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,JNC 19`1G VOLUME i, NO . 3

The test for cervical cancer may well be doing more harm than good,

The smear
claims an expert at Dublin's Trinity College .

Recently, I received another "Dear Ms. particularly among the poor, considered
McTaggart" letter from my doctor invit- most at risk . ,
ing me to come in for a cervical smear
test, this one a bit more insistent ("I `The test is so And under the new NHS regulations,
we can expect more intense pressure on
would like to stress how important it is to women to take the test with greater
have regular smear tests . . .") since I'd
ignored an earlier reminder. It arrived
inaccurate as to frequency as the fee-per-smear-test-
performed becomes part of a doctor's
with a Health Education Authority
leaflet claiming that of the many women be virtually bread and butter work . (After 1 April
doctors get bonus pay only if more than
who die from cervical cancer every year, So per cent of the women on their lists
"nine out of ten of these have never had
the simple, quick and painless test that
pointless.' receive the tests and triple the bonus pay
if 8o per cent take it .) But who would
might have saved their lives." quarrel with the benefits of a simple,
Like most women, I carry around this painless, risk-free test that promises to
image of cervical cancer as a sort of with periodic tests like this around to eradicate a common killer of the fair sex?
anti-ballistic missile, able to strike ap- catch it well in time . Professor James McCormick of the
parently randomly at any moment. Under Britain's current, haphazard Department of Public Health at Dublin's
This anxiety is largely propagated by screening programme, some three mil- Trinity College, for one, would. In an
pamphlets like one I picked up recently, lion smears are performed every year, at article published in The Lancet in its
sponsored by Durex (and, not sur- an estimated cost, if doctors, nurses' and "Dogma Disputed" section, Professor
prisingly, advocating the control of lab time is figured into the total, of £to to McCormick, after studying much of the
cervical cancer through the use of barrier 00 per woman screened . Although there available medical literature on the sub-
contraception) : "Unfortunately," it is no overall national government policy, ject, concluded: "There is no clear
reads, "cervical cancer could happen to most GPs regard cervical cancer screen- evidence that this screening is beneficial,
almost any woman, for no one knows ing as part of standard good practice, and it may well be doing more harm than
exactly how it is caused." recommending that all women between good."
And also like most women I have the ages of 2o and 65 repeat the test every With Professor's McCormick's assis-
grown up with the notion of the prime three to five years. An article recently tance, WDDTY also studied the medical
facie benefits of the Pap smear, named published in The Lancet (13 January literature and came up with the following
after a fellow named George Papanico- 1990) now recommends that the screen- conclusions .
laou, who first developed it. This simple, ing be carried on in women over 65, Cervical cancer is not the massive killer
relatively painless test involves scraping a considered a high risk group. it's often made out to be. Although some
small sample of tissue from the neck of The pap smear has even become a 2,000 women get cervical cancer every
the womb, and sending a slide of it to a feminist issue, with advocates claiming year, that represents less than one-sixth
lab for analysis . I have been led to believe that a well organized screening pro- of the number of women who contract
that I can strike this particular ailment off gramme would save the thousands of breast cancer. In The Health ,Scandal,
the list of potential deathbed scenarios, women lost every year to the disease, author Dr Vernon Coleman (see p.8)


Special report : Smear Tests Patients get struck of Books: Planning for a Healthy Baby;
The test for cervical cancer is doctors and HRT; Food Allergy and Intolerance; special
probably doing more harm than good . what doctors read . offer for WDDTY readers.

Guest column: Deborah Jackson Q&A: Dietary treatment Second Opinion: Vernon Coleman
Theculpritin cot deathmay well be the cot. for multiple sclerosis. The Marketing of Medicine.
kY hat Doctors Don't bell You, d Wallace Road, London 1t 2PG . Editor Lynne McTaggart Reporter at Large Anon Verghis Editorial Assistant Amanda Hibbs I xpexi h% Bidder
Bone & Cliffs Ltd printed b% McCarthy Information Ltd. publisher Bryan Hubbard. Cc Start Enterprises Ltd . No part of this publication max he reproduced -shout permission .
