City of Revelstoke Cannabis Survey Results

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City of Revelstoke Cannabis Survey SurveyMonkey

Q1 Are you a resident of Revelstoke?

Answered: 857 Skipped: 0

Yes, I am a

Yes, I am a

No, I am not a
resident of...

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


Yes, I am a permanent resident of Revelstoke 94.28% 808

Yes, I am a seasonal resident of Revelstoke 3.97% 34

No, I am not a resident of Revelstoke 1.75% 15


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City of Revelstoke Cannabis Survey SurveyMonkey

Q2 What is your age range?

Answered: 854 Skipped: 3

Under 18







0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


Under 18 0.12% 1

18-24 4.57% 39

25-34 34.19% 292

35-44 28.34% 242

45-54 13.58% 116

55-64 12.88% 110

65+ 6.32% 54


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City of Revelstoke Cannabis Survey SurveyMonkey

Q3 Do you own a business in the City of Revelstoke?

Answered: 855 Skipped: 2



0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


Yes 24.80% 212

No 75.20% 643


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City of Revelstoke Cannabis Survey SurveyMonkey

Q4 Are you interested in opening a cannabis business in the City of

Revelstoke when the federal legislation takes effect on October 17,
Answered: 855 Skipped: 2




0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


Yes 7.72% 66

No 74.27% 635

Maybe 18.01% 154


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City of Revelstoke Cannabis Survey SurveyMonkey

Q5 Check the top three areas you are concerned with in respect to the
legalization of cannabis. (Select up to 3 only)
Answered: 853 Skipped: 4

Neighbours who
grow or smok...

Operation of
cannabis sto...

Youth access
to cannabis

Number of

Odours from

Public health

Cannabis store
signage and...

The location
of cannabis...

d crime

Public smoking
and vaping o...

Public health

I am not
concerned ab...

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


Neighbours who grow or smoke cannabis (odours, etc.) 13.72% 117

Operation of cannabis stores (i.e. hours of operation) 4.10% 35

Youth access to cannabis 34.58% 295

Number of cannabis businesses in Revelstoke 14.19% 121

Odours from cannabis smoking in public 22.86% 195

10.79% 92
Public health impacts

Cannabis store signage and advertising 5.28% 45

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City of Revelstoke Cannabis Survey SurveyMonkey

The location of cannabis stores 9.85% 84

Cannabis-related crime 7.62% 65

Public smoking and vaping of cannabis 27.90% 238

Public health education 15.47% 132

I am not concerned about cannabis legislation 46.31% 395

Total Respondents: 853

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City of Revelstoke Cannabis Survey SurveyMonkey

Q6 Do you support retail storefront cannabis sales in the City of

Answered: 856 Skipped: 1




0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


Yes 78.15% 669

No 12.27% 105

Unsure 9.58% 82


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City of Revelstoke Cannabis Survey SurveyMonkey

Q7 All producers of cannabis or cannabis products will, under the federal

legislation, need to be federally licensed to operate. The Government of
Canada will be establishing application processes and criteria for those
individuals or entities who wish to become producers of legal cannabis.
There is already a federal licensing process in place for producers of
medical cannabis. Do you support cannabis production in the City of
Answered: 855 Skipped: 2

Yes, both
indoor and...

Yes, but

Yes, but



0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


Yes, both indoor and outdoor production 66.08% 565

Yes, but indoor production only 9.24% 79

Yes, but outdoor production only 1.87% 16

No 13.80% 118

Unsure 9.01% 77


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City of Revelstoke Cannabis Survey SurveyMonkey

Q8 Once recreational cannabis is legal, how likely might you be to

purchase cannabis from a retail store?
Answered: 856 Skipped: 1

Very likely



Very unlikely


Prefer not to

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


Very likely 33.88% 290

Likely 19.39% 166

Unlikely 12.27% 105

Very unlikely 25.00% 214

Unsure 7.13% 61

Prefer not to say 2.34% 20


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City of Revelstoke Cannabis Survey SurveyMonkey

Q9 In B.C., cannabis sales will be regulated through the Liquor and

Cannabis Regulation Branch and will include a combination of
government-run and private retail stores. Municipalities have the option of
prohibiting private retail stores. Should private run retail stores be
prohibited in the City of Revelstoke?
Answered: 854 Skipped: 3




0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


Yes 19.91% 170

No 72.60% 620

Unsure 7.49% 64


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City of Revelstoke Cannabis Survey SurveyMonkey

Q10 If cannabis retail stores are permitted in the City of Revelstoke,

which locations do you feel would be appropriate? Check all that apply.
Answered: 856 Skipped: 1

Arrow Heights

Big Eddy




Columbia Park

n View


Kelly Flats /

Resorts Lands


Westside Road

Areas that
allow liquor...

All commercial

Retail stores
should not b...


Other (please

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

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City of Revelstoke Cannabis Survey SurveyMonkey

Arrow Heights 9.23% 79

23.36% 200
Big Eddy

Central Revelstoke 31.43% 269

Central Business District 42.17% 361

Clearview Heights 5.84% 50

Columbia Park 10.63% 91

Farwell/Mountain View 9.35% 80

Highway Corridor 14.84% 127

Kelly Flats / Dallas 5.14% 44

Resorts Lands 14.72% 126

Southside 18.46% 158

Westside Road 7.71% 66

Areas that allow liquor stores 55.26% 473

All commercial zones 45.56% 390

Retail stores should not be allowed anywhere in Revelstoke. 8.29% 71

Unsure 3.62% 31

Other (please specify) 5.49% 47

Total Respondents: 856


1 perfect spot is the sex shop/adult store 9/10/2018 10:22 AM
2 it should be avavailbe in every neighbourhood so that there is no favouritism 9/10/2018 9:16 AM
3 The downtown core and highway and by the resort just not anywhere close to schools or daycare 9/10/2018 9:02 AM
4 Industrial park 9/8/2018 9:39 AM

5 Accessible to disabled but far far away from schools areas. 9/4/2018 8:41 PM
6 Not in residential areas, 9/4/2018 7:54 PM
7 Salmon Arm or Golden 9/4/2018 4:51 PM

8 Away from our charming downtown. Maybe where johnny's tackle was? 9/4/2018 2:16 PM
9 Farmer's market 9/4/2018 9:59 AM
10 industrial park 9/2/2018 8:38 PM
11 keep it out of the non-commercial zone "neighbourhoods", obviously 8/31/2018 7:42 PM

12 Downtown Mackenzie block 8/31/2018 5:54 PM

13 where is the age limit going to me properly enforced 8/31/2018 7:54 AM
14 Downtown 8/30/2018 11:08 PM

15 Not within radius of schools. 8/30/2018 8:57 PM

16 New lands rd 8/30/2018 3:56 PM

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City of Revelstoke Cannabis Survey SurveyMonkey

17 Only in the present retail areas 8/30/2018 3:33 PM

18 business complex next to nomad/roundabout 8/30/2018 11:34 AM

19 Big Eddy Pub 8/29/2018 6:28 PM

20 If you want to ged rid of black market, make it available. Simple? 8/29/2018 11:41 AM
21 If there is more than one... which there shouldn’t be, they should be spread out. 8/29/2018 11:19 AM

22 no cannabis retail stores in revelstoke is my preference 8/29/2018 9:49 AM

23 I don’t believe it matters where 8/29/2018 9:24 AM
24 as long as commercially zoned and taxed accordingly who cares? see: illegal untaxed vacation 8/28/2018 10:57 PM
25 close to the RCMP detachment 8/28/2018 8:56 PM
26 Everywhere and anywhere. Wake up Revelstoke council. Stop dragging your feet and catch up. 8/28/2018 11:18 AM

27 I do not want to see stores in the central business district. Unsure currently of best location 8/28/2018 10:10 AM
28 Industrial Park 8/28/2018 9:18 AM

30 downtown just like any other shops. 8/28/2018 8:04 AM

31 Only in the main business core..not in neighborhoods 8/28/2018 5:10 AM
32 Next to the RCMP 8/27/2018 10:02 PM
33 NOT near schools!!! 8/27/2018 9:26 PM

34 Commercial zones not located in primarily residential areas 8/27/2018 5:49 PM

35 Anywhere! Along the highway or at the round about 8/27/2018 5:38 PM
36 Not make it a tourist attraction. Like you said, you care about the community and the people of this 8/27/2018 5:26 PM
town. It is not a store we need to promote, but a store for locals to go to
37 Main downtown liquor store only 8/27/2018 5:12 PM
38 I should be able to buy it as freely and in the same areas as I can pick up my prescriptions from 8/27/2018 4:37 PM
the drug store or my wine from the beer store.
39 Downtown 8/27/2018 4:05 PM

40 restricted zoning that is congruent with other businesses in the proximity 8/27/2018 3:50 PM
41 Powerhouse Rd 8/27/2018 3:33 PM
42 Anywhere with appropriate building requirements like any other business 8/27/2018 3:15 PM

43 anywhere 8/27/2018 2:43 PM

44 Along similar lines to where liquor stores are appropriate 8/27/2018 2:18 PM
45 None 8/27/2018 2:05 PM
46 Industrial park 8/27/2018 1:21 PM

47 I would be more concerned with the curb appeal and look of any retail stores. Important to have 8/27/2018 12:44 PM
any new business meet high level of appearance no matter what the business model is.

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City of Revelstoke Cannabis Survey SurveyMonkey

Q11 If cannabis production is permitted in the City of Revelstoke, which

locations do you feel would be appropriate? Check all that apply.
Answered: 854 Skipped: 3

Westside Road

Powerhouse Road

Big Eddy


Columbia Park
(Hwy 23)





Other (please

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


Westside Road 47.19% 403

Powerhouse Road 45.20% 386

Big Eddy 36.53% 312

Highway Corridor 23.65% 202

Columbia Park (Hwy 23) 22.72% 194

Johnston Heights 19.67% 168

Agricultural Areas 62.18% 531

Cannabis production should not be permitted anywhere in the City of Revelstoke 13.82% 118

Unsure 13.58% 116

Other (please specify) 6.44% 55

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City of Revelstoke Cannabis Survey SurveyMonkey
Total Respondents: 854


1 any location that provides proper securtiy (would need to be up to a standard). 9/10/2018 3:00 PM
2 All areas 9/10/2018 9:16 AM

3 Commercial & industrial zones 9/9/2018 4:41 PM

4 In home gardens for personal use 9/9/2018 11:57 AM
5 anywhere 9/8/2018 12:17 PM

6 Hwy 23 north near log sort yard 9/7/2018 8:25 PM

7 Arrow Heights 9/6/2018 4:01 PM
8 If it is indoor and they are controlling the smell, I think it should be allowed anywhere, but it would 9/6/2018 10:11 AM
be nice to see some of the operations moved out of residential, and into commercial properties
since we are already short on accomadation.

9 Away from residental areas 9/6/2018 8:10 AM

10 commercial zones 9/5/2018 9:54 AM
11 Anywhere 9/5/2018 7:25 AM

12 We know indoor cannabis destroys real estate. 9/4/2018 9:11 PM

13 Not in town. Somewhere outside town. 9/4/2018 8:52 PM
14 No residential neighbourhoods 9/4/2018 7:54 PM
15 Is this referring to commercial production? 9/4/2018 3:16 PM

16 23s 9/4/2018 2:56 PM

17 Since cannibis is a plant native to the BC climate, I support outdoor growing of it, however not on 9/4/2018 1:41 PM
agricultural land reserve land, since it is not a food and should not limit food production. I do not
support indoor growing of cannibis, because the infrastructure and energy consumption is
unnecessary since it grows well in our climate, wasteful and unsustainable. I support outdoor
growing on industrial lands, commercial lands and anywhere that supports production that is not
agricultural land reserve.

18 It depends on the size - currently many residents have vegetable gardens in their backyards, but 9/4/2018 9:59 AM
only a few sell their produce at the Farmer's market. I think the same rules should apply.
19 Away from residences that would be affected by odour 9/3/2018 12:27 PM

20 Any 9/1/2018 4:34 AM

21 produced anywhere, sold in commercial areas frequented by tourists 8/31/2018 7:42 PM
22 NOT in any ALR areas 8/30/2018 3:33 PM

23 none 8/30/2018 1:42 PM

24 Areas that permit industrial and light industrial operations 8/30/2018 12:42 PM
25 Anywhere a facility work fit to bring in more profits for the city. Maybe we can fix important issues 8/29/2018 4:52 PM
like waster treatment and city household garbage cans
26 Any private residence 8/29/2018 2:37 PM
27 Downtown business area 8/29/2018 1:57 PM

28 should be the same as alcool 8/29/2018 11:41 AM

29 Industrial zones 8/29/2018 9:29 AM
30 Industrial areas 8/28/2018 11:20 PM

31 pretty vague question... again production on a local scale needs to be taxed accordingly. fresh air 8/28/2018 10:57 PM
for kids and no disturbance to daily life
32 indoor production in zones allowing manufacturing / processing 8/28/2018 10:43 PM

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City of Revelstoke Cannabis Survey SurveyMonkey

33 All business zones 8/28/2018 10:11 PM

34 All neighborhoods & areas in revekstoke 8/28/2018 3:01 PM
35 as long as no pollution from fertilizer, anywhere 8/28/2018 11:05 AM

36 Anywhere 8/28/2018 9:30 AM

37 Nowhere near residential areas 8/28/2018 9:18 AM
38 South farm area 8/28/2018 8:39 AM

39 basically away from central city. 8/28/2018 8:04 AM

40 haha, not arrow heights as somebody has already decided for me 8/28/2018 6:58 AM
41 anywhere 8/28/2018 6:46 AM
42 again not in neighborhoods 8/28/2018 5:10 AM

43 none 8/27/2018 10:40 PM

44 Next to the RCMP 8/27/2018 10:02 PM
45 commercial production in the ALR, private use anywhere where you have a garden. 8/27/2018 9:47 PM

46 already medical grow op on powerhouse and it stinks 8/27/2018 8:06 PM

47 not in alr designated areas though 8/27/2018 6:06 PM
48 Industrial indoor production should not occur in agricultural or residential areas 8/27/2018 5:49 PM

49 Anywhere 8/27/2018 5:38 PM

50 anywhere there is farm land or just away from the general public 8/27/2018 4:37 PM
51 And be sure the compost is not available to humans or wildlife (bears, yikes, stoned bears!!) 8/27/2018 4:05 PM

52 just downtown 8/27/2018 3:32 PM

53 personal property 8/27/2018 3:13 PM
54 Agricultural and industrial zoned areas 8/27/2018 2:18 PM

55 Commercial zoning 8/27/2018 12:57 PM

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City of Revelstoke Cannabis Survey SurveyMonkey

Q12 Municipalities will have the ability to regulate the number of retail
cannabis stores once recreational cannabis sales are legalized in
Canada. Do you think there should be a maximum number of retail
cannabis stores allowed in Revelstoke?
Answered: 856 Skipped: 1


No, let the

market decide


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


Yes 47.66% 408

No, let the market decide 48.60% 416

Unsure 3.74% 32


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City of Revelstoke Cannabis Survey SurveyMonkey

Q13 If you answered 'yes' to the question above, what is the maximum
number of retail cannabis stores you believe should be allowed in
Answered: 469 Skipped: 388

1 9999999999 9/10/2018 4:46 PM

2 depending on population set a limit 9/10/2018 2:04 PM

3 3 9/10/2018 12:46 PM
4 2 9/10/2018 11:51 AM

5 Similar to liquor stores 9/10/2018 10:25 AM

6 2 9/10/2018 10:22 AM
7 2 9/10/2018 9:04 AM

8 no more than the number of liquor stores 9/10/2018 8:23 AM

9 5 9/9/2018 8:26 PM
10 unsure 9/9/2018 6:47 PM

11 1 9/9/2018 6:02 PM
12 Four 9/9/2018 9:05 AM
13 0 9/8/2018 9:06 PM

14 2 9/8/2018 4:06 PM
15 N/a 9/8/2018 3:46 PM
16 3 9/8/2018 9:39 AM

17 3 would be sufficient. 9/8/2018 5:43 AM

18 5 9/8/2018 1:19 AM
19 2-3 9/7/2018 8:52 PM

20 2 9/7/2018 8:33 PM
21 30 9/7/2018 8:25 PM
22 5 9/7/2018 5:46 PM
23 Same regulations as liquor so maybe 3 9/7/2018 4:47 PM

24 same as liquor stores 9/7/2018 3:41 PM

25 2 9/7/2018 2:26 PM
26 1 per 1000 residents 9/7/2018 1:52 PM

27 3 9/7/2018 12:48 PM
28 Just like liquor stores 3 max 4 9/7/2018 8:32 AM
29 Didn’t answer yes 9/7/2018 8:19 AM

30 3 9/7/2018 7:36 AM
31 Not sure 9/6/2018 3:11 PM
32 One 9/6/2018 1:31 PM

33 3 9/6/2018 1:29 PM

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City of Revelstoke Cannabis Survey SurveyMonkey

