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PART II . . . . , . . . . . FOR PERIOD PROM 16 JANUARY, 1964
PART ITT . . . . . . . . . . FOR PERIOD FROM 9 MARCH, 1964
PART 1V .,* . . . . FOR PERIOD FROM 21 APRIL, 1964
12 April, 1963.
The first series of armed raids in Sarawak took place when a party of some
75 armed men in uniform attacked a Police Station at Tebedu in Sarawak.
three rnilcs from the Indonesian border. They killed a corporal and wounded
two soldiers. The attackers came from, and withdrew to Kalimantan (Indonesian
Borneo). They spoke an Indonesian form of Malay Lang,uage. A belt left
behind by one of them had Indonesian army markings and two envelopes
dropped by them were addressed to persons in Pontianak in Indonesian Borneo.
Indonesians had previously been inquiring into the strength of the security
forces in Tebcdu.
23 April, 1963.
A gang of eight to 10 Indonesians attacked a section of the Security forces
on duty at 3.00 am. in a small village of Gumbang of the first division of
Sarawak. One soldier was wounded. Gumbang is 20 miles from Tebedu, scene
of first attack. Shooting occurred for 20 minutes only. The raid was a clear
indication of systematic approach to fool the world opinion that there was
uprising in Sarawak. A note was deliberately left behind. It stated that the
gang, belonged to Azahari’s Tentera National Kalimantan Utara. The gangsters
attacked from the lndoncsian side.
21 April, 1963.
A group of Indonesian terrorists opened fire at the Police Station in Tebedu
in the first division of Sarawak which was the scent of the first attack. They
fled when Sarawak security forces opened fire at them.
17 May, 1963.
A group of 13 Indonesian terrorists attacked two trading posts at Nanga San,
near Lubok Antu in the second division of Sarawak when one Chinese trader
was wounded in this attack.
3 J14nc, 1963.
A group of 15 terrorists attacked an Iban longhouse, a Rumah Mareniggar,
near Lubok Antu in the second division of Sarawak. In this incident one Iban
was wounded.
6 June, 1963.
A group of eight Indonesian terrorists raided a village shop and a long,house
in Ensawang, near Lubok Antu, second division of Sarawak. One Iban was
killed and one Security forces sergeant was wounded in this incident. The
terrorists fled across the border into Indonesian territory.
The pamphlets left behind were written in Iban and some of those read as
follows :
(I) If there are any police around we will kill them but we will not harm
the kampong people:
(2) We will kill the penghulu of this area and his family;
(3) We are the police of Party SUPP:
(4) We, are against white men and will kill them;
(5) We will liberate you from the white grip.

Signed: Durin Laling.
17 June, 1963.
A party of 30 border raiders crossed into Sarawak and surrounded a longhouse
at Wang, Panjoi (near Lubok Antu), but dispersed when a Defencc aircraft
flew over the area. From subsequent investigations, three of the raiders wcrc
recognised as having come from Badau in West Kalimantan, which is a
known base for border raiders.
29 June, 1963.
About 15 Tentera National Kalimantan Utara bandits shot up the village
of Panchau, a trading post in Lendu district, Sarawak, close to Indonesian
border. Three Sarawak Ibans were killed and two wounded, one seriously.
TNKU pamphlets in Malay, English and Chinese were left behind by the
raiders who withdrew towards Indonesian territory but taking with them a
wireless set stolen from a village shop whose owner, an Iban named Bungsen
was one of those killed.
Note: Panchau is three minutes walking time from the border. Bandits appeared
to have come from Indonesia down river behind a village and sweeping throug,h
it twice doing as much killing as they could. Shots were fired and three
grenades thrown. The primary object of this raid was political terrorism.
3 July, 1963.
A group of approximately four Indonesian terrorists clashed with security
patrol at Kandai. In this incident, one terrorist was killed. Kandai is in Panchau
area, near the Indonesian border. One shot gun and magazine were recovered.
The terrorist who was killed was definitely not a Sarawak man. He was a
stranger to the border area and possibly a Javanese.
4 July, 1963.
A group of 25 armed men in jungle green uniforms surrounded and looted a
long,house at Sungei Tapong, Ulu Undup in the second division of Sarawak
close to the Indonesian border. The longhouse is approximately 30 minutes
walking time from the border. A shotgun, rice and three fighting cocks were
5 July, 1963.
An armed gang of at least 25 men dressed in jungle green and blue uniforms
shot up a Dayak longhouse at Kampong Nibong about two miles from the
lndonesian border in the first division of Sarawak. The terrorists withdrew
after about 20 minutes raid, leaving, behind several TNKU pamphlets. They
withdrew taking with them five shotguns. One woman was killed in this raid.
6 July, 1963.
A gang of 20 bandits ransacked a longhouse at Sungei Puting Lulu in Batu
Lintang area of the Second Division. The village headman was abducted and
his body found later when security forces ambushed four terrorists, killing
one and recovering arms which included a police rifle stolen during the Tebedu
police station raid of April 12, 1963.
8 July, 1963.
Two bandits in jungle green uniforms were intercepted near Kampong Silik
close to the Indonesian border between Batu Lintang and Lubok Antu in the
Second Division. One of the bandits was killed and was identified by his
TNKU pass as Agus Salim, an Indonesian subject of Malay race, headmaster
of a Catholic School at Sungei Ambawabg in Indonesia, opposite Batu Lintang
in Sarawak. Salim had in his possession a rifle stolen in the Tebedu police
station raid.
4 August, 1963.
At 9.50 a.m. an armed border bandit gang of about 10 men dressed in jungle
green uniforms clashed with a security force south of Gua in the Second

Division of Sarawak. No casualties were caused although fire was exchanged
in the follow up. All the bandits manag,ed to escape across the border.
8-9 August, 1963.
At 19.15 hours 8 August, an armed party visited a longhouse near Lubok
Antu. They asked for the headman but left hurriedly when the alarm was
raised. The following day security forces pursuing the party, exchanged fire
near Tinting Lalang with a group of 15 Indonesians in jungle green uniforms
and later found four bandit gangs near Sungei Ayat which had been abandoned
only hours before. A considerable quantity of Indonesian documents and
equipment were recovered. These are :
(1) Indonesian Identity Card Iris Abu Bakar and OPR (Organisasi Perlawanan
Rakjat or People’s Defence Organisation-The Indonesian
Home Guard) Identity Card No. 109/12/1203/61. KIBKI (Kesatuan
Buroh Kerakjatan Indonesia, an Indonesian Trade Union) membership
card dated January, 1959.
(2) Indonesian Identity Card DJAMANI bin Mohamad and OPR Identity
Card No. 098/72/ 1202/1961.
(3) Indonesian Identity Card Takmizi Budjang and OPR Identity Card
No. 059/ 12/1202/61.
(4) Indonesian Identity Card Suhaimi Budjang and OPR Identity Card
No. 057/12/ 1202/61.
(5) Indonesian Identity Card Hihahim bin Nansur.
(6) Political party card PNI (Partai Nasional Indonesia or Indonesian
Nationalist Party) Kerdja dim Surjana.
(7) Collection of song scripts in Indonesian, one typewritten and four handwritten,
three in blue ink and one in green ink.
(8) Two Receipts.
(9) Collection of letters and envelopes consisting of Surat Panggil dated
6 July, 3963, in envelope with what is apparently the aim and objectives
of the OPR, a request to attend an anniversary meeting, four tattered
envelopes and five pieces of paper.
(10) One double-sided plastic photograph holder containing two single
photographs of a man, firstly with a rifle, secondly with a thick jacket on,
and a third with another friend in OPR uniform.
(11) Two other small plastic identity card holders, one containing a 1; Rupiah
Indonesian stamp.
(12) One new pull-through for a rifle.
(13) 12 TN; (Indonesian Army) silver stars.
(14) A piece of striped yellow. white and blue plastic that has apparently
been used for wrapping up food.
(15) Three plastic bags.
(16) Indonesian TN1 type jungle green peaked cap with the name NARIP
crossed out on the peak, and the name MANDUI in the crown.
(17) Handwritten list of names (followed by numbers) headed ‘DAN D0Dl.K
and at the bottom the name ‘Major SISWOJO’. (Note-Dan Dodik
(Translation : ‘Training Centre Commander’) is the 18th Infantry Training
Command at Benkajang in Indonesian Borneo of which Major Siswojo
is the officer commanding).
August, 1963.

Security and police patrols exchanged fire with armed groups in the vicinity of
Lubok Antu in the Second Division and Tebekang in the First Division. A
group of 37 Indonesians were arrested near Sirikin in the Third Division.
August, 1963.
A group bf 35 uniformed bandits again attacked Gumbang and exchanged
fire with security forces.
August, 1963.
A patrol of two officers and 14 soldiers of the Security Forces was ambushed
in the Sungei Bangkit area near the Indonesian border in the Third Division.
One of the officers later died from wounds received. The enemy force was
about 60 strong and in subsequent pursuit by security forces suffered casualties
killed and wounded. Two lndonesian Army manuals were recovered and
four prisoners taken, who admitted they were Indonesians.
19 August, 1963.
Six former TNKU terrorists were captured at Long Lopeng in Lawas District
in the Fifth Division. They have been identified as members of a group of
46 men from Brunei and Sarawak who went to Indonesian Borneo in early
1962 for military training.
21 August, 1963.
Two bandit approaches were made towards Gumbang, and fire was exchanged
with security forces during which at least two terrorists were believed to have
been hit.
22 August, 1963.
Security forces at Gumbang exchanged fire with a number of raiders.
24 August, 1963.
24 armed and uniformed men stole shotguns, flint locked gun, food and
jewellery from Tringgus Sang south of Gumbang. The headman recognised one
bandit as Jining from Kampong Sitings on Indonesian side of the frontier.
30 August, 1963.
A party of 39 Indonesians arrived at Rumah Mangai in the Sungei Bangkit
area of Third Division having travellcd in a stolen boat. They had been living
just north of this place for eight days but were then short of food. They were
uniformed in jungle green and khaki and were armed with sub-machineguns
and rifles. They left the next day after taking a boat and 12 katties of rice
from the longhouse.
2 September, 1963.
The Security Forces contacted a band of Indonesian intruders along the Sungei
Angkuah South of Song in Third Division, Sarawak. In the ensuing engagement
six of the enemies were killed. Two persons were later killed the next
One terrorist was captured. His name is Suut bin Bujang. He claimed that
he belonged to a group of intruders sent to capture Song and then ‘overthrow
the Central Government’. But following a clash at Sg. Ayat the group decided
to track back to Indonesia.
2 September, 1963.
An Indonesian border scout was arrested at Ba Kelalan at Limbang in the
Fifth Division of Sarawak.
10 September, 1963.
A group of 10 Chinese who received training in Indonesia had been infiltrated
back into Sarawak. It was believed that they were given instruction that at this
stage any direct clash with the Security Forces should be avoided. But if this

should become impossible then they would fight.
14 September, 1963.
A grenade was thrown in the area of the Kuching open market. The target
appeared to bc a party of police in the constabulary van and was missed
and the grenade rolled under a taxi and exploded. Parts of the grenade have
been recovered including the base plug on which appears a 5-pointed star
impression (confirmed to be the TNT equivalent of the British W.D. Broad
Arrow,). The grenade is believed to have originated from an Indonesian source.
16 September, 1963.
A group of five raiders were seen in the area of Rumah Buda. No incidents
occurred until 5 September. 5 x mm/2 in. Mortar Bombs were fired at
Serikin Landing about 50 yards west of the kampong. The base plate position
for about 10 men were found in the follow-up and a lining position for over 70
was found within a thousand yards of the kampong and to the west; the tail
pin of a bomb, fused caps and ammunition carrier caps were discovered; an
empty cigarette box of the type only made available to the Indonesian Armed
Forces was also found. The fused caps bore a S-pointed star, PSN initials
similar to the No. 36 type grenades.
1X September, 1963.
A prisoner was captured in the Sg. Angkuah area. When interrogated, he
informed the Security Forces that he was a member of the original party
which was operating in the Sg. Ayat area. He was among a party of IO which
included the Tentara National Indonesia Personnel. He had been abandoned
by the group bcforc his capture.
28 September, 1963.
A village, Long Jawi, 45 miles south of Balaga in the Third Division of
Sarawak was attacked and the Security Forces were overwhelmed. The raiders
were people who have been led by a Commandant of a Division and is known
as Ghani or Ghandi. The raiders were composed mainly of Javanesc, the
Kayans and a few Sarawakians. The number of the raiders were believed to
have been about 50 persons.
In the follow-up, Security Forces tracked the enemies for several days
capturing and killing a considerable number of raiders. It is believed that
Tentara National Indonesia is involved in this attack.
2 October, 1963.
Two grenades were thrown at the watchman’s hut on the Jakar Bridge south
of Sarikei. There was no casualty.
16 October, 1963.
Security Forces contacted enemy at NANGGA BIRU in Sarawak. One other
rank and one enemy were killed. One sub-machine gun (SMG) was recovered
from the enemy.
17 October, 1963.
Security Forces ambushed and shot dead two enemy at MENTADEK. One
cncmy was armed and the other was in uniform. The incident occurred at
10.30 hours. One of them was a Javancsc with Identity Disc 1619 and has been
identified as SOETANTO a junior ofticer or Sergeant major in the KKO (Korps
Kommando Operasi-the Indonesian Marine Corps). One -32 calibre pistol
and a sketch of an unidentified military camp were recovered.
19 October, 1963.
At 15.00 hours an ambush by Security Forces killed one and wounded two
enemy with no casualty on their side in the West Brigade area, Sarawak.
The two wounded and another enemy escaped. One MMG, 800 rounds of

ammunition, one sten-gun, eight hand grenades and nine MM ammunition
were found at the ambush position.
24 October, 1963.
At 09.30 hours Security Forces opened fire on two enemy at GR 048017 in the
West Brigade Area of Sarawak. A follow-up party of Security Forces captured
one enemy carrying twenty-four 36 grenades.
A further follow-up party killed two enemy on the 26 October and one on
27 October, 1963.
Items of arms and equipment captured included the following :
(CI) Two -303 rifles,
(b) One stcn-gun,
(c) One LMG barrel,
(rl) Ten 2-inch mortar bombs,
(e) Eight 36 grenades,
(f) Three hundred -303 rounds of ammunition,
(s) Three hundred and twenty-four .9 MM rounds,
(h) Maps and traces which included a detailed sketch map of SIMANGGANG.
Reports received from army experts proved that these captured arms were of
recent Indonesian manufaclure.
29 October, 1963.
At 03.00 hours a shop house near Kampong LACHAU was burnt down by
the enemy. Tracks were found leading south to the border. No loss of lives
were reported.
November, 1963.
A TNKU (Tentera Nasional Kalimantan Utara---an Indonesian backed forcethe
so-called ‘Freedom fighters’) unit of 22 men armed with rifles, stens,
grenades and with at least one bren gun were in the border area near TELOK
MELANO. On 26 October, five of the gang visited a trading post in TELOK
MELANO, armed with a bren gun, two sten guns and two rifles. A local
Chinese house was ransacked.
November, 1963
At 2100 hours in Ba Relalan an enemy group estimated three or four
strong exchanged fire with Security Forces Observation Post. One soldier
received bullet graze and operation party withdrew 800 yards lo main positions
reaching it at 21.50 hours. Security Forces then mortared the operation area.
A daylight follow-up patrol found some enemy bullet holes in trees, and tracks
leading to border.
December, 1963.
The location of enemy in SUNGAI (RIVER) TEMALASOK area was not
known but on 12 December, 1963 a patrol of Security Forces found the
following kit near Kuala TEMALASOK:
(1) Eight rounds Indonesian 50 MM Mortar bombs in metal containers;
(2) Three empty cartons which contained 31 rounds of .303 ammunition,
16 of them in magazine fillers;
(3) Three pairs studded leather TN1 ankle boots;
(4) Two tin mugs and two round mess tins with names YAPLY and R
TARORE scratched on;
(5) Two U.S.A. 1945 olive green packs containing documents. The documents
were of no military significance; and
(6) One cigarette carton, as issued only to TNI.
December, 1963.
At 21.30 hours, about 10 men in jungle hat and olive green uniforms with

round white insignia on left sleeve, raided a shop and stole foodstuffs. A
patrol of Security Forces found enemy observation post and camp estimated
for about 100 men in the area on the north side of SUNGAI SERUDONG.
The enemy observation post overlooked Security Force Platoon position on
the south side of the river. Footprints were found only in camp. The raiders
also stole the shop owner’s radio and kidnapped two Muruts who later escaped.
Enemy whereabouts were not known. It was possible that they were on the
December, 1963.
The village of KALABAKAN is situated on a river approximately 30 miles
northwest of TAWAU and 12 miles north of the Indonesian Border.
On the 29 December, 1963, Security Forces (SF) positions in this area were:
(a) One Police Field Force post wired in and sand-bagged, holding fifteen
(b) One temporary Military post consistmg of two huts with trenches along
side one hut. This post held No. 1 platoon, two sections of No. 10 platoon
and C Company Commander of 3 R MALAY. This position was not wired in.
These posts wtire 400 yards apart sited on a hillside overlooking the track and
river. The enemy force believed to be about 130 moved from a camp in
KALIMANTAN in mid-December, 1963; visited SERUDONG on 21
December, 1963 and after raiding a shop moved to SELIMPOPON. On 26
December, 1963, they shot a boar at TERAKAN and then moved to TECK
GUAN’S timber camp near KALABAKAN where they rested during the
night 28/ 29 December. The enemy force comprised the following detachments :
(a) Nl Det. Led by BENNY (a sergeant of the KORPS KOMANDO
(a member of the SLJKARELAWAN-‘VOLUNTEERS of the NORTH
were trained by the KKO at NUNAKAN in November/
December, 1963). Nl’s objectives were TAWAU, LAHAD DATU and
SEMPORNA. It had eight KKO members in its ranks. Its strength is
(b) N2 Det. Led by WAYANG (later killed) had a strength of approximately
37 men which included 15 members of the KKO. Its objectives were
(r) WI Det. Led by LASANI (killed later) had a strength of about 34 men.
Its objective was SANDAKAN.
(~j) W'IL &t. Led by BURONTO (a KKO Sgt.) had a strength of about
30 men. This group was also heading for SANDAKAN.
The enemy attack developed from two axis. The first group moved along
the high ground to the NORTH and worked down the ridge on which the
Malay position was sighted. They fired bursts of stnall arms fire into the
two huts of 3 R MALAY, followed by throwing grenades, which accounted
for the majority of the Security Force Casualties. Firing at this position
commenced at 20.55 hours and ended at 23.00 hours (approx.).
A section left at the top of the ridge, moved down the west shoulder rifling
houses as they went, chiefly for loot and food.
The second group moved off the ridge, went NORTH of the police station
and attacked the police station at 21.05 hours until 23.00 hours. The police
corporal had managed to get 19 Home Guard and police into the compound
before the attack developed. The enemy threw grenades at and over the wire
and attempted to scale the wire fence. Malay or Murut voices could be

heard guiding them.
At about 22.30 hours some of the enemy stopped a civilian land-rover which
was being driven into KALABAKAN. The local labourers in the vehicle
failed to debus quickly enough and the enemy opened fire, killing one and
wounding another. The enemy kidnapped three of the occupants of this
vehicle and made use of them as guides.
Subsequently found enemy documents confirm that one enemy was killed
and four wounded. Security Forces sulfered eight killed (including the Malay
Company Commander) and 19 soldiers wounded. One civilian was killed and
one wounded.
The enemy instructed the local guides to take them to BERENTTAN (about
IO miles NE of KALABAKAN) through the jungle, Three of the wounded
enemy were instructed to return to NUNAKAN but their uniforms were
first removed. At this time the enemy had large quantities of rice-presumably
part of the food taken from the shops in KALABAKAN and morale was
high but discipline was beginning to slack off.
Immediately after the KALABAKAN attack, Security Forces were reinforced
to carry out ‘follow-up’ operations. The first contact was at 00.45 hours
on 30 December, when Security Forces moving up the KALABAKAN river
intercepted an enemy prahu. The enemy escaped on being challenged but
a quantity of enemy documents and equipment were recovered.
Enemy plans to infiltrate and attack targets further into the interior of SABAH
were disrupted by Security Forces operations. The enemy also suffered from
a shortage of food and their knowledge of the atca in which they were
operating was limited. Enemy casualties by 10 February, 1964, amounted to:
29 killed,
22 surrendered,
33 captured,
which included the following KKO casualties:
8 surrendered,
1 killed,
2 captured.
Direct Indonesian involvement has been confirmed from captured personnel.
documents and equipment.
The INDONESIAN authorities instructed the force to live off the land once
they were in MALAYSlAN territory and also get their food supplies from
shops in the many small villages by purchase or even looting. But this was
made impracticable by Security Forces operations, so much so that the enemy
were forced to try and withdraw to KALIMANTAN. Interrogation of captured/
surrendered enemy personnel and recovery of enemy documents and equipment
immediately after the KALABAKAN raid have brought to light the following:
MARINE COMMANDOS) eliminated--one killed, two captured and eight
surrendered. Interrogation of the captured and surrendered KKO indicates
that about 31 members of the KKO took part in this enemy operation-the
incursion into TAWAU Residency and the attack on KALABAKAN.
(h) Enemy weapons recovered were FN rifles, FN LMGs, 50 MM mortars,
bombs and grenades. Most of these had the INDONESIAN Army Ordnance
stamp on them.

