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Rock Engineering & Slope Stability

Fruta del Norte: integrated

rock mass characterisation
No. 54
SRK Consulting’s

Fruta del Norte camp

The Fruta del Norte project is an undeveloped, underground high-grade gold

epithermal deposit in the southeast of Ecuador.
The deposit will be accessed via twin declines, Study. SRK was given the opportunity to review
and ore will be recovered using a combination historic work, and guide the collection and quality
of transverse open stoping with paste-fill, and control of parameters from drill core. One of
drift and fill with cemented rock-fill, catering to the more critical aspects of the data collection
the variable ground conditions and geometry of from drill core logging was related to alteration
the orebody. SRK has been involved with the geology: time dependent degradation of a
project in various capacities since 2009, and in dominant sedimentary package, and identification
2015 assisted Lundin Gold with structural and of damage zones related to structure and
alteration geology, rock mechanics, hydrogeology, geomechanically adverse alteration.
and geochemistry aspects for their Feasibility
Fruta del Norte (continued)
During the 2015 field investigations, survey to characterise the nature and
SRK completed an extensive alteration extent of the degradation. Basic but
effective data collection practices,
including graphic re-logging of historic
core for the presence of hydrothermal
BRUCE MURPHY alteration, degradation, and structure,
and core photo reviews were
Bruce, MSc. Eng., complemented by Terraspec visible-
P.Eng, FSAIMM, is a infrared spectrometer surveys.
Principal Consultant
Additional protocols were established to
with over 25 years
assist project geologists in recognising
of experience,
hydrothermal, breccia and vein-related
specialising in mining
alteration products. Leapfrog Geo 3D
rock mechanics;
software was then used to model
he leads the
confidence envelopes illustrating the
Vancouver mining
extents of the degradation zone, which
rock mechanics group. Bruce worked
formed one component of the final
in mining operational rock mechanics
geotechnical model for the project.
from 1989, in both hard rock open pit
and underground operations, including Identifying the root cause of the
gold, copper and iron ore, before joining degradation and its impact on
SRK in 2002. Since then, Bruce has geomechanical and geometallurgical
undertaken operational support/project properties had a significant bearing on
evaluations in a number of open pit/ rock mechanics, water quality, water
Drive supported with bolts and mesh
underground mining operations/projects, management, and ultimately mine
in Africa, Europe, Asia, North and South planning aspects of the project.
America. His strong experience includes
operating open pits under difficult mining Bruce Murphy: T he objective of installing ground
and stability conditions (failures) and (Vancouver) support is to mitigate the risk of
underground mining in weak ground injuries and costs associated with
conditions. rehabilitating excavation damage and
associated production downtime. It
Bruce Murphy: follows that the greater the likelihood
of stress damage or rockfalls, due to
the inherent rock mass conditions,
the more work is required from
the support system. In addition,
the exposure of personnel in these
excavations and the quantity of
production serviced by the excavation
will significantly influence the support

While support systems have evolved

over many years to meet these
demands and experienced rock
engineering practitioners generally
apply appropriate engineering
judgment, most design methods are
based on a simple factor of safety
and do not account for proper risk
evaluations. In nature, rock mass
characteristics are variable and
considerable effort is required to
understand the variability, particularly
when the geology is complex. Stress
Planned underground mine design for the extraction of the Fruta del Norte deposit fields are often unknown or are

A risk-based approach to support design

Jointed bounded rockfall Stress damage WILLIAM JOUGHIN

W illiam spent the

simply inferred from one or two stress failure or deformation exceeding a past 25 years in
measurements. Model bias and other prescribed serviceability criterion. underground rock
uncertainties also need to be considered. Monte-Carlo simulations are not practical engineering, working
if the analyses are complex and time on South African
SRK, in conjunction with the Australian
consuming. Probabilistic methods, such deep-level gold mines
Centre for Geomechanics, has developed
as the Response Surface Method or the before joining SRK in
a risk-based approach to support design,
well-known Point Estimate Method, are 1998. He specialises
which takes the variability of rock
then used to estimate the probability of in underground rock
mass conditions and uncertainty into
excessive stress damage. A probability engineering investigation and design,
consideration. The approach includes
distribution of the length of the tunnel that with expertise in numerical modelling,
methods of data collection and determining
exceeds this criterion is then determined selecting mining methods, designing
the variability of inputs into the subsequent
by applying a binomial distribution. excavations, investigating shaft stability
analyses. Two potential failure modes are
considered, namely joint-controlled rockfalls The potential financial losses due to and geotechnical risk, while providing
and stress damage. excavation damage are determined consultancy services for mining projects
by estimating the rehabilitation time on five continents. William is Vice
The probability that rockfalls of different President, African Region, International
and production downtime based on
sizes occur in a given length of tunnel is Society for Rock Mechanics. He
the mining layout and site specific
estimated using a statistical block stability received the Southern African Institute
considerations. These are presented on a
method. A simple discrete fracture of Mining and Metallurgy’s gold
typical risk matrix for decision making.
network is used to generate blocks, medal and the Alec Wilson Award for
which are analysed using limit equilibrium The risk of injury is determined by outstanding papers.
methods in a Monte-Carlo simulation. assessing exposure of personnel and
The results are presented as a frequency spatial coincidence. In this way, both the William Joughin:
distribution of potential rockfalls for a economic and safety risks are evaluated.
range of rockfall dimensions. Better ground support systems can
be introduced to mitigate the risks,
Stress damage can be analysed using
if required.
elastic and elasto-plastic numerical
methods and excessive stress damage William Joughin:
can be represented by the depth of (Johannesburg)

Slope design at Cuajone pit, Peru

Dom A
Dom D

HORMAZABAL Figure 1: Calibration on site of bench berm analysis Figure 2: East wall failure (D15) at Cuajone mine in 1999

Esteban, a Civil S RK Chile’s Rock Mechanics team The failure volume and bench widths
Mining Engineer
completed a study of the slope design predicted by SBlock agree sufficiently
with a Masters
at Cuajone pit. The Cuajone porphyry with the observed instabilities of
in Geophysics,
copper deposit is located on the the slope benches. This initial study
specialises in applied
western slopes of Cordillera Occidental, validated the methodology, and further
in the southern Andes of Peru. The bench stability evaluations will be
He has 22 years
current pit measures about 2.5km undertaken using SBlock, where the
of experience
east-west, 3.0km north-south, and has minimum berm width required for
in geotechnical
a maximum depth of 950m. Mining by single benches (15m) ranges from
engineering, rock mechanics and
open pit methods commenced in 1976 6.5 to 8.0m.
geotechnical instrumentation, leading
and has continued since then. Ore
important open pit and underground At Cuajone, past failures provide
production is 90ktpd.
mining projects in Chile, Colombia, an excellent basis for designing
Mexico, Peru, Argentina, Uruguay and SBlock software (Esterhuizen, 2004) the proposed push-back or final pit
Russia. In addition, Esteban is an expert was used for the bench berm design. design. The geological and structural
in analysis and geomechanical design This software uses the Key Block information holds good data for
of underground mining and surface principle (Goodman & Shi, 1985) and confidence in design. Since the past
excavations using 2D and 3D numerical joint set statistics to simulate a large raised doubts about the design,
modelling, stability analysis and slope number of potential blocks in open analysing these failures was essential
design in open pits and waste dumps. pit benches. For a given structural to provide the confidence needed to
domain, several slope orientations were proceed with the next push-back.
Esteban Hormazabal:
conducted and the results matched Cuajone’s history displays a number of
with the bench behaviour. A 3D plot
classical failure mechanisms: large scale
of the benches located failures with
wedge failures and circular arc failures in
SBlock software. Figure 1 presents a
highly altered soft rock. In mid-February
visual correlation with the observed
1999 a failure of approximately 12 million
frequency and type of failure noted in
tonnes occurred (Figure 2). The failure
the pit benches.