34 Na 9/6/2018 12:11 PM

35 2 or 3 9/6/2018 11:07 AM
36 Maybe 3 or 4, similar to cold beer and wine stores locations 9/6/2018 10:11 AM
37 more than one for competition sake 9/6/2018 8:10 AM

38 none 9/5/2018 5:47 PM

39 Similar to liquour stores 9/5/2018 3:34 PM
40 3 9/5/2018 1:18 PM

41 1000 9/5/2018 11:10 AM

42 Unlimited 9/5/2018 10:50 AM
43 3 9/5/2018 9:58 AM
44 1 or 0 9/5/2018 9:52 AM

45 2-3 9/5/2018 8:14 AM

46 No max 9/5/2018 7:25 AM
47 2 9/5/2018 12:45 AM

48 4 9/4/2018 11:42 PM
49 5 9/4/2018 11:29 PM
50 3 9/4/2018 11:16 PM

51 Likely only 1 or 2 can survive .. ?? 9/4/2018 10:32 PM

52 0 9/4/2018 9:57 PM
53 2 9/4/2018 9:18 PM

54 One 9/4/2018 9:12 PM

55 1 9/4/2018 9:11 PM
56 Three 9/4/2018 9:08 PM

57 2 9/4/2018 9:07 PM
58 3 9/4/2018 8:56 PM
59 Maybe one per 2500 people. Who is actually standing in line to buy this? I don’t understand. 9/4/2018 8:52 PM

60 3 9/4/2018 8:48 PM
61 2 9/4/2018 8:45 PM
62 3 9/4/2018 8:41 PM
63 Minimal amount so it can be carefully regulated and not promoted for the youth. Adults who seek 9/4/2018 7:54 PM
cannibis sales will find them
64 4 9/4/2018 6:08 PM

65 1 9/4/2018 5:47 PM
66 If you have to have them, maybe prorated to the size of town. One/5000 population 9/4/2018 4:52 PM
67 Same as number of Liquor stores or less. 9/4/2018 3:29 PM

68 2 9/4/2018 3:14 PM
69 5 9/4/2018 2:56 PM
70 1 9/4/2018 2:48 PM
71 2 9/4/2018 2:12 PM

72 1 9/4/2018 2:09 PM
73 3 9/4/2018 2:06 PM

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City of Revelstoke Cannabis Survey SurveyMonkey

74 3 9/4/2018 2:01 PM
75 2 9/4/2018 1:49 PM
76 2/3 9/4/2018 11:16 AM

77 4 9/4/2018 10:39 AM
78 3 9/4/2018 10:33 AM
79 3 9/4/2018 10:31 AM

80 3 9/4/2018 10:31 AM
81 3 9/4/2018 10:25 AM
82 6 9/4/2018 10:02 AM

83 3 9/4/2018 9:59 AM
84 no 9/4/2018 9:45 AM
85 2 9/4/2018 8:48 AM

86 2 9/3/2018 8:57 PM
87 6 9/3/2018 7:43 PM
88 Five 9/3/2018 2:58 PM

89 1 9/3/2018 10:04 AM
90 1 9/2/2018 8:38 PM
91 20 9/2/2018 1:35 PM

92 3 9/2/2018 10:08 AM
93 3 9/2/2018 9:32 AM
94 3 9/2/2018 7:51 AM

95 2 9/2/2018 7:19 AM
96 3 9/1/2018 9:27 PM
97 10 9/1/2018 5:17 PM
98 5ish, a small town doesn't need many 9/1/2018 5:02 PM

99 2 9/1/2018 12:39 PM
100 3 9/1/2018 10:05 AM
101 2 9/1/2018 5:13 AM

102 1 9/1/2018 4:25 AM

103 2 8/31/2018 10:22 PM
104 1 8/31/2018 10:08 PM

105 2or 3 8/31/2018 8:54 PM

106 3 8/31/2018 8:32 PM
107 6, as there are this many liquor stores (including the one at the resort) 8/31/2018 7:42 PM

108 2 8/31/2018 5:54 PM

109 3 8/31/2018 5:44 PM
110 4 8/31/2018 3:27 PM

111 2 8/31/2018 2:05 PM

112 3 8/31/2018 11:05 AM
113 0 8/31/2018 10:23 AM

114 2 8/31/2018 9:22 AM

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City of Revelstoke Cannabis Survey SurveyMonkey

115 3 8/31/2018 8:56 AM

116 3 8/31/2018 8:42 AM

117 1 8/31/2018 8:26 AM
118 2 8/31/2018 7:54 AM

119 3 8/31/2018 7:50 AM

120 0 8/31/2018 4:54 AM
121 2 8/31/2018 4:32 AM

122 0 8/30/2018 9:18 PM

123 1 per 1000 residents 8/30/2018 8:57 PM
124 As many that are needed 8/30/2018 8:25 PM

125 3 8/30/2018 8:05 PM

126 3 8/30/2018 5:20 PM
127 2 8/30/2018 4:24 PM

128 As many as the market needs 8/30/2018 4:10 PM

129 less than the number of liquor stores ( which is ? 5 ) 8/30/2018 3:33 PM
130 2 8/30/2018 1:46 PM
131 It should be based on demand so that each store owner is profitable and when it reaches that 8/30/2018 1:28 PM
point another licence can be granted so that there is a sustainable business model
132 Na 8/30/2018 12:42 PM

133 4-5 8/30/2018 11:34 AM

134 3 8/30/2018 11:31 AM
135 As many as needed 8/30/2018 11:00 AM

136 3 8/30/2018 10:23 AM

137 2 8/30/2018 10:19 AM
138 2 8/30/2018 10:02 AM
139 Two 8/30/2018 9:37 AM

140 six 8/30/2018 9:30 AM

141 0 8/30/2018 9:21 AM
142 3 8/30/2018 9:07 AM

143 1 8/30/2018 8:44 AM

144 12 8/30/2018 8:23 AM
145 5 8/30/2018 8:01 AM

146 5-6 8/30/2018 6:49 AM

147 2 8/29/2018 11:49 PM
148 10 8/29/2018 10:39 PM

149 0 8/29/2018 10:39 PM

150 3 8/29/2018 10:16 PM
151 3 8/29/2018 8:31 PM

152 Four 8/29/2018 7:50 PM

153 5 8/29/2018 6:28 PM
154 2 8/29/2018 6:13 PM

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City of Revelstoke Cannabis Survey SurveyMonkey

155 3 8/29/2018 5:58 PM

156 3 8/29/2018 5:02 PM

157 As many we need. Might need seasonal ones as well 8/29/2018 4:52 PM
158 4 8/29/2018 4:34 PM
159 4 8/29/2018 4:01 PM

160 2 8/29/2018 3:36 PM

161 1 8/29/2018 3:31 PM
162 1 8/29/2018 3:02 PM
163 Na 8/29/2018 2:53 PM

164 2-3 8/29/2018 2:37 PM

165 Three 8/29/2018 2:28 PM
166 0 8/29/2018 1:30 PM

167 N/A 8/29/2018 1:20 PM

168 0 8/29/2018 12:54 PM
169 N/A 8/29/2018 12:53 PM

170 1 8/29/2018 12:31 PM

171 5 8/29/2018 12:29 PM
172 2 8/29/2018 11:19 AM

173 5 8/29/2018 11:17 AM

174 8 8/29/2018 10:34 AM
175 3 8/29/2018 10:33 AM

176 2 8/29/2018 10:12 AM

177 2 8/29/2018 10:03 AM
178 0 8/29/2018 9:49 AM

179 i answered no 8/29/2018 9:24 AM

180 4 8/29/2018 8:54 AM
181 N/a 8/29/2018 8:38 AM

182 one Government operated, and two-three private operated. 8/29/2018 8:23 AM
183 Let the market decide 8/29/2018 8:06 AM
184 2 or 3 8/29/2018 7:56 AM
185 2 8/29/2018 7:28 AM

186 N/A 8/29/2018 7:20 AM

187 3 8/29/2018 7:17 AM
188 2 8/29/2018 6:54 AM

189 0 8/29/2018 6:43 AM

190 2 8/29/2018 6:01 AM
191 10 8/29/2018 4:11 AM

192 1 8/29/2018 2:47 AM

193 1 8/29/2018 1:12 AM
194 2-3 8/28/2018 11:20 PM

195 0 8/28/2018 11:15 PM

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City of Revelstoke Cannabis Survey SurveyMonkey

196 not applicable 8/28/2018 10:57 PM

197 2 8/28/2018 10:42 PM
198 4 8/28/2018 10:42 PM
199 3 8/28/2018 10:24 PM

200 2 8/28/2018 10:23 PM

201 4 8/28/2018 10:20 PM
202 10 8/28/2018 10:15 PM

203 1 8/28/2018 10:12 PM

204 0 8/28/2018 10:00 PM
205 0 8/28/2018 9:56 PM

206 4-6 8/28/2018 9:56 PM

207 3 8/28/2018 9:48 PM
208 2 8/28/2018 9:40 PM

209 2 8/28/2018 9:40 PM

210 same amount of liquor stores 3 or 4 8/28/2018 9:38 PM
211 4 8/28/2018 9:35 PM

212 3 8/28/2018 9:30 PM

213 6 8/28/2018 9:26 PM
214 Three 8/28/2018 9:24 PM

215 0 8/28/2018 9:24 PM

216 2 8/28/2018 9:10 PM
217 1 8/28/2018 8:56 PM

218 0 8/28/2018 8:53 PM

219 3 to 5 8/28/2018 8:53 PM
220 2 8/28/2018 8:51 PM
221 2 8/28/2018 8:50 PM

222 na 8/28/2018 8:50 PM

223 3 8/28/2018 8:47 PM
224 Four 8/28/2018 8:47 PM

225 1-2 8/28/2018 8:46 PM

226 1 8/28/2018 8:46 PM
227 2 8/28/2018 8:46 PM

228 3 8/28/2018 8:37 PM

229 0 8/28/2018 8:31 PM
230 3 8/28/2018 8:25 PM

231 three 8/28/2018 8:24 PM

232 3 8/28/2018 8:18 PM
233 2 8/28/2018 8:10 PM

234 As many as needed 8/28/2018 8:04 PM

235 2 8/28/2018 7:43 PM
236 not sure 8/28/2018 7:39 PM

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City of Revelstoke Cannabis Survey SurveyMonkey

237 2 8/28/2018 7:11 PM

238 3 8/28/2018 7:07 PM

239 3 8/28/2018 7:05 PM

240 4 8/28/2018 6:32 PM
241 1 8/28/2018 5:39 PM

242 3 8/28/2018 4:35 PM

243 0 8/28/2018 4:26 PM
244 2 8/28/2018 3:43 PM

245 depends on demand 8/28/2018 3:23 PM

246 1 8/28/2018 3:11 PM
247 N/a 8/28/2018 2:34 PM
248 Two 8/28/2018 2:30 PM
249 4 8/28/2018 2:18 PM

250 4 8/28/2018 2:08 PM

251 3 8/28/2018 2:06 PM
252 3 8/28/2018 2:01 PM
253 Three 8/28/2018 1:52 PM
254 2 8/28/2018 1:17 PM
255 2 8/28/2018 12:50 PM

256 3 8/28/2018 12:50 PM

257 N/A the market will determine how many Revelstoke can handle 8/28/2018 12:08 PM
258 4 8/28/2018 11:56 AM
259 3 8/28/2018 11:55 AM
260 3 or 4 - same as liquor stores 8/28/2018 11:53 AM
261 1 8/28/2018 11:53 AM

262 3 8/28/2018 11:44 AM

263 1 8/28/2018 11:39 AM
264 Let market decide 8/28/2018 11:30 AM
265 2 8/28/2018 11:21 AM
266 How many coffee shops are there? 8/28/2018 11:18 AM
267 2 8/28/2018 11:16 AM
268 We should limit cannabis stores in the same we limit liquor stores - not at all 8/28/2018 11:08 AM

269 3 8/28/2018 10:57 AM

270 None 8/28/2018 10:54 AM
271 3 8/28/2018 10:47 AM
272 2 8/28/2018 10:46 AM
273 5 8/28/2018 10:34 AM
274 1 8/28/2018 10:17 AM

275 One or two. Mostly that medical users don't have to drive two hours to get products that help their 8/28/2018 10:15 AM
276 3 8/28/2018 10:14 AM

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City of Revelstoke Cannabis Survey SurveyMonkey

277 2-3 8/28/2018 10:12 AM

278 3 8/28/2018 10:00 AM
279 3 8/28/2018 9:58 AM
280 3 8/28/2018 9:48 AM
281 4 8/28/2018 9:42 AM

282 3-4 stores. . 8/28/2018 9:37 AM

283 2 8/28/2018 9:26 AM
284 1 8/28/2018 9:20 AM
285 enought to have competition but not enought to make business unviable 8/28/2018 8:59 AM
286 4 8/28/2018 8:55 AM
287 3 8/28/2018 8:42 AM

288 2 8/28/2018 8:39 AM

289 2 8/28/2018 8:39 AM
290 5 8/28/2018 8:39 AM
291 3 8/28/2018 8:37 AM
292 3 8/28/2018 8:34 AM
293 I don't want any! 8/28/2018 8:31 AM

294 3 8/28/2018 8:29 AM

295 2 8/28/2018 8:24 AM
296 3 8/28/2018 8:23 AM
297 1 8/28/2018 8:16 AM
298 3 8/28/2018 8:12 AM
299 2 8/28/2018 7:56 AM
300 three 8/28/2018 7:53 AM

301 the same number as liquor stores 8/28/2018 7:48 AM

302 2 8/28/2018 7:46 AM
303 0 8/28/2018 7:45 AM
304 1 8/28/2018 7:42 AM
305 2 8/28/2018 7:36 AM
306 Two 8/28/2018 7:22 AM

307 Four 8/28/2018 7:21 AM

308 2 8/28/2018 7:12 AM
309 2 8/28/2018 7:11 AM
310 3 8/28/2018 7:07 AM
311 Don’t know population statistics. 3 seems treasonable 8/28/2018 7:07 AM
312 same as liquor stores 8/28/2018 6:58 AM

313 1 8/28/2018 6:55 AM

314 3 8/28/2018 6:43 AM
315 1 8/28/2018 6:43 AM
316 2 8/28/2018 5:56 AM
317 2 8/28/2018 5:10 AM

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318 I'm not the expert. 8/28/2018 4:30 AM

319 2 8/28/2018 3:59 AM
320 1 8/28/2018 3:30 AM

321 10 8/28/2018 2:14 AM

322 If I answered yes, I would say as many cannabis stores as there are liquor stores 8/28/2018 1:25 AM
323 2 8/28/2018 12:25 AM
324 Unsure 8/28/2018 12:07 AM
325 4 Quadrillion 8/27/2018 11:46 PM
326 As much that’s needed 8/27/2018 11:46 PM

327 As many as needed, depending on the market 8/27/2018 11:39 PM

328 3 for starters 8/27/2018 11:23 PM
329 3 8/27/2018 11:21 PM
330 5 8/27/2018 10:46 PM
331 0 8/27/2018 10:40 PM
332 2 8/27/2018 10:37 PM
333 0 8/27/2018 10:32 PM

334 2 8/27/2018 10:29 PM

335 3 8/27/2018 10:29 PM
336 1 8/27/2018 10:13 PM
337 Similar to liquor licenses. 8/27/2018 10:04 PM
338 1 8/27/2018 10:02 PM
339 Two 8/27/2018 9:59 PM

340 No limit 8/27/2018 9:57 PM

341 No maximum 8/27/2018 9:28 PM
342 2 8/27/2018 9:26 PM
343 5 8/27/2018 9:26 PM
344 3 8/27/2018 9:19 PM
345 1 8/27/2018 9:17 PM

346 3 8/27/2018 9:17 PM

347 5 8/27/2018 9:17 PM
348 2, but these must be owned be unrelated corporations or individuals to avoid the monopoly 8/27/2018 9:16 PM
situation happening with taxis
349 4 8/27/2018 9:12 PM
350 2 or 3 8/27/2018 8:53 PM

351 10 8/27/2018 8:43 PM

352 I think it should be determined by the amount of people in town 8/27/2018 8:31 PM
353 3 8/27/2018 8:26 PM
354 5 8/27/2018 8:22 PM
355 4 8/27/2018 8:18 PM
356 3 8/27/2018 8:06 PM

357 3 8/27/2018 8:06 PM

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358 5 8/27/2018 7:49 PM

359 2 8/27/2018 7:49 PM

360 999 8/27/2018 7:47 PM
361 3 8/27/2018 7:47 PM
362 na 8/27/2018 7:22 PM
363 4 8/27/2018 7:14 PM
364 If there has to be one my answer is only one store 8/27/2018 6:59 PM
365 Same amount as liquor stores 8/27/2018 6:58 PM

