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Genesis 40

(Reading Chapter 40)

Joseph Interprets the Prisoners' Dreams

1 Some time later the king of Egypt's wine steward and his chief baker offended
the king. 2 He was angry with these two officials 3 and put them in prison in the
house of the captain of the guard, in the same place where Joseph was being
kept. 4 They spent a long time in prison, and the captain assigned Joseph as
their servant.
5 One night there in prison the wine steward and the chief baker each had a
dream, and the dreams had different meanings. 6 When Joseph came to them
in the morning, he saw that they were upset. 7 He asked them, “Why do you
look so worried today?”
8 They answered, “Each of us had a dream, and there is no one here to explain
what the dreams mean.”
“It is God who gives the ability to interpret dreams,” Joseph said. “Tell me your
9 So the wine steward said, “In my dream there was a grapevine in front of me
10 with three branches on it. As soon as the leaves came out, the blossoms
appeared, and the grapes ripened. 11 I was holding the king's cup; so I took the
grapes and squeezed them into the cup and gave it to him.”
12 Joseph said, “This is what it means: the three branches are three days. 13 In
three days the king will release you, pardon you, and restore you to your
position. You will give him his cup as you did before when you were his wine
steward. 14 But please remember me when everything is going well for you,
and please be kind enough to mention me to the king and help me to get out of
this prison. 15 After all, I was kidnapped from the land of the Hebrews, and even
here in Egypt I didn't do anything to deserve being put in prison.”
16 When the chief baker saw that the interpretation of the wine steward's dream
was favourable, he said to Joseph, “I had a dream too; I was carrying three
bread baskets on my head. 17 In the top basket there were all kinds of pastries
for the king, and the birds were eating them.”
18 Joseph answered, “This is what it means: the three baskets are three days.
19 In three days the king will release you — and have your head cut off! Then
he will hang your body on a pole, and the birds will eat your flesh.”
20 On his birthday three days later the king gave a banquet for all his officials;
he released his wine steward and his chief baker and brought them before his
officials. 21 He restored the wine steward to his former position, 22 but he
executed the chief baker. It all happened just as Joseph had said. 23 But the
wine steward never gave Joseph another thought — he forgot all about him.

Chapter 40

Steward: (재산, 가사 따위를 맡아보는)집사, 관리인
Offend: ~의 비위를 건드리다, ~을 위반하다, 범하다
Official: 관료, 관리, 공무원
Assign: 선임하다, 임명하다, 지명하다

1 Some time later the king of Egypt's wine steward and his chief baker
offended the king. 2 He was angry with these two officials 3 and put them
in prison in the house of the captain of the guard, in the same place where
Joseph was being kept. 4 They spent a long time in prison, and the
captain assigned Joseph as their servant.

1 얼마 뒤에(Some time later) 이집트 왕의(the king of Egypt) 술을 담당하는

관리인(wine steward)과 그의 빵 굽은 우두머리(chief baker)가 왕의 비위를 건
드렸다(offended the king). 2 그(왕)는 화가 나 있었다(was angry) 이 두명의
관료에게(with two officials) 3 그리고 그들을 감옥에 넣었다(put them in
prison) 경비대장(captain of the guard)의 집에 있는(in the house). 같은 장소
에(in the same place) 요셉도 있었다(Joseph was being kept). 4 그들은 보냈
다(They spent) 오랜 시간을(a long time) 감옥에서(in prison) 그리고 대장은
임명했다(assigned) 요셉을 그들의 하인으로(as their servant).
다시 영어원문을 잘 듣고 매끄러운 한국말로 직접 동시통역을 해 보세요 (Listen
carefully again and this time you translate it into Korean by yourself according to
correct Korean grammar)
1 Some time later the king of Egypt's wine steward and his chief baker
offended the king. 2 He was angry with these two officials 3 and put them
in prison in the house of the captain of the guard, in the same place where
Joseph was being kept. 4 They spent a long time in prison, and the
captain assigned Joseph as their servant.

Have a dream: 꿈을 꾸다
Meanings: 의미, 뜻
In the morning: 아침에
Upset: 형 (몸의) 상태가 좋지 않은, 당황한, 혼란한 동 ~을 뒤엎다, ~의 마음을
어지럽히다, 어쩔줄 모르게 하다
Worry: 근심하다, 걱정하다, 고민하다

5 One night there in prison the wine steward and the chief baker each had
a dream, and the dreams had different meanings. 6 When Joseph came to
them in the morning, he saw that they were upset. 7 He asked them, “Why
do you look so worried today?”