A smart data management tool
for rock mass classification
For any mining geotechnical study, an with built-in quality and error checks.
understanding of the characteristics As well as allowing for the collection of
of the rock mass within which an core logging interval data, the system
underground or open pit mine will be also accepts point data into the log from
excavated is essential. The condition core orientation, geophysical logging,
of the rock mass will determine, and strength testing. Where core
for example, the maximum stable orientation data are present, these are
stope size that can be formed in an integrated into the interval log to avoid
underground mine, the rock support re-counting fracture sets, thus speeding
requirements for underground tunnels, up the logging process.
the primary fragmentation sizing for a
The system is particularly useful in
caving mine, or the maximum stable
situations where the client collects the
slope angle for an open pit mine. The
geotechnical data and then provides
basis of developing this understanding
the database to SRK for interpretation
lies with Rock Mass Classification
and analysis. SRK will set the system
(RMC). Each RMC system uses sets of
up on site, carrying out customisation
discrete input parameters – measures
and providing training in the use of the
for material strength, discontinuity
system and basic geotechnical logging,
properties, fracture spacing, number of
if required. The GTDMS has already
joint sets, water, stress, adjustments
been used successfully on a number of
for the excavation environment, etc.
- which need to be consistently and mining projects. Its primary advantage is
the ability to cost-effectively generate a
unambiguously recorded.
clean geotechnical data set without the
As semi-automated Excel spreadsheets need for time consuming error trapping,
used for the collection, storage and data validation and verification.
manipulation of RMC data have evolved,
Neil Marshall:
SRK has developed a comprehensive
is typical of a soft rock circular arc (Cardiff)
geotechnical database management
failure mode, with shear strength
system (GTDMS). The system allows
controlled by cohesion rather than
for collecting parametric data for the
friction. There is strong evidence
that groundwater pressures played a
calculation of four main rock mass NEIL MARSHALL
classification systems: Bieniawski’s
significant role. Immediately before
RMR; Laubscher’s MRMR; Laubscher/
the failure, there was a period of
Jakubec’s iMRMR and Barton’s Q. It N eil, MSc, DIC,
heavy rainfall. BSc (Hons), CEng,
uses MS Excel for data capture and
As part of the slope design program reporting, with MS Access for collation, MIMMM, is a
and slope optimisation for the next quality checking, and analysis of the Corporate Consultant
push-back, the past and present logged data. with more than 30
performance of the pit slopes were years’ experience
The system is fully customisable and in geotechnical
evaluated to assess the potential
can integrate existing data sets. At the engineering for
behaviour of future pit expansion.
start of a project, deposit-specific tables mining. While
A geomechanical assessment is
related to attributes such as lithology, consulting, half of his time was spent
underway to evaluate the stability of
alteration, and weathering are created. working in underground and open pit
the walls for expansion over the next
Project-specific logging codes can also mines in Zambia and Ghana where
15 years. A series of geotechnical
be generated. The RMC’s to be used he held various technical positions.
studies were performed to analyse
for the project are selected and fields in Neil specialises in the geotechnical
slope stability, based on limit
the database not required for calculation characterisation of rock masses,
equilibrium methods, finite element
can be switched off and hidden. This open pit slope design, underground
bidimensional numerical models
initialisation process generates a mining method design and evaluation,
and discrete element tridimensional
customised MS Excel logging sheet underground support and excavation
numerical model 3DEC.
containing only the fields and the design and numerical modelling.
Esteban Hormazabal: logging codes (using drop down menus) (Santiago) required for collecting geotechnical data Neil Marshall:
appropriate to that particular project,
Potash: data collection
and processing
Since 2012, SRK has been working Because data management and
with a major North American producer collection methods are integral to this
of agricultural nutrients that owns and program, SRK has created a centralised
operates production facilities in Canada database to store the rock mechanics
and the United States. SRK has been data collected by instruments installed
helping the company’s Mine Engineering around the mine. This centralised
department to expand their rock mechanics database enables rock mechanics
program, with a focus on collecting data engineers to access the data more Figure 2: Interaction of multiple wedges
to aid decision making for daily operational quickly and efficiently than if it was
and long-term mine planning. dispersed across the instruments that
collected it. SRK has also developed
a front-end application that queries
the data and makes it easy to produce
TIM COLEMAN charts that support daily operational
decision making.
Tim is a Principal To save time with data entry, SRK
Consultant BEng.
has implemented the Environmental
(Hons), ACSM,
Systems Research Institute’s Collector
MSc, DIC in SRK’s
for ArcGIS application. Running on a
Vancouver office. He
tablet, this app allows users to record
has over 19 years’
data electronically from rock mechanics
experience in the
instruments located underground, saving
mining industry with
office time for data analysis and review.
strong operational
It also enables instrument locations to
experience in underground mining. He
be represented spatially on a mine plan,
specialises in soft and/or weak rock; the
practical application, selection, testing and
making it easy for users to refer to the For the design of a pit wall, several
data collected for each area of the mine. combinations of bench height, bench
design of ground support/reinforcement;
Furthermore, SRK has set up the app to face angle and berm width may be
geotechnical instrumentation; numerical
enable users to map geological features used to satisfy stability criteria. The
modelling; and underground mine design
directly on a tablet while underground. bench face angle and the berm width
and review. Tim has extensive experience
By eliminating the need for geologists must be chosen to fit the bench
in salt and potash operations ranging
to convert hand-drawn maps into digital stack angle. The berm must also be
from 7 years as a Rock Mechanics
maps, they have more time for carefully wide enough to contain the volume
Engineer at the Boulby Mine in the UK
interpreting the data in the office. of wedge material from the bench
through to projects requiring incident
investigation, litigation support, and Tim Coleman: faces above, in the event of failure.
geotechnical risk assessment. (Vancouver) In 2006, Gibson et al proposed two
Tim Coleman: equations for calculating the required
spill berm width from the wedge
failure volumes, which depend on the
geometry of the failed material on
the berm (conical vs pyramid shape).

This article compares the berm

width obtained using the equations
developed by Gibson et al and the
results obtained using Frac_Rock, a
computer program developed by SRK
that uses a discrete fracture network
to model the wedge generation and

Based on the results, it seems that

modelling the overspill numerically
Drilling hole for magnesonic extensometer installation rather than deterministically gives

Comparison of methods
for estimating berm widths

Figure 3: Model of a wedge and failed material calculated with Frac_Rock

a) Joints forming a wedge (b) Wedge failure and material movement


a more optimal answer, even though A range of wedges with different sizes WILLIAM GIBSON
the equations proposed in 2006 are still were modelled using Frac_Rock and the
valid for preliminary assessment. volume of failed material was calculated
and compared with the volumes calculated William has over 30
Figure 1 below shows the comparison years’ experience in
using the equations. Figure 3a above
of berm required to contain failed geotechnical, mining
shows one of the models and Figure 3b
material calculated using the equations and civil engineering
shows the location of the failed material.
and the Frac_Rock model, the results projects, and computer
indicate the equation may be a William Gibson: program development.
conservative way to assess berm Justine Paul: (Perth) His open pit expertise
width. The benefit of using a program Reference: Gibson, W, de Bruyn, I A and Walker, D J H, 2006. includes slope
like Frac_Rock is that the same Considerations in the optimisation of bench face angle and stability analysis
berm width geometries for open pit mines, in Proceedings
calculation can be made for multiple of The South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy in Chile, Australia and Mongolia, and
interacting wedges like the example International Symposium on Stability of Rock Slopes, analysing interaction between open pit
Symposium Series S44 Stability of rock slopes in open pit
shown in Figure 2 above left. mining and civil engineering situations, pp. 557 – 579. and underground mining operations.
William analyses slopes and underground
Figure 1: Comparison of berm width required calculated with equations and excavations on static and seismic
Frac_Rock model conditions, having assessed seismic risk
in South and Central America and Canada.
His computer programming experience
includes analytical programs for rock fall 3D
55 analysis, wedge stability, gravity flow, and
R (m)

44 generating synthetic earthquakes.

R (m)

William Gibson:



44 88 12
12 16
16 20
20 22
W edge length
length L (m)
L (m)

Frac_Rock Frac_Rock
Min R Given byMin R Given
Equations Paperby Equations Paper
Treating uncertainty in the
geotechnical model for slope design
Results of a Bayesian analysis to estimate intact rock strength parameters
from laboratory testing data
Contreras is a Civil Strength envelope with measure of confidence and data
Engineer, MSc, Pr.
Eng. with 35 years MCMC result – mean and 95% HDI
of experience in the
field of geotechnical
engineering. He
has participated in
such projects as
hydroelectric developments, open pit
mining, foundations and tunnels. Luis-
Fernando joined SRK in 2000 and was a
Principal and Partner in the Chilean office.
In 2007 he moved to the Johannesburg 0
office where he is a Corporate Consultant,
-10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
specialising in quantitative risk evaluation
for open pit mining. He is currently 3
researching Bayesian methods to treat
geotechnical uncertainty in slope design for Scatter plot and histograms of the parameters inferred

his PhD at the University of Queensland.