says that cervical cancer doesn't even common contention that things would be With this kind of poor batting average,
make the top to causes of death among worst but for the test . Dr Coleman claims we're probably subjecting large numbers of
women, falling behind breast, lung, the test only saves between five and seven healthy women to potentially risky treat-
colon, stomach, ovarian, even pancreatic per cent of women with the disease. ments. The conventional treatment for
cancers . The test itself is so inaccurate as to be early "precancerous" lesions employs a
The entire smear campaign may be based virtually pointless. There is no guarantee colposcopy (a magnifying glass with
nn a faulty assumption. that abnorma4 or that the test will pick up the fact that you light) and biopsy, diathermy (where heat
"precancerous"; cells on the cervix lead to have cancer and a fair likelihood that you is used to burn the abnormal cells) or
cancer. This has been presumed because will be given a false positive - that is, told cyotherapy (a freezing probe which
medicine knows that cervical cancer you have an abnormality that doesn't freezes the outlaw calls). These pro-
progresses slowly and that if caught early exist. In the aforementioned January 13 cedures can all cause hemorrhage, an
enough it can be cured. There are four Lancet article, the authors admit to false incompetent or narrowed cervix, which
categories of abnormal lesions, or "cervi- negative rates of between 7 and 6o per will affect a woman's ability to carry a
cal interstitial neoplasia" : CIN I, II, III cent . pregnancy full term, and unnecessary
and cancer. The reason the test is so unreliable, hysterectomy.
What we don't know is whether the In Male Practice: How Doctors Man-
early lesions - that is, those ipulate Women, Dr Robert Mendelsohn
in the CIN I and II categories - will go on tells the story of a colleague of his whose
to develop cancer, or even what to do `Interpretation wife received a positive reading. She
about them . Professor McCormick cites went ahead with a cone biopsy, which
a study published in the British Medical
journal examining the accuracy of cytol-
varies widely, caused such excessive bleeding that she
had to have an emergency hysterectomy,
ogy screening. The study demonstrates during which she almost died from the
that some to per cent of women screened depending on anaesthesia. All because of a test that
have cervical abnormalities, "most of might have been wrong in the first place!
which," says Professor McCormick,
"would not progress to cancer."
who is looking Speaking of hysterectomy, it can also
be carried out as a just-in-case measure,
Medicine also doesn't really understand says Professor McCormick. Echoing the
the usual progression of this kind of cancer. at the slides .' views of many doctors, the Durex
Some cervical cancers appear to regress if pamphlet on the subject blithely suggests
left alone, while others progress so that hysterectomy may be the treatment
rapidly that the three to five year gap of choice for "women who have completed
recommended by most screening pro- says Professor McCormick, is that inter- their families" (italics mine). Professor
grammes would fail to pick them up in pretation of results varies so widely, McCormick also mentions the published
time. Dr Coleman points to a tg78 article depending on who is looking at the reports of the risks of cross infection from
published in The Lancet which conclud- slides . You could even get a different improperly sterilized speculums, the
ed that one-third of all biopsies (one of interpretation from the same person instrument used to perform the test .
the treatments for cervical cancer, in looking at the same slide on separate So how do you protect yourself against
which a portion of the cervix is removed) occasions. This is particularly so, says cervical cancer, or - more importantly
are likely to have been performed on Professor McCormick, for "the minor - the test itself? Professor McCormick
lesions that were either inconsequential changes that give rise to most reported says the most important early warning
or likely to disappear if left alone. abnormalities" . (early enough in most cases, for treat-
The test hasn't been shown to save lives Then there is the problem of large ment) may be any sort of inter-menstrual
its am countn, inhere it has been in- numbers of smears being technically not bleeding, for instance, after coitus or a
troduced. If the Pap smear were saving up to scratch . Dr . Coleman cites an persistent vaginal discharge. The likeli-
those 2000 lives lost every year, no one article in Modern Medicine by Dr. hood of cervical cancer increases with
would quarrel with the programme. To Chandra Grubb, who heads the Depart- the number of sexual partners, smoking,
date, however, there has never been the ment of Cytology at the Royal Free and taking the Pill or other estrogens, wheth-
sort of randomized controlled trial ne- University College Hospital in London . er you've had any sexually transmitted
cessary to prove it is actually doing any Dr. Grubb reported that some to per cent disease or begun your sexual life early.
good . of all smears sent to cytology depart- If you don't fall into any of those
In fact, every study shows the oppo- ments are useless and a further 40 per categories, be wary of your doctor
site . The only area in Canada, for cent, of limited usefulness because doc- pressurizing you into taking the test,
instance, where screening has been tors haven't taken the smear correctly or particularly as he now stands to benefit
universally adopted is British Columbia, have taken it from the wrong site . financially from it. And if you get a "Dear
nevertheless, the death rate of cervical Screening tests such as the Pap smear Patient" letter, you might respond with a
cancer there matches the death rate of are judged on the basis of their sensitivity "Dear Doctor" letter, explaining that
the rest of the country. (ability of the test to detect the disease) you do not wish to be subjected to a test
In the UK, the death rate fell before and specificity (its ability to identify that has never been shown to do any
the test was introduced and has remained those who don't have it). On both good and certainly is doing some women
stubbornly at this 2000 figure ever since. accounts, concludes Professor McCor- unnecessary harm .
