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WAAMC Geography - Year 9

Summer Term I
Lesson Learning Starter Main Task Plenary Homewor Resour
Objective k ces
To investigate - Topic Overview- - Pupils to work in groups to - Pupils to -Pupils are - Tourism
the increase in pupils to view what read the definitions of tourism. share their to research definition
we are studying Pupils are to then choose a dream and list the s
1. international
this term and definition they feel sums up holiday with 15 places to
Tourism tourism complete the target tourism the best. the visit before -
– Why is boxes. Ensure neighbour, if they die Reasons
it -I can current targets are -They then need to use this to extra time for
increasin distinguish in their planner and write their own definition in their class can Pupils need growth
g? between books. own words. map their to explain statemen
dream why they ts
tourism and
- Feedback on groups definition holidays. would want
tourist – Level to visit the -Hwk –
4 - Pupils to then do an go area. Sheet 15
-I can describe through the statements and places to
the various pupils need to identify 2 visit
reasons for statements that are not tourists before
and 2 that are. Individually write you die
tourism and
then in their book.
travelling –
Level 5 -Peer assessment – turn to
-I can evaluate their neighbour and ensure they
why tourism are correct.
has grown in
the past 50 - Why might someone go on
years – Level holiday – pupils need to draw
one reasons and then move
clockwise around the table until
their book is back with them.

-Pupils need to annotate the

drawings with the reason.

-Go through the 3 major

reasons for why people travel
the World – Pupils need to write
this in their book.

- Break Where are the famous


-Review the LO and point in the


-Pupils are to read the 7

statement son why tourism has
grown, pupils then to pick 2 and
expand on them and explain
why this has increased tourism.

-HA – explain all 7 in detail.

-LA – rank the statements into

the most important

- Pupils to write a letter to their

great-grandparents telling them
about the holiday opportunities
they have and why they are
different from their time

-Peer assessment of work

completed today – 2 stars and
wish, use guidelines on

- Review of lesson – Pupils to

complete the progress pyramid
to show their learning this
lesson, also link the LO

- Homework is set

2- To explore the - What jobs are - Pupils need to brainstorm in -Pupils in -Continuing - Mini
Bournem advantages of there in tourism, their groups on one mini their groups with their 15 whiteboa
pupils compile a list whiteboard, How do we know to create a places they rds
outh Surf the Surf Reef to
of their mini Bournemouth is a tourist place? radio advert wish to visit
Reef tourism in whiteboards to promote before they -
Bournemouth. - Swop with another table, add the surf reef die. Teachers
-Which jobs are 2 points they had not included – in notes on
-I can evaluate found in Bmth? return. Boscombe. the Surf
the attraction to Pupils write these Reef
drawing in more in their book after - Individual task – pupils need OR-
viewing the L/O to complete the two tasks on Extension - Mystery
tourists to the board, looking at who visits task on cards on
Bournemouth. Bournemouth and then what previous Mark
Level 6 are the attractions in column
-I can describe Bournemouth.
2 advantages
-HA – Pupils distinguish the
different types of visitors during
disadvantages the year
to the Surf
Reef.-Level 5 HA - Pupils rank the attractions
-I can locate in why most people come to
where the Surf Bournemouth.
Reef is. – Level
-LA – Show images of
4 Bournemouth to support their

- Provide an overview of the

surf reef in Boscombe- use
teacher notes to assist.

-Watch the Sea reef video clip

on –

-Pupils to complete the mystery

of Why Mark is taking up
surfing. Pupils need to first sort
the statements into those that
are for or against the surf reef.

-Using these statements pupils

then need to write a newspaper
article for the Daily Echo
explaining what the effects from
the reef will be. Pupils to add
detail, maps and diagrams.

-Once pupils have finished their

newspaper article they need to
answer the question Why is
Mark taking up surfing and link
to their own lives, will they be
taking up surfing? Why?