(c) Enemy clothing and equipment recovered also shows that the enemy
force was equipped with 1NDONESIAN Army kit. This kit was a mixture
of that issued to TNI and KKO.
31 December, 1963.
Brigade area at 15.00 hours on 31 December. A Security Forces follow-up
was launched. On I Jlmz~ur.~, 1964, at 15.00 hours a further follow-up
by a small patrol of Security Forces and trackers contacted the enemy at
GR 904034 estimated to be 75 strong. The Security Forces took up defensive
position and were attacked three times before making a tactical withdrawal.
A Security Forces corporal was killed and his body was recovered. Five
enemy were killed, but bodies were not recovered.
The following were found near the area of contact which appeared to be used
as ammunition dump :
(I) 1 armalite rifle and ammunition.
(2) 1 X 3.5 inch rocket launcher and rockets.
(3) 1 x 2 inch Czech rocket launcher and grenade.
(4) 12 sticks of plastic explosives.
(5) 1 .45 Colt Revolver.
(6) 1 large pack and fighting order note book, containing diagrams of BAU
1 Jan~mry, 1964.
Security Forces destroyed an enemy Machine-gun post astride the border at
15.30 hours. On 1 January, 1964, in the region of BA KELALAN two enemy
were killed and two others wounded. There were no Security Force casualties.
3 Jnrtucrry, 1964.
23 enemy were reported to have landed on Friday night 3 January from a
kotak on the coast, in the lower REJANG of Third Division, SARAWAK.
The party led by an Indonesian army Sergeant consisted of 10 Indonesians and
13 Sarawak local Malaysian who had crossed the border into Tndonesia for
military training..
Acting on information a party of Security Forces tracked the gang and
contacted eight cncmy and attacked them shortly after 17.00 hours on 7
January. 1964. Three enemy were killed, four captured and one missing. Two
of the captured enemy were badly wounded. The remaining 15 enemy were at
large. Weapons captured were one LMG, one sten gun, two armalite rifles.
Three Security Forces other ranks were wounded.
7 Janrrary, 1964.
At 11.00 hours. enemy about 35 strong, tried to break through a cordon by
Security Forces : 11 enemy were killed, one enemy was wounded and captured
but unfit for interrogation. The enemy leader was a KKO Sergeant. It is
estimated that eight enemy were still in the area and 15 enemy were about
1 mile to the West. One LMG, two SMCs’ two SLR, eight Mark IV rifles and
equipment were recovered. WAYANG, leader of Nl /N2 Detasemen (Detachment)
destined for TAWAU and SEMPORNA was thought to be dead. A
document recovered revealed enemy passwords for 4 January-one KKO
identity disc was found mnrkcd ‘KKO AL NRP 623800’.
8 Jmmy, 1964.
On the night of 718 January, two groups of enemy, one 12 strong and one six
strong made five attacks on Security Forces positions in the ULU TATULIT
area in attempt to break out of a cordon by Security Forces. One Security

Forces other rank was killed and one wounded. Enemy casualties were not
known, The enemy used hand grenades.
10 January, 1964.
One enemy surrendered at 15.00 hours at SUNGAI SIMANDALAN. Two
wounded enemy were captured by Security Forces. One wounded enemy later
died. Two No. 4 rifles, one sten gun, ammunition and food were recovered.
The surrendered enemy was SABULLAH BIN HASSAN of ‘W’ Detasemen.
Some ‘W‘ Detasemen enemy in area were making rafts to withdraw to
NUNUKAN, though their original target was SANDARAN in SABAH.
15 January, 1964.
At 10.00 hours on 15 January about 20 enemy attacked a patrol of Security
Forces. There were no casualties. Three packs were recovered, one belonging
to a certain KADIR of Nl Detasemen (Detachment). An insignia
‘PRAMUKA W’ was also found,
(1) 13 Noverrzber, 1963.
At 10.22 hours (Sarawak time) two Mustang F51 fighters and one Mitchell I325
bomber made low runs four minutes over TEBEDU in the First Division
of Sarawak. Aircraft turned south towards the international frontier on the
approach of two Defence Whirlwinds.
(2) 17 Novertzber, 1963.
08.50 to 09.15 hours (Sarawak time) one Mitchell B25 bomber and two
Mustang F51 fighters. These aircraft dived to 100 feet over LONG RAPUNG,
which is more than 20 miles from the international frontier on the Malaysian
side, and then disappeared towards LONG BAWAN.
(3) 17 November, 1963.
At 11.20 hours (Sabah time) one Mitchell I325 bomber and one Mustang F5 1
fighter circled the settlement of WALLACE BAY, which is on the Malaysian
side of Sebatik Island at 2,000 feet and 100-700 feet, respectively, and then
withdrew southwards.
(4) 17 NOVCFd7er, 1963.
One Mitchell B25 bomber plus two Mustang F51 fighters circled BARIO.
(5) 6 December, 1963.
At about 09.00 hours (Sarawak time) one TU16 twin-jet medium bomber,
crossed border, Stass area, at 8,000 feet circled KUCHING at 4,000 feet at
a speed of approximately 400 knots. Later plotted radar bearing 220 degrees
KUCHING, range 60 to 65 miles, heading 150 degrees. Reported recrossing
border GUMBANG area.
(6) 7 Drcernber, 1963.
At approximately 09.10 hours (Sabah time) one TU16 twin-jet medium bomber,
dark-grey, no markings, circled town of TAWAU at 5,000-6,000 feet.
Aircraft came from the west and disappeared to the west. Bomb bay doors
were open.
(7) 8 December. 1963.
Two helicopters, blue-grey, single rotor circled WONG PAU YAI (aproximately
10 miles south of SIMMANGGAN) at 800 feet then recrossed frontier.
(8) 19 Jwuury, 1964.
At about 12.00 hours a Mitchell bomber flying about 500 feet circled LUBOK
ANTU, SARAWAK with bomb doors open. Aircraft crossed the border at
(9) 28 December, 1963,

At 11.45 hours (Sabah time) Mitchell 825 bomber bearing registration
No. 473 escorted by two Mustang F51 fighters flew over WALLACE BAY
from North and West to South West, at a height of approximately 300 feet.
All three aircraft bore Indonesian air force markings.
At 13.00 hours, a Mitchell B25 bomber with Indonesian air force markings
flew over BAR10 in the Fifth Division of Sarawak from North to South
at an estimated height of 2,500 to 4,000 feet.
(10) 29 December, 1963.
At 09.20 hours, two aircraft-noted as almost certainly Mitchell I325 by
observers-flew over BAR10 in the Fifth Division of Sarawak at a, height of
8,000 to 10,000 feet.
The way was clear and cloudless and no other aircraft was known to be at
the vicinity. At 09.40 hours, another aircraft-again believed to be almost
certainly a Mitchell B25-circulated over BA KELALAN in Sabah at a
height of approximately 300 feet.
(I) 15 April. 3961.
The Malayan Marine Police was informed that an unnumbered Indonesian
gun-boat, grey in colour, was chasing two motor vessels Nos. PP 1229 and Xl8
which were loaded with rubber, within Malayan territorial waters in the
vicinity of Tanjong Piai, about one mile away from Malaya’s nearest shores
(i.e. at a point between Pulau Kukop and Tanjong Piai).
The two vessels were registered in Indonesia. When the Marine Police arrived
on the scene the Indonesian gun-boat was in the act of rounding up those
vessels whose crew it is believed, had already escaped by then in an unidentified
speed-boat heading for Singapore.
(2) 11 August, 1961.
At about 10.30 a.m. a Malayan police boat PC 13, while on patrol, sighted an
Indonesian gun-boat from the direction of Singapore heading towards Tanjong
Piah. At that time an Indonesian cargo-boat No. S 14-3474 which was fully
loaded with rubber was in the area, about half a mile from the shore of
Tanjong Piah.
The Police boat raced up to the cargo-boat but the Indonesian gun-boat was
faster and reached it first. However, before the Indonesian gun-boat went
alongside the cargo-boat, three of its four crew escaped in a speed-boat and
went up to the Malayan police boat. The Malayan police boat managed to
close up to about 20 yards from the gun-boat and challenged it. The Indonesian
ignored the warning and towed the cargo-boat away in the direction of Pulau
Karimun and disappeared beyond the limits of the Malayan territorial waters.
(3) 10 hZ+y, 196%.-Piracy.
At 6.30 a.m. an Indonesian vessel approached a motor boat (inboard engine)
No. SMF 436 (towing an outboard motor boat) manned by a crew of two male
Malayans off Tanjong Balau. After hearing shots from the Indonesian vessel
the two Malayans fled to the nearby beach of Tanjong Balau. Four Indonesians
from the vessel dressed in grey uniforms and armed with sten-guns gave chase
in their speed-boat. Failing to catch up with the two Malayans the Indonesians
went away taking with them the outboard motor and three jerrycans of petrol.
The location of the incident was within Malayan territorial waters.
The bearings were:
Latitude 01” 37’ 08 sets. North.
Longitude 104” 15’ 42 sets. East.
Estimated loss sustained was $1,119.50.
(4) 27 October, 1962.

On this date Kapa12 Di-Raja Temasck and Sri Perak of the Royal Malayan
Navy sighted an Indonesian BT craft within Malayan territorial waters about
2$ miles from Kukop (south-west Johore) towing an unidentified craft at
3.30 p.m.
The bearings were:
Latitude 1” 19’ North.
Longitude 103” 22.5’ East.
The BT craft made off towards Karimun Islands (Indonesia) on sighting the
RMN ships, and due to speed advantage, an interception was not possible.
The Commanding Officer of TEMASEK learnt from a Malayan police vessel
PC 12 which was in the area. that the craft towed away was an Indonesian
cargo-boat engaged in the barter trade. The Indonesian gun-boat had refused
to leave Malayan territorial waters when ordered by PC 12. The crew had
pointed a machine-gun at PC 12 and replied to questions with insulting
(5) 29 Octclber, 1962-Violation.
An Indonesian gun-boat was sighted by a Malayan Marine Police launch
PC 12 within Malayan territorial waters in the Tanjong Piah area at 10.15 p.m.
The Indonesian gun-boat was towing a smaller boat believed to be Indonesian.
It had no identification number.
(6) 31 October, 1962.
A Malayan Marine Police vessel PC 13 sighted an Tndonesian gun-boat within
Malayan territorial waters, l+ miles off Tanjong Piah, at 11 a.m. The Malayan
Police ordered the gun-boat to leave the area. At first it ignored the order but
later it left for Pulau Karimun, Indonesia. Tt did not show any identification
(7) 31 October, 1962.
The Malayan Police sighted an Indonesian BT boat alongside a Malayan
Kelong No. 156 off Tanjong Piah at 1 p.m. The ET departed at high speed
into Indonesia waters on being chased by the Malayan Police. It did not show
any identification number or fly any flag,
(8) 2 November, 1962.
Police boats P 2 and BP 9 sighted an Indonesian BT boat attempting to enter
Kukop Straits in Malayan territorial waters at 1.30 p.m. Photographs were
taken by P 2. The BT departed towards Karimun Islands after passing the
Malayan Police vessels. As can be seen from the photographs, no identification
numbers or national ensign were shown and the BT’s gun was manned. This
was a standard class of BT gun-boat.
(9) 4 November, 1962.
Kapal Di-Raja Langka Suka of the Royal Malayan Navy sighted an Indonesian
BT boat within Malayan territorial waters, in a position 2) miles from the
coast south of Tanjong Piah (south-west Johore) at 9.30 p.m. The boat did not
display any navigation lights. Kapal Di-Raja Langka Suka ordered the BT
to leave the Malayan waters. Then the Indonesian Commander complied. The
gun-boat withdrew to the border of Malayan territorial waters but made
several attempts to re-enter for the next four hours. It eventually departed
towards the Karimun Island, Indonesia. This vessel was clearly identified as a
BT Class vessel of the Indonesian Customs which had deliberately covered
her numbers with the intention of foiling any attempt at identification.
(10) 5 Nowwhcr, 1962.
A Royal Malayan Navy craft, Kapal Di-Raja Langka Suka sighted an Indonesian

BT Class vessel in Malayan territorial waters, 2 miles west of Pulau
Pisang at 3.30 a.m. The gun-boat made off towards Indonesian waters on being
chased by the Malayan Navy ship but later returned twice at speed, each time
being headed off by the Malayan vessel Kapal Di-Raja Langka Suka. The
Indonesian craft was positively identified as a BT Class boat.
(11) 13 November, 1962.
A Malayan Police boat P 5 sighted a BT boat flying the Indonesian flag,
2 mile off Tanjong Piah. The vessel left Malayan territorial waters on being
(12) 13 No\an7ber, 1962.
At about 12 noon an armed Indonesian gun-boat of the ET Class flying an
Indonesian flag, was sighted at Tanjong Piah area in Malayan territorial waters.
It did not remain very long.
Location of indent was: Tanjong Piah.
Bearing 345 ‘, distance $ mile.
Description of Indonesian gun-boat.
It was grey in colour, unnumbered and had cannon mounted on the forecastle
covered with canvas. The length of the boat was about 80 ft.
Description of crew.
No crew was seen on deck.
(13) 19 November, 1962.
At about 6.30 a.m. an Indonesian gun-boat was seen approaching from the
North within territorial waters but it did not remain there and proceeded
towards the direction of International waters.
The bearings of the incident were :
Longitude 103” 27’ 54 sets. East.
Latitude 01” 16’ 18 sets. North.
Description of gun-boat.
It was grey in colour, number unknown, no flag and dinghy, bearing No. 702
in the boat. A cannon mounted on forecastle. Size 80 ft. long.
Description of crew.
No crew was seen on deck.
(14) 19 November, 1962.
At 3 p.m. an Indonesian patrol boat chased four Indonesian vessels in Malayan
territorial waters while being towed to Singapore. Whilst they were off Pulau
Lima, south-east coast of Johore, en-route for Indonesia, a shot was fired by
the patrol boat and one of the sailing vessels with 20 Indonesians ran aground.
They swam ashore and were taken by local residents to Malayan Police in
Ramunia, Malaya. Their craft was destroyed by waves and the other three
Indonesian crafts escaped by sailing close to shore. The gun-boat was identified
as light-blue and white, with a crew of five.
(15) 19 November, 1962.
At 06.30 hours a Malayan Police boat P 5 sighted an Indonesian BT Class
gun-boat in Malayan territorial waters, 1 mile south of Pulau Kujop. On being
recognised, the Indonesian left the area. Its dinghy carried the number BT 702.
Kapal Di-Raja Langka Suka of the Royal Malayan Navy proceeded to the
area to support P 5 but the Indonesian BT craft did not reappear. The
Indonesian BT craft did not show any identification numbers.
(16) 19 November, 1962--Viol&ion.
At about 3 p.m. an Indonesian patrol vessel approached a Malayan motorboat
towing four Indonesian sailing boats (coming from Singapore) in the
vicinity of Pulau Lima, off Tanjong Sepang. On seeing the patrol boat, the

Malayan motor-boat cut the tow rope and escaped and the sailing boats were
then set adrift.
The biggest sailing boat had a crew of 20 Indonesians and, owing to strong
waves, it was swept to shallow waters near Telok Ramunia in Malaya where
it ran aground. An Indonesian patrol vessel fired a shot at them and they
jumped overboard, swam ashore and hid in the mangrove. The Indonesian
patrol vessel returned to Indonesia as it could not come close to shore.
The bearings of the incident were:
Longitude 104” 17’ 30 sets. East.
Latitude 01” 22’ 45 sets. North.
Description of Indonesia Patrol Vessel
It was similar to P Class boat used by the Federation Police. The hull was
grey and the superstructure was white. It had no funnel, no dinghy and no flag.
No identification number was visible.
Description of Indonesian crew
As seen from a distance a few Indonesians were dressed in white shirts and
white shorts. No weapon was seen.
(17) 27 December, 1962.
At 3.30 a.m. a Malayan Police boat P 2 sighted two Indonesian armed
BT Class boats in Malayan waters, off Sungei Sengarang, Johore. The BTs
with their superior speed kept just ahead of the Malayan Police vessel but
remained inside the Malayan waters. The RMN despatched K.D. Mahamiru
to the .area and on arrival, sighted the offending craft which immediately
departed for Indonesia.
(18) 28 December, 1962.
At 8 p.m. a Malayan Police boat P 2 reported sighting an Indonesian BT Class
boat within Malayan waters, off Berut, Johore.
(19) 28 December, 1962.
At about 11.20 a.m. an Indonesian gun-boat was sighted near Kuala Berut,
Pontian, Johore, Malaya (about 2 miles away from the coast within Malayan
territorial waters) by an officer in command of a Malayan Marine Police
launch P 2. On seeing the Marine Police P 2 approaching, the Indonesian
gun-boat immediately fled at high speed towards the direction of Pulau Kukop.
Later the gun-boat altered her course towards lnternational waters and
At about 1.30 p.m. the same day, two more Indonesian gun-boats were
sighted by P 2 at approximately I& miles south of Pulau Kukop within
Malayan territorial waters. At the same time, a Royal Malayan Navy, Kapal
Di-Raja Langka Suka, was seen approaching Pulau Kukop from the direction
of Tanjong Piah. On seeing this the two Indonesian gun-boats immediately
fled, one northwards at high speed and the other towards Pulau Karimun,
Indonesia. Both hoisted their Indonesian flags when they reached International
No property was lost or damaged by either side as this was merely a violation
of territorial waters.
The bearings of the incident were:
Latitude 01’ 3 1’ North.
Longitude 103” 15’ East.
Description of Indonesian gun-boat
It was grey in colour, with no number visible. Its length was about 90 ft.,
BT Class, with a sharp bow. It had one cannon mounted on forecastle.
Description of Iudouesian crew

There were about 10. All were dressed in plain clothes, unarmed.
(20) 29 December, 1962.
On 28 December at about 11 p.m. one Indonesian cargo boat No. PPE 291.
loaded with 18 tons of rubber sheets, 7 tons of scrap rubber and 1 ton of
tea-dust, left Sumatra for Singapore. The cargo boat also towed a spare boat.
On 29 December, 1962, at about 7 a.m. when the said cargo boat arrived at
Pulau Pisang in the vicinity of Pontian, Johore, Malaya, the crew of this
boat sighted an Indonesian gun-boat chasing them. They immediately changed
course and proceeded towards Pontian coast in order to avoid getting into the
hands of the Indonesians. At the same time, all the crew boarded the spare
boat after causing a substantial damage to the cargo boat, abandoned it and
then left for Pontian.
Subsequently, the Indonesian gun-boat arrived at the place where the damaged
cargo boat was left abandoned. The crew of the gun-boat then seized the
goods from the cargo boat.
Meanwhile, on their arrival at Pontian, one of the six crew of the cargo boat
lodged a report of the incident at the local police station. The Malayan Marine
Police launch No. P 5 immediately proceeded to the scene. There he found the
Indonesian crew unloading the goods from the damaged boat. There were
three other Malayan fishing boats with a number of fishermen who were forced
at gun point by the Indonesians to assist in the unloading of the goods.
The Malayan Marine Police repeatedly requested the crew of the gun-boat
to release the fishermen and to leave the Malayan territorial waters. They at
first ignored it and kept their forward cannon trained at P 5, but when P 5
started circling the gun-boat at high speed so as to harass it, the gun-boat
eventually released the fishermen and left the scene for Pulau Karimun before
they had completely seized the goods. The damaged cargo boat with the
remaining goods and 6 tons of rubber was towed back to Kukop Jetty by
P 5.
The loss sustained by the crew of the cargo boat were :
(1) All goods with exception of the recovery of the 6 tons of rubber valued at
approximately $25,000;
(2) Cost of the damage of the cargo boat estimated at $1,000.
The bearings of the incident were :
Longitude 103” 1X’ 48 sets. East.
Latitude 01” 26’ 48 sets. North.
Description of the Indonesian gun-boat
Light-blue in colour, number unknown, length about 90 ft., flying red-white
Indonesian flag, sharp bow, one cannon mounted on forecastle, no funnel and
no dinghy.
Description of the Indonesian crew
The crew comprised between 15 to 20 Indonesians. All were in uniforms and
armed with rifles.
(21) 20 December, 1962.
(a) At 7 a.m. an Indonesian cargo boat loaded with rubber and tea valued
at $25,000 was towed away by an Indonesian gun-boat from a position about
1 mile off the Pontian coast in the Malayan territorial waters. The six Indonesian
crew of the cargo boat escaped and landed at Pontian where they reported
the incident.
(b) At 11 a.m. an Indonesian ET craft intercepted two Malayan fishing
crafts and one Indonesian cargo boat, loaded with goods, within Malayan

territorial waters, off Pulau Pisang in Johore. A Malayan Police boat P 5
arrived in the area and demanded the release of the two Malayan crafts. The
Indonesian attitude was very hostile but after transferring the cargo from the
Indonesian boat, the Malayan fishing crafts were released. The Indonesian
cargo boat was damaged and an attempt to sink it was made by the BT crew.
A Malayan P 5 managed to tow this vessel into Kukop. Later a Royal Malayan
Navy vessel, Kapal Di-Raja Langka Suka arrived in the area and sighted the
BT craft departing towards Indonesia.
(22) 29 December, 1962.
At 2.45 p.m. K.D. Mahamiru of Malayan Navy which was on patrol in the
Kukop area, sighted in Malayan waters an Indonesian armed BT craft which
had just ordered a fishing craft of Singapore registration, to come alongside.
On sighting K.D. Mahamiru the BT craft made off towards the border of
Malayan territorial waters where she stopped her engines and waited for the
Mahamiru to close up.
A second BT craft was sighted at this stage but outside Malayan waters.
On being questioned by Mahamiru. the former BT craft refused to answer, but
her ship’s company made a display of derisive gestures. The BTs then made
off towards the Karimun Islands in Indonesia.
(23) 30 December, 1962.
At 4 p.m. a Malayan Police boat P 5 requested the assistance of the Royal
Malayan Navy because an armed BT boat she had intercepted within the
Malayan territorial waters refused to leave. A Royal Malayan Navy vessel
was immediately despatched to the area and on sighting it, the BT departed for
International waters where it waited for the Malayan Navy vessel to come
closer. When the RMN vessel arrived the crew of the BT made derisive
gestures and then departed towards Indonesia.
(24) 7 Junuary, 1963.
At X.30 p.m. while Kapal Di-Raja Langka Suka, a Royal Malayan Navy
vessel, on patrol in the Pulau Pisang, area, sighted an Indonesian BT craft
which immediately departed at high speed from Malayan territorial waters.
(25) 15 January, 1963.
At 6.45 p.m. in the Kukop area, Kapal Di-Raja Langka Suka, Royal Malayan
Navy vessel sighted an Indonesian BT boat which departed at high speed from
Malayan territorial waters. On being close somewhere in International waters,
the Indonesian adopted a hostile attitude, in that he trained his gun on the
Malayan warship. The BT departed soon afterwards without further incident
and on entering lndonesian waters, hoisted the Indonesian flag.
(26) 18 January, 1963.
At 8.00 a.m. a Police boat P 5 sighted an Indonesian BT craft within Malayan
23 January, 1963.
Two Jndonesian out-board motors rounded up three Malayan fishing boats
and confiscated their fishing nets. fishing boat licences in International waters,
at a spot approximately 3% miles east of Raleigh Shoal Buoy. The crew of the
fishing boats were Malayans from Malacca, Malaya.
Estimated total loss in respect of confiscated property was $2.364.50.
The bearings were:
Latitude 2” 7’ North.