And there is no evidence to support the mick, "this test is useless" . Lynne McTaggart

Dying of loneliness
by Deborah Jackson from respiratory illness . These are all especially during the shifts from reflexive
Many thousands of pounds are chan- factors traditionally believed to contri- behaviour to controlled behaviour.
nelled into studying the possible reasons bute to the likelihood of cot death. One of the most important changes a
for the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. It is also known that SIDS is rare in human baby has to make is in the way it
SIDS, also know as "cot death", accounts Malaysia and among North American breathes, in order to vocalize speech .
for up to half the deaths of children in Asians . These families share many sim- The baby has to learn how to make
Britain between the ages of one week and ilarities in the raising of their children, purposeful, non-crying noises before he
two years. Ninety per cent of the babies including sleeping with them while they can learn languages. In the first year of
die before they reach nine months. are small. Many Asian families in the life, his breathing slows from 87 to
Apart from hints that breastfed babies West live in extremely crowded con- around 47 breaths per minute. And
are less likely to die from SIDS, that ditions. Children and babies may have between two and four months, the time
outdoor deaths are more common in no choice but to share bedspace. when a baby is changing his breathing
winter, and less in Sweden, and more So what could be the connection patterns, he is at his most succeptible to
babies die on a Saturday, no one really between solitary sleeping and SIDS? SIDS . He is also most responsive at this
knows when cot death will strike . But it Susan Band, administrator of the Foun- time to the benefits of touch.
appears that children in some societies Dr. McKenna works on the theory that
are far less likely to die from the Tbrrs t» a Bed if a baby is stimulated to breathe by
syndrome than others . movement of the womb, then a newborn
French birth pioneer Michael Odent, thrl owpr# In cot child will be similarly stimulated by the
travelling in China in 1977, asked medi- parent at his side. We really are a
cal professionals about the pheoomenon Cot its' carrying species; and the infant expects
of cot death. No one knew what he was clodloofto to be always with his mother or guardian .
talking about. Later, in correspondence McKenna demonstrates that ves-
with The Lancet, Dr Odent reported his tibular stimulation (e.g . breathing move-
findings : ". .. the concept of sudden dation for the Study of Infant Death, says ments of the adult's chest when asleep),
infant death . . . was apparently unknown that SIDS is "just as likely" whether the rocking, touch and heat exchange all
among professionals and lay people in cot is in the parents' bedroom or in a help to promote the health and easy
such different places as Peking, Hsian, nursery. In neither case does the baby breathing of the infant . Gas exchange
Loyang, Nanking, Shanghai, and Can- have genuine long-term contact with may also be an important factor. The
ton. Furthermore I learned that Chinese another human being. It could be that the baby sleeping next to his parents is likely
babies sleep with their mothers, even in cot itself is a factor in cot death. to breathe in carbon dioxide, a chemical
the most westernized families . .. Ever In his paper, An Anthropological stimulant to take the next breath . ". . . the
since then I have held the view that, even Perspective on SIDS, medical anth- infant's upper nasal chemo-receptors
if it happens during the day, cot death is ropologist James McKenna of Pomona may receive enough of its parent's CO; to
a disease of babies who spend their College, Claremont, who leads the field increase the chance of a brain stem-
nights in an atmosphere of loneliness and of research into the holistic answer to inspired inspiration," he writes .
that cot death is a disease of societies SIDS, gathers a wealth of evidence that Dr McKenna does not present co-
where the nuclear family has taken over." supports this thesis. The foetus begins to sleeping of baby and parents as a
(The Lancet, as January 1986). breathe rhythmically up to three months complete solution to cot death, any more
In a high density city such as Hong before birth. Studies have shown that than solitary sleeping is the cause of it .
Kong, where families are crowded into sensory stimulation (e .g . the rocking of But he says that the baby's dependence
high-rise apartments, infants are rarely the mother as she walks) keeps the on his mother is a compelling reason for
alone. Professor D.P . Davies, a paediatri- unborn child breathing regularly. not separating them at night.
cian working in the Prince of Wales At birth, the infant has a natural Until further studies are made, we can
Hospital in Hong Kong, is the author of a immunity to cot death. This may be only speculate on the nature and im-
study demonstrating that cot death is because of a natural gasping reflex, plications of complementary breathing.
rare among the Chinese community which gets the baby breathing when in A full understanding could revolutionize
there. He concludes that the crowded danger of suffocation . The reflex is lost our view of the relationship between
lifestyle of the Chinese population in after a few weeks, however, as the higher mother and baby, and change our
Hong Kong may play an important part brain takes over and begins to control the assumptions about the level of independ-
in keeping SIDS at bay. His findings are child's development. As this happens, ence an infant can tolerate. Making our
particularly surprising, because most the baby "re-engages" with the mother, babies sleep alone at night is a risk we
babies in Hong Kong are bottle-fed, becoming more dependent on her. The perhaps cannot afford to take.
overheating is common in the hot and child is vulnerable to errors in brain- Three in a Bed (Bloomsbury), is now
humid climate, and many children suffer controlled functions (such as breathing), available for C5.99.



