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Q1. The __ Primary __ challenge is to become the author of industry transformation.

Q2. Formal_ planning is planning which is organizationally formalized and is often systematic.
Q3.In business, the term _Rivalry_ is commonly used to refer to competition.
Q4.Tactical planning refers to __short range__ planning that is oriented towards operations and
is concerned with specific and short-range details.
5. Strategic _Planning_ is obsessed with feasibilities, preciseness and being realistic.
6. A strategy is comprehensive_ it covers all major aspects of the enterprise.
7. The word strategy is derived from the ancient _Greek_ word strategia, which connoted the art
and science of directing military forces.
8. By the term business policy, some refer to the strategy.
9. A _Firm_ with neither aspiration nor a capacity for resource multiplication will be a "loser",
and the "winners" will be those firms that have both".
10. Indeed, the struggle for existence and growth is very hard for firms in a Competitive_
11. A company's business model is, consequently more narrowly _Focussed than the
company's business strategy.
12. A _Policy_ is a broad, general guide to action which constrains or directs goal attainment.
13. Writers like Porter and Hamel and Prahalad emphasize that the essence of _Strategy_ is
being distinctively different from the competitors.
14. Organizational_ transformation is a secondary challenge.
An _Ideal_ mission statement of business should define its customers, products or services,
markets, technology, philosophy and self-concept.
Many companies hold brainstorming sessions of senior executives to develop Mission
Target_ BHAGs can be quantitative or qualitative
Mission statement and definition of the _Business are indeed two sides of the same coin.
The right vision/mission-strategy fit and the meticulous implementation of the strategy will help
build a great _Organization
An organization's mission statement should establish the Individuality_ if not uniqueness, of the
A triple bottom line enterprise seeks to benefit many constituencies, not exploit or endanger any
_group_ of them.
Planet (natural capital) refers to sustainable environmental _Practices
Building strong relationships and engaging with stakeholders on a _consistent_, continuous
basis is crucial.
Businesses should provide goods and services that are safe and contribute to Sustainability
throughout their life cycle.

_Monetization_ of people and planet impact is too difficult a task

Being a relatively new concept, _Social_ audit is yet to gain wide appreciation and acceptance.

The rational of the CSR / TBL is business vis-à-vis the business _ecosystem
A major difficulty in _implementing_ TBL is accurately measuring the people and planet
Businesses should respect, protect and make efforts to restore the _environment
A business which is planning to work with Fair Trade or Ethical Trade companies must Design_
their business model to be TBL.
The Global Reporting Initiative(GRI) has developed guidelines to enable corporations and
NGO's alike to comparably report on the social impact of a business.
The corporate governance framework should promote transparent and efficient __Markets
Corporate governance is the System by which businesses are directed and controlled.
Based on the recommendations of the Narayana Murthy Committee, SEBI modified Clause 49
and the 'revised Clause 49' came into operation on 1st January, _2006
Transperancy _ : requiring timely disclosure of adequate information on corporate financial
Good corporate governance provides proper _Direction_ for the long-term development of the
Unlike in the previous era, private enterprises now have enormous scope to decide their
_Portfoliio_ strategy.
The most commonly used econometric environmental forecasting techniques are multiple
regression analysis and time series regression models.
Many organizations have _MIS for systematic gathering, processing, storing and disseminating
Anticipating the future is essential for identifying the future threats and opportunities and for
formulating Strategic plans.
Premising_ method may also be used for political forecasting, social forecasting etc.
The Systems diagram method seeks to explore policy and strategic options based on the
present system of the organization's activities.
The macroeconomic_ forecasts serve as a base for deriving industry and company forecasts.
Econometric techniques involve Casual models to predict major economic indicators.
The Crescive_ approach addresses strategy formulation and strategy implementation
Policies help Delegation_ because the clarity of procedures etc. enable the work to be carried
out independently.
The functional strategy for marketing must cover all the factors of the Marketing-mix.
Flat_ organization is becoming more and more popular.
The importance of organizational transformation in business success has been widely
recognized and organizational restructuring has become almost _Ubiquitous

Departmentation refers to the _Formal structure of the organization composed of various

departments and managerial positions and their relationships to each other.
Use the Exception Principle : This means that a person needs to contact his superior only in the
event of exceptional circumstance.
Changes in the vital premises may necessitate changes in _ strategy
Corruption _ for evaluating strategies should be measurable and easily verifiable.
Sudden and unexpected developments like alliance between competitors, takeover/mergers, a
political coup, a major competitive move by competitor etc. could have serious impact on a
firm's _Strategy
A strategy may be valid only as long as the _Planned_ premises remain valid.
Operational _ control systems guide monitor and evaluate progress in meeting annual
Kotler emphasizes that, excellent companies take an overview____ view of their business.
Organizational structure has assumed a very critical importance in___
Japanese_ companies rarely developed distinct strategic positions.

mentions four techniques for environmental analysis: Verbal and Written

Michael Porter_
Information; Search and scanning; Spying; and Forecasting and Formal Studies.
A company can control its own destiny only if it understands how to control the destiny of its
The first comprehensive social audit in India was conducted by the TISCO in 1980

When the ______ plan is formulated in a competitive environment and when the public sector
enterprise has more autonomy, the emphasis and nature of the plan would be different.
SIA means _
It is aptly said that in strategic management, the nature of the ____ role is both symbolic and

Organizational____is common throughout the world

The owner manager gets _imbibed__ with a complete knowledge of his organization and its
The Birla Committee observes that the pivotal role in any system of _corporate governance_ is
performed by the board of directors.

Effective implementation of the strategy also depends on the _Motivation of executives and
others associated with the implementation.
The organizational structure of an enterprise may undergo changes when there are _Changes_
in such factors as the size of the enterprise, nature of business, marketing characteristics etc.
TBL companies can find financially profitable niches which were missed when money alone
was the driving factor.
A project like health care, educational, pollution control etc…come under the category of_Non
industrial_ projects.

Private sector projects is one in which the ownership lies in the hands of project promoters and
Project Execution __ is the phase in which the deliverables are physically built and presented to
the customer for acceptance.
Crash _ projects are those which are to be completed within a stipulated time, which results in
the rise of the project cost.
how many key steps involves in a project initiation phase? 6

Which of the following is not considered as a risk in project management? Testing

In normal projects, adequate time is allowed for implementation of the project.

project is a unique undertaking with a defined starting point of _All (defined, finite, infinite)

What is the next stage, once the growth stage ends in a product life cycle? Maturity.

The data of Import/Export of past 5_ years will reveal the potential That remains untapped.

Benchmarking _ tool used for the organizations in evaluating completion of scope definition
versus the performance of past projects
For existing industries, _Project identification_ is a continuous process i.e. one of diversification
or Entering into related or complementary lines.

The trend in the price of various products/services may give an indication about Demand /
supply trend

A PDRI score of _200 or less_ has been shown to greatly increase the probability of a
successful project.
Analysis of output __indicates opportunities for further processing of output or processing of
Higher proportion of export of a particular product and increasing__ trend indicates high export
potential for the product.
The Project Definition Rating Index (PDRI)_for Building Projects is a powerful and simple tool
that helps meet this need by offering a method to measure project scope definition for
Checklist _ that a project team can use for determining the necessary steps to follow in
defining the project scope
Any average that has multiplying factors to give different weights to data at different positions in
the sample window is called as? weighted moving average

The set of customers having interest in market offering but lack access to it is called potential

___ drawn smoothly through the data values is often an easy and, perhaps, adequate
representation of the data freehand curve

In which method subjective bias is eliminated? observation method

The main reason for doing market and demand analysis is to: All

The forecasting method which uses anonymous questionnaires to achieve a consensus

forecast is: Delphi method

__ is a systematic collection, recording, analysis and interpretation of data relating to the

existing or potential market for a product or services. marketing survey

select smoothing methods from the following… All

The total volume or number of products that would be bought by defined set of customers for
specific area is called market demand

problem solving technique used to approximate the probability of certain outcomes by running
multiple trail runs, is called….simulation analysis

In decision tree analysis chance nodes are represented by, circles

which interview provides uniform information, which assures the comparability of data. . It
requires not much interviewing skills. structured interview

If a project has conventional cash flows, it may also have more than one IRR. False

Which of the following is not a forecasting technique? time horizon

Taking some observed historical pattern for some variable and projecting this pattern into the
future using a mathematical formula is called as.... time series method

product mix is also called as? product assortment

__ shows the flow of materials, utilities, intermediate products, final products, by products and
wastes Material flow diagram

__refers to a specific piece of land where the project would be set up. Site

various parts of the project will be connected with telephone, internet, intercom called?
communication layout

choose the factors which are taken into account for choosing the location? All

Planning and arranging manufacturing machinery, equipment and services for the first time in
completely new plant is called? project layout

Total number of product lines that a company offers to its customers is called? product mix
__ indicates the principal consumption points of utilities (power, water, gas etc.) and their
required quantities and qualities. Utility consumption layout

Technical analysis contends that past price movements will indicate future price movements.
State whether true or false true
__ refers to a fairly broad area like a city, an industrial zone. Location

Choose the important considerations in preparing the plant layout from the following… All

_ shows the organizational set up of the project along with information on personnel required for
various departments and their interrelationships. Organizational layout
_ industry that requires large amounts of money and financial resources to produce good or
service. capital intensive

__ refers to the number of units or volume that can be produced during a given period. Plant

The distance and means of transport outside the production line is called? Transport Layout
__ is a loan where the lending bank is only entitled to repayment from the profits of the project
the loan is funding, not from other assets of the borrower. Non-Recourse Financing
_ refers to the services rendered by the financial service expert or firm in procurement of term
loans from financial institution or banks for their clients. loan syndication

Select the limitation of equity share capital from the following __All

the lessor transfers substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of assets to the lessee
for lease rentals are called? lease financing
Companies issue securities to the public in the primary market and get them listed on the stock
exchanges is called? public issue
A contingency provision can be done which may vary from _______ of the cost of non-firm
items. 5% to 15%
__ represents the total of all items of outlay associated with a project. cost of the project
__ is the share on which arrears of dividend accumulate Cumulative preference shares

If the firm issues additional equity capital, it has to first offer such securities to the existing
shareholders on a pro rata basis is called? Rights issue
_ is a written instrument acknowledging a debt and containing provisions as regards the
repayment of principal and the payment of interest at a fixed rate. Debentures

_ are created for the special purpose of raising funds from the market for specific projects and
are structured in a special manner. special purpose vehicle

All the lenders sign the loan agreement independently with the borrower and agree to lend upto
their respective share is called? Direct lending

SPV stands for_special purpose vehicle

_ are miscellaneous expenses that are incurred before the project start commercial production.
preliminary expenses
The cash flows that could be generated from the owned asset by the company but not used in
project are classified as opportunity cost

Loss suffered on account of business operations will result in outflow of cash.

