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Section 1 – General Course Information

Course Prefix and ITEC 3325-02

Course Title: ONLINE - Windows Systems Admin
CRN: 82053
Course Online
Instructor: Professor Christopher S. Knighton
Telephone: Messages can be left through the School of IT (478) 471-2801.
Office Location: Online
Email: christopher.knighton@mga.edu
Office Hours: By e-mail, or by appointment.

Section 2 – Standard Course Information

Credit: 3
Prerequisite: C or higher in ITEC 2320
Course Description: The student will learn to manage, via Microsoft networking software,
a wide variety of network capabilities, such as directory structures,
drive mappings, security issues, printing domains, user environments,
and network utility services.
Textbook: Hands-On Microsoft Windows Server 2016, 2nd Edition
Michael Palmer, Cengage Learning
ISBN 9781305078628
Library/Learning As a Middle Georgia State University student, you have complete
Resources: access to GALILEO (Georgia Library Learning Online), a virtual library of
licensed commercial databases. It provides access to over 100
databases indexing thousands of periodicals and scholarly journals.
There are over 10,000 journal titles available in full-text. Additional
GALILEO resources include e-books, government documents,
reference collections, and video databases. The Middle Georgia State
University library also has core collection with locally purchased
resources to support this graduate course. Currently the exclusive
holdings for the B.S. / M.S. in Information Technology graduate courses
are as follows: e-Journals = 1,661, Print Books = 1,164, e-books = 4,325,
and DVDs = 66.

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The following are examples of online databases that support this
undergraduate course. They are available to you through GALILEO
and/or institutionally funded subscriptions:
• ACM Digital Library
• Computer Source
• Computing (ProQuest)
• Academic Search Complete
• Research Library (ProQuest)
• Wilson Omnifile: Full-Text Mega Edition
• Google Scholar
• Films on Demand
Learning Outcomes: • Students will perform the installation of Windows Server and
understand the configuration of operating system editions and
clients to include Server Administration
• Define the management of hardware devices, Plug and Play,
legacy, hardware resource settings, and processor and
memory settings
• Create and manage user accounts, group accounts, and
• Define the pros and cons of FAT32, and NTFS file systems
• Define disk management, partitions, volumes, and fault
tolerant strategies such as RAID levels 0, 1, and 5
• Implement file sharing and printer management
• Define group policies and block policy inheritance
• Use the event log to access troubleshooting and monitoring of
the system to include performance logs and alerts
• Plan for disaster recovery, back up, and restore data
• Managing Printers, Publishing, Auditing, and Disk Resources
Topics: • Windows Server Network Administration
• Managing Windows Server Hardware and Software
• Administering Active Directory
• Managing Group Policy
• Administering File Resources
• Managing Printers, Publishing, Auditing, and Disk Resources
• Course Assessment Information
• Required Course Assessments Orientation Exercise:
• Administering Web Resources in Windows Server
• Administering TCP/IP
• Administering DNS
• Monitoring and Troubleshooting Windows
• Administering Remote Access Services

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Section 3 – Course Assessment Information
Student Evaluation Criteria:
Weekly Discussions 10%
A weekly discussion is used each week to engage students on weekly topics and
to serve as an indication of attendance for the week.

Weekly Assignments 60%

Weekly assignments will consist of various projects that support the detailing of
the processes involved in server administration.

Final Project 30%

The final project will be used to allow students to demonstrate proficiency on
topics learned in ITEC 3325.

Grades will be calculated by the following scale:

A = 90 percent and above
B = 80 to 89.99 percent
C = 70 to 79.99 percent
D = 60 to 69.99 percent
F = less than 60 percent

Assignments should be completed and submitted on time to avoid falling behind during
the semester. I will accept late Weekly Assignments during the week following the due
date at a 20-point reduction in score. Anything over a week late will be assessed a grade
of 0 unless otherwise approved in advance by the professor. Weekly Discussions and
the Final Project will receive a grade of 0 if submitted past the due date. I will only grade
the last assignment submitted during the submission period for an assignment.

Your instructor will begin grading all assessments after the due date and make the
results available to you within one week after the due date for the assessment.

The syllabus and course outline are intended to be used as a guide only and are subject
to change at the instructor’s discretion.

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Section 4 – Standard Course Policies
Students are responsible for reading, understanding, and adhering to all Middle Georgia State
University student policy, including those linked on the Syllabus Policy page.