Doctors, "ignorant" about the bone the National Cancer Institute of the US, a Sunday Times, 4 February
disease osteoporosis which is common in view shared by research groups in other WOMB OPERATION BABY DIES IN
older women, are being "educated" by countries. MOTHER'S ARMS
the Office of I-Iealth Economics. Unfor- But not only did the OHE researchers Sunday Times, it February
tunately, the ignorance doesn't end at the overlook those findings - or, rather,
Men who have had vasectomies may
surgery door. choose to downplay them - they also
face a higher risk of cancer of the testes,
The ()111 :, despite its government- ignored even more recent research
according to a study carried out in
sounding name, is in fact sponsored by reported in the New England Journal of
Edinburgh and Bangour, West Lothian.
teh pharmaceutical industry . It has Medicine last December . A study team
The study group, which reported their
produced a report that not only enlight- discovered that women were less likely to
findings in the British Medical Journal,
ens doctors about the disease, but also suffer from osteoporosis if they took 220
found testicular cancer in S of the 3,079
goes on to recommend hormone re- International Units of Vitamin I) a day.
men with vasectomies examined, or four
placement therapy (IIRT). Osteoporosis is a major problem in
times the number they expected .
I IR f, savs the report, is one of the older women . Up to one in four who are
This coincided with other studies
most eflcctive ways of treating osteorosis . over 6o and one in two women in their
showing an increase incidence in tes-
It does admit to some "concern" about a 70s will suffer an osteoporotic fracture,
ticular cancer, although they had been
possible link between IIRT and cancer although a recent survey revealed 20 per
explained by cancers existing before the
(if the breast and endometrium, the cent of British (;Ps had never identified a
time of the vasectomies .
womh lining, but claims the benefits far single case among their patients .
Mr Alexander Cale and his colleagues
outweigh the risks. As WDDTY reported, most British
at Bangour General Hospital also say that
I lowever, the health Research Group women are reluctant to take drugs to treat
tumours may already have started to
in the I'S has concluded that "only for symptoms of the menopause, let alone as
develop before the procedure - a pro-
women in the high-risk group may the a preventative measure.
cess accelerated by the operation .
henefits of estrogen (used in I]IRT) in The disease is both preventable
Nevertheless, he called for a large study
preventing osteoporosis outweigh the through education and treatment, the
to confirm their findings, particularly
,:on,sidcrablc risks of taking the drug". Ofi11 report says. Though educating
since vasectomy is gaining in popularity
The Health Research Group found doctors to treat the sufferer with I-IRT
as a permanent form of birth control.
that the use of estrogens increases the - and so expose her to a possible
risk o1 endometrial cancer by six to eight cancer-causing agent - hardly seems the * The Good News is . . . Department :
times. And women who take the drug way to go . Iligh-factor sun screens products may-
during menopause increase the risk of But then, of course, Vitamin 1) isn't a block out one kind of cancer causing ray.
breast cancer by So per cent, concluded drug, is it . Byt they may let through others which
may bring on wrinkles, premature aging
and skin cancer, according to one of Bri-
tain's top authorities on photobiology .

HELP GPs - LIVE IN A SLUM Dr Brian Diffey, who heads the medical
physics unit at Dryburn Hospital in Dur-
About 2000 patients have so far been An equally insightful piece comes ham, says that skin creams with a factor of
struck off their (;P's books because they from another new Sunday arrival, the Sl'1 ; (Sun Protection Factor) of to or more
arc either "uneconomic" to treat or Sunday Correspondent. Its medical writ- may be harmful when sunbathing bcause,
because they live text far away from the er suggests ways the patient can help his while absorbing the shorter wavelength
surgery. GP once the new fee-paying NHS components of the sun's ultraviolet rays
The Labour Partv has launched an reforms arc introduced next January. (U VB), they still allow through the longer
investigation into the extent of the For a start, don't call your doctor out wavelengths, known as UVA rays. This
problem after a two-year-old heart pa- at 9.sspm . Leave it until after topm and problem extends to sun beds, which emit
tient was struck off by her doctor. Elis he collects £45 . In the meantime, grand- UVA rays .
action was later condemned by health ma could tighten the tourniquet . Dr Diffey's hospital is reports a
minister Kenneth ( ;large . Give your child all the vaccinations marked increase in the number of
While the Labour Party is using the going (see the first issues of WDI)TY for patients with "skin fragility syndrome",
material to blame the situation on the the risks of one of them) and it will help mostly young women frequenting
NITS reforms, Dr James I,e Fanu be- your GP towards a f6oo cash bonus. sunbeds three and four times a week,
lieves it is nothing of the sort . Writing in But possibly the best thing you can whose skin bruises and blisters with the
the new Independent on Sunday, he do is to move into a slum . (;Ps with slightest knock.
claims that doctors are merely exercising an average of 2000 patients in a depri- Dr Diffey believes that an SPF of 4 to 6
a bit of clout on time-wasters and ved area win a jackpot D7,000 extra a times is adequate protection for sun-
shirkers . With friends like that, GPs . . . year. bathers.