Longitude 101’ 56’ 48 sets. East.
The Indonesian boats were 15 ft in length, one with red and white colour and
the other red.
No number and no flag flying.
The Indonesians were dressed in khaki trousers and khaki shirts with caps
similar to the ones used by Japanese soldiers. They were armed with two
carbines and three revolvers and one S/S shot gun.
30 January, 1963.
At approximately 07.30 hours a Malayan Police launch sighted one Indonesian
gun-boat about 3 mile south of Tanjong Piah, in Malayan territorial waters
lowering a dinghy. The dinghy manned by some crew, approached a cargo boat
that had run aground and set it on fire. The Malayan Marine Police could not
put out the fire as the Indonesians armed with rifles and pistols were on board
the cargo boat. The Malayan Marine Police signalled to the Indonesian gunboat
to leave, but it refused and instead, the Indonesian crew pointed all their
guns at the Malayan Marine Police. Only on the arrival of two more Malayan
Police launches did the gun-boat withdraw from the Malayan territorial waters.
2 February, 1963.
An Indonesian BT Class gun-boat was sig,hted by Kapal Di-Raja Langka Suka,
Royal Malayan Navy vessel leaving Malayan territorial waters in position 220”
Pulau Pisang light-house, 2.5 miles (off south-west coast of Johore) at 11.40 p.m.
3 Fehrumy, 1963.
An lndonesian BT Class gun-boat of the 400 series, circled a Malayan Marine
Police boat PB 9 in Malayan territorial waters, of Tanjong Piah, at 8.45 a.m.
The Indonesian departed at high speed into her own waters on sighting Kapal
Di-Raja Langka Suka, Royal Malayan Navy vessel which closed to investigate.
28 March. 1963.
At 5.45 p.m. Kapal Di-Raja Langka Suka, Royal Malayan Navy vessel sighted
two Indonesian warships approaching a point 21 miles north-west to west of
Pulau Pisang Light.
The bearings were:
Latitude lo 28’ North.
Longitude 103” 15.5’ East.
The first division consisted of the Patrol Vessel Tjutjut and one BT craft; the
second consisted of the Patrol Vessel Kia and one BT craft.
Soon after the first division entered Malayan territorial waters, 3 miles northwest
of Pulau Pisang, and steamed across the nets of four fishing vessels
anchored 255” Pulau Pisang Light. 2.6 miles. During this period the second
division circled just outside Malayan territorial waters.
All the Tndonesian ships were flying their national flag of the Republic of
Their guns were manned ready for action and trained on Sri Perlis, a Malayan
Navy vessel.
Only after several repeated order from Sri Perlis did the Indonesian vessels
withdraw from the Malayan territorial waters.
(32) 2 May, 1963.
“4 Kronstadt Class Patrol Vessel of the Angkatan Laut Republik lndonesia
R.I. Tjutjut, violated Malayan territorial waters in position 240” Pulau Tunda
(Pulau Pisang group) 2.9 miles, with the purpose of arresting an Indonesian
(33) 5 April, 1963.
At about 8.00 p.m. an Indonesian boat rounded up three Malayan fishing boats

while fishing near Pulau Ondan in Malayan territorial waters and towed them
to Pulau Bengkalis, Indonesia. The leader of the Indonesian crew ordered two
of the Malayan fishermen to return to Malacca to get $3,5OQ while the others
were detained, The money was paid on 11 July, 1963.
Apart from the $3,500, the estimated total loss in respect of their personal
effects was $3,844.50.
Bearings of the incident were :
Latitude 2” 01’ North,
Longitude 102” 19’ 12 sets. East.
Description of Indonesian boat
Ordinary fishing boat.
Description of Indonesian crew
Seven lndonesians in all, three of whom dressed in green uniform, armed with
two rifles and a sten-gun.
(34j 13 August, 1963.
A BT 302 of the Republic of Indonesia violated Malayan territorial waters in
position 183” Tanjong Rhu Signal Station. 2.6 miles. She was carrying women
and 15 sets of crude rubber and her intention was not clear.
Only after having been overhauled on the high seas did she hoist the flag of
the Republic of Indonesia. After some delay the number was also displayed.
(35) 23 h/y, 1963.
At about 1.30 a.m. a motor boat manned by Indonesian pirates approached a
Malayan fisherman from Pulau Ketam who was then fishing in an area near
Pulau Aruah, Indonesia. The pirates fired 8 shots at the fisherman who was
hit though not seriously wounded. They then brought him to a lighthouse within
Indonesian territory where they robbed him of his watch costing about $40.
The fisherman was, however, allowed to return to Pulau Ketam soon after.
Bearings of the incident were:
Longitude 100” 33’ 12 sets. East.
Latitude 02” 53’ 15 sets. North.
Description of Indonesian boat:
It was black in colour and about 40 ft in length.
Description of lnftonesiarl pirates:
There were eight in all, three of whom were in green uniforms while the others
were in assorted clothing. They were armed with pistols and tommy-guns.
(36) 9 November, 1963.
At about 4.00 am. six motor boats manned by Indonesian Chinese traders
proceeding to Port Swettenham from Sumatra, were intercepted by an Indonesian
gun-boat near One Fathom Bank lighthouse, in Malayan waters. The
six motor boats were taken in tow by the gun-boat in the direction of Indonesia.
On the way, a sailing boat manned by another Chinese Indonesian trader
proceeding to Port Swettenham, was stopped. All the Chinese traders were
then ordered into the sailing boat. The six motor boats were confiscated by
the Indonesian gun-boat. The traders then sailed for Port Swettenham escorted
part of the way by Royal Malaysian Patrol boat “Sri Johore”. Later Royal
Malaysian Patrol boat “Sri Kedah” arrived with two of the six motor boats
previously seized by the Indonesian gun-boat, in tow.
The incident took place at position longitude 100” 58’ 00 sees. North. Total
loss sustained was valued at $31.100.
This Part is divided into three sections:

16 January, 1964 . . . . . . Date of the Secretary-General’s appeal to
the President of Indonesia and the Prime
Minister of Malaysia
25 January, 1964 . . . . . Effective date for the Ceasefire as ordered
by President Sukarno
6 February, 1964 . . . . . . First meeting of Foreign Ministers in
Each Section is divided into three sub-sections as follows:
Section A . .
Section B .
Section C . t
. . . Incidents on Land in Sarawak
. . . Incidents on Land in Sabah
. . . Incidents in the air and in Territorial
There are three Maps showing the location of incidents:
Map 1 , . . . . . . . . . . . Relates to all incidents on land described
in Sections A and B of all the three Parts
in the narrative-the numbers having
reference to the numbers in the narrative
Map2 t.. . . . .,. . . . Relates to all Air-space violations in
Sarawak and Sabah described in the first
half of Section C of all three Parts in the
narrative-the numbers having reference
to the numbers in the narrative
Map 3 . . . . . . . . . .,. Relates to all incidents in Territorial
Waters of Malaya described in the second
half of Section C of all three Parts-the
numbers having reference to the numbers
in the narrative
16TH JANUARY, 1964
24TH JANUARY, 1964
Nutnbcrv below
correspond with PART I
those on maps.
1 Enemy Activity in Sematan Pueh Area
17/1x January, 1964
Sematan is a town of 600 inhabitants in the First Division of Sarawak. It is
about 11 kilometres from the Indonesian border with the jungle between.
Pueh is a small kampong (village) 12 kilometres to the west of Sematan. There
are 20 houses in the kampong.
Across the border and 80 kilometres from it is the Indonesian town of
Singkawang. It is known that an Indonesian Army unit known as Border Raiders
together with a force of Indonesian Irregulars were stationed there.
Both Sematan and Pueh are in an area subject to curfew between the hours

1900 and 0700.
According to information given to the Police the next day by the occupant
of a house, two men called at his house at about 2000 hours. One was ex-PC.
Lansam, a Sarawakian, the other was an unidentified Chinese.
They were in uniform and carried grenades in their belts. They demanded food
and got it, the occupants being in fear. The occupant recognised one of the two
as a former resident of Pueh who had disappeared about a year ago leaving his
family behind. The other man was not known to him. He asked for information
about his family as he wished to take them away to Indonesian Borneo. The
occupant told him what he knew about the family. Both of them went away
into the darkness and spent the night in a basha on the outskirts of the village.
18 January, afternoon
According to information given to Special Branch by another occupant of the
kampong this same former resident of the kampong called at another house.
He was accompanied by three other Dayaks and an unknown Chinese. The Dayaks
were identified by the occupant as Indonesian because of their accent.
They were all in uniform and one carried a rifle. The man carrying the rifle
demanded cooked rice for 20 persons which he wished to take away. They
waited for 30 minutes during the cooking of the rice. The man with the rifle
ate his portion and they all left in the direction of the coast to the north.
26128 January, 1964
Singkum Ak Lacen, resident of Pueh, failed to return home after his work on
26 January. He was present in the longhouse on the night of 17/ 18th when
On the 28th he reported to the Police at Sematan, one kilometre away to the
west from Pueh that a group of men numbering five all in uniform and armed
with rifles, invaded his house and forcibly took him to a place about 2 kilometres
away in the jungle. There he saw a larger group. There were about fifty of them.
They were all in uniform and all armed with rifles. In this group he noticed the two
men who had called at his house on the night of 17/1&h. The rest he had never
seen or met before.
One of the men who appeared to be the leader demanded that he should lead
them to Sematan. This he did walking ahead of them through the jungle. They
reached Gunong Tamin about 8 kilometres south of Sematan about 1700 hours
on 28 January. He watched for an opportunity to slip away from them into the
jungle. This he succeeded in doing on the 28th and one reaching Sematan made
the report.
22 and 23 January, 1964
Enemy Activity in the Niboag Area
Nibong is a small village of about 200 inhabitants in the First Division of
Sarawak. It is situated 4 kilometres from the Sarawak-Indonesian border and is
80 kilometres south-east of Kuching. Directly across the border in mid-January
there was known to be an Indonesian force ccntaining elements of 602 Battalion
of the Indonesian Regular Army.
A platoon of 30 men had been deployed by Malaysian Security Forces at
Nibong to watch the frontier in that area. During daylight hours, patrolling was
carried out and at night trip-flares and other similar devices were put out to
give warning to anyone moving near that position. A curfew was in operation in
this area between the hours of 1900 and 0700.
At 0300 hours on the morning of 23 January three and a half hours before dawn,
a trip-flare 160 metres to the south of the platoon position was ignited. Five ‘figures
in jungle uniform of the type worn by lndonesian Regular soldiers were clearly
seen by the light of the flare. They were armed and fire was immediately opened
by them and returned by the Security Forces. This continued for about forty

minutes. A dawn patrol sent out to investigate found the tracks for five people
which led unmistakably to and from the border.
16 January. 1964
Enemy activity in Sungei Serudoag Area
The Serudong river is three miles within and runs parallel to the International
border in the south of Tawau Residency of Sabah. At the mouth of the river is
the village of Serudong. The village itself is about four miles from the border.
Across the border lies the Indonesian island of Nunukan. where there are located
two Indonesian marine platoon bases. These Indonesian marine forces ostensibly
carrying out anti-smuggling activities in East Kalimantan, are known to have lately
organised training camps for training Indonesian Irregulars (see Annex A), who
made incursions into Tawau Residency in mid-December, 1963. Security Forces in
Tawau Residency are continuing with “mop-up” operations after the Kalabakan
raid of 29 December, 1963, by Indonesian Regulars and Irregulars totalling
between 140 and 180 men of whom about 31 were lndonesian marines. This force
was made up of small groups of 30-40 men each.
Security Forces in the Serudong area of Tawau Residency received information
that a small enemy group was operating in this area. On 16 January a patrol of
Security Forces met with this enemy group. The group were identified as enemy
by the uniforms they wore and because they were armed with an assortment of
weapons not used by Malaysian forces, Fire was immediately exchanged by both
sides. During the fire fight one enemy was killed, and the enemy disengaged and
withdrew in a southerly direction. There were no Security Force casualties.
From interrogation of previous captured and surrendered enemy personnel and
enemy documents recovered in earlier incidents, this dead enemy has been identified
as Berunton. alias Ramli, who was an Indonesian Marine corporal of the Korps
Komando Operasi. Berunton was also a leader of one of the enemy groups which
incurred into the Kalabakan area. At the time of contact, this enemy group
appeared to have been lost in the Serudong area and without food for several days.
It was apparently trying to withdraw to Indonesian Kalimantan. Subsequently
on the 19 January at 1630 hours two more enemy surrendered to a Security
Force patrol in this same area. This was the result of Security Forces follow-up
after the incident on 16 January. These two enemy were armed and in uniform
and on sight of the Security Force patrol came out and surrendered, These two
enemy were immediately sent to Tawau for interrogation by the police and army,
and it was discovered from their statements that they were in the same group
that was contacted on 16 January 1964.
19 January, 1964
Enemy Activity in the Sungei Simandalan Area
Sungei Simandalan lies approximately ten miles north of Serudong and directly
opposite Pulau Sebatik. Pulau Sebatik is an island opposite Tawau, half of which
is Malaysian and the other half Indonesian-the border running from west to east
in the middle of the island.
Security Forces were in the Simandalan area doing normal operations. i.e.,
following fresh enemy tracks to try and contact enemy personnel. On the afternoon
of 19 January at approximately 1430 hours the Security Forces patrol met an
enemy group. Four of this group immediately surrendered while the remaining
few scattered and dispersed in a south-westerly direction. No fire was opened by
either side in this contact. These four surrendered enemy were immediately

sent to Tawau for interrogation by the authorities. It was discovered from
statements made by these prisoners that they were of a different group but of the
same enemy force which committed incursion into Tawazu Residency.
20 January, 1964
Incident in the Serundong Area
On 20 January Security Forces continuing operations in the Serudong area of
Tawau Residency made contact with another enemy group. Fire was immediately
exchanged by both sides which lasted for a few minutes. During the fire fight
two enemy were killed and one was captured. The enemy broke contact and
dispersed southwards. There were no Security Forces casualties. A search of the
area uncovered another dead body. This was one of the enemy who had been
wounded in an earlier contact with Security Forces (possibly on 16 January,
because this contact was close to the area that Security Forces contacted the
enemy group initially). The dead and captured enemy were immediately dispatched
to Tawau. From interrogation of the captured enemy it has been discovered that
he is a member of the Korps Komando Operasi-Indonesian marines who are based
at Nunukan.
20 January, 1964
Enemy Activity in the Sungei Umas-Umas Area
Sungei Umas-Umas is a river in Tawau Residency which runs from north to
south. It lies about 15 miles north-west of Tawau. Security Forces had patrols
in this area doing routine jungle patrols looking for signs of enemy presence
when on 20 January a contact was made with an uniformed and armed enemy
group of five. Both sides on sighting each other immediately opened fire. After
a few minutes of firing the enemy group broke contact and fled eastwards leaving
one dead body behind. There were no Security Force casualties. This was part of
the enemy force which entered Tawau Residency in mid-December, 1963, and
were now heading deeper into Malaysian territory.
23 January, 1964
Euemy Activity in the Kalabakau Area
Kalabakan is a village of a few hundred inhabitants situated about 30 miles
north-west of Tawau and about 14 miles from the Indonesian border. A river
called the Kalabakan runs from north-west to south-east and the Kalabakan
village lies approximately 10 miles from its mouth.
Since the successful raid by an enemy force on Security Forces at Kalabakan on
29 December, ‘1963, Security Forces have been patrolling this area for signs of
the enemy. In the early hours of 23 January, 1964, at approximately 0345 hours,
a Security Force patrol operating in this area made contact with an ununiformed
and armed enemy group. Fire was immediately opened by both sides. The fire
fight lasted for a few minutes after which the enemy broke contact and fled
southwards leaving behind one killed and six surrendered. There were no Security
Force casualties. The one dead enemy and six surrendered were immediately
sent to Tawau for identification and interrogation. The six enemy who have
surrendered have been identified and admitted that they are Indonesian marines
of the Rorps Komando Operasi who are based in Nunukan. Their group is also
part of the force that attacked Security Forces at Kalabakan on 29 December, 1963.
24 January, 1964
Incident in the Serudong Area
On 24 January, 1964, Security Forces while patrolling in the jungles near
Serudong, made contact with an armed and uniformed enemy party. This party
was part of the group who were lost in this area, and part of the group mentioned
in serial one. A fire fight developed which lasted a few minutes when the enemy

party disengaged and fled southwards, leaving behind one enemy killed, one
captured and three surrendering. There were no Security Force casualties. The
enemy casualties were immediately sent to Tawau for identification and questioning
by the authorities. Also on this same day a second patrol of Security Forces
made contact with two more enemy near this area. There were no casualties and
the enemy fled in a south-westerly direction.
Later during the day in this same area a third security force patrol following
up an enemy track leading south-west made contact with three uniformed and
armed enemy. Fire was exchanged but there were no casualties and the enemy
fled south-west. The Security Force patrol recovered one pair of trousers marked
TNI, one towel and one belt.
Enemy Activity in the Long Pasia Area
Long Pasia is a small town of a few hundred people in the Interior Residency
of Sabah. It lies approximately seven kilometres from Sarawak, Fifth Division,
and ten kilometres from the Indonesian border, The river Padas runs through
this town northwards starting from the mountain ranges of the international
border. This town is surrounded by jungle. Across the border and about 30 kilometres
from it is the Indonesian town of Long Bawan. It is known that an
Indonesian Army garrison consisting of two infantry companies of the Indonesian
Army, a small unit of Indonesian paratroopers together with a force of Indonesian
regulars are stationed there. On 22 January a Security Force patrol on operations
in the jungle area south of Long Pasia found tracks for about 20 men moving
north towards Long Pasia. These tracks were followed by the Security Forces
who on the next day found two enemy camps 30 yards apart about six kilometres
south of Long Pasia on the river of the Sungei Padas. Evidence found in this
located camp indicated that it accommodated about 60 people and this camp had
been lived in for about two days immediately before the discovery. Tracks from
this camp led northwards following the Sungei Padas towards Long Pasia.
24 lunuary, 1964
In the early hours of 24 January another Security Force patrol of about
36 men was sent from Long Pasia into this area. In the afternoon of this same day,
this fighting patrol met with an enemy group of about 40 men near Kampong Miau
(just about two kilometres south of Long Pasia). Fire was immediately exchanged
by both sides which lasted for about ten minutes. This incident resulted in seven
enemy killed and there were no casualties to the Security Force pl&oon. The
remaining enemy equipment, weapons and ammunition was recovered (see Annex
B). Also captured were important enemy documents which gave a breakdown
of this particular enemy force that had made incursions into the Interior Residency
of Sabah. Documents also show that this enemy force was heading for the coastal
region of Fifth Division, Sarawak. On reaching the coastal regions, this enemy
force was to recruit, organise and train local dissidents, distribute subversive
literature and organise a subversive campaign against the government. Alternatively,
this force was to go to Brunei, but if Security Force operations were too stiff then
they were to return to Kalimantan. Captured enemy documents also revealed that
this force, 58 strong, were trained by 609 Battalion of the Tndonesian Army at
Malinnu who also sponsored their trip to Long Bawan. This force received training
in the use of grenades and particular attention was laid on night firing. The leader
of this group is Omar, With Omar on this expedition were his two brothers, Bosma
and Hassan, who were helping out as guides. A list of all equipment, arms and
ammunition recovered is at Annex B.
Immediate Security Force follow-up operations resulted in two more enemy
being captured and two enemy surrendering. One of them was Marimin bin Arjo.
His interrogation revealed the system by which ‘Volunteers’ were recruited, on

pains of imprisonment for reprisal and how they were given military training.
THE GARAND RIFLE. Standard weapon of the
Indonesian Army. This weapon was one of the
many recovered by Security Forces on 24 January
near LG. PASTA.
50 MM MORTAR CLEANING KIT (50 mm mortar, pack, cleaning rod). This mortar
and cleaning kit was also recovered near LG. PASIA on 24 January.
50 MM MORTAR BOMBS. Two of the thirty 50 mm mortar bombs
captured by Security Forces at LG. PASIA.
SET OF EQUIPMENT. One of the 22 sets recovered at LG. PASIA on 24 January,
1964, left behind by the enemy.
FACE VEIL (mosquito).
One of the seven that were recovered at LG.
PASIA. Notethe letters “TNT” printed on the veil with the GAKUDA
badge. This is standard equipment of the Indonesian Army.
(ReL BORNEO 1: 250,000 Sheet NBSOV GR 746356)
The training camp is situated in the North of Nunakan (about 1 km from the
centrc of the town). It consists of a T-shaped building containing arms and m
ammunition and a tent in which some of the lectures are given. There is no perimeter
fence, the camp is not sign-posted and the accommodation appears to be of a temporary
nature. Most of the students live in the houses in the village. The students
attend daily lectures. The course ran for a period of four weeks (mid-November
to mid-December, 1963).
Military Training
(cl) Routine Monday to Saturday inclusive.
0800 hours--Report at camp-First period.
0930 hours -Second period.
1100 hours-Break (during which students returned home).
1600 hours-Third period.
1700 hours-End of studies for the day,
Total: 72 periods. 96 hours instruction.
(h) Syllabus
Weapon training.
Range work.
No instruction was given in any form of tactics.
(c) Bwakdown of lessons
(i) Sten 9 mm
Stripping and assembling.
Loading and unloading.
Aiming and firing.
Action on stoppages.
No instruction on cleaning of weapon/magazine.

