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Chapter I

The Problem and Its Background


This research was conducted by the researchers who was interested about

expectations and perception on Senior High School towards Senior High School

Program. The researchers choose this study to know the expectations of Senior High

School students in Grade 11 in terms of subject taught, delivery of instructions, school

activities and outcome.

The researchers wanted to make this study to show the expectations and perceptions

on Senior High School towards Senior High School Program. Researchers were

interested on the relevance of Senior High School Program. The other reason why are

researchers wanted to conduct this study is to know the expectations and perceptions of

the students regarding Senior High School Program. That is why researchers conducted

this research is to answer those questions.

The contribution of the researchers finding is to show the expectations and perceptions

on the Senior High School towards Senior High School Program. By the used of the

findings, researchers answered all the questions they searching by the used of this


The study gives a solution to the problem data they got from the respondents who

are the Grade 11 Senior High School Students. This study solved the problem by data

and researchers done an amalgation to know the result.

Those data result who find that solved the question of the study and answer will

solved the main problem or the general problem of the study. By the used this data

researchers knew the expectations and perceptions of Grade 11 Senior High School

Students towards Senior High School Program.

Theoretical Framework

This study is anchored on the expectancy theory by Victor Vroom on 1964.The

theory describes about the mental processes regarding choice or choosing. It explains

the processes that an individual undergoes to make choices. The theory is related to the

present study because it talks about the expectations and perceptions of individual to

make choices based on the estimates of how well the expected results of a given

behavior are going to match up with or eventually lead to the desired results.

Conceptual Framework

For input, on SOP 1 it is compose of the profile of the respondents in terms of

gender and strand, for SOP 2, it compose of the expectation and perception of Senior

High School in terms of subject taught, delivery of instructions, school activities and
outcome and for SOP 3, it is compose of the perceive of SHS program Perception on

Senior High School . For the process, we used the methods like survey questionnaire,

interview, and data analysis and for the output plan of action to address the expectations

and perceptions on Senior High School.

1. Profile of the
respondents in terms:


Survey Questionnaire
2. Expectations and
Plan of Action to
perceptions on Senior Hig
addressed the
h School in terms of:
Interview expectations and
>Subject taught; perceptions on Senior
High School
>Delivery of instructions;
Data Analysis
>School activities;


3. Perceptions on Senior
High School

Figure 1 Research Paradigm for Expectation and Perception on Senior High


Statement of the Problem

This study aims to find out the perception and expectation of senior high school. The
following questions will be answered:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 sex; and

1.2 strand;

2. What are the expectations and perceptions of SHS as to:

2.1 subject taught;

2.2 delivery of instructions;

2.3 school activities; and

2.4 outcome

3. How do the respondents perceive SHS program?

4. Is there a significant relationship between the responses when grouped according to

profile variables?

5. Based on the findings what plan of action may be proposed?

Scope and Limitation

This study is dedicated to vision and attitude of selected students on Grade 11 in

different strands like HUMSS, TVL, GAS, STEM and ABM of Dr. Juan A. Pastor
Memorial National High School about expectations and perceptions of SHS. It limits the

study in one secondary or Senior High School. Scope of this study is taking the variables

like subject taught, delivery of instructions, school activities and outcome and other

relevant in the study. Further limiting through taking respondents from selected

students of strands like HUMSS, TVL, GAS, STEM and ABM in the Grade 11.

Significance of the Study

Senior High School Students. This study is important to them because it enhance their

thinking about their expectations and perceptions of many things in SHS.

Teacher of SHS. This study is important to them in guiding and more clearly their

students with regards to the school activities and delivery of instructions.

The Future Researchers. This study is important to them because they know more

about the expectation, perception, and perceived of their respondents in SHS.

Parent. This study is important to them because for they to know the expectation and

perceptions of their child.

Department of Education. This study is important to them because DepEd is the one

who will help the children and the future servants of government.

Definition of Terms

For ease understanding, the following terms are defined conceptually and

Activities.It refers to something that is done for enjoyment, especially an organized

event.(Filipino/English Dictionary). In this study, this refers to the man variables.

Deliver. It refers to a bring and hand over to the proper recipient or

address(Filipino/English Dictionary). In thus study, this refers to the main variables.

Expectation. It refers to a strong belief that something will happen or be the case in the

future(Filipino/English Dictionary). In this study, this refers to the main variables.

Gender. This refers to the either of the two sexes (male and female), especially when
considered with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones
( In this study, this refers to the one of the profile variables and
was measured using a checklist of gender categories.

Outcome.It refers to the way a thing turns out(Filipino/English Dictionary). In this study,

ths refers to the main variables. In this study, this refers to the main variables.

Perception. It refers to the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through

the senses(Filipino/English Dictionary). In this study, this refers to the main variables.

