Kine History: Toledo Is The Fourth Most Populated City in Ohio Sitting Behind Cincinnati, Cleveland, and

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Population: over 1.2 million

Kine History: Toledo is the fourth most populated city in Ohio sitting behind Cincinnati, Cleveland, and
Columbus. The city was founded in 1833 on the west bank of the Maumee River, originally incorporated as
part of Monroe County, Michigan Territory, then re-founded in 1837, after conclusion of the Toledo War,
when it was incorporated in Ohio.

Toledo Wars: Michigan had claimed Toledo during the time of finding its borders. Ohio and
Cleveland in the mid 1800’s fought a bloody war over this area called the Toledo Strip. Eventually
new waves of government had to intervene and debate with each other. Eventually Michigan gave
up its attempt over the Toledo Strip. This led to a economic loss of the state as a huge supply of
copper and iron were found in the strip. Mining operations were difficult but eventually a profit was

Toledo grew quickly as a result of the Miami and Eerie Canal and its position on the railway line
between New York and Chicago. It has since become a city well known for its art community, auto
assembly, education, healthcare, and local sports teams. The city has also become known for its
glass industry which has earned the nickname, "The Glass City".

Kindred History: Much of the statistical facts of Toledo are similar to what is expected of kindred.
The population of kindred ranges in the 50’s to 100’s but it is hard to keep track. Originally it was
held by a Scandinavian Ventrue that was part of the Michigan State. During the events of the Toledo
War a Toreador bartered with the Ventrue and eventually took claim over the city. Or so history tells
The Toledo War: Began in 1835 when Ventrue leader Becram Loker, tried to make the strip his own
for use of its resources. Carl Bendwith a Toreador member of Ohio State did not wish to see this bit
of land fall to the Ventrue. Mortal militias were formed by the two separate leaders. Each made a
show of taunts on the river that separated the sides. As far as the mortal population knows there was
not real bloodshed going on.

On the kindred side groups of specialist lead by Gangrel guides snuck into each others towns. Using
sabotage and sneaking away with what was a large population of the people at that time. The
kindred involved were given the rewards of titles to use later.
During this sabotaging effort Carl Bendwith was taken down and replaced by his younger childe.
This childe was merely putty in Becram Loker’s hands and thus the state of Ohio kept their “Strip”.
Details on what happened are only told by word of mouth and not many people paid it much
attention in history. This has caused Toldeo to be a target city by the state of Michigan and of course
wanting to be brought in by Cleveland and Columbus.
Importance of the city:

The city has three territories. One of each Sect. This is because Toledo is in between a major city of
each sect. Each trying to lengthen their fingers. Toledo is a great city to have in at least a supporting
role for the industries. So far is has exchanged hands three times. Camarilla have held onto it for the
longest and thus have the largest territory.
Each is a little nervous about fighting with one another the excuse being the other side can call for
back up real quick. Everyone is travelling in groups of at least two to stay safe.
What are they up to:
Camarilla: The elders are slowly planning what to do while mostly acting like nothing is going on. A
few of the younger ones are readying themselves while being laughed at by the elders. The ancilla
are on the edges of their seats half preparing and half planning to run away. All want to defend their
city though. (Underneath the elders are looking for a Methusalah whether to barter or eat it only the
eldest there know.)
Anarch: Are feeling pretty proud and confident. They have cut themselves a sweet slice of the city
and are hungry for more. The threats for help coming in don’t bother them too much if help was to
come wouldn’t it have by now? Anyways they are developing a way to block communications for a
short term hopefully long enough for them to take over.
Sabbat: The Sabbat are getting ready. Duh. They are training themselves and planning to attack
both quarters at the same time. Right now though they know they cannot get help from Detroit. They
are in short supply of quality members. Shovelheads only work so well and the other sects might be
able to call in help within a few hours.
Independents: No one knows

Major Sect Members:

Prince Becram Loker Toreador
Seneschal: Augustus Glass Toreador

Harpy: Vincent Thorough Ventrue

Sheriff: Thomas Riley Brujah
- Jr. Deputy Caitiff
Keeper: Miles Lasombra
Scourge: Bebe Gangrel
Primogen: Avarra Tooly Toreador
Primogen: Michael Avinci Ventrue
Primogen: Carl Crimson Nosferatu