366 2 8/27/2018 6:46 PM

367 1 8/27/2018 6:39 PM
368 0 8/27/2018 6:37 PM
369 6 8/27/2018 6:33 PM
370 3 8/27/2018 6:27 PM
371 No more than 3 8/27/2018 6:21 PM

372 4 8/27/2018 6:20 PM

373 3 8/27/2018 6:17 PM
374 2 8/27/2018 6:15 PM
375 Same as liquor and cigarettes sales 8/27/2018 6:14 PM
376 5 8/27/2018 6:11 PM
377 2 or 3 8/27/2018 6:06 PM

378 1 8/27/2018 6:00 PM

379 5 8/27/2018 5:56 PM
380 2, more if needed 8/27/2018 5:52 PM
381 0 8/27/2018 5:40 PM
382 1 8/27/2018 5:40 PM
383 2 8/27/2018 5:33 PM

384 3 8/27/2018 5:31 PM

385 One 8/27/2018 5:31 PM
386 2 8/27/2018 5:30 PM
387 3 8/27/2018 5:18 PM
388 0 8/27/2018 5:17 PM
389 1 8/27/2018 5:12 PM
390 2 8/27/2018 5:10 PM

391 4 8/27/2018 4:59 PM

392 same number as liquor stores 8/27/2018 4:50 PM
393 3 8/27/2018 4:47 PM
394 2 8/27/2018 4:42 PM
395 3 8/27/2018 4:37 PM
396 Have no idea but somehow aligned wirh liquor store caps 8/27/2018 4:33 PM

397 3 8/27/2018 4:32 PM

398 2-3 same as liquor stores (4 if you include the big Eddy) 8/27/2018 4:30 PM

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399 3 8/27/2018 4:29 PM

400 4 8/27/2018 4:29 PM
401 It should be in-line with liquor stores 8/27/2018 4:27 PM
402 5 - same as liquor stores 8/27/2018 4:27 PM
403 3 8/27/2018 4:20 PM
404 5 8/27/2018 4:17 PM

405 5 8/27/2018 4:17 PM

406 4 8/27/2018 4:08 PM
407 1 8/27/2018 4:05 PM
408 one 8/27/2018 4:05 PM
409 1 8/27/2018 4:02 PM
410 4 8/27/2018 4:00 PM

411 3 8/27/2018 3:54 PM

412 2 8/27/2018 3:53 PM
413 4 8/27/2018 3:48 PM
414 3 8/27/2018 3:41 PM
415 1 8/27/2018 3:39 PM
416 2 8/27/2018 3:37 PM

417 5 8/27/2018 3:33 PM

418 3 8/27/2018 3:32 PM
419 3 8/27/2018 3:20 PM
420 2 8/27/2018 3:20 PM
421 1 8/27/2018 3:20 PM
422 5 8/27/2018 3:15 PM
423 free market 8/27/2018 3:13 PM

424 0 8/27/2018 3:03 PM

425 2 8/27/2018 2:57 PM
426 x 8/27/2018 2:56 PM
427 Don't know how many, but some careful thought should be put to setting this number 8/27/2018 2:54 PM
428 1 8/27/2018 2:52 PM
429 0 8/27/2018 2:44 PM

430 2 8/27/2018 2:37 PM

431 10 8/27/2018 2:37 PM
432 0 8/27/2018 2:35 PM
433 3 8/27/2018 2:34 PM
434 2 8/27/2018 2:30 PM
435 4 8/27/2018 2:28 PM

436 1 8/27/2018 2:28 PM

437 2 8/27/2018 2:28 PM
438 3 8/27/2018 2:26 PM
439 5 8/27/2018 2:17 PM

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440 3 8/27/2018 2:15 PM

441 1 8/27/2018 2:05 PM
442 4 8/27/2018 1:59 PM
443 8 8/27/2018 1:57 PM

444 5 8/27/2018 1:53 PM

445 5 8/27/2018 1:51 PM
446 3 8/27/2018 1:47 PM
447 3 8/27/2018 1:43 PM
448 1 8/27/2018 1:38 PM
449 3 by fair lottery 8/27/2018 1:38 PM

450 3 8/27/2018 1:25 PM

451 1 8/27/2018 1:22 PM
452 6 8/27/2018 1:21 PM
453 5 8/27/2018 1:20 PM
454 1 8/27/2018 1:15 PM
455 1 8/27/2018 1:14 PM
456 two 8/27/2018 1:13 PM

457 none 8/27/2018 1:05 PM

458 0 8/27/2018 12:57 PM
459 5 8/27/2018 12:57 PM
460 2-3 8/27/2018 12:49 PM
461 3 8/27/2018 12:49 PM
462 3 8/27/2018 12:47 PM

463 3 8/27/2018 12:47 PM

464 0 8/27/2018 12:47 PM
465 2 8/27/2018 12:44 PM
466 4 8/27/2018 12:27 PM
467 5 - in line with the number of liquor stores in town 8/27/2018 12:25 PM
468 3 8/27/2018 12:23 PM

469 2-3 8/27/2018 12:18 PM

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City of Revelstoke Cannabis Survey SurveyMonkey

Q14 Municipalities have the ability to regulate the number of cannabis

production facilities within their boundaries. Do you think there should be
a maximum number of cannabis production facilities allowed in
Answered: 848 Skipped: 9


No, let the

market decide


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


Yes 32.78% 278

No, let the market decide 59.91% 508

Unsure 7.31% 62


30 / 68
City of Revelstoke Cannabis Survey SurveyMonkey

Q15 If you answered 'yes' to the question above, what is the maximum
number of cannabis production facilities you believe should be allowed in
Answered: 380 Skipped: 477

1 9999999999 9/10/2018 4:46 PM
2 depending on population set a limit 9/10/2018 2:04 PM
3 3 9/10/2018 12:46 PM
4 2 9/10/2018 9:04 AM

5 no more than liquor production operations 9/10/2018 8:23 AM

6 5 9/9/2018 8:26 PM
7 1 9/9/2018 6:02 PM
8 0 9/8/2018 9:06 PM
9 1 9/8/2018 4:06 PM
10 Na 9/8/2018 3:47 PM
11 2 9/8/2018 5:43 AM

12 4 9/7/2018 8:52 PM
13 6 9/7/2018 8:33 PM
14 2 9/7/2018 8:25 PM
15 One 9/7/2018 8:19 PM
16 5 9/7/2018 5:46 PM
17 Following the market 9/7/2018 5:08 PM

18 1 9/7/2018 2:26 PM
19 3-4 9/7/2018 8:32 AM
20 Didn’t answer yes 9/7/2018 8:19 AM
21 6 9/7/2018 7:36 AM
22 N/A 9/6/2018 2:44 PM
23 One 9/6/2018 1:31 PM

24 2 9/6/2018 1:29 PM
25 Na 9/6/2018 12:11 PM
26 I answered unsure because I am unsure of our capabilities to supply the resources needed. 9/6/2018 10:11 AM
27 Let the market decide 9/6/2018 8:10 AM
28 0 9/5/2018 7:25 PM
29 none 9/5/2018 5:47 PM
30 4 9/5/2018 3:34 PM

31 5 9/5/2018 1:18 PM
32 25000 9/5/2018 11:11 AM
33 Not sure 9/5/2018 10:50 AM

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City of Revelstoke Cannabis Survey SurveyMonkey

34 2 9/5/2018 9:58 AM
35 1 or 0 9/5/2018 9:52 AM
36 3-4 9/5/2018 8:14 AM
37 No max 9/5/2018 7:25 AM
38 2 9/5/2018 12:45 AM

39 4 9/4/2018 11:42 PM
40 It's a good opportunity for agriculture 9/4/2018 10:32 PM
41 0 9/4/2018 9:57 PM
42 1 9/4/2018 9:18 PM
43 One 9/4/2018 9:12 PM
44 Three 9/4/2018 9:08 PM

45 5 9/4/2018 9:07 PM
46 3 9/4/2018 8:56 PM
47 A town of 10k, how many do you actually need. 9/4/2018 8:52 PM
48 3 9/4/2018 8:46 PM
49 As much as market demand. Create good jobs. 9/4/2018 8:41 PM
50 Minimal amount, I think the city should wait and see the trials and errors of other communities 9/4/2018 7:54 PM
51 Na 9/4/2018 6:08 PM

52 1 9/4/2018 5:47 PM
53 Same as above. Prorated by population 9/4/2018 4:52 PM
54 not sure we should have any 9/4/2018 3:14 PM
55 Na 9/4/2018 2:57 PM
56 6 9/4/2018 2:48 PM
57 5 9/4/2018 2:12 PM

58 0 9/4/2018 2:09 PM
59 0 9/4/2018 2:06 PM
60 3 9/4/2018 2:01 PM
61 2 9/4/2018 1:49 PM
62 2 9/4/2018 10:39 AM
63 2 9/4/2018 10:31 AM

64 1 9/4/2018 10:25 AM
65 1 9/4/2018 10:02 AM
66 3 9/4/2018 9:59 AM
67 no 9/4/2018 9:45 AM
68 3 9/3/2018 8:57 PM
69 5 9/3/2018 2:58 PM
70 One 9/2/2018 11:50 PM

71 1 9/2/2018 8:38 PM
72 Let market decide (survey error) 9/2/2018 1:55 PM
73 2 9/2/2018 10:08 AM
74 Unsure 9/2/2018 7:51 AM

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75 2 9/2/2018 7:19 AM
76 No limit 9/1/2018 10:02 PM
77 unsure 9/1/2018 9:27 PM

78 20 9/1/2018 5:17 PM
79 The number of production facilities allowed should be according to evidence-based common sense 9/1/2018 10:05 AM
recommends per suitable sites
80 1 9/1/2018 4:25 AM
81 0 8/31/2018 10:22 PM
82 1 8/31/2018 10:08 PM

83 - 8/31/2018 9:59 PM
84 3 8/31/2018 8:54 PM
85 50 8/31/2018 8:32 PM
86 I bet you can grow some great pot here, why not allow residents the opportunity to supply markets 8/31/2018 7:42 PM
outside of town? Like the Begbie brewery of the Monashee distillery?
87 No limit 8/31/2018 5:44 PM

88 0 8/31/2018 2:05 PM
89 2 8/31/2018 11:05 AM
90 3 8/31/2018 10:27 AM
91 0 8/31/2018 10:23 AM
92 N/A 8/31/2018 9:22 AM
93 2 8/31/2018 8:56 AM

94 2 8/31/2018 8:42 AM
95 2 8/31/2018 7:54 AM
96 0 8/31/2018 4:54 AM
97 zero 8/31/2018 4:32 AM
98 0 8/30/2018 9:18 PM
99 1 per 2500 residents 8/30/2018 8:57 PM
100 Na 8/30/2018 8:56 PM

101 As many as needed 8/30/2018 8:25 PM

102 let the market decide 8/30/2018 8:05 PM
103 Na 8/30/2018 4:10 PM
104 one indoor ( with a size limit ) and one outdoor ie in soil 8/30/2018 3:33 PM
105 2 8/30/2018 2:29 PM
106 1 8/30/2018 1:46 PM

107 NA 8/30/2018 12:42 PM

108 3-4 8/30/2018 11:35 AM
109 3 8/30/2018 11:32 AM
110 As many as needed 8/30/2018 11:00 AM
111 n/a 8/30/2018 10:31 AM
112 2 8/30/2018 10:19 AM

113 10 8/30/2018 10:02 AM

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114 Two 8/30/2018 9:37 AM

115 six 8/30/2018 9:30 AM

116 10 8/30/2018 9:07 AM

117 1 8/30/2018 8:44 AM
118 Twelve 8/30/2018 8:23 AM
119 0 8/29/2018 11:49 PM
120 depends where they are 8/29/2018 10:39 PM
121 0 8/29/2018 10:39 PM

122 3 8/29/2018 10:16 PM

123 3 8/29/2018 8:31 PM
124 Four 8/29/2018 7:50 PM
125 2 8/29/2018 6:14 PM
126 1 8/29/2018 5:58 PM
127 5 8/29/2018 5:03 PM

128 Max it out and tax them 8/29/2018 4:52 PM

129 4 8/29/2018 4:34 PM
130 2 8/29/2018 4:01 PM
131 1 8/29/2018 3:31 PM
132 0 8/29/2018 3:02 PM
133 2 8/29/2018 2:53 PM

134 Three 8/29/2018 2:28 PM

135 Depends on the size of production facilities 8/29/2018 2:19 PM
136 We have had them for years 8/29/2018 1:57 PM
137 0 8/29/2018 1:31 PM
138 N/A 8/29/2018 1:20 PM
139 0 8/29/2018 12:54 PM
140 N/A 8/29/2018 12:53 PM

141 I am not too sure the max, it would depend on the size of the operation 8/29/2018 12:36 PM
142 1 8/29/2018 12:31 PM
143 5 8/29/2018 12:29 PM
144 1 8/29/2018 12:00 PM
145 make it available!!! 8/29/2018 11:42 AM
146 n/a 8/29/2018 11:27 AM

147 - 8/29/2018 11:22 AM

148 4 8/29/2018 10:33 AM
149 1 8/29/2018 10:13 AM
150 6 8/29/2018 9:49 AM
151 i answered no 8/29/2018 9:24 AM
152 N/a 8/29/2018 8:38 AM

153 0 within city limits, look at the issues already happening with grows within neighbourhoods 8/29/2018 8:06 AM
154 . 8/29/2018 8:04 AM

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155 2 or 3 8/29/2018 7:56 AM

156 Depends on size: 3 large or several small 8/29/2018 7:20 AM
157 0 8/29/2018 6:43 AM
158 5 8/29/2018 6:02 AM
159 0 8/29/2018 2:47 AM
160 1 8/29/2018 1:12 AM

161 2 8/29/2018 12:47 AM

162 N/a 8/28/2018 11:20 PM
163 1 8/28/2018 11:17 PM
164 meet air qualoty standards, traffic amd parking bylaws... 8/28/2018 10:57 PM
165 2 8/28/2018 10:23 PM
166 4 8/28/2018 10:20 PM

167 10 8/28/2018 10:15 PM

168 0 8/28/2018 10:00 PM
169 4-6 8/28/2018 9:57 PM
170 0 8/28/2018 9:56 PM
171 1 8/28/2018 9:40 PM
172 1 8/28/2018 9:40 PM
173 3 8/28/2018 9:30 PM

174 1 8/28/2018 9:24 PM

175 25 8/28/2018 9:23 PM
176 2 8/28/2018 9:10 PM
177 1 8/28/2018 8:56 PM
178 0 8/28/2018 8:53 PM
179 Up to 5 8/28/2018 8:53 PM

180 1 8/28/2018 8:50 PM

181 unsure 8/28/2018 8:50 PM
182 3 8/28/2018 8:47 PM
183 One 8/28/2018 8:47 PM
184 1 8/28/2018 8:46 PM
185 1 8/28/2018 8:46 PM

186 0 8/28/2018 8:46 PM

187 0 8/28/2018 8:31 PM
188 100 8/28/2018 8:25 PM
189 3 8/28/2018 8:18 PM
190 Build a market 8/28/2018 8:04 PM
191 8 8/28/2018 7:39 PM
192 2 8/28/2018 7:11 PM

193 3 8/28/2018 7:07 PM

194 2 8/28/2018 5:57 PM
195 1 8/28/2018 5:39 PM

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196 Depends 8/28/2018 5:11 PM

197 0 8/28/2018 4:26 PM
198 3 8/28/2018 3:49 PM
199 1 8/28/2018 3:43 PM

200 not sure 8/28/2018 3:23 PM

201 1 we are a very small cummunity 8/28/2018 3:11 PM
202 N/a 8/28/2018 2:35 PM
203 Two 8/28/2018 2:30 PM
204 - 8/28/2018 2:18 PM
205 3 8/28/2018 2:08 PM
206 3 8/28/2018 2:01 PM

207 Two 8/28/2018 1:52 PM

208 1 8/28/2018 1:40 PM
209 2 8/28/2018 1:17 PM
210 1 8/28/2018 12:50 PM
211 3 8/28/2018 12:50 PM
212 N/A 8/28/2018 12:35 PM

213 No max 8/28/2018 12:13 PM

214 5 8/28/2018 12:08 PM
215 2 8/28/2018 11:56 AM
216 3 8/28/2018 11:55 AM
217 ? 8/28/2018 11:53 AM
218 3 8/28/2018 11:53 AM

219 3 8/28/2018 11:44 AM

220 1 8/28/2018 11:39 AM
221 Let maketdecide 8/28/2018 11:30 AM
222 2 8/28/2018 11:21 AM
223 2 8/28/2018 10:57 AM
224 None 8/28/2018 10:54 AM

225 3 8/28/2018 10:47 AM

226 2 8/28/2018 10:46 AM
227 5 8/28/2018 10:34 AM
228 1 8/28/2018 10:17 AM
229 A few 8/28/2018 10:15 AM
230 4 8/28/2018 10:14 AM
231 10 8/28/2018 9:48 AM