(ii) Lee-Enfield rifle 0.303
As for sten above.
(iii) Self-lending rifle 7.61 mm
Basic lesson on loading and unloading.
(iv) LMG brelz 0.303
No instruction given on this weapon.
No camouflage was taught.
(v) Observarimn: All-round observation by troops on the march was
(vi) Tactics; None, nor were drills for escaping from ambushes taught.
One day only was spent on drill which included : marching, saluting, turning
on the march and at the halt.
(j1 Demolitions
One lesson was giver? on how to sabotage bridges, power stations, etc.
Students were taught to put a piece of safety fuse into plastic explosive,
ignite and retire. No mention made on the use of detonators without which
this particular charge could not explode.
(v) Grenades lnrlunesinn made 36 British and Soviet F-l
Throwing, lying and standing (drill grenades made of iron).
Five periods spent.
Subject understood that the Soviet grenade was the better of the two.
(vi) Anti-tank grenudelmortar
No instruction given.
(d) Fzeldcraft. Instruction given in the following:
(,i) Crawls: leopard, rolling, ghost walk, monkey run.
(ii) Furmatiorzs; Single file, extended line.
(iii) Field signals; Simple signals given by hand in sign language. No
whistle used.
(iv) Concealment; The use of cover for movement was taught but not for
(6) Range work
Simple range situated one mile from Nunakan, danger area sited over sea.
Weapons fired at the following distances:
Sten . . . . . . 25 metres
Rifle . . . . . . 100 meters
Each man onlv allowed to fire 10 rounds from his own weanon.
Instructors are KRC) NCO’s who after training lead the groups into Malaysian
territory. Volunteers (Sukarelawan) are issued with two sets of uniforms and some
civilian clothes (to be worn only when entering villages to get food or reconnaissance)
and each man carries either a sten gun or Lee-Enfield rifle with two/three
grenades and ammunition.
24 JANUARY 1964
(1) One Browning automatic rifle with eight magazines-No. 876786.
(2) One Sten Mk 2 with 11 magazines-No. PQ47990.
(3) Part of one sten Mk 2.
(4) One Garand 0.300 Ml carbine-No. 536541 (see Appendix A).
(5) One wooden stock for a Garand carbine.
(6) Seven No. 4 rifles, SMTE---,Nos. 21022963, 21022645, 2/022828, 2/017487.

BB27002. 21022323, 2/017143.
(7) One No. 1 rifle, SMTE-No. 47954/B1332.
(8) One 50 mm mortar (No. 3437) and cleaning kits (see Appendix A).
(9) 3O=SO mm HE mortar bombs (SW Appendix A).
(10) Three 50 mm para illuminating mortar bombs.
(11) 19 No. 36 grenades.
(12) 13 detonators for No. 36 grenades.
(13) 1,955 rounds of 0.303 ball.
(14) 1,510 rounds of 0.300 ball.
(15) 450 rounds of 9 mm ball.
(16) 34 mess tin sets.
(17) 27 waterbottles and mugs (marked TNI).
(18) 25 ponchos.
(I 9) 22 sets of equipment (see Appendix A).
(20) 30 packs with shoulder straps.
(21) Seven field cargo packs, USA, 1945 pattern.
(22) One Browning magazine bandolier.
(23) 17 water-bottle carriers.
(24) 43 OG trousers.
(25) 34 OG shirts.
(26) 26 local pattern wicker baskets as carried on the back.
(27) Seven mosquito face veils (marked TNI) (see Appendix A).
(28) Four OG peaked caps.
Numberr below
correspond with
those on mspr,
Lubok Antu
Lubok Antu is the Malaysian border village in the Second Division of Sarawak
adjacent to the international border. On 19 January at about 1200 hours an
Indonesian Mitchcl bomber flying at abo,ut 500 feet circled Lubok Antu with its
bomb doors open. This aircraft crossed the border at Wong Pangai which is near
Lubok Antu.
The aircraft is considered to be of the light bomber class belonging to No. 1
Squadron of No. 2 Wing of the Indonesian Air Force.
21 January, 1964,
Simanggang is a town approximately 16 miles from the international border in
the Second Division of Sarawak. It is situated on the Sungei Lupar about 100 miles
east of Kuching. A road joins Simanggang to Kuching which runs adjacent to the
border. On 21 January at 1425 hours an unidentified aircraft flew north-west at
about 1,500 feet over Simanggang in the Second Div-ision of Sarawak.
21 January, 1964
Bintulu is a coastal town in the Fourth Division of Sarawak. It is situated at the
mouth of the river Kemena. Near Bintulu is the village of Kabout. On 21 January
at 2050 hours an unidentified aircraft flew north-west over Kabout near Bintulu in

the Fourth Division of Sarawak. The aircraft had one red light on at the front and
one white and blue light on the wing. No Malaysian or other flights were scheduled
and the aircraft must have been Indonesian.
22 January, 1964
Lundu is a little village situated on the river Kayan in the First Division of
Sarawak. It lies approximately 12 milts from the Indonesian border and about
48 miles north-west of Kuching. On 22 January at about 1400 hours an unidentified
twin-engine aircraft, possibly a B26 crossed the First Division of Sarawak border;
it was observed from Lundu. This observation was also confirmed from observers
in the villages of Biawak and Kandai which are near Lundu.
~ 40


correqmnd with
thovc on tmips.
16 Jnnun~y, 1964 1
At about 2000 hours an Indonesian cargo craft with a crew of 10 (four armed
with shotguns and two with rifles) intercepted two Malaysian fishing craft Nos.
SLF3671 and SLF2626, off the Malacca coast in International waters. The fishing
crafts were manned by four male Malaysians from Pulau Ketam.
The Tndonesians ordered the crew of SLF3671 to return to Pulau Ketam and
bring back a sum of $2,000 for the release of SLF2626 and crew. SLF 3671
returned to Pulau Ketam and the crew raised the sum of $2,000 which was then
paid to the Indonesians at 2200 hours on 17 January, 1964. The Indonesians then
confiscated boat SLF3671 together with all fishing gear all valued at about $7,000.
They also removed all the fishing gear from SLF2626 valued at about $2,000 and
then ordered the four fishermen to return to Pulau Ketam in SLF2626. After
firing two shots in the air the Indonesians returned towards Sumatra.
25~~ JANUARY, 1964
25 January, 1964
Enemy Activity in Pa Banger Area
Pa Banger is an Iban longhouse five kilomctres from the Sarawak-Kalimantan
border in 4th Division of Sarawak. At midday on the 25 January about eleven men
in jungle green uniform of the type used by Indonesian regulars and armed with
rifles approached the longhouse. The soldiers informed the inhabitants of the
longhouse that they were Indonesian Regular soldiers. The people in the longhouse
were frightened and ran into the jungle nearby. About half-an-hour later there were
two loud explosions. From the jungle edge the inhabitants of the longhouse saw it
starting to burn.
A villager reported to the police at LONG BANGER some four kilometres to
the north and a helicopter was utilised to take a platoon to the village. Later in the
afternoon tracks were found leading back across the border towards the Indonesian
kampong of Ba Siok, which lies one kilometre to the east of the border.
It was known that there was a detachment of Indonesian Regular Army at
Ba Siok. On the 1 January Security Forces operating near Pa Banger had found
and destroyed an Indonesian Army machine-gun post within Sarawak territory, the
crew of four all being killed in the action. The attack on the longhouse at
Pa Banger appears to have been carried out in retaliation for the destruction of
the machine-gun post. The fact that the enemy were armed and uniformed and

moved towards Ba Siok after the incident confirms that they came from Ba Siok
and were members either of the Indonesian Regular or Irregular Forces.
As a result of this incident a Malaysian Security Force platoon was sent to live
in Pa Banger. The local inhabitants decided to send the women and children to the
safety of a nearby villag,e while the men would remain and harvest the crops.
3Cl January, 1964
On the 30 January a small military patrol, operating near Pa Banger to ensure
that there were no enemy in the area, made contact with an enemy group of
approximately 20 armed with one mortar, several automatic weapons and rifles,
all of which were fired in the engagement.
There was an exchange of fire which lasted from 1105 hours until 1330 hours,
but due to the dense secondary jungle, and thick foliage, it was very difficult for
the two groups to see each other. As a result the firing was sporadic and
inaccurate. The Security Forces suffered no casualties. There were no known
casualties to the enemy. The enemy were in green uniforms and were accompanied
by one civilian in plain clothes who was apparently acting as a guide. A follow-up
patrol found the tracks of this group leading southward across the border.
The presence of a guide in civilian clothes indicates that the enemy group were
presumably new to the area and unfamiliar with it and therefore had to be guided
into and out of Pa Banger.
A few empty cartridge cases were recovered from the area on all of which the
Indonesian ordnance factory stamp was clearly marked. The initials PSM can be
seen on most Tndonesian equipment and is used in a similar way to the British
WD and arrow sign.
Numberr below

corrcrpond with SABAH

21 Janmnry, 1964
Enemy Activity in the Merutai Area
Merutai is a town of a few hundred people situated on the Sungei Merutai
running North to South approximately twenty-five kilometres north-west of Tawau.
The town lies on a direct route between Kalimantan and Tawau.
On the 27 January two Ibans were working in a plantation just outside Merutai
when they were confronted by a party of seven Indonesian irregulars who suddenly
fired upon them. The two Ibans with their parangs counter attacked the enemy party
killing one enemy and wounding two others. The enemy with the two wounded fled.
The authorities were immediately informed about this incident and a patrol of
Security Forces was immediately sent to try to capture the fleeing enemy. Security
Force follow-up operations resulted in a contact with this enemy group which
resulted in the two wounded being captured.
Later during the day also in this area, four Indonesian irregulars armed and in
uniform robbed two shops. The loot consisted of green peas, rice, a cooking pot,
vegetable oil and chickens. Two more armed and uniformed Indonesian irregulars
also robbed a further Chinese house in the same area. All the enemy escaped north.
Security Forces were informed and a follow-up operation commenced. The followup
patrol was ambushed by this same party of enemy. The patrol returned the fire
and killed a further enemy.
As a result of these incidents at Merutai on the 27 January two enemy were
killed and two captured. There were no Security Force casualties.
28 January, 1964
12 Enemy Activity in the Sungei Pinayas Area
Sungei Pinayas is a small river lying approximately six kilometres south of

Kalabakan running from west to cast/into Cowie Harbour in Tawau Residency in
Sabah. Tt lies about ten kilometres north of the Indonesian border. This area is
covered by thick jungle and vast areas of swamp.
On the 28 January a Security Force patrol of about thirty strong were operating
in the area of Sungei Pinayas looking for enemy tracks or resting places along the
river bank when they were suddenly encountered by an enemy party, who were
armed and uniformed. Fire was exchanged by both sides which resulted in three
enemy being killed with no casualties to Security Forces. On breaking contact the
enemy withdrew southwards. The following arms and ammunition were also
recovered from this contact :
One sten gun, two rifles Mark 4, five hand-grenades. four sten magazines,
134 rounds of 9 mm. ammunition, 276 rounds of .303 ammunition.
30 Jumary, 1964 Ncuomrbreerss pobn&dww ith
[bore on maps.
Enemy Activity in the Umas-Umas Area
The Umas-Umas river runs from north to south parallel to the Merutai river
about six kilometres west of Merutai. At about 1100 hours on 30 January a
Security Force patrol operating in the Umas-Umas area made contact with an
enemy party. Fire was exchanged and one enemy was killed and another captured
while one soldier of the Security Forces was slightly wounded. The killed and
captured enemy have been identified as lndonesian irregulars.
1 Febrwry, 1964
Enemy Activity in the Tawau Area
On 1 February, 1964 about 1845 hours, acting on information, a Special Branch
team from Tawau took possession of a quantity of explosive in Tawau harbour
which had been brought to Tawau by boat on the same day, by an agent of the
Korps Kommando Operasi based in Tarakan. This agent had been trained in the
use of explosives in Tarakan last month. On his arrival this agent was found to be
in possession of the following in his boat which were seized:
1. TNT (6 kilos in weight).
2. Five detonators contained in five empty cartridges.
3. About three/yards of cortex.
4. About two yards of fuse.
5. Half a box of matches with a new razor blade in the match box.
6. Three Russian FI hand grenades.
7. A bundle of anti-Malaysia pamphlets.
The TNT packed with cortex and was ready for instant use. The nature of the
packing of the TNT showed it had been done by an expert. Under interrogation
this agent has stated that his order of tasks of priority in Tawau was as follows:
([I) Power station.
(b) Water-pump station.
(c) Fuel dumps.
He had also been instructed to throw hand-grenades into any crowded place,
26 January, 1964
Lubok Antu

On 26 January at 1500 hours an unidentified four-engine aircraft circled over
Lubok Antu in the Second Division of Sarawak and returned south over the border.
At 2100 hours the same day a similar sortie was carried out. The movement of
Malaysian and all other countries’ planes are known because they are reported
through Air Traffic Control Centre. This plane must have been Indonesian.
31 Jununry, 1964
Maligan is the area separating the Interior Residency of Sabah from Fifth
Division Sarawak. It lies approximately 25 miles from the Indonesian border. On
31 January at about 1045 hours Indonesian Hercules aircraft flew over the Maligan
area of Sabah and dropped leaflets. This plane was preceded by a Mitchell bomber,
also of the Indonesian Air Force.
31 Jarwary, 1964
Tawau is a town located on the south coast of Tawau Residency which is directly
opposite the Tndonesian portion of Sebatik Island about five miles from the border.
Mostyn is another town in Tawau Residency which also lies on the coast zind is
about 40 miles north-east of Tawau.
On 31 January at about 1100 hours Indonesian Hercules aircraft dropped leaflets
over Tawau area. Aircraft flew over Tawau airfield at 100 feet. At 1030 hours on
the same day the same aircraft dropped leaflets over Mostyn, Sabah.
3 1 January, 1964
Lubok Antu
On 31 January at about 0950 hours two’ lndonesian Mitchell bombers and a
Dakota dropped large quantities of Indonesian leaflets over Lubok Antu in the
Second Division of Sarawak. The aircraft was marked AURA on each side of the
fuselage. ‘AURI’ is Angkatan Udara Republic Indonesia, i.e. Indonesian Air Force.
1 February. 1964
Kuching, the capital of Sarawak, lies in the First Division and is approximately
24 miles from the Indonesian border. On 1 February at approximately 0330 hours
Indonesian Hercules D130 aircraft dropped leaflets over Kuching from a height of
200 to 300 feet and made several runs over the town.
1 Febrrrary, 1964
Sibu is a to’wn on the Sungei Igan in the Third Division of Sarawak and is
situated about 90 miles from the international border. On 1 February at about 0410
hours an lndonesian Hercules Cl30 aircraft dropped leaflets over Sibu. The aircraft
showed a white light but no navigation light.
2 Febrcmry, 1964
West Coast of Sabah
On 2 February at 0300 hours a large jet aircraft thought to have been a Hercules
Cl30 was reported over Labuan, Jesselton, in Sabah. The aircraft did not display
any navigation lights. It flew at low altitude over two of these three towns and
dropped leaflets over Jessclton. The leaflets were of Jndonesian origin.
2 Febtwary, 1964
Sandakan is the capital of Sandakan Residency which lies on the north-east coast
of Sabah. On 2 February at 0310 hours Indonesian aircraft flew over Sandakan
and dropped leaflets over the rural and urban areas.
25 Ja1111ury1, 964
At 1300 hours four male Malaysian from Pulau Ketam were fishing from boats

SLF70 and SLF1973 on the Malacca Straits, when a black motor-boat with nine
lndoncsians (two of whom were dressed in khaki uniforms) approached.
The Jndonesians were armed with four rifles and one pistol. Two of the lndonesians
boarded the two Malaysian craft and the craft were then tied to1 the
Tndoaesian motor-boat. Shortly afterwards the Indonesian craft while towing the
fishing boats met another Malaysian fishing craft SLF2003.
The four Malaysian fishermen were put on this craft and were told to return to
Pulau Ketam which they did. The two fishing craft were then towed by the Indonesian
craft to Indonesia. Estimated value of the two boats and their gear is $8,900.
Prior to this incident happening the four fishermen had been fucd at with o’ne shot
by an Jndonesian gunboat (number not known) at 1300 hours on the 23rd. The
gunboat came alongside and when the fishermen told them that they were fishing
they were permitted to carry on doing so.
26 Jarrmy, 1964
At about 0100 hours two male Chinese from Moro Tsland elf Tanjong Balai,
Karnnar, Indonesia, were travelling in lhcir outbo’at sampan number R19/89
(Indonesian register) with a load of 1,000 katies of dried fish for delivery to
Singapore. While still in Indonesian waters they heard a shot and one of the male
Chinese Lau Boon Lck received a flesh wound in the right thigh. Shortly afterwards,
the outboard sampan carrying three malt Indonesians in uniform and armed with
a rifle and revolver approached. It is believed that the shot had been fired by the
Jndonesians although they made out that they did not know who had fired th:
shot. The malt: Chinese were instructed to proceed to Singapore and obtain treatment
for the wounded men. In the area of Raffles Lighthouse at 0730 hours on
26 January Malaysian Police Marine launch No. PB9 intercepted the sampan and
towed it with the two male Chinese to Immigration depot South Quay, Singapore.
The wounded man was treated and discharged from the hospital. The dried tish
had been delivered to Singapore.
26 Jannary, 1964
At 0430 hours a Malaysian fishing craft was boarded by Indonesian pirates in
the Malacca Straits who stole 26 fishing nets valued at $1.400. The pirates were
part of a crew of 20 aboard an Tndonesian motor-boat. The motor-boat was
flying the Indonesian flag at the time of the piracy. A number of the Indonesians
were armed with rifles and pistols.
At 0300 hours an Tndonesian trading craft approaching Cape Rachado, Malaysia,
was when one mile elf shore fired at by the crew of a sailing boat. One of the
crew was seriously injured. The crew of the sailing boat shouted in Indonesian
Malay at the crew of the trading boat which has led to the belief that they were
26 Jnnunry, 1964
At 0430 hours a Malaysian fishing craft was boarded by Tndonesian pirates in
the Malacca Straits, in International Waters who stoic 26 fishing nets valued at
$1,400. The pirates were part of a crew of 20 aboard an Indonesian motor-boat.
The motor-boat was flying the Indonesian hag at the time of the piracy. A number
of the Indonesians were armed with rifles and pistols.
1 Febrwry, 1964
At 2200 hours three Malaysian fishermen returning from 1 fathom Bank Malaccn
Straits were tired upon by the crew of another motor fishing boat believed to be
Indonesian 4+ milts elf Port Dickson, Negri Scmbilan. One of the fishermen was
shot dead and another wounded in the arms and neck. The crew of the attacking
craft numbered 12. The attacking craft came alongside the fishing boat and four
of the crew armed with rifles and revolvers boarded. They examined the dead
and wounded tishermcn and then boarded their own craft after telling the surviving
tishetmcn to leave the area or be shot. The attacking crew then left in the direction
of Sumatra. The wounded fisherman was admitted into the General Hospital,

