Detailed Lesson Plan in Grade 9 TLE Drafting Types of Commercial Buildings

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Lesson Plan in TLE Architectural Drafting Grade 10

I. Objectives. At the end of the period, the students should be able to achieve
the following with 90% proficiency:
a. identify the types of commercial building.
b. design a commercial building.
c. value the importance of commercial building design.

II. Subject Matter and References:

a. Topic :Types of Commercial Building
b. References: Drafting (G. Manaois) volume 1 pg.140
c. Materials: colour chalk, printed visuals, pencils, bond paper,
ruler, triangles, manila paper, pentelpen, glue
III. Procedure:

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
a. Greetings
- Good morning, -Good morning, Sir Macailing

b. Prayer
-Everybody stands for the -All students stand for prayer.
prayer. Mr Abalos leads the

c. Checking of attendance
-Who is absent for today? -None, Sir.
Very good!

d. Setting of classroom
-What should you do when the -When our lesson starts you are not
class is going on? allowed to go out without permission.

-Raise your right hand, if you want to


-Turn off your phone or set it in a silent


e. Review
-What have you learned with -I have learned how to apply
our previous topic in this architectural standard measurement in
subject? commercial drawing.

B. Motivation

Show a word puzzle using types

of commercial building.
C. Lesson Proper
a. Activity
Group the students into three -Bank, bar, casino, coffee house cafe,
groups. Give students pictures convention centre, gas station, grocery
of different types of store, hotel, market, restaurant, shop
commercial establishment and ware house, shopping mall.
let them identify it. Provide
each group a worksheet on -Students will choose a commercial
how they will design a building base to the given pictures and
commercial building assigned let them design the building they’ve
to them. chosen

b. Analysis
What types commercial are
show in the picture?




-Coffee house

-Gas station

-grocery store




-Super market
-shopping mall


What are the different types of -Bank, bar, casino, coffee house cafe,
commercial establishment? convention centre, gas station, grocery
store, hotel, market, restaurant, shop,
ware house, shopping mall.

What is commercial building -commercial building design is important

design is important? because in business, it attracting
investors, costumer
And others.
c. Application
Let the students design and
draw a floor plan of any
commercial building.


Criteria 1 2 3 4



1poor 2 fair 3 good 4 excellence


4 excellence 93-100
3 good 86-92
2 fair 79-85
1 poor 78-below
IV. Evaluation

Part I. Identify the types of commercial buildings,

_______ 1.

_______ 2.




Part II. Draw and design a floor plan of any commercial building. (30 points.)

V. Homework

Research about types of facilities in a commercial building. Write in a ½ sheet

of paper. 20pts

Prepared by:
Pre-service Teacher

Checked by:

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