Luis-Fernando Contreras:
CC = -0.88
Michael is a Principal
Geotechnical Engineer 20

MSc, PE, PG, with 17

years of experience 15
in geotechnical
investigation and 10
design, primarily in
the mining industry.
He is skilled in soil and 40 50 60 70 80 90
rock mechanics and specialises in design
and management of large open-pit slopes.
Michael’s technical expertise includes
rock mass characterisation, probabilistic One of the major difficulties encountered used in slope design has drawbacks.
slope design, numerical modelling and by geotechnical engineers is dealing with The lack of a formal framework to
the geotechnical design of several waste the uncertainty present in every aspect incorporate subjective information, such
rock storage facilities. He has managed of the slope design process. Uncertainty as engineering judgment and the inability
large geotechnical projects for the mining is associated with natural variation of to provide a proper measure of the
industry throughout North, Central and South properties, and the imprecision and confidence of parameters inferred from
America in various commodities. Michael unpredictability caused by insufficient data, are examples of these limitations.
has contributed to numerous feasibility, information on parameters and models.
The Bayesian approach is an alternate route
prefeasibility and conceptual studies, as Probabilistic methods are traditionally
to the conventional probabilistic methods
well as due diligence and independent used to account for the uncertainty
used in slope design. The approach is
engineer reports. in engineering design. However, the
based on a particular interpretation of
probabilistic approach as it is currently
Mike Levy: probability and provides an adequate

Escobal Mine: mine-scale modelling
SRK conducted a numerical stress potential future mining sequences were
analysis to evaluate sill pillar stability for simulated within the model. The goal
Tahoe Resources’ Escobal Mine located was to determine the optimal sequence
in southeast Guatemala. The Escobal for shedding stresses away from
framework to treat uncertainty in mine uses LHOS methods to extract each of the mining areas, long-term
the geotechnical model for slope 4,500 tpd of high-grade silver ore. The infrastructure and access headings.
design. Methods of Bayesian statistics mineralisation is typically wide with
The results of this analysis indicated
have been applied in many scientific mining widths of up to 55m. The overall
that full sill extraction would be unlikely
fields, such us physics, astronomy, depth extends to approximately 1,200m
using the current mining method,
biology and social sciences, and in below ground surface. Mining such
extraction rate and sequence. It
areas of engineering, such as the oil large open stopes is often challenging
was also determined that rock mass
and gas industries and in the dam due to the location of a major fault
disturbance (i.e. high shear strain and
and foundation design disciplines. zone anastomosing within the hanging
confinement loss) should be expected
However, these methods are not used wall and mineralisation as well as with
within the sill. With the results of
in geotechnical analysis for mine design elevated horizontal stress conditions.
the model, SRK was then capable
where they would be of great benefit.
SRK developed a mine-scale FLAC3D of providing the mine with valuable
Probabilistic data analysis using the model to evaluate mining-induced information about the anticipated rock
Bayesian approach involves numerical stress conditions and deformations mass and stress conditions within the
procedures to estimate parameters as mining approaches a sill pillar sill pillar, as well as further guidelines
from posterior probability distributions. that was left during the early stages for developing a more suitable mining
These distributions are the result of mining. An initial simulation was and backfilling sequence. The modelling
of combining prior information with conducted incorporating the as-built also determined that more favourable
available data through the Bayes mining sequence to date, allowing ground conditions and increased ore
equation. The posterior distributions stress states to develop naturally recovery could be expected as a result
are often complex, multidimensional within the model over time. After of decreasing the mining rate within the
functions whose analysis requires further calibrating the model’s input sill area.
the use of a class of methods called parameters to reasonably match
Mike Levy:
Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). observed ground conditions and John Tinucci:
These methods are used to draw excavation performance, different (Denver)
representative samples of the
parameters investigated, providing
information on their best estimate
values, variability and correlations. See Stopes
the 2 figures to the left. Understanding
the concepts behind the various
algorithms used to perform MCMC
analysis is important to properly
assess the quality of results; however,
the analyst does not have to develop
the software to use the method.
Open source packages in various
programming languages, already
developed by computer scientists and
related specialists, have been tested
extensively by these communities.
These packages can be easily
incorporated into ad hoc code for Shear Stress Isosurface
different model applications.

The author is working on a research

project aimed at developing a system
to quantify the uncertainty in the
geotechnical model for slope design HW Fault
using methods of Bayesian statistics.
View of model showing interaction of stopes with hangingwall fault and resulting high shear stresses anticipated within the sill pillar
Luis Fernando Contreras: (Johannesburg)

Simplified 3D modelling
of bench-berm design
Effective bench-berm management is developing multi-bench failure mechanisms
critical for safety at operating open pit and progressive wedges, bench carry
mines. SRK Vancouver’s Geotechnical capacity, and spill volume.
Group developed a simple and practical
The main advantages of this approach are:
3D modelling tool that can be used to
1) multiple benches can be modelled, 2)
quickly assess the stability of bench scale
the block shape is not limited to a wedge
failures and the minimum berm width
but rather the intersection of measured
within a given design without advanced
joints, 3) the program is based on an
numerical knowledge. The user inputs
accepted industry program, 4) bench scale
basic information on the bench face
concerns to multi-bench scale instabilities
(height, orientation, angle, and number
can be modelled in one program, 5)
of benches), rock mass (density), and
individual blocks can be removed to
joint sets (dip, dip direction, persistence,
represent scaling or sliding, and 6) mapped
spacing, etc) within a simplified 3DEC
geological features can be generated
code to create the blocks and wedges
within the model at their mapped location.
calibrated from site mapping. With this
Limitations of the approach are: 1) the user
entry the user can create a discrete
must gain access to the 3DEC program
fracture network that can be calibrated
from Itasca Consulting Group, 2) model
from known discrete features. Multiple
sizes must be kept relatively small to allow
representations of the potential failure
for multiple representation, 3) blocks are
blocks are then created from the joint set
kept rigid, which does not allow for internal
information on several bench faces to help
deformation, and 4) breaking of rock
maximise the inter-ramp angle without Dyke
bridges is not accounted for.
being limited by block shape or size.
Primarily pyrite sulfide
This tool can allow a quick estimation of Bruce Murphy:
potential back break, bench face stability, (Vancouver) Primarily barite sulfide

T he Cerro Lindo Mine is the largest

underground mine in Peru, currently
mining more than 20,000 tonnes/
day. The sublevel stoping method
was used with paste backfill,
which had been experiencing over-
excavation issues at the hangingwall
and the front wall of the stopes.

The geology can be described as

a volcanogenic massive sulphide
(VMS) deposit that strikes NW
and dips 65° SW on average. Its
dimensions are 1,350m long, 83m
8m Bench
wide and 245m deep. It features a
Effective jointing system that predominantly
Bench 4.3m strikes NE-SW and a secondary
orthogonal system that strikes
NW-SE at the mineralised zone. The
rock mass quality is mainly rated as
fair (RMR = 40 to 50) and in some
specific sectors as poor (RMR
= x to y).

Our scope was to design the

openings and dilution control for
stopes without personnel entry.
3DEC representation of pit slope (top), with effective bench shown (above) after displaced blocks are removed

Optimising sublevel stoping dimensions
in orebodies: Cerro Lindo Mine

Isometric geology view of the Cerro Lindo Mine

For this purpose, the Potvin the stopes had been eliminated. Also, JOEL CABRERA
Modified Stability Graph method reducing the stope lengths helped control
was used to correlate with Clark and ELOS efficiently at the front walls.
Pakalnis’s Equivalent Lineal Over- Joel is a Mining
Conclusions: Engineer with a
Excavation (ELOS).
Master’s degree
• The stability graphic method and
Stope dimensions were recommended in Geotechnical
ELOS were complemented with a
for both fair and poor quality rock, taking Engineering. He
back-analysis of the mined stopes.
into account the results of the rock mass has over 15 years
These methods were useful
geomechanical model and the current of experience
in determining efficiently the
status of the mining activity. Based on in geotechnical
dimensions of the stopes.
the back analysis results of mined stopes engineering for
and on the kinematic wedge analysis, we • Understanding the over-excavation mining projects, working in project
prepared a standard support design for type and its magnitude, measured design and construction supervision of
the roof of the stopes. at the existing stopes, helped to open-pit and underground mines. Joel’s
determine efficiently the dimensions expertise is mainly related to slope
After making a comparative analysis of of the cable bolting support needed stability work, the design of underground
the over-excavation height at the dome of at the stope domes. excavations, geomechanical evaluation
the stope versus the stope width without
• The over-excavation control at the of underground mining methods and
support, we observed that the height of
front walls and hanging wall of the mining sequence, tailings and waste
the unsupported dome is almost half the
stopes favors the continuity of the storage facilities.
width of the stope. This indicates that the
fault depth is mostly controlled by the mining cycle and the mining of
Joel Cabrera:
rock mass quality. secondary or adjacent stopes.
Joel Cabrera:
Regarding the stopes with cable bolting
(fan-type) support at the roof, we
observed that the over-excavation in

McCook reservoir quarry:
Edward is a Principal block stability predictions
Consultant, PE,
PG, CEG, in Rock
Mechanics with
over 20 years of
experience in mining
and civil tunneling for
public utilities, and
the private sector.
His surface experience includes slope
stability analysis of open pits, waste rock
and heap leach piles, and preparation of
analytical and technical reports. Edward’s
underground areas of expertise include
rock mechanics for block cave mining,
large excavations and shafts, cavability
studies and subsidence, including
surface and underground interaction. He
is versed in geotechnical instrumentation
and monitoring programs, from inception
to evaluating excavation performance.
Edward’s experience includes rock
mass characterisation and probabilistic
analysis for pit slope and ground
reinforcement design.

