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A Very often, life is referred to as a road or a journey.

Look at the photos

and decide which road best represents your life, and why. Explain your
ideas to your class or group.

"The road of life twists and

turns and no two directions
are ever the same. Yet our
lessons eome from the
journey, not the destination."
Don Williams, Jr., noveList

"Map out your future-but

do it in peneil. The road
ahead is as long as you make
it. Make it worth the trip."
[on Bon Jovi, musician

"Two roads diverged in a

wood, and I-I took the one
less traveled by, and that
made all the differenee."
Robert Frost, poet

B lit Read the three quotes about life above. Which one do you like best? Why?
Vocabulary: take, make, do

A Write each phrase in the correct column of the table.

to :

time off from school or work a donation to a charity

a big mistake volunteer work a very important exam

take make do

an important step in your life a video something artistic

B 11Work in pairs. Find out which thlngs in Exercise A your partner has done. Ask for details.
A: Have you ever taken a very important step in your life?
B: Ves, I have. I got married.
A: Wow! How long have you been married? B: o
Grammar: present perfect + yetjalready
A Language in context Listen to the conversation. Check the thlngs Tony has done.
A: Ha
B: No,

~ I hav
1 Take a really cool trip. O 6 Do something physically adventurous.
X I aire
2 Do something artistic. O 7 Go backpacking.

3 Have an awesome party. O 8 Do volunteer work.

4 Have an unusual job. O 9 Date someone who isn't your "type."

5 Do something extremely romantic. 010 Go to an amazing concert.

A li!
B Notice Look at the examples in the table on the next page. Circle the correct options yi
to complete these rules.
1 We use already in ...
a) affirmative statements. b) negative statements. e) questions. In informal English, people
2 We use yet in ... often use the simple past with
alreadyjyet: e.g., Did you eat yet?
a) affirmative statements. b) negative statements. e) questions.
._---- --- -- - --
Use Example

I've already taken a cool trip.

We use the present perfect with already
to say we did something before it was expected, Have you already done that?
or to emphasize that we have done something.
Ves, I have.jNo, I haven't.

I haven't done that yet.

We use the present perfect with yet to
emphasize that we haven't done something, Have you done that yet?
but that we're going to do it.
Ves, I have.jNo, I haven't.jNo, not yet.

e Practice Complete these conversations with already and yet.

1 A:So,have you had an unusual job (1) ?

B: No, not (2) _

2 A: Youneed to live on the beach once in your life.

B: I've (3) done that. 1 lived on the beach

last surnmer.
3 A: Have you (4) made a donation to charity
this year?
B: Yes,1 gave some money last week.

4 A: Have you taken an important exam (5) ?

B: o. I've (6) taken a few small exams, but 1

haven't taken an important one (7) _

D lit Now you do it Work in groups, Ask and answer

questions about the thlngs on the list in Exercise A.
A: Have you ... yet?
8: No,not yet.jYes, I have. Two years ago, I ...

Walch oul!
./ I havealreadydonevolunteerwork.
X I alreadyhavedonevolunteerwork.

Pronunciation: /j/ VS. / cB/

A Listen to these words. Notice the difference Bit Work in pairs. Practice these sentences.
between the pronunciation of the letters Make sure you pronounce y and j correctly.
y and j. Practice saying the words.
1 A: Have you talked to [ess yet?
B: Yes, 1 have.
2 1don' t like egg yolk.
yet jet 3 Is your friend's name [ess or [ack?
yolk joke 4 Have you flown on a jet yet?
yes [ess 5 Do you know a good joke?
yak Jack
iiiiiiii __ ---
Reading: reading tor the main idea Voca

Remember that the topie sentenee of a paragraph states the main idea. The topie sentenee is often, A Reac
but not always, the first sentenee of the paragraph.

A lit Work in pairs. Diseuss these questions.

1 Apart from English, what other things are you learning right now?
2 What do you like about learning new things? What don't you like about it?

B Read the artiele. Underline the topie sentenee in eaeh of the two paragraphs, What is the main idea
of eaeh paragraph?