__ is an organized collection of data according to logical and consistent accounting procedures.
financial statement

__ refers to the operating decisions in the areas of pricing, costs, volume of output and the
firm's selection of product lines. Profit planning
The cost of capital is used as discount rate and is based on pre-determines Cost of debt and equity

Expand WDV written down value

_ had suggested that the bank should finance a part of the working capital gap and the balance
should be financed through long term sources. tendon Committee
is a statement of containing assets and liabilities of a business on a particular date. Balance
_ is the duration of time between acquisition of supplies and the collection of cash from
receivables. Operating cycle

__ is the difference between sales and cost of goods sold. Gross profit
working capital is also called as? operating capital

common definitions of working capital is? current asset-current liabilities

statement depicting change in cash position from one period to another is called? cash flow

The required increase in current assets and the increase in current liabilities is subtracted to
calculate Change in net working capital

The real rate expected cash flows and nominal rate expected cash flows must be Equal
__is the difference between the present value of cash inflows and the present value of cash
outflow net present value
__ is a percentage discount rate used in capital investment appraisals which brings the cost of
a project and its future cash inflows into equality. Internal Rate of Return

__ divides the average profit by the initial investment in order to get the ratio or return that can
be expected. accounting rate of return

ARR stands for accounting rate of return

which of the following would not be financed from working capital? new personal computer for the

expand IRR internal rate of return

If the discounted payback period is less that the target period, then? accept the project
choose the demerits of internal rate of return from the following….All

The method which calculates the time to recoup initial investment of project in form of expected
cash flows is classified as payback method
Formula for calculating profitability index? present value of cash inflow/present value of cash outlay

_ involves a cash outflow in the immediate future in anticipation of returns at a future date.
Capital Investment
a profitability index(PI) of .92 for project means that _ the project returns 92 cents in present value for
each current dollar invested(cost).

In IRR, when r is < k then reject the project

formula for calculating ARR? average income/average investment

project would normally be undertaken if its net present value is positive

__ is the maximum price that management is willing to pay for an extra unit of a given limited
resource. shadow price

__ is a methodology for evaluating projects within the planning framework from social point of
view. SCBA

Guide to Practical Project Appraisal in ? 1978

Expand CRI The consumption rate of interest.
Expand OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
Expand SWR Standard Wage Rate
UNIDO approach recommends an indirect procedure for determining the _ The consumption rate of
The value of public income will become constant over time, only if its purchasing power_ remains
UNIDO stands for_ united nation industrial development organisation
_ is the unit of account in which the values of inputs and outputs are expressed. Numeraire
_ approach measures the cost and benefits in terms of international or border prices. The Little-
Mirrlees Approach
expand C.I.F carriage, insurance, freight
SCBA stands for social cost benefit analysis
L-Ms numeraire uses the term “uncommitted social income” it means All public income are not
equally valuable.

The _________ of capital is the benefit foregone by sacrificing (i.e., not choosing) the best
alternative project. opportunity cost
_ is a systematic and objective way of evaluating quantitative and qualitative aspects of job
performance and potential of employees. Performance Appraisal
_ refers to the identification of these packages, grouping them or keeping them as they are, in
order to form viable contracts. Work package planning
_ is proportionate budgeted cost for the work performed (BCWP). Earned value
Abbreviate CPM. none of the above
Expand ACWP Actual cost of work performed
Choose the factors which will helpful for team development? All
Choose the basic control process in any industrial activity from the following…..All
__ of an event is the difference between its latest time (Li) and its earliest time (Ei). The float

Expand ti duration of an activity

Ei stand for earliest occurrence time of an event

How many cases are there in Dummy activity 2

_ is the shortest possible time to perform an activity. Optimistic time

__ method, calculations begin from final event n. Proceed through the events in the decreasing
order of event numbers and end at the initial event 1. Backward Pass Method
Looping and Dangling are considered _____ in a network. faults

Choose the objectives of TEFR All

__ is the time an activity’s completion time may be delayed without causing any delay in its
immediate successor activities. Free float
__ is a technique used for planning and scheduling large projects in the fields of construction,
maintenance, purchasing, research and development designs etc. Network scheduling
An activity which started immediately after one or more of other activities are completed is
known as ? Successor activity.
_ is the most realistic time to complete the activity. Most likely time

Choose the objectives of project report from the following? All

_ represent the start or completion of some activity and as such it consumes no time An event

_ is the possible time by which an activity must start without affecting the total project time.
Latest start time for an activity.

counts for time value of money by discounting the cash inflows of the project. net present value

The planning and control of capital expenditure is termed as capital budgeting

Business indicators ____ refers to the time series data on important business and economic
activities in key sectors of the economy
The absolute limit of company product demand is called market potential
select the factors which are influenced by technology All
approach takes into account the risk factor in making estimations and appraisal of capital
investment decisions decision tree analysis

The securities are directly sold to a limited number of institutional or high net worth investors is
called? Private placement
The information sought by way of investigator's own direct observation without asking from the
respondent is called as Observation method

which phrase most closely describes the Delphi technique? series of questionnaires

which plan enables to set the quality targets which meet the customer needs, thereby ensuring
success. Quality
which of the following has net profit as basis for calculation? average rate of return

It involves recording the time spent on tasks, using timesheets. It identifies and a resolve time
management issues. project time management

URT stands for Updating, reviewing and reporting technique

Application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to project activities to meet project
requirements is called as? project management
How many steps are there to conduct a market survey? 6
When capital inputs are made in a project, financial resources are used up for the creation of
Physical asset

is a small unit within a large market comprising of like-minded individuals market segmentation

An activity which must be completed before one or more other activities start is known as?
predecessor activity

A project whose acceptance precludes the acceptance of one or more alternative projects is
referred as a mutually exclusive project

is undertaken to enlarge its plant capacity with a view to produce a large volume of output than
the current level Expansion proje cts

A manager will prefer the internal rate of return (IRR) rule over the net present value (NPV) rule
if the manager Prefers to talk in terms of rates of return

The trend in the price of various products/services may give an indication about the__________
trend Demand & Supply

is the usage and knowledge of tools, techniques, crafts, systems or methods of organization in
order to solve a problem Technology

The sequence of possible managerial decisions and their expected outcome under each set of
circumstances can be represented and analyzed by using

The sequence of possible managerial decisions and their expected outcome under each set of
circumstances can be represented and analyzed by using a decision tree

Expand Lj

refers to the act of communicating the benefits and value of your product to consumers.

statement depicting change in cash position from one period to another is called? cash flow
type of projects require minimum cost and high quality Crash

Under a given set of conditions, the art of anticipating the behaviors of buyers is called

The linear algebraic equation used for expressing a dependent variable in terms of independent
variable is called linear regression equation

Project management institute O.S.A stands for operational support and analysis

Higher proportion of export of a particular product and__________ trend indicates high export
potential for the product. Increasing

How decision tree reaches its decision? sequence of test

is particularly useful in identifying both internal and external factors that are essential in
decision-making. SWOT

may not work to its full capacity, may not earn responsible profit, may not pay fair wages and
other problems in a continuous manner. Sick industrial units

Select the project ideas originate from various following sources All
choose the Formula for calculating payback period? initial investment/annual cash inflow

is the number of years required to recover the original cash outlay invested in a project. payback

A project is always __Customer specific

What are the studies included in project approach? All

Which of the following phases passes for the projects? All
How is project management beloved to other initiatives? All
What are the aims and objectives of project management?All
What is involved in project? Both a and b
What is step go through for preparing project? All
What are the issues in project management? All
Who always work on projects? Both a and b
What are the basic components of project? All
Quantifiable projects involved in All
What is main stage in preparation of pre-project? Site selection
Which is the first stage in execution of the project? Project design
How we classified magnitude-oriented project? All
What are the process groups in project management? All
What is the managerial plan in budget? All of these
MIS means Management information system
MBO means Management by objectives
Project planning is a process involving the joint effort for whom? All of these
What are the benefits of business planning processes? All of these
What is the basic value of management? All of these
Which will cover all aspects relating to an enterprise? Project planning
What is the basic job of entrepreneur? Conceive business visions and turn them into business relatives
Which of the following are project approaches? All of these
Which is a technique of organizing developing and controlling business activity in a systematic
manner? Project planning
What are the functions of action plans? All of these
Which is an examination of the current financial performance of small industries?
Situation appraisal
Which type of objectives identifies the goal of the corporation and embodies the design and
ambitions of the executive management? The new statement of objectives
Which is a primary function of entrepreneurial management? Planning
Which one is tool to achieve the objectives of the project at a minimum cost? Planned project
Which is the actual performance of task and it consumes time and resources? Activity
What are the steps follow by in PERT analysis? All of these
Which is the first and foremost aspect of a project? Project design
Project logic represented in the form of graphical pattern is called Project network
What are the internal aligns of CEO? All of these
CPM is very useful in the basic manage-ment function which are those All of these
What is real origin in the PERT? The origin is military (Naval)
What are the steps in network design? All of these
What are the main concepts of PERT? Both A and B
CPM follows which type of principles? Networking principles
Which result based strategy is selected? Techno-economic analysis
What is required for event and activities? All of these
What are the types of graphs used in PERT and CPM? Both A and B
Which types of charts helps to develop network techniques? Both A and B
Every business requires _ All of these
The profits and loss statement you are presently developing identifies _______ different types
of expenses. 2
The amount of current assets required to meet a firms long-term minimum needs is referred to
as ___________ working capital. Permanent
Net working capital equal to __ Current assets minus current liabilities
The requirement of working capital will depend on the_ All of these
Fixed capital/long-term capital includes __ All of these
To financial analysts net working capital means the same thing as _ Current assets minus current
Which of the following is a basic principle of finance as it relates to the management of working
capital? Profitability moves together with risk
The operating cycle includes _ All of the above
In trading the investment in fixed assets is low as there is_ No manufacturing activity
In case services the investment fixed capital however are __ Large
Having defined working capital as current assets can be further classified according to_
Components and time
Gross working capital equal to _ Current assets
In deciding the optimal level of current assets for the firm management is confronted with _
A trade of between profitability and risk
The value chain is composed of primary and support activities. Which answer below provides
the correct components for primary activities_ Inbound logistics, operation out bond logistics, marketing
and sales and service
Response competitive advantage can be__ All of the above
SWOT should be_ Focused on key issues and as specific as possible
Robustness of strategic capabilities is more likely when_Linkages in the value network are exploited
What are competences? Activities that underpin competitive advantage and are difficult for competitors to
imitate or obtain
Best is class benchmarking seeks to assess organizational performance against _ The competitor
who is best in class whenever that may be
Which of the following is not an operations strategy? Technology
What is the purpose of an activity map? It is used to identify and understand strategic capability by
mapping how the different activities of an organization are linked together
Which of these organizations is likely to have the most important inventory decisions? A
In the resource based view of strategy what type of strategic capabilities are the source of
sustainable competitive advantage_ Strategic capabilities which are valuable to buyers, rate robust and non
Which of these organizations is most apt to have quality standards that are relatively objective?
A car manufacturer
The impact of strategies on the general direction and basic character of a company is __
Which of the following is not an operations decision? Price
Cost efficiency is determined by which of the following drivers__ Supply costs, experience, product/
process design and economies of scale
What are the three criteria for the robustness of strategic capability? Complexity, causal ambiguity
and culture history
What factors influence in damage to property? All of the above
What is process of in risk management? All of the above
What are functions involves in risk management? All of the above
Who are the relied on to ensure the success of projects? All of the above
What are the factors that influence general comprehensive liability? All of the above
Which is the national handling situation? Risk management
What are the helps made by planning and organizing in risk management? Both A and B
What are the most important factors influence project liability? All of the above
Which of the following factors process are covered in risk survey? All of the above
What political factors influence project? Both A and B
Which of the methods for minimizing risk? Both A and B
What are the decision situations are generally classified? All of the above
What are intellectual property rights? All of the above
What are the investment possibilities in an uncertainty of factors? All of the above
What are the liabilities to employees? All of the above
Which is the heart of management in action? Directing
What is the principle function of the managers? All of the above
What are the qualities included in direction? All of the above
Which is the basic foundation for the success of project? All of the above
Which is the heart of project monitoring? Project plan
Which is the dominant concern of a project management? Control
Which is quite a crucial activity? Management of project
Which is the weakest link in project management in India? Project monitoring
Which is the ability to establish standards of performance for each organizational? The essence of
What are the factors involves in monitoring? All of the above
Which is the present looking after the management information system? Computer
Which is providing all guidance and inspiration to people at work in order to carry out their
assigned duties and responsibilities? Directing
What are the steps annulled in directing? All of the above
What are the various steps of collection of information analysis? All of the above
Which of the following are aspects of direction? All of the above
The 1998 projects what its provides _ Both A and B
Which are the teams followed by in strong management teams? Both A and B
What are the ample ideas throws in post project evaluation? All of the above
PEO means _ Post evaluation office
Which is the difficult system project approach? Ex-post evaluation
When is many of the projects evaluated? 1998
The evaluation of large industrial projects to which sector _ Public sector
Which is relatively more difficult part of the post project evaluation? Economic evaluation
What are the parameters in evaluating project evaluation? All of the above
How is project is evaluated from different perspective? All of the above
Which types of lessons relevant to future bank operation? All of the above
What are the evaluation in Asian development bank undertake to completed projects?
Both A and B
What is the classification in project? All of the above
What is the main purpose of study in ex-post project evaluation system? Both A and B
P.E.O. means __ Programmer evaluation organization
What is the life cycle in project? All of the above
What are the activities facilitates in PBME? Both A and B
What are the characteristics followed by interactive method? All of the above
What are the factors followed by in project preparation? All of the above
What are the qualities in project management? All of the above
What are the Benchmark information for project preparation? All of the above
What are the inputs for irrigation of projects? All of the above
What are increased difficulties of small- scale enterprises? All of the above
What are the methods followed by PBM? Both A and B
Which is referent to routine collection analysis of information? Project monitoring
What are the major linkages in frame work of development projects? All of the above
What are the information provided by PBME? All of the above
P.C.R means__ Proper complaint resources
What are the information required for the Benchmark? All of the above
PBME means __ Project benefit monitoring and evaluation