Sex. It refers to either of the two major forms of individuals that occur in many species
and that are distinguished respectively as female or male especially on the basis of their
reproductive organs and structures (Merriam-Webster, 2001). In this study, this refers to
the one of the profile variables and was measured using a checklist of sex categories.

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

This chapter presents the related literature and studies which were reviewed and

helped the researchers fully understand the topic being investigated.

Related Literature

This literature toward an Understanding of Definitions and Measures of School

Engagement and Related Terms is related to our topic which is Expectations and

Perceptions on Senior High School. Because according to Shane R. Jimerson, Emily

Campos, and Jennifer L. Grief California, Santa Barbara this article provides an

overview of definitions and measures related to school engagement. They want to offer

foundation to become advance or practice in exploring related terms or provide summary

of literature. They are also exploring school engagement to addressed school bonding

and other terms.

The article entitled Toward an Understanding of Definitions and Measures of

School Engagement and Related Terms have five associated terms that are addressing

school engagement and other related terms because this associated terms are

emphasize the importance of school engagement. And for them to know and understand

how this related terms measured and defined. Then what school engagement is.

Understanding this associated terms and other related terms is a advancing or practice

related terms to school engagement.

In article Toward an Understanding of Definitions and Measures of School

Engagement and Related Terms the authors review and summary the extant literature.

While their reviewing this various terms, they extract the three elements. They used this

three characteristic elements to discussed and indicated in the table, based on this

understanding about various terms. The dimensions based on their reviewed in varied

terms are affective, behavioral, and cognitive.

Authors of article toward and understanding of definitions and measures of

school engagement and related terms. Reviewed the varied associated terms.

And in the end of the process they found that this three elements of three dimensions

are the way to addressed this various terms in school engagement. They exploring in the

internet, but in the end they found what is related from those various terms. As they

following the reviewed, the three dimensions is included and related to various terms.

In article which is defining school engagement, it explores definition of

associated terms. But in other articles examined 31of this are not delineate an explicit

definition of terms. Because other terms are examined and best to understood. Then

some of this are completely independent.

In the article entitled defining School engagement. According to Film and Rock,

(1997), School engagement is a term that having a emotional component and

behavioral. In this behaviors, it includes the engagement of academic effort and

achievements. Like achievement of high grades or other achievements. In addition, it

includes in this engagement the misbehavior. In other words, school engagement

includes affective and cognitive or it focus on behavioral.

In article entitled School Bonding, According to Cernkovich and

Giordano,(1992), school bonding is important role. Like for example, some researchers

have good grades, that is a indicator of School bonding. School bonding is a degree of

closeness.It is important for the commitment of students and teachers to have

conventional school goals. The definition of school bonding is also called an attachment.

According to Kenneth M. Tyler 1 and Christina M. Boelter, the article Linking

Black Middle School Student's Perceptions of Teacher's Expectations to Academic

Engagement and Efficacy that the different level of schools, their expectations to

teacher's performance are consistent predictors. Their goal is to examine the

perceptions and expectations of students to the teachers. Some of the other students

reported their perceptions for their teachers expectation and performance. Some of them

are discussed.

In article Linking Black Middle School Student's Perceptions of Teacher's

Expectations to Academic Engagement and Efficacy, According to Alvidrez and

Weinstein, (1999). Some of the studies are typically unaccounted for the teacher

expectations and academic performance. They suggested that the cognitive factors

precede academic performance and preceded various contextual factors. This two

factors are associated with cognitive antecedents of student performance or are

themselves preceded by those factors.

According to Gill and Reynolds (1999), the article entitled Linking Black Middle

School Student's Perceptions of Teachers Expectations to Academic Engagement and

Efficacy, some of the academic difficulties are linked to perceptions of low teacher

expectations and the teacher-student relationship. According to them, it's likely that the

students have self-efficacy or competence so that it many influence academic

performance. They argue that the examine reveals the struggle of those African

American in middle-grade-level academically. Or academic engagement for middle

grade students sees warranted.

Related Studies

The study of Daly, et al.(2009) entitled existing literature highlights the

interrelationships among the role of teacher in shaping students schooling outcomes, the

role of students as reflected in their own determinations and interpretations of school

experiences at U.S and other developed countries aimed to fill this gap by analyzing

longitudinal data from rural China. It was found that in general teachers tend to have

lower educational expectations for students from low income families as compared with

their peers from higher income families and for students from minority groups. In this

study, teacher perceptions of children refer to teacher assessments of child learning

abilities and achievement levels, as well as study habits and behaviors in school.

In this study reciprocal relationship between child educational expectations and

school achievement at school by Diego (2001) and Bui (2007), they sought to

disentangle these relationship. They found that the impact of school achievements on

educational expectations is stronger than in the opposite direction. The study shown that

teacher perception of students cognitive and non-cognitive skills can positively or

negatively influence student performance's and achievements. Students with better

achievements are likely to have high expectations while their early high expectations

serves as a motivation to strive for better achievements.