The Intermediate Plateau

When we learn to do something, there are times 1 com}
when we advance quickly and other times when we 2 __
advance more slowly. Typically, the intermediate level
Level 4: Advanced 3 __
is a period when we make less progress than we did at
Unconscious competence
beginner levels. This is true in learning anything-a 4 __
language, a sport, or a new job. At the intermediate level,
5 __
progress is usually slower because we are focusing on Level3: Upper intermediate
more complex details than we did at beginner levels. Conscious competence 6 __
This is the time when many people become frustrated unplea
and give up. Because most people take a long time to
advance beyond an intermediate level in anything they Level 2: Lower intermediate
Conscious incompetence B Comp
are learning, we often refer to this stage as the
"intermediate plateau." 1 1 was b
The model shown in Diagram 1 can help learners Level 1: Beginner 2 1want
understand the stages of learning. They should be Unconscious incompetence
3 YouCa
aware that their slow progress at intermediate levels is
completely normal and that it happens to almost 4 Succesr
everyone. The theory behind the model is that, in order
5 Youwi
to learn something new, we first have to be conscious Diagram 1: The Conscious Competence Ladder.
of what we know and what we do not know. Then we
can develop competence, or the abilities we need to Langu
do something. In the first stage on the ladder, competence," we are much more competent, but we still .
"unconscious incompetence," we do not know how
much we need to learn. Everything is new and we are
excited about learning, so we advance quickly. In the
have to concentrate and work very hard to be able to
maintain our competence. Sometimes this stage can
seem like too much work! However, if we don't give up,
-a- to
second stage, "conscious incompetence," we know how we will finally reach the last stage, "unconscious
much we don't know! This can be a very frustrating competence." At this stage, our new ski lis are habits
period because there is so much to learn and we feel and have become automatic. We don't have to think BI?]LiS
completely incompetent. In the third stage, "conscious about everything before we do it. thE

e lit Work in groups, Discuss these questions. 1 Wheny
1 At what level on the ladder do you think you are in English now? Does everyone in the group think yourseh
they are at the same level, or are there differences? 2 Have yr
2 How do you feel about the progress you are making in English? Was the
3 Think about other things you have leamed. How did you feel during the different stages of learning? 3 Wheny
Did you reach an unconscious competence level? If not, why not? your pn
4 Haveye
Vocabulary: the learning process

A Read the paragraph, Then write the words in bold next to the correct definitions.

When you want to become really good at something, you have to try much
harder than if you just want to be fairly competent at it. It doesn't really
matter what you're learning; the principies are the same. People who reach
an advanced level in a sport, a language, or any other skill have several
idea characteristics in common. First, they push themselves beyond their
comfort zone. In other words, they take risks and try things a little beyond
their abilities. Second, they don't give up during periods when they
don't progress. Third and finally, they measure their progress often
by competing or taking exams, and they learn from their mistakes.

1 comfort zone
, n, a situation, place, or temperature that you feel relaxed in
2 your progress, v, to check development or improvement
3 yourself, v, to make a determined effort to do something

4 , v, to stop trying to do something

5 , v, to develop or improve
6 , v, to do something, although you know that something
unpleasant or dangerous could happen

B Complete the sentences with correct forms of the phrases in Exercise A.

1 1was trying to learn to paint, but 1was terrible at it and 1finally _

2 1want to run a 10 km race, so 1 myself to run a lot more right now.
3 Youcan run short practice races with friends to your progress.
4 Successfulpeople are usually not afraid to and try new things.
5 Youwill not in anything if you do not move beyond your _

Language use: listening to some advice


A lit Work in pairs. Discuss what you think a person has

to do to progress from an intermediate level to an
advanced level in a sport.

B Listen to a conversation between two people about

the intermediate plateau in tennis. Make a list of
the advice that Joe gíves,

e lit Work in pairs. Discuss these questions.

1 When you are learning something new, do you usually push
yourself, or do you tend to stay in your comfort zone?
2 Have you or has someone you know ever taken any risks?
Wasthe result positive or negative?
3 When you are learning something, do you prefer to measure
your progress rarely or often?
4 Have you ever given up on something you were trying to learn? If so, why?
Grammar: present perfect progresslve Spe¡

A Language in context Read the e-mail. We 01

Why hasn't Melissa written to Sean lately? more

To: seandavis@mymail.mac.wd
From: melissaevans@mymail.mac.wd
Subject: My news Jody:

Amy: 1
Hi, Sean. I'm sorry 1haven't written for ages. My life has been pretty crazy! I've been doing volunteer work
for about a month and, let's see, what else have 1been doing? Going to the gym, seeing my family when 1 Jody:
can, playing squash on the weekends ... Oh, yes, and I've met a guy 1like a lotl We've been going out since
January and we have a really good time together. He's been studying for his medical school entrance exam, Amy:
so we haven't had much time for dates! Let's see how it goes ... Anyway, write and tell me everything!
Love, Melissa

