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Handbook of Geotechnical Investigation and Design Tables

Burt G. Look

Rock strength parameters from classification and testing

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Burt G. Look
Published online on: 10 Feb 2014

How to cite :- Burt G. Look. 10 Feb 2014 ,Rock strength parameters from classification and testing
from: Handbook of Geotechnical Investigation and Design Tables Routledge.
Accessed on: 16 Sep 2018


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Chapter 6

Rock strength parameters from

classification and testing
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6.1 Rock strength

• There are many definitions of strengths.
• The value depends on the extent of confinement and mode of failure.

Table 6.1 Rock strength descriptors

Rock strength Description

Unconfined compressive strengths A compression test strength under uniaxial load in an

unconfined state UCS or qu
Intact strength Intact specimen without any defects
Rock mass strength Depends on intact strength factored for its defects
Tensile strength ∼5% to 25% UCS – use 10% UCS
Flexural strength ∼2 × tensile strength
Point load index strengths ∼UCS/20 but varies considerably. A tensile test
Brazilian strengths A tensile test
Schmidt hammer strengths Rebound value. A hardness test
Soft rock UCS <10 MPa
Medium rock UCS = 10 to 20 MPa
Hard rock, typical concrete strength UCS ≥20 MPa

6.2 Typical refusal levels of drilling rig

• The penetration rate, the type of drilling bit used and the type and size of drilling
rig are useful indicators into the strength of material.
• Typical materials and strengths in south east Queensland is shown in the table.
Table 6.2 Typical refusal levels of drilling rigs in south east Queensland.

Property Typical material

Drill rig Weight of rig V – Bit refusal TC – Bit refusal RR – Bit refusal

Jacro 105 3.15 t Very stiff to hard clays XW Sandstone N/A

DCP = 8–10 DCP = Refusal (∼20)
Gemco HP7/ 6 t XW Sandstone/Phyllite XW Sandstone/DW
Jacro 200 N* = 40–100 Phyllite: N* = 50–200
Jacro 500 12 t DW Phyllite N* = 70–300 DW Metasiltstone
N* = 50–200 Is (50) ∼ 2 MPa N* = 100–500
74 Handbook of Geotechnical Investigation and Design Tables

◦ N∗ = Inferred SPT N-value.

◦ Drilling bits:
– V – bit is hardened steel.
– TC bit is a tungsten carbide.
– RR – rock roller.

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DCP = 8–10 is also the limit of hand augering.

6.3 Parameters from drilling rig used

• This table uses the material strength implications from the refusal levels to provide
an on-site indicator of the likely bearing capacity – a first assessment only.
• This must be used with other tests and observations.
• The intent throughout this text is to bracket the likely values in different ways, as
any one method on its own may be misleading.
Table 6.3 Rock parameters from drilling rig.

Property Allowable bearing capacity (kPa)

Drill rig Weight of rig V – Bit refusal TC – Bit refusal RR – bit refusal

Jacro 105 3.15 t 300 500 N/A

Gemco HP7/Jacro 200 6 t 450 750 1500
Jacro 500 12 t 600 1000 2000
Typical material Hard clay: Cu = 250 kPa DW Mudstone DW Sandstone
XW Phyllite XW Greywacke DW Tuff

◦ Weight and size of drilling rig has different strength implications.

◦ Drilling Supervisor should ensure the driller uses different drill bits (T.C./
V – Bit) as this is useful information.

6.4 Field evaluation of rock strength

• During the site investigation, various methods are used to assess the intact rock
• Often SPT refusal is one of the first indicators of likely rock. However, the same
SPT value in a different rock type or weathering grade may have different strength
Table 6.4 Field evaluation of rock strength.

Strength Description Approx. SPT Is (50)

By hand Point of pick Hammer with hand N-Value (MPa)
held specimen

ExtremelyEasily crumbled Crumbles <100 Generally

Low in 1 hand N/A
Very low 60–150 <0.1
Low Broken into Deep 100–350 0.1–0.3
pieces in 1 hand indentations to 5 mm
Medium Broken with 1 mm to 3 mm Easily broken with 250–600 0.3–1
difficulty in 2 hands indentations light blow (thud)
Rock strength parameters from classification and testing 75

Table 6.4 (Continued)

Description Approx. SPT Is (50)

Strength By hand Point of pick Hammer with hand N-Value (MPa)
held specimen
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High 1 firm blow to break (rings) 500–1000 1–3

Very high >1 blow to break (rings) 3–10
Extremely Many hammer blows to >600 >10
high break (rings) – sparks

Figure 6.1 Use of drilling rigs.