Jussim and Barber (2005), in their research study entitled academic expectations

and judgements for Maori students at New Zealand intended to that self-full filling

prophecies do occur. But these effect are typically small they found that the result of

some empirical studies have shown that these assumptions are not valid. Teacher

expectations may predict student outcomes specifically because these expectations are

accurate rather than self -fulling effects. The conclusion of this study that teacher have

obvious lower academic expectations and judgements for Maori students than students

of other ethics group. Although the Maori students had madAghe least Gain's of all


Hannum Adams (2007), in their study entitled Educational stratification of

Chinese government and at rural China student school aimed to policy changes impact

student educational attainments and achievements. They found that the student school

experiences, relationships with teachers and engagement in schooling are important

factors that influence student school drop - out rates . They also have found that student
engagement at school, academic achievement, teacher quality, teacher educational

expectations of children and school and classroom environment all matter for school

outcomes- student school achievement and attainments.

Xiao and Lieu (2001 ), in Gansu survey of children and family of 2,000 children

aged 9 to ,12 at 100 villages in rural Gansu intended to use two waves collected in rural

gansu province, China, in 2000 and 2004.The first wave of data will collected in 2000

and the second wave in 2004,findings showed that the teachers and children, reported

their educational expectations. They also found that the child questionnaire regarding

child perceptions of their own efforts in school work, levels of achievement and feelings

of disengagement from school. The teachers reported evaluations of the child learning

abilities and levels of achievement as well as efforts in school work and behaviors at

school. The conclusion is the GSCF longitudinal data makes it possible to investigate

the changes of both groups in their expectations and achievements as well as providing

the chance to explore among different factors.

Jussim and Harber (2003) aimed to provide support for the argument in his study

Educational expectations and interpretations of their school experiences of children at

U.S. He found that future studies on educational stratification in China should go beyond

the cost to pay more attention to child scheduled experiences. The result is current

teacher expectations and evaluations of children are closely tied with child achievements

as well as China own current expectations and their academic self- concept.

The study of Crano and Mellon (1978), entitled Educational Research of

students in school aimed to identified many factors that could influence student school

achievements and attainments. It was found that there are numerous studies on the

relationships between teacher educational expectations of students and student school

achievements. Other studies have provided evidence that teacher perceptions of

students can positively or negatively influence student performance and achievements.

Including teacher educational expectations and evaluations of student abilities and school

behaviors as well as student educational expectations and their own interpretations of school


Ferguson (2003), in his research study entitled self-fulfilling prophecy at U.S. intended to

explain the influence of teacher expectations and perceptions of students on student

achievements. They found that another line of research examines more closely the

interrelationship between student educational expectations in school experiences and

achievements. They also found that student perceptions of school experiences as reflected in

self - evaluations of academic abilities and four achievements and feelings of disengagement

are closely related to educational outcomes. Empirical studies testing this theory have reported

different conclusions.

The study of Farkas et.all (1990), entitled interrelationship among the role of

teachers in shaping student schooling outcomes at U.S.aimed to that we have limited

knowledge about how each factor influences and is influenced by other factors when all

are taken into consideration time. The role of students as reflected in their own

determinations and interpretations of school experiences, and how these impact student

academic achievements.

Brophy (1983) aimed to two aspects and this aspects are the child self-

evaluations of their achievement levels and efforts in school work. In his study entitled

child perceptions of school experiences at U.S. He found that another line of research

focused on the association between teacher perceptions of students such as academic

expectations and evaluations of student abilities, behaviors and perceptions. The study

shown that teacher perception influence student performance's and achievements.

Newman (1992) in his research study entitled student engagements themselves

intended to examine in detail whether there are changes in both teacher and student

educational expectations and in student achievements across time. He found that the

role of both teachers and students will reveal more in sights into the mechanism through

which the child school experiences influences educational outcomes. The result of the

study is the teacher role in shaping student feelings. About school and the neighborhood

has impact on the students.

Buchmam and Dalton (2000), In their research study entitled teacher

perceptions at U.S. aimed to that teachers may lead to differences in their behavioral

interaction with students. Findings showed that teacher and student behaviors might be

both causes and consequences of racially disparate perceptions and expectations

regarding achievements. They also shown that the teacher perceptions, expectations

and behaviors interact with student beliefs, behaviors and work habits in ways that help

to perpetuate and even to expand the black - White a test score gap. The result of the

study is student daily perception in school is important aspect of educational



The related literature focused on school engagement and related terms. It also

talks about the associated terms which are the school bonding, school attachment, and

school commitment. This study also wants to offer foundation to become advance or

practice in exploring relates terms or easily to understand this associated terms or

related terms. And the authors used three characteristic elements to discussed this

related terms.