The most public case of this was in taken by surgeons too junior and too
1986, when a Canadian patient accused inexperienced to do the job," leading to
BIG BUCKS FOR her doctor of putting her hand on his
privates while she was recovering from
frequent mistakes . Fatique was a possible
factor in 26 deaths.
OLD BONES benzodiazepine, given intravenously in Another report in late 1988 by the
Under the heading "Osteoporosis - a the hospital emergency room . The wom- Royal College of Surgeons studying looo
disease whose time has come", the an took him to court. The doctor's fatal accident victims estimated that one
Pharmaceutical Business News told its defence - that he was simply ask her to in three of the victims died needlessly as
readers that the latest commercial oppor- squeeze two fingers of his hand to test her a result of being cared for relatively
tunity is afforded by the interest in ability to respond to command - pre- inexperienced staff. Eight-six out of 170
osteoporosis among women's groups and vailed and he was acquitted and the patients died because they were wrongly
even scientists attending a recent confer- verdict upheld on appeal . Nevertheless diagnosed; others died from internal
ence on the subject. "Osteoporosis he has been charged by the Canadian bleeding because the junior in charge
represents an excellent therapeutic niche College of Physicians and Surgeons with didn't know the correct procedures . The
for the drug with the affected population disgraceful and unprofessional conduct report also suggests that those surgery
increasing in numbers, living longer and and has lost his license to practice . - The patients with a better than 50 per cent
requiring drug therapy from the age of 50 Lancet, 20 January 1990) chance of survival died because they
at least 20 years," said the report. This latest report is at variance with a were operated on by junior surgeons .
Small wonder, then, that drug com- column written by Dr James Le Fanu in
panies all over the world are falling over the first issue of the Independent on
themselves, diving into research and Sunday, intended as an apologia to
experimenting with a wide variety of Valium . "You're not starting me on A study of 149 patients with dyspepsia
cures . "What is surprising is that is has those, I'll never get off them," is quoted (pain, discomfort or burning in the
taken the drug industry so long to as a patient's usual response to a Valium middle or upper portion of the stomach
discover the disease," says the PBN. prescription, "as if," says Dr . Le Fanu, or lower chest) concluded that the use of
Traditionally the domain of hormone scratching his head, "this safe and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
therapy (see opposite page for possible effective drug commonly leads to addic- (NSAIDs), commonly used for arthritis,
side effects), companies are now trying tion ." Dr Le Fanu believes that you can't tend to mask early signs of life-threaten-
out such things as biphosphonate com- prove that Valium is addictive because ing peptic ulcerations, often used by the
pounds, used mainly to treat Paget's the symptoms of withdrawal are often drug. The researchers concluded : "From
disease and hypercalcaemia-linked mal- identical to those the drug is supposed to our evidence all patients taking non-
ignancies. They are also looking to the have treated. And besides which, accord- steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs must
use of calcitonin, a hormone from the ing to one report he cites, at least taking be assumed to be at risk of developing
thyroid which lowers the body's calcium Valium is better than drinking too much . peptic ulceration, with the consequent
levels . The problem with calcitonin, risk of bleeding or perforation, irrespec-
however, is that you have to administer it tive of either the presence of or the
in the muscles or under the skin, which is characteristics of dyspepsia. Non-
why most patients turn off the treatment. As many as one-third of surgical patients steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
The most novel (and PBN claims, and accident victims are dying at the should be avoided whenever possible . . ."
promising) development is a nasal spray hands of inexperienced junior doctors - The British Medical journal, to
form of calcitonin, now produced by carrying too much responsibility out of February 1990 .
Sandoz in Italy. Despite enthusiastic take hours, according to two ill-publicized
up by the Italian women, the PNB quotes reports prepared by the Royal College of
one Dr D Taylor of ICI, who worries that Surgeons and other associations.