5 어느 날 밤 감옥 안 거기에서(one night there in prison) 술 맡은 관리인과

빵 굽는 우두머리는 각각 꿈을 꾸었다(had a dream) 그리고 그 꿈들은 다른
뜻을 가지고 있었다(had different meanings) 6 요셉이 그들에게 왔을 때
(came to them) 아침에(in the morning) 그(요셉)은 보았다 그들이 어쩔 줄 몰
라하는 것을(that they were upset) 7 그(요셉)은 그들에게 물어보았다 “왜 당
신들은 보이느냐(Why do you look) 그렇게 근심스럽게(so worried) 오늘
다시 영어원문을 잘 듣고 매끄러운 한국말로 직접 동시통역을 해 보세요 (Listen
carefully again and this time you translate it into Korean by yourself according to
correct Korean grammar)
5 One night there in prison the wine steward and the chief baker each had
a dream, and the dreams had different meanings. 6 When Joseph came to
them in the morning, he saw that they were upset. 7 He asked them, “Why
do you look so worried today?”

Answer: 대답하다
Explain: ~을 설명하다, 알기 쉽게 하다
Mean: ~을 의미하다, 뜻하다
Ability: 능력, 역량, 할 수 있음
Interpret: 해석하다, ~의 뜻을 풀다
It is ~ who - : -할 사람은 바로 ~이다

8 They answered, “Each of us had a dream, and there is no one here to

explain what the dreams mean.”
“It is God who gives the ability to interpret dreams,” Joseph said. “Tell me
your dreams.”
8 그들은 대답했다 “우리가 각각(each of us) 꿈을 꾸었다(have a dream) 그리
고 여기에는 아무도 없다(there is no one here) 설명할(사람이)(to explain) 그
꿈들이 무엇을 의미하는지를(What the dreams mean)” “능력을 주는 자는 바
로 하나님이시다(It is God who gives the ability) 꿈을 해석할(능력을) (to
interpret dreams)” 라고 요셉이 말했다(Joseph said) “나에게 말해라(tell me)
당신들의 꿈을(your dreams)”
다시 영어원문을 잘 듣고 매끄러운 한국말로 직접 동시통역을 해 보세요 (Listen
carefully again and this time you translate it into Korean by yourself according to
correct Korean grammar)
8 They answered, “Each of us had a dream, and there is no one here to
explain what the dreams mean.”
“It is God who gives the ability to interpret dreams,” Joseph said. “Tell me
your dreams.”

Grapevine: 포도 나무(덩굴)
Branch: 가지
Come out: 나타나다, 출현하다, (꽃, 봉우리가) 피다, 벌어지다
Blossom: 꽃
Appear: 나타나다, 출현하다, ~처럼 보이다, 생각되다
Ripen: 익다, 성숙하다 형 Ripe 여문, 익은, 성숙한
Squeeze: ~을 짜내다, 압착하다, 강하게 쥐다
Hold: ~을 붙들다, 잡다, 쥐다

9 So the wine steward said, “In my dream there was a grapevine in front of
me 10 with three branches on it. As soon as the leaves came out, the
blossoms appeared, and the grapes ripened. 11 I was holding the king's
cup; so I took the grapes and squeezed them into the cup and gave it to
7 그래서 술 맡은 관리인이 말했다 “내 꿈에서(in my dream) 포도 나무가 있었
다(there was a grapevine) 내 앞에(in front of me) 10 세개의 가지를 가진
(with three branches) 그것(포도 나무)에(on it) 잎이 나오자마자(as soon as
the leaves came out) 꽃들이 나왔고(the blossoms appeared) 그리고 포도가
익었다(the grapes ripened) 11 나는 왕의 컵을 붙잡고 있었다(I was holding)
그래서(so) 나는 포도를 잡고(took the grape) 그들을 쥐어 짰다(squeezed
them) 컵 안으로(into the cup) 그리고 그것을 그(왕)에게 주었다(gave it to
다시 영어원문을 잘 듣고 매끄러운 한국말로 직접 동시통역을 해 보세요 (Listen
carefully again and this time you translate it into Korean by yourself according to
correct Korean grammar)
9 So the wine steward said, “In my dream there was a grapevine in front of
me 10 with three branches on it. As soon as the leaves came out, the
blossoms appeared, and the grapes ripened. 11 I was holding the king's
cup; so I took the grapes and squeezed them into the cup and gave it to

Release: ~을 풀어주다, 놓아주다
(의무, 고통, 속박 따위에서) ~을 해방하다, 석방하다
Pardon: (죄 따위를) 용서하다
Restore: ~을 회복하다, (원래의 장소, 지위 따위로) ~을 되돌리다, 복귀시키다
Position: 지위, 신분

12 Joseph said, “This is what it means: the three branches are three days.
13 In three days the king will release you, pardon you, and restore you to
your position. You will give him his cup as you did before when you were
his wine steward.