The financial analysts working capital means the same thing as _ Current assets

Which is the article stage of the project?

Which of the following is not a key way in which business organizations compete with one
another? Product duplication
Which is followed by the execution of a project Scheduling and controlling
Basic Communication Skills (2nd Semester)

Daniel Katz classified attitudes into which groups based on their functions. ALL

Attitude_influences an individual's choice of action, and responses to challenges, incentives, and rewards
(together called stimuli).

Balance theory_is also used to explain our attitudes and anxiety related to people we know.
Some attitudes serve primarily as a means of organizing beliefs about objects or activities such as brands
and shopping, which serves a(n) Knowledge function.
Implicit Attitudes_are conscious beliefs that can guide decisions and behavior.
Which function of attitudes serves to express an individual's central values and self-concept? Value-
Expressive Function
Which component of attitudes consists of a consumer's beliefs about an object? Cognitive
Cognitive component__refers to the thoughts and beliefs one has about an attitude object.
Behavioural component refers to the way one behaves when exposed to an attitude object.
Cognitive component_ refers to the emotional reaction one has toward an attitude object.
A predisposition or a tendency to respond positively or negatively towards a certain idea, object, person,
or situation is known as Attitude
I feel scared when I think about or see a snake.' is an example of_The Affective component
SMART goal is defined as: specific, measurable, achievable, results-focused, and time-bound.

1. What is/are the steps in the process of goal setting?

2. Performance measure_is the amount of change or progress achieved toward a specific goal or objective.
3. Goal Setting is a major component of personal-development and management literature.
4. What is/are the common obstacles to the self development goal achievement? ALL

5. One of the most powerful methods of motivation is goal setting.

6. Measurable_ implies the ability to count or otherwise quantify an activity or its results.
7. According to Peter Drucker , Managing a business, requires balancing a variety of short and long term
needs and Goals of an enterprise.

8. Studies by _Edwin A Locke__and his colleagues have shown that more specific and ambitious goals lead
to more performance improvement than easy or general goals.
9. What should be the periodicity of short term goal? Day/week/fortnight/month

10. The _Specific_ part of an objective tells us what will change for whom in concrete terms.

11. How much average time manger spends for meetings? 0.4

Which technique is used in time management framework under the function controlling? Assertiveness
What is/are the process related internal factors in time wasters? All
What is/are the techniques of the management? All
Which resources are important for managers to manage an enterprise or an activity? ALL
Identify tasks related to prioritization of activities: ALL
What is/are not the internal factors of persons as a source in time wasters? Wrong Priorities
Which technique is not used in time management framework under the function Planning? Assertiveness
Which technique is used in time management framework under function Organizing and leading? All
Creativity _ is a phenomenon whereby something new and somehow valuable is formed.
Creative thinking is referred to as__Right brain thinking
Creativity_is a mental process associated with creating a new product or solution to problem.

Creative thinking is referred to as_Out of box thinking

Facilitating factors include: All
Which test is/are used to measure adaptive flexibility? All
Flexibility is the representation of classes whereas the_Fluency_ is the number of units.
What is/are the tips to enhance creativity provided by behavioural scientists? All
Robert Sternberg's words, the production of "something original and worthwhile" is called_Creativity
The factors that drive one to engage in creative behavior are: Stimulating Factor
The factors that promote and encourage creative pursuits are: Facilitating Factor
Stimulating factors include: All
What is/are the tips to enhance creativity provided by behavioural scientists? All
What is/are the category of Creative problem-solving techniques? ALL

Reconsidering one's goals by asking "What am I really trying to accomplish?" is the example of which
Creative problem-solving techniques? Problem reframing
Multiple Idea Facilitation _is the Creativity techniques designed to increase the quantity of fresh ideas.

Which techniques can overcome the mind's instinctive tendency to use "oversimplified associative
thinking"? Inducing change of perspective
Creative Problem solving _is a type of problem solving is the mental process of searching for a new and
novel creative solution to a problem, a solution which is novel, original and not obvious.
Idea _in problem solving are like golden eggs.
Which is the techniques of creativity Brainstorming
Idea screening is the process of comparing and contrasting new product related ideas in order to select
the most promising ones for your business.
Creativity techniques designed to shift a person's mental state into one that fosters creativity is called
as_Mental state shift
Which is not the parameter of Creative problem-solving’s step ‘open’? All (Mind free, surprise, prompt)

Inducing change of perspective __Is the Creative-problem-solving techniques designed to efficiently lead
to a fresh perspective that causes a solution to become obvious.
Idea generation is the process of creating, developing, and communicating ideas which are abstract,
concrete, or visual.
Idea screening _ criteria are used to determine compatibility with overall business objectives and whether
the idea would offer a viable return on investment.
Managers need to make sure that employees’ abilities _Match the job requirements

One should always keep in mind , if a person is undergoing stress affecting one's health the
reason..Consult a doctor
The impact on mind and body of the individual is severe is known as_High stress
Stress symptoms can be grouped under any of the following three general categories except _
Stress stops helping beyond a certain point and starts_ Causing major changes
The ability to undertake stress depends on_ General outlook on lifes quality of relationship, emotional
intelligence and genetics
Anything that makes you tense, angry, frustrated and miserable is called_ Stress
Which of the following is true concerning stress? Stress can be caused by change of any kind.

Which technique of time management helpful to relieve from stress? ALL

Which of the following is an example of a psychological symptom of stress? Irritability
For potential stress to become actual stress _ there must be uncertainty over the outcome, and the
outcome must be important.

Stress resiliency __the individual capacity to handle short-term tension and bounce back from

Chromic stress leads to_ Seious health related problems

The definition of communication implies that: Understanding must occur to have communication
The process of any communication will include All
Principles of effective communication would be ALL
Effective communication is measured through_Feedback
Which step should a communicator take as the starting point? _ Specify the objectives of communication
A good communicator needs to be good at:_Using Language
Communication helps to _ None of the above

Which of the following is correct about ‘Grapevine’? ALL

- It tends to exist when members of formal group know another well.
- It is the result of social forces at work place
- It is more common in times of high organizational excitement

Objectives of communication (i) to seek compliance and ensure uniformity in action (ii) to meet
deadlines and production targets (iii) to disseminate information to a larger number of people, and (iv)
save cost in terms of time and money refers to :Non verbal communication

Communication is a: Two way process

Which communication component is not a paid form of communication? Publicity
Semantic barriers in communication occur due to : Language problems

The communication taking place among members of the same work group or among members or work
groups at the same level is described as : lateral communication

Characteristics of all formal and informal communication are: Same

All are the components of listening except_Answering
Why will you ask questions from students during the course of a lecture?_ Are the students carefully
listening to your lecture
What is/are the types of listening?_Active listening
The four-step listening process discussed in your book does not include which of the
Active Listening __is also called deliberate listening.
Listening _is the ability to accurately receive and interpret messages in the communication process
Listening for advice is key to all effective communication, without the ability to listen effectively
messages are easily misunderstood – communication breaks down and the sender of the message can
easily become frustrated or irritated.

Among the reasons we listen is each of the following except: Listening to be critical
Listening to a lecture is_ Evaluative listening

Haptics _Is a subcategory of Body Language, is the study of touching and how it is used in

Regional Language _ makes an expression strong.

Oculesics _is a subcategory of body language, is the study of eye movement, eye behavior, gaze, and
eye-related nonverbal communication.
Postures __refers to the body position.
Body Language _ is also known as kinesics.
Non-verbal behaviors that are direct replacements for words is called_ Emblems
Showing facial expressions can _Increase_ the intensity of your emotions.

Kinesics is the study of: Facial expressions, gestures, posture, and eye contact
Time that is measured in vague terms is _Informal
Body Language _is a kind of nonverbal communication, where thoughts, intentions, or feelings are
expressed by physical behaviors, such as facial expressions, body posture, gestures, eye movement, touch
and the use of space.
Behaviors like nail biting that alleviate physical or emotional tension_Adaptors

Gestures __are movements made with body parts (e.g. hands, arms, fingers, head, legs) and they may be
voluntary or involuntary.
Speakers who look at the audience more are judged to be more _Sincere

The behavior of people are controlled with_Gestures

Which conflict styles that a manager will follow according to Kenneth W. Thomas and Ralph H.

Perceiving emotions __represents a basic aspect of emotional intelligence, as it makes all other
processing of emotional information possible.