Attendance Policy
Faculty are expected to maintain an attendance record for all classes. The MGA policy on
attendance is as follows:
• Students whose number of absences is more than twice the number of class meetings per
week may be assigned a failing grade for the course at the discretion of the instructor.
Students who have more absences than the number of class meetings per week but less
than twice the number of class meetings per week, may be penalized at the discretion of
the instructor. Students who have absences which are less than or equal to the number
of class meetings per week will not be penalized.”

• Students must attend class if they are to be well prepared for the workplace. Online
courses are no different from on-campus classroom courses in this regard. Therefore,
online students are subject to the university’s attendance policy.

• For online classes, attendance/participation is defined in a different manner. Student

attendance in online courses is defined as weekly active participation in the course
(activity/assignment/project/exam) as prescribed in the course syllabus.


1. Students are required to have access to a computer and the Internet.

2. All course materials (i.e. course syllabus, course content, the assignments and the
schedule of activities, etc.) are posted in MGA D2L’s course/class web site.

3. MGA email and/or MGA D2L are the only acceptable electronic communication platforms
between the instructor and students. The instructor will endeavor to reply to your email
queries within 12 hours and no more than 24 hours of their receipt, excluding weekends
and holidays or during semester breaks. Private email accounts must not be used to
communicate between the instructor and students.

4. Students must immediately review the tentative course schedule (included as part of the
syllabus) for the schedule of discussion activities, assignments, projects, and/or

5. Students must attend class if they are to be well prepared for the workplace. Online
courses are no different from on-campus classroom courses in this regard. Therefore,
online students are subject to the university’s attendance policy. Please see the
“Attendance Policy” in the university’s catalog. For online classes, participation must be
defined in a different manner. Student attendance in online courses is defined as active
participation in the course as described in the course syllabus.

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6. Online courses will, at a minimum, have weekly mechanisms for student participation,
which can be documented using any or all of the following methods:
• A graded discussion activity that is integral to student engagement and learning
• A graded assignment/project/examination.

7. Your instructor will begin grading all assessments after the deadline and make the results
available to you within one week after the due date for the assessment.

Online Discussions and Postings

Expectations for Achieving Responsible Online Discourse:
• One value we must share is respect for individuals - their experience and their ideas or
social positions. We also share a genuine desire to learn from one another. In order to
demonstrate these shared values, you are encouraged to consider how your tone, word
choice, and content may affect other readers. Some ways people achieve responsible
public electronic discourse include calling each other by name on the screen, using smiley
faces =) to clarify meaning if a writer's tone might be ambiguous, clarifying with someone
courteously before "flaming" back a quick response, and refraining from publishing or
forwarding any questionable jokes or strong language that could offend various readers.

• Discussions will be used to indicate attendance for online participation.

• Students that do not complete the assigned discussion will result in an absence for that
week. Late discussions are not accepted and will result in a grade of “0” zero for that

MGA Guidelines for Online Discussions

1. Not only respond to your instructor’s questions but carry on a dialogue with your
classmates as well. This is a discussion, not just a question and answer session, and is one
of the items that make a good online course and establishes community. If you only
respond to your instructor’s question it makes the discussion more of an "exam" rather
than a dialogue.

2. Do not get caught up in "winning" the debate. We are here to learn the material, have
fun, and to discuss matters of importance with others.

3. Read all postings from your classmates, not just those from the instructor. Sometimes
future questions are based on the insights of your classmates.

4. When you reply to a post, don't just say "I agree". Give the person or person's name you
are agreeing with and be sure to put the reply in the right thread. Also include a brief
sentence or two summarizing what they said that you are agreeing with and then your
views. You might also consider changing the subject line to reflect your posts. Make it
easy for us to figure out who you are talking to and what you are talking about.

5. If you express an opinion, support it with material from our readings or other sources if
applicable. When you quote, summarize, or paraphrase from the text, be sure to give the
page number(s) -- This is important!

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Count on checking the class website for assignments or discussions at least twice or more per

Class Behavior Expectations

Middle Georgia State University students are responsible for reading, understanding, and abiding
by the MGA Student Code of Conduct. Student Code of Conduct, Responsibilities, Procedures, and
Rights are found at http://www.mga.edu/student-conduct/code-of- conduct.aspx.”

It is my sincere desire to be a part of the learning process for each of you. Please let me know the
things that you understand AND especially the things that I can explain again to help you learn or
clear up confusion.

Policy on Academic Misconduct

It is expected that all work submitted to be graded during this course are to be original work of
the student submitting the assignment. Answer(s) should be in your own words, references are
to be provided and cited as needed, and queries or projects should be of your own work. Any
work submitted for a grade that is not original in nature will be considered plagiarism or academic
dishonesty. The first offense will receive a grade of “0” and be reported to the appropriate school
authority. Subsequent acts of academic dishonesty will result in a failing grade for the class.