12 요셉은 말했다 ”이것이 그것(꿈)이 의미하는 것(what it means)이다”라고

세개의 가지는 삼일이다 13 삼일 안에(in three days) 왕은 당신을 풀어주고
(release you) 용서하고(pardon you) 그리고 당신을 복귀시킨다(restore you)
당신의 신분(지위)까지(to your position) 당신은 그(왕)에게 그의 컵을 줄 것이
다(you will give him his cup) 당신이 전에 했던 것 처럼(as you did before) 당
신이 그(왕)의 술 관리인 일 때(when you were his wine steward)
다시 영어원문을 잘 듣고 매끄러운 한국말로 직접 동시통역을 해 보세요 (Listen
carefully again and this time you translate it into Korean by yourself according to
correct Korean grammar)
12 Joseph said, “This is what it means: the three branches are three days.
13 In three days the king will release you, pardon you, and restore you to
your position. You will give him his cup as you did before when you were
his wine steward.

Remember: ~을 생각해 내다, 상기하다, ~을 기억하고 있다
Kind: 친절한, 마음씨 고운, 인정 많은
Mention: ~에 대해 말하다, 언급하다, ~의 이름을 말하다
Get out of: ~에서 나오다, ~에서 내리다(get out of a car)
After all: 결국, 마침내, 드디어
Kidnap: (어린이)를 유괴하다,(사람)을 납치하다
Deserve: ~할 가치(자격, 권리)가 있다, ~을 받을 만하다, 마땅히 ~할 만하다

14 But please remember me when everything is going well for you, and
please be kind enough to mention me to the king and help me to get out of
this prison. 15 After all, I was kidnapped from the land of the Hebrews, and
even here in Egypt I didn't do anything to deserve being put in prison.”
14 그러나 미안하지만(please) 나를 기억해 주시요(remember me) 모든 것이
잘 되고 있을 때(when everything is going well) 당신을 위해(for you) 그리고
제발(please) 넉넉한(enough) 인정을 베푸시오(be kind) 왕에게 나에 대해 말
하는 것에(to mention me to the king) 그리고 나를 돕는 것에(help me) 이 감
옥에서 나오도록(to get out of this prison) 15 결국(after all) 나는 납치되었다
(was kidnapped) 히브리 땅으로 부터(from the land of the Hebrews) 그리고
이집트인 여기서 조차(even here in Egypt) 나는 어떤 것도 하지 않았다(I
didn’t do anything) 마땅히 감옥에 있어야 할(어떤 것)(to deserve being put
in prison)
다시 영어원문을 잘 듣고 매끄러운 한국말로 직접 동시통역을 해 보세요 (Listen
carefully again and this time you translate it into Korean by yourself according to
correct Korean grammar)
14 But please remember me when everything is going well for you, and
please be kind enough to mention me to the king and help me to get out of
this prison. 15 After all, I was kidnapped from the land of the Hebrews, and
even here in Egypt I didn't do anything to deserve being put in prison.”