Malacca, in a serious condition.
The CTCW of the attacking craft were drcsscd in civilian clothes and spoke Malay
with an Indonesian accent and it is presumed that they were Indonesians. 3
2 Fehrcrary, 1964
At 0300 hours two Malaysian fishermen from Sungei Ayam, while fishing were
approached by an Indonesian gunboat with a crew of 12 five miles off the Johore
coast within territorial waters. The Indonesian crew armed with a bren gun,
carbines and a 0.3X revolver. They were dressed in khaki and black uniforms with
peaked caps. The Indonesians stole 61 fishing nets valued at $3,660 from the
fishing craft.
2 Fcbrunry, I964
At about 2300 hours six Malaysian fishermen from Malaya were fishing in the
Malacca Straits in International Waters from boats Nos. SLF 1285, SLF 5567 and
SLF 690 when they were approached by a speed boat with a crew of eight Indonesians.
The Indonesians were armed with rifles and carbines and were dressed
in khaki uniforms. They forced the fishermen to sail to an Indonesian island known
as Chinahoy where the fishermen were made to get out of their boats. The
Indonesians then towed the fishing craft away. During the night of 3 February
they were rescued by another fishing craft and brought to Malaya.
1 Frbrrrnry, 1964
At about 0500 hours two Malaysian fishermen from Muar while fishing in the
Malacca Straits were approached by an Indonesian gunboat with a crew of 15.
Some of the crew were armed with pistols and wore civilian clothes. The Tndoncsians
stole 37 fishing nets from the fishermen valued at $2,300.
6'rH FEBRUARY, 1964
PART 111
6 February, 1964
Enemy Activity in the Sematan Area
As a result of the information given by Singkun Ak Lacen who was abducted
on 26 January, 1964, Security Forces started an operation to locate the infiltrators
in the Sematan area.
On 6 February a section of Security Forces searching in dense jungle eight
kilometres due so’uth of Sematan found an ambush position. This was well within
the Malaysian border. As the Security Forces approached along the tracks one of
the infiltrators in the ambush coug,hed and thereby unwittingly gave warning to the
Security Forces. The infiltrators were in lndonesian military uniform and opened
hrc at the patrol with rifles. Fire was exchanged for 15 minutes before the infiltrators
withdrew South towards the border leaving behind one dead man. The
Security Forces on searching the ambush found 597 rounds of unused ammunition
of a type used by the Indonesian Armed Forces.
Tracks for about 30 people were followed heading in a southerly direction but
after 100 metres they were lost due to heavy rain and flooding.
8 February, 1964
Patrolling was continued on 8 February and an empty camp was located one
kilometre to the west of the ambush position. The camp had been used up to three
days previously and could have accommodated about 30 to 40 persons. Twenty-four
mortar bombs marked IA Mark 1 plus 774 rounds of ammunition were recovered.

Tracks for about six people were followed with the aid of tracker dogs but the
tracks were lost in a mangrove swamp about 60 metres south-east of the camp.
At the camp a military flash belonging to 622 Battalion of the Indonesian Army,
a second class private TNT flash and a Partindo membership card were recovered
together with part of a TN1 military manual dealing with field defences. There
was also a sketch of Kampong Pueh showing Security Force positions.
15 February, 1964
On 14 February at one o’clock in the morning two Sarawakian Dayaks from
Pasiar Tengah a small village near Lundu reported to Security Forces that there
were two uniformed enemy hiding in a padi field just to the south of the village.
The two Dayaks had broken the curfew in order to pass this information to the
authorities. A small patrol was at once sent out and the two uniformed enemy
were captured at 0215 and taken to Lundu. On being questioned they stated that
they belonged to No. 3 Platoon of ‘A’ Company Pasokan Marimau Sukarelawan
which is an Indonesian irregular force and had been ordered to infiltrate into Numbers below
correspond with Sarawak on 12 February. They were under orders to remain in First Division until those
on WPS.
indonesia had liberated Sarawak. ‘The two prisoners are men of inferior calibre
and had deserted from their unit a few hours prior to capture. Their names are
Anting ak Entut and Amat bin Aser, they being Indonesian Land Dayaks. Neither
had a weapon with him when captured. They said they had left them in the unit
camp when they deserted.
20 Fehurrary, 1964
Sematau-kudu area
Kuala Sekambnl is a small village eight kilometres east of Sematan in First
Division and 10 kilometres from the Jndonesian border. The village consists of
eight or nine houses and is surrounded by jungle. On 20 February after mid-day
four members of Security Forces under a sergeant were sent to Kuala Sekambal to
carry out an identity card check. This is a routine method employed to discourage
Indonesian infiltrators from forcing villagers to hide and feed them. After they had
checked all the other houses they arrived at the last house in the village and were
invited by the male Chinese occupant to enter and have a drink of coffee. The four
soldiers unsuspectingly went in and sat around the table. The sergeant had not
entered; he put his rifle against the door post and took two steps out into the
road. As he did so out of the darkness hc saw a man in uniform and carrying a
sub-machine gun coming towards him. The sergeant turned quickly and shouted a
warning into the house and at the same time stepped back to grab his rifle. Before
he could reach it he was shot in the back and killed. The occupant of the house
had quietly stepped out. At the same time five or six other enemy had crept up to
the house and had pointed their sub-machine guns through the open windows and
fired into the room wounding all the soldiers. Although wounded they managed to
grab their r&s and fight off the enemy, wounding at least two of them.
The enemy were in clean jungle green uniforms and did not look as if they had
been living under hard conditions in the jungle. The local villagers here who are
predominantly Chinese, appcarcd to be aware of the presence of the enemy group
and had deliberately trapped the members of Security Forces into entering the house.
The Security Forces party had been in the village for four hours; they had visited
all the other houses to check identity cards. It was therefore known to everyone
in the village who and what they were and what they were doing. The incident
must therefore be a pre-planned hostile act. Automatic weapons and ammunition
are not obtainable in Sarawak and must have come from Jndonesia. A search of
the village was carried out and one TN1 peaked cap with the lcttcrs ‘TNKU’
written on the peak was found. Also recovcrcd wcrc 11 rounds of 9 mm submachine

gun ammunition. Three of the rounds wcrc of Indonesian manufacture
and bore the Indonesian Ordnance stamp ‘PSM 62’.
21 February, 1964
Enemy activity in the Tringgus area
Tringgus is a horder with a police post. The populalion is about 80. The post
is within 400 metres of the border and is situated in jungle covered hills 40 kilometres
south-west of Kuching in the First Division. The post itself is an ordinary
hut surrounded by barbed-wire placed at a sufficient distance so that hand grenades
cannot be thrown at the hut from the perimeter. On the night of 21 February, 1964,
the post was manned by a platoon, which is about 30 men. At 11.00 p.m. when
most of the platoon were preparing for sleep, a mortar bomb suddenly exploded
in the hut. At the same time the firing of an automatic weapon approximately
200 rnetres away was also heard. The mortar bomb killed two and wounded six
of the platoon. The enemy did not follow up the attack and slipped away quietly.
A search was attempted but as the night was particularly dark and it was in the
middle of a tropical monsoon storm, the tracks were untraceable.
The next day fragments of bullets fired from an armalite rifle were discovered.
The armalite rifle has distinct characteristics and fires a soft metal bullet. It is
known that the Indonesians have a limited number of these weapons acquired
from the Colt Company of America. There are no such weapons either available
to or in use by Malaysian Security Forces, and therefore the use of the armalite
rifle demonstrates conclusively Indonesian involvement.
28 February, 1964
Annex A
Following the incident on 21 February when two policemen were killed and six
wounded, extra troops were sent to the area and patrolling activity was increased.
Two unoccupied resting camps were discovered one kilometre to the east of
Tringgus. In the camps which were in natural clearings in the jungle, fifteen 50 mm
mortar bombs, a mortar cleaning kit wallet and a rifle were found. The registered
number of the rifle is No. O-019810.
On 28 February ten enemy in green uniforms were seen on a track leading
towards Tringgus from the border. On sighting Security Forces they ran away to
the north-west exchanging a few shots as they went. In their rush to escape they
left behind four packs, four 50 mm mortar bombs, 29 rounds of 9 mm ammunition
and a green shirt. A document in one of the packs was a Chinese booklet on
guerilla warfare published in China. This could not have been obtained legally in
Sarawak and therefore unerringly points to Indonesian origins.
29 February, 1964
The following day on 29 February one kilometre north-west of the above
incident, 10 enemy were sighted. Firing at once started and Security Forces suffered
one casualty. When the enemy retired they left behind four dead Chinese. On the
bodies four handkerchiefs were found inscribed for comrades of the First Company.
As Security Forces call their companies by letters such as ‘A’ Company, ‘B’
Company, etc., and also never call individuals by the title comrades, the group
operating had come from outside Sarawak and the location of Tringgus close to
the border showed they had come from Indonesia.
29 February, 1964
Later on the same day in the same area two Chincsc surrendered; they appeared
to be very frightened. Roth had joined the Indonesian Irregulars and had been sent
to Singkawang in Indonesia, where they received one month’s military training.
Singkawang is known to be the location of an Tndonesian Regular Army training

camp for Irregulars. Their statements confirmed this. They were instructed by
Indonesian Regular Army NCOs. Early in January their group, which consisted
of themselves and 14 Indonesians who were lndonesian regulars, were ordered to
move aCroSS the border. They were instructed by the leader a Regular Army NC0
to move into First Division and to attack Security Force posts wherever they
found them. The party was armed with two sub-machine guns, a mortar with
mortar bombs, rifles and hand grenades. They were brought to the border in
Indonesian Regular Army transport and crossed into Sarawak on 24 February.
They further stated that before leaving the training camp in Indonesia the whole
group changed from Indonesian Regular type uniform into Indonesian Irregular
plain colourcd uniform before they left Singkawang. The two Chinese who were
interrogated independently both told the same story.
1 Ma~rdt, 1964
hemy activity in Sematan-Lundu area
At Kampong Sekati, which is a 20-minute walk to the west of Lundu and 14
kilometres from the border and consists of a few scattered houses mainly inhabited
by Chinese, a search patrol going through the kampong on 1 March found a
collection of arms and ammunition hidden in thick undergrowth on the outskirts
of the kampong. The arms consisted of two rifles, two sub-machine guns, 805
rounds of ammunition, three grenades plus uniforms and a pack. The weapons
were in good condilion and had been placed there not more than three days
previously. They were found 200 yards away from the house of a Chinese who is
suspected of being an Indonesian supporter, and has since been arrested. One
hundred yards from this house a newly dug trench was found. It was obviously
being prepared as a hiding place for the weapons.
In the pack a letter written in Chinese was discovered addressed to Chin Kim Yit
who is one of the sons of the arrested house owner. Kim Yit is told in the letter
that whether hc is in Indonesia or Sarawak he is to fight a life and death battle
against the enemy. The identity of the writer was concealed.
Interrogation of the father revealed that his son Kim Yit returned to Sarawak
from Indonesia with a small party of two lndoncsians and one other Sarawak
Chinese on 25 February, all of whom were Tndonesian Irregulars. The father’s
three sons have all been missing from home for some months. He admitted that
when Kim Yit and his party arrived he fed them and that he was told by them
that they had all come from Indonesia having been trained at Singkawang and
subsequently ordered to enter Sarawak to attack Security Force positions.
6 March, 1964
A Security Force patrol just to the north of Pangkalam Setungkot which is eight
kilomctres north-west of Lundu made contact with a group of enemy at 3.30 p.m.
on 6 March. About 30 to 40 enemy in uniforms were in a clearing in the jungle
just ol1 the main track. Some of them had removed their jungle boots and appeared
to have been having a short rest or food halt. When Security Forces opened fire
the cncmy ran away and were quickly lost in the deep jungle, leaving behind one
seriously wounded Javanesc and a large quantity of equipment which includes a
50 mm mortar with bombs, 2 rifles, a pistol, a military type radio transceiver
No. 3274, a hand generator Serial No. 1227/43, three yellow dropping zone
markers, which are used to indicate a supply area when resupply by aircraft is
being carried out, several pairs of jungle boots, and some clothing.
Numbers below
correspond with The wounded Javanese was one Abdul Hamid bin S&man. Due to the
those on maps. seriousness of his wound only limited interrogation has so far been possible; he

was taken to hospital.
Some of the mortar bombs are clearly marked with the Tndoncsian Ordnance
factory marking of a star and the letters PSM. Some of the personal equipment
such as packs and mess tins are marked with the number ‘328’. 328 being known
as the number of the lndonesian Raider Battalion opposite First Division. The
enormous quantity of military equipment captured which is almost one ton in
weight, could only be of value to a military type organisation.
6 Mnrclt, 1964
Annex A
Annex A
Annex A
Annex A
Euemy Activity in the Pantu Area
Pantu is a small town in Second Division 40 kilometres west of Simanggang.
Four kilometres to the south runs the main road between Kuching and Simanggang.
At this point the road is only two kilometrcs north of the Indonesian border. The
border in this area is a range of hills the northern slopes of which lie within the
Sarawak territory. There is little jungle and the hillside is covered with rocks and
out-croppings which overlook the road.
On 6 March two platoons of Malaysian Security Forces were moving along the
road when they were tired at from the hillside within Sarawak territory. Although
the enemy occupied a strong defensive position the Security Forces attacked
suffering three killed and two wounded. Aftct a 40-minute battle the enemy
withdrew to Indonesia. Enemy casualties are not known but several blood trails
were found leading back to the border. The enemy were between 30 to 40 strong.
A search of the arca resulted in the following equipment being recovered:
(CA) One military radio set Serial No. 3278 complete with hand set, rod and
line aerial made by BBC Ltd. of High Wycombe, England.
(b) One hand generator Serial No. 1168/485 complete with tripod made by
BBC Ltd. Neasden Lane, London, N.W.lO.
(c) Some camouflage uniform bearing 328 Siliwangi Kudjang 11 flashes.
(rQ 7 hand grenades.
(r) 8 50 mm mortar bombs.
(f) 445 rounds of ammunition of lndonesian and United States manufacture.
Little attempt was made to hide the identity of 328 Raider Battalion which is
an Indonesian Regular Unit. They wore the camouflage uniforms sometimes worn
by Indonesian Regulars but not worn by Irregulars.
The radio set captured is of the same type as that captured in the Sematan area
on 6 March and works on the same frequencies. Security Forces listcncd in on the
frequency on which the set had been tuned. About an hour after the incident a
message was intercepted to the effect that the enemy was returning with dead and
wounded. In reply an unidentified station stated that a small reverse of that sort
was of little consequence as there were plenty more Indonesians where those (the
casualtics) had come from.
Military Radic: Set Serial No. 3278 recovered in the Pantu area after the
incident un 6 March 1964. (2nd Division Sarawak).

Hand generator Serial No, 1168/485 recovered
with the above set.
Camouflage uniform bearing 328 Siliwangi
Kudjang II Flash recovered in Pantu
area incident on 6 March, 1964 by
Sccur‘ity Forces.
One 50 mm mortar bomb. Eight were
recovered in the Pantu area incident
on 6 March. 1964.
The fu<e-caps of one of the 15 mm mortar bombs recovered from two
unoccupied enemy camps 1 kilornctrc east of Tringgus following the
incident on 21 February, 1964 when two policemen were killed and
six wounded.

one mortar cleaning kit wallet (complctc) also recovcrcd in the incident
mentioned above.
Numbers below
correspond with
those on maps.

17 to 19 February, 1964
21 Enemy Activity in the Pensiangan Area
Pensiangan is a town in the Interior Residency of Sabah located approximately
25 kilometres north of the international border. Across the border and approximately
six kilomctrcs from it are the Indonesian towns of Labang and Lumbis
which are known to have been recently strengthened by Indonesian regular forces
and detachments of Indonesian irregular units. Also at Lumbis is an enemy
machine-gun post and a mortar base plate position. Lumbis and Labang are
known to be the strong base positions of the enemy for incursions into Sabah.
On 16 February our border scouts operating in the area approximately 10 kilometres
south of Pensiangan tcported that an enemy party of 21 strong joined
by another 11 strong were moving north towards Pensiangan. A Security Force
patrol of about 30 strong was immediately dcspatched from Pensiangan to check
on this report.
On 19 February a Security Force patrol clashed with the cncmy force in the
Pensiangan area approximately six kilometres south of Pensiangan. AS a result
of this incident one enemy was killed, one locally enlisted guide was also killed
and two more enemy were captured while Security Forces incurred no casualties.
The enemy force involved in this incident had crossed the border into Sabah
two days earlier.
The captured enemy was interrogated and gave the following information:
(a) They knew about the ceasefire even before they crossed the border from
their leader.
(b) The incursion commenced on 17 February.
(c) The weapons that they carried were issued to them by the Tndonesian
Army in Tarakan (issue document now held by Special Branch, Jesselton).
(ci) A map was produced showing marked target areas the various enemy
irregular units were going to attack with a view to taking over Sabah.
(t’) There were no Regulars in their group.
22 February, 1964
Enemy Activity in Tawau Waters
On 22 February a Marine Police patrol boat observed a small civilian sailing
vessel under fire from an Indonesian motor vessel about one kilometre south of

Tanagat Lighthouse which is approximately ten kilometres south-cast of Tawau.
The sailing vessel that was under fire was a barter trading vessel from Tawau.
The area of this incident is within our territorial waters. The Marine Police
vessel intervened and a fight ensued resulting in the surrender of the Indonesian
marine motor vessel. Them were no police casualties but one of the enemy on
the small sailing vessel was fatally injured while another innocenl fisherman Numbers beloiv
in the vicinity was accidentally hit by a stray bullet. On board the Tndoncsian those 0I1 tnaps.
correspond with
vessel were three Tndonesian Irregulars including an ofhcer and four members of
the Korps Kommando Operasi based at Tarakan. One of the Indonesian marines
captured was a regular sergeant. Two other crew members both Tndoncsian
marines, jumped overboard and arc believed to have been drowned. A large
amount of explosives and ammunition was found on board including over a
thousand rounds of ammunition, two hand grenades, and 50 kilos of TNT with
accessories. Under interrogation the Indonesian irregular officer has stated that his
group was trained mainly in sabotage activities and have been awaiting orders to
*iI carry out sabotage activities in Sabah. His method of operation was to arrive by sea,
carry out sabotage and rcturn by sea to Indonesian Kalimantan.
* 24 Fcbtwary, 1964
Enemy Activity in Tnwau Area 23
On 24 February an Indonesian Police vessel from Tarakan (Indonesian
Kalimantan) was arrested in Tawau harbour. The mission as admitted by this
crew was to locate Indonesian Irregular forces and leaders of the Barisan
Pernberontakan Rakyaat Sabah (HPRS) and report Security Force locations in
the Tawau area. Rahim bin Ahmad, the leader of this boat on interrogation
stated that he had come from Tarakan. His instructions were to rnect another
enemy platoon which had left Tarakan by boat -Hidup Baharu-.-on 27 January
at 1900 hours for Malinau (Indonesia). This other platoon intended to leave for
Tawau on 11 .February and were expected to arrive in Tawau about 20 February.
This other platoon was commanded by a sergeant who had thirty men. Their
weapons are:
(a) 2 Lee-Enfield rifles.
(b) 2 Bren guns.
(c) 4 Sten guns.
(ri) 1 2-inch morlar.
(e) 1 Revolver.
(f) 30 Hand-grenades.
Their uniforms are olive green, peaked caps and leather boots. Their tasks are to
gather information on the following:
((1) Reserve supply dumps.