232 1-2 8/28/2018 9:41 AM

233 2 8/28/2018 9:21 AM
234 4 8/28/2018 8:55 AM
235 2 8/28/2018 8:43 AM
236 Lots 8/28/2018 8:41 AM

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237 1 8/28/2018 8:39 AM

238 2 8/28/2018 8:39 AM
239 1 8/28/2018 8:39 AM

240 I don't want any! 8/28/2018 8:31 AM

241 5 8/28/2018 8:29 AM
242 2 - should be population and census based for what other municipalities are doing 8/28/2018 8:24 AM
243 3 8/28/2018 8:23 AM
244 2 8/28/2018 8:16 AM
245 2 8/28/2018 8:12 AM

246 1 8/28/2018 7:56 AM

247 three 8/28/2018 7:53 AM
248 unlimited 8/28/2018 7:48 AM
249 2 8/28/2018 7:46 AM
250 0 8/28/2018 7:45 AM
251 1 8/28/2018 7:42 AM

252 1 8/28/2018 7:36 AM

253 n/a 8/28/2018 7:29 AM
254 2 8/28/2018 7:22 AM
255 2 8/28/2018 7:12 AM
256 1 8/28/2018 7:11 AM
257 3 8/28/2018 7:07 AM

258 a couple 8/28/2018 6:58 AM

259 1 8/28/2018 6:55 AM
260 2 8/28/2018 6:43 AM
261 1 8/28/2018 6:43 AM
262 ~4 8/28/2018 6:35 AM
263 2 8/28/2018 5:10 AM
264 Again, I'm not the expert. 8/28/2018 4:30 AM

265 2 8/28/2018 3:59 AM

266 1 8/28/2018 3:30 AM
267 10 8/28/2018 2:14 AM
268 No more than two per designated operating area (ie powerhouse rd., westside rd., etc.) 8/28/2018 1:25 AM
269 2 8/28/2018 12:25 AM
270 Unsure 8/28/2018 12:07 AM

271 As much as needed 8/27/2018 11:46 PM

272 As many as needed, depending on the market 8/27/2018 11:40 PM
273 0 8/27/2018 11:13 PM
274 5 8/27/2018 10:46 PM
275 0 8/27/2018 10:40 PM
276 0 8/27/2018 10:32 PM

277 1 8/27/2018 10:13 PM

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278 Depends on the number of residents 8/27/2018 10:04 PM

279 1 8/27/2018 10:03 PM

280 Two 8/27/2018 10:00 PM
281 2-3 8/27/2018 9:58 PM
282 No max 8/27/2018 9:28 PM
283 1 8/27/2018 9:26 PM
284 10 8/27/2018 9:26 PM

285 5 8/27/2018 9:19 PM

286 4 8/27/2018 9:17 PM
287 3 8/27/2018 9:17 PM
288 10 8/27/2018 9:17 PM
289 ? 8/27/2018 9:16 PM
290 12 8/27/2018 9:12 PM

291 None 8/27/2018 9:00 PM

292 1 8/27/2018 8:53 PM
293 10 8/27/2018 8:43 PM
294 N/a 8/27/2018 8:31 PM
295 Market 8/27/2018 8:26 PM
296 4 8/27/2018 8:19 PM
297 2 8/27/2018 8:06 PM

298 5 8/27/2018 8:06 PM

299 100 8/27/2018 7:49 PM
300 999 8/27/2018 7:47 PM
301 2 8/27/2018 7:47 PM
302 na 8/27/2018 7:22 PM
303 na 8/27/2018 7:18 PM

304 1 8/27/2018 6:46 PM

305 1 8/27/2018 6:39 PM
306 0 8/27/2018 6:37 PM
307 6 8/27/2018 6:33 PM
308 4 8/27/2018 6:27 PM
309 3 8/27/2018 6:21 PM

310 4 8/27/2018 6:20 PM

311 Two 8/27/2018 6:15 PM
312 Let the market decide 8/27/2018 6:14 PM
313 10 8/27/2018 6:11 PM
314 n/a 8/27/2018 6:06 PM
315 1 8/27/2018 6:00 PM
316 5 8/27/2018 5:56 PM

317 2, or the appropriate amount to produce what’s needed for the store 8/27/2018 5:52 PM
318 0 8/27/2018 5:40 PM

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City of Revelstoke Cannabis Survey SurveyMonkey

319 1 8/27/2018 5:40 PM

320 0 8/27/2018 5:31 PM
321 One 8/27/2018 5:31 PM
322 2 8/27/2018 5:19 PM
323 3 8/27/2018 5:18 PM

324 0 8/27/2018 5:17 PM

325 None 8/27/2018 5:12 PM
326 10 8/27/2018 5:10 PM
327 unsure 8/27/2018 4:59 PM
328 double the number of retails outlets 8/27/2018 4:50 PM
329 24 8/27/2018 4:49 PM
330 1 8/27/2018 4:42 PM

331 2 8/27/2018 4:38 PM

332 N/a 8/27/2018 4:33 PM
333 2 8/27/2018 4:18 PM
334 3 8/27/2018 4:17 PM
335 Let the market decided 8/27/2018 4:10 PM
336 4 8/27/2018 4:08 PM

337 1 8/27/2018 4:05 PM

338 0 8/27/2018 4:02 PM
339 4 8/27/2018 4:00 PM
340 1 8/27/2018 3:53 PM
341 2 8/27/2018 3:49 PM
342 1 8/27/2018 3:39 PM

343 3 8/27/2018 3:33 PM

344 3 8/27/2018 3:32 PM
345 2 8/27/2018 3:20 PM
346 1 8/27/2018 3:20 PM
347 free market 8/27/2018 3:13 PM
348 0 8/27/2018 3:03 PM
349 1 8/27/2018 2:52 PM

350 1 8/27/2018 2:45 PM

351 2 8/27/2018 2:37 PM
352 No 8/27/2018 2:36 PM
353 0 8/27/2018 2:35 PM
354 2 8/27/2018 2:34 PM
355 3 8/27/2018 2:31 PM

356 2 8/27/2018 2:30 PM

357 2 8/27/2018 2:28 PM
358 3 8/27/2018 2:26 PM
359 - 8/27/2018 2:20 PM

39 / 68
City of Revelstoke Cannabis Survey SurveyMonkey

360 3 8/27/2018 2:17 PM

361 1 8/27/2018 2:05 PM
362 3 8/27/2018 1:53 PM
363 2 8/27/2018 1:51 PM

364 3 8/27/2018 1:47 PM

365 2 8/27/2018 1:43 PM
366 0 8/27/2018 1:38 PM
367 1 8/27/2018 1:22 PM
368 0 8/27/2018 1:15 PM
369 1 8/27/2018 1:14 PM

370 two 8/27/2018 1:13 PM

371 None 8/27/2018 1:05 PM
372 0 8/27/2018 12:57 PM
373 2-3 8/27/2018 12:49 PM
374 3 8/27/2018 12:49 PM
375 0 8/27/2018 12:47 PM

376 2 8/27/2018 12:44 PM

377 N/A 8/27/2018 12:41 PM
378 2 8/27/2018 12:37 PM
379 2 8/27/2018 12:27 PM
380 5 8/27/2018 12:18 PM

40 / 68
City of Revelstoke Cannabis Survey SurveyMonkey

Q16 Cannabis will be regulated much like the sale of liquor in British
Columbia. Currently, retail liquor stores in Revelstoke are permitted to be
open from 9am until 11pm (per provincial legislation). Cannabis retail
stores in Revelstoke should be permitted to be open:
Answered: 853 Skipped: 4





0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


Same 76.20% 650

Longer 8.09% 69

Shorter 12.19% 104

Unsure 3.52% 30


41 / 68
City of Revelstoke Cannabis Survey SurveyMonkey

Q17 The proposed federal and provincial legislation will give

municipalities the authority to establish minimum-distance requirements
from cannabis retail stores to public places such as schools, parks, day
cares, youth facilities and public recreation facilities. Please indicate what
you feel is an appropriate minimum-distance.
Answered: 854 Skipped: 3

150 m

200 m

300 m

No minimum


Other (please

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


150 m 8.78% 75

200 m 9.95% 85

300 m 29.86% 255

No minimum distance 13.82% 118

Unsure 19.44% 166

Other (please specify) 18.15% 155



1 not sure about exact distance but agree that these operations should not be around schools, 9/10/2018 3:00 PM
daycares, or rec facilities.
2 1000 m 9/10/2018 2:04 PM
3 no where near any of these, commercial area only 9/10/2018 10:22 AM

4 Same as liquor stores to be fair. 9/10/2018 9:16 AM

5 500 m 9/10/2018 9:04 AM

42 / 68
City of Revelstoke Cannabis Survey SurveyMonkey

6 500m 9/9/2018 8:26 PM

7 No where near any schools , daycares, parks..etc. 9/9/2018 6:02 PM
8 Stick to commercial zoning criteria 9/9/2018 11:57 AM
9 5000 miles 9/8/2018 9:06 PM

10 Out of site or direct influence zone 9/8/2018 1:19 AM

11 1 km 9/7/2018 8:25 PM
12 1000m 9/7/2018 5:46 PM
13 Whatever liquor laws are 9/7/2018 4:47 PM
14 Same as liquor stores 9/6/2018 9:53 PM
15 same as smoking cigarettes 9/6/2018 2:34 PM

16 200 metres with exception of Grizzly Plaza 9/6/2018 1:47 PM

17 Same rules as liquor stores 9/6/2018 8:10 AM
18 500km 9/5/2018 9:14 PM
19 750 m 9/5/2018 5:47 PM
20 same as liquour stores 9/5/2018 3:34 PM
21 within commercial zones 9/5/2018 9:54 AM

22 I think it retails stores were kept in central Revelstoke there would be no need to have them a 9/5/2018 9:47 AM
minimum distance from schools daycares and youth facilities. I also believe that keeping retail
stores Central Downtown will deter curious youth from trying to sneak in.
23 Same as liquor store 9/4/2018 11:16 PM
24 Should be no,where near any of these place 9/4/2018 10:56 PM
25 500m 9/4/2018 10:53 PM

26 as far away as possible. 9/4/2018 9:57 PM

27 Same as liquor stores and bars. 9/4/2018 9:34 PM
28 Have it with liquor. 9/4/2018 9:11 PM
29 500m 9/4/2018 9:07 PM
30 2km 9/4/2018 8:41 PM
31 Cannibas should be strictly prohibited in areas for family’s and children. 9/4/2018 7:54 PM

32 500 m from schools more is better 9/4/2018 3:29 PM

33 same as liquor stores currently are located 9/4/2018 3:14 PM
34 no where near public places 9/4/2018 1:49 PM
35 The way our City is laid out, if you keep retail to areas that are commerically zoned, there shouldn't 9/4/2018 9:59 AM
be an issue.
36 Same as liquor sales or bars 9/3/2018 2:58 PM

37 1000m 9/3/2018 8:57 AM

38 2km 9/2/2018 8:38 PM
39 500 m 9/2/2018 10:08 AM
40 As long as zoning allows ie liquor stores 9/2/2018 7:51 AM
41 As far away as possible. 9/1/2018 10:05 AM
42 If/whatever the restrictions are to liquor stores in Revelstoke, Cannabis stores should follow suit. 9/1/2018 7:14 AM

43 same as liquor stores 8/31/2018 2:05 PM

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City of Revelstoke Cannabis Survey SurveyMonkey

44 1000m 8/31/2018 10:23 AM

45 500m 8/31/2018 8:42 AM
46 should have to buy from the growers way out of town 8/31/2018 7:54 AM

47 1 km 8/31/2018 6:04 AM
48 500m 8/31/2018 4:32 AM
49 No where in public!!! Esp not around children 8/30/2018 9:18 PM
50 1km radius 8/30/2018 8:57 PM
51 Na 8/30/2018 8:57 PM
52 500m 8/30/2018 8:05 PM

53 It doesn't matter where you put it, a small enough city if a kid wants to check it out they will. It will 8/30/2018 3:01 PM
be up to staff to i.d and parents to educate.
54 30 KM 8/30/2018 1:42 PM
55 Same as liquor stores 8/30/2018 12:42 PM
56 1 km 8/30/2018 9:37 AM
57 500 m 8/30/2018 8:44 AM

58 Should not be allowed in these areas 8/30/2018 6:49 AM

59 Should be the same as liquor stores 8/29/2018 6:33 PM
60 same as liquor sales 8/29/2018 6:28 PM
61 1km if possible 8/29/2018 5:03 PM
62 Any where alcohol is sold weed should follow 8/29/2018 2:37 PM
63 5 km 8/29/2018 12:54 PM

64 Nowhere close to youth and kids 8/29/2018 12:18 PM

65 Same as liquor stores 8/29/2018 11:22 AM
66 no retail sales in revelstoke 8/29/2018 9:49 AM
67 should be no different than liquor stores 8/29/2018 9:24 AM
68 500M 8/29/2018 8:05 AM
69 Shouldnt be anywhere near these places where children are present 8/29/2018 7:41 AM
70 restricted to downtown 8/29/2018 7:28 AM

71 No stores allowed 8/29/2018 6:43 AM

72 1000 m 8/28/2018 11:17 PM
73 it needs to be comgruent with thr neigjbourhood for retail. no retail im residential unless it passes 8/28/2018 10:57 PM
the proper avenues, and neighbours agree.
74 whatever the goverment has decided 8/28/2018 10:28 PM

75 1 km 8/28/2018 10:23 PM
76 2500-5000 ft 8/28/2018 9:57 PM
77 kilometre or more 8/28/2018 9:56 PM
78 same as alcohol 8/28/2018 9:49 PM
79 same as liquor stores 8/28/2018 9:38 PM
80 1k 8/28/2018 9:10 PM
81 Same rules and relaxations of liquor stores 8/28/2018 8:53 PM

82 1km 8/28/2018 8:51 PM

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83 depends on your definition of the above listed areas. if you place a minimum distance to every 8/28/2018 8:50 PM
single park, recreation facility, daycare, school, it would be too limited.
84 Salmon arm 8/28/2018 8:31 PM
85 500m 8/28/2018 7:08 PM
86 Same as liquor stores 8/28/2018 7:07 PM
87 not in this city 8/28/2018 4:26 PM
88 Retail store needs to stay in the downtown area only 8/28/2018 3:11 PM

89 Sme as for liquor distribution 8/28/2018 1:54 PM

90 5 km 8/28/2018 1:40 PM
91 same as liquor store regulations 8/28/2018 12:08 PM
92 1 km 8/28/2018 11:16 AM
93 Whatever the rule is for liquor stores 8/28/2018 11:08 AM
94 same as liquor 8/28/2018 10:47 AM

95 1km 8/28/2018 10:46 AM

96 1k 8/28/2018 10:17 AM
97 as far as possible. at least 300 m 8/28/2018 9:41 AM
98 1 kilometer 8/28/2018 9:18 AM
99 i would juge on the front! Dirty hippy store should be fare from been seen from anywhere but 8/28/2018 8:59 AM
profesionnal store like liquor store that ask for ID and look like a store should have to worry about
100 the same distance as any liquore or tabaco shop. 8/28/2018 8:52 AM
101 1km 8/28/2018 8:39 AM
102 same rules as alcohol 8/28/2018 8:33 AM
103 We are a small community and shouldn't have retail stores for cannabis at all! 8/28/2018 8:31 AM
104 no where near any of the above 8/28/2018 8:23 AM

105 same regs as liquor stores 8/28/2018 7:48 AM

106 2 km 8/28/2018 7:46 AM
107 As far away as possible but that will be hard unless they are situated out of city boundaries 8/28/2018 7:42 AM
108 As far away as possible 8/28/2018 7:36 AM
109 not near schools and a wee bit off the main areas. 8/28/2018 7:12 AM
110 As far away as possible 8/28/2018 7:07 AM

111 same as liquor 8/28/2018 6:58 AM

112 outside city limits 8/28/2018 6:43 AM
113 250 8/28/2018 4:30 AM
114 As far away as a liquor store has to be 8/28/2018 1:25 AM
115 500m 8/27/2018 11:21 PM
116 Same requirements as Liquor stores 8/27/2018 9:36 PM
117 1 km 8/27/2018 9:26 PM

118 1km 8/27/2018 9:17 PM

119 Apply same rules as liquor stores. I'm unsure what this rule is. 8/27/2018 9:05 PM
120 As far away as possible, kids don't need to be around it 8/27/2018 6:59 PM
121 500m 8/27/2018 6:37 PM

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City of Revelstoke Cannabis Survey SurveyMonkey

122 same a liqure stores 8/27/2018 6:33 PM

123 as far as possible 8/27/2018 6:21 PM
124 3km 8/27/2018 6:00 PM
125 same as liqour stores 8/27/2018 5:58 PM
126 Should be in a retail area 8/27/2018 5:52 PM
127 Distance relative to surrounding use. Eg downtown would have a smaller buffer than a residential 8/27/2018 5:49 PM
128 Whatever the range is curently with liquer 8/27/2018 5:46 PM
129 I don’t think any of the distances suggested are far enough away 8/27/2018 5:40 PM
130 whatever it is for liquor stores 8/27/2018 5:30 PM
131 don't support cannabis except for medicinal use 8/27/2018 5:17 PM

132 same as liquor stores 8/27/2018 4:50 PM

133 Same as liquor stores 8/27/2018 4:33 PM
134 1 km 8/27/2018 4:27 PM
135 We are a small town, just keep it in the downtown core. 8/27/2018 4:05 PM
136 1 km 8/27/2018 4:02 PM
137 Same as liquor stores 8/27/2018 4:00 PM
138 same as any place selling tobacco 8/27/2018 3:48 PM

139 1km 8/27/2018 3:20 PM

140 1 km 8/27/2018 3:18 PM
141 Should be the same as smoking, which from what I have searched up is 20 feet or 6 metres 8/27/2018 3:16 PM
142 schools/youth facilities should have a small distance(maybe hospital). all others should have none 8/27/2018 3:13 PM
144 10000m 8/27/2018 3:03 PM

145 500m 8/27/2018 2:54 PM

146 no retail 8/27/2018 2:35 PM
147 1km 8/27/2018 2:30 PM
148 same as liquor stores 8/27/2018 2:26 PM
149 not within view, 1km from schools, parks, daycares 8/27/2018 2:11 PM
150 Should be nowhere near these areas 8/27/2018 2:05 PM

151 same as liquor 8/27/2018 1:51 PM

152 200-300 + common routes 8/27/2018 1:38 PM
153 1000m 8/27/2018 1:20 PM
154 5 km 8/27/2018 12:47 PM
155 Same distance as is required for liquor sales. 8/27/2018 12:44 PM

46 / 68
City of Revelstoke Cannabis Survey SurveyMonkey

Q18 The proposed federal and provincial legislation will give

municipalities the authority to establish minimum-distance requirements
between cannabis stores. Please indicate what you feel is an appropriate
minimum-distance from one cannabis retail store to another.
Answered: 852 Skipped: 5

150 m

200 m

300 m

minimum 1 km
(same as liq...