Interpretation: 해석, 해설, 해독
Favourable: 호의적인, 우호적인
Pastry: 가루반죽, 가루반죽 과자

16 When the chief baker saw that the interpretation of the wine steward's
dream was favourable, he said to Joseph, “I had a dream too; I was
carrying three bread baskets on my head. 17 In the top basket there were
all kinds of pastries for the king, and the birds were eating them.”
16 빵 굽는 우두머리가 보았을 때(when the chief baker saw) 술 맡은 관리의
꿈에 대한 해석이 호의적이었다는 것을(that the interpretation of wine
steward’s dream was favorable) 그는 요셉에게 말했다(he said to Joseph) “
나 역시(too) 꿈을 꾸었다, 나는 운반하였다(I was carrying) 세 개의 빵 광주리
를(three bread baskets) 내 머리 위에(on my head) 17 맨 위 광주리 안에(in
the top basket) 모든 종류의(all kinds of) 가루반죽 과자가 있었다 왕을 위한
(모든 종류의 가루반죽 과자) 그리고 새들이 그것들을 먹고 있었다(were
다시 영어원문을 잘 듣고 매끄러운 한국말로 직접 동시통역을 해 보세요 (Listen
carefully again and this time you translate it into Korean by yourself according to
correct Korean grammar)
16 When the chief baker saw that the interpretation of the wine steward's
dream was favourable, he said to Joseph, “I had a dream too; I was
carrying three bread baskets on my head. 17 In the top basket there were
all kinds of pastries for the king, and the birds were eating them.”

Cut off: ~을 잘라내다, 절단하다
Flesh: (인간, 동물의)살, 고기, (the~)(정신, 영혼과 구별하여)육체, 신체(body)
Release: ~을 풀어주다, 놓아주다
(의무, 고통, 속박 따위에서) ~을 해방하다, 석방하다
18 Joseph answered, “This is what it means: the three baskets are three
days. 19 In three days the king will release you — and have your head cut
off! Then he will hang your body on a pole, and the birds will eat your

18 요셉은 대답하였다 ”이것이 의미하는 것(what It means)이다: 세개의 광주

리는 삼일이다 19 삼일 안에(in three days) 왕은 당신을 놓아 줄 것이다 – 그
리고 당신의 머리를 자를 것이다(have your head cut off) 그리고 나서(then) 당
신의 몸을 기둥에 매달것이다(hang your body on a pole) 그리고 새들이 당신
의 살을 먹을 것이다(the birds will eat your flesh)
다시 영어원문을 잘 듣고 매끄러운 한국말로 직접 동시통역을 해 보세요 (Listen
carefully again and this time you translate it into Korean by yourself according to
correct Korean grammar)
18 Joseph answered, “This is what it means: the three baskets are three
days. 19 In three days the king will release you — and have your head cut
off! Then he will hang your body on a pole, and the birds will eat your

Banquet: 연회, 향연, 축연
Restore: ~을 회복하다, (원래의 장소, 지위 따위로) ~을 되돌리다, 복귀시키다
Execute: ~을 사형에 처하다, (계획, 명령, 일 따위)를 실행하다, 실시하다
Bring: (사람)을 데려오다, ~에게 데리고 가다

20 On his birthday three days later the king gave a banquet for all his
officials; he released his wine steward and his chief baker and brought
them before his officials. 21 He restored the wine steward to his former
position, 22 but he executed the chief baker. It all happened just as Joseph
had said. 23 But the wine steward never gave Joseph another thought —
he forgot all about him.
20 삼일 뒤(three days later) 그의 생일날(on his birthday) 왕은 연회를 가졌다
(have a banquet) 모든 그의 관료들을 위해(for all his officials); 그는 놓아 주
었다(release) 그의 술 맡은 관리인과 빵 굽는 우두머리를 그리고 그들을 데리
고 왔다(brought them) 그의 관료들 앞에(before his officials) 21 그는 술 맡
는 관리인을 복귀시켰다(he restored the wine steward) 이전의 지위까지(to
his former position) 23 그러나 술 맡은 관리인은 요셉에게 다른 생각을 주지
않았다(요셉을 생각하지 않았다) – 그는 요셉에 대한 모든 것을 잊고 있었다(he
forgot all about him)
다시 영어원문을 잘 듣고 매끄러운 한국말로 직접 동시통역을 해 보세요 (Listen
carefully again and this time you translate it into Korean by yourself according to
correct Korean grammar)
20 On his birthday three days later the king gave a banquet for all his
officials; he released his wine steward and his chief baker and brought
them before his officials. 21 He restored the wine steward to his former
position, 22 but he executed the chief baker. It all happened just as Joseph
had said. 23 But the wine steward never gave Joseph another thought —
he forgot all about him.