(b) Water reservoirs.
(c) Power station.
4 (d) Military air bases.
(E) Naval bases.
(f) Patrol rcscrve stations.
(9) Tmportant bridges.
(It) to sketch route maps of the Tawau area.
Rahim bin Ahmad (the leader of this boat) was also to contact Sunarto, the KKO
lieutenant and leader of the BPRS in the Tawau arca. Sunarto was to meet this

new platoon near a bridge in the Merutai Besar area on 26 February.
As a result of interrogation, Rahim bin Ahmad has been identified as an
Indonesian Police agent from Tarakan.
24 February, 1964
Tawau Area
On 24 February at 2000 hours one enemy, in uniform and armed, held members
of a Chinese Community house outside Tawau at gun-point and stole as much
food as he could carry and left.
25 F&ruary, 1964
Pulau Sedan
Pulau Sedan is a Malaysian island situated on the north-west tip of Pulau
Sebatik within our territorial waters, lying approximately three kilometres from
Indonesian Nunukan. On 25 February at approximately 1435 hours. enemy base
positions from Nunukan opened fire with heavy mortars at a Security Force
patrol boat which was patrolling in our territorial waters. Enemy small arms fire
was also heard but there were no casualties.
25 February, 1964
Nunukan Island
At 1345 hours the Indonesians fired small arms and mortars at our patrol boat
patrolling in our waters. The fire came from Nunukan which has lndonesian troops.
There were no casualties. No fire was returned by our patrol boat.
28 Fcbruar~v, 1964
Kampong Limau
Kampong Limau is a little Malaysian village in east Sebatik located approximately
four kilomctres from the Indonesian border. On 28 February at 1900 hours
about twenty enemy crossed the border and came into Kampong Limau. The enemy
looted this village removing four shotguns, 40 rounds of ammunition and other
items from the villagers. There were no casualties. No Security Forces were in
this area during this incident and the enemy withdrew across the border at leisure.
2 Murch, 1964
5th Mile hpas Road, Tawau
On 2 March acting on information, Security Forces captured Lt. Sunarto
(leader of the BPRS and also a lieutenant of the Indonesian Marines) at 5th Milt
Apas Road outside Tawau. Fifth Mile Apas Road was known as one of the
hideouts of this BPRS leader. Subsequently, four other BPRS members were
arrested in this area. Security Forces rccovercd four hand-grenades, some small
arms and ammunition, a pistol and some food from the hideout at 5th Mile Apas
16 Fehmary, 1964
AIR SPACE Numbcrv below
correspond with
those on mam.
On 6 February at 1845 hours an unidentified four-engine aircraft was seen
ten miles south of Kuching within Malaysian air space at an altitude of about
15,000 feet. This aircraft had no lights and was flying from north-west to south-west
and could only be Indonesian.
18 Febrmry, 1964

Biawak is a village in the First Division of Sarawak and is situated near Lundu.
On 18 February at 1743 hours an aircraft reported a Badger of the Indonesian
Air Forces was sighted south of Biawak in the First Division of Sarawak flying
in the direction of south-west.
18 February, 1964
Selampit is a village in the First Division of Sarawak situated east of Biawak.
On 18 February at 1805 hours an aircraft was heard over Selampit in First Division
of Sarawak. This aircraft was reported as heavy multi-engined turbo-prop heading
west and can only have been Indonesian.
21 February, 1964
Gunoag Raya
Gunong Raya is a village in the First Division of Sarawak situated south-east of
Selampit. On 21 February at 1200 hours an aircraft was heard flying over Gunong
Raya. This aircraft was believed to be piston-engined. As no Malaysian or other
known aircraft were flying in the area the plane must have been Indonesian.
2 1 Febrmrv, 1964
Rasau is a village in the First Division of Sarawak situated south of Selampit.
On 21 February at 1700 hours an aircraft was heard flying over Rasau. It was
flying from west to cast. This aircraft was believed to be piston multi-engined.
No Malaysian or other known aircraft were in the area and the plant must have
been Indonesian.
22 February, 1964
Nonok is a coastal village in the First Division of Sarawak approximately 16 miles
cast of Kuching. On 21 February at 2125 hours an aircraft was sighted over Nonok
flying from west to east. This aircraft was showing a single steady blue light and
flew off in the direction of Indonesia.
Numbers below
correspond with
those on maps.
23 February, 1964
Lubok Antu
On 23 February at 1115 hours a four-engine aircraft approached from Indonesia
near Lubok Antu area of the Second Division of Sarawak over Malaysian territory.
It turned and hcadcd castwards. This aircraft was flying at about 2,000 feet and
was not Malaysian nor was its flight scheduled. It must have been Indonesian.
26 February, 1964
Pensiangan is a town south of the Tntcrior Residency of Sabah approximately
16 miles from the Indonesian border. On 26 February at 1545 hours two Cl30
aircraft flew over the area south of Pensiangan over Malaysian territory. As the
Indonesian Air Force has C13Os but not Malaysia or Great Britain, it is presumed
that it was an Indonesian plane.

3 March, 1964
Long Mnrum
Long Murum is in the Third Division of Sarawak 120 kilometres from the
Indonesian border. At 1940 hours an unidentified aircraft flew over the village.
There was no Malaysian or commercial aircraft in the vicinity and the plane is
presumed to have been Indonesian.
9 March, 1964
Lubok Antu
On 9 March at 1950 hours an unidentified aircraft was seen flying from east to
west near Lubok Antu. The aircraft was flying at a height of 2,000 feet. There being
no own traffic at the time of this incident it is therefore concluded that this was
an Indonesian aircraft.
8 February, 1964
At 1000 hours three Malaysian fishermen in the Malacca Straits in International
Waters were approached by an Indonesian fishing boat with six Indonesians aboard.
The Indonesians were armed with pistols and parangs. The Indonesians pirated the
Malaysian fishing craft and stole three pikuls of fish, fishing nets and their gear
valued in all $400,
9 February, 1964
At 2300 hours six Malaysian fishermen in the Malacca Straits in International
Waters in three fishing boats from Pontian, Johore, were approached by an Indonesian
gunboat. A number of Indonesian males robbed the fishermen of 116 fishing
nets, cash of $44 and their fishing gear. Value of property stolen amounted to
The crew of the gunboat were identified as Indonesians by the fishermen.
At about 1545 hours six Malaysian fishermen from Pantai Remis were intercepted
by an lndoncsian fishing craft No. SN247 with a crew of six in the Malacca Straits
in International Waters. The Indonesians were armed with one pistol and parangs.
The Indonesians pirated the Malaysian fishing craft stealing 10 pikuls of fish, diesel
oil, cash $20 and a wrist watch. Total value of property stolen is $502.65.
15 Frbruury, 1964
At 0600 hours four Malaysian fishermen from Pulau Ketam were fishing in boats
Nos. SLF607 and SLF2084 in the Malacca Straits in International Waters when
they were intercepted by an Indonesian gunboat with a crew of 21. The Indonesians
towed away fishing boat SLF607 together with catch and fishing gear valued at
$5,600. The fishermen were instructed to return to Malaya with fishing craft
The gunboat was identified as Indonesian by the fishermen.
19 Febnmry, 1964
At 0500 hours two Malaysian fishermen from Pulau Ketam while fishing in boat
No. SLF2843 were robbed of 33 fishing nets valued at $1,200 by seven Indonesians
armed with five shotguns and two revolvers who intercepted them in the Malacca
Straits in Malaysian territorial waters.
23 February, 1964
At 1800 hours four Malaysian fishermen from Pulau Ketam were fishing in craft
Nos. SLF2541 and SLF973 in the Malacca Straits in International Waters when
they were approached by an Indonesian gunboat with a crew of five wearing naval
uniforms and armed with rifles and pistols. The gunboat towed the two fishing craft
into Indonesian waters some five miles away. They were put in the lock-up of an
Indonesian warship to which they were taken. The warship had a crew of approximately
100 dressed in white uniforms. A little later the fishermen were allowed to

return to Malaya in fishing craft SLF973. The Indonesian warship kept the fishing
craft SLF2541 together with all the fishing gear. Value of property stolen is $7,420.
The warship is believed to be landing ship Tank 506 Teluk Wadjo.
3 March, 1964
At 2000 hours five Malaysian fishermen from Malacca in three fishing craft were
intercepted by an Indonesian boat identification letters ‘Batan 39’, with a crew of
13. The Indonesians boarded the fishing craft and then towed them to Tanjong
Pinang, Sumatra. There the Indonesians demanded $2,000 from the fishermen for
their release, otherwise they said they would be killed. Two of the fishermen were
allowed to return to Malacca in one of the fishing craft to obtain the money
demanded. At 1600 hours 4 March, the two fishermen returned to Tanjong Pinang
with the $2,000 cash. After the money was handed to Indonesians they stole from
the boats 95 fishing nets, food-stuffs and clothing. They kept one of the fishing craft
MF2017 and allowed the fishermen to return to Malaya in their remaining two
fishing craft. Total value of property is $7,900.
4 March, 1964
Three Malaysian fishermen were fishing from their craft which was intercepted
in International Waters in the Malacca Straits at 1900 hours by an Indonesian boat
with a crew of nine armed with a pistol. The Indonesians were dressed in black.
They stole property valued at $754 from the fishing craft then they left in a
southerly direction.
13 March, 1964
On 13 March, 1964, four Malaysian fishermen off Tanjong Sepat. Selangor, who
had completed their fishing at 0900 hours rested in their boats Nos. SLF3470
and SLF717. At 1230 hours a yellow coloured lndonesian Police gunboat No. 506
approached and ordered the fishermen aboard. The crew of the gunboat were
armed and dressed in assorted green and khaki uniforms. The gunboat towed the
fishing craft to Chinaboy in Sumatra. The fishermen were then allowed to return
to Malaya in fishing craft SLF717. The Indonesians kept fishing craft SLF3470,
74 fishing nets and the catch of 130 katies of fish, all valued at $10,000.
The gunboat involved in the current piracy report is on record as a Djakarta
registered Police boat. The fishermen thought that they were in territorial waters
as they could see Port Dickson from where they were.
13 Msrch, 1964
At 0400 hours two fishermen at a kelong (platform built above the sea from
which fish are caught) two miles offshore were assaulted by six male Indonesians
who were crew members of a light blue coloured gunboat.
The fishermen recognised the assailants as Indonesians.
11 Mmrch, 1964
At 1600 hours four fishermen from Malaya were fishing in International Waters
in the Malacca Straits in the area of Pulau Sialau when they were robbed of
nine fishing nets, 20 katies rice, biscuits and two torches valued altogether at
$687.10. The pirates were seven men from the crew of an Indonesian gunboat.
They were armed with a bren gun and a pistol. They wore khaki uniforms and
black berets. After assaulting the four fishermen and instructing them to report
the incident to the Malaysian Prime Minister, the gunboat left the scene.
15 March, 1964
At 0600 hours two Malaysian fishermen from Malaya were fishing in Indonesia
claimed waters in tishing craft SLF3468 when they were approached by an
lndonesian gunboat with a crew of ten. The gunboat was flying the Indonesian
flag, and had a bren gun mounted forward. No other weapons were seen. The
crew were dressed in jungle green and khaki uniforms. The fishermen were forced

to board the gunboat and their fishing craft was then towed to a place known as
‘Chinaboy’. There the Indonesians demanded $1,000 cash for the release of the
fishermen. One of the fishermen was allowed to return to Malaya in the fishing
craft after the fishing nets, the catch and a wrist watch were stolen, to collect the
money. The fishermen returned to Chinaboy at 0700 hours on 16 March, 1964
with the $1,000. He was unable to trace the Indonesians or his companion so he
then returned to Malaya.
There has been no trace to date of the missing fisherman.
-- - . - - - . . - - “ - , - _--
_I- - - , . --_-- - - -

The Supplement is divided into four sections:
The period covered by this Supplement is:
9th March. 1961 to 11 April, 1964.
Maps are attaohcd showing the location of incidents.
Numbers below

correspond with A
those on mapr.

I Payoh Area”-9 March, 1964
Payoh is a small village eight kilometres south-east of Tebedu in the Serian
district of First Division. The border between Indonesia and Sarawak in the Payoh
area is clearly recognisablc as it runs along the crest of a range of hills. There arc
no roads in the area but a few tracks and streams exist.
On 7 March a Security Force patrol operating near the border of Payoh found
fresh tracks for about 60-70 people heading north. A search was organised and t
at 0800 hours on 9 March further tracks for about 40 people were discovered one
kilometre to the north of Payoh. The tracks followed the bank of the River Muhang
which is a tributary of the River Angkarah. At 1830 hours the same day, a group
of about 40 armed men was located resting by the side of the river. The Security
Force patrol opened fire and killed two. In the firefight which lasted about 20
minutes one member of the patrol was fatally wounded. The enemy group scattered
and managed to escape. Enemy equipment captured during the engagement
included a rifle registered No. 5766969, a United States pattern sub-machine gun
magazine, and two sets of mess tins each bearing the figures ‘328’. As 328 Raider
Battalion which is Indonesian Regular Army Unit, was known at the time to be
stationed along the Indonesian border in this area, the markings on the mess tins
are indicative of Indonesian Regular Army involvement.
Follow up by Security Force patrols found tracks leading back to Indonesia.
It was reported by a villager from the village of Plaman Mapu, which is situated
on a border pass through the range of hills, that on 13 March, 37 terrorists in
jungle green carrying sub-machine guns, rifles and a rocket launcher, crossed the
border into Indonesia. Five of the party were wounded.
As no other contact had been made in this area since the ceasefire commenced
on 25 January, the wounded men must have received their injuries in the engagement
on 9 March in the incident reported above. Apart from the other indications

of Indonesian involvement already stated, it is clear that the group must have come
from Indonesia and on contact by Malaysian Security Forces returned there.
It is clear that this enemy force were either Indonesian Regulars or Irregulars
and in all probability were from 328 Raider Battalion.
2 Ulu Ai- March-12 April, 1964 P
Ulu Ai is a sparsely populated area of jungle in the south-east corner of Second
Division about 72 kilometres due cast of Simanggang. There is one village in the
area called Jambu with a population of 200-300. .
On 8 March Security Forces patrolling in the area reported tracks for about 50
people heading north from the border. The tracks had not hecn present when the
patrol passed that way on the previous day. On 12 March in a remote clearing, a
camp was discovered which had been occupied about two days previously by
approximately 100 people. In the camp Security Forces found three sub-machine
gun magazines, two light machine gun magazines, 5 x 50 mm mortar bombs, eight
spent rounds of 7.65 mm Sovjet ammunition, 921 rounds of other calibre ammunition
and 10 packs.
Numbers below
correspond with
those on maps.
The 50 mm mortar bombs and the 7.65 mm ammunition, are neither used by
nor issued to any Security Forces in Sarawak. It is however, known that Indonesian
Forces are equipped and capable of using such ammunition. Therefore it was
concluded that a group of about 100 Indonesian Regulars or Irregulars was in the
area and Security Forces increased their patrolling activities.
On 17 March a further camp of approximately the same size was found about
one kilometre to the north of the previously located camp. Recent tracks led in a
northerly direction. A document found at this camp was the gazetting certificate
of Nasution as a 2nd.Lieutenant in the Indonesian lrregular Forces. It was signed
by Rbang Kipli on 18 November, 1963. Abang Kipli until recently was the Field
at Annex A
Commander of the Indonesian Irregular forces.
Security Forces continued to patrol and found signs of the infiltrating force, but
no contact was made until 7 April when a group of about 20 enemy in jungle green
were seen resting in a small clearing about 800 metres north of Jambu. The
Security Forces attacked taking the enemy completely by surprise and scattered
them in various directions. One of the enemy was killed but has not been identified.
Seventeen military packs of a type used by the Indonesian army were left behind
by the group.
On 11 March on a track two kilometres north-east of Jambu a man in jungle
green was challenged by a Security Force patrol. He attempted to run into the
jungle and hide but was shot and killed by the patrol.
On 12 April a 2-man Security Force patrol was walking along a lonely track
10 kilometres due north of Jambu when they were fired at by what appeared to be
a four-man ambush group. The standard of training of the ambush party was
extremely poor as fire was opened a 100 metres before the patrol reached the
Fire was immediately returned and the four terrorists attempted to run away.
The two members of the patrol tracked the enemy down and killed them. The
identity of the dead infiltrators has not yet been disclosed.
The proximity of the Ulu Ai to the border and the equipment captured lead to
the belief that that this group of enemy came from Indonesia and must have also
been armed and equipped by the Indonesian Armed Forces.
As a result of the Security Force attack on the camp at Pangkalan Setungkor
on 6 March which was previously reported, the majority of the enemy returned
to Indonesia. Reports were received by Special Branch on 18 and 19 March that

a fresh incursion by about 50-60 enemy had occurred on about the 15th. Security
Forces attacked and overran the enemy position. But the enemy reorganised
themselves. Four packs and a A510 Radio set was captured by the enemy. The
enemy force withdrew at 17 00 hours. One member of the Security Force was
c o r r e ?pobenlnwwdit h
N u m b e rs

lhose cm

slightly wounded and it was considered at the time that the enemy suffered at least
three casualtics. The enemy group were equipped with rifles, three light machineguns
and one light mortar.
This is the first occasion in which a group of enemy has counter-attacked, thus
proving themselves to bc an aggressive and hostile force
The Security Force being out-numbered then reported the incident and a
follow-up was organised. On 26 March three men in jungle green uniform and
carrying rifles held up a group of natives and stole food from them. Two of the
men had been wounded, they said they were making their way back to Indonesia
for medical treatment.
On 29 March Security Forces contacted one uniformed man. When he raised
his sub-machine gun to fire on the patrol he was shot and killed. He has been
identified as Satong who was the leader of a group of 52 Indonesian Irregulars
who entered Sarawak on 13 March. He was formerly the Sarawak United People’s
Party Chairman of the Lundu Branch. He defected to Indonesia in early 1963.
The hostile act of this group plus the equipment carried by them and the arms
they were using which could not be obtained openly within Sarawak arc clear
proof of Indonesian backing and training of this force. This withdrawal to
Indonesia is equally clear proof that Indonesia is harbouring and supporting them.
Kluka-24 Murch-31 March, 1964
Kluka is an uninhabited hilly area 17 kilometres due south of Simanggang. The
arca is rocky and overlooks the Simanggang Kuching Road.
On 24 March, two natives who were walking through this area within Sarawak
territory were apprehended by a group of six Indonesians in jungle green carrying
rifles and sub-machine guns. They were taken to two caves at the top of steep
cliff which faces north over Second Division. The natives were released after three
hours and told not to come into the area again. They reported the incident to the
Security Forces and said that the caves contained a large quantity of food and
equipment. As the caves were located within Sarawak territory Security Forces
launched an attack on 31 March. Artillery fire and air-strikes from a helicopter
were brought to bear on the caves at first light. When the bombardment ended a
Security Force Company scaled the cliff but the infiltrators had by then retreated
the 600 metres south across the border. At 09 00 hours a group of ten terrorists in
uniform tried to make their way back to the caves but were attacked by a Security
Force patrol and forced back across the border again after suffering two fatal
casualtics. Two other terrorists were seen to be wounded but were helped back
across the border by their companions. No pursuit was carried out south of the
border. A considerable quantity of equipment and ammunition was recovered
which included a rifle registered No. 2-022561, a spare barrel for a light machine
gun, some grenades and clothing marked with an Indonesian Irregular Army stamp
(i.e. TNKU). One of the dead enemy is tentatively identified as Sergeant-Major
S. Marlin1 of the Indonesian Irregular Forces.
The intimidation of the two natives, the proximity to the border of the enemy
position, the equipment recovered, and the direction of flight all show that the
enemy came from Indonesia. The return of the 10 terrorists after the attack arc Numbers below

indications of the hostile intentions of this group. correspond with
tt1osc 0.1 mnps.
Telok M~lanrru-3 April, 1964 5
Telok Melanau is a small village of about 100 inhabitants situated on the coast
of the wcstcrn tip of First Division. It is within three kilometres of the Sarawak
border tind is surrounded by jungle.
At about 21 00 hours on 3 April a group of 12 Indonesians dressed in jungle
green and carrying rifles entered the village. Three of the group broke down the
front door of a house belonging to Karim bin Sindang who is a 42-year-old
Sarawak fisherman. They ransacked the house and stoic M$lOO which was Karim’s
entire life savings and valuables worth M$250. One of the Indonesians who had
brought a tin of petrol into the house with him poured the contents over Karim’s
two daughters and was about to set them alight when he was restrained by one of
the other Jndoncsians. Karim was taken outside where he found his brother Satang
and his brother-in-law Neon bin Hassan who had also been apprehended by the
terrorists. The three men were taken across the border into Indonesia to an
Indonesian Jrrcgular Forces camp. The journey took three days, during which time
the captives were given no food. The Indonesians ate three or four meals of rice
with salt.
In a hungry and exhausted condition the captives were then accused of being
British spies and condemned to death. They were shot by an Indonesian firing
squad. Karim fell at the first volley although he had not been hit. He feigned
death and while the Indonesians were not looking managed to crawl into the jungle,
make his escape and return to Tclok Melanau. He believes that his two relatives
were both killed. On returning to Tclok Melanau he immediately reported to the
Sarawak Police who already knew of his kidnapping which had been reported by
other villagers.
Ncuomrbreerss pobnedloww it h B
those on maps.
6 Enemy Activity irt the Sungei Pepagnrr Area
Sung& Pepagau is a large river in the portion of Tawau Residency originating
from the Conner Mountain Range approximately eight miles south-west of Semporna.
It flows northwards.
On 4 March at about 1900 hours, a house in the Sungei Pcpagau area was
visited by an Indonesian in jungle green uniform armed. This man asked the
occupants of the house for food. After being given a small quantity of food he
left the house and headed into the jungle. The occupant of this house made a report
to the local police in that area. On 6 March at about 0730 in the morning a timber
worker in this same area saw a uniformed and armed Indonesian. This timber
worker also made a report to the police.
As it is not possible to obtain arms and uniform in Sabah except by being a
member of the Security Forces this man was obviously an Indonesian Irregular.
Incident on 6 March, 1964
On receiving information of the presence of terrorists in this area a Security
Force patrol was sent out to try and locate the terrorists. At approximately 1600
hours on 6 March this Security Force patrol came in contact with two armed men
about 200 yards north from where the man was seen in the moruing, in the jungle.
The men were in jungle green uniform and one was armed with a rifle and the
other, a sten gun. On contact, fire was immediately opened by both parties but the
enemy immediately broke contact and fled northwards. Some medicine and a
water-bottle were recovered by the Security Forces.