Edward Wellman: 3DEC Model configuration illustrating key joints (left) ; Key joints and fractures projected on aerial imagery (right)

MENDIVE SRK was contracted by Strata field, and dip of a shallow-dipping clay
Earth Services to perform a numerical seam. SRK studied the joint orientation
analysis of the McCook Quarry near from mapped key joints provided by
Iñaki is a Civil Engineer Chicago, Illinois. The 3DEC analysis the client.
at SRK’s Buenos Aires was performed to evaluate a series of
office. He has five The model results were used to estimate
3DEC models previously constructed
years of experience deformation of rock walls due to
and compare numerical model results
in the geotechnical excavation and to evaluate their potential
with slope monitoring data for different
design and numerical influence on adjacent infrastructure.
mining scenarios. The client had
analysis of open pits, concerns that large scale blocks would Local 3DEC models with 755 to 1,615
underground stopes work their way loose due to mining discrete blocks in critical sections of the
and infrastructure stress relief, resulting in dramatic walls were constructed and analysed by
works, including excavations and tunnels increases in groundwater inflows to the SRK for stability. One local-scale model
in rocks and soils. He has provided office quarry. The 50m deep quarry is situated was used to analyse the stability of the
and on-site services to open pit and between the Chicago River 100m north wall of the quarry on the riverside
underground projects, both in Argentina to the north and the Shipping canal (illustrated in the figures above),
and abroad, including Veladero and 100m to the south, with the Stephens and an additional model was built to
Pascua-Lama (Barrick), San Gregorio and Expressway immediately adjacent to assess the stability of the rock weir
Arenal (Orosur Mining) in Uruguay, and the quarry walls. between quarry lobes. The magnitude
Fenix and Montúfar (CGN) in Guatemala. of displacements at specific locations
The numerical model was designed to
Iñaki García Mendive: from 3DEC modelling is in general
analyse sensitivities to joint orientation,
agreement with field observations. SRK
joint strength, rotation of the stress

Validating our tools
for rockfall hazard analysis
O rosur Mining operates the San Gregorio velocity of the block immediately after
Gold Mine in northern Uruguay. The being released, and by changes in the
300m deep open pit, flooded for eleven internal parameters of the model.
years, was dewatered in 2015 to carry
Thousands of simulations produced
out underground mining. The exposed
data points in the range of several
pit walls showed a large wedge failure,
millions, handled by means of a Python
leaving a 25-ton block hanging high above
code developed in-house. Results were
the projected mine portal. Taking the
grouped in ranges and the probability of
block down, though feasible, would have
impact was calculated for each range.
overly delayed mining works. SRK was
called in to assess the risk of leaving the It was concluded that the chances of a
block in place. fall could not be overlooked. The most
probable landing zone was located some
SRK’s rockfall analysis tool RFall3D,
30m away from the portal with a +50%
developed by William Gibson, was
chance of being hit. At the portal, the
employed. The software can carry out
probability of impact was estimated as
deterministic and probabilistic calculations
0.35%, a low and tolerable value.
and assess the trajectory, velocity and
energy of falling boulders. Impact points This little story has a funny ending: weeks
can be singled out and their distance to after the analysis was delivered, when
any reference point can be calculated. The construction of the portal had not yet
real volume of blocks and their rotational begun, the block spontaneously came
inertia can be incorporated, highly down one Saturday at lunch time and
enhancing the precision of the computed happened to end its journey right where
trajectories. RFall3D had predicted. Good job, William!
A probabilistic analysis was performed Iñaki García Mendive:
using two thousand realisations, each one Alejandro Kerguelen:
defined by the stochastic position and (Buenos Aires)

is currently using the model to make

forward predictions of rock wall
behaviour for the final excavation
geometries, and for future use as
a combined outfall stormwater
retention facility.

Results from these analyses

have allowed the client to make
modifications to the mining
sequence and provide evidence
to the regulatory authorities that
block movements are anticipated
to have a negligible impact on
inflows as mining advanced to the
next benches.

Edward Wellman:

Cristobal Herrero:
John Tinucci:

Rockfall trajectories superimposed on pit wall

Collahuasi structural geology support
T he Collahuasi Mine is the world’s pit, and the influence of structures
third largest copper mine with one of on pit stability. The Rosario open pit
the largest deposits of copper mineral is currently two kilometres wide and
resources. It is located in Chile’s 700m deep. In addition, geologically
Tarapaca region, 4,400 metres above it has been the location of multiple
sea level. Since 2013, SRK has been intrusive, mineralisation/alteration, and
assisting Compañía Minera Doña Inés structural events, which, combined,
de Collahuasi with understanding the have resulted in complex structural
structural geology of the Rosario open geometries, variations in rock strength,
and age relationships that need to be
deciphered to clarify the continuity and
distribution of major faults.
To date, SRK’s role with Collahuasi
has included structural geological
Dr James Siddorn, training for the geology-geotech team
PGeo, is a Practice
onsite, audit and review of structural
Leader in Structural
mapping and modelling procedures,
Geology, based in
and in-pit mapping and refinement of
SRK’s Toronto office.
the structural model for the Rosario
He has over 20 years
pit. This work has produced significant
of experience in the
gains in developing and modifying the
structural analysis
3D structural geology model, helping
of mineral deposits.
to define the continuity and distribution
James is an expert in deciphering
of pit-scale major faults, including
deposit-scale controls on ore plunge
cross-cutting relationships. This not
in precious and base metal deposits,
only affects our comprehension of the
the structural inputs to geotechnical/
influence of structures on bench, stack,
hydrogeological studies and mine
and wall stability but also in addressing Manual caving induction, Yauricocha Mine, Peru
seismicity, and applied 3D geological
the controls on the distribution of
modelling. He also assists clients
with strategy and technical reviews
for exploration and mining projects James Siddorn:
SRK has been working for Sierra
Metals at the Yauricocha Mine in Peru
worldwide, and has undertaken projects (Toronto)
to help improve ground conditions
in Europe; North, South and Central
that have historically resulted in mud
America; Asia; and Africa. James has
rushes. The work has employed risk
taught more than 30 Applied Structural
assessment tools to reduce the risk
Geology courses to over 1000 exploration
of fatalities and property damage due
and mining geologists and engineers.
to uncontrolled mud rush events.
James Siddorn:
Published literature of mud rushes
is limited to block caving or sub-level
caving events in fractured hard rock.
Ground conditions at Yauricocha are
unique because the mineralised ore
is soil-like at depths greater than
800m. The challenge facing the SRK
team was to understand the trigger
mechanisms associated with fine
wet material and the large number of
groundwater inflows.

SRK was able to demonstrate that

mud rush conditions at the mine are
the result of elevated pore pressures
in medium permeable materials and
Collahuasi: Rosario pit
the strain-softening effects, due
to mining-induced stresses, that

Mud rush at Yauricocha Mine, Peru


F redy, MS Eng., SME,

ISRM, is a Principal
Geotechnical Engineer
with SRK. He has over
17 years of professional
experience in the
mining industry, leading
geotechnical projects
for several open pit and
underground projects in South America,
Australia and North America. Fredy has
technical experience in rock mass and
soil characterisation, numerical analysis
and underground and open pit mine
design. He is versed in prefeasibility and
feasibility studies. His industry commodities
result in soil particle mobilisation. The large strains of these soft material loads
experience includes salt, iron, lead, silver,
dilated in-situ material increases in water underneath are properly transferred to
zinc, diamonds, gold and copper. Fredy
content that results in plastic or liquid the support elements. Modifications to
combines balanced ground operational
flow depending on the fines content and the steel set installation procedures and
experience and geotechnical project
the plasticity index of the ore-material. application of shotcrete have contributed
management, from conceptual level to
The conceptual model was tested with to the mine’s safety and business
UDEC numerical models to define the sustainability.
trigger magnitudes contributing to flow Fredy Henriquez:
Fredy Henriquez:
deformations that simulated mud rushes.
John Tinucci:, Cristobal
The practical results from this work were Herrero: (Denver)
the development of a risk chart describing
-3.000E+07 -1.000E+07
the triggers that can cause mud rushes -2.500E+07 -8.000E+06
-2.000E+07 -6.000E+06
and the laboratory test protocols to be -1.500E+07
followed. A set of field procedures were -5.000E+06
+2.000E=00 0.000E+00
developed for sampling and testing so that -1.600E=00
the engineers could rank the risk potential -5.000E=06
for each drawpoint. Mining in the highest
risk area of the mine had been shut down
by the Peruvian mine authority due to the
recent mud rush activity, but as a result
of this work, the authorities have allowed
mining to continue.