No minimum


Other (please

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


150 m 3.76% 32

200 m 2.82% 24

300 m 6.69% 57

minimum 1 km (same as liquor stores) 40.73% 347

No minimum distance 28.40% 242

Unsure 11.97% 102

Other (please specify) 5.63% 48



1 There are 3 liqueur store in less than 1 km ? ? 9/10/2018 3:20 PM
2 Same as Liqour stores. We have those on every corner 9/10/2018 9:16 AM

3 500m 9/9/2018 8:26 PM

4 5000 miles out of the Canada ! 9/8/2018 9:06 PM

5 Same as liqueur stores 9/6/2018 9:53 PM

47 / 68
City of Revelstoke Cannabis Survey SurveyMonkey

6 Should be no,where near these places 9/4/2018 10:56 PM

7 500m 9/4/2018 10:53 PM

8 500 9/4/2018 2:57 PM

9 one store should be sufficient 9/4/2018 1:49 PM

10 Again, this isn't really relevant here because we already have a number of liquor outlets positioned 9/4/2018 9:59 AM
less than 1 km from each other. I think if we limit the number rather than the distance it'll be more
11 see above. If any restrictions apply to liquor store - same should apply to cannabis stores. 9/1/2018 7:14 AM

12 2km 8/31/2018 8:42 AM

13 1 km 8/31/2018 6:04 AM

14 500m 8/31/2018 4:32 AM

15 Not in public 8/30/2018 9:18 PM

16 500 m 8/30/2018 9:30 AM

17 same as liquor sales 8/29/2018 6:28 PM

18 5km 8/29/2018 12:54 PM

19 - 8/29/2018 11:22 AM
20 no retail sales in revelstoke 8/29/2018 9:49 AM

21 500M 8/29/2018 8:05 AM

22 No stores allowed 8/29/2018 6:43 AM

23 2000 m 8/28/2018 11:17 PM

24 what is the purpose of the minimum? 8/28/2018 10:57 PM

25 whatever the goverment has decided 8/28/2018 10:28 PM

26 Omg 8/28/2018 8:31 PM

27 nowhere here 8/28/2018 4:26 PM

28 Same as liquor distribution 8/28/2018 1:54 PM

29 boutique products can be next door neighbours 8/28/2018 11:05 AM

30 We are a small community and I can't even imagine multiple cannabis stores in our community. 8/28/2018 8:31 AM

31 same as liquor 8/28/2018 6:58 AM

32 outside city limits 8/28/2018 6:43 AM

33 Do we really need more than one store? Prefer zero stores in Revelstoke 8/27/2018 6:59 PM

34 1000m 8/27/2018 6:37 PM

35 same as a liqure store 8/27/2018 6:33 PM

36 I don’t feel distances provided are far enough away 8/27/2018 5:40 PM
37 don't support cannabis sales except for medicinal use 8/27/2018 5:17 PM

38 One in community to start 8/27/2018 5:12 PM

39 should be one or two downtown or just one or two in general 8/27/2018 4:38 PM

40 1 km 8/27/2018 4:27 PM

41 I think only one store should be allowed 8/27/2018 4:05 PM

42 I think there needs to be only one store, so this does not apply. 8/27/2018 4:05 PM

43 5km 8/27/2018 3:20 PM

44 100km 8/27/2018 3:03 PM

48 / 68
City of Revelstoke Cannabis Survey SurveyMonkey

45 1 km 8/27/2018 2:57 PM
46 500m 8/27/2018 2:54 PM

47 one store per community 8/27/2018 2:35 PM

48 same as liquor 8/27/2018 1:51 PM

49 / 68
City of Revelstoke Cannabis Survey SurveyMonkey

Q19 The federal government has indicated that individuals will be allowed
to grow up to four cannabis plants at home. Plants must be out of public
view. Should individuals be allowed to grow their cannabis plants
Answered: 826 Skipped: 31

Yes, anywhere
on their...

No, indoors


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


Yes, anywhere on their property 79.18% 654

No, indoors only 15.25% 126

Unsure 5.57% 46



1 It's on their best interest to not have them visable 9/10/2018 11:51 AM
2 Rental owners should have the rite to say no to indoors or outdoors 9/10/2018 9:02 AM

3 All the houses will be uninhabitable and need to be gutted. Property values will go down. 9/8/2018 9:06 PM

4 Out of street view 9/7/2018 12:48 PM

5 Yes outside of public view 9/7/2018 7:36 AM

6 They stink 9/5/2018 7:25 PM

7 Anywhere that is fenced to prevent access by minors 9/5/2018 3:34 PM

8 Yes, somewhere safe on their property or indoors 9/4/2018 10:53 PM

9 As long as it's out of public view 9/4/2018 10:32 PM

10 Keep out of reach of children 9/4/2018 7:54 PM

11 I don’t want drawn in close proximity to my property, the potential for nefarious activity attracted to 9/4/2018 4:52 PM
my neighbors

12 Maybe out of view? 9/4/2018 2:16 PM

13 This is a native species, it's unsustainable to force people to use artificial energy inputs to grow 9/4/2018 1:41 PM
these plants.

50 / 68
City of Revelstoke Cannabis Survey SurveyMonkey

14 anywhere if they own their own property 9/4/2018 11:16 AM

15 Outdoors if appropriate security measures 9/2/2018 7:51 AM

16 On their property but only in the backyard at this time. 9/2/2018 7:19 AM

17 "Plants must be out of public view." 9/1/2018 10:05 AM

18 outdoors but out of public view 9/1/2018 9:31 AM

19 others shouldn't have to smell that shit 8/31/2018 7:54 AM

20 Yes. Agree with federal law 8/31/2018 6:04 AM

21 indoors - if they own their property outdoors - if secured properly. 8/30/2018 8:57 PM

22 People pick flowers ..... 8/30/2018 8:57 PM

23 On your property but out of sight of public --less likelihood of theft 8/30/2018 3:33 PM

24 Yes outdoors but should not be seen by general public or neighbours 8/30/2018 6:49 AM
25 I can brew as much alcool as I want, it should be excatly the same 8/29/2018 11:42 AM

26 n/a 8/29/2018 11:27 AM

27 - 8/29/2018 11:22 AM
28 Guess the insurance companies will decide 8/28/2018 8:31 PM

29 Out of public’s eye 8/28/2018 7:07 PM

30 nowhere, you're asking for trouble 8/28/2018 4:26 PM

31 Outdoor only 8/28/2018 3:58 PM

32 Home OWNERS ONLY. Must OWN their home. No Growing in appartment complexes 8/28/2018 3:11 PM

33 And as many plants as they want, for personal use 8/28/2018 1:54 PM

34 No, if the plant indoors must be out of view, why would you allow for outdoor growing? 8/28/2018 8:31 AM
35 Outside, but out of public view. 8/28/2018 4:30 AM

36 Yes, out of public view ie. their backyard 8/28/2018 1:25 AM

37 Yes as long as it’s out of public view 8/27/2018 10:14 PM

38 back yards / out of view but still out doors 8/27/2018 6:33 PM

39 yes - back yards - out of view 8/27/2018 5:40 PM

40 Thye should be able to grow it outdoors, but put in a sub-bylaw that you can only have upto a 8/27/2018 5:27 PM
maximum # of plants outside (4) so to not make it look like Revelstoke only grows weed. (as
oppose to know where weeds grow)

41 indoors for personal medicinal use only 8/27/2018 5:17 PM

42 Yes but out of view 8/27/2018 3:20 PM

43 Indoors or outdoors with subject to keeping plants in a backyard if growing outside 8/27/2018 3:16 PM

44 not grow any 8/27/2018 3:03 PM

45 In their back yard, away from view 8/27/2018 2:31 PM

46 I also believe that there should be no restriction on the number of plants that an individual can 8/27/2018 2:18 PM
cultivate at their household, so long as the household production is not used for sale. Juicing raw
cannabis is the most beneficial and healthy way to achieve homeostasis in the endocannabinoid

51 / 68
City of Revelstoke Cannabis Survey SurveyMonkey

Q20 The Province of B.C.'s proposed legislation will prohibit cannabis

smoking and vaping everywhere tobacco smoking and vaping are
prohibited, as well as at playgrounds, sports fields, skate parks, and other
places where children commonly gather. The City of Revelstoke's Clean
Air Bylaw also regulates smoking and vaping by prohibiting such activity
within a community facility, in a park, in a cemetery, in a motor vehicle
owned or leased by the City, in a transit shelter and during a special
event. Should consumption of cannabis be restricted from ALL public
places including sidewalks, streets, greenspaces?
Answered: 853 Skipped: 4

Yes, further

No, the


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


Yes, further restrictions are appropriate 30.95% 264

No, the provincial legislation and City's Clean Air Bylaw is sufficient 66.12% 564

Unsure 2.93% 25


52 / 68
City of Revelstoke Cannabis Survey SurveyMonkey

Q21 Is there anything else you would like to share in relation to the City's
role in regulating cannabis (land use, zoning, fees, locations, bylaws)?
Answered: 372 Skipped: 485

1 No 9/10/2018 4:20 PM

2 happy to see that the city is being proactive about this. 9/10/2018 3:00 PM
3 Thanks to our city council for being proactive in this issue and its growth and control in our city. 9/10/2018 2:04 PM

4 Retail should be treated to alcohol, consumption should also be treated the same as alcohol 9/10/2018 10:25 AM

5 Yes. Make this fair. One part of the city allows chickens. Others don’t. Can’t smoke here. Don’t 9/10/2018 9:16 AM
vape there. Some consistency would be fantastic ! Weed has always been here. Let’s make this
the first fair play rules for Revelstoke please. Thank you

6 As a double transplant recipient Iam on anti rejection medication and smoke from cannabis does 9/10/2018 9:02 AM
not make my medicine work properly. So I don't like seeing it in rental property or smoking inside
because the risk to me..

7 Priced lower than street prices. 9/9/2018 8:26 PM

8 no 9/9/2018 6:02 PM

9 A way to prove impairment is integral 9/9/2018 4:42 PM

10 Because much cannabis use, in my opinion, may well be for medical use as a pain management 9/9/2018 11:57 AM
tool (particularly for our aging population) and / or for use in the production of useful products we
have not yet even begun to identify, like building materials or clothing production or numerous
other products, I believe it behooves us to remain flexible and understanding in order to foster an
environment of creativity and support for this agricultural product that could prove to be an
untapped boon to our's and the broader community.

11 As a City, are we not allowed to reject this ridiculous drug usage? Follow the money and you'll see 9/8/2018 9:06 PM
a City Councillor getting rich, at the detriment to the health and safety of Revelstoke's citizens.
12 No 9/8/2018 3:47 PM

13 More 24 hour food vendors 9/8/2018 1:19 AM

14 No 9/7/2018 8:52 PM

15 No 9/7/2018 8:33 PM
16 Enforcement so Clean Air Bylaw is maintained and youth are not at risk. 9/7/2018 8:19 PM

17 No 9/7/2018 5:46 PM

18 Let there be small scale farming please. 9/7/2018 3:42 PM

19 Tax cannabis drop property taxes 9/7/2018 1:52 PM

20 I believe Revelstoke should treat cannabis much like liquor sales. Limit the locations, hours and 9/7/2018 8:32 AM
access to minors. It will take time to adjust to this legalization so openly in our community but with
zoning and bylaws in place I think we will get used to it. Let's limit locations and advertising please.

21 I feel it will be great to have access to cannabis stores in the area because it will deter residents 9/7/2018 8:27 AM
from having to drive out to Salmon Arm to purchase cannabis. When people leave town weekly or
bi weekly to make cannabis runs it leads to them buying groceries and other products at different
locations. Also leads to more people being on the trans Canada hwy which isn’t the most reliable
hwy, especially in the winter.

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City of Revelstoke Cannabis Survey SurveyMonkey

22 Bylaw for consuming cannabis in public should be the same as those that apply to consuming 9/6/2018 9:53 PM
alcohol in public. Residents should NOT be legally able to grow cannabis inside their homes as the
lighting systems require very large amounts of energy (which causes pollution and other negative
environmental impacts)
23 I think it would be great for tourism. 9/6/2018 3:51 PM

24 N/A 9/6/2018 2:45 PM

25 I think it is commendable that the city is consulting the public on this issue. 9/6/2018 1:47 PM
26 No 9/6/2018 1:29 PM

27 I am hoping a cannabis store comes to revelstoke as I use CBD oil medicinally :) 9/6/2018 12:11 PM
28 No 9/6/2018 11:07 AM

29 I think the way the liquor stores are located here is a really good blueprint, and would like to see 9/6/2018 10:11 AM
something similar with cannabis stores. I really don't like how it is in Vernon where there are so
many dispensaries.

30 A substantial licence fee similar to Kamloops ($5000) 9/6/2018 8:10 AM

31 I feel that marijuana consumption should be subject to the same rules as no open use 9/5/2018 9:14 PM
in public places like sidewalks. Some people are sensitive to the smell and the smoke...
32 The growing and smoking of marijuana stinks like shit. 9/5/2018 7:25 PM

33 I don't understand why marijuana cannot be smoked anywhere tobacco CAN be smoked. This 9/5/2018 3:52 PM
makes no sense.. If we were worried about smoke, it should be about ALL smoke. period. No
smoke should be around, front doors, play grounds and schools but other than that, I feel people
have the right to smoke what they want, where they want.
34 No 9/5/2018 3:50 PM

35 same or similar rules to alcoholic beverages is appropriate for both production and retail sales. 9/5/2018 2:56 PM

36 Tax the crap out of it to help pay for sewer upgrades so our town stops smelling like dirty diapers! 9/5/2018 9:58 AM
The tourists are starting to comment on it and choosing to travel to Fernie instead!

37 please treat this change similar to other commercial business's, the implementation should be 9/5/2018 9:54 AM
similar to liquor stores

38 No 9/5/2018 9:47 AM

39 Let the market decide in retail. It would help support tourism. Cannabis production is heavily 9/5/2018 9:26 AM
regulated and secure and would increase employment si strongly encourage that. But it's a moot
point if Council increases the DCC's as that will kill investment as developers will look elsewhere
given they have significant alternative options in other communities.

40 I would like to see cannabis sold at different locations than liquor. Selling at same location 9/5/2018 7:25 AM
encourages use of pot and alcohol together and impulse buying.
41 No 9/5/2018 12:45 AM

42 No 9/4/2018 11:42 PM
43 I would like to hear more from the City and RCMP about monitoring and regulation of driving motor 9/4/2018 11:16 PM
vehicles and equipment under the influence of cannabis

44 Not sure 9/4/2018 10:56 PM

45 What will happen to the dealers?? My concern is the fentanyl. Will they turn to more dangerous 9/4/2018 9:11 PM
46 I just don’t want to smell it 9/4/2018 9:07 PM

47 Nope 9/4/2018 8:56 PM

48 I don’t want to walk down the street and smell cigarette smoke and I certainly don’t want to smell 9/4/2018 8:52 PM
weed. I can’t believe this is even happening.