This incident indicates for the first time the presence of an enemy party east
of Tawau.
7 Enemy Activity in the Knrrtpong Lintuu Area
Kampong Limau is a small Malaysian village on the eastern portion of Sebatik
Island. It is about one mile from the Indonesian border. The village is separated
from Tawau town by Cowie Harbour and is approximately 5 miles away from
Tawau. Across the lndonesian border and in south Sebatik it is known that the
Indonesians have two Regular Army platoon bases, and about 70 Irregulars.
South-west of Sebatik Island lies Indonesian Nunukan, where an Indonesian *
Marine battalion is stationed.
Incident on 3 April, 1964
At about midnight on 3 April an unknown number of Indonesians came into
Limau village. This group were armed and in uniform. The enemy raided the
village looting foodstuff, clothing and other valuable goods and then left. Security
Forces based near this village were informed about this raid and follow up
operations were immediately mounted. A Security Force patrol following tracks
made by the enemy discovered that they had crossed the border on coming into
Sabah and had also withdrawn the same way.
Incident on 8 April, 1964
After the raid on Limau village by Indonesian Irregulars, a patrol of Security
Forces was sent into the area again. This patrol based itself on the outskirts of the
village. 0n the morning of the 8 April, this Security Force patrol was attacked
twice by Indonesian Irregulars at 0330 hours and 0440 hours. Fire was opened
by both sides. The enemy finally fled leaving no casualties behind. There were also
no Security Force casualties: the strength of the enemy who attacked this Security
Force. position is unknown. This is the third raid on Limau village besides being the
second in the last six days: and the proximity of it to the border and the route
taken by the enemy are a clear indication that the enemy were from the Regular
or Irregular lndonesian Forces based on Indonesian Sebatik.
Numbers brlow
those on maps.
16 March, 1964-Sematan
On 16 March at 1945 hours an unidentified aircraft was seen flying over
Sematan in the First Division of Sarawak. The aircraft was flying at a height
of about 4,000 feet heading west and then south.
28 Mm-cl]. 1964-Long Pusial Long Semtrdo l
On 28 March at 1030 hours an aircraft believed to be a B26 flew over Long
Semado in the Fifth Division of Sarawak and Long Pasia in the Interior Residency l

of Sabah.
3 8 April, 3964-Long Jawi
On 8 April at 0900 hours an unidentified aircraft flew over Long Jawi in
the Third Division of Sarawak. The aircraft approached from the west and then
turned north.
No Malaysian or friendly military or commercial planes were flying in the areas
at the times stated.
It must therefore be presumed that the plants were Indonesian.
27 March, 1964
At about 1430 hours five Malaysian lishing craft each with a crew of two

were intercepted while fishing in the area two miles west of One Fathom Bank
Lighthouse. Selangor in International Waters, by an Indonesian gunboat No. 506.
The gunboat had a crew of 30 who were armed with rifles and pistols and
dressed in an assortment of clothing. The fishermen were forced to board the
gunboat and were kept in a cabin on board. The gunboat then towed the fishing
craft into Indonesian waters. The crews of the fishing boats were then released
and allowed to return in their fishing boats to Malaya. The Indonesians however
stole all their fishing gear, catch and assortment of foodstuffs valued altogether
at M%9,400. l
2 28 March, 1964
At 2300 hours two Malaysian fishermen from Pulau Ketam were fishing in
International Waters near One Fathom Bank, Straits of Malacca when they
heard a number of shots being fired. They were then approached by an Indonesian
gunboat No. POL 181 with a crew of 12 armed with rifles and pistols. The
crew were dressed in jungle green and the gunboat carried a gun forward. The
fishermen were forced to board the gunboat and they were taken with their
fishing craft to Pulau Pahang in Su matra. At 0200 hours on 31 March the^h..e-,r.u-hA
e . .i.o . .wI.
fishermen were allowed to return to Malaya in their fishing craft. The Indonesians ;~~f;“~‘~~~~~‘.”
however stole the fishing nets, catch and some foodstuff valued at M$2,000 from
the boat.
29 Mardz, 1964 3
At about 0500 hours seven male Malaysians from Singapore were fishing
in international Waters approximately 130 miles east of Singapore in the South
China Sea. They were suddenly shot at by another craft believed to be Indonesian.
The attacking craft followed for approximately one hour firing from time to time.
During the first attack one fisherman was killed and another wounded in the
thigh. The attacking craft left the scene before daylight and was not identified
but thought to be Indonesian. Bullets recovered from the fishing craft indicated
that the weapon used was a Stirling sub-machine gun.
Telok Anson, Perak-29 March, 1964
On the 29 March at about 2.20 a.m. two employees on a rubber estate near
Telok Anson heard and saw the outline of an aircraft flying from south to north.
These two men subsequently saw two parachutes floating down which they
assumed had been dropped by the unidentified aircraft.
Subsequent search led to the recovery of a total of six parachutes and a box
containing six rounds of ammunition. The parachutes were of a type used for the
dropping of supplies. Some were of British manufacture, but of a type not used
for a number of years by the British, and sold to a number of foreign governments
including Indonesia for use by their Armed Forces.
No friendly or Malaysian military plane was flying in this area at this time and
it is concluded that it was an Indonesian aircraft which dropped the parachutes
for the purpose of causing alarm among the rural population who might think that
Indonesian infiltrators were in the area and were being supplied by the dropping
of supplies.
S’ungei Yahai, Se&w-2 April, 1964
On 2 April four aborigines while out hunting found a parachute in some trees.
They also found a parachute bag.
The parachute was of the same type as those found near Telok Anson and it is

a reasonable assumption that it was dropped at the same time for the same reason.
Slim River, Perak-11 April, 1964
On 11 April three children found a parachute bag in the Slim River area of Perak.
The bag was that of a type used by the British forces, but no such bag has been
dropped intentionally or unintentionally in that area by British aircraft.
As there have been numerous reports of unidentified aircraft flying over this and
other areas in Peninsula the evidence points to an Indonesian attempt to counter
Malaysian allegations by making it appear that such unidentified aircraft are British,
by using a British parachute bag-of which they have bought considerable quantities-
to lend credence to their denials that they are carrying out psychological
Numherr belou
correspond with
those on mani.
4 Selatan Estate, Telok Anson, Perak-11 April, 1964
On the 1 I April the manager of this estate found an ammunition box containing
six rounds of ammunition. One round was nearby on the ground and the lid of
the box was open.
The box and ammunition were of similar type to that found on the 29 March.
It is likely that the box was free dropped on the 29 March by the same
unidentified aircraft.
The Supplement is divided into Four sections:
Numbers below
corrwpond with

thme on mat%. SARAWAK

1 Mongkus-21122 April, 1964
Kg Mongkus is due south of Serian, four kilometres from the border in First
On the 21 April at about 1700 hours a Dayak farmer who was working in his
cultivation about five minutes walk from the border south of Kg Mongkus was
approached by 20 enemy.
The enemy asked him to join their group whom they explained were volunteers
of the North Kalimantan Liberation Army. Out of fear he agreed and he was given
a No. four rifle (British) and seven rounds of ammunition.
The Irregulars slept at his farm that night and at 0700 hours next morningthe
22 April-moved off towards a Security Force camp four miles away taking
the Dayak with them.
The Dayak ran away from the Irregulars while they were passing through thick
undergrowth and made his way to the Security Force camp to warn the Security

Forces of the presence of the enemy and surrendered his rifle and ammunition.
He stated that the Trregulars had rifles, machine carbines, pistols and 36 grenades
and a mortar. At least 10 were Javanese.
At midnight 22/23 April fire was opened on the Security Force camp from a
distance of about 100 metres. The fire included mortar bombs. There were no
It is clear that the enemy came from Kalimantan and the evidence points to the
group who abducted the Dayak as being the same group who later fired on the
Security Forces. The composition of the group indicates that at least 10 were
Indonesian recruited Irregulars or Regular soldiers.
2 Kundai-12 May, 1964
Kandai is a kampong near a mountain of that name SSW of Lundu five kilometres
from the border in First Division.
On the 12 May newly made tracks of 70 men were found two kilometres south of ,
Kandai leading from the border to a swamp and then back to the border.
It is known that a large group of Irregulars arrived at Berdjongkong in Kalimantan
on 8 May which is within easy march of Kandai.
Although no evidence exists that the 70 men were lndonesians it is very unlikely
that these tracks were made by normal border dwellers who do not go about in
such large groups and who in any case know the area too well to take a route
which led to a swamp.
an incursion into Sarawak which, because they chose a bad route was abortive.
Pasir Tengcrh-18 May, 1964
Pasir Tengah is a small kampong five kilometres from the border, south of Lundu
in First Division.
On the 18 May a Security Force platoon was deployed in ambush positions
between Pasir Tcngah and the Border. A section of this platoon was resting in the
+ platoon base.
At 1230 hours the section at the platoon base was attacked. The attack was
+ cparorrbieadb ly outth rweeit h ofd ethteer meinnaetmioyn wearned kisllkeidll.. TTwheo
pmlaetmoobne rs baosfe thhead Steoc ubriety evFaocrucaetse d anidn
the face of a second attack and the bodies of the dead together with some equipment
had to be abandoned.
The enemy were dressed in jungle green and it is estimated that there were about
40 of them.
On the 25 May Radio Pontianak stated that the Indonesian Army had repulsed
a Malaysian battalion which it was alleged had tried to enter Kalimantan.
A company of 328 Raider Battalion was stationed within easy marching distance
of the border opposite the Pasir Tengah area at this time.
The determination and skill with which this attack was carried out and the
proximity of the company of 328 Raider Battalion make it most likely that it was
this unit which carried out the attack probably with the intention of capturing a
prisoner for psychological warfare exploitation.
It is not unusual for Indonesian Regulars to change into B-regular uniform when
carrying out raids to hide the identity of Regular personnel.
The Radio Pontianak broadcast was almost certainly a distorted version of this
Baren area-7 April, 1964
Bareo is a large kampong in Fourth Division about 15 kilometres from the
Sarawak/Kalimantan border and eight kilometres south of the Fourth/Fifth
Division boundary.

. It has some geographical significance, as from it, tracks lead NE, East and SE
to the border, Westwards to the upper reaches of the Sungai Tutoh and Southwards
to the upper reaches of the Batang Baram. Both rivers carry traffic from the interior
of Fourth Division to the coast.
Some 15 kilometres NE of Bareo is Long Rapun, an isolated group of longhouses.
which is about five kilometres from the border.
5 Strm area-7 April, 1964
On the 7 April at 0945 hours three armed enemy walked into a Security Force
ambush between Long Rapun and the border. One was killed; two, one of whom
was wounded, escaped.
The wounded man left a blood trail which led, together with the tracks of two
men, across the border.
The dead man was dressed in a jungle green uniform with United States pattern
equipment consisting of belt, pack and water bottle. He had a Garand (United States
self-loading rifle) and 70 rounds of ammunition,
Hc had on his uniform a cloth badge indicating that he was from Pramuka B,
an Indonesian Irregular unit b:iscd at the time on Long Bawan in Kalimantan
opposite this area of Sarawak.
Subsequent search by Security Forces revealed that the blood trail of the wounded
man joined the tracks of five to eight other men, all of which led to the border.
A camp for 40 men was discovered near Pa Lungan, two kilometres from Long
Rapun and it seems likely that this camp contained the group who assisted the
wounded man back over the border.
The equipment of the dead man and the subsequent discovery of a camp are
clear evidence of an incursion from Kalimantan of armed and uniformed enemy.
The dead man could hardly have obtained his equipment and weapon without
Tndonesian official connivance.
Ittcirknt nn 4 Mq, 1964
On 4 May at OX40 hours Security Forces fired on an armed and uniformed man
in the Long Rapun area. The man escaped.
Hc was wearing jungle green uniform and carrying a US Army carbine.
During the follow-up, tracks of six men were found East of Pa Lungan and
one shot was fired from the thick jungle near the border at the Security Force
The tracks of the six men led across the border.
lt is deduced from the incidents related above that a party of enemy had crossed
from Kalimantan and that a scout of this party was contacted by Security Forces.
Kg Stass is 24 kilomctres from the Sarawnk/Kalimantan border, due West of
BAU in First Division Sarawak. Six kilometres South East of Kg Stass is
Kg Serabak which is five kilomctres from the border.
On the 7 April at 1030 hours a section of a Security Force platoon on routine
patrol was fired at as it approached a basha in the jungle about half way between
Kg Scrabak and the border.
Subscqucnt information and a study of tracks indicated that about 14 enemy
were involved in what appears to have been an attempt to ambush the Security
Force patrol.
Some of the enemy wore jungle green uniform and some were in camouflage y;z&”
uniform. those on mnp~.
Fire was returned by the Security Force patrol and the cncmy broke contact.
Subsequent follow-up of tracks led to the border.
It is known that at this time elements of 328 Raider Battalion whose uniform is

a camouflage jacket and trousers together with elements of a company of Irregulars
whose uniform is jungle green was at &bang in Kalimantan opposite Kg Serabak.
lnciilent on 13 April, 1964
On the 13 April at about 0950 hours a six man Security Force patrol was
ambushed by an estimated 10 to 20 enemy while patrolling between Kg Stass and
the border.
Jn the ensuing fire fight the patrol suffered four fatal casualties.
Subscqucnt follow-up by another patrol found the ambush position for 22 men
and followed tracks to the border.
The proximity of the border and the tracks to and from it are indicative of an
incursion into Sarawak from Kalimantan.
The accumulated evidence clearly points to two separate incursions, on 7 and 13
April, aimed at ambushing Malaysian Security Forces by a combined force of
Irregulars, and Regulars of 328 Raider Battalion, the latter being a unit of the
Indonesian Regular Army in Ralimantan.
Selarrtpit-28 April, 1964 6
Selampit is a kampong South of Lundu, 10 kilometres from the border in First
On the 28 April at 0100 hours small arms including mortar fire was directed at
the houses in the kampong. The attack lasted 10 minutes. There were no casualties
but some houses were hit by mortar fire. This did not result in any serious damage.
Security Forces following-up in the daylight followed the tracks of 20-30 men
to the border and found the following ammunition on the outskirts of Selampit:
(n) 50 mm mortar bombs
(b) A 36 type grenade
(c) .45 pistol/machine carbine
(n) .30 US Ml carbine
(e) 30 US Garand
(f) .30 ballestite-for Garand fitted with energa grenade
It is clear that this group of enemy came from Kalimantan, probably from Sawah
which is within a day’s march of the border and previous to this incident contained
a group of Irregulars.
The ammunition however-particularly the use of a .45 pistol or SMC points to
Regular Indonesian Army involvement.
Numhers helow
corre~pmd with
those on map>.
KumpongSrmgei Limau--19 April, 1964
Kampolng Sungei Limau is a small Malaysian kampong on the NE portion of
Sebstik Island, is about one mile from the Indonesian border. South West of
Sebatik Island lies Nunukan Island which is Indonesian. North East of Sebatik
Island on the Sabah mainland is Tawau town.
After two incidents earlier in April in this area (ref previous reports), Security
Forces deployed stronger protective patrols to prevent further raids by Indonesian
soldiers and marines from across the bolrder.
On 19 April a group of Irregulars from Indonesia numbering 6 or 7 entered a
Security Force ambush position just olutside Sungei Limau village on Malaysian
Fire was exchanged by both the Irregulars and the Malaysian patrol which
lasted for about 10 minutes after which the Irregulars disengaged and fled across
the border. As a result of this incident one Irrcg,ular was killed and his body left

behind while two or three, who were wounded, were carried back by the others
across the border. One stengun, nine mm ammunition and a grenade were
incident on 21 April, 1964
Again on the night of 21 April another group of some 15-20 Irregulars clashed
with another Security Force ambush located close to the position of the first incident
outside Sungei Limau village. Again fire was exchanged by both parties but there
were no casualties on either side. Towards dawn, the Irregulars disengaged and
withdrew across the border to Indonesian territory.
Near Jesselton--28 April, 1964
(Ref report on Violations of Air Space Serial One).
Tuaran is a village approximately 40 miles northeast of Jesselton in the West
Coast Residency of Sabah. South of this place the area is hilly and is covered with
During the early hours of the morning of 23 April at about 0300 hours, the
villagers at the third Mile Kiulu Road were awakened by a low flying aircraft.
The aircraft apparently came from a northerly direction, circled once and returned
to the north. When questioned, the villagers stated that the aircraft moved at a
great speed and some thought it made a rustling noise. When shown silhouette
pictures of the aircraft the villagers pointed to a picture of a B26 Invader as
opposed to a helicopter. Some of the villagers stated that they saw parachutes
dropping from the aircraft but it was not until dawn the following morning that
they investigated the area and found parachutes. A search conducted by the Police
in this’ area showed that the parachutes were all of Soviet manufacture and marked
ADRI (Indonesian Army). Some of the parachutes had landed in the tops of trees
but very few branches were broken, suggesting that the parachutes were not loaded.
These parachutes were scattered on the side of a hill near Tuaran. Four large
ammunition boxes, thirteen grenade containers and nine 2-inch mortar bombs in
containers were recovered with 22 parachutes. The 2-inch mortar bombs with their
bodies were painted black with yellow and green bands, marked ‘Medsen 57/l’.
There was also a piece of wood found which could have been part of a box used
to contain primers. The ammunition boxes were scattered on the hillside over an
area of about one acre and were empty. There were no footprints near them and
no traces of packing materials. The parachutes had man harness attached, were
white in colour and of an inferior quality. A packing note written in Indonesian
was recovered indicating that they had been packed on 26 March.
It is concluded that the incident was Indonesian inspired and was for psychological
warfare purposes and it appears to be similar to recent events in Malaya.
Subsequent Security Force operations indicated that no enemy was dropped in or
around this area.
Humhers helow

‘ i~rrcspond with AIR AND MARINE

lhox or, t”xpi.
1 Jcsselton area-23 April, 1964
On 23 April at 0330 hours an unidentified aircraft bclicvcd to be a ‘B26 Invader’
dropped parachutes 10 miles North east of Jessclton. Twenty-two of thcsc
parachutes have so far been found which are of SOVIET origin. One parachute
had a note in Indonesian language showing that packing of thcsc ‘chutes was done
on 26 March. Four large ammunition boxes, 13 grenade containers and nine
2-inch mortar bombs in containers have so far been recovered togcthcr with these
parachutes. (Ref Section B Serial One).

27 April, 1964
At about 2130 hours five fisherman from Tanjong Kling in Malacca were fishing
in two boats, MF 2143 and MF 2331, in the area West of Pulau Undan in
international waters off Malacca when they were approached by an lndonesian boat.
This Indonesia boat had a crew of seven lndoncsians armed with rifles and pistols.
Four of the five Malayan fishermen were forced to board the Indonesian craft.
They were then taken by the Indonesians to a place known as “Api Empat Kelip”
(The light with four flashes). The Indonesians demanded $500 from the Malayan
fishermen in order that the latter could continue fishing. The Malayan fishermen
said that they did not have $500 but could pay later. The Indonesians then stole a
fishing craft licence from the Malayans and released them.
I May, 1964
At about 1130 hours four Chinese fishermen from Pulau Ketam, Selangor, were
fishing from two fishing craft in the Angsa Bank area, International waters, when
they were approached by an Indonesian Gunboat No. 910 with a crew of 30,
dressed in jungle green uniforms. The Indonesians robbed the fishermen of
66 fishing nets and about 160 Katties of fish. Total value of stolen property is
$3,400. The crew of the Indonesian gunboat were armed.
3 I May, 1964
At about 1830 hours three fishermen from Malaya were fishing near Pulau Besar,
International waters when they were approached by an Tndonesian gunboat with
a crew of 20 armed Indonesians. The fishermen were instructed to board the
gunboat. Two of the Indonesian crew then went into the fishing craft and stole
cash and rations valued at $175. The fishermen were then allowed to board their
fishing craft and the gunboat then left the scene.
4 I May, 1964
At about 2000 hours an Indonesian gunboat approached Malayan fishing craft
No. MF 2150 from which two Chinese from Malaya were fishing in the area Pulau
Besar, international waters. Six members of the gunboat crew, dressed in civilian
1. The Malay Peninsula and Singapore being the nerve centres of the new
federation of Malaysia are the natural targets of the Indonesians in fomenting an
armed revolution.
2. Since June, 1963, a total of about 80 Malaysian Nationals are known to have
received training in sabotage at various bases in Indonesia.
3. They received training in guerilla warfare, handling of small arms and sabotage,
political indoctrination, intelligence procurement and personal security before they
were smuggled into Singapore aboard Indonesian trading crafts and sailing vessels
on various dates as from November 1963.
4. One group brought with them into Singapore a fairly large quantity of arms,
grenades, ammunition and explosives. All these arms and explosive were seized by
Singapore Police shortly after they were landed.
5. Three Indonesian saboteurs who came with the leader of the group also brought
with them sten guns, pistols, ammunition and explosives. These arms and explosives
which were smuggled into the Peninsula by car were later recovered by Peninsula
Police subsequent to the arrest of these saboteurs.