- Peer assessment of
newspaper article depending on

-Extension – If pupils complete

the task above they need to
design a cartoon that shows
their opinion on whether the
surf reef will increase tourism in
3– To investigate -In pair’s pupils to - Pupils to watch the following - Pupils to Conflict - impact
Tourism the impacts create what they clip and make notes on the sum up the matrix statemen
think the top 5 impacts. cartoon in no worksheet ts
– Good from tourism
most popular more than 10
or Bad? holiday earth/tourism/good-tourist-bad- words. -National
I can identify 2 destinations. tourist parks
+ & -s of -Which map
tourism. Level -Reveal the top 10 - Pupils are to be given the picture
4 most visited statements on the good and matches -Cartoon
countries in the bad things of tourism, pupils your learning on the
-I can explain
how tourism World. need to colour code the today and impacts
can be deemed statements into SEE impacts why? in
-Pupils need to and positives and negative. National
explain why people Parks.
advantageous visit these - Pupils then need to pick the
to an area and countries top 3 worst impacts and top 3
its people. advantages from tourism.
Level 5 Pupils need to explain each in
-I can evaluate further detail and jsutofy why
they chose them for the top 3.
how the
negatives, can -LA could do the top negative
be amended to and positive and draw an image
reduce harm to to illustrate the impact.
the local area
and people. -Once completed their
explanation, pupils are to create
Level 6
a policy for the World Tourism
Organization, they need to
provide 10 actions that would
reduce the negative impacts
from tourism.

- Second part of the lesson is

looking at impacts to our
National Parks. Explain what
National parks are.

-Pupils need to guess which

national park is being explained
using the images. Dependent
on time, do as many as poss.
-Pupils work in pairs guessing
using the map of the national
parks in Great Britain

-In groups, pupils have the

hand out cartoon of impacts in
national parks. They need to
state what the problem is for
each number 1 – 9.

-LA – Pupils need to copy and

complete the word fill looking at
what National Parks are.

- Pupils to work in their groups

to create a roleplay drama on
conflict in National Parks and
the different stakeholders.LA –
have roleplay cards to assist

-View roleplays if time – peer

4 – Dubai To explore how - Locate Dubai in the World, - Dubai Design a - Dubai
Dubai has pupils need to write a detailed Wordsearch hotel and Wordsea
account of where Dubai is linking the resort for rch
changed to an
located. Keywords Dubai that
international attracts - Task
from tourism
tourism -HA use atlases include in Dubai or sheet on
destination continents, oceans and
neighbouring countries. brochure
-I can provide a task - Fact file
detailed -LA go through the three scales on Dubai
and then pupils use these to
description on
guide them and the sentence - Fact
where Dubai is structures. sheets
in the World – on The
Level 4 - Rally robin in tables, what do World
-I can explain you associate with Dubai, or Island
why Dubai is an what do you already know? and
attractive tourist
- Watch the youtube clip looking s
destination - at images of Dubai -
Level 5 -
-I can evaluate v=UgrbasPyaEk&feature=relate Changin
how Dubai has d , In groups each student g
changed from needs to focus on a specific functions
point on powerpoint. of Dubai
it’s original
economic - Share info and add to their -The
function and brainstorm. future of
assess how it Dubai -
may change in -Explain the task for the evaluatio
the future – remainder of the lesson. Hand n
out the task sheet
Level 6/7
- Before pupils start the task
watch the video below for future -Exam
info . question

- Pupils can use the planning

sheet to aid them before they
start their brochure

-Pupils complete the brochure


- HA – Once pupils have

completed their assessment
they need to complete the
GCSE style case study exam

-Extension – Pupils evaluate

the future of Dubai and pick the
outcome, explain to reach
higher levels.
5 – Movie To explore how -Pupils observe the -Pupils write a definition of what -Pupils share -Continue - Harry
Induced movies can two photos of they think movie tourism is, aim what tour with Dubai potter
Benidorm. Pupils to include 3 of the keywords on they would hotel task article
tourism increase
need to list the the board. like to go on
tourism changes from the and based -Lord of
1960s. -Reveal the definition of movie on what film. the rings
-I can state tourism. case
what movie -Pupils then need -Which study
tourism means to explain whether -Pupils need to explore why image sums
the changes are movie tourism is increasing, in up their -Harry
– Level 4
positive or negative pairs pupils discuss the images learning potter
-I can explain to the explanation. today. tour info
how movie - Pupils then need to write 3
tourism can sentences explaining why it is
benefit an area
– Level 5 -In pairs pupils have 10 minutes
-I can suggest to read one of the two case
the drawbacks studies and sum it up with a 1
to movie minute speech.
induced tourism
-The pairs then say their
– Level 6
speech to the other pair.