Who has introduced the Theory of Multiple Intelligences? Howard Gardner's

People with high _ Emotional intelligence __have greater mental health, exemplary job performance, and
more potent leadership skills.
Who has developed the ability model of Emotional intelligence? Peter Salovey & John Mayer

Using emotions __is the ability to harness emotions to facilitate various cognitive activities, such as
thinking and problem solving.
the mixed model _ is defines EI as an array of skills and characteristics that drive leadership
performance, as proposed by Daniel Goleman.
Which is the win-lose approach? Competing

Understanding emotions __is the ability to comprehend emotion language and to appreciate complicated
relationships among emotions.
Self-awareness __is the ability to recognize and understand personal moods and emotions and drives, as
well as their effect on others.

The aim of _ Conflict management is to enhance learning and group outcomes, including effectiveness
or performance in organizational setting.

The trait model __ as developed by Konstantin Vasily Petrides, "encompasses behavioral dispositions
and self perceived abilities and is measured through self report".

The ability model __focuses on the individual's ability to process emotional information and use it to
navigate the social environment.

Emotional intelligence__is the ability to recognize one's own and other people's emotions, to discriminate
between different feelings and label them appropriately, and to use emotional information to guide
thinking and behavior.

The way teams are formed, staffed, and composed, and the way members depend on one another is
summarized by: Team characteristics.
The group to which a person would like to belong is known as None of the above
The theory which explains affiliation in Group formation and dynamics is called : Balance theory

Groupthink _is a psychological phenomenon that occurs within a group of people, in which the desire
for harmony or conformity in the group results in an irrational or dysfunctional decision-making

Sequence the following stages of group development : Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing
Groups created by managerial decision in order to accomplish stated goals of the organization are called
formal groups
Which characteristics differentiate group from a collection of people? All

What is/are the significance of group? All

Sensitivity training evolved from the group dynamics concept of Kurt Lewin

Which of the following is not a correct statement? Informal groups provide safety valve for employee

The process of grouping activities into units for the purpose of administration may be referred to as

Which of the following decreases group cohesiveness? Large group size

Groups which emerge naturally due to the response and common interests of the members of an
organization who can easily identify with the goals or independent activities of the group is known as__
informal group

Listening is badly affected by

Which of the following is a function served by attitudes? ALL

knowledge function

value-expressive function

utilitarian function

ego-defensive function

What is/are the Dimensions of Attitudes? ALL




Which is/are the listening skills?

Sensory skills

Attention skills

Interpretation skills

What is/are the elements of creativity?





Communication begins with


idea origination


channel selection

Stimulating factors include:

Invent or find something new

To gain image or status in society

To make money or create business

All of the above

Regulators are often used to:


Encoding is The formulation of messages in the communicator’s mind

Which of the following is used to understand a consumer's cognitive component of attitude?

C) multiattribute attitude model
The LEAST-used communication channel in an organization is usually HORIZONTAL

The situation that causes stress are known as STRESSOR

RELEVANT_relates to the relationship between the objective and the overall goals of the program or
purpose of the intervention.

Group dynamics is the systematic study of the forces operating within the group
Which side of the brain is considered as a planner and problem solver?

IDEA SCREENING_a process used to evaluate innovative product ideas, strategies and marketing

BURN OUT refers to long-term exhaustion and diminished interest in work.

ATTITUDE _influences an individual's choice of action, and responses to challenges, incentives, and
rewards (together called stimuli).
Your voice minus the words you speak is called _PARA LANGUAGE
Which is not the parameter of define the problem carefully? Mind prompt

Feelings or emotional reactions to an object reflect the _AFFECTIVE_ component of an attitude.

Which process includes the process of constructing through the idea, innovating the concept, developing
the process, and bringing the concept to reality? IDEA GENERATION
Implicit attitudes_are unconscious beliefs that can still influence decisions and behavior
The social zone of our personal space is __4 ft – 12 ft_from our body.

The basketball team at a local school has attributed their poor performance to the following: the team's
coordination; inability to resolve conflict and cohesion. Which of the following is represented by the
above scenario? Team processes

Premature evaluation takes place due to: Psychological barrier

Continued membership in a group will usually require: Conforming to group norms

In the beginning of industrialisation among the five Ms the focus was on _Machines, Men and Methods
In analysing business operation, the phrase Value-added concept is often used to characterise the
difference between the cost of component materials and the selling price of the finished product.

Which one among the following is not the Challenges of material management? Continuity of supply of
Which is a basic function of the business that adds value directly to the product itself? Material

Associate_ objectives which arise due to materials department assisting some other department in the

organised body of knowledge related to planning, acquisition and utilisation of materials in the process of
production and it has resulted in the discipline known as __ Materials management
If _ Continuity of supply of materials _is not maintained, shortage of materials may cause idling of
machines and labour and also stoppage of production.
Who must develop the executives and employees in their departments by training them adequately?
Materials manager
Purchasing (and hence materials management) can be viewed as_ Profit centre
The basic rationale for this organisational change is to overcome the problems of_ Conflicting objectives
Material management a total concept involving an organisational structure unifying into a single
responsibility, the systematic flow and control of materials from identification of the need through
delivery to customers.

By giving the _ Materials manager _overall authority, responsibility is centralised to assure that the
overall cost of materials is kept at the lowest possible level

Who should ensure quality at the source? Purchase manager

Control __ includes the information feedback and corrective action generated by this information
monitoring the production rates, schedules, plant loads, dispatching, expediting and resultant follow up
On the_ Periodic order _ basis, requisitions for purchased raw materials and parts are initiated whenever
manufacturing schedules are reviewed and the need to place orders determined.

Which type of information the purchase manager has to provide when a material budget is to be
expressed in terms of rupees? Current prices of the material + Plans for the specific timing of purchases
Materials planning aims at _ Motivating people and saves as an effective control device
Once the materials requirements have been established and worked out, the material budget is prepared
taking into account _ Inventory on order + Inventory in transit
Which method is used for items that are consumed on a continuous basis and for which no bill of
materials can be prepared? Past consumption analysis
All materials planning subsequently flows from the preliminary_ Master production schedule
Materials utilisation _ provides a measure of the effectiveness of the estimates of required materials.

The basis for materials planning is_ Operating plan + Annual production plan

Materials planning _ is the scientific way of determining the requirements of raw materials, components,
spares and other items that go into meeting the production needs within economic investment policies.

Which retrieval technique traces the direct or indirect uses of a part on higher level assemblies? Bill of
Materials Implosion
Finished products _ which are units or major assemblies carried in stock in complete form ready for
delivery to customers.

The responsibility of production planning and control manager is usually considerably greater than that
of the_ Materials control manager

Allocation Method _ is carried out when the production programmes are originated.
Materials planning, materials budgeting and material control have taken prominent roles in the_
Integrated materials management
The function of maintaining constantly available supply of raw materials, purchased parts and supplies
that are required for the manufacture of products is known as_ Materials control manager

In_ Organisation based on function _ approach, materials management department is structured on the
basis of functions such as stores, transport, receiving, purchase, inventory control etc.
Purchasing _ be responsible for inventories of raw materials.

Which among the following has a major cumulative effect on the profitability of a firm? Material
management decisions
.Which among the following areas are always included under the materials manager? ALL
(Purchasing, inventory control & Traffic)

Traditionally, organisations have divided the responsibility for materials management among
ALL__departments. (PPC, Distribution & Purchasing)

Which among the following alternatives the internal structuring of the materials management department
can have? ALL (Organisations based on commodities, location & function)

In scope of material management Transformation Processes and Work-in-progress Storage falls under
which domain. Production control domain of responsibility
What is the responsibility of distribution? Responsible for finished goods inventories and selection of
transportation suppliers

Centralisation of materials management _ has the advantages of bulk purchases which results in cost

In which form of organisation, manager of each of these three departments report to a different person?
Divided structure

Which among the following issues are involved in making decisions regarding materials? ALL
(Applying control tools, cost reduction & reconciling conflicting objectives)

Materials management _ is responsible for coordinating the efforts of purchasing and distribution.
What are the advantages of centralisation of materials management?
Inter plant transfer of materials is possible in emergencies & Surplus materials in one plant can be
utilised in meeting the requirements of another plant

In scope of material management raw materials and components storage falls under which domain.
Purchasing domain of responsibility
Decentralisation of materials management organisations _ is recommended when the plants are widely
dispersed geographically thereby impairing centralised control from head-quarters.
Make-or-buy decisions indicate where management is willing to commit the resources required to
maintain production ability and also indicate the amount of __ Vertical integration _a firm is willing to

A team of people who manages the operational and tactical activities of purchasing and materials
management are known as_ Materials coordinators
What is mean by tender buying? The method adopted to procure materials at the most competitive rates
and to eliminate chances of undue favour to any supplier.

Which among the following are the characteristics of supplier partnerships and strategic alliances? ALL

Which among the following is the example of natural raw materials? Grains

Speculative Buying _ is done with the hope of making profit out of price changes.

Policies defining operational issues involves policies that provide guidance for operational issues
confronting buyers during their normal performance of duties.

Right Quantity __ is the most important parameter in buying because both over ordering or under
ordering increase costs of inputs.

What is reciprocal buying? It is a practice of giving preference in buying to those vendors who are
customers of the buying firm as opposed to vendors who do not buy from the company. &&
The practice of using the company’s facilities for obtaining merchandise for employees

After the consignment of materials received has been inspected for quantity and general condition of the
material, the receiving clerk issues a_ Receiving report
Invoice Checking _ is done by bills payable section before authorising payment to the supplier.

Lead time __is the total time elapsed between the recognition of the need for an item till it arrives and is
made available for use.

Who participate in new product development and are responsible for selecting sources, managing costs,
developing and nurturing supplier partnerships and issuing long-term agreements with carefully selected
suppliers? Supply managers
In the _ Tender system _ of buying used in public sector organisations, the objective should be to identify
the lowest responsible bidder and not the lowest bidder, for purchase decision.

Vendor rating _ can be used as an important mechanism to allocate the share of business amongst a large
member of suppliers.

The way of in-depth evaluation and selection of supplier’s include__ALL

Who often expect existing suppliers to satisfy a new purchase requirement? Buyers

Shorter lead times and on-time delivery __ help the buying firm maintain acceptable customer service
with less inventory.
What is the overall objective of the vendor evaluation process? To reduce purchase risk and to maximise
overall value to the buyer

In purchasing parlance, ______means not only the total amount required but also the time schedule
according to which the goods have to be supplied to meet the buyer’s requirements. Quantity
Among the following which are the different levels of abstraction under vendor assessment?
Bill back_ is used when dealing with a “partnership” supplier.
Why does a preliminary evaluation of potential supplier is often used? To narrow-down the choice before
conducting an in-depth formal evaluation

A preferred supplier _ status conveys immediate information about the supplier’s overall performance
and competency.
Service _ is an intangible factor in vendor evaluation and includes such issues as location, reserve
capacity, technical capabilities, quality-control procedures, production assurance and labour and financial
Evaluating the performance before the vendor has delivered anything is known as_ Vendor Evaluation
Recognition of a purchase requirement _ occurs when a standard purchase requisition is received by
purchase department.

Cost-ratio plan _ plan relates all identifiable purchasing costs to the value of shipments received from
respective suppliers.

