah
and Zillah). 20 아다는 야발을 낳았고(Adah gave birth to Jabal), 야발은 그
사람들의 조상이 되었다(who was the ancestor of those) – 가축을 키우고 천
막에서 사는 사람들의 조상이 되었다(who raise livestock and live in tents).
21 그의 동생은 유발인데(His brother was Jubal), 그는 모든 음악가의 – 하프
와 플루트를 연주하는 모든 음악가의 – 조상이다(the ancestor of all
musicians who play the harp and the flute).
다시 영어원문을 잘 듣고 매끄러운 한국말로 직접 동시통역을 해 보세요 (Listen
carefully again and this time you translate it into Korean by yourself according to
correct Korean grammar)
19 Lamech had two wives, Adah and Zillah. 20 Adah gave birth to Jabal,

who was the ancestor of those who raise livestock and live in tents. 21
His brother was Jubal, the ancestor of all musicians who play the harp
and the flute.

All kinds of tool: 여러 가지 연장
Bronze: 청동, 구리합금
Iron: 철
Listen to me: 내 말을 들어라
Struck:: strike 의 과거형, …을 치다, 때리다, 구타하다, 일격을 가하다

22 Zillah gave birth to Tubal Cain, who made all kinds of tools
out of bronze and iron. The sister of Tubal Cain was Naamah.
23 Lamech said to his wives, “Adah and Zillah, listen to me: I

have killed a young man because he struck me.

22 씰라는 두발가인을 낳았다(Zillah gave birth to Tubal Cain), 두발가인은 청
동과 철로 만든 모든 종류의 연장들을 만들었다(who made all kinds of tools
out of bronze and iron). 두발가인의 누이는 나아마였다 (The sister of Tubal
Cain was Maamah).
23 라멕은 그의 아내들에게 말했다(Lamech said to his wives), “아다와 씰라
는 내 말을 들어라(Adah and Zillah, listen to me): 나는 한 젊은이를 죽였다(I
have killed a young man) 왜냐하면 그가 나를 때렸기 때문이다(because he
struck me).
다시 영어원문을 잘 듣고 매끄러운 한국말로 직접 동시통역을 해 보세요 (Listen
carefully again and this time you translate it into Korean by yourself according to
correct Korean grammar)
22 Zillah gave birth to Tubal Cain, who made all kinds of tools out of
bronze and iron. The sister of Tubal Cain was Naamah.
23 Lamech said to his wives, “Adah and Zillah, listen to me: I have

killed a young man because he struck me.

Pay for: 지불하다

24 If seven lives are taken to pay for killing Cain, Seventy-

seven will be taken if anyone kills me.”
24 만약 카인을 죽이면 일곱 배의 벌을 받게 된다면(If seven lives are taken to
pay for killing Cain), 나를 죽이는 사람은 일흔일곱 배로 (벌을) 받을 것이다
(Seventy-seven will be taken if anyone kills me).
다시 영어원문을 잘 듣고 매끄러운 한국말로 직접 동시통역을 해 보세요 (Listen
carefully again and this time you translate it into Korean by yourself according to
correct Korean grammar)
24 If seven lives are taken to pay for killing Cain, Seventy-seven will be

taken if anyone kills me.”

Replace: …에[을] 대신하다, …의 뒤를 잇다
Worship: 예배하다

Seth and Enosh

25 Adam and his wife had another son. She said, “God has
given me a son to replace Abel, whom Cain killed.” So she
named him Seth.
26 Seth had a son whom he named Enosh. It was then that

people began using the LORD's holy name in worship.

25 아담과 그의 아내는 또 다른 아들을 낳았다(Adam and his wife had
another son). 그녀는 말했다(She said), “하나님께서 나에게 아벨을 대신하여
아들을 주셨다(God has given me a son to replace Abel), 카인이 죽인 그 아
벨을 (대신하여)(whom Cain killed).” 그래서 그녀는 그를 셋이라고 이름 지었
다(So she named him Seth).
26 셋은 아들을 낳았는데 그 이름을 에노스라고 지었다(Seth had a son whom
he named Enosh). 그때부터 사람들은 하나님의 거룩한 이름을 예배 드리며
부르기(사용하기) 시작했다(It was then that people began using the Lord’s
holy name in worship).
다시 영어원문을 잘 듣고 매끄러운 한국말로 직접 동시통역을 해 보세요 (Listen
carefully again and this time you translate it into Korean by yourself according to
correct Korean grammar)
Seth and Enosh
25 Adam and his wife had another son. She said, “God has given me a
son to replace Abel, whom Cain killed.” So she named him Seth.
26 Seth had a son whom he named Enosh. It was then that people

began using the LORD's holy name in worship.