such nasal sprays, "with absorption The Association of Anaesthetists and In an article entitled the Immunologi-
promoters will cause side effects" . - the Association of Surgeons, examining cal Complications of Transfusion,"
Pharmaceutical Business News, 16 Feb- why patients in three NHS districts died Marcela Contreras, director of the North
ruary, 1990 after surgery in 1986, concluded that the London Blood Transfusion Centre, says
surgeon was in some way to blame in that most incompatible transfusions are
about 30 per cent of cases and that junior caused by giving blood to the "wrong"
doctors were inappropriately involved in patient, ie, someone other than the one
The latest bizarre side effect of the half of these. whose blood serum was tested before the
benzodiazepines (the tranquilizers and In one-third of all emergency cases, transfusion. Although the frequency of
sleeping pills like Valium) is their ability the surgeon was no more than a fifth-year this happening is unknown and probably
to cause sexual fantasies . Some 42 cases trainee without a supervising consultant . underreported, she says that published
have been reported of women sedated Many junior staff performed surgery reports estimate the mix-up happens as
with a benzodiazepine for a dental "without prior consultation with the much as one in every thousand cases. -
operation accusing their dentist of sexual consultant surgeon in charge," said the The British Medical journal, 20 January
assault while they were under the drug. report. "Many operations were under- 1990 .

I am particularly interest- from the effects of the mercury being ovulation and develops the placenta
ed in Dr Patrick King- released into the body when the fillings during pregnancy. The synthetic variety
sley's dietary advice about are removed. I usually prescribe like Depo-Provera is prescribed to treat
multiple sclerosis. - selenium, zinc and possibly vitamin C. irregular periods or failure to men-
S.M .S., Norwich "My experience has been that MS struate, endometriosis and uterine
patients almost invariably have a B1z bleeding . Doctors often try to treat
Dr Kingsley, who has spe- deficiency, which I confirm by clinical painful periods by stopping ovulation
cialized in the treatment of diagnosis; the current routine blood tests with oral contraceptives containing a
MS victims through a com- for B1a levels have been shown to be of progestogen . Increasingly, synthetic pro-
prehensive, non-drug approach, claims limited value by the neurology depart- gesterone is also offered to older women
to have helped more than 6o per cent of ment at Kings College Hospital . taking estrogen replacement therapy, to
his patients - some looo people - to get "Finally I find that exercise is very treat the problems of menopause or
better . We asked Dr Kingsley to outline important for those people whose illness osteoporosis. This is because estrogen
his approach : is primarily a motor deficiency, not a thickens the lining of the uterus . The
"The following suggestions are, by sensory one (ie, they experience pins and progesterone is supposed to reduce this
their nature, very general, as any pro- needles)." thickening and also to prevent en-
gramme must be designed individually . dometrial cancer, which can be caused
Although diet is only one part of I've had some terrible ex- by the estrogen . Depo-Provera is oc-
treatment, as with all complementary, periences, especially with casionally used to treat kidney and breast
non-drug approaches, it is of course gynaecologists . Just re- cancer.
important. In my experience, it's worth- cently I had to undergo a America's Health Research Group
while avoiding a number of foods . I biopsy and while giving it to me, the lists the following side effects associated
would place milk products at the top of doctor wounded me. I got an infection with synthetic progesterones: bulging
the list, along with tannin, caffeine and and I spent two weeks in bed! eyes, double vision or loss of vision,
citrus fruits . Other foods to avoid include But what happened to me is years ago blindness, blood clots, strokes, persistent
the nightshade group - potatoes, toma- is even worse. I had surgery (not or abnormal vaginal bleeding, slurred
toes, aubergines and peppers. Sur- hysterectomy) for endometriosis. After speech, pains in chest and elsewhere,
prisingly, only about five per cent of my that I was given Depo-Provera injections breast lumps, mental depression, severe
patients appear to be gluten sensitive; to stop my periods for six months. I was headaches and shortness of breath . It is
since many books on MS extol the virtues wearing contact lenses . The hormone also known to cause birth defects and to
of a gluten-free diet it may be that I'm changes brought about by Depo-Provera affect many organs of the body .
missing something here. caused a slight change in the curve of my Although it used to be given in the first
. "By the time I see patients they also corneas. As a result of this the contact trimester of pregnancy in an attempt to
tend to have a problem with candidiasis, lenses scratched my corneas, and I had to prevent recurrent miscarriages, Depo-
although we don't know whether the have bilateral corneal transplants! - M. Provera's manufacturer, Upjohn, now
candida has any relation to the develop- D-L, Malibu, Calif publishes a large WARNING in its
ment of MS or whether it is just an inevi- listing in the American Phvsician's Desk
table outcome of a compromised immune We're not surprised you Reference, the US equivalent of The
system or too many antibiotics. I usually had problems with the Datasheet Compendium, the doctor's
treat the candida with a yeast-free, biopsy ; see this month's handbook of drugs uses and side effects .
anti-candida, low carbohydrate diet . cover story for other problems associated The warning states : There is no adequate
"Nearly every single MS patient I've with procedures that remove a portion of evidence that such use is effective and
treated has had an excessively high level the cervix. there is evidence of potential harm to the
of mercury. This was confirmed scientif- What we are surprised about, how- fetus when such drugs are given during
ically in the March 1989 issue of the ever, is that the doctor prescribing the first four months of pregnancy . . .