Purchasers rely on various sources of information when_ Identifying potential sources of supply
Value analysis is also known as_ Value engineering
Value_ is what customers are demanding – the right combination of product quality, fair price and goods
and services.
Which strategy option describes a system that can customise the products on a mass scale? Mass
Among the following what is described in terms of quality, speed and flexibility? Performance
The total of material, labour and other costs that have to be incurred to produce an item is termed as__
Cost value
What is meant by value? ALL
A function if eliminated, would render the product useless in terms of its stated objective is known as__
Basic Function

Value engineering _ is a study of the function of manufactured parts or purchased materials and
components to see whether specifications can be modified, in order to reduce cost without impairing use
or performance.

Below given are the functional members of the value analysis team, except_ Foremen

Which among the followings are the reasons for changes in customer expectations and values?All
Which among the followings are the reasons for changes in customer expectations and values? It links
the customers, the firm and the operations management system

Value equation _ offers one convenient way of approaching the task of defining value for an identified
customer and determining how the operations management function can affect the perceived value of the
firm’s goods and services.
Value analysis team _ composed of professionals having knowledge about a product or service is made
responsible to use value analysis.
The concept of value analysis was developed by_ Lawrence D. Miles
b1 × quality + b2 × speed + b3 × flexibility – the given equation is of __ Performance

Air way bill _ is a document involved in air freight distribution internationally and it acts as a receipt for
goods despatched by the supplier.
Letter of credit __ is an arrangement by which the importer is obliged to pay the exporter through the
undertaking given by the importer’s bank to the exporter’s bank.

Who buy goods for their own account and sell through their own outlets are known as_ import merchants

When a bank confirms the letter of credit, thereby assuming the risk, the letter of credit is referred to as_

Among the following which document will help the importer to identify the goods and check them
against the order placed by the importer? Packing list

Who act as links between buyers and sellers belonging to different countries? Import brokers
Which type of letter of credit is valid for one transaction only? Non-revolving
Bill of lading __ document accompanies bills of exchange drawn under letters of credit.

Following are the problems associated with international purchasing except__ Low capital investment

Inter cultural preparation _ includes gaining the ability to understand the needs and ways of thinking and
acting, of representatives of international firms.

International purchasing _ is a very high profile international business.

Commercial invoices __ describes the merchandise, indicates the price and other details of transaction
involved, such as the name and address of buyer and seller, the shipping vessel, port of discharge,
shipment, export and import permits, contract and invoice number

Which type of letter of credit cannot be cancelled or modified without the consent of the beneficiary?

Inspection certificate __ is a document normally prepared by an independent agency other than the
exporter to certify the condition, quality or quantity of goods being shipped as per the requirements of the

Below given are the functions of store keeping except__ Excess handling of materials, need for more
persons and equipment for materials handling

Under which method companies take physical inventory when the stock is the lowest, irrespective of the
period. Low point inventory
Storekeeping __ is primarily a service function in which the storekeeper acts as a custodian of all items
carried in the store.
Which type of store serves the requirement of a particular production unit and is located nearer the
manufacturing shop of that unit? Sub-Stores

Which one among the below given is preferred in large plants having different divisions or departments
using different kind of materials. Decentralised storing

According to __ Similarity of Materials _ approach, all small parts may be stored in one place, bar stocks
in another, castings, forgings and bulky items in another place, raw materials such as steel, aluminium
and brass sheets etc., in yet another place.

Block stocking __ involves stocking of pallets or containers in rows such that each row contacts the
adjacent row.

Which type of stores depending on the use of materials stored? Functional Stores
Which one among the below given is the disadvantage of centralised storing? Staffs are less familiar with
the needs of each individual being served

Fixed location __ means that goods of a particular type have a position in the store assigned to them

Stores layout _ is a fundamental factor in determining the efficient performance of the stores department.
What are the problems of inefficient store keeping? All

EOQ model system is also known as _All (Fixed order, continuous review, Perpetual)

Inventory turnover ratio _ is the ratio of annual cost of goods sold to average inventory investment.

Which type of cost occurs when customer demand cannot be met because of insufficient inventory on
hand? Shortage costs

Raw materials, parts and component which become part of the firm's finished product in the production
process is known as__Production Inventories

Maintenance, repair and operating supplies which are consumed in the production process, but which do
not become part of the finished product is known as_MRO Inventories

The position of total inventory which varies directly with lot size is termed as__Cycle Inventory

Acquisition costs__ are costs associated with the placement of an order for the acquisition or
replenishment of the stock of inventory

Ordering costs are expressed as__Rupees per order

Which cost will vary with the level of inventory and with the length of time an item is held? Carrying
In which type inventory, inventory is held as reserve stock to meet the unexpected fluctuating demand
over a period which cannot be predicted accurately? Fluctuation Inventory

Which type of inventories also includes materials that have been ordered but not received? Pipe-line
The inventory performance is measured by _(Customer satisfaction & Inventory turnover ratio)

Stock of items kept on hand by an organisation to be used to meet customer demand is known

Which one among the followings is not an example for regularly used spare part? Axles

Non-avail ability of spare parts when a machine or equipment breaks down delays the repair considerably
and increases the _Down time_of the machine.

Spare part __ means a part or a sub-unit or a major assembly which is available in stock for substitution
when needed.

Irregularly used materials__ are those which are needed suddenly because of exigencies or unexpected
events, such as defects in the original materials, accidents etc.

Which one among the followings is not an example for irregularly used spare part? V belts

Among the below given which type of spare parts will have to be replaced at least once or perhaps
several times during the service life time of the machine or equipment? Regularly used spare parts

Overhauling spares__ is undertaken periodically to have a thorough check up of the machine or

equipment to give a new lease of life to it.

Fast moving_ items are those which have been drawn from stores at least once in two years.

Slow moving _ items are those which have not been drawn from stores at least once in two to four years

Rotable spares_ are spare parts which are repaired and rectified and kept in store for reuse.

In the field of materials management, the inventory of raw materials, component parts and subassemblies
which are all __Dependent demand items

Bill of materials_ is used to estimate the requirement of materials for producing the finished goods as per
the sales forecast.

Among the following which are reports that can be obtained for managerial control? All

What is the full form of GIGO? Garbage in garbage out

Expand TITO__Trash in trash out

Which among the following encompasses Integrated Management Information System using computer?

Q. Sourcing evaluation includes_Strength and weaknesses

company standards, national and international standards are included in__Maintenance of product

Creation of suppliers data base includes_Both a and c

Consistency in quality of suppliers, price stability, response to inquiries, delivery performance, after-
sales-service/product support rendered, lead time performance etc. are included in _Supplier performance

Expand MRN__Materials receiving notes

Materials planning has to be done for non-programmed decisions such as, and : ALL

The quantity which is most economical to order and stock, considering all factors bearing on the situation
is known as_ EOQ

comprises all of those procedures which are necessary for the provision of materials for the
manufacturing process with a minimum investment and at lowest cost possible. Materials control cycle

Blanket Order__ is purchase orders placed and accepted for large quantities of materials to be delivered
as later specified.
Among the following which are the advantages of centralised purchasing? ALL

Following are the functions of purchasing management except Selling the materials

Vendor Rating is necessary to objectively compare the performance of vendors and improve the
relationship with reliable vendors.
The degree of effort associated with the vendor selection is related to _The importance of the commodity
to be purchased

are produced according to some standard specifications of the supplier Standard components

Reciprocal buying_means purchasing from one’s customers in preference to others.

outlines management’s commitment to ethical and honest behaviour while guiding purchasing personnel
who are confronted with difficult situations while discharging their duties and responsibilities. Policies
defining the conduct of purchasing personnel

What is the meaning of purchase_All

Investment decisions_ are policy decisions based on the company’s investment policy.

involves initiating the purchase through purchase requisitions, requirements programs, selection of
suppliers, obtaining quotations and evaluating them. Pre-purchase system

Which one among the following is not the importance of value equationIt links the customers, the firm
and the operations management system

On the__Fixed order__ basis are initiated whenever the reorder point is reached for the stock items.
When manufacturing plants are widely dispersed geographically and manufacture different products
having different material requirements which type of purchasing is better than centralised purchasing?
De-centralised purchasing

which are used in finished assemblies or for maintenance spare parts. Component part

is an estimate of expenses to be incurred in the procurement of materials and it helps effective execution
and control of materials plans. Materials planning

In scope of material management finished goods storage falls under which domain. Storage domain of

helps to determine the right price on the basis of evaluation of prices offered by alternative suppliers.

If a supplier maintains an _____________ of keeping spare parts on hand, this could be helpful in case of
an emergency equipment break-down.

Raw materials, parts and component which become part of the firm's finished product in the production
process is known as____________Finished Goods Inventories

Value Analysis_ refers to the examination of the function of purchased parts and materials in an effort to
reduce cost and/or improve performance.

Materials management__ a total concept involving an organisational structure unifying into a single
responsibility, the systematic flow and control of materials from identification of the need through
delivery to customers.

WIP_ is the primary concern of production department since this comprises all materials which are at
various stages in the conversion process controlled by the production manager.

Reorder point is the quantity expected to be consumed during the replenishment lead time plus a reserve
P L Tandon_Whose guidelines are followed by banks while extending credit to industrial firms?

is a written statement of the company’s general purchasing policies for use by all concerned, both inside
and outside the company.

Prior to boring operation, reaming of drilled hole is must. FALSE

In which machining process, electrical energy combines with chemical energy to do the cutting
operation? NONE

In boring operation, a multi-point boring bit is used to enlarge the drilled hole.. FALSE

In new product development, advance product planning includes following.ALL

New product, in Maturity stage, will have rapid growth in sales. FALSE

In intermittent flows, changes in methods can't be effected without affecting the overall productive
capacity of the plant. FALSE
Computer-aided manufacturing allows some companies to respond faster to designing and redesigning
the new products at the end of life cycle. FALSE

Divya machine tools manufactures small quantity of each of its different models of lathe machines in
small quantities every month. This is an example of … batch production

The concept of product life cycle applies to specific brands and not to a generic category of product.

In new product development, advance product planning poses a point of friction between business and
technical personnel. YES

New product, in Introduction stage, will have intense competition. FALSE

For continuous flows, process design must be thorough and accurate & tools and equipment must be
highly specialized. YES

Batch technology is a step ahead from job-shop process in terms of product standardization, but it is not
as standardized as the assembly line process. TRUE

After the product has been launched, it needs constant Evaluation and improvement.

Process design is a static activity. FALSE

In new product development, ideas emanate from following people. ALL

Contributing to better quality by avoiding damage to products by inefficient handling can be claimed as
one of the objective of materials handling. YES

When the firm grows in size, materials handling activities needs a separate department to study
procedures and devise better materials handling techniques. Now materials handling is a function and is
often a part of the _ industrial engineering _ department.
In the traditional point of view of materials handling, the emphasis is on the movement of materials from
one location to another within the confines of the individual plant. TRUE
An important principle of materials handling states that mobile equipments should carry ___ percent
loads all the times. 100%
The mateials handling checklist is a means to evaluate each factor in the list periodically, peferably once
in a week. FALSE
In the plant wide concern materials handling, the attention is focused on the overall flow of material in
the plant. TRUE

The materials handling structure varies with the industry, the type of manufacturing _Process , the
product manufactured, its bulk and its value.
All most necessary movements of materials handling, definitely add Cost to the product.