76 Handbook of Geotechnical Investigation and Design Tables

◦ Anisotropy of rock material samples may affect the field assessment of

◦ Is (50) – Point load index value for a core diameter of 50 mm.
◦ The unconfined compressive strength is typically about 20 × Is (50), but the
multiplier may vary widely for different rock types.
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6.5 Rock strength from point load index values

• Point load index value is an index of strength. It is not a strength value.
• Multiplier typically taken as 23, but 20 as a simple first conversion. This is for high
strength (Hard) rock. For lower strength rocks (UCS < 20 MPa, Is (50) < 1 MPa)
the multiplier can be significantly less than 20.
• References from Tomlinson, 1995; Look and Griffiths, 2004; Look and
Wijeyakulasuriya (2009); Beaumont and Thomas (2007).
Table 6.5 UCS/Point Load multiplier for weak rocks.

UCS/Is (50)
Rock type Weathering ratio Location/description

Argillite/metagreywacke DW 5 Brisbane, Qld,Aust. UCS = 2–30 MPa

8 Gold Coast, Qld,Australia
Metagreywacke DW 15 Gold Coast, Qld,Australia
Interbedded sandstone – siltstone DW 28 (axial) Brisbane River, Qld,Australia
42 UCS = 10–40 MPa
Tuff DW 24 Brisbane, Qld,Australia
SW/FR 18 UCS = 10–80 MPa
Basalt DW 25 Brisbane, Qld,Australia
Phyllite/arenite DW 9 Brisbane, Qld,Australia
SW/FR 4 UCS = 1–20 MPa
Sandstones DW 12 Brisbane, Q’ld,Australia UCS = 2–20 MPa
10 Gold Coast, Queensland,Australia
11 Central Queensland,Australia
Calcarenite limestone 7 Pilbara,W.A.,Aust. UCS = 1–3 MPa
Magnesian limestone 25 UCS = 37 MPa average
Upper chalk 18 Humberside/UCS = 3–8 MPa average
Carbonate siltstone/mudstone 12 UAE/UCS = 2 MPa
Mudstone/siltstone (coal measures) 23 UCS = 23 MPa
Tuffaceous rhyolite 10 Korea/UCS = 20–70 MPa
Tuffaceous andesite 10 Korea/UCS = 40–140 MPa

◦ A ratio of 10 and 20 would be recommended as a non-calibrated first approx-

imation for “soft’’ and “hard’’ rocks, respectively. But the values above show
that the multiplier is dependent on rock type and is site specific.
◦ Queensland has a tropical weathered profile.

6.6 Strength from Schmidt hammer

• There are “N’’ and “L’’ Type Schmidt Hammers.
• RL = 0.605 + 0.677 RN .
• The value needs to be corrected for verticality.
• Minimum of 10 values at each sample location. Use 5 highest values.
Rock strength parameters from classification and testing 77

Table 6.6 Rock strength using Schmidt “N’’ type hammer.

Strength Low Medium High Very high Extremely high

UCS value (MPa) <6 6–20 20–60 60–200 >200

Schmidt hammer rebound value <10 10–25 25–40 40–60 >60
Typical weathering XW HW MW SW FR
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6.7 Strength assessment from RQD

• The rock quality designation (RQD) was described in section 3.7.
• The RQD can be used to assess the allowable bearing capacity as a first approx-
imation – refer Table 22.1 and is also an indicator of field rock strength albeit
biased toward the defects property.
Table 6.7 Strength assessment from RQD.

RQD (%) Rock Description Strength

0–25 Very poor Very Low. Rock defects governs

25–50 Poor Low
50–75 Fair Medium. Strength of concrete
75–90 Good High. High strength concrete
>90 Excellent Typically greater than concrete. Intact strength governs

6.8 Relative change in strength between rock weathering grades

• The rock strengths change due to weathering and vary significantly depending on
the type of rock.
• Rock weathering by itself, is not sufficient to define a bearing capacity. Phyllites
do not show significant change in intact rock strength but often have a significant
change in defects between weathering grades.
Table 6.8 Relative change in rock strengths between rock weathering grades (Look and
Griffiths, 2004).