Listen Again

Genesis 4
Cain and Abel
1. Then Adam had intercourse with his wife, and she became
pregnant. She bore a son and said, “By the LORD's help I have
acquired a son.” So she named him Cain.
2 Later she gave birth to another son, Abel. Abel became a

shepherd, but Cain was a farmer. 3 After some time, Cain

brought some of his harvest and gave it as an offering to the
LORD. 4 Then Abel brought the first lamb born to one of his
sheep, killed it, and gave the best parts of it as an offering.
The LORD was pleased with Abel and his offering, 5 but he
rejected Cain and his offering. Cain became furious, and he
scowled in anger. 6 Then the LORD said to Cain, “Why are you
angry? Why that scowl on your face? 7 If you had done the
right thing, you would be smiling; but because you have done
evil, sin is crouching at your door. It wants to rule you, but
you must overcome it.”
8 Then Cain said to his brother Abel, “Let's go out in the

When they were out in the fields, Cain turned on his brother
and killed him.
9 The LORD asked Cain, “Where is your brother Abel?”
He answered, “I don't know. Am I supposed to take care of my
10 Then the LORD said, “Why have you done this terrible thing?

Your brother's blood is crying out to me from the ground, like

a voice calling for revenge.
11 You are placed under a curse and can no longer farm the

soil. It has soaked up your brother's blood as if it had opened

its mouth to receive it when you killed him. 12 If you try to
grow crops, the soil will not produce anything; you will be a
homeless wanderer on the earth.”
13 And Cain said to the LORD, “This punishment is too hard for

me to bear. 14 You are driving me off the land and away from
your presence. I will be a homeless wanderer on the earth,
and anyone who finds me will kill me.”
15 But the LORD answered, “No. If anyone kills you, seven lives

will be taken in revenge.” So the LORD put a mark on Cain to

warn anyone who met him not to kill him. 16 And Cain went
away from the LORD's presence and lived in a land called
“Wandering”, which is east of Eden.

The Descendants of Cain

17 Cain and his wife had a son and named him Enoch. Then
Cain built a city and named it after his son. 18 Enoch had a son
named Irad, who was the father of Mehujael, and Mehujael
had a son named Methushael, who was the father of Lamech.
19 Lamech had two wives, Adah and Zillah. 20 Adah gave birth

to Jabal, who was the ancestor of those who raise livestock

and live in tents. 21 His brother was Jubal, the ancestor of all
musicians who play the harp and the flute. 22 Zillah gave birth
to Tubal Cain, who made all kinds of tools out of bronze and
iron. The sister of Tubal Cain was Naamah.
23 Lamech said to his wives,

“Adah and Zillah, listen to me: I have killed a young man

because he struck me.
24 If seven lives are taken to pay for killing Cain, Seventy-

seven will be taken if anyone kills me.”

Seth and Enosh
25 Adam and his wife had another son. She said, “God has
given me a son to replace Abel, whom Cain killed.” So she
named him Seth.
26 Seth had a son whom he named Enosh. It was then that

people began using the LORD's holy name in worship.

Genesis Chapter 4….a conversation

J . What is the prime message of this chapter ?

G . Firstly that because of Adam and Eve’s sin, all relationships are
now dysfunctional ie the corruption of human nature is seen here in
the way that one man views another. Instead of celebrating his
brother’s success, he is filled with envy to the point where he actually
kills him. This has the affect of intensifying the consequences of the
parents’ sin. By acting on his envy, Cain gave this sin power over him,
is mastered by it and ends up being a restless wanderer. We don’t all
do what Cain did but it is too easy to live the life of a restless
wanderer. The test is right here in asking ourselves if we are able to
enjoy the success of those close to us even when we lack. The
answer tells us whether we are at rest in contentment or alternatively
are agitated by the restlessness of envy.
J . Verse 7 says that “sin is crouching at the door”….what does this
mean ?
G . It means that sin has entered the world and now it threatens to
spread like a disease. Human nature is corrupted due to the choices
of Adam and Eve. It lies dormant within each of us until it is activated
by the will. Its like an animal in a cage. We have it within us and
when we choose to yield to it, we open the cage. Once open, it leaps
out and creates havoc in our innermost being. Like a tiger let loose in
a house, it claws the walls, tears up the furniture and smashes
everything of value. In an earlier chapter we saw God warning Adam
not to open the cage, and He says the same to us today.
J. In verse 4 and 5, God accepts Abel’s offering but rejects Cain’s.
G . God accepts Abel’s blood offering thereby giving an indication of
what was required for man to be accepted by God from now on. Cain
and Abel did not know this but had the option of just accepting God’s
verdict without argument. It’s the same for us today. God knows what
he is doing and He rarely explains Himself to us. He simply calls us to
trust Him.
J . In verse 8 God asks Cain the question “where is your brother
Abel?”. We are told that God knows everything, so why does He need
to ask such questions ?
G . We are encouraged to live by a golden rule…”Do unto others as
you would have them do unto you. “All of us want to belong, to be
valued, to be cared for, to know that someone cares about and is
thinking about us, its God’s plan for the church that sees each
member esteeming the needs of others as being of greater
importance than his own. In this verse then, God is saying to Cain….”
Are you looking out for your brother, including him, encouraging him,
valuing him, building up his faith and confidence ? “Cain’s answer that
he doesn’t know and doesn’t care either is the very antithesis of Jesus
message to His followers which is to “Show that you are my followers
by the love that you have for one another “

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