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1. 2 consumer durable companies market 2 brands of electric irons.

A researcher has gathered a data of life of these

electrical irons in months. Find is there any significance difference in the life of these two brands.

Null hypo: no diff

Alt: diff

T-test: two tail

Data analytics- unequal variance when sd is not given.

Two tail test: 4.55 E-19 less than 0.05

Reject null hypothesis.

Diff in brand.

2nd brand is chosen because its life is more than 1st brand.

2. Diff in rents in two cities.

Null hypo: no diff

Alt: diff
T-test: two tail

Data analytics- unequal variance when sd is not given.

P value: 1.14E-29 < 0.05

Null hypothesis is rejected.
There is significance diff in the rent of two cities.

5. diff in the scores after training programme. Was the training effective?
These are dependent or matched or paired sample.

Null: training was not effective.

Alt: training was effective.

t-test: paired two samples

T-test: one tail
P value < 0.05
Reject null.

1. Price of certain product in 4 metro cities. Is there any significance diff in their avg price in 4 cities?
Annova: single factor.
Null: no diff
Alt: diff
P value < 0.05
There is diff in products in 4 cities.

3 advertisement campaign impact on 3 classes of consumer.

10< scores>70
Null: no impact
Alt: impact

Annova: single factor

P value > 0.05
Accept null hypothesis.
No impact

6. find out is there any diff in the performance of the salesman.

Null: no diff in performance.
Alt: diff in performance.
P value< 0.05

Reject null hypothesis for row and column.

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