49 No 9/4/2018 8:46 PM

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City of Revelstoke Cannabis Survey SurveyMonkey

50 I smoke. But I don’t want to smell it everywhere. Treat it like alcohol in public places. Don’t have 9/4/2018 8:41 PM
storefronts that will been seen in high traffic children areas. Embrace production. It’s a chance to
create good tax revenue and jobs for the area. It’s low key to the public.
51 The bylaw would be sufficient if properly monitored and enforced 9/4/2018 7:54 PM

52 Be reasonable 9/4/2018 6:44 PM

53 No 9/4/2018 6:08 PM
54 It seems to me that in past experience, unlawful production/ sales will accompany “legal” 9/4/2018 4:52 PM
operations. Over production, sales to minors, and continued black market activity will be common
place. Control of additives, THC %, and all the things that can go wrong (unintended
consequences) flagrant open use, in lift-lines on the hill for example, are things that are inevitable.

55 We as a society are not ready. We need as much education as there is around alcohol. Did I 9/4/2018 3:29 PM
mention we need more education. It is going to come anyway lets get out there and educate our
populace. THC is a drug that should be used as alcohol. ie not on our roads or public spaces or
work places. Period...

56 I appreciate the City taking a cautious approach to this legislation. I don't believe cannabis to pose 9/4/2018 3:14 PM
any more of a threat than alcohol does but once we establish a precedent, it would be difficult to
back pedal!

57 Na 9/4/2018 2:57 PM
58 No 9/4/2018 2:06 PM

59 When cannabis is smoked, it can be nauseating to some. It is quite unpleasant. I would appreciate 9/4/2018 1:49 PM
seeing significant fines (enforced!) for smoking in public places. I am also deeply concerned about
the odour in dwellings that are located close to each other including apartments, condos and
townhouses. In my own home, I am already impacted by my neighbour's use of cannabis and it
impacts my ability to have my windows open or use my own back yard when they are enjoying
their cannabis recreation in their own backyard. I am not sure how to resolve this situation other
than to comment that there impacts that must be considered.
60 We do not know the health impacts of the second hand smoke so smoking should be prohibited 9/4/2018 1:49 PM
from all public areas and a bylaw officer should be hired.
61 Just have the same rules as alcohol use. 9/4/2018 12:18 PM

62 Sales should be permitted at farmers market... Fall harvest festival? 9/4/2018 10:39 AM

63 I don't think people who choose to not smoke cannabis should be exposed to the smoke or smell 9/4/2018 10:31 AM
at any time, especially in their own back yard over a neighbour's fence or from a park and there
should be staff employed by the city to enforce this.
64 The potential of commercial production may be the biggest challenge. On the one hand, it will be 9/4/2018 9:59 AM
good to see an agricultural business develop, on the other hand we have so few hectares of
existing agricultural land it would be a shame to see it all turn into cannabis production facilities.
Perhaps keeping this in mind, we could determine that if someone wants to produce cannabis
commercially on ALR land there must also be a component of local food production? Right now it's
a challenge to produce local food on ALR land because it's a poor 'economy of scale' - growing
weed commercially may be able to offset the higher cost of growing food & make it feasible to do
65 Keep it fair in regards to businesses starting up, ie. do not regulate and give preference to current 9/3/2018 7:40 PM
liquor store businesses. The market will decide how many successful cannabis businesses
Revelstoke can handle given we have a fluctuating population throughout the year.

66 Should be treated exactly the same as cigarettes and liquors sales and consumption for smoking 9/3/2018 2:58 PM
and vaping. Not allowed in schools or public buildings
67 No 9/2/2018 11:50 PM

68 keep them in one area only and not in the downtown core either 9/2/2018 8:38 PM
69 No 9/2/2018 1:55 PM

70 Go slow with this; ensure RCMP are partners. Also, enforce the public area restrictions because 9/2/2018 10:08 AM
the odour is very invasive and unpleasant to many.

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City of Revelstoke Cannabis Survey SurveyMonkey

71 I am very concerned about people walking around downtown vaping and smoking cannabis. 9/2/2018 7:19 AM
Bylaws should be strictly enforced in the beginning at least until the dust settles. I am very very
concerned about the number of impaired drivers this will see. I hope all the safety/education tools
will be in place before legalization in Revelstoke happens.

72 No 9/1/2018 5:18 PM
73 I think it's about time Revelstoke gets a few dispensaries in town. We are isolated and it will be 9/1/2018 5:02 PM
nice to be able to purchase safe marijuana from trusted sources.

74 Hopefully the City's role will include working closely with the RCMP to ensure that person(s) with 9/1/2018 10:05 AM
ties to organized crime are excluded from operating a marijuana store and/or production facility,
and that the storefronts don't become fronts for sales of illegal drugs.

75 n/a 9/1/2018 8:46 AM

76 Legalization of cannabis is a HUGE opportunity for our community. Let the market and towns 9/1/2018 7:14 AM
people dictate its development, backed by a reasonable and sensibly guided policy by our
municipality. Good shops, high (no pun intended) standards, will be backed by the community. The
City should be willing to allow newcomers and first time business owners to open shops and
pursue other opportunities. This town has a way of providing the old-boys club to carry-on while
stifling new investment. (This isn't a knock at that old boys club, some of whom provide a great
deal to our town but rather voicing the opinion to let cannabis legalization be what it is: a new
frontier to be explored by brave business people.) Socially and culturally, I don't think the City of
Revelstoke will need to be too heavy-handed in its policy decisions. The opportunity here is to
reinforce positive education and learn from failed policy and culture related to alcohol. Canadian
society had an uphill battle against alcohol for decades to fight for awareness about the dangers of
drunk driving and alcoholism, not too mention the binge drinking culture so pervasive among
teens. We can stop pretending Canadians don't consume cannabis and that it's effects are similar
to alcohol; as a public, we know they aren't. What the City can and should do is promote the
responsible use of it. Cannabis should have the same freedoms as alcohol - more if I'm being
idealistic, but par is a good place to start. I view Revelstoke's population as a liberally conservative
town. Accepting of being free to do as you want at home but more reserved in the public domain
and so extending the same freedoms of alcohol to cannabis seems right, rather than an over-
reach by the municipality.

77 No 9/1/2018 4:25 AM

78 no 8/31/2018 10:26 PM
79 this is a bad idea 8/31/2018 10:08 PM

80 This could be an amazing addition to our economy and if taxed properly could generate more 8/31/2018 9:59 PM
funding for the city infrastructure and community programs.

81 Yes. Tax the absolute hell out of any and all producers and sellers. Tax weed like they tax gas but 8/31/2018 9:53 PM
do it on a municipal lever. Then take that money to make this town better. Maybe by improving
public transit, affordable (A F F O R D A B L E housing, this is for you Mckee!) housing, improved
public infrastructure, the hospital, library, snow removal etc..PLEASE DON'T (redacted) THIS UP.

82 N/A 8/31/2018 8:54 PM

83 No 8/31/2018 8:32 PM
84 keep sale out of neighborhoods and in the obvious commercial zones frequented by tourists. 8/31/2018 7:42 PM
Selling it on the highway will promote high driving so don't do that, c'mon. Don't sell it in
neighbourhoods. Don't let there be more stores than liquor stores, that number works as it is
tested- let's not let it get trashy or have it define our downtown like it has in Vernon. Let residents
grow their legal quantity of plants on their property at their will.

85 Let the market decide. 8/31/2018 7:30 PM

86 Bring it to revy 8/31/2018 5:44 PM
87 How will it be enforced? 8/31/2018 2:05 PM

88 No 8/31/2018 10:27 AM
89 No 8/31/2018 10:23 AM

90 Try and regulate public smoking as the odour is very strong and disgusting. 8/31/2018 9:22 AM

91 no 8/31/2018 8:56 AM

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92 Like cigarette smoke it's disgusting to have to smell that shit and I have a right to not have my 8/31/2018 7:54 AM
health compromised because other idiots. I disagree with the legalization and worry about youth
access in Revelstoke. Who is going to monitor that? The business owners? This is going to cause
major issues with the youth in an already heavy drug using community where many people have
already died from drugs.

93 no 8/31/2018 4:32 AM
94 n/a 8/31/2018 12:06 AM

95 No thanks ! 8/30/2018 10:59 PM

96 Please leave to bigger cities with more people to enforce the bylaws 8/30/2018 9:18 PM
97 Stores should be regulated and enforceable with proper federal and municipal laws. 8/30/2018 8:57 PM

98 Cannabis is a stimulant just like alcohol. It should be treated with the same rules. It is nice to see 8/30/2018 8:57 PM
that it will be regulated and that should make it safer.

99 No 8/30/2018 8:25 PM

100 I believe if the city of Revelstoke allows the regulation of cannabis sales it would create another 8/30/2018 8:05 PM
income for the town, whether it be locals or people passing through the town. It is already a huge
underground market and being more open with the legalisation could help better educate adults
and youth to understand why some people do it, especially as a health alternative instead of
unnatural medicines that provide the same benefits.

101 Let it be dictated by provincial laws and keep municipal relations to a minimum 8/30/2018 5:15 PM
102 Don't regulate something more than it needs to be. Dont waste time and money on this. 8/30/2018 5:14 PM

103 I feel it is positive that we treat canabis like alcohol, keep it downtown away from schools and kids. 8/30/2018 4:50 PM
Take advantage of the additional revenue from the sales taxes and make it friendly enough that
the illegal sales and distribution dry up and end.

104 Rules should definitely be in place, but Revelstoke will highly benefit from this! 8/30/2018 4:10 PM
105 No use in public spaces indoors or out including patios, streets( even without sidewalks). Strict 8/30/2018 3:33 PM
limits initially which could be lifted later if necessary --easier than trying to reverse lenient

106 The more laws and rules put. The more people will want to rebel and fight. There is already such 8/30/2018 3:01 PM
an amount of good coming from the extra tax for the government funds. Life is expensive as it is.
107 No 8/30/2018 2:29 PM

108 the city needs to have a progressive view on this issue, Cannabis is here to stay and a very safe 8/30/2018 1:47 PM
alternative alcohol

109 Get it right 8/30/2018 1:42 PM

110 The market will handle itself, I firmly believe. 8/30/2018 12:43 PM

111 No 8/30/2018 12:42 PM

112 Smoking friendly cafes? 8/30/2018 12:35 PM

113 Don't over regulate 8/30/2018 12:27 PM

114 Should be priced as cigarettes/alcohol are priced. Cost per gram should be depending on the 8/30/2018 11:35 AM
strain, THC content, form (leaf, liquid, shatter, vape)

115 No 8/30/2018 11:32 AM

116 Prejudices from the prohibition era must not be tolerated and unfair discrimination against 8/30/2018 11:14 AM
responsible cannabis users must be avoided!

117 Don't be stupid revelstoke 8/30/2018 11:00 AM

118 Take a proactive and progressive approach to regulation as opposed to reactionary and 8/30/2018 10:31 AM
conservative. Youth education and programs need to be emphasized as well as the general public
educated that cannabis use comes with many benefits as well as drawbacks. As cannabis will be
legal, stigmatization should be broken down. There is a huge opportunity for revenue and
progress. Don't enact legislation based on extreme views.

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City of Revelstoke Cannabis Survey SurveyMonkey

119 no 8/30/2018 10:02 AM

120 The City should be legalizing the sale of recreational marijuana in Revelstoke. If they don't, it will 8/30/2018 9:30 AM
be another reason for us to travel out of town to then do our pot shopping, along with groceries
and gas!

121 Revelstoke could be a great place to grow this product. Secondly it can bring major tax benefits to 8/30/2018 9:26 AM
the city- which hasn't been doing well with money. Finally, farms, shops, and possibly tech jobs
will be created for the town.

122 I think it will be better received to have a known face(s) operating the first couple of stores as 8/30/2018 9:07 AM
opposed to people/businesses coming from out of town.

123 I reckon these "issues" won't relate to the pure marijuana product but the value added products 8/30/2018 8:01 AM
containing THC and CBD oils. ex) edibles and drinkables. The municipal gov't should recognize
that there isn't a likely increase (statistically speaking) in marijuana users but in persons dabbling
with cannabinoid products. It is well and truly known that the legality of marijuana is not holding
users back from buying it, smoking or eating it. Legalization broadens peoples ability to access,
yes, but accessing marijuana is not a hurdle for marijuana users. Access of value added products
is the "issue". Thankyou
124 Follow city of Vancouver guidelines. 8/30/2018 7:01 AM

125 Feel further restrictions should be placed where cigarette smoking is prohibited in public spaces, 8/30/2018 6:49 AM
sidewalks and green spaces

126 no 8/29/2018 11:49 PM

127 . 8/29/2018 10:49 PM

128 No smoking cannabis in public 8/29/2018 10:39 PM

129 Let the market decide if their is buisness in Revelstoke. Allow a couple stores to compete. 8/29/2018 9:26 PM
130 No 8/29/2018 7:47 PM

131 budget needs to be set for enforcement, more general public general drug education 8/29/2018 6:28 PM
132 There needs to be strong bylaws in place to ensure that those who don't use cannabis can still 8/29/2018 6:14 PM
enjoy public spaces/yards without having to deal the horrible smell of cannabis. The city also
needs to make sure there are enough bylaw officers in place to enforce bylaws, the current system
is not working. People already ignore our bylaws because council and city hall don't support
133 Let it burn #420blazeit 8/29/2018 6:11 PM

134 NA 8/29/2018 5:03 PM

135 Don't try to be so restrictive on it embrace the change. We are a resort town and there's nothing 8/29/2018 4:52 PM
we can do to change that now. People will be doing it and brining it here weither we like it or not,
so as a city should profit from the opportunity
136 No 8/29/2018 4:34 PM

137 No 8/29/2018 3:31 PM

138 Na 8/29/2018 2:53 PM

139 Let’s not hinder economy from moving Revelstoke is known world wide Keep money moving, treat 8/29/2018 2:37 PM
it simply like alcohol
140 don't drop the ball on this, it's a legal business treat it the same, city has fumbled a lot with rapid 8/29/2018 2:31 PM
growth, stop living in the past. tourists want it, locals want it it's 2018

141 Not sure 8/29/2018 2:28 PM

142 Make clear rules and Inforce them , in like our illegal sweet and air B and B issue. 8/29/2018 1:57 PM

143 N/A 8/29/2018 1:20 PM

144 i dont think are mountian town should have any cannabis stores its to small of a community and 8/29/2018 12:54 PM
would be to visiable to are youths

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City of Revelstoke Cannabis Survey SurveyMonkey

145 What the city decides to do will play a huge role in the stigmatizing or destigmatizing of people who 8/29/2018 12:54 PM
use drugs and alcohol. Let us be at the forefront and forward thinking on this, not restrictive and
146 N/A 8/29/2018 12:53 PM
147 Get with the times Revelstoke. Alcohol and tobacco are much more harmful than marijuana. Not 8/29/2018 12:29 PM
everyone wants to smoke either with the advancements in science and chemistry; denying people
easier access to the countless medicinal products stemming from CBD would be a complete
miscarriage of justice .

148 Nope, nothing to add but this website won't let me submit this survey until all the boxes are full. 8/29/2018 12:14 PM
Seems like that will bias this survey towards people who feel the need to comment on things

149 free market, don't over regulate or overthink things 8/29/2018 11:53 AM
150 The city of Revelstoke is going backward as usual. Stop trying to be your own country. I plan to 8/29/2018 11:42 AM
open a pot shop at smoky bear OUT OF CITY LIMITS!!! Take that Revelstoke, you wont see any
of my tax dollars!!! And I will keep growing my own marijuana with my own medical license
whether you like it or not!!! Big missed opportunity again for you dumbasses at city Hall
151 none at present 8/29/2018 11:27 AM
152 No 8/29/2018 11:22 AM

153 No 8/29/2018 10:33 AM

154 No 8/29/2018 10:13 AM

155 in lieu of cannabis tax revenue, increase property taxes on properties accessed at over $1 million. 8/29/2018 9:49 AM

156 no 8/29/2018 9:45 AM

157 Cannabis is harmless. Cigarettes are very dangerous. Cannabis laws should not be stricter than 8/29/2018 9:40 AM
liquor or tabbaco laws. Makes no sense

158 Start with a lighthanded approach, if problems develop, enforce the current laws before enacting 8/29/2018 9:29 AM
new legislation. But if necessary, add language to curb issues as they come up.

159 no 8/29/2018 9:24 AM

160 A responsible proactive approach is important balancing this new standard with other 8/29/2018 8:09 AM
municipalities expectations, while keeping enforcement administration reasonable without forcing a
stronger black market.