Primogen: Conners Brujah

Primogen: Bays Nosferatu (Everyone else)


Archbishop: Canvas Forter Tzimisce

Bishop of Faith: Elise Fortune Lasombra
Bishop of Arms: Major Hurt Brujah
Bishop of Inquistition: Abdul Akkham Malkavian
Templar: Brother Mal Caitiff
Templar: Brother Blood brother

Ductus/Priscus: Trevor coyote

- Pack Priest Face Nosferatu
Ductus: Fallish Toreador
- Pack Priest Morrin Lasombra

Ductus: Picky Tzimisce

- Pack Priest: Horrin venture


Baron: La Selle Brujah

Ambassador: Vinici Mancalla Toreador
Crew Leader: Rodriguez Gangrel
Crew Leader: Bear Claw Ventrue
Crew Leader: Amelia Brujah
Selfie: Jaqueline Malkavian
Selfie: Two Time Tim Nosferatu
Selfie: Lucas Shrouder Brujah

Rico Giovanni: Giovanni (Cemetary)
Placay Tomong: Tzimisce Koldun
Harley Mooks Leader: TJ Gangrel/ Assamite

Behind the scenes:

Prince Loker with Tremere Regent Argus Knowhall are using their vast resources to uncover an
ancient methuselah that resides under the city. No real details tell of where it is. Rumour has it that it
is here. Argus is using his magic of the occult and his underlings in tremere to locate the body. While
Loker is using mortal sway for papers to search and looking up historical records. The two plan on
diablorizing the methuselah if they have the chance.
Unfortunatley they will never find the body for the ancient one is up and has been walking around
since the take over Loker posed as his own child for almost 200 years.
Sabbat: The Archbishop is actually scared. Rumour has it that a methuselah is in this city hopefully
asleep. An all out battle might draw it out and he is not sure he can handle it. Canvas Forter is
working on training his blood brothers but that is a difficult task. This is the first set he has ever made
and it took a lot out of him. Luckily his Bishops are on his side. They are his pack after all. The
danger is for proper judgement means low viniculum ratings. Not so good. It is a delicate situation.
The appearance must be kept that the Sabbat is united and look threatening.
Anarch: The others don’t know it but La Selle is running after a prophecy. She believes she is a child
that will liberate her people and bring forth an area of peace in the center of the heartland she calls
home. Toledo is in the center of North America and her world. She is using the University to try and
come up with ways of stopping communications for a period of time about one night’s worth. Her
secret project is an old glass factory with a solar power company to create solar bullets. The project
will fail. She will make nasty glass bullets though.

Chapter 1 general plot

Scene 1: The characters are sent on a mission whether from their sire or their higher ups to look into
a strange cult cropping up in the downtown area of Toledo. Members have not been identified yet, it
is probably nothing but with Sabbat coming in new cults are usually tied to them. Go take a look.

Only evidence they have is that someone was indoctrinating people that were coming to this bar
posing it as a help center meeting place. Here is a photo. Use whatever means, within reason, to
find out where they are. Look into their meeting place. Find out what you can. If you deem them
dangerous take care of them. Any extra mess will be on your hands.

Scene 2: Location- Pigsmy Pub

Greeted by a bouncer who is charging cover. How do the players get in?
Once inside the bar is not too packed. There is some music going on the speakers and there is a
small dance floor. Make a perception check to find the man.
Once found in a more corner section the man greets the players with a warm smile and offers them
a seat. He asks the characters what they need help with. (Use social skills to find out what kind of
group he is helping. Depression and lack of motivation.)
If the players succeed they are told of a center that brings motivation to peoples lives. The methods
are a little strange but they really bring in a sense of community to help those without purpose.
Here’s the location they meet once a week. This time tomorrow.

Scene 3: Library of Toledo, Anarch Territory near University.