SRK has also worked with the mine

to improve ground support so that the Numerical simulation: maximum stress 1
(left) and minimum stress 3

Comparing traditional and televiewer
methods of structural data collection

M ax, MSc,
MCSM, CEng, is a
Principal Consultant,
Engineering, with
over 15 years
of international
experience in the
extractive industries
specialising in rock mechanics within
both open pit and underground mining.
He is experienced in developing and
interpreting geotechnical criteria
for open pit slope and underground
excavation design in addition to
providing management and operational
Examples of appropriately designed rock slopes
support. Max is conversant with
3D modelling and specialist limit
equilibrium and finite element software.
A ll mining excavations should have to using traditional core orientation. Such
Max Brown: an appropriate geotechnical design methods require the daily hire of the
that takes into account the rock mass orientation tool with geotechnicians and
structure. The level of geotechnical geologists supervising and logging (often
investigation and design required will twenty-four hours a day) at each working
be governed by the geological and rig. The quality of data captured and the
Mark has 16 years’ geotechnical complexity of the deposit, influence that high confidence structural
experience in Mining in addition to the sensitivity of the slope data can have on a slope design can far
Hydrogeology. to geotechnical risk. outweigh the upfront costs of using the
His areas of televiewer system.
Acoustic (ATV) and Optical (OTV)
Televiewer Tools: The use of downhole televiewer methods
include open pit
can result in much improved confidence
and underground Downhole televiewers can be considered
in rock mass conditions and structural
mine dewatering a reliable, visual, fileable method for
data sets, which can produce greater
and pore pressure control, water capturing structural data. Both systems
confidence in slope designs. Such
balance modelling, groundwater collect images of discontinuities in a
systems can be used in all rock masses.
recharge, field hydrogeology and borehole using downhole geophysical
Very heavily fractured rock masses can
water resources assessment. He has survey equipment that can be orientated
be lined with PVC to ensure borehole
carried out numerous dewatering for structural logging. The acoustic
stability and orientation by ATV. The use of
evaluations and reviews at operational televiewer transmits ultrasound pulses
televiewer systems maximises data from
mines globally. Mark has extensive from a rotating sensor, recording the
boreholes and is a minimal cost in relation
slope depressurisation experience and amplitude and the travel time of the
to a drill programme -- typically 10% to
was a contributing author to CSIRO’s signals reflected from the borehole wall to
20% of the total drill cost -- but can cost
“Guidelines for Evaluating Water in Pit provide an image of the borehole wall.
much less if using existing open holes or
Slope Stability”.
While downhole televiewers have very deep boreholes. The advantages of
Mark Raynor: previously been considered expensive, using the system are:
the costs are not adversely comparable

Saprolite slopes: operational slope
design at the Rosebel Gold Mine
The Rosebel Gold Mine, located in highlighted as another major controlling
Suriname, is comprised of a number of factor. Back-analysis indicated that the
open pits which have been developed most critical period from a groundwater
to varying depths. Due to their origin perspective was when the mine floor
and tropical climate setting, the rocks was located at the base of the saprolites.
throughout the site are deeply weathered This is due to elevated pore pressure
with saprolite and transition (sap-rock) in the toe of the saprolite slopes.
extending to depths greater than 70m. As mining progresses into the more
Existing interim saprolite and transition permeable transition material, passive
slopes have been excavated in several of drainage of the transition layer acts as
the operating pits. Saprolites are complex a natural drain beneath the saprolites.
materials with variable geomechanical Identifying this process enabled mine
behaviour that is not fully understood. plans to be modified so that the natural
The performance of these slopes is drainage could be used to depressurise
extremely variable, due to the impact of the slopes. Adjusting mine plans to take
relict structures, groundwater, intense advantage of these natural processes
rainfall, and protolith. reduced the need for a more complex
and costly dewatering system.
A detailed geotechnical investigation
program was undertaken during 2013 Interim slopes are mined at flatter angles
through 2014 to provide slope design until mining has progressed down into
configurations that could be implemented fresh rock, allowing under-draining of the
practically in this high-rainfall tropical saprolites to occur without the need for
environment, using the capabilities more complex depressurising techniques.
of the equipment on site. The slope A network of vibrating wire piezometers is
design approach involved a detailed in place to verify that such under-drainage
review of existing pit slope failures in is occurring. Final slopes can then be cut
various geotechnical settings, along with to the steeper design angles once the
• Increased Rock Mass Rating (only
findings from the geotechnical drilling pore pressures are significantly reduced.
logging natural open structures)
program, to aid in estimating strength Mining the pits in staggered benches
• More accurate calculations of parameters of the materials and analysing enables good surface water management,
fracture frequency/joint spacing the factors controlling slope stability. A reduced trafficability issues, and prevents
• Reduced variability in orientating series of simple numerical models were saturation of saprolite slope toes.
major joint sets generated to support the slope designs.
Mark Raynor: (Cardiff)
• Higher confidence in small scale One of the controlling factors was found
Bruce Murphy:
structures within the rock mass to be the orientation of relict structures
• Increased confidence in the and foliation. Groundwater control was
orientation, locations and thickness/
intensity of major structures
Anisotropic strength 2 benches into fresh rock with 100m push back
• Provision of fileable data that can function in transition incorporated into pore water pressure model
be reassessed if necessary
Transition Trans
• Suitable for stable old boreholes Foliation Transition
Pore Pressure
(from grid) North Wall
and doesn’t always require new 100m Push Back
Joint J7 0.000
drilling programmes Isotropic 20.000 FS = 1.25
40.000 PoF < 1%
These, benefits can manifest 60.000
themselves in greater optimisation 100.000
of pit slopes, which in turn can lead 120.000

to financial benefits when designing 140.000

economically sensitive slopes, and 180.000

confidence in design when developing 200.000

220.000 Pore Pressure
slopes near critical pit infrastructure. 90 to 75 degrees:
75 to 68 degrees: Contours
68 to 38 degrees:
Max Brown: 38 to 10 degrees:
10 to 0 degrees:
Karl Llewelyn: 0 to -90 degrees:

Discontinuity survey and brittle
fracture characterisation in open
pit slopes
M odern photogrammetry surveys comprehensively characterise the
can produce highly detailed 3D intensity of small scale damage, induced
models of a rock slope. Using a by brittle blasting, and to identify Typical instrumentation layout for strata monitoring
high end DSLR camera with a long incipient discontinuities, which end
focal length telephoto lens, we can in intact rock and retain cohesion and
construct a model of an open pit tensile strength from rock bridges.
slope with resolution in the order of
For one Australian open pit mine, we used
a few centimetres from distances of Roof/Rib Strain
the statistical information on joint spacing,
1km or more. Despite the continuing Gauged Bolts
trace length, and intensity gathered
technological advances in remote
using photogrammetry, to develop a
sensing technology and numerical
conceptual finite-element model using
modelling tools, predictive modelling of
discrete fracture network techniques. The
rock slope stability is still limited by the
modelling results help to highlight the role
intrinsic inability to observe the hidden
of progressive brittle fracture in developing
interior structure of a rock mass, and
multi-bench scale-slope instability. We
by computational limitations restricting
based the model sequence on the first
the explicit simulation of small scale
principles understanding of progressive
material heterogeneity and localisation
rock slope failure: brittle fracture is
phenomena inherent to brittle fracture.
characterised by a two-stage process
We have identified that using involving, first, the destruction of cohesion
photogrammetry provides abundant and tensile strength along incipient
scope to improve the workflow for rock structures, followed by developing shear
mass mapping, and we are continually displacement and mobilisation of frictional
seeking to maximise the data that strength. The results help to constrain
we extract from our photogrammetry critical values of cohesion and tensile
models. By using a multi-scale approach strength for adversely dipping incipient
to photogrammetry surveys, we discontinuities, which can be directly Mechanised mining, using
characterise the influence of survey related to discontinuity persistence, Continuous Miner (CM) bord and
scale and resolution on key rock mass spacing, and intensity measurements pillar sections, has been successfully
parameters such as discontinuity taken from photogrammetry surveys. introduced into Indian coal mines for
persistence, spacing, and intensity. more than a decade. This milestone
Zack Tuckey: was possible only with the concurrent
In addition to long range surveys,
(Sydney) introduction of advanced technology
we use close range photography to
with rock bolting to provide reliable
safe support. The application of this
high capacity rock bolting system in
India, including design based on in-situ
measurement, together with systems
for monitoring ground control safety,
made mechanised mining successful.
The success of these installations
confirmed the large potential for
further mechanised bord and pillar

The innovative approach in rock

mechanics leading to this rapid
progress includes:
Rock mass mapping using digital terrain model from long-range photogrammetry survey • An improved understanding of
underground stress fields and rock
failure mechanisms
• The adoption of high capacity bolting
systems, based on this understanding
Mechanisation in Indian underground
coal mines: rock bolting technology
and strata monitoring
Atul is a Mining
Engineer with 16
years’ experience
Roof and Rib Extensometers
in applied rock
mechanics on
projects in Indonesia,
India, UK and Canada.
Stress meter He has expertise in
numerical modelling
and instrumentation for designing
excavations, methods of excavation,
strata support systems in coal mines,
slope stability in opencast mines, and
strata behaviour in mining and hydro-
electric projects. Atul has worked on a
full range of underground methods of
coal mining prevalent in India for strata
control studies and support designs. He
has carried out strata behaviour studies
in longwall, blasting gallery, continuous
miner, bord and pillar mining and partial
extraction methods using geotechnical
instruments in India.