161 Concerns would be with production of these commercial business with marijuana. I do not believe 8/29/2018 8:06 AM
they would be beneficial within city limits if they are causing noise or smell issues.

162 . 8/29/2018 8:05 AM

163 No 8/29/2018 7:39 AM

164 No 8/29/2018 7:20 AM

165 If they dont get it here thats money in other community's pockets 8/29/2018 6:02 AM
166 No 8/29/2018 1:12 AM

167 None. 8/28/2018 11:21 PM

168 Really was hoping Revelstoke would not have a Cannabis store. Revelstoke is going to reek of pot 8/28/2018 11:17 PM
already, let's not make it easier for people to get. Youth are going to have no problem getting weed
from these stores and we are going to have a town full of stoned zombies walking & driving

169 we reach a turning point as a city where we can be on the forefeont of cannabis legalisation, 8/28/2018 10:57 PM
capitilaising or the new commoditity and providing a sale and service to those who may have been
looking for an experience elsewhere....or not. if i have to explain to you reading this why
prohobition is a bad idea you dont deserve your job. to discuss socio-economic impacts pls call
170 Promote marijuana tourism including craft grow ops type businesses. 8/28/2018 10:27 PM
171 I would prefer that no public use be allowed. The smell has adverse effects on me. 8/28/2018 10:23 PM

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172 Established private liquor stores should be given first opportunity to sell cannabis first 8/28/2018 10:15 PM
173 I would like to see the city allow more flexible regulations and bylaws towards individuals who grow 8/28/2018 9:57 PM
cannabis at home specifically for property owners. Those who grow their own cannabis will be
more likely to enjoy it in the privacy of their homes and would prefer discretion. While i said
provincial regulations and clean bylaw is enough however added restriction could be needed for
green spaces hiking or biking routes or areas where cannabis use gets out of hand or brings about
a bad element of unsavoury types.

174 strong odour....need to consider the majority of people who do not use cannabis 8/28/2018 9:56 PM

175 no public smoking at all, who wants to smell that shit all the time 8/28/2018 9:40 PM
176 This will be a great step forward for the economy of Revelstoke. Thanks 8/28/2018 9:40 PM

177 The city should not waste time in allowing a retail store or dispensary to open. This town needs all 8/28/2018 9:30 PM
the tax revenue they can and it is an opportunity for much needed revenue the city could be
bringing in to put to good use.

178 dont regulate it, its a healing plant not a drug 8/28/2018 9:28 PM
179 more laws regarding use around children and parental use and workplace use etc 8/28/2018 9:24 PM

180 Please don't be too over-restrictive. 8/28/2018 9:23 PM

181 no 8/28/2018 9:10 PM

182 Follow provincial legislation. Trust in local businesses and entrapenuers. Dont only support 8/28/2018 8:53 PM
government run stores.

183 No 8/28/2018 8:50 PM

184 no. 8/28/2018 8:50 PM

185 Let the free market decide what citizens want 8/28/2018 8:50 PM

186 Increased fees first three years then review 8/28/2018 8:47 PM
187 I feel that retail stores (if approved) shouldn’t not be allowed in the downtown core. This could 8/28/2018 8:46 PM
show an increase in property damage from attempted break-ins. For personal use I think that if a
neighbour can smell any odour associated with the growing of plants then that individual should
face a fine.

188 No 8/28/2018 8:46 PM

189 No 8/28/2018 8:25 PM

190 Na 8/28/2018 8:18 PM

191 No 8/28/2018 7:11 PM

192 No smoking/vaping tobacco or cannabis in ANY public area Eg. sidewalks 8/28/2018 7:08 PM

193 Bylaws. I feel cannabis should be treated the same as alcohol and not aloud in ones hand while 8/28/2018 7:07 PM
wondering around town or operating any motorized vehicles

194 just use common sense here 8/28/2018 7:05 PM

195 its just a plant, everyone smokes it anyway, just let people do what they want and the organaized 8/28/2018 4:54 PM
crime groups will suffer and diasappear, we in bc have hydroelectric power which has alreasy
done its damage to the environment, might as well produce a cash crop that actually teaches its
growers a lot when learning to grow it.

196 This is a huge opportunity and also the right thing to do...allow the market to dictate where and 8/28/2018 4:31 PM
how many operate and let people grow however works for them so long as they do not impede on
the property and rights of others to abstain. It is about mutual respect and stereotypes, stigmas
and discrimination against cannabis users must be avoided.
197 It should not be allowed in Revelstoke, if it has to be it better be managed as i dont want to have to 8/28/2018 4:26 PM
worry for mine or my childrens safety around this terrible substance, no secondhand smoke, no
driving or working while using, you all better step up.
198 Once the bylaw has been established, the City should ensure it will be followed and have bylaw 8/28/2018 3:43 PM
officers follow up regularly.

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199 I have been to Amsterdam where Cannibis is legal. is illegal to be seen smoking in public. 8/28/2018 3:11 PM
Canada should follow! I personally do not have a problem with Cannibis, but I do think that this
legalization is going to be out of hand no matter what the law says. We are a very small RESORT
TOWN, we do not need more than 1 Cannibis outlet. Thank you

200 I don’t think the city should get involved. 8/28/2018 3:02 PM
201 No. 8/28/2018 2:52 PM

202 I for one am allergic to the smell of cannabis either growing or burning. I will be vomiting if they 8/28/2018 2:30 PM
smell is too strong. The odour has to be dealt with
203 The city should embrace this change as it will help many people and ensure the cannabis that 8/28/2018 2:08 PM
people consume is safe. With that said, as a non-smoker of cannabis I don’t want to smell it
everywhere downtown and when out around town. People should be able to do it, but not
everywhere in public. If someone else is drinking, it doesn’t get me drunk. If I have to walk through
clouds of cannabis smoke everywhere, I will glean some of the effects, however minimal. People
should be allowed to if they are legal age and choose to do so, but I should still be able to choose
not to.
204 Oppose the legalization of cannabis. 8/28/2018 1:54 PM

205 I disagree with retail cannibas stores in Revelstoke. 8/28/2018 1:40 PM

206 no 8/28/2018 1:17 PM

207 It’s far less dangerous than alcohol, and actually has medicinal benefits. There is no reason it 8/28/2018 12:44 PM
should be treated more strictly than alcohol. Hell, it’s less dangerous than sugar.
208 N/A 8/28/2018 12:35 PM

209 I have grown up in revelstoke from the age of 2 an have consumed pot for over ten years. I believe 8/28/2018 12:13 PM
this will be a much better way then having ppl buy it off joe blow down the road . We’re all the
neighbors an the kids have to deal with random ppl coming up an down there road. Much safer
210 Nope 8/28/2018 12:13 PM

211 the city should have taken a more pro-active approach to this. The legalization of cannabis has 8/28/2018 12:08 PM
been in the works for a while now and the city is finally addressing the issue with less then a
month and a half before legalization. In addition there are more stupid bylaws that are already not
policed or enforced in this town and we're gonna make more? This going to take longer to process
than the 45days days you've allowed. You're anticipating a high application number for potential
businesses and yet you're just starting the process now. What are the implications for businesses
and retail spaces not adhering to the proposed bylaws? Are you going to even acknowledge and
take into consideration the results of this survey? I think that retail space for recreational cannabis
is a great idea, but i believe the city will put up so many road blocks whether it be a building
permit, a business licence, a sign bylaw... to prevent this from happening and miss out on the
opportunity to gain and benefit from tax dollars that could then be used to improve city services like
say the sewer? I think its time that council stop creating bylaws and start actually enforcing them. I
personally believe that the city doesn't play a role in enforcing anything, cannabis or not. Take a
working example from a community that is already operating dispensaries and follow their lead and
use what works. Examples would be Nelson, Vernon, Kelowna. all of these communities have
dispensaries where people can purchase cannabis. No, they aren't legal yet, but whatever model
they are following is currently working for them, so reach out, ask questions and use what works!
212 There should be municipal taxes on the sale of cannabis. Not enough to scare away business and 8/28/2018 11:40 AM
drive it underground, but the municipality should get in on that money.

213 N0 8/28/2018 11:30 AM

214 No 8/28/2018 11:25 AM

215 Don't overtax it. If it becomes too expensive to purchase from a store, people will go back to 8/28/2018 11:21 AM
buying from unlicensed sellers & that product may not be as safe as regulated marijuana.
Absolutely no smoking in downtown areas, I wish cigarettes were banned from all public areas as

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216 City's role has been prolonging the inevitable and they need to stop. They have dragged their feet 8/28/2018 11:19 AM
far too long rather then embracing this new legislation and preparing early for it. The city would be
wise to stick with the 'open for business' slogan they jammed down our throats to get elected and
encourage these business to open in order to collect tax money from them. The era of refer
madness is long over so catch up and live in the now.
217 There's no way you can effectively ban smoking of tobacco or nicotine in parks, so why even 8/28/2018 11:08 AM
bother making bylaws that are never going to be enforced?
218 one of your questions was backwards - 9 was it - asking if survey person wanted to prohibit rather 8/28/2018 11:05 AM
than permit - bad design on this questionnaire!
219 No 8/28/2018 10:56 AM

220 The boundaries of any concessions you make will be pushed to the limit and beyond. You will get 8/28/2018 10:54 AM
more of what you subsidize.
221 Smoking shouldn't be allowed in downtown business area. 8/28/2018 10:46 AM

222 no 8/28/2018 10:34 AM

223 Medical cannabis and the natural products that they produce (many of which do not contain THC 8/28/2018 10:15 AM
so do not get you 'high') help people with a range of ailments. Let people stop breaking the law
and legitimise instead of ostracizing this issue!
224 Yes Quality operators need to be selected based on experience and quality of product much like 8/28/2018 9:42 AM
choosing a good restaurant or winery over a McDonalds or Burger King
225 My main concern is the exposure to young children and youth. I feel like there may need to be 8/28/2018 9:41 AM
signage up at least at the beginning to say "No Smoking area" etc. I don't want to walk my
daughter to school and have people smoking pot. I am also concerned on what these stores are
going to look like and if people will be smoking in and around the stores.

226 no 8/28/2018 9:26 AM

227 no 8/28/2018 9:21 AM

228 re: Question 20 -- further restrictions such as sidewalks and streets, but disagree with restricting all 8/28/2018 9:18 AM
"greenspaces" use -- perhaps permissible if done 100m away from others.
229 dont let haste and prejudice get in the way of potetially good paying jobs for Revelstokians. 8/28/2018 8:52 AM

230 Na 8/28/2018 8:43 AM

231 Please stop behaving like this is the 1950’s Cannabis is much less harmful than alcohol and has 8/28/2018 8:41 AM
no annual deaths caused by it, alcohol kills thousands of Canadians every year. The municipal
government here needs to start getting its act together, doing the right thing. Having a progressive
and forward thinking attitude towards the legalization of cannabis would be a step in the right
direction. Please stop letting unfounded fears dictate your decision making process. Cannabis
legalization is a positive thing for Canada, with many business opportunities related to it while also
freeing up valuable resources for law enforcement and taking the money away from organized
crime. In closing, I encourage this city to follow the federal governments plan for legalization and to
not create unnecessary and costly policies that cause more harm than good.

232 No 8/28/2018 8:39 AM

233 Fines should be in place for offenders of the bylaws 8/28/2018 8:39 AM

234 I feel that the City has a very important job to strictly regulate cannabis as I feel strongly that 8/28/2018 8:31 AM
cannabis will have detrimental consequences on people and communities such as Revelstoke.
235 No 8/28/2018 8:29 AM

236 fines need to be enforced for breaking clean air regulations, playgrounds, parks, arenas and 8/28/2018 8:24 AM
community centres need to monitored for the safety of minors.

237 ensure that the city isn't taken over by cannabis stores like it has been by outdoor 8/28/2018 8:23 AM
equipment/clothing stores. locals have no where to shop for affordable, useful clothing as it is. We
don't need to loose more store fronts to cannabis stores

238 Treat it the same as tobacco smoking. Don’t criminalise it because it will bring a lot of money to the 8/28/2018 8:16 AM
town but make sure it is strictly controlled.

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City of Revelstoke Cannabis Survey SurveyMonkey

239 Let it be like beer? or wine? weed is the same thing as wine or beer, and also it doesnt make you 8/28/2018 8:04 AM
drive like a idiot. weed is 100x better than drinking for public use. you'll see.

240 Please join this new venture. Dont live in the stone age and act against it. The pros of legalization 8/28/2018 7:53 AM
outweigh the cons.
241 I felt like I didn't have enough information to answer many of the zoning and legislation questions 8/28/2018 7:53 AM
and decided not to provide "gut reaction" answers. My worry is that people will provide responses
to these rather complicated questions that are not informed.

242 get with it and get moving on this. your footdragging and conservative policies have already put 8/28/2018 7:48 AM
Revelstoke at a competitive disadvantage in a fast growing sector.
243 No 8/28/2018 7:48 AM

244 No where down town as the smell and if people are allowed to smoke it on the sidewalks out side 8/28/2018 7:42 AM
of stores,restaurants and other buildings kids have to walk thru the smell and smoke. As do adults
and seniors etc...
245 Like the laws for drinking and driving at this time there is no test to determine if you are impaired 8/28/2018 7:36 AM
by cannabis, How is the city going to deal with the increase in accidents due to cannabis
consumption. Are they going to hire more RCMP members or let the already spread thin members
deal with this issue.

246 no 8/28/2018 7:29 AM

247 Not allowed to smoke in the downtown core at any times. 8/28/2018 7:12 AM

248 No 8/28/2018 7:07 AM

249 just treat it like liquor stores. easy. same access. same hours. need id. it doesn't need to be so 8/28/2018 6:58 AM

250 no open here 8/28/2018 6:43 AM

251 This stuff will stink up the community so keep it away from any and all public spaces, and give 8/28/2018 6:43 AM
individuals the right to complain about the smell in their neighbourhood.

252 Establish rules and people will follow 8/28/2018 6:26 AM

253 Let them be free. 8/28/2018 6:20 AM

254 Put a $10,000 to $20,000 business license / year fee on the retail stores so that the City of 8/28/2018 5:56 AM
Revelstoke can see some generated revenue coming in every year.

255 I do not use cannabis in any form but agree with it's legalisation, but I am very concerned with the 8/28/2018 4:30 AM
odours from those users that have little to no respect for non users around them. I want to make
sure that bylaw enforcement will deal with those individuals that disregard the well being and
enjoyment of public spaces of non users. The City of Revelstoke has a poor track record of bylaw
enforcement, (in my opinion).

256 No 8/28/2018 3:30 AM

257 Stop treating smokers like criminals 8/28/2018 2:14 AM

258 I hope the city does not limit this business as much as it seems to be doing to other businesses in 8/28/2018 1:25 AM
town with seemingly crippling bureaucratic process and endless/ever increasing fees. I would
consult with other, similar (Golden, Whistler, Nelson, Fernie), community leaders who are facing
the same prospects in their communities. It would be nice to live in a place that embraces this
new, less destructive drug in a way similar to how this community seems to accept and even
celebrate a far more toxic one, alcohol.

259 No 8/28/2018 12:25 AM

260 There has to be exemptions for Medical Uses; especially for people with medical disabilities. i.e. A 8/28/2018 12:22 AM
cancer patient that can no longer walk, Etc.

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City of Revelstoke Cannabis Survey SurveyMonkey

261 While I prefer to let the market sort out the numbers, I do think more than one cannabis store 8/28/2018 12:08 AM
should be allowed -- competition is healthy and ensures best quality and practice. If caps and
limits are being put on the number of stores in town, I would really like to see cannabis store(s)
that are owned and operated by people who are well-versed and knowledgeable in the industry,
who can offer quality, safe product (proper QC, mold testing, storage, etc...), as well as experience
and expert knowledge for those who seek to use it for health/medicinal purposes. There is such a
wide range of usages depending on the strain, dosage, etc.., and many who will be using
medicinally. To my knowledge there are currently no health care professionals/MD's in town who
are well-versed in cannabis prescription, so I hope that priority will be given to those businesses
who know the product well, have established history, and can advise their customers on safe
usage. My concern is that many people are getting into the industry who simply see it as an
investment opportunity and who may have the money, but not the experience. I hope that prior
experience and knowledge is foremost considered (prescription/usage, risks/contraindications,
handling/storage practices, QC practices etc...). Prior medicinal cannabis store-owning history
would be preferable. In regards to fees, I hope that no significant additional fees are considered
particular to cannabis stores-- we can't make it so expensive they can't afford to have well-priced
product, and the cost of doing business in Revelstoke is already quite extreme. You won't get rid
of the black market if prices are too high. It needs to be cheap and accessible. Lastly and most
importantly, I think everyone should be able to grow plants outside in their yard if they so wish.
Gardening is healthy, encourages people outside, and keeps people active. This may get people
interested who otherwise weren't. People should have the option to grow their own rather than pay
exorbitant prices at a store (or from a dealer) for something that is easier to grow than tomatoes.
That way they can choose and have access to the strains they prefer, which may not be available
from a local store. Smells are only a concern for a short period during flowering stages, and are no
different than any other random yard smells that to some are delightful, and to others are
offensive. Many who wish to grow will not be able to afford the cost of an indoor grow light system,
the energy to run it year-round, or the additional free space in their household. The
environmentally-friendly option is quite obviously to allow outdoor growing, though I feel people
should have the option to grow either inside or out. I hope Revelstoke embraces the cannabis
industry-- it has potential to bring a lot of money to this town and will be a tourist draw. I just hope
the priorities are on experience and quality control to ensure the safety and enjoyment of our
citizens and tourists.