Library is huge. It is after hours and some of the lights are on. The doors are not locked. None of the
staff is there. In the back under incandescent light sits a group of eight people. They are all wearing
cloaks that looks like from masters robes. They are not masters, they are talking about getting power
from outside sources. One of the members is part of the staff. They have an opened book with
depictions of writing in another language. Greek but older.
The people snap the book shut when the players come through. Asking why they are here. Ahhh
that person sent you. Well come sit down. Ask questions. They are an order of people sent to bring
fulfillment to others lives by works of purpose. The idea is using basics principles of the occult to
bring people together. TO give them self confidence and give them faith that is alternative to the
traditional scenes.
Come we will show you around. After going to a bookshelf the librarian knocks out a book and opens
a passage. This used to be just for storage but now is gives the ambiance of mysteries. In the room
is a circular table with some candles on it. She lights them with a lighter and shows them a sign of
their faith. An amulet worn by an ancient one. Seems like a lot of hosh posh. The amulet was bought
in a thrift shop. It has a dragon on it.
After questioning the people only one of them have been approached by strange members. They
came in to look at their items then threw a temper tantrum broke some books and left.
After the characters leave they are met by a man at the door. He has a strange accent and says he
is here for the meeting. It is so nice to have an alternative no?

Scene 4: Location on the way home

A bit down the way the characters are approached by a gang. Led by Amelia. She doesn’t like them
being on her turf and tries to intimidate the characters into telling her about what the Camarilla has
planning. A fight or semi peaceful negotiations can ensue. Amelia tells them to never come back and
tries to push the characters away. If I see you again your ash.
Scene 5: Location back at headquarters.
- What do the characters do about the cult.
- What about that amulet something wasn’t right but not mystical in nature
- Do they tell the job giver that the job is done? How much do they tell about the mission?
- Do they tell them about the Anarchs? If they confess they are not punished harshly they
can try and convince that they were bullied.

Scene 6: Home/ Museum of Arts

When they get back they are told they have a little time off. What do the characters do during their
time off? Do they start working on influence within the city? Training? Social interactions?

After a period of time the characters are asked to meet with the court again at a function located at
the Museum of Arts. While there they may interact with NPC’s of small status and are asked by the
Prince personally how they are doing. They are congradulated or scolded by how well they did on
the cultist mission, and further applauded or talked down by how they handled the Anarchs.
A decent chunk into the night when things are getting boring a courier arrives at gather with a
Walmart bag that is soaked. He has a blank expression on his face as he hands the bag to the
keeper and crumples to the ground. Characters may inquire what caused this. (Possession)
Inside the bag is the torn off head of a dozen pigeons all with the messages carved into their beaks.
One of the characters is taken by the Sheriff to look into the messages carved, while another is
taken by the keeper to aid with the individual and how it got past security.
Scene 7: Messages

Make an investigation, occult, or acedemics check to sort out the pigeons. Make another check to
see if you vomit. Medicine can be used to clean up the mess and Animal Ken may be use to clean
the beaks without ruining the markings. Kindred Lore may be used to identify this as gangrel claws
that were very precise.
The markings ascertain a message saying “We know what you lied about. We are coming.” Written
in Hebrew. The Sheriff thanks you for your services. You may go.
Scene 8: Security booth and outside
While taking out the body the character may suggest to the keeper how to fake or trick the courier
into believing if this all was a nightmare or some weird dream or a drug trip. Using dominate may
also work. How does the character convince the courier?
After that is dealt with the Keeper goes to the doorman and demands how the person got in. The
Doorman has no answer and is stunned themselves. The Keeper asks for the video tape footage.
They go into the booth of the museum and see how the courier walked right up to the gate, flipped
off the camera guy, punched in a few numbers sneaked by one guard, came up to the guard who
opened the door.
Players may make a perception check and an empathy or social test to see the reaction of the
camera man. He is sweating. Nervous. If the character lets on that the camera guy is bad he tries to
book it. A shovel head trying to get into the ranks of Sabbat, warped by vissicitude. If they capture
him see Scene 9 option 1 if escaped see scene 9 option 2.
Scene 9 option 1: The info
Capturing the target allows the characters to watch the sheriff and keeper at work. Both using
relatively subtle ways of drawing out the information. Guile and intimidation. They find out someone
let them know where they were going to meet. So a mole in the kindred. Before they can get much
more out of the shovel head it bites off its tongue and starks puking up blood until he frenzies from
hunger. The Sheriff breaks his neck and keeper sinks his claws in.
Scene 9 option 2: The chase
Chasing the victim either requires celerity which will get the people in trouble, athletics to climb on
rooftops and keep track or vehicle chase. Perception checks or close to fleeing victim notices a
phone he is yelling into.