B Notice Look at the e-mail in Exercise A again. Write present perfect or present perfect progressive
to complete the rules. Jody:
These verbs are not usually used
1 We use the to talk about an experience Amy: 1
in the progressive form:
or event that happened at an unspecified time in the past. 11
beJieve, prefer, remember,
2 We use the when we want to emphasize hate, Jike, know Jody:
that an activity continued over a period of time and may be unfinished. \..
I Present peñect Present peñect progresslve
Jody: G
havejhas + past participle havejhas + been + verb -ing

I've made three friends since J moved here. We've been going out since January. I Amy:


e Practice Complete Sean's answer with the present perfect Watch out!
or the present perfect progressive of the verbs in parentheses.
./ I've been working here since July. 11
In some cases, either form is correct.
X I'm working here since July.
Hey, Melissa. clt,ll
No problem. 1(1) (be) really busy, too. My cousin opened a new store,

and 1(2) (make) promotional videos for him. Also, 1started going Lang
out with someone. We (3) (date) since August. Actually, we
A Read
(4) (not see) each other lately because she's taking a course
a) a mov
in England. What else? 1 (5) (study) a lot. Oh, and 1have

a new car! 1(6) (ha ve) it for four months now. It's small,

so it's easy to parkl Anyway, gotta go. Let's get in touch for a lunch date.

D lit Now you do it Work in pairs. Follow the instructions below.

• Student A, think of something that you have been doing recently and how you feel as a resulto
• Tell Student B how you feel (don't mention what you have been doing!).
• Student B, ask questions to guess why Student A feels this way. Student A, answer Student B's questions.
• When Student B guesses correctly, switch roles.
B Think
A: J feeJ real/y tired right now. about
B: Real/y? Have you been studying hard recentJy?
A: No!
B: Have you been going out with friends a Jot?
Speaking: encouraging the speaker

Weoften use a short question to show interest or surprise, and to encourage the speaker to give
more information.

A IJ Listen to the conversation below. Circle the correct option to complete each question.

Jody: Amy! Oh my gosh, 1 haven't seen you in ages!

ork Amy: Wow,Jody, hi! Ves,it's been at least two years. So, what have you been up to?
nI Jody: Well,I've been studying a lotoI'm doing a Master 's degree in chemistry.A~n~,.r..ll.;1~;
xam, Amy: (1) You are / You do? That's impressive! I'm not in school anymore.
I've been working for a small design company since 1 graduated.
Jody: Oh, (2)you are / you have? Excellentl
Amy: Well,the job isn't that great, actually.
Jody: (3)It is / It isn't? Why not?
Amy: The company is really small, and the work is a little boring because
my boss, Alan, doesn't let us take many risks in our designs.
Jody: (4)He doesn't / You don't? That's too bad.
Amy: Yeah,well, it's OK for now. Anyway, what are you going to do with
your Master's?
Jody: Oh, 1 want to do medical research. .1 How 10 sav iI

Amy: (5) Youdo / want? Wow! Listen, 1 have to go, but let' s keep in touch, OK? What have you been tioing?
Youhave?jYou did?jYou are?j
Jody: Yes,definitely.
You do?

B lit Work in pairs. Prepare a role-play about running into an old friendo
You haven't?jYou didn't?j
Youaren't?jYou don't?
ce July. Include several short questions.
That's greatjexcellentjtoo bad.
e lit Act out your role-play for the class or another pair.

Language use: writing a journal entry

A Read the journal entry. Guess who wrote it.

a) a movie director b) a soap opera actor e) a novelist

l/uumt't been. ~ ncach. {W0jrm Útt:efy. The character: dim't seeuc real a.ttd the s-tory k
tÚu4ÚJ. 1~ t:IrifrJ< 1WtU1i; tojWe tIt.UtAf ascd.write sonce serious Ü o/
ClJUfJe, t'ue
:=¡ ucade a !d-oj1tW'1U)' ~ writútj tkMe UIiy love scories, so uw.y6e 1U concuuce for a 1A.!hiie. 1m
==- defu1defy m 141)' ~t ZMe-it's eMJ to torice !km, but it's ~, toot May6e 1need. to take
souce time offa[rer tIt.UMe, a.ttd do ~ ~ dif?mt. 1dim't kew wfuútiwugh ...

B Think of a famous person, living or dead, that you know something j How 10 sav iI
about. Write a short journal entry by that persono
IjWe haven't ... yet because ...

e lit Work
f/We have been ...
in groups, Read your journal entry. Your group should try to
guess the name of the famous person who wrote it. /'vejWe've already ...
Organization and planning:
setting personal goals
• Identify a specific goal.

• Think of steps to help you achieve your goal.

• Make a realistic plan.

A Read the information about setting personal goals,

Then check the areas that are most important to you.