262 Nope 8/28/2018 12:07 AM

263 Make sure the storefronts are subject to DP scrutiny: nothing will make Revelstoke look trashy like 8/27/2018 11:46 PM
a collection of unprofessional cannabis storefronts. Resurrect the Sign and Facade design program
to ensure this is the case. Do what you can to keep people’s kids from having to avoid being “hot
boxed” in public places. Production should be limited to industrial and agricultural zones, aside
from residential production. Beyond that, let the market decide.

264 When Cannabis is legal countrywide - Revelstoke should follow suit. Many people depend on 8/27/2018 11:46 PM
Cannabis medicinally and should have easier access.

265 N/A 8/27/2018 11:41 PM

266 Add a 1-2 percent municipal tax to cover enforcement. I’ve visited 4 retail outlets in my city and I 8/27/2018 11:23 PM
think a certain standard should be maintained...some shops are boutique-like and others are
disgusting dumps. There’s no scents of cannibas leaving the boutiques but the others reek. I think
it’s important for employees to have a wealth of information but at the same time shouldn’t be high
while working. Some stores also have small areas with tables to roll joints after cannabis
purchases. I like seeing this rather than on the streets.

267 Land/building availability for residential, commercial, and industrial use as well as agricultural use 8/27/2018 11:13 PM
is already very limiting to current and potential businesses. Permitting the production of cannabis
in existing facilities or on land within the city of Revelstoke should be carefully evaluated. This
issue is only going to increase as well. Cannabis agriculture has the potential to be a lucrative
business that can easily outbid other business types while potentially providing fewer jobs "per
square foot".

268 na 8/27/2018 11:01 PM

269 Definitely don’t want to be smelling it anywhere. 8/27/2018 10:32 PM

270 Need to hire someone to police this new area. 8/27/2018 10:29 PM
271 Please do not forget about the impact on is significant. 8/27/2018 10:03 PM

272 No 8/27/2018 9:58 PM

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273 cannabis is like tobacco in the manner that it harms people, I would say that long term use makes 8/27/2018 9:48 PM
it far more harmful. Since it is being legalized is there a way to tax the heck out of it so we can at
least have some benefit from it?

274 I don’t use cannabis but have no problems with those who do use, grow, sell, whichever. The one 8/27/2018 9:28 PM
problem I have with it is it reeks when smoked. Don’t want to smell downtown or at the park that’s
all. I hope COR finds a way to make some serious cash on allowing cannabis storefronts and grow
275 Please, Please, Please limit the odours. The smell makes me sick!!!! 8/27/2018 9:26 PM

276 I do not support any cannabis stores in Revelstoke and like the fact that Revelstoke has none. 8/27/2018 9:17 PM
277 Let the people of Revelstoke benefit from this new market and business opportunity as much as 8/27/2018 9:17 PM

278 Nice work on this process except your FAQs link doesn't work - had to google it and it is hard to 8/27/2018 9:16 PM

279 BC is corporatizing cannabis and it's shameful. The city of Revelstoke should at the very least 8/27/2018 9:12 PM
release a statement about how the provincial regulations are a win for corporations, and a loss
small growers.

280 The city is going in the right direction, I would like to see the regulations in place by legalization 8/27/2018 9:05 PM
day. It may be beneficial to keep in mind that cannabis use often does not have many of the
negative consequences of alcohol use when considering these rules. I hope the city can come to a
reasonable agreement on the bylaws and take advantage of the tax revenues and cultural/tourist
aspects of this new business sector in a responsible way.

281 Just be nice if revy would stop trying to control all this. We are not hurting anyone 8/27/2018 8:43 PM
282 Nope 8/27/2018 8:26 PM

283 n 8/27/2018 8:23 PM

284 No 8/27/2018 8:19 PM

285 No 8/27/2018 8:16 PM

286 smoking cannabis should be the same as smoking tobacco 8/27/2018 8:06 PM

287 Lets think about Cannabis as simply an agricultural product. And lets think about Revelstoke 8/27/2018 7:56 PM
encouraging all forms of farming in developing a passionate agricultural town, as it once was. Lets
get high tech in agri endeavours and lets be a place where research and study of agricultural
methods prosper. Lets develop a cutting edge industry.
288 x 8/27/2018 7:56 PM

289 Keep kids informed. It is a great medicine but can be addictive but all around not too bad a 8/27/2018 7:49 PM
substance and making legal will hopefully reduce money laundering
290 no 8/27/2018 7:47 PM

291 Cannabis is benign.We need far less beauracracy. 8/27/2018 7:39 PM

292 The revenue generated by production facilities could be huge, give it a fair shake. 8/27/2018 7:39 PM

293 The article says that the City is getting ahead of the legislation. It hardly seems that way from your 8/27/2018 7:22 PM
294 no 8/27/2018 7:18 PM

295 People smoking pot should not be allowed to do it anywhere in public. It's bad enough walking 8/27/2018 6:59 PM
around town and past the businesses that have patios and people are smoking. I don't want my
family exposed to such a thing. Many people I know have allergies to second hand smoke, add pot
smoke to the mix they might as well never leave their homes
296 No 8/27/2018 6:46 PM

297 n/a 8/27/2018 6:39 PM

298 I believe it would be beneficial for the local economy, create jobs and provide a safe purchasing 8/27/2018 6:27 PM
space for users decreasing black market activity.

299 No 8/27/2018 6:17 PM

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City of Revelstoke Cannabis Survey SurveyMonkey

300 No 8/27/2018 6:14 PM

301 I see iron different than liquor stores or bars how many of those do we have? 8/27/2018 6:11 PM

302 Don't over regulate, the market will decide, but at the same time having too many shops is 8/27/2018 6:06 PM
excessive and distasteful. It would be a shame if cannabis stores bumped out other types of shops
or services. However, the demand for it is here.

303 NO growing or distribution in residential areas 8/27/2018 6:00 PM

304 Don't leave Revelstoke behind! allow users to shop and support local! 8/27/2018 5:58 PM

305 Follow Canadian rules and don't interfere with people's way of living 8/27/2018 5:56 PM
306 Restrictions should be similar to alcohol. If you can’t have a beer in public why allow pot smoking. 8/27/2018 5:49 PM
Conversely if you can smoke pot why can’t someone have a beer?

307 I would prefer not to have cannabis sales in Revelstoke but I am afraid this is the new normal. 8/27/2018 5:40 PM
Tight regulations are needed to ensure we don't all have to have it in our faces. Discretion for sure
for store fronts - ie signage, etc. and any growing facilities far from the downtown and residential

308 We are the only stope for hours along the transCanada. There needs to be a shop here, maybe 8/27/2018 5:38 PM
along the highway somewhere!
309 Be fair and honest. Alcool and cannabis are the same, it's just different culture.don't get to crazy 8/27/2018 5:33 PM
around that. Ps: i dont smoke.
310 it should be like alcohol, in your own home, not in public 8/27/2018 5:31 PM

311 No 8/27/2018 5:31 PM

312 It would be smart to let at least one shop open in Revelstoke. Currently the business is going to 8/27/2018 5:30 PM
Vernon, Salmon Arm and Sicamous.

313 Question 20, about where smoking is permitted. I hate walking down the street and being 8/27/2018 5:27 PM
subjected to cigarette smoke, more than I would hate being subjected to marijuana smoke.
However, I don’t want to be put in a position where I’m essentially being forced to inhale either of
those. I don’t think that marijuana requires stronger restriction than cigarettes, but I don’t want to
be impacted by the smell or smoke of either of them in a public place. So which ever restrictions
are put on marijuana smoke, cigarette smoke should have the same. I don’t have children, but if I
did, I wouldn’t want cigarette smoking to be permitted “where children commonly gather”, nor
marijuana. Those are public and shared spaces, and should be enjoyed freely.

314 All I hope is that the city decides to allow for at least one cannabis store. We already have to go to 8/27/2018 5:27 PM
the real world to get essentials, lets not make our lives harder when the opportunity is there. Also,
think of all the extra income the city would receive and could build more roundabouts :D
315 Provide information on Public Health impact for recreational use. Similar consequences to family 8/27/2018 5:17 PM
and health as Alcohol . So many sights of people who think it is already practically legal , smoking
it and the nauseating smell travels a long way and witness neighbours smoking weed and then
driving. It's going to be a huge issue.

316 Don’t rush your recommendations wait and see how the legislations play out in other communities 8/27/2018 5:12 PM
317 no 8/27/2018 5:00 PM

318 We need privately run cannabis retails outlets and they need to be well regulated and well 8/27/2018 4:50 PM
supported. This won't be criminal anymore so should be treated the same as any other type of
business; no more no less.

319 no 8/27/2018 4:38 PM

320 Give us somewhere to buy quality product at affordable prices that's reasonably located within city 8/27/2018 4:37 PM
limits and we won't have to hide in corners making drug deals with sketchy people.

321 Just let people do their own thing. Someone sitting on a park bench smoking a joint isn't hurting 8/27/2018 4:34 PM

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City of Revelstoke Cannabis Survey SurveyMonkey

322 It would be great to have a store front in town as it would cut down on operations within the small 8/27/2018 4:30 PM
home rental market in Revelstoke. Finding an operation such at Tree's (Victoria) or
Eden(Vancouver) that are extremly professional would be best for the community and shy away
from a trashy look that some may expect in a new found ski town. ( I have no dealing with either of
the above mentions business's, they both are just extremely professional)
323 I fear undue disclosure and demands that other business owners are not subject to is unfair to the 8/27/2018 4:29 PM
cannabis applicants. Excessive regulation will stifle commerce and therefore profitability to the
business operator, the result making it a worthless venture.
324 Cannabis business is a great opportunity for the city to make money. This is inevitable, lets do it 8/27/2018 4:27 PM
right and let the business and city taxes grow.
325 I am supportive of clean-air but would like to ensure that the cannabis smoking/vaping regulations 8/27/2018 4:27 PM
mirror that of Tobacco smoking/vaping. I also would like the city to consider medical users and
accessibility for those individuals to ensure that the by-laws still support their medical needs. I
would suggest that medical users be designated specific areas to smoke/vape.

326 . 8/27/2018 4:26 PM

327 Get with the times Revelstoke. Although there should be rules and regulations (just like alcohol), 8/27/2018 4:18 PM
the cannabis industry is something that is growing everyday. It can provide many benefits and jobs
are one big benefit- something Revelstoke is lacking unless you are soley interested in working
seasonal minimum wage jobs. The city clearly needs is a great way they can benefit
from having this industry here.
328 Nope 8/27/2018 4:17 PM

329 please don't let this one get out of hand - put proper policy in place so that we can keep public pot 8/27/2018 4:05 PM
smoking in check.
330 it's been covered in these questions. 8/27/2018 4:05 PM

331 If there is production, it needs to be done in a secure manner, with certain expectations set out, as 8/27/2018 4:02 PM
well as inspections by authorities to ensure compliance. Retail should be limited to government
stores. Public consultation on decisions should be made on this issue rather than only relying on
this initial survey.
332 Not at this time 8/27/2018 4:00 PM

333 Please don’t go to easy on regulating this. It’s not for everyone. 8/27/2018 3:53 PM
334 Thank you for including a method for public engagement, Please advertise so more residents are 8/27/2018 3:50 PM
aware of the survey. Include non-conventional social media including stokelist. Thanks
335 No 8/27/2018 3:49 PM

336 No 8/27/2018 3:39 PM

337 N/A 8/27/2018 3:33 PM

338 I think that it is great to see the City starting to plan out how recreational cannabis will be sold in 8/27/2018 3:31 PM
town and feel that it shall be a good step towards allowing this new law to take effect.
339 I don’t feel pot should be treated any different than alcohol. 8/27/2018 3:20 PM

340 Think this is a great positive step forward for the City of Revelstoke. As someone who personally 8/27/2018 3:16 PM
used cannabis for medical purposes as well as recreationally I think this is a great step forward in
growing the community as a whole. Also a great way to offer more employment opportunities.

341 start with "loose touch" regulations. If legitimate concerns arise, and prove needing of further 8/27/2018 3:13 PM
regulation/enforcement, then address said concerns as they come

342 My main concerns which were not asked about in this survey are around roadside testing for 8/27/2018 2:54 PM
driving under the influence.
343 Don’t put revelstoke behind the times. Welcome new business, jobs and income into the economy 8/27/2018 2:54 PM
as the single most useful plant in existence finally has an unfair and biased prohibition lifted.
344 stay out of it 8/27/2018 2:43 PM

345 When will zoning info be released? 8/27/2018 2:38 PM

346 No 8/27/2018 2:36 PM

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City of Revelstoke Cannabis Survey SurveyMonkey

347 none 8/27/2018 2:35 PM

348 no 8/27/2018 2:31 PM

349 I believe that smoking/vaping of all products including cannabis should be prohibited in the 8/27/2018 2:30 PM
downtown core. I walk/bike with my children daily through downtown, and neither I nor my children
should have to be exposed to second hand smoke.

350 A community collaboration (or free market) where people can test their cannabis for their CBD 8/27/2018 2:18 PM
profiles will be beneficial. This would come at a cost to the consumer. The market to use such test
equipment on a local scale should be an important community service as it is important to have
healthy varieties, variabilities within soil types, plus it is faster and less costly than sending it out of

351 Smoking cannabis should be treated similarly to drinking alcohol. It should be illegal to smoke in a 8/27/2018 2:15 PM
public place and should require permits to be consumed in shops, etc.
352 Be a's not a big deal compared to alcohol. 8/27/2018 2:11 PM

353 Don’t want cannabis in our town at all period!!! Wish it never had been legalized. Gonna cause 8/27/2018 2:05 PM
more problems for the police and citizens. I hate smoke and hate the smell of pot!

354 Restrict cannabis production in industrial-style facilities on ALR land. 8/27/2018 1:53 PM
355 no 8/27/2018 1:51 PM

356 If the city overthinks this and takes too long to allow stores to open it will hinder Revelstoke as a 8/27/2018 1:47 PM
tourist destination and stores will open and operate outside of city limits.
357 make the licenses for commercial sales an open, fair, and random process to give anyone 8/27/2018 1:38 PM
interested equal probability for the opportunity.
358 Don’t re-invent the wheel and look to Colorado resort municipalities as examples. Get on the 8/27/2018 1:20 PM
phone and look beyond to get on top of things.

359 Fees should reflect the level of effort in the City overseeing these facilities. 8/27/2018 1:15 PM
360 I think home owners should not have to tolerate the odour coming from their neighbours. It makes 8/27/2018 1:13 PM
me nauseous and is a health concern for me.
361 none 8/27/2018 1:13 PM

362 n/a 8/27/2018 1:08 PM

363 no 8/27/2018 12:49 PM

364 I think the City just really needs to get a good idea of what the community supports or doesn't 8/27/2018 12:49 PM
support to move forward on this. This survey is a good start.
365 My biggest concern is odour. I have three young kids, and while we were in Vancouver over the 8/27/2018 12:47 PM
summer at English Bay, everyone was smoking weed. It was strong enough that I thought my kids
might be affected, plus that's all we could smell for 2 hours, while trying to enjoy the beautiful
beach & weather. Drinking doesn't affect people around you (unless you're belligerent), smoke
does. Plus, a lot of people are proud of the smoke they're producing, and feel the need to share
with everyone around them. I really don't have an issues with weed, used to smoke it myself all the
time, but I really don't want to be smelling it everywhere I go. Revelstoke and BC are known for
their beauty, clean water, and clean air.
366 no, too many people are up tight about this non-issue 8/27/2018 12:47 PM

367 no 8/27/2018 12:47 PM

368 I agree with the use of cannabis following the Clean Air bylaw... IF IT’S ACUALLY ENFORCED. 8/27/2018 12:41 PM
The constant cigarette smoke in front of Conversations is disgusting and tourists light up the
second they step off their illegally parked tour bus and toss their butts wherever they feel like it.
Adding cannabis to this unchecked smoking won’t help anyone.

369 No 8/27/2018 12:39 PM

370 Nope 8/27/2018 12:26 PM

371 . 8/27/2018 12:19 PM

372 No 8/27/2018 12:18 PM

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