After a bit the shovel head crosses the border of Sabbat territory. He runs into the Hollywood
Casino. Characters that try to enter get stopped by a doorman who looks at them with knowing eyes.
He tells them to get lost or it will get ugly. His face reads no emotion.
Going in is ill advised. If they catch the shovelhead then they go back to option 1.
Scene 10: Art Museum
When the characters get back to the Art museum to find that no one is there. A look around the
building and they may notice someone lurking around. If they can catch Two Time Tim they get the
answer that he was looking around from a rumour that the Sabbat left a present for the Cammies.
Testing can tell if this is a lie. The truth is he is looking for remanents of the Sabbat to collect for his
treasure hold and to find out what the Cammies were up to in order to barter in his group.
There is a custodial member who says the party was being moved to the Assembly Complex.
Scene 11: North Assembly Complex

The Character reach the complex and are greeted by the Harpy who tells the characters that they
are to go to a meeting with the Prince in a back room. When the characters enter there is their
Primogen, Sheriff, and Prince there. The Keeper is making sure this place is better secured.
The characters are suspected of helping the Sabbat, maybe without knowing. Were they followed
after their last task to the library? Did they give the Sabbat the passcode for the Art Museum? They
are heavily questioned without torture or tests done on them. More grilled. Suspicion is because of
hteir activity level in the past few nights and pissing off of the others sects the Sabbat have been
known to manipulate neonates into getting secrets without them knowing.
After the questioning they are asked to leave the Assembaly under watch of their Primogen.
The characters could take this as a great insult. How do they deal with the slap? What do they do in
the few nights they have under their Primogens thumb?

Scene 12: Chrysler LLC

The characters Primogen or watchers are told to go to the Chrysler LLC and bring their litter. At the
LLC it seems like a quiet night. A lot of the elders are missing from the meet up and some are
curious about how. Talking to others reveal that a lot of the kine busy clans and members are not
attending as many gathers as business is being ruined. The younger ones think that is bullshit and
htat they should be getting ready for a fight. The Ancilla are spreading whispers about tonight being
an attack. Right as they are whispering this there is a ruckus outside.
Outside is Bear Claw and his crew. They are spray painting the building. When they notice the
Camarilla members they scream they didn’t realize and run, laughing all the way.
Someone should follow perhaps.
The primogen order the players to give chase. They will explain why they were accused if they do
Scene 13: The Anarch Chase.
The Anarchs run in some beat up cars and one leave in a BMW there are six to chase and 3 cars.
All in different directions.
Regardless of who they chase the BMW will show up to try and knock them off the road. Drive test
After following the Anarchs for a bit of time they reach their own territory but do not get off the
highway they take it all the way down until they are almost out of Toledo and get off near the last
exit. They head into a factory called Therma Tru doors.

From first glass you know it’s a manufacturing plant.

The first car peels into some dirt and the Anarchs get out and run into the Plant a few gunshots are
heard and the BMW pulls into afterwards. Bear Claw gets out and starts shooting the characters and
trying to make them run his helper is shouting cusses to the other car saying they shouldn’t have
come here.
After the characters take down some of the Anarchs they retreat into the plant.
Scene 14: The Tru Plant.
Inside the plant is what looks to be a pulp machine and wooden carpentry equipment. Mixed in are
forklifts and tall shelves filled with miscellaneous door pieces and wooden structures.
A few minutes after the characters enter the plant the door bursts open and the Bear Claw gang
come rushing through guns blazing. They are just trying to get the characters to leave the premise.
Running through the plant the characters make way to a back office. There are some documents on
the table and a tablet set up that is in a nice giant sized case.
A small amount of time goes on when some of the characters may realize that the door mill is on fire!
Make frenzy checks and escape. If the characters are not in frenzy then they may notice some
individuals who were not part of the gang that are inside the complex and some are outside by cars.
After the characters escape the fires then where do they go?

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