One of the basic requirements of efficient materials handling is the planned material flow. When drawn
on paper, the flow Pattern_ becomes a flow chart.
Cost of material handling can be found by adding cost of owning the equipment, cost of maintaining and
cost of operating. TRUE
One definition of material handling states that it is lifting, shifting and placing of material which effect a
saving in money, time and place. TRUE
Material oriented handling systems consist of unit handling systems, bulk handling systems and liquid
handling systems. TRUE

In RCC building , the side and interior walls are often of brick, sheet metal or hollow tiles. These walls
give no __ structural _ support.

Brick buildings depreciate more slowly than wood-frame buildings and alternations in them can be
effected with relative _Ease
Buildings for steel mills are often of following type. high bay and monitor type

A factor which is of vital importance to every plant relates to the _ types of materials for construction

Recently, square or block shaped industrial buildings are gradually replaced by letter-shaped buildings.

A process in which the roofs and floors are poured on the ground; after the cement sets, they are hoisted
into place and fastened to supporting steel columns is called lift-slab construction of pre-cast concrete.

If future expansion of the concern is to be provided for, the design of the building should be in a
rectangular shape.

The factory building should be designed to provide _FACILITIES like cafeteria, locker rooms, libraries

Only up to four storeys, the cost of construction will be lower for multi-storey buildings as compared to
single-storey buildings TRUE

In industrial building construction, there is a significant trend towards the construction of multi-storey
and their locating away from urban areas. TRUE

If a city site is selected for a plant, the building need not have firm foundations. FALSE

Foundry and Steel mill, both require industrial building of high bay and monitor type. TRUE

Pre-stressed concrete slabs are very increasingly used particularly in the construction of multi-storey
buildings. FALSE

Main reason for preferring single-storey industrial building over multi-storey is that they have an elegant
appearance. FALSE

The building for a saw mill has following type of construction. only roof and no side walls
In custom order job shop, extensive production planning is necessary in planning for design of both the
product and the production processes. False
In case of continuous production of a single standardized product, detailed production planning is
required for repetitive__ operations.
The wide difference between planning procedures in different companies is primarily due to the
differences in economical and ____ conditions under which the firm operates. none of above.
Product planning system and process planning system, not inter-related. False
The amount and intensity of production planning procedures depends upon _all of above
Control of material, control of due dates and control of tooling are various elements of production
control. TRUE

The objective of _______ is to provide a physical system together with a set of operating guidelines for
efficient conversion of raw materials , human skills and other inputs into finished product. NONE

Production control procedure is comparatively simpler in intermittent multi-operation production than in

continuous flow process. FALSE

Hand tools, toys, automobile spares etc. are examples of intermittent multi-operation production. TRUE

In JOB SHOP_, the production planning may be informal and the development of work methods is left to
the individual workman who is highly skilled

In _____, many product designers, equipment engineers, process engineers and methods engineers are
involved high volume of production

Lower production costs and greater pricing flexibility, are claimed to be competitive advantages of
process control. FALSE

Determining the sequence of operations and the nature of operations along with time requirements is one
of the activities of production/operations planning. TRUE

Production control procedures are determined by __ALL

Petrochemical, soap and synthetic industries are examples of continuous flow process operations. TRUE

If a worker is setting up a tool on the machine, he/she is especially entitled for ______ allowance in
arriving at Standard Time. periodic activity

According to principles of motion economy, materials and tools should be located to permit the best
sequence of motions. TRUE
PMTS stands for Pre-determined Motion Time System. TRUE

During selecting the worker to be studied in Time Study by stopwatch, if qualified worker is not
available, then ______ worker should be chosen. best available

Micro motion study provides a valuable technique for making minute analysis of those operations that
have long cycle time, contain slow movements involve high production over a long period of time. NO
The purpose of work measurement is to quantify mechanical, physiological, psychological and
sociological factors of every operation/activity in an organization. TRUE

Work measurement may be defined as the techniques applied to determine the amount of time necessary
for a _____ worker to perform a particular task. qualified

Industrial engineering is concerned with the design, improvement and installation of integrated systems
of men, materials and equipments to improve process FALSE

Out of method study and work measurement, only method study is an important element in achieving
higher labour productivity. NO
An element of job is a distinct part of a specified job selected for convenience of observation,
measurement and ANALYSIS
Method study, methods analysis and operations analysis are synonyms of each other. TRUE

Method study encompasses the study of work processes, working conditions and equipments and tools
used to carry out the job. TRUE

Multiple activity chart records the activities of more than one subject on a _____ time scale to show their
inter-relationship. COMMON

Time study helps to determine equipment and labour requirements. TRUE

The drawback of backward scheduling is that it accumulates high work-in-process inventories. FALSE

Priority Control and Capacity Control, both are concerns of __Production Activity Control

Sequencing of customer orders at various work centers becomes an important function in make-to-
_______ manufacturing firms. ORDER

SFAC stands for Semi Finished Activity Control. FALSE

Steel mills and machine tools manufacturers use backward scheduling technique. FALSE

Problems such as insufficient capacity at work stations and problems at upstream work stations can be
identified through the _________ activity of operations planning and scheduling system. input/output

PAC stands for _Projected Annual Cost

Sequencing is the process of determining the start and finish dates at each work centre or machine for all
jobs. FALSE

Series of scheduling decisions and Activities at various levels in manufacturing facility are essential to
carry out company's _____ strategy. Corporate

The drawback of forward scheduling is that it accumulates high work-in-process inventories. TRUE

The objective of Production Activity Control is _ ALL

In process-focused production systems, the departments or work centers are organized around the type of
equipments or operations. False

The concept of priority control and capacity control in PAC can be applied in service systems and not in
production systems. False

Companies where jobs are manufactured to customer orders and delivery is requested on 'as early as
possible' basis, forward scheduling technique is most appropriate. True

The loading procedure in which jobs are assigned to work centers by comparing the required hours for
each operation with the available hours in each work centre for the scheduling period, is called ________
loading procedure. FINITE
Following process qualifies for getting Process Allowance in arriving at Standard Time. ALL

Work measurement helps to provide information related to _ ALL

Main reason for preferring multi-storey industrial building over single-storey is that the cost of
ventilation is reduced. FALSE

Materials handling is defined as the art and science of moving, packaging, elevating, positioning,
processing, transporting and storing of substances in any form.

Recording techniques such as process charts, flow diagram and man-machine charts can be used to record
all relevant facts in method study procedures but not in work study procedures.

Micro motion study can be applied to sewing of garments and assembling small parts. YES

In work measurement procedure, after arriving at standard time to do the job, it is utmost necessary to
add contingency allowance. TRUE

If a village site is selected for a plant, the building need not have deep foundations.

Method study, plant layout and materials handling are all parts of the design of a _____ facility and can
hardly be separated. PRODUCTION

Requirements of efficient materials handling equipment and the characteristics of a factory building are
complimentary to each other. TRUE

Detailed scheduling is the process of determining the start and finish dates at each work centre or
machine for all jobs. TRUE
With a view to taking advantage of natural lighting and ventilation, glass blocks and hollow cement
blocks are increasingly used. TRUE

Search Therblig is defined as that part of the cycle during which the eyes or the hands are hunting for the
object. TRUE
The ______ requirement planning system specifies what products or components are needed in what
quantities and when they are required. MATERIALS

The materials handling systems are classified according to type of equipment, type of material, the
methods and _____ performed. FUNCTIONS

Depending upon following, there are standards of structural needs which are to be adopted suitably. ALL

Locating a particular spanner in a toolbox containing spanners, Allen keys and other tools is an example
of Search Therblig in micro motion study. TRUE

Capacity Control ensures that the production activities are carried out as per a predetermined priority
plan. TRUE

In designing of a factory building, expansibility means construction of a massive building in which a

major portion of the space is idle. FALSE

When the workmen walk on plain concrete floor, they get physically strained TRUE.
Balancing the work of operators in production or assembly lines can't be done with the help of Time

According to principles of motion economy, ballistic movements are faster, easier and more accurate than
restricted or controlled movements. TRUE

Activity sampling, Direct time study, Value analysis and PMTS, all these techniques are used to measure
work. YES

The systems point of view of materials handling requires visualization of materials handling problems,
the physical distribution activities and all closely related functions as one, an all-encompassing system.

In work measurement techniques, One TMU equals ____ seconds. 0.36

In high volume productions, the planning of production is limited to planning for purchase of raw
materials and components and determination of work centres which have the capacity of manufacturing
the product

In Hong Kong and Singapore, industrial buildings of multi-storey type are preferred because _both the
cities are water locked

Factors facilitating Method Study are high operating cost and high wastage. TRUE

The methods engineering can be defined as that body of knowledge concerned with the analysis of the
methods and the equipment used in performance of a job, the design of an optimum method and the
standardization of the proposed methods. TRUE

Disadvantages of unit load concept of materials handling are (1) cost of unitising (2) euqipment
requirements (3) problem of returning empty containers (4) lack of transfer _____ at both the ends.
Can work study provide a standard of performance to measure labour efficiency? YES

Which process is appropriate for manufacturing of small batches of different products, each of which is
custom designed. job shop process

In finite loading procedure, jobs are assigned to work centers without regard to the capacity. FALSE

A construction company , with its many kinds and sizes of projects, is an example of PROJECT

The company's operation's strategy is carried out by a series of scheduling decisions and activities at
various levels in a manufacturing facility, whatever may be the type of production shops.

For organizing the process flows, how many types of processes are distinguished

The provision of facilities for storing and drying clothes in a factory building plan, is a _____
requirement. LEGAL

Priority control ensures that, the amount of equipment and labour hours necessary at various work centers
to carry out the scheduled work are provided on priority.

Materials handling analysis is a subset of PLANT LAYOUT

A life cycle can be graphed by plotting aggregate sales volume for a generic product category over time,
usually a YEAR

Increased storage capacity through better utilisation of storage areas can be claimed as one of the
objective of materials handling. YES

Which of the following would not usually be a main factor in selecting a vendor inventory turnover

Which of the following is NOT a factor impacting the supply chain? Longer product life cycles

In a manufacturing Organisation, raw material enters its premises through: Supply System

Vendor analysis has the greatest potential for savings for items which have high annual cost-volume

A market orientation helps the ___________ of Supply Chain Management. Execution

…Supply chain management. integrates supply and demand management within and across companies.