Swedish Journal of Biological Medicine, Depo-Provera didn't ask whether you Several reports suggest an association
which published a study showing that the wear contact lenses, as the drug's effect between intra-uterine exposure to
normal mercury level in the spinal fluid upon the eyes is well documented. In female sex hormones and congenital
contained 0.4 ug per liter; in the MS fact, Upjohn, its manufacturer, now anomalies, including congenital heart
victims studied, that level rose to an advises physicians to be alert for any defects and limb reduction defects. One
average of 3.0 ug per liter. I test patients changes in the eye with a view to stopping study estimated a 4.7 fold increased risk
for mercury sensitivity; and if they test the medication immediately . of limb reduction defects in infants
positive I suggest that they get the Depo-Provera, or medroxy-proges- exposed in utero to sex hormones (oral
almagam fillings in their teeth replaced, terone, as it known generically, is a contraceptives, hormone withdrawal
the most likely source of the toxic metal. progestogen, a synthetic preparation of tests for pregnancy, or attempted treat-
However, it is very important that the the female hormone progesterone. That ment for threatened abortion). Some
intended replacements be tested to make powerful hormone governs the changes of these exposures were very short
sure the person does not react. It is also in the lining of the uterus during the final and involved only a few days of
important that the patient be protected half of the menstrual cycle, and stops treatment.
Among nearly two columns of pos- AUTHOR : Belinda Barnes and Suzanne AUTHOR: Dr Jonathan Brostoff and
sible side effects in tiny print Upjohn also Gail Bradley Linda Gamlin
cautions : "Discontinue medication pend- TITLE: Planning for a Health Baby TITLE: Food Allergy and Intolerance
ing examination if there is sudden, partial PUBLISHER: Ebury Press PUBLISHER: Bloomsbury Press
or complete loss of vision . . .Ifexamination
PRICE: £6 .95 PRICE: £.4.99
reveals palilledema (swelling) or retinal
vascular lesions, medication should be Subtitled "Essential reading for all future This is an everything-you-ever-
withdrawn." Upjohn also reports in parents", this outlines the programme of needed-to-know-about-allergies type
long-term animal studies that both bea- Foresight: The Association for the Pro- book . Brostoff and Gamlin don't shy
gles and monkeys receiving doses for 9o motion of Preconceptual Care . Founder away from examining the controversy
days developed breast or uterine cancer . and co-author Belinda Barnes operates and various bones of contention among
Besides impaired liver function and a her charitable organization on the pre- medics today about allergies, including
four-fold increase in the risk of throm- mise that infertility, problems of preg- the far too common assumption that the
botic disease (ie, strokes), this drug can nancy and birth defects are largely problem (like candidiasis) is all in your
cause you to lose your periods or be caused by dietary and environmental mind or that there is no %xorkablc
infertile for up to t8 months. Interesting- factors. Many couples can eliminate treatment for it and vou'll just have to
ly, the manufacturer's warning is far these problems by following a pro- learn to live with it .
more modest on this side of the Atlantic gramme of "preconception" care months Brostoff, for one, believes that aller-
in The Datasheet Compendium. before they plan to conceive . gies can be both diagnosed and treated.
While we cannot offer any assistance The authors provide convincing evi- He advocates diagnosis through MAST
for your suffering at the hands of doctors dence of the role of negative influences allergy screening, now used at Middlesex
in the past, we can only suggest that the on pre-natal health, primarily vitamin or Hospital, which pinpoints a patients
next time someone suggests a surgical or mineral deficiencies, and excess toxic sensitivity to his environment, say, syn-
pharmaceutical approach to a gynecolo- metals such as lead or mercury on birth thetics or pets . The book elaborates his
gical problem that you study the side defects. Particularly enlightening is their "staving well" programme, which in-
effects of the powerful agents or treat- research on the role of zinc and mag- cludes standard elimination and rotation
ments being contemplated before sub- nesium on infertility and low birth diets, sometimes combined with desen-
jecting your body to them . And for all weight babies . They also offer indispen- sitization techniques, which entail being
other readers we would strongly recom- sible advice on the sort of diet and injected with the offending substance in
mend that you think very carefully supplementation programme that will minute doses until one builds up a
before taking this drug . boost your health before, during and temporary tolerance to it. Although we
after pregnancy. quibble with some of Brostoff's advice,
Mrs. Barnes' "proof" of her success is such as maintaining hyperactive children
the scores of case studies she enumerates on d-ugs while investigating whether the
of formerly infertile couples or those with problem is food allergy, his book is well
a history of miscarriage who follow her set out and easy to dip into for quick
programme and go on the produce reference.