Student Withdrawal Policy

Students are encouraged to read the withdrawal policy at
http://www.mga.edu/registrar/dropadd.aspx before dropping/withdrawing from the class.
Students who wish to withdraw from the University must complete the Withdrawal Form,
obtaining the required signature from the advisor, and submitting it to the Office of the Registrar
at the Macon campus or the administrative offices at other campuses. Withdrawal is not complete
until all withdrawal procedures have been properly executed.

Students may withdraw from the course and earn a grade of “W” up to and including the midterm
date, which occurs on 9/12/2018. After this date students who withdraw will receive a grade of

Disability Accommodations
Students seeking academic accommodations for a special need must contact Middle Georgia State
University Office of Disability Services in Macon at (478) 471-2985 or in Cochran at (478) 934-3023.
Students may also visit the Disability Services Office in room 266 of the Student Life Center on the
Macon campus or in Sanford Hall on the Cochran campus. www.mga.edu/ds

End of Course Evaluations

Student evaluations of faculty are administered online at the end of each term/session for all
courses with five or more students. Students will receive an email containing a link to a survey for
each course in which they are enrolled. All responses are anonymous. I would like to add that I am
available at any time via email during the course if you would like to discuss problems that arise
or suggestions you may have. I value your input.

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Section 5 – Instructor-Specific Policies
• The instructor uses multiple formats for providing information during this class. Students
should read the textbook and handouts, attend lectures, watch video links sent out by the
professor and participate in class discussions.

• Discussions are be used to indicate attendance for online participation. Students that do
not complete the assigned discussion will result in an absent for that week. Late
discussions are not accepted and will result in a grade of “0” zero for that week.

• All assignments in this class are cumulative in nature and require that the student
demonstrate a mastery of material covered in previous sections.

• All work submitted should be the work of the student submitting the assigned exercise.
Submitting someone else’s work under false pretense will be considered academic
dishonesty and will be treated to the guidelines of the student handbook of MGA.

• When asking questions, please ask a question! Sending broken code and stating, “what’s
wrong with it?” does not constitute a valid question. Be sure to include all information
and provide examples if possible. The more background information in your question, the
better the instructor can answer your question.

• Watch e-mail for announcements in D2L. Sometimes a student sends me a really great
question, and I want to answer the question for everyone. Be flattered. Don’t be upset if
the answer goes to everyone, and your response is “see post to everyone.”

• The instructor will not post videos for everything we covered in the course, but often
makes video suggestions for things that help the class. As a result, students should not
wait until the last minute to complete an assignment hoping for a video.

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Section 6 – Tentative Course Schedule and Outline
Please know that I welcome any questions or communication that you feel necessary. Contact
me by telephone (it is usually better to leave contact info in an e-mail and I will contact you), e-
mail, or during office hours.

The schedule below contains class activities, assignments, and deadlines. Note that the course
schedule is “tentative” and subject to change based on student and/or pedagogical needs. All
changes will be announced and posted on the course announcements in D2L.

Week 1 – begins 8/13, due 8/19 @ 11:59 PM

• Read the syllabus and schedule.
• Ask any questions pertaining to the class, book, syllabus, or D2L either by e-mail or in the
Discussion 1 post in D2L. The discussion post is great for general questions but should NOT
be used for venting, complaining, or asking questions specific to you, your assignment, or
• Please watch the Announcements in D2L for additional information.
• Module 1 Discussion (Introductory discussion) due

Week 2 – begins 8/20, due 8/26 @ 11:59 PM

• Module 2 Discussion due
• Module 2 Assignment due

Week 3 – begins 8/27, due 9/2 @ 11:59 PM

• Module 3 Discussion due
• Module 3 Assignment due

Week 4 – begins 9/3, due 9/9 @ 11:59 PM

• Module 4 Discussion due
• Module 4 Assignment due

Week 5 – begins 9/10, due 9/16 @ 11:59 PM

• Module 5 Discussion due
• Module 5 Assignment due

Week 6 – begins 9/17, due 9/23 @ 11:59 PM

• Module 6 Discussion due
• Module 6 Assignment due

Week 7 – begins 9/24, due 9/30 @ 11:59 PM

• Module 7 Discussion due
• Module 7 Assignment due

Week 8 – begins 10/1, due 10/7 @ 11:59 PM

• Module 8 Discussion due
• Module 8 Assignment Due
• Final Project due

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