Which of the following is the first principle of supply chain management? Segment customers by service
needs and then tailor services to those particular segments
Which of the following is not one of the three main links in the supply chain? Materials flow from
suppliers and their "downstream" suppliers at all levels
Supply chains link operators to suppliers in Tiers

The purpose of supply chain management is; integrating supply and demand management
The Basic Concept of Supply Chain Management relates to _______________ of the complete Chain.
Supply chain management system are integrated partnership among all links in the flow of goods and
services to ; Customer

Following is not the principle of SCM Services to owner

Stages of supply chain management include suppliers, producers, distributors, retailers, and Reverse

A supply chain is made up of a series of processes that involve an input, a _______, and an output.

method to make improvement in the supply chain is known as: Major product redesign

The speed of transportation depends upon:; both A & B are correct

When the supplier supplies directly to end customer rather than seller it is known as: Drop shipping

time that elapses between point at which material enters the supply chain to point at which it exists is
known as; material flow time

The average amount of inventory used to satisfy demand between receipt of supplier shipments is known
as; cycle inventory

How many forms of structural changes are there in supply chain? 5

A contract to purchase certain items from vendor is known as: blanket orders

According to _________ logistics cost is estimated to be about 12% of the world's GDP IMF

An innovation in transportation is known as Cross Docking

What plays an important role in Firm's competitive strategy? pricing
The values not in product or service are brand value
What helps in providing coordination that is lacking across the various departments and functions of
business? Cross functional teams
The process in which fims decide how much to charge to customers is known as pricing

_________ focuses on outputs of process, especially quality levels supplier Evaluation

The four legs of business operations do not include

Planning involving resource acquisition decision to be taken over long term planning horizons is known
as; Strategic planning

Approach which replicate the functioning of logistics is; simulation

The decision related to what role a facility play is known as; role of facility

The type of change that are needed to the firm's logistics network should be confirmed in the context of;
Supply chain positioning
Redesigning the logistics network can generate annual savings of total logistics cost upto; 5 to 15 %

A ………………. Is the network of organization that are involved through upstream and downstream
linkages in the different processes and activities that produce value in the form of products and services
in the hands of ultimate customers. It is also called as a value chain. Supply chain

The decision related to which markets should each facility serrve & which supply sources should feed
each facility is; market and supply allocation

the number of product groups substantial for network analysis is; 20

The aspect which refers to locating facilities on a geographical area is known as; Spatial aspect

Facility that leads in development and process technologies is; Lead facility

PlaTypes of distribution used to distribute the products are;

nning involving decision affecting the short term execution of firm's business is known as; Operartional
To compete effectively in the market firms search new ways to; both A & B

A company's goal is to add ______________ to its product Value

The three principle modelling approach do not include; spatial

Regional production facility with development skills is known as; Contributor facility

Types of distribution used to distribute the products are; 3

Provisions for billing, granting credit and preparing invoces is order processing
utility created when products and services are available where consumer wants to buy them place
Strategy defining the set of customer needs is; Competetive strategy
function consisting of buying in relatively large quantities and selling in smaller quantities is known as;
Bulk breaking
distribution system under which a producer firm sells its product through multiple but not all possible
wholesalers or retailers; Selective distribution
All factors in physically moving and storing products should be considered as a whole and not
individually' Is a premise of; Total cost Approach
Cargo handeling system commonly used in physical distribution is; Containerisation

Relationship built on a single event or a series of separate single event usually over short term period is;
transaction logistics

Condition in which the manager of each physical distribution function attempts to minimise cost

A situation in which the desires of channel members are not sufficiently integrated channel conflict
One of the most innovative and dynamic areas of marketing is; outbound logistics
The structure which involves the manufacturer, wholesales, dealers or distributors and retailers through
which the product or service is marketed is; Marketing Channel
Firms ability to provide timely information to the customer about order status is; Communication
A situation in which the marketing objectives and strategies of two channel members are harmonious is;
channel cooperation
VMI refers to Vendor Managed inventory
hallow corporations are also known as Virtual companies

The output of supply chain planning process is; Supply Chain Strategy

Management ensuring about company having right set of suppliers that they are performing and that the
company is paying the best possible pricing across the board Strategic supply management

strategy formulated to minimize level of capital investment is; Capital reduction strategy
the cost of producing and delivering a product to customer is; supply chain efficiency
The partnership having long term horizon is; type2 partnership
Strategy concerened with making optimum use of logistics and supply chain asset or resources is; Asset
productivity strategy
strategy formulated to achieve corporate objectives is; corporate strategy

Strategy which warehouses keep the stock and supply the items to customers is; warehousing strategy

the type of supply chain in which the decisions pertaining toproduction and distribution are based on long
term forecast is; Push-Based Supply Chain

Traditional ways that firm in the supply chainorganisationally relates to one another is; vertical

The art of general means; Strategy

Technologies which includes hardware, software and connectivity is; Technology based strategy

System which uses the internet to automate the process of dealing with suppliers Direct material
procurement execution
Measure of how effectively purchasing spends is; Price performance measure

Process encompassing sourcing various materials is; Source

Measure use to plan annual administrative budget is Administrative and control measure

The elapsed lead time from the arrival of purchase requisition to placement of purchase order Purchasing
administrative lead time

Well defined measure use data that are available and accurate is known as; Accuracy

Category having number of dimensions that are important to logistics and supply chain management is;

Measuring system relying on quantitative data instead of qualitative is; Objectivity

Number of measurement criteria in SCM are; 3

An effective method of determining wether or not an organisation is meeting its goal is; Performance
SCOR refers to; Supply chain operations reference

Measuring all activities linked to inputs is; measuring inputs

Four categories of performance do not include; profit

people understand a performance measures requirement is termed as; Clarity

Method which uses past data about an activity is; historical data
measures help to determine the level of resources consumed is; General efficiency measure
Customer satisfaction can be achieved at the ------of logistics supply chain End

The ultimate yardstick in measuring logistics and supply chain performance is Customer

________ has the ability to provide specific aspects and levels of service Customised service

Time that is spent in process is called as Horizontal

Comaprision of performance of internal business units is referred to as Internal benchmarking

Logistics supply chain structure is defined through Flow chart

Supply chain maps are also used to provide Internal benchmark

Time spent on activity which when eliminated would not lead to any reduction of benefit to the
customer is known as Non value adding time

Quality best practice measure would include Frequency of delivery

Time best practice critieria would include Stock turnover rate

________has the ability t provide fast deliveries Quick response

Delivery performance benchmarking is done in case of Distributor

Critical dimensions which contribute significantly to the success or failure of the company in the
market place is termed as KPI

Comparison of business processes against those of competitiors is referred as Benchmarking

In vertical time only --- is added Cost

ECR stands for Every day consumer response

_____ aims at service quality Better

________ is used to understand how a business process really works by first describing how
things are and then by how you want them to be Activity modelling
_____ enables the companies to respond quickly and to be flexible to customers delivery
requirements JIT

Keeping the cost of transporting materials as low as possible constitent with safe and reliable
delivery is termed as ______ Logistics

Information about competitors performance is useful to identify where improvement is needed is

termed as Gap analysis
_______ is an integrated set of activities designed to achieve high voume production using
minimal inventories of raw materials Lean production
Electronic transmission of data between firm and suppliers is called as EDI
______ structurally changes the way companies will manage their supply chain operations
Synchronised supply chain
Demand pull strategies are referred to as Replenishment strategies

Time spent for an activity that creates a benefit for which customer is prepared to pay Value
adding time

QRM is similar to JIT

Radical redesign of business processes is termed as BPR

Customer value is slowly replacing______ Brand value

Agility or speed to match supply with demand is known as Agile supply chain
______must be viewed as an investment Technology

Hybrid business brings to life idea of Embedded alignment

Porters value chain presents Five primary and Four support activities

Short lead time is major element of JIT

3PL is _____ service provider External
_________eliminates the need for warehouses Facility utilisation
Virtual network consortia is also known as Network supply chain

Relationship between buyers or between sellers is Horizontal

Modification of quick response systemthat eliminates the need for replenishment orders is
called as VMI
Co owned, co - managed service company are JSC
ECR ______ the length of time of inventory Reduces
Firm can gain market share through Differentiation strategy

SKU stands for Stock keeping unit

Relationship is based on Focus strategy
Customer driven system where distributors and suppliers work together as business allies to
maximise customer satisfaction and minimize cost is called as ECR

Which of the following is function of SCM ?

Approach to measure supply chain performance is (BOTH SCOR & Balanced score card)

Measure focusing on how to reduce purchase cost is

Planning involving decision affecting the short term execution of firm's business is known as

Virtual corporation may sometimes lead to

The supply chain encompasses all activities associated with the flow and ________ of goods

Processes which are determined to have high impact on the performance of the products /
profitability and which are difficult to be sourced from quality suppliers is MAKE

A good logistics/SCM can generate

Process of managing upstream and downstream of final goods, flow of raw materials and
information about resellers and final consumers is classified as; supply chain management

the system in which some degee of implicit or explicit relationships exists among firms is
Vertical marketing system

P:roblem which is concerened with maintaining the product availability to meet customer
service target is Temporal

The Primary objective of SCM is to fulfill customer demands through the most efficient use of
…………………….. , including distribution, capacity, inventory and labour. Resources

Delaying modification or customization to the product is known as Postponement

low cost facility for export production is known as Offshore

The challenge for ___ today is to produce quality products or services efficiently. business
Quality assurance, usually associated with some form of measurement and inspection activity,
is an important aspect of ___ operations. production

Quality requires continuous _improvement

Quality is in its essence a way of ____ the organization. managing

The ___ of excellence at an acceptable price and the control of variability at an acceptable cost.
External failure ___ erode market share and profits. costs
Quality has become the most powerful corporate change agent of our time and perhaps the
single most important managerial demand facing many ____ today. companies
No sale, no __profit
In the final analysis of the ___ , the quality of a product depend on how well it fits pattern of
consumer preference. marketplace

When products are found to be ____ while in production, they must either be scrapped or
repaired. defective
Quality is a critical factor in ____ performance. strategic
Quality is meeting or exceeding customer's _expectations
Manufacturing-based definition focus on producers of goods and services and identity quality as
______ to requirements. conformance

According to the transcendental vie, the quality is synonymous with ____ excellence. innate
Quality is the basic customer's ____ factor for an explosively growing number of products and
services today. decision
A major flaw in traditional problem - solving approaches is a ____ of emphasis of problem
finding. lack
There are several ___ kind of quality tool that can be customized for particular purposes. generic
After the ideas have been generated, the problem solver evaluate them to identify and select
the ____ ones. best
If evaluation and correction are done in real time, then the chance of producing non-conforming
products is _____ . minimized
Virtually no one can function in an organization that has embraced ___ quality without some or
all of these tools. total
The whole Japanese business philosophy is based on the combination of Kaizen and

In service organizations, customer ____ provide a starting point for identifying quality-related
problems. complaints

The mess in quality ____ is often a poor state of quality within an organization. assurance
Fact finding means understanding the true state of ____ . quality

The ____ of the problem solver is to collect facts and achieve a workable problem definition.