healthy, good sized babies . Amanda Hibbs

Advisory Board
The Health Scandal by well known British Send us your most pressing medical questions. While we regret we cannot
medical critic, author and columnist Ver- reply to your queries personally or on the telephone we are happy to put
your questions to the appropriate doctor or organization on our panel and
non Coleman is now available in paper-
publish his or her suggestions in future issues. The views expressed in this
back by Mandarin . However, as a special publication are not necessarily those of the editorial panel.
offer to WDDTY readers, we are able to
offer the hardcover version of the book at
£4 .99, the same price of the paperback, a Dr Leo Gafand Annentarie Colbin
saving of £8 over its £12.99 cover price. Dr Michel Odent Dr Helen Dziemidko
Exposing many unnecessary or dan- Dr Jean Monro Dr Andrew Strigner
Dr Patrick Kingsley Clio Pinkney
gerous drugs and procedures in both DrJ. R. Mansfield The Doctor's People
traditional and alternative medicine, Dr Kai Kermaia Foresight
Coleman makes a convincing argument Dr Alan Franklin La Leche League Great Bri
that most medicine is bad for your health . Dr Belinda Bastes (breastfeeding advice)
If you would like your hardback copy at Dr Vieky Rippere Active Birth Centre
Dr M. J. Radclife The Hyperactive Child
the special rate, send a cheque made out
Dr J. Anthony M Support Group
to The Health Scandal for £5.49, which
Tony Newbury National Society for
includes 5op postage to WDDTY at our Research into Allergy
Jack Levenson
address, and we will send on the cheque
to Dr Coleman's agents .

The marketin of medicine

oday the drugs industry has a Britain spends aroun £Zoo million on mation about new drugs and on teaching
very tight hold over the medi- selling its drugs to doctors. That means doctors about the problems and side
cal profession . Most practising that each year the drug companies spend effects associated with modern treat-
doctors get most or all of their around £5,ooo persuading each family ments. And the average doctor probably
postgraduate education from sources doctor to prescribe their products . They spends about £5 a year on his own
sponsored or paid for directly by the give him free gifts, they send him free education. One new textbook every five
drugs industry. The British Medical magazines, they take him out to lunch (I years is probably an over-optimistic
Association receives hundreds of thou- know of GI's who haven't paid for a meal estimate of the average GP's commit-
sands of pounds every year from the in a restaurant for years), they bombard ment to self-improvement . It is an
drugs industry . And thousands of in- him with leaflets, and they pay for him to alarming thought that most of the doctors
dividual doctors allow themselves to be go abroad to "conferences" (which are, in practice today qualified before the
"bought" by companies aggressively contraceptive pill was generally available
pushing new products . and completed their training in pre-
The drugs industry has even reached Valium times. Most of the drugs GPs
into the heart of the medical establish- `Drug companies prescribe have been introduced since
ment - the General Medical Council - they qualified and information about
and members of the Council (which re- spend X5 .000 new ones arrives through the letter box
gulates disciplinary procedures within every day. A doctor who is now 50 will
the medical profession) have admitted persuading each have qualified before oral contraception,
that they receive large sums of money from heart, liver, kidney or lung transplanta-
drug companies for research and for ex- family doctor to tion, and tranquilizing drugs were
pensive overseas trips. introduced . He will have qualified before
Even the Royal College of General prescribe their at least go per cent of the drugs he
Practitioners, which represents the spe- prescribes were introduced . And he will
cific academic and professional interests products .' have qualified before drug side effects
of Britain's general practitioners, has and hazards were widely recognized .
created an organization called the Medi- It is hardly surprising that the majority
cal Surveillance Organization which oddly enough, always held in exotic of doctors in practice today are badly
exists to help organize and run drugs places like Miami or Hong Kong . They informed and uncritical . It is difficult to
surveillance projects for drug companies. rarely hold conferences in Manchester or see how a profession that takes its
In 1984 NISO, hired by Hoffman-La Reading) . Most of the drug company instructions from a trade can continue to
Roche m research a new benzodiazepine representatives who promote drug ; to call itself a profession . Or to put it
tranquillizer and by another company to doctors (and who are, therefore directly another ttiay, if lawyers allowed burglars
investigate a ne%y relatively untried responsible for "educating" doctors in to make our laws, then I suspect that our
painkiller, offered participating doctors a Britain) have no official medical training respect for the legal profession would
f,6o to £7o fee. In another drug trial, Dr at all. hhev are merely indoctrinated with reach a nets lmy.
Clifford Kay, one of the directors of the basic information about a small number Vernon Coleman
MSO, admitted that MSO was probably of drugs and then encouraged to pass that I croon Coleman is author of the Health

wrong in offering to pay GPs £6 per information on to the doctors they meet. Scandal . See page 7 ./or special offer on his
patient to provide reports. In contrast, the NHS spends about £70 hardback edition, available exclusivch, to
Every year the drugs industry in per doctor per year on providing infor- WDDTY readers.

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