Type Weathering Relative change in intact strength

Argillite/Greywacke DW 1
SW 2
FR 6
Sandstone/Siltstone DW 1
SW 2
FR 4
Phyllites DW 1
SW 1.5
FR 2
Conglomerate/Agglomerate DW 1
SW 2
FR 4
Tuff DW 1
SW 4
FR 8
78 Handbook of Geotechnical Investigation and Design Tables

◦ The table shows a definite difference between intact rock strength for SW and
FR rock despite that weathering description by definition, suggests that there
is little difference in strength in the field (refer Table 3.4).

6.9 Parameters from rock weathering

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• A geotechnical engineer is often called in the field to evaluate the likely bearing
capacity of a foundation when excavated. Weathering grade is simple to identify,
and can be used in conjunction with having assessed the site by other means (intact
strength and structural defects).
• The field evaluation of rock weathering in the table presents generalised
• Different rock types have different strengths e.g. MW sandstone may have similar
strength to HW granite. The table is therefore relative for a similar rock type.

Table 6.9 Field evaluation of rock weathering.

Properties XW DW SW FR

Field description Total Discolouration & strength Strength No

discolouration. loss, but not enough to allow seems evidence
Readily small dry pieces to be broken similar to of
disintegrates across the fabric – MW fresh rock, chemical
when gently Broken & crumbled but more weathering
shaken in water by hand – HW discoloured
Struck by hammer Dull thud Rings Rings
qall , other than ≤1 MPa HW: 1–2 MPa 5–6 MPa 8 MPa
rocks below MW: 2–4 MPa
qall of argillaceous, ≤0.75 MPa HW: 0.75–1.0 MPa 2–3 MPa 4 MPa
organic & chemically MW: 1.0–1.5 MPa
formed sedimentary &
foliated metamorphic

◦ Including rock type can make a more accurate assessment.

◦ Use of presumed bearing pressure (qall ) from weathering only is simple – but
not very accurate – use only for preliminary estimate of foundation size.
◦ Weathered shales, sandstones and siltstones can deteriorate rapidly upon
exposure or slake and soften when in contact with water. Final excavation in
such materials should be deferred until just before construction of the retaining
wall/foundation is ready to commence.
◦ Alternatively the exposed surface should be protected with a blinding layer
immediately after excavation, provided water build up behind a wall is not a
◦ A weathered rock can have higher intact rock strength than the less weathered
grade of the same rock type, as a result of secondary cementation.
Rock strength parameters from classification and testing 79

6.10 Rock classification

• The likely bearing capacity can be made based on the rock classification.
• There is approximately a ten-fold increase in allowable bearing capacity from an
extremely weathered to a fresh rock.
• The table is for shallow footings.
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Table 6.10 Rock classification.

Rock type Descriptor Examples Allowable bearing capacity (kPa)

Igneous Acid Granite, Microgranite 800–8000

Basic Basalt, Dolerite 600–6000
Pyroclastic Tuff, Breccia 400–4000
Metamorphic Non-Foliated Quartzite, Gneiss 1,000–10,000
Foliated Phyllite, Slate, Schist 400–4000
Sedimentary Hard Limestone, Dolomite, Sandstone 500–5000
Soft Siltstone, Coal, Chalk, Shale 300–3000

◦ Intrusive igneous rocks are formed within the earth’s crust and are coarse
grained (e.g. granite).
◦ Extrusve igneous rocks form on the earth’s crust and are fine grained (e.g.

6.11 Rock strength from slope stability

• The intact strength between different rock types is shown.
• For this book, the tables that follow are used to illustrate the relative strength.
However this varies depending on the reference used.

Table 6.11 Variation of rock strength (Hoek and Bray, 1981).

Rock classification
Uniaxial compressive
strength (MPa) Strength Sedimentary Metamorphic Igneous

40 Lowest Phyllites
50 ↑ Clay – Shale
60 Dolomites
70 Siltstones Micaschists
80 Serpentinites
100 Quartzites
110 Sandstones Marbles
120 Pegmatites
140 Granadiorites
150 ↓ Granites
170 Highest Rhyolites
80 Handbook of Geotechnical Investigation and Design Tables

6.12 Typical field geologist’s rock strength

• Another example of rock strength variation, but with some variations to the
previous table.
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Table 6.12 Variation of rock strength (Berkman, 2001).

Rock classification
Uniaxial compressive
strength (MPa) Strength Sedimentary Metamorphic Igneous

15 Lowest Welded Tuff

20 ↑ Sandstone Porphyry
25 Shale Granadiorite
30 Sandstone
45 Limestone Schist
60 Dolomite Granadiorite
70 Quartzite Granite
80 Rhyolite
90 Limestone Granite
100 Dolomite, Schist
150 Granite
200 ↓ Quartzite
220 Highest Diorite

Figure 6.2 Rock type properties.