Atul Gandhe:

• The application of new geotechnical awareness of operators and supervisors.
instruments for design optimisation and The advancing technology of mechanised
for monitoring ground control safety mining brings on challenges and the need
to understand the behaviour of strata
The introduction of high capacity roof
bolting systems, pillar extraction design
around the workings. Zack is a
and monitoring, with the new mining This emphasised the need to introduce Engineer with six
system, allowed both safe re-access to a proper strata monitoring scheme years of experience
existing bord and pillar panels and the for keeping more detailed records of in consulting and
development of new panels. For high the strata movement connected with industry-supported
productivity, large dimension roadways faster extraction. A detailed series of research for civil and
were needed to transport high capacity instruments consists of various remote- mining geotechnical
equipment that requires a reliable support type sensors for roof and ribs; stress projects. His
system. The rockbolt system introduced meters for monitoring change in stress expertise includes rock mass
with mechanised mining was typically over the pillars; and for monitoring roof characterisation for slopes and
a high-strength full column, resin- deformation through reported experiences underground excavations, slope stability
encapsulated bolt system, with two- and instructions. assessment for natural and engineered
speed resins and a torque tension system
Various trials in India showed that slopes in soil and rock, shallow and
to facilitate good quality installation, plus
systematic study, and the design deep foundation design, and assessment
dome plates to indicate overloading.
of supports, followed by proper of squeezing conditions and brittle
For overall improvement it was essential implementation in the field, makes a failure for highly stressed underground
to follow proper installation procedures significant contribution to the productivity excavations. Zack is an experienced
in addition to selecting appropriate roof and meticulous monitoring that provides presenter to both technical and non-
bolting material and supplies. Training safety for operators during pillar extraction. technical audiences.
sessions, detailing basics and critical
Atul Gandhe: (Kolkata) Zack Tuckey:
aspects on roof bolting procedures,
were held to enhance the skill and
Cigar Lake Uranium Mine

The formation of the artificially frozen rock mass (blue) above the crosscut was used to help calibrate the observed displacement (left). FLAC3DTM model used
to calibrate the displacements observed in the crosscuts (right).

T he SRK Vancouver Rock Mechanics The large mass of frozen ground
team has been working at Cameco’s induces stresses and associated
M atthew is a underground Cigar Lake Uranium Mine displacements that vary depending
Rock Mechanics providing advanced multidisciplinary on the rock type, alteration, and water
Consultant, BSc (GE) geotechnical modelling since the content due to volumetric expansion
P.Geo., with over 10 summer of 2015. SRK conducted that occurs during the state change.
years of experience geotechnical and structural geology These high and unevenly distributed
in geotechnical reviews, which led to refining the stresses, combined with the highly
investigation and existing structural and alteration variable geology and its contrasting
design within the model. This was critical for developing physical properties, are adversely
mining industry. numerical models of the production affecting the NATM production drives.
He is skilled in rock mechanics with a drifts, which are located in highly This has resulted in interruptions to
focus on open pit slopes. Matthew’s variable geology – strong rock to jet boring operations and significant
technical expertise includes rock mass weak clay alteration – and interactions expense to rehabilitate the damaged
characterisation, structural domain from the overlying artificially induced production drives.
definition, and numerical modelling ground freeze.
with a variety of software packages. SRK’s team is modelling the existing
He has gained his experience primarily The project presents unique challenges, development and ground design to
within Canada, Africa, and South most notably the extreme variations of develop a more resilient design that
America on projects of various sizes and rock strength from moderate (50 MPa) does not interrupt the jet boring of the
commodities. Matthew has contributed to weak (less than 5 MPa), and a large- orebody. Using Itasca code FLAC3D,
to numerous feasibility, pre-feasibility scale artificial freeze from the surface SRK has modelled the volumetric
and scoping level reports. that encapsulates the orebody. The ore expansion brought on by the freeze and
is extracted above the development interactions with the tunnels below.
Matthew Clark: using an innovative method by jet- The complexity increases with different
boring 5m diameter stopes. ground support and liner material,

Using geological data to understand
distribution of rock mass properties
T his case study details how Geotechnical properties were compared
geotechnical properties were linked to with logged geological properties,
geology alteration types. This allowed including alteration type, alteration
SRK to use the geology database to intensity, geological hardness,
determine spatial distribution of zones of colour, weathering and major mineral
very weak and extremely weak rock. components. SRK then established a
strong relationship between alteration
limited clearance for the jet-boring Channel iron deposits (CID) are Tertiary
type and intensity and the geotechnical
machine, and a narrow pillar width. aged iron-rich fluvial sedimentary
characteristics of the Lower CID unit.
deposits occupying meandering
The modelling process utilises FISH palaeochannels in Western Australia. The SRK used the greater geological
code to import the complex geology deposits consist of weakly cemented database to interpret trends across
model developed in LeapFrog and goethite-hematite pisolite and are the deposit, emphasising locality
the isotherms provided by Cameco an important source of iron ore. The and extent of both clay pods and the
and their frozen ground consultant. channels are incised into basement highly altered Lower CID. By linking
This approach has allowed us lithologies and are typically 450- geotechnical characteristics to logged
to move around the production 750m wide and up to 100m deep. The geological properties, SRK was able
development geometry and palaeochannel deposits are many tens to use the ~30,000m geological
introduce the appropriate geological of kilometres in length. The banks of the database in preference to the ~600m
conditions. palaeochannel typically dip between 15°- geotechnical database to understand
25° but locally can dip up to 35°. spatial distribution of weak and extremely
The numerical models have been
weak rock, and adapt the pit design
calibrated using monitoring data The deposit is divided into upper and
from the existing tunnels comprised lower units. The Upper CID is unaltered
of displacement and stress data as and shows a prominent pisolite texture. Diane Walker:
well as qualitative data from liner This unit shows uniform geotechnical (Perth)
condition mapping. A significant conditions: medium strong and widely
challenge has been emulating the jointed. In the lower region of the
behavior of the sprayed concrete channel the rock has undergone variable
liner and HidCon yield elements alteration as a result of post depositional D I A N E WA L K E R
with multiple excavation and groundwater movement. The Lower CID
rehabilitation phases. unit transitions from moderately strong
rock showing pisolitic texture to very
Diane is an
Once the initial model was suitably Engineering Geologist/
weak rock with zones of friable, soil-
calibrated, the code was modified to Geotechnical
strength ochre with increasing alteration.
predict the behavior for two as-yet Engineer with 18
Clay pods are also common within the
unmined production drives. These years’ experience.
Lower CID unit. Logged strength is
models allowed for optimising Her expertise lies in
supported by laboratory testing values,
ground support and liner thickness geotechnical slope
showing strength varies from non-
for the long-term mine plan. The design for open
cohesive soil through extremely weak
modelling results supported a pit mines. Diane is
to weak rock. Between 20-30% of the
reduction in ground support in the skilled in geotechnical investigation,
rockmass was classified as very weak or
stronger rock units and in particular laboratory testing interpretation, rock
less. Thus, whereas the Upper CID unit
a significant reduction in ground mass characterisation, domaining,
is a uniform material showing similar
support requirements as ground modelling and providing geotechnical
rock strength and jointing throughout
conditions are expected to improve. design parameters. She is experienced
the deposit, the Lower CID unit is weak
The high tunnel development cost in geotechnical characterisation of
and highly variable.
for this project makes any reduction soil, saprolite, soft rock, strong rock
in ground support requirements and Geotechnical logging and laboratory and anisotropic rock. Diane conducts
cycle time valuable with a resultant testing were used to geotechnically conceptual studies, feasibility studies
decrease in OPEX. characterise the Lower CID material, and support for operating mines and due
but the geotechnical drillholes were too diligence studies.
Matthew Clark:
widely spaced to meaningfully interpret
Tim Coleman: Diane Walker:
the distribution of the weak zones.