6. All arms and explosives brought into Singapore arrived in barter vessels and
were concealed in sacks of charcoals and under cargoes of copra and were
conveyed in vessels independent of saboteurs.
7. Interrogations of arrested, trained saboteurs have revealed that the Indonesians
intended to commit their own personnel to act in conjunction with Indonesian
trained Malaysian personnel in accordance with two operational plans, known as
Oprasi ‘A’ and Oprasi ‘B’.
8. Oprasi ‘A’ was to be mounted jointly by the army and navy each pursuing
separate but agreed plans of campaign under the overall command of a Colonel
and with field commanders in Johore and Singapore. The plans for Oprasi ‘A’
involve sabotage of selected targets, the selting up of radio communications from
bases in Singapore and Johore to Jakarta, and the training and organising of
Malayan revolutionaries in South Johore. Saboteurs deployed under Oprasi ‘A’
have explosives and arms at their disposal.
9. The detailed plan for Oprasi ‘B’ includes the commitment of 70 paratroops to
operations in the Peninsula after Oprasi ‘A’ has been carried out.
10. The trained saboteurs, on their return to Singapore and the Peninsula, have
been detailed to destroy important installations and public utilities such as power
stations, bridges and military installations. The following are some of the targets
assigned to them: those on maps
(u) The water pipeline at Woodlands.
(h) The railway bridge at Gemas.
(c) Sabotage in Singapore between 3 and 7 March, 1964, i.e. during the period
of Bangkok Conference.
(d) The Radar Station, Singapore.
(e) Pasir Panjang Power Station, Singapore.
(f) Petroleum refineries in Singapore and Port Dickson (NS).
(g) The military camp at Port Dickson.
(h) Kuala Lumpur aerodrome.

(i) Gunong Pulai reservoir, Johore.

(i) The main water pipeline from Johore to Singapore.
They were instructed by their leader to explode at random so as to cause public
alarm should they fail to reach their assigned targets.
11. None of these saboteurs are known to have succeeded in attacking targets
specifically assigned to them because of effective preventive measures adopted by
the Government.
12. The following bomb explosions in Singapore are however attributed to these
Indonesian trained saboteurs :
Dnte und Time Pluce Remarks
(a) 24-9-63 2315 hrs Katong Park Nordin Lemon, an Indonesian trained 1
saboteur, was responsible. He admitted
this sabotage act in his statement to police
after arrest. The explosion damaged the
iron railings of Katong Park just opposite
Hotel Ambassador and the splinters broke

some of the hotel’s window panes.
Investigations revealed that the explosion
was caused by a home-made bomb.
(0) 26-9-63 1400 hrs Katong Park Nordin Lemon, an Indonesian trained 2
l saboteur, was responsible. The bomb

blasted a tree just behind the railings of

Katong Park, about 30 yards from the first
explosion. Investigation revealed that the
explosion was caused by a home-made
lhtr urd Time Place
(c) 6-10-63 1040 hrs Katong Park
(n) 9- 12-63 2245 hrs Sennet Estate
6 (I) 27-3-64 0125 hrs lstana Negara
(e) 7-3-64 2330 hrs Raffles Hotel
Nordin Lemon, with the assistance of two
other saboteurs by the name of Abdul
Wahab b. JaHa and Omar Hitam were
responsible. The bomb exploded at a car
parking lot at Katong Park opposite 30
Mayer Road, Singapore. The explosion
lifted a car and overturned it, ripping the
petrol tank and setting the vehicle on fire.
Nordin Lemon admitted this in his statement
to the police. Investigations revealed
that high explosive charge of about 4 lb
was used.
Ahmat bin Junit/Ahmad Toh, with the
assistance of two other saboteurs named
Ahmad Lochin and ‘Ah Kow’, were
responsible. Ahmat Junit has admitted
liability and the complicity of the other
two saboteurs in his statement to the
police. The explosion completely wrecked
a motor car and damaged another one that
was parked nearby. It also killed two
Indian passers-by. Structural damage also
occured in the area, a concrete lintel and
iron gate adjacent to the crater was displaced
and a culvert coping cracked.
Investigations revealed that the explosion
was a detonation of 25 lb of high explosive
charge (TNT). Ahmad bin Junit was
charged in Assize Court, Singapore, and
sentenced to death.
The explosion damaged six rooms on the
ground floor and two on the first floor,
part of concrete surface on the five foot
way and damage to the wall of the rooms
and pillar. It is believed that this was the
work of Indonesian saboteurs. Investigations
revealed that the explosion was

caused by gelignite charge of about 12 lb.
An explosion blew off about 10 ft of steel
wire fencing and caused a crater 7 ft in
diameter and 4 ft deep. A window pane
and two lamp stands at a bungalow 400
yards away were damaged. Rosman b.
Abbas and Kamsani b. Alias, both Indonesian
trained saboteurs, were responsible.
They have both admitted liability for the
Dute and Time Place
(g) 29-3-64 1440 hrs 28 Nallar Road
(h) 3-4-64 1615 hrs 31-33 Geylang
(j) X-4-64 1945 hrs Woodleigh Park
(k) 8-4-64 2112 hrs Seawall end of
Telok Kurau
after arrest. Investigations revealed that
the saboteurs had intended to place the
bomb in the Istana Negara but were
prevented from doing so because of the
presence of police guards. Some 15 lb of
TNT was used.
The explosion caused a crater measuring
about 3+ ft by l$ ft in depth outside the
corner of seafront garden of premises,
28 Nallar Road. Four concrete pillars
were knocked off and six bolted windows
at 25 Nallar Road were thrown open and
three window panes broken. Hussein b.
Mohmood Ali and Kamsani b. Alias, both
Indonesian trained saboteurs, were responsible.
They have confessed that they
were responsible in their statements to the
police. Investigations revealed that the
explosion was caused by a charge of
about 5 lb of TNT set off by a lighted
The explosion occurred on a stairs of an
unoccupied block of flats. Tt caused a
small hole, damaged a few window panes
and glass. There are indications suggesting
that it was the work of an Indonesian
trained saboteur. This is yet to be
confirmed. lnvestigations revealed that the
explosion was caused by a 2 lb homemade
A person in the name of Kassim b. ?,
believed to be an Tndonesian trained
saboteur, was responsible. Two Tndoncsian
trained saboteurs have confirmed this
but were unable to provide details. The
explosion damaged the roof and part of
the wall of an electricity sub-station.
Investigations revealed that some 20 lb of
high explosive (probably TNT) were used.
The explosion caused a hole 6 ft by 4 ft.

Hussain b. Mohamood Ali and Rosman b.
Abbas, both Tndonesian trained saboteurs
were responsible. They have admitted this
Numbers below
correspond with
Ihose on maps.
Date and Time Place
11 (1) 12-4-64 0200 hrs S.I.T. Flat,
Jalan Rebong
12 (m) 13-4-64 1255 hrs S.I.T. flats,
Tg Hall,
(n) 15-4-64 2255 hrs S.T.B. booth in
front of 88
Jalan Betek,
Paya Lebar
(0) 1 S-4-64 2040 hrs Tempenis Road
112 m.s. Changi
in their statements to the police. Investigations
revealed that the explosion was
caused by a chargc of about 5 lb of TNT.
Kamsani b. Alias, an Indonesian trained
saboteur was responsible. He has confessed
in his statement that he had the
assistance of a 16 year-old local Malay
boy. The explosion caused extensive
damage to the flat at 21 Jalan Rebong,
completely blew off the entire stair-case at
one end of the building and two side
walls of the flat were blasted. It also
caused extensive damage to a two-storey
wooden and brick house at 27 Jalan
Rebong, some 64 ft away from scene of
explosion. The occupants and neighbours
were watching TV at time of explosion
and seven persons were injured. Two of
the injured persons died after admission
to hospital. Tnvcstigations revealed that
the explosion was caused by about 20 lb
of gelignite.
The explosion damaged a portion of an
unoccupied flat. Six rooms on the ground
floor were partially damaged. Believed to
bc the work of Tndonesian trained saboteurs.
Investigations revealed that high
explosives (most probably TNT) had been
detonated at the site.
A person in the name of Kassim believed
to bc an Indonesian trained saboteur was
responsible. The explosion completely
wrecked the telephone booth and five

persons were injured.
Explosion damaged two reinforced concrete
pillars of bridge and one of the
pillars was ripped open by blast. Kamsani
b. Alias, Rosman b. Abbas and Ibrahim
b. Yunus, all Indonesian trained saboteurs,
were responsible. They have
admitted this in their statements to the
police. Investigations revealed that the
explosion was caused by TNT in the
region of 4/S lb.
Date und Time Place Remarks Numbers below
correspond with
(y) 22-S-64 1955 hrs Merdeka Bridge The explosion caused a small hole on the those‘“ ly’
ground near the pillar of the second
column. It also caused a lallang fire
between 6 to 8 yards from the centre of
the explosion. Believed to be the work of
Indonesian trained saboteurs. Investigations
revealed that the explosion was
caused by improvised battery cell bombs.
The improvised bomb contained about
6 / 8 oz of gelignite.
(4) 29-5-64 2010 hrs 15s m.s. The blast slightly damaged 9 in. of the
Marriling Road base of one of the three concrete blocks
OK Woodlands supporting three water mains. Believed to
Road be the work of Indonesian trained saboteurs.
Investigations revealed that the
explosion was caused by a 5 lb TNT
(r) 31-S-64 2030 hrs RAF Changi The explosion caused a hole in the
ground. There was a twin-engined aircraft
about 20 yards from the spot but this was
not damaged. Believed to be Indonesian
inspired. Investigations revealed that the
explosion was caused by a bomb flung
over the wire perimeter bordering Telok
Paku Road and intended to damage the
13. Recovered from a boat in Singapore harbour
3 sten guns with 6 sten magazines.
3 1 hand-grenades.
12X rounds of 9 mm ammunition.
3 bags of explosives.
1 primer.
14. Recovered from a Muslim graveyard, 12 March, 1964, at Palm Drive, off Eust
Coast Road
1st Lot 1 pistol, No. D8407, and 1 pistol magazine load with 6 rounds of

2nd Lot 2 sten set machine guns, Mk II 9 mm, No. 5T.64567 and B.0.277113.
3rd Lot 2 rolls of red and greyish cord and 47 blocks of TNT slabs.
4th Lot 2 sten sub-machine guns, 9 mm, Mk II.
8 sten magazine loaded with a total of 199 rounds of 9 mm ammunition.
2 sten magazine pouches each with a provision of 3 magazines.
2 Lugar pistols with 6 rounds of mm.
15. Recovered from an wwumbercd hut of/ Lim Chic Kang Road, Ama Keng,
on 20 April, 1964
10 sten guns, including 4 that have been dismantled and 27 sten
magazines with 247 sten bullets and 7 grenades.
16. Recovered from the grounds of an un-numbered house at 10% ms. Upper
Changi Road, on 22 April, 1964
3 sten guns.
7 sten magazines.
154 rounds of 9 mm bullets.
18 hand-grenades.
1 military map of Singapore.
A set of five photographs showing the locality and where the firearms/explosives
were recovered are attached.
17. Arms and explosives recovered under Ops. Mara 11, in Johore, Peninsula
3 Browning pistols.
1 bundle of TNRM flags.
53 packets of gelignite.
2 magazines containing 16 rounds of 9 mm ammunition.
3 detonators.
1 USA colt and 3 colt magazines.
16 rounds of ammunition.
6 gelignite.
A set of two photographs relating to the recovery of arms/explosives, etc., are
18. The design and tactics adopted by the Indonesians are clear and are :
(a) To land and infiltrate groups of trained saboteurs comprising West Irian
Volunteer Returnees and members from certain political groups of the
Malay Extremist Anti-Malaysia elements and other pro-lndonesia elements
in order to set up a Fifth Column to assist landings and to establish
pockets of military intruders in Singapore and Peninsula for the purpose of
formenting an armed revolution in Peninsula and Singapore.
(h) An important part of the task of these trained saboteurs/infiltrators is to
sabotage and destroy important installations and public utilities like power
stations, bridges, military installations, etc., in order to disrupt the economic
life and administration as well as the defence of the country and cause
chaos, confusion and disorder.
(c) The number of these Indonesian saboteurs and Malaysians who were
trained by Indonesia to become their agents/saboteurs, and extremist local
supporters, is small but they arc all being strongly backed up by Indonesia
with finance, arms and explosives.

1st T.ot One pistol, No. D.8407, with magazine and 6 rounds.
2nd Lot 2 stens.
Browning pistols.
TNRM flag.

3 June, 1964
On 3 June. 1964 at 1700 hours a number of armed men burnt down 20 unoccupied
houses and discharged automatic fire at Kampong Melano, First Division, Sarawak.
6 June, 1964
On 6 June at 0100 hours, unknown number of enemy attacked Security Force
positions at Pa Lungan in the Fourth Division of Sarawak. Enemy used small arms
and fired four rounds of HE mortar bombs. Security Forces did not return fire.
There were no casualties. Tracks were found heading east. A follow-up is in
On the same day at 1100 hours, two Border Scouts in civilian clothes encountered
seven enemy. Enemy tired into the air. The Border Scouts withdrew to warn Security
7 June, 1964
On 7 June, at 1100 hours, an eight-man Security Force patrol following an enemy
track were ambushed. One soldier was killed. Enemy casualties are not known.
As a result of the follow-up an enemy camp for 90 was later found about SO0
yards south-west of the ambush position. The camp was hastily evacuated on the
morning of 7 June. The enemy believed have been split. One party was heading
N.N.W. and the other party heading south.
10 June, 1964
On 10 June, one armed and uniformed enemy was captured in Padawan, First
Division, Sarawak. On interrogation the captured enemy stated that he was a Deputy
Section leader. His mission was to take his sub-section of two men to Kuching area
where as soon as possible he was to sabotage and terrorise with grenades targets
including radio installations, oil storage tanks and public gathering.
On the night lo/ 11 June, 1964. an unknown number of enemy appeared to have
Sarawak. Indonesian cigarette packets
at the camp site.
camped in Batu Lintang in First Division,
and empty mortar bomb cases were found
11 June, 1964
Two other enemy of the sub-section were
Division of Sarawak. Thirty-six grenades,
captured in Padawan area in the First
one pistol and two sten guns were

13 June, 1964
On 13 June at 0640 hours a patrol from Peninjau was fired at by six enemy in
the Engkilili area, Second Division, Sarawak. After a short engagement the enemy
Later in the day, a Security Force patrol ambushed an enemy party of about 12
in strength at Batu Lintang in the Second Division, Sarawak. Sharp engagement
followed before the enemy withdrew towards the border. Security Forces used
artillery fire to cut escaping enemy party. One enemy was killed. A second enemy
party estimated to be 30 to 40 in number was following, the leading enemy party.
This enemy group attempted flanking attack under mortar cover.
A follow-up was launched by Security Forces. In this exercise, Security Forces
recovered nine enemy bodies, seven rifles, one Browning automatic, one Thompson
Sub-machine gun (SMG), 18 hand grenades, one plastic anti-personnel mine and a
large quantity of ammunition. Packs recovered were stocked with food for many
(Commmt: The Director of Borneo Operations stated that this is a well planned
incursion aimed at establishing group inside Sarawak. There is no question of
engagement being on or near withdrawal route or of enemy party being withdrawing
18 J/W, 1964
On 18 June two armed enemy were captured in the First Division, Sarawak
CR 901046. They were in green uniform and had one sten gun, one rifle and two
grenades. On interrogation both stated that they were heading for Kuching. They
were from No. 2 Platoon Mengala Company. They stated that 15 enemy left Siding
(GR 901035) on 16 June to carry out sabotage:
Team No. 1 Commanded by Samsfudin, objective Keranji 931059. Strength
eight men.
I’errrrt No. 2 Strength 2, now eliminated.
Tcwn No. 3 Commanded by Kani Timbul, objective Bau, strength three men.
Temn No. 4 Commanded by Dadono, objective East of Kuching, strength
three men.
19 June, 1964
On 19 June at 0745 hours a group of 30 to 40 enemy attacked a Security Forces
patrol in the Interior Residency of Sabah. One soldier was wounded. Them were
no enemy casualties, one pack, one rifle and some 7.2 ammunition were recovered.
A platoon was flown immediately into the area.
On the same day 32 Indonesian soldiers withdrew from Tebedu checkpoint on
the Malaysian side of the border into Kalimantan (Indonesian Borneo).
This party was first seen by locals near KG Kijang Tembawang GR 947006 about
1400 hours 113 June. Locals reported to Security Forces at Pengkalan AMNO CR
948008. Security Forccs sent patrol in direction of enemy and met party of 32
about 1530 hours local. First and last person of enemy party sporting orange Hags
tied to weapons. Party carrying weapons muzzles down and magazines removed.
On sighting patrol enemy threw down arms and held hands above heads. Enemy
personnel embraced Malaysian soldiers and asked if any non-Muslim soldiers were
around as they would kill them. They stressed that they had no argument with
Muslim brothers,
Enemy party consisted of 32 of whom one was Chinese and remainder Indonesians
but four of whom may have been Dayaks. One identified as Muslim illegal
immigrant arrested about two years ago in Serian. The Chinese spoke Hakka and
claimed to be Indonesian. Leader of party was Indonesian dressed in peaked
jungie cap, paratroop type smock and TNT type boots. Second in command wore
volunteer type, similar to Malayan jungle hat.
Enemy carried the following weapons :

3 Bren guns 6 Stens
1 SMG 7 Garands
2.45 SMC I1 Smle Number 1
Two folding butt carbines 2 pistols
One mortar 2 inch British Number 8
Majority enemy carried one or two hand grenades and US pattern ammunition
pouches. Two containers presumed to contain 12 mortar bombs seen.
Majority carried packs not apparently heavy and watcrbottlcs. Second in
command carried first aid wallet. Very little food carried but supply of concentrated
food tablets were carried. One commercial transistor radio receiver seen.
All except leader wore jungle green shirts and slacks and jungle hats except two
who wore peaked jungle caps. About half wore hockey type boots except leader
and one other who had TN1 type boots. Other half barefooted. Uniforms were old
but not weathered. Some had insignia of crossed bones and word Sukarelawan on
backs of shirts. One man had insignia on right shoulder in brown of figure seven
with a triangle. Many wore cloth of small Indonesian flag around necks or under
hats. It was noted that these small flags were fresh and looked new.
Enemy personnel tired but in good spirits. Looked fit. Legs of those without
shoes were in good condition, no cuts or sores. Most appeared mature and in age
group 20-25 years and some lightly bearded. One elderly man looked about 50
years possibly Dayak. The one Chincsc carried a bren gun.
Enemy personnel in. conversation with Security Forces rank and file made
statements from which it was understood that enemy party had recently crossed
border. However, leader stated they had been in Sarawak for six months. Second
in command said to Security Force C.O. that ‘kami bertolak pukol satu’. From
which and from manner in which said CO. inferred that party had started out
from l.ndonesian side of border at 1300 hours. Later second in command stated
that hc had just come across border and contacted this gang to lead them into
Check Point. Leader in conversation gave impression of being professional soldier.
He exhorted his men to look at example of discipline of Security Forces who were
like ‘our KKO’.
Enemy declared themselves to be Indonesian Volunteer Tortoise Team Number
7. On arrival at Tebedu they shouted ‘long live Thailand, long live Malaya, long
live Sukarno’, then held lengthy Muslim prayers. Pointers to support strong
21122 June, 1964
On 21 June a Security Force patrol arrived in Rasau on the afternoon after
completing a 10 day patrolling duty. They were due to bc lifted out by helicopter
on 22 June. The patrol occupied an old Security Force base. The enemy started
their attack at 2030 hours.
The enemy weapons used were mainly Garrand 300. Garrand emerge type rifle
grenades 45 SMG and a number of 36 grenades. A small amount of empty .303
cases were also found. The enemy withdrew North West to join main track and
from them to the Border. Enemy casualties were evacuated. No harm was done
to the local villagers during the fight. Security Force casualties were five killed
and five wounded.
24 June, 1964
On 24 June a Security Force patrol contacted seven enemy in the area GR
963998 in the First Division, Sarawak. Two enemy were killed and their bodies
were recovered. There were no Security Force casualties.
26 June, 1964
On 26 June at 1725 hours. a Security Force patrol contacted enemy ambush
position estimated 20 strong at GR 579350 in the Interior Residency, Sabah. Two
members of the Security Force were wounded in the leg. Enemy casualties were
not known. The enemy fled south leaving large quantities of equipment. The enemy

was identified as Red Rhino platoon of Rakad Battalion.
7831-2.5M--K 22-11-65.
assumption enemy party crossed border from Indonesia immediately prior to
meeting Security Forces as follows:
(n) Party first seen between Pengkalan Ammo and border at Kujang Tembawang.
Border to Kujang Tembawang is one hour walk and from there
to Pengkalan Ammo further 40 minutes;
(6) Party carrying orange flags and new Indonesian cloth flaglets:
(c) Condition of uniforms and physical condition particularly healthy
including feet and legs;
(n) No rations as such:
‘4 (e) Enemy aware of safe conduct conditions which had not been disseminated
in Sarawak;
s (f) Inference in conversation of recent crossing of border.


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