(Reading Chapter 40 again)

Joseph Interprets the Prisoners' Dreams

1 Some time later the king of Egypt's wine steward and his chief baker offended
the king. 2 He was angry with these two officials 3 and put them in prison in the
house of the captain of the guard, in the same place where Joseph was being
kept. 4 They spent a long time in prison, and the captain assigned Joseph as
their servant.
5 One night there in prison the wine steward and the chief baker each had a
dream, and the dreams had different meanings. 6 When Joseph came to them
in the morning, he saw that they were upset. 7 He asked them, “Why do you
look so worried today?”
8 They answered, “Each of us had a dream, and there is no one here to explain
what the dreams mean.”
“It is God who gives the ability to interpret dreams,” Joseph said. “Tell me your
9 So the wine steward said, “In my dream there was a grapevine in front of me
10 with three branches on it. As soon as the leaves came out, the blossoms
appeared, and the grapes ripened. 11 I was holding the king's cup; so I took the
grapes and squeezed them into the cup and gave it to him.”
12 Joseph said, “This is what it means: the three branches are three days. 13 In
three days the king will release you, pardon you, and restore you to your
position. You will give him his cup as you did before when you were his wine
steward. 14 But please remember me when everything is going well for you,
and please be kind enough to mention me to the king and help me to get out of
this prison. 15 After all, I was kidnapped from the land of the Hebrews, and even
here in Egypt I didn't do anything to deserve being put in prison.”
16 When the chief baker saw that the interpretation of the wine steward's dream
was favourable, he said to Joseph, “I had a dream too; I was carrying three
bread baskets on my head. 17 In the top basket there were all kinds of pastries
for the king, and the birds were eating them.”
18 Joseph answered, “This is what it means: the three baskets are three days.
19 In three days the king will release you — and have your head cut off! Then
he will hang your body on a pole, and the birds will eat your flesh.”
20 On his birthday three days later the king gave a banquet for all his officials;
he released his wine steward and his chief baker and brought them before his
officials. 21 He restored the wine steward to his former position, 22 but he
executed the chief baker. It all happened just as Joseph had said. 23 But the
wine steward never gave Joseph another thought — he forgot all about him.

(동시통역 – 영어를 한국어로)

Translation from Korean to English

(생활영어- English Conversation)

Advanced English conversation.

GENESIS Chapter 40….A conversation.

J. Verse one starts of saying “Some time later’… do we

know how long Joseph was in prison before these events
took place ?
G. Not precisely, no. We can deduce though that it was not
just a very short time as it was long enough for Joseph to
establish his trustworthiness with the captain of the guard
and therefore be entrusted with the care of two high
ranking officials when they were jailed. It illustrates how
important it is to acquit ourselves to the best of our ability
no matter what the circumstances we find ourselves in.
J . Joseph was imprisoned because of false accusations…. It
would be understandable if he was bitter about it.
G . Humanly speaking thats quite true and when things go
against us through no fault of our own, it requires faith to
trust that God has everything in control and that he will
work our situation out for ours and His peoples good. Joseph
shows in verse 14,15 that he was very human in this
regard and when the chance came he was quick to try to
help himself rather than just wait on the Lord. This may be
the reason that the wine steward forgot all about Joseph as
soon as he was released, an injustice on the face of it but in
God’s economy necessary time invested to make sure that
HIS man on the spot (Joseph) was fully ready in character
and faith when it came time for him to be God’s person to
save the nation and his own family.
J . The chapter is about dreams and their interpretation….do
both come from God ?
G . The Bible is full of accounts of God warning of danger
ahead by giving visions and dreams to his servants,
prophets and followers of all types, so God giving these
dreams to two of Pharoe’s officials is no surprise ; after all
if God can use a donkey to warn of danger then a baker and
a wine steward appear quite ordinary. The interpretation of
dreams is not quite so ‘normal’ and this gift is given to
relatively few in the Bible record. No doubt about the fact
that Joseph was one of these as we are told that he was
something of a ‘dreamer’ and while we are only told of one
other interpretation(where the sun and stars bowed down)
we can safely assume that he had many others which he
shared with his family and as they proved to be correct,
had his faith built up in himself as being blessed by God
with this special ability.
J . Shouldn’t Joseph has intervened to try to save the
baker ?
G . Yes, the Bible tells it how it is (no frills) sometimes and
that can shock us a bit. The fact is though that that’s how it
was at that time; the king had total power and authority
and if he passed judgement on somebody, that was it….no
right of appeal, no clever lawyers to be brought in, no legal
aid, no last minute pardons….the word of the king could not
be challenged. Happily those who belong to God’s family
are in a very much better position as they have someone
to plead their case(Jesus), someone who has himself
experienced the full range of human trials and so is able to
fully empathise with them, help them and stand with them
before the King of Kings.

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