Detailed Lesson Plan in Grade 9 - Drafting - General Proportion of Letters

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I. Objectives: At the end of the period, the students should be able to

achieve the following with 85% proficiency:

a. identify the proportion of letters ;

b. perform the different proportion of letters; and
c. perform the uses of proportion of letters

II. Subject Matter and References:

a. Topic: General Proportion of Letters
b. References: Drafting Volume 1. German M. Manaois
page 47- 48.
c. Materials:chalk, drawing instrument, manila paper,
pentelpen, printed visuals, eraser, cartolina

III. Procedure:

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
a. Prayer
-Everybody stand for the prayer. Mr. Buenaflor leads the prayer.
May I call Mr. Buenaflor to lead
the prayer.

b. Greetings
-Good morning, class. -Good morning, Ma’am Alivar

c. Checking of attendance
-Who is absent for today? -None, Ma’am.
Very good!

d. Setting of classroom
-Okay, when the class is going -Listen carefully, keep quiet and
on what will you do? participate.

- What else class? -Raise your right hand if you

want to answer.

-Turns off your phone or put it

on the silent mode.

e. Review -I have learned how to draw

-What have you learned with our and identify the five entourage
previous topic in this subject? in drawing.
B. Motivation
The class will be grouped into three
to do a game called “Creation
Letters”. In the game, the students
will form letters using the given
figures. The group with the highest
number of letters formed in a given
time will be the winner.

-Are the letters you made are of the -No, Ma’am.

same distance?
-Why? -Because, it seemed that the
other letters are neither narrow
nor wider in their spaces.

What do you think is our lesson for - Our lesson for today is all about
today? GeneralProportion of Letters.

C. Lesson Proper
1. Activity
Group the students into groups of Students will identify and
three. Give students printed understand the general
visuals and let them identify the proportion of letters.
proportion of letters.

2. Analysis

What is a proportion of letters - Compressed Letters

that is narrower than normal
letters with regards to the
proportion of width to height?
This type of letters are used
when the space is; limited.

What is a proportion of letters -Normal Letters.

that is used when the spare for
the lettering is adequate? They
are neither narrow nor too wide
and have the same height.

What is a proportion of letters -Extended Letters.

that is wider than normal letters
and it is used when the
letters/space is wider than the

3. Abstraction
What are the general proportions -Normal letters, Extended
of letters? letters, Compressed letters
How important is the proportion -It is important because it helps
of letters? us to identify the proportion of

4. Application

- Provided with materials, Let the students

draw the alphabet using the proportion of
- Instructions and safety rules must be
discussed before the start of the activity.
The performance will be judged using the
following criteria.


Criteria 1 2 3 4


1 Poor 2 Fair 3 Good 4 Excellent

4 Excellent 93 – 100
3 Good 86 – 92
2 Fair 79 – 85
78 –
1 Poor

IV. Evaluation
Direction: Identify the following items being asked in the
sentence. Write your answer on the space

_______1. A proportion of letters that is used when the space is wider

than the normal?
_______2. A proportion of letters that is used when the spare for the
lettering is adequate?
______3. A proportion of letters that is usually used when the space is
______4. A proportion letters that is neither narrow nor too wide and have
the same height?
_______5. A proportion of letters that is narrower than normal letters with
regards to the proportion of width to height.
Part II. Create the Compressed Letters in all capital form of the alphabet.
10 points.

V. Homework
Research about Orthographic Sketching

Prepared by:
Pre-Service Teacher

Checked by:
Subject Instructor

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