-Following the speech the

pupils have to draw a cartoon of
what they have learnt.

-Pupils now need to think about

the positives and negatives of
movie tourism, pupils work in a
group to create a table on A3,
aim to get 3/4 points on each

- Pupils then swop with another

table to look at their points and
add 2 more.

-Pupils then need to create a

tour for a movie they have
seen. Model their work using
the Harry Potter tours. Pupils
create it in a leaflet form.
-Peer assessment if time

-Extension – Pupils answer the

exam question if they complete
the leaflet.
To investigate -Tourists can now -Pupils match up the keywords -‘There are -Pupils -
the possibility visit nearly every for this lesson on the match upover 7 billion create a Keyword
place on Earth sheet people on postcard as s sheet
of tourism in
Do you think this is Earth, to be if they are on
6 space right? Should -Peer discussion and marking 1 of 6 the Virgin -Mini
tourism be banned on the keywords. astronauts in Galactic white
Space -I can identify in certain places? space spaceplane. boards
Tourism the attraction to Which places? - Pupils watch the promo clip on looking down
going into Virgin Galactic. Pupils should on them will - Virgin
-Pupils discuss make keynotes on the tourism be a very info
space – Level
with people on their trips. special thing’ sheet
4 table and write
-I can explain down their v=t4h247PPOrY -Pupils -A3/4
the problems thoughts. discuss as a paper
with going into - Pupils need to complete a group the
space – Level comprehension task on the quote above.
Virgin Galactic missions. In
pairs or groups, pupils answer
-I can evaluate the questions on the powerpoint
whether space on the mini-whiteboards.
tourism would
be sustainable -Pupils now should have a good
– Level 6 understanding on Virgin
Galactic, Pupils are now in
competition with Virgin. They
need to create a new company
that takes people into space.
Pupils can either create a
leaflet or an A3 info sheet.
Pupils need to include all points
on the powerpoint.

-Dependent on time –possible

opportunities for peer

To investigate -Pupils distinguish - Pupils draw what they think - Does - Pupils -
how eco- between the eco-tourism means, adding 3 Ecotourism complete the Galapag
different types of keywords to their drawing. really work, sheet on the os info
7 tourism differs
tourists and non- pupils African sheet
to usual tourism -Explain what eco-tourism consider the safari park,
Eco- means, pupils need to add to positives and looking at - HWK
tourism -I can identify their drawing and keywords to negatives. actions that sheet
what eco- provide the real definition. (HA can could
tourism is – complete this increase
- Think, Pair, Share, pupils as an prospect of
Level 4
consider how eco-tourism extended eco-tourism.
- I can explain differs to normal tourism. written task if
how eco- they
tourism differs - Pupils watch the clip below to complete all
to usual tourism add further points on the others tasks)
– Level 5 difference. -LA can
-I can evaluate
yer.swf? discuss and
how eco- autoStart=false&file=http://blip.t feedback to
tourism is more v/file/get/Gatm- the class-
sustainable Ecotourism978.flv?source=3 positives
than usual andnegatives
tourism – Level -H/A students can then
6 complete a table explaining the
differences between the tourism
and eco-tourism.

- Explore a case study of

ecotourism on the Galapagos
Islands. First watch the you
tube clip

- Pupils are to work in their

groups of 3 or 4 to create TV
advert of the opportunities for
eco-tourism in the Galapagos.
Pupils use the info sheet to
develop their points in the

- Pupils perform their TV advert

to the class, peer assessing the
content and presentation.

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