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Composition Lesson 9 Date due: Tuesday, April 7

Choose ONE composition title and write 125 words.

1) A blog is asking its readers to write about a concert they went to. Write about your own
experience. Mention when and where the concert was, who you went with, what kind of music
it was, if you danced or sang, and if you had a good time.

2) Write a story that begins with the sentence: “I was amazed when I opened the door and saw
the package.”

3) You have just received this message from your friend:

My girlfriend and I had a big argument last night and she broke up with me. She says I don’t
spend enough time with her. I am depressed and want to get back together with her, but I
don’t know what to say and I can’t afford to buy her an expensive present. What should I do?

You have recently broken up with your partner, too. Write a letter or e-mail back to your
friend. Give her/him advice.

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