Control of a process is a continuous activity, requiring that _____ to be made periodically over
time. measurements

Problems are different from ___ . messes

Control limits make it easier to interpret ___ in a run chart and draw conclusions about the state
of control. patterns
Process analysis ____ are used to understand a work process or some part of a process. tools
Control charts only give the ____ when the process tends to go out of control and cannot
determine the source of the problem. signal
To understand ____ , one must first determine how a process works and what it is supposed to
do. messes
The fundamental concept of process mapping are based on the idea of _____ analysis.
Credit-checking is done for both old and new _customers
The normal ___ caused by chance cause which are inherent in the process is not so high that
the process will produce a product that exceeds its specification limits. variability
Statistical process control (SPC) is a method of quality control
Focus on _____ sponsors responsible for championing improvement projects, support team
activities, help to overcome resistance to change and obtain resources. corporate
Set stretch objective for __improvement
Responsiveness concerns the willingness or readiness of employee to provide _ service

Check ___ facilitate systematic record keeping or data collection. Sheets

Depending upon the nature of the activity types of finance are all the above
Financial service companies exclude ‐Sole proprietorship
The State Financial Corporations Act, _1951
Role of merchant bankers‐All of these
Borrowing from banks is a very important source of ___________finance. short-term

___ is regarded as the fourth element of the financial system. Financial services

SIDBI was established on1990

The first bank to set up a separate merchant banking division in India. National & Grin days bank
‐‐ covers the entire range of services provided by a merchant banker. Corporate counseling
Finance, which has been aptly described as the ___________of industry. “lifeblood”
Formal merchant banking activity in India was originated in______.1969
Sources of short-term finance_. All of these
The ______ is the apex organization in the Indian money market. SBI
CRISIL has been promoted by ____ and _____. ICICI, UTI
Long-term finance is required for procuring _______________for the establishment of a new
business. fixed assets

Which are those only preparations for work performance? Both A and B
Which is quite a crucial activity? Management of project

Which of the following factors involves the project control All of these
How project is is generally success fall? Above all of these
Jane Koloski Morris, editor of the well-known industry publication was…Venture Economics

. keeps a close contact with the promoters or entrepreneurs to protect their investment.. Venture

How much business plans each month VCs receive? an average of 200
_ financing capital is determined to finance the expenses in the period before the IPO Bridge

Florida Foods Corporation has been one of who’s most famous investments? Whitney's
The number of active venture organizations ________dramatically during the late 1970s and
early 1980s increased
Venture capital believes such types of risks: all of the above

What are the essential qualities are necessitated for promoters to start a venture? all of the above
Venture Capital is important for the following : all of the above
Venture capital investments areilliquid
Venture capital funding is the business of employing capital ‘Patiently’ to…………. Returns’
Venture capital backed companies can provide_______ returns. high
Companies can also obtain venture capital to overcome__________ problems economic
financial institutions typically invest in a venture capital fund for how much period ? up to 10 year
John Hay Whitney and his partner Benno Schmidt founded the ________as the Venture capital
funding and investing since the 1930s J.H. Whitney & Company
Inventory may be valued using several methods like ---All the above
-is the amount of funds invested @ the risk of owners of the business concern. Net worth.
Funds have been defined as the difference between --Current assets ¤t liability.
Assets and liabilities on a balance sheet may be written on-Both.
All assets which are aquired for reselling during the course of business are to be treated as --
Current assets.
---is that basis where assets and liabilities are arranged according to their realisability and
payment preference. Liquidity basis.
---are usually shown as an expenditure in the profit and loss account not netted out from sales. ]
Deferred revenue expenditure.
---to reflect gross profit or loss arising out of trading and manufacturing operation. Trading account.
The current liability include amounts payable to ---All the above
Treatment of various types of items that required adjustments for the preparations of balance
sheet are--All the above.
-- is shown @ the point of time as assets in balance sheet. Deferred expenditure
--is the statement of assets & liabilities. Balance sheet.
A statement of changes in --------------can be prepared using different concepts of funds as a
basis. Financial position
---assets possess a tangible form but are not directly used in operations of business. Other
Assets and liabilities on a balance sheet may be written on-Both
The budgeting process or programme are …All The Above
The manager who is responsible for only the cost of the company is classified as cost center
A production cost budget is also known as production budget
After preparing the sales budget, the ………………..budget is prepared production
The budget is a …………..planning frame work formal
The first step in developing the operating budget is to identify the problem
…budget can be prepared to find out the values of direct materials and finished goods inventory
The third step in developing operating budget is to make predictions about future
The direct labor and salary outlays direct material purchases are classified as cash disbursements
The budget plan in many companies is also referred as profit plan
which factors which are duly considered while preparing long-term budgets All The Above
fixed… budget is designed to remain unchanged irrespective of the level of activity actually

The focus on budget cost of all the activities necessary to sell and produce market offerings is
classified as raw material budgeting

The higher and accurate budgeted profit forecast of managers leads to their high incentive bonus
The second step in developing operating budget is to obtain information
The balance sheet helps in assessing ------------------------of a business enterprises. All the above.
---- is a statement of assets & liabilities of enterprises @ a particular date. Balance sheet.
Which Is The Important Analysis Which Express Relationship Between Two Numbers Ratio

While preparing ----------------statements, adjustments may be necessary in respect of any

income in advance . financial statements.
Methods of estimating bad and doubtful debt are---------------------Both of the above.
According to ------------------,the amount of be recognised as revenue is the amount that is
reasonably certain to be realised. Realisation concept.
The interest on drawing will be shown as on income in the ----------Profit & loss account.
The Percentage Analysis Of Decrease Or Increase In The Correspondence Item In The
Comparative Statement Horizontal Analysis
Techniques Of Financial Statement All The Above
The opening balance of the capital accLossount must be adjusted for: All the above
The amount which cannot be recovered is considered as a --------------------called 'bad debts '.
Any receipt which is not a capital receipt is termed as -------------Revenue receipt--
Expenditure incurred in running the business is termed as --Revenue expenditure.
Amounts are expressed in money & reflect only those matters that can be measured in
monetary terms. Money measurement.
-- figures is indicated in the 'Adjustments' outside the trial balance. Closing stock.
--classifies cash flows into operating, investing and financing activities. Cash flow statement
How to preparing cash flow statement. All the above.
Cash receipts from disposal of ---Fixed assets including intangible
The cash flow statement deals with the provisions of information about changes in -------------
during the accounting year. Cash and cash equalent
A cash flow statement focuses on various activities and items which bring about changes in the
cash balance between ------balance sheet date. 2
A cash flow statement is prepared by rearrangement of items on the ---Income statement &balance
Cash receipts from the sale of goods and the rendering of services is the example of ----Cash
flow from operating activities

Cash payments or refunds of -------------unless they can be specifically identified with financing
and investing activities. Income tax
Example of cash inflows in operating activities are--All the above
----transaction that do not require the use of cash or cash equalent are not shown in the cash
flow statement. Investing &financing
----from disposal of shares warrants or debt instruments of other enterprises and interests in
joint ventures. cash receipts.
The conceptual and practical problems which underlie the indirect method is --
All the above

--should be converted at the exchange rate of the date of cash flow. Foreign currency cash flows
The largest item of difference between cash flow and income statement is allocation of ----Fixed
assets cost of Depreciation
---are inflows and outflows of cash and cash equalent. Cash flow

-Which Is Derived By Taking Net Income And Dividing It By Share Holders Equity Return On
Properietory ratio is calculated by Properietors’Funds/Total Tangible Assets.
which of the following is intangible assets all the above
The Main Objectives Of Financial Statement Analysis Is All The Above
Common Size Statement Are Prepared In Both a & b
Which Ratio Expresses Relationship Between Current Account And Current Liabilities Current
Quick assets do not include Inventories.
Current ratio is 4:1.Net Working Capital is Rs.30,000.Find the amount of current Assets.

Current Ratio Is Always Referred As Liquidity Ratio

Divident Per Share Nay Be None Of The Above

Debt Equity Ratio is 3:1,the amount of total assets Rs.20 lac,current ratio is 1.5:1 and owned
funds Rs.3 lac.What is the amount of current asset? Rs.12 lac
Divident Means Portion Of Profit
Activity Ratio Is Also Known As Turn Over Ratio
The larger the operating cycle __________ will be the working capital requirement. More
The cost of production more frequently called the__ Cost of goods sold
The amount of current assets varies with seasonal requirement is referred to as
______________ working capital. Temporary

The method of treating the working capital A and B

If the unit is big the working capital requirement will be ___ Large
In deciding the optimal level of current assets for the firm management is confronted with A
trade of between profitability and risk

Working capital is -------------when current assets are used to repay long term debt. Increased.
Sources of working capital are All the above
The working capital is used to maintain _All of the above
Provisions for taxation can be treated as -----------.and it will decrease the working capital in
schedule of changes in working capital. Current liability
Wages represents _____ rates of pay. Hourly
Incentives depends upon All of the above
----are the principles schemes under premium bonus plans. Halsey premium plan
‘A fair day work for fair day pay’ denotes a sense of _______ felt by employees. Equity
Examples Of Expired Costs All The Above
---combines a guaranteed time rate with a bonus and piece rate plan using the differential piece
rate system. Gantt task and bonus plan
--are employees working outside the factory on building sites or moving from place to place on
small installation or repair work. Out side workers.

Under -------------method each job is analysed in term of job factors. Point rating method
Examples of direct expenses are: All of the above
--aims at providing a rational and equitable basis for differential salaries and wages for different
classes of workers. Job evaluation
---scheme the value of bonus depends upon saving in actual expenditure as compared with the
budget. Budgeted expenditure bonus
Gantt task and bonus plan provides incentives and opportunity to those who reach high level --
The ---------------objectives should be considered in selection of a wage system. All the above

The Important Areas Of Accounting Are All The Above

--are methods of job evaluation. All the above

he Ford Foundation Team, which visited India in ____________suggested a positive

programme for the development of modern SSIs 1953-54

is the method the net cash flow from operating activities is determined by adjusting net profit or
loss. Indirect method

are activities that result in the size and composition of owners capital and borrowings of the
enterprise. Financial activities

examples of direct materials are steel to make automobile bodies

relating to future contract, forward contract, option contract and swap contract when contract
are held for dealing or trading purpose. Cash receipts and payment

The labour budget prepared must disclose the following information in period the number of each
type or grade of worker

The period of __________may be regarded as a medium-term. 1 - 5

The budget sales plus target ending finished goods inventory minus beginning finished goods
inventory equals to budget production

The number of lead merchant bankers may not exceed in case any issue of, issue size
200crore to 400crore. 5
Cash flow statement classified into ---------------categories. 3

What are the steps followed by in completion of project All

The budgeting method which incorporates the improvement anticipated in budgeting period into
budget numbers is classified as kaizen budgeting

The non-financial and financial aspects of the plan by the company management is classified
as budget
Payment of higher hourly rate for evening and night shifts is known as Shift premium

Direct Labour Is Defined As The Labour Of Those Workers Who Are Engaged In The Production

account focuses on net income determination from operating activities.

The practice which makes target more achievable by underestimating revenues or

overestimating cost is classified as Budgetary slack

Working capital or short-term capital includes Investment and other assets

The steps involved in preparation of statement are

The period exceeding ________________years is regarded as long-term 5

activities relate to long term liability and equity capital__Financing activities

Authorised capital of a company is Rs.5 lac,40% of it is paid up.Loss incurred during the year is
Rs.50,000.Accumulated loss carried from last year is Rs.2 lac.The company has a Tangible Net
Worth of -50000

refer to invest in "entrepreneurial businesses Venture

operates in Inter-bank call money market All

If a company issues bonus shares the debt equity ratio will

Remain unaffected

The cash flows associated with -------------should be classified as arising from operating,
investing or financing activities as appropriate. Extra ordinary items

The continuous budget is also known as rolling budget

Basically there are 2 wage systems to pay for labour they are Straight time and piece work

of the proprietor as shown in the b/s should reveal the net amount owning to him by the
business as on the closing date. Capital account

Which stage investor are passive investor who expect to sell their stakes after the IPO, and
venture capital funds?

Market Price Of Shares Expressed As a Multiples Of Earning Per Share is p/E ratio
The schedule of expected disbursements and cash receipts is considered as
cash budget

Cash flow statement comes under -----------standard. AS3

An asset is a Use of fund

Cash payments or refund of income taxes unless they can be specifically identified with
Financing and investing activities.

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