Rubric For Formal Proposals

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2030: RUBRIC for Collaborative (and Individual Proposals) for this class: specification on

the importance of the proposal, the scope and the limitations of the research, and the methods of

Pts attained: Organization: 1. the title orients 2. Introduction 3. Problem statement: Objectives:
Assertions set up proposal solution and assertions are supported 4. Plan of action where the
proposal is pitched, the objectives are clear and logical 7. 8. Conclusions drawing consequences

Include in packet:

1. Letter indicating the contents of the proposal in short

2. Cover sheet with names etc. and an outline of proposal
3. Abstract: one page summary for the proposal
4. Table of contents
5. The Narrative with an introduction explaining the reason for and the basic elements of
the proposal leading to the narrative that describes the proposed project detailing exactly
what is being proposed which should include background as to what has been
accomplished to date, what requires attention, and what requires extra attention and
refocusing. The narrative should have a clear statement of need with the project goals
clearly stated regarding also the proposed accomplishments.
6. There should be a project hypothesis with objectives which are statements of precise
and (perhaps measurable outcomes).
7. There should also be included the project implications and/or the impact of the
proposed project with at least 2 questions addressed: why and what?
8. The methodology needed in your text will describe how the problem might be addressed
due to your research in the field: Methodology is how the problem will be approached or
can be approached, and what methods might be employed to accomplish the stated
objective by describing the specific program activity, the personnel perhaps needed and
the data compilation needed.
9. A time-frame is needed with a reasonable start date/ending date and you could submit a
flow chart indication anticipated accomplishments for readers.
10. The literature review is mandatory as well as any complimentary studies relative to
your proposal you find pertinent in indication if other colleges have gone green, for
example and the results.
11. Add resumes of each member and roles in the proposal project.
12. Lastly a proposed budget: individual cost, group cost, company costs and college costs
etc. rounded to nearest dollar.
13. Appendices: Works Cited (MLA style), the resumes, and other pending support such as
illustrations introduced or discussed in your narrative. Note that intellectual property
should be marked MLA style and put clearly within in-text parentheticals

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