D Orga

Setting personal goals can help you clarify what kind of life you want in the future. You
do not have to make decisions about the rest of your life all at once! It's better to set Maln
goals for a shorter period of time, for example, for the next five years. First, think about
all the things you would like to achieve in that time. You will probably have a long list!
But you need to be realistic, so choose one or two things to focus on. Once you have Steps
identified a specific goal, you should break that goal down into smaller steps that will
help you reach your goal. Smaller steps are easier to achieve and will help you stay
motivated to continue working towards your goal as time passes.

What Are Your Goals?

Education: Do you want to get or finish a degree?
Do you want to study a job-related subject like cooking or mechanics?
Career: Do you want to advance quickly in your profession?
Is it important to you to earn a lot of money?
o Family: Do you want to get married? Have children?
Take care of an elderly relative?
Relatlonships: Do you want to have or maintain a serious love
relationship? Do you want to make more friends?
Ufesty\e: Do you want to workjstudy less and enjoy life more?
Do you want to have a healthier or greener lifestyle?
o Personal development: Do you want to read more?
Take a course in personal improvement?
O Sports or hobbies: Do you want to spend more time doing
a sport or hobby? Do you want to start a new hobby?
Do you want to compete in something?
Publlc service: Do you want to make the world
or your community a better place?

B Now choose the one area that is most important to you. Think of a specific goal to achieve
in that area. Write a short personal goal statement.

Persona! !foa! siatement:

I wt!! focus on education: I u/ant to!fet a Masters dt:!jree in Ir.

e lit Work in pairs. Read your goal statements to each other. Then brainstorm a list
of intermediate steps to help you reach your goal. Inelude information about how
long each step will take.

D Organlze your steps into an action plan in chronological order, similar to this
example. Make any necessary changes to your list from Exercise C.
... in five years.
Date ... next semesterjsummer ...
Main oal Get a Master's degree in IT Start 2 years from now
... by the end of .
Study harder to graduate with high grades The next 2 years
... over the next .
Decide on an area of specialization for a Master's Done (programrning)
/'ve already ...
Steps Find out about different IT graduate programs End of next year /'ve been ...
Take an online IT course Next summer
Apply to several Master's programs Fall semester of senior year

E lit Explain your plan to your partner. Make further suggestlons about each other's plans .

.1, How lo sav il

Have you ... yet?
Maybe you could also ...
Another thing you could do is ...

Reflect ...
What are the advantages o/ setting
specific goals?


A Complete the conversation with the correct forms of take, make, and do. (5 points)

Mara: I'rn so tired. I really want to (1) some time off and, you know, (2) _
some volunteer work or something.
Lisa: But don't you have to (3) your graduate school entrance exam soon?
Mara: Yeah. I hope I'rn not (4) a huge mistake by going to grad school so soon.
Lisa: Well, it's an important step to (5) , but I'rn sure you're going to love it.

Mara: I hope so!

B Complete the career advice with the phrases in the box. (5 points)

take risks give up comfort zone make progress push yourself

Keys to professional advancement

Are you tired of seeing other people get promoted? Do you want to (1) in your job
or career area? A career is like a sport-to advance, you really have to (2) to do more.
You can't stay in your (3) . You have to (4) and try new things.

If you haven't advanced in your job as quickly as you would like, don't (5) ! Take our
two-day seminar and get the keys to success!

8-10 correct: I can use phrases with take, make, do and phrases related to the learning process.

~7 correct: Look agaín at Sections 1 and 5 on pages 8 and 11. SCORE: /10


Complete the e-mail with already or yet and the best form of the verbs in parentheses. (10 points)

Ta: terrydaniels@mymail.mac.wd
From: peterdaniels@mymail.mac.wd
Subject: Life at callege

Hi, Mom and Dad. Well, I've been in college for two weeks now, and I (1) like / am liking it. I've
(2) (3) met / been meeting some nice people. I went out with some of them last weekend.
Of course, I've (4) studied / been studying a lot, too, so don't worry! I havent (5) had / been having any exams
(6) , but I think I'm going to have a chemistry exam next week. Mom, have you (7) boughi / been
buying my new sheets (8) ? I need them, so please send them soon. I've (9) used / been using some
of my roommate's sheets, but I don't like them! AIso, I've (10) spent most of the money you
gave me, so maybe you could send a little more. Sorry this is short, but I have to go. My friends are waiting
for me! Love, Pete

8-10 correct: I can use the present perfect and the present perfect progressive with already and yet.

~7 correct: Look again at Sections 2 and 7 on pages 8 and 12. SCORE: /10

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