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Pakistan is stronger if its federating units are stronger. This is why Imran Khan willrun a
government for all of Pakistan, and not just for any one province. PTI will takethe difficult
decisions that the current government has only paid nominal homageto. With Imran Khan as
Prime Minister, Pakistan will have a strong centre, as wellas stronger provinces. In particular,
Imran Khan will immediately begin action onfive priorities to strengthen the Federation of
Expedite integration of FATA with KPK:

Expedite legislation on FATA’s

integration with KP, launch a Mega FATA Development Plan and begin theprocess of extending
all laws to the tribal areas.2.
Champion reconciliation in Balochistan:
Empower the Balochistangovernment to launch and champion large-scale efforts for
politicalreconciliation. Ensure significant local participation in development projects;in
particular in the development of Gwadar.3.
Spearhead creation of a South Punjab province along
administrativel i n e s :
Create national consensus on the creation of a South Punjabprovince with the objective to lift 35
million people out of poverty, as well as
to create an administrative balance between Pakistan’s federating units.
Begin transforming Karachi:
Launch a transformation plan for Karachi

prioritising governance, security, housing and infrastructure, mass transit,solid waste
management and a clean drinking water plan.5.
Initiate poverty alleviation drive
across Pakistan’s
poorest districts:
Establish a special mechanism to supplement existing poverty alleviationefforts in the poorest
districts across Sindh, Punjab, KP and Balochistan.



Imran Khan has a vision to irreversibly
transform Pakistan’s economy
PTI’seconomic plan is not for one segment of Pakistan’s
society but for all. The currentgovernment has achieved the illusion of growth by fudging
figures, promotingconsumption, and relying on unsustainable levels of debt. However, the
fundamentals of Pakistan’s economy, after five years,
are in bad shape. The tax toGDP ratio continues to be abysmal despite being propped up on an
unfair systemof indirect taxes. Industry is struggling, and exports are at an all-time low.
Foreignreserves are also dangerously low and foreign debt is at an all-time high. Theenergy
sector and other key state-owned institutions such as PIA continue to shout
for reform and investment. Pakistan’s business environment continues to nee
dsignificant reform. Our team has prepared a ten-point economic plan to tacklethese challenges,
that we will start working on immediately.1.
Rapidly create jobs for the youth:

Unveil Pakistan’s most ambitious Job

Creation Strategy to create 10 million jobs across five years, along with aspecial focus on skill-
building through TVET training.2.
Revive manufacturing and facilitate rapid growth of SME sector:
Announce an immediate support package of reduced taxes,

bring energyprices in alignment with regional competitors, clear the backlog ofrefund/rebates,
launch a labour policy to safeguard workers and provideupskilling. Introduce
additional incentives for Pakistan’s
manufacturingindustry in order to compete in international markets, boost exports, andcreate
Launch policy framework to build 5 million houses:
Launch the Prime
Housing programme, to build 5 million housing units for the middleand lower income segments
in 5 years through the private sector. This willboost industry, create jobs and provide shelter.4.
Boost the tourism industry:
Build framework for private sector investmentto develop new and upgrade existing facilities.
Initiate conversion of allgovernment guest houses into hotels open to the public. Identify 4
newtourism destinations within the first 100 days for development.


Reform the tax administration:
Appoint a bold, capable and dynamic FBRchairman immediately; launch FBR reform and share
a business friendlyand equitable tax policy within 100 days to revive the economy and
reducedebt dependence.6.
Make Pakistan Business Friendly:
Build the “Council of
Leaders” chaired by the PM to improve “Doing Business” in Pakistan, to
attract investment, encourage participation of overseas Pakistanis and growexports and bring the
country within the top 100 in Doing Business rankingsin 5 years from the current position of 147
Transform key institutions:
Begin turnaround of key State-Owned-Enterprises (SOEs) by creating the Pakistan Wealth Fund
and by takingSOEs out of the purview of line ministries. Start reform of PIA, Railways,Pakistan
Steel Mills, GenCos, DisCos and other enterprises on anemergency basis.8.
Fix Pakistan’s Energy Challenge:
Immediately begin work to shift towardssustainable and affordable energy. Address root causes
of circular debt,initiate regulatory reforms designed to move away from rent seeking modelsand
towards increasing system efficiency and recovery of losses.9.
Ensure CPEC translates into a game changer:
Launch action plan totransform CPEC into a true economic corridor as opposed to
aninfrastructure project. Enable growth in agriculture, industries and servicessector by creating
better two-way linkages with China.10.
Enhance access to finance for citizens and industry:
Ensure NationalFinancial Inclusion Strategy implementation is streamlined and capitalisingon
the digital ecosystem. Develop a plan to increase deposit base of banksto 50% of GDP to
encourage higher savings. Expedite establishment of aninfrastructure lending bank for large



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