Structural geology:
the fabric of the mine
Geotechnical studies in mining mass in a more predictable manner.
operations rely on the ability of In porphyry systems, for example,
geologists to use measurements and structural, alteration and geotechnical
observations from drilled or exposed domains are commonly characterised by
rock to predict lithology and structural fracture-vein systems influenced by fault
weaknesses in areas that may impact patterns. In epithermal vein systems,
the stability of the mine, but are not yet the domains are commonly constrained
exposed. This requires investigating and by fault-vein systems sub-parallel to
understanding the structural patterns the orebody. The trend of the fabric can
that define the rock mass, including change rapidly or gradually, and knowing
their continuity and cross-cutting the trend variations can in some cases
relationships. The structural patterns not be valuable to the engineers. The figure
only include the primary fault systems or below shows a 3D modelled structural
the associated minor faults, but also the fabric of bedding-parallel fault systems
fracture patterns associated with fault with variable dip that impacts the
systems or located in the rock mass location of multi-bench rock failures. The muck
between fault systems. fabric model orientation has then been Void
painted onto the planned pit surface. The Sand fill
On many projects a set of
fabric trends are broken by faults but
discontinuities (faults, fractures, veins
controlled by folding patterns interpreted
or bedding) can be so frequent and
by the structural geologists. Structural 3364
repetitive that predicting the pattern
fabric patterns can be used to predict
is far more confident than predicting
how rock stability and risk varies across
the location or continuity of individual
a mining excavation.
structures. The repetitive structures
impart a structural fabric to the rock Wayne Barnett:
mass that influences the strength and (Vancouver)
therefore the behaviour of the rock The Hollinger Open Pit, one of
Goldcorp’s Porcupine Gold Mines,
Fabric Dip or Azimuth is situated in the gold-mining City of
Timmins, in northern Ontario, Canada.
The Porcupine Camp, located above a
sequence of Archean basaltic volcanic
rocks, led to the establishment of
Timmins. The Hollinger underground
LOW and surface mines, discovered in
1909, operated from 1910 to 1968
and produced approximately 20
million ounces of gold. Before 1930
shrinkage mining was used, followed
by cut-and-fill stoping (backfilled with
unconsolidated sand) through the
late-1960s. In the 1970s and ‘80s
numerous small open pit mines
scavenged the crown-pillars, and
some underground mining continued
until 1984. The mine workings were
flooded in 1988.

SRK completed a Feasibility Study

in 2010 for an open pit mine design,
and since 2013, helped implement
the design.

Fault-fabric form surfaces derived from measurements (see insert). Surface orientations can be painted on to There is sufficient grade at specific
a final pit design, to show risk areas gold price-points to mine a 150m

Hollinger open pit
operational support

Anton is a Senior
Consultant on Rock
Blasted muck Mechanics (BSc)
surface (grey)
Raise who has more than
Sand-filled stope 20 years of mining-
industry experience
in rock mass
3382 3382
aimed primarily
at mine design. This experience is
geared towards open-pit slope design
GOOD Stope
rock mass 3364 and implementation. Anton’s current
interests and work include primary
data collection methods, rock mass
Design pit shell 20 m wide damage and dilation, in situ parameter
section (purple)
Raise estimation, parameter verification
Drift using downhole geophysical tools,
geotechnical model development, and
As-built photograph (left) and a 20m wide section of void geometry (right) along the eastern perimeter of the Hollinger Central pit
operational open-pit slope modelling and
design adjustments.

deep pit, with the rock being processed This strategy sufficiently decreases the Anton Bloem:
at the nearby Dome Mine mill. The back-wall damage to less than 4m.
voids (sub-vertical stopes, shafts, and
The multi-use of probe holes to pre- W AY N E B A R N E T T
connecting drifts/drives) are sometimes
support the rock mass before blasting
spaced nearly 20-50m apart extending
several hundred metres deep in a 2km
is part of the production cycle. Grouting
cables into the final slopes, above
W ayne is a
square area beneath the City. The pit Principal Consultant
and alongside voids, before blasting
design was constrained by a regional with 20 years of
reduces the amount of final wall crown
highway (and the City’s water tower) experience. He has
and wall rehabilitation required. This
along the northern wall, with homes been employed over
pattern has 8m cable-bolts on 4m
and businesses on all other sides of eight years as a
spacing, drilled at -45° and -05° from
the Property. mining operations-
the pre-shear line. On the North Wall,
based geotechnical
The Hollinger is being mined using the dominant fabric (72/155°) is the
engineer and applied
three 6m and two 9m cuts making up main control on the bench face angle.
structural geologist. Subsequently,
18m high benches in mostly FAIR to This highly foliated rock mass tends to
Wayne performed as consulting
GOOD ground. All blasting is done with delaminate when blasted. To reduce the
structural geology specialist in mining
blast-mats to reduce fly-rock and noise. bench-crest attrition from delamination,
and exploration in Africa, North America,
Because the mine is in-town, damage pre-support is applied using 6m cables
South America and Asia. He specialises
needs to be minimised. Earlier, blast on a 6m spacing, drilled at -45° into the
in defining the structural geology of
trials were conducted to determine crest from the pre-shear line.
mining projects to properly characterise
the depth of blast-damage induced by
For each of the larger multi-bench voids the rock mass for geotechnical
varying sizes of confined blasts. These
encountered, individualised support engineering applications - for scoping
trials indicated that a three-row trim shot
designs are being implemented. to pre-feasibility studies, as well as
onto a pre-sheared final wall would not
problem-solving in active mining
induce excessive damage. To reduce the Anton Bloem: operations.
damage further, the pre-shear drill-hole (Vancouver)
spacing is adjusted for ground conditions Wayne Barnett:
within the immediate vicinity of voids.
Evaluation of rock field stress
IAN DE BRUYN interpretations at the Ok Tedi Mine
Ian has 19 years’
experience in
Engineering over a
wide range of mining
and civil engineering
projects. He has
strong expertise in
geotechnical studies
for open pit mining operations and open
pit/underground mining interaction. He has
worked on projects involving very large
pits in complex and challenging rockmass
conditions and in which groundwater plays
an important role in stability. Ian’s projects
have involved site investigation, rockmass
characterisation, stability analysis, design
and risk assessment at all levels – from
conceptual through feasibility studies and
working design. Ian is the Team Leader of
the Geotechnical Group in Perth, Australia.

Ian de Bruyn:

Ok Tedi pit

O ver the years, four programs of rock between open pit and underground
Sandra is a Principal stress measurement and interpretation excavations.
Geotechnical Engineer have been completed at the Ok Tedi Mine
2D and 3D numerical modelling,
with almost 30 years’ in Papua New Guinea, each providing
using finite element, finite difference
experience as a different interpretations of the in situ field
and distinct element methods, was
consultant in design stresses. Measurements were taken
used to evaluate, in terms of stress-
and construction at different locations and depths, and in
strain response:
control, for roads, different rock types. The hydro-fracturing
hydroelectric and method inferred a hydrostatic model, the • The stability of the 1000m high West
mining projects. acoustic emission method presented Wall at each stage of its proposed
She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Civil a highly anisotropic horizontal stress cutback
Engineering from Colombia’s University regime, and overcoring measurements
• The stability and long-term ground
of Medellin, she completed postgraduate using ANZI strain cells inferred a rock-
support requirements for an existing
studies at the University of Karlsruhe, type dependent but more benign
drainage tunnel beneath the pit
Germany, and is currently completing intermediate stress regime.
a PhD at the University of Newcastle in • The stability and sequencing of
The principal stress directions are not underground excavations for sublevel
Australia. Recently, she has specialised
necessarily horizontal and vertical; open stoping beneath the East Wall
in geotechnics, focused on coarse
perhaps impacted by rugged topography. of the pit, as well as the stability of
material characterisation; design of very
high waste dumps; heap leach design; Even if the pre-mining in situ stress pit wall with the progression of the
foundation design for mine infrastructure; regime was uniquely consistent, underground mining
risk assessment; and closure. considerable redistribution of stress The modelling involved a multistage
directions and magnitudes were approach; interpretation of the most
Sandra Linero:
expected to develop due to interaction appropriate ‘starting’ stress conditions