Rock strength parameters from classification and testing 81

6.13 Typical engineering geology rock strengths

• Another example of rock strength variation, but with some variations to the
previous table.

Table 6.13 Variation of rock strength (Walthman, 1994).

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Rock classification
Uniaxial compressive
strength (MPa) Strength Sedimentary Metamorphic Igneous

10 Lowest Salt, Chalk

20 ↑ Shale, Coal, Gypsum,Triassic
Sandstone, Jurassic Limestone
40 Mudstone
60 Carboniferous Sandstone Schist
80 Slate
100 Carboniferous Limestone Marble
150 Greywackes Gneiss
200 ↓ Granite
250 Highest Hornfels Basalt

6.14 Relative strength – combined considerations

• The above acknowledges that the description of rock strength from various sources
does vary.
• Combining and averaging the rock strengths from various sources is included in
this table.
• No doubt the variation is due to region specific results.

Table 6.14 Relative rock strength combining above variations.

Rock classification
Uniaxial compressive
strength (MPa) Strength Sedimentary Metamorphic Igneous

10 Lowest Salt, Chalk Welded Tuff

20 ↑ Shale, Coal, Gypsum, (2) Triassic Porphyry,
Sandstone, Jurassic Limestone Granadiorite
40 Mudstone, Sandstone, Phyllites
Clay – Shale
60 Carboniferous (2) Schist, Granadiorite
Sandstone, Limestone, Micaschists
(2) Dolomite, Siltstones
80 Slate, Granite,
Quartzite Rhyolite
100 (2) Carboniferous Limestone, (2) Marble, Schist Granite,
Dolomite, Siltstone, (2) Sandstone Quartzites Pegmatites
150 Greywackes Gneiss (2) Granite,
200 ↓ Quartzite Granite, Diorite
250 Highest Hornfels Basalt
82 Handbook of Geotechnical Investigation and Design Tables

6.15 Parameters from rock type

• The table below uses the above considerations, by combining intact rock strengths
with, rock type, structure and weathering.
• The rock weathering affects the rock strength. This table uses this consideration
to provide the likely bearing capacity base on the weathering description, and rock
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• The design values are a combination of both rock strength and defects.

Table 6.15 Estimate of allowable bearing capacity in rock.

Rock type Presumed allowable bearing capacity (kPa)


Tuff 500 1,000 4,000 8,000
Rhyolite,Andesite, Basalt 800 2,000 5,000 9,000
Granite, Diorite 1,000 3,000 7,000 10,000
Schist, Phyllite, Slate 400 1,000 2,500 4,000
Gneiss, Migmatite 800 2,500 5,000 8,000
Marble, Hornfels, Quartzite 1,200 4,000 8,000 12,000
Shale, Mudstone, Siltstone 400 800 1,500 3,000
Limestone, Coral 600 1,000 2,000 4,000
Sandstone, Greywacke,Argillite 800 1,500 3,000 7,000
Conglomerate, Breccia 1,000 2,000 4,000 8,000

◦ The Igneous rocks which cooled rapidly with deep shrinkage cracks, such as
the Basalts, tend to have a deep weathering profile.
◦ The foliated metamorphic rocks such as Phyllites can degrade when exposed
with a resulting “softening’’ and loss of strength.

6.16 Rock durability

• Rock durability is important when the rock is exposed for a considerable time
(in a cutting) or when to be used in earthworks (breakwater, or compaction).
• Sedimentary rocks are the main types of rocks which may degrade to a soil when
exposed, examples:
– shales, claystone.
– but also foliated metamorphic rock such as phyllites.
– and igneous rocks with deep weathering profiles such as basalts.

Table 6.16 Rock degradation (Walkinshaw and Santi, 1996).

Test Strong and durable Weak and non-durable

Point load index (MPa) >6 MPa <2 MPa

Free swell (%) ≤4% >4%
Rock strength parameters from classification and testing 83

6.17 Material use

• Rocks In-situ can perform differently when removed and placed in earthworks.
• Its behaviour as a soil or rock will determine its slope and compaction
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Table 6.17 Rock degradation (Strohm et al., 1978).

Test Rock like Intermediate Soil like

Slake durability test (%) >90 60–90 <60

Jar slake test 6 3–5 ≤2
Comments Unlikely to degrade Susceptible to weathering
with time and long term degradation

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