Geotechnical characterisation of
coarse mine waste using DEM
T he study of the mechanical behaviour The open source code LMGC90
of mine wastes containing particles developed at the University of
of metric order is a challenging task Montpellier, is dedicated to modelling
because commercial testing devices large collections of interacting objects
typically only accommodate samples with complex mechanical behaviour.
composed of particles that measure a few It is particularly suited for the study of
in each of the mine areas under centimeters. To overcome the equipment frictional granular samples. Its algorithm
assessment was attempted following size limitations, testing of coarse material is based on the Contact Dynamic (CD)
initial modelling phases. Comparisons is conducted on samples prepared by Methods developed by Jean-Jacques
of the effects of the various in situ modifying the particle size distribution Moreau and does not require elaborate
stress field interpretations were made (PSD) of the prototype material. Parallel calibration to predefine particle contact
in the context of the continuing and scaling or material scalping are some of stiffness as other DEM methods require
progressively enlarging and deepening the techniques used to prepare coarse (e.g. Molecular Dynamics). Additionally,
mining operations. samples for laboratory testing. The testing the heterogeneity of the particles in
sample may differ from the prototype both size and shape (polydispersity) can be
As the modelled field stresses in the size of the particles and in the form considered.
changed through the mining sequence, of the PSD. Therefore, the mechanical
the Hoek-Brown failure curves for the Researchers in granular media, Emilien
behaviour of tested samples doesn’t
main material types were more closely Azema from the University of Montpellier
represent the mechanical behaviour of the
approached or exceeded (predicting in France and Nicolas Estrada from the
prototype material.
yielding of the rock mass). From University of Los Andes in Colombia,
observations made within the existing It is not trivial to define the corrections are currently collaborating with the
excavations with regards to rockmass required to deduct the behaviour of a authors to implement LMGC90 in an
conditions, failures and performance prototype material based on lab results investigation. This investigation seeks
of ground support, it became apparent obtained using samples that differ from to develop a method to build models
that certain stress fields may have it. This is due to the variety of factors for mine waste prototypes that can
been overestimating the stress that influence mechanical behaviour, be tested in the laboratory, where the
conditions at the time of excavation. which cannot be dissociated in physical mechanical behaviour of the prototype
investigations. can be predicted, considering the effects
Two stress field alternatives, the that particle shape, particle size, particle
modelling of which resulted in strain Discrete Element Method (DEM) can
size distribution and particle breakage
that more closely approximated be used to compare the macro and
resistance may have on the mechanical
the observed conditions in various micromechanical behaviour of model
behaviour of coarse grained materials.
locations, were subsequently selected and prototype samples, alternating with
as sensitivity cases for input into decoupling some of the aspects that Sandra Linero: (Perth)
further analyses for mine design. influence the behaviour, allowing them Arcesio Lizcano:
to define the corrections required for the (Vancouver)
The response and stability of open laboratory results.
pit slopes was not particularly
sensitive to the adopted pre-mining
stress regime: the alternative in situ
stress models produced a variation
in factor of safety for the pit walls in
the order of 3-5%. However, stress
redistribution and concentration
between surface and underground
mine workings was highly dependent
on the initial in situ stress regime and
extraction sequence, with a 100-150%
variation for the alternative in situ
stress models in the near-excavation
concentrated stresses for the
underground openings.
Visualisation of the force bearing particles (pentagons) in a polydispersity granular media submitted to compression. Analysis
Ian de Bruyn: completed using the DEM code LMGC90. Floating particles (i.e., particles with one or no contacts) are shown in white, and
(Perth) normal forces are represented by the thickness of the segments joining the particle centers. The diameters of red circles are
proportional to the friction mobilisation at each particle contact.

Photogrammetric mapping
for pit slope angle optimisation
The requirement to optimise excavation subsequently be used for a variety of
design and minimise waste stripping is geomechanical applications.
becoming more critical in pit engineering
SRK has successfully used photo-
as pits deepen and economics become
grammetry mapping to collect rock mass
tighter. Representative structural data
data from a mine in the Amur region of
is critical when optimising pit slope
Russia, which has been used to optimise
angles and in most circumstances, the
pit slope angles with significant cost
access for mapping the required data
benefits for their clients.
is restricted due to Health and Safety
concerns accompanied by time constraints. The photogrammetric mapping is
carried out on both the hangingwall Rating
Photogrammetry mapping is a remote
and footwall. Overlapping 3D images
data capture system that uses digital
are stitched together to form mosaics
photogrammetry to produce accurate 3D
that allow mapping of larger (full bench Excellent
structural models of mine features. Using
and multi-bench scale) features that span (Score 10)
photogrammetry mapping software, three
across numerous models. Over 4,000
dimensional photogrammetric images of
data points were mapped over 8 hours
rock faces can be produced rapidly and
from the photogrammetric models. The
safely while remaining cost effective. Above Average
photogrammetry mapping data was used
The 3D images are then mapped using (Score 8-9)
to characterise the rock mass and carry
specialist computer software, producing
out a stability analysis, assessing the effect
rock mass measurements, which can
of increasing slope angles for the bench
stability and for the overall slope.
(Score 5-7)
K A R L L L E W E LY N SRK was able to recommend an
increase in the current pit slope angle
configurations: the inter ramp angle was Below Average
Karl, Geotechnical increased to 59° from 55° and the bench (Score 3-4)
Engineer, (BEng, angle was increased to 75° from 65°
CGeol, RoGEP) is a allowing for a bench height of 30m and
Senior Consultant berm width of 10m. The increase in inter
with over 8 years ramp angles reduced the amount of waste
of experience material that the client needed to remove A systematic approach to
in geotechnical before reaching ore. An increase of 2° review and audit Ground Control
consultancy for mining over a 250m high pit saved approximately Management Plans (GCMP) for
and civil engineering 10% in waste stripping costs when both open pit and underground
projects. He specialises in collecting compared to the original design. operations adds value and provides
geotechnical data, photogrammetric a clear priority list for continued
mapping, interpreting downhole Karl Llewelyn:
improvement. The process should
acoustic televiewer data, assessing and (Cardiff)
be based on and tailored to meet
conceptualising soil and rock masses and the guidelines provided by the
interpreting data for the design of open pit appropriate local Mines Inspectorate
and underground mines. jurisdiction for the operation under
review, as well as reflect the
Karl Llewelyn:
in-house corporate governance

An approach has been developed to

audit GCMP documentation, related
operating standards, management
plans, procedures and the site
implementation process to ensure
compliance to legislation and
industry expectations. The approach
is designed to evaluate and score
Photogrammetric mapping of footwall

Systematic review and
compliance audits of ground control LO U I E H U M A N
management plans
L ouie has over 20
years’ experience
Table 1: Section rating score and category descriptions in the geotechnical
field. His expertise
in rock engineering
Description includes: shallow to
ultra-deep mining
All elements are in place and of an excellent standard. These elements managing seismicity,
have been confirmed by viewing evidence of compliance. designing and assessing excavation
stability, analysing shaft barrel stability,
ground support design and shaft
The majority of elements are in place and of a high standard, approaching
rehabilitation. Louie has been involved
excellence. These elements have been confirmed by viewing evidence of in feasibility and due diligence studies
compliance. which include interaction of open pit
and underground excavations, surface
Elements are generally in place. There is evidence of some non-critical subsidence and undermining of surface
weaknesses. Actions need to be included in risk reduction plan with a structures, compliance audits, review
priority appropriate for risk. of ground control management plans,
geotechnical mapping and logging
Certain key elements are not applied. High priority for prompt techniques, assessing waste rock dump
improvement and action implementation. Actions need to be completed stability and research projects.
before next annual review.

the mine’s GCMP documentation GCMP documentation and auditing Results: Following the audit, the site
and associated operating procedures operational compliance to the plan. receives a report highlighting the level
consistently, to satisfy legal of compliance of their GCMP and
Table 1 above summarises the overall
requirements and robustness to the supporting documentation, evaluating
section rating score and category
rigours of regular Mines Inspectorate the effectiveness of the controls; and
descriptions that can be used to evaluate
geotechnical audits. an action plan with priorities addressing
the outcome for each section based on
areas requiring improvement.
The Mines Inspectorate recognise that their individual elements audited.
mining experience and professional Conclusions: This audit methodology
The auditor rates these specific element
judgment in geotechnical engineering is intended to provide transparency
questions, which drilldown into each
are not easily quantified, but can and identify any deficiencies or
section according to compliance and
contribute significantly to formulating vulnerabilities in the current GCMP
priority for improvement, if required.
various solutions to a particular mining documentation, supporting procedures
Each element question is assessed
problem. Management is required to and implementation on site. In the
and a priority level is assigned based
recognise, identify and address the long term, this process will encourage
on documentation and operational
geotechnical issues that are unique to a systematic self-management and
their mine, using current geotechnical auditing tool of ground control-related
knowledge and tools. Any comments and supporting evidence risks, which typically improve safety
needed or provided by the mine site and performance on site. It is important
Methodology: This systematic is noted and collected as part of this to remember you cannot manage what
approach provides a methodology, process. Each section is provided with you don’t measure.
checklist and assessment process that an overall rating according to standard
auditors can follow when evaluating Louie Human:
definitions (Table 1 above).

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