The related studies focuses on relationship between child educational

expectations and school achievements. It also talks about the teacher expectations and

student outcomes. In this study , the student school experiences, relationships with

teachers and engagement in schooling are important factors. And in this study, those

authors have different sayings about school expectations and academic achievements

but they are connected to each other and have a same meaning.

The related literature and related studies is related to the current study because

they are both focused on school expectations and perceptions and perceived of

students. However, they are different because related literature focused on school

engagement, bonding, attachment and commitment and related studies focus on

achievements and attainments of school

Chapter III

Research Methods

This chapter presents the procedures and methods the researchers underwent to

come up with the results of the study.

Research Design

This study was used mixed method approach or the combination of qualitative

and quantitative designs.

Subject of the Study

The respondents of the study was the Grade 11 enrolled during school year

2018-2019.They are the respondents because there are new students of Senior High

School. A total of 597 SHS was the total population.

Sampling Procedure

A sampling of 300 is computed using Raosoft application. Random sampling will be

used to determine the respondents to answer the questionnaire.


A survey questionnaire was used. It was a researcher made. The parts are the

profile of the respondents and the expectations and perceptions of Senior High School.

The contents of survey questionnaire are the variables which is the gender and

strands, and the variables to be answered of grade 11 students which are the subject

taught, delivery of instructions, school activities, and outcome through strongly agree,

agree,strongly disagree and disagree and the items are 1-10 in each variables, and the

language used in the questionnaire are English and Tagalog.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers drafted a letter of consent to ask for permission to conduct the

study. The researchers went personally to the local of the study. Senior High School

were asked to answer the questionnaire.

Data Analysis

The information was gathered and treated statistically using the various formulas. The
researchers used the following statistical tools such as:

Frequency and percentage distribution are used in determining the profile of

respondents in terms of Sex and Strand.

Weighted Mean. It is an average calculated by taking into account not only the
frequencies of the values of a variable but also some other factor such as their variance.
It is used where there are some variations in relative contribution of individual data
values to the mean. Each data value has a weight contribute less to the weighted mean.

Chi-square. It is the statistic used to investigate whether distributions of categorical

variables differ from one another. It is sometimes also used to test the differences

between the two or more observed data. Its value can be calculated by using the given

observed frequency and expected frequency.

Chapter IV

Results and Discussion

This chapter presents the results of the data gathered and the discussions for

analysis and interpretation of the results.

1. Profile of the Respondents

The data include the demographic profile of the respondent in terms of sex, and

Table 1.1

Profile of the Respondents in terms of Gender

Gender Frequency Percentage

Male 171 57℅

Female 128 43℅

In table 1.1 which is Profile of the Respondents in terms of gender concluded that

the frequency of male is 171 and the frequency of female is 128.For the percentage of

male it is 57℅ and for the female is 43℅.

Table 1.2

Profile of the Respondents in terms of Strand


HUMSS 92 31℅

GAS 23 8℅

STEM 23 8℅

TVL 92 31℅

ABM 69 23℅

In table 1.2 which is profile of the respondents in terms of Strand, presented that

the frequency of HUMSS is 92 and the percentage is 31℅, while the frequency of GAS

is 23 and the percentage is 8℅.For the STEM, the frequency is 23 and the percentage is

8℅,while the frequency of TVL is 92 and the percentage is 31℅ and for the frequency of

ABM is 69 and the percentage is 23℅

2. Expectations and Perceptions of SHS

The data include role of information technology in health literacy as to (1) subject

taught, (2) delivery of instructions (3) school activities and (4) outcome.

Using the Likert Scale, the responses were interpreted as follows:

Options Scale Range Verbal Interpretation

4 3.50-4.00 Strongly Agree

3 2.50-3.49 Agree

2 1.50-2.49 Disagree

1 1.00-1.49 Strongly Disagree

2.1 Expectation and Perception on Senior High School

Table 2.1 summarizes the expectation and perception on senior high school in

terms of subject taught

Table 2.1

Expectations and Perceptions in terms of Subject taught

2.1 SUBJECT TAUGHT: Weighted Mean Ranking Verbal

The Teacher... Interpretation

1.Gives the meaning to 3.37 8 Agree

the lesson (Nabibigyan

ng kahulugan sa mga


2 Makes the subject 3.43 6.5 Agree

interesting (Gawin ang

paksa ng kawili-wili)

3. Improves the skills 3.51 Strongly Agree

and competencies of the

students (Mapabuti ang

kasanayan at kakayahan

ng mag-aaral)

4. Devices activities and 3.17 10 Agree

suited. (Mga kagamitan

upang maging hiyang

ang mga mag-aaral sa

mga gawain)

5. Makes the students 3.25 9 Agree

satisfied to the subject.

(Gumagawa ng mga

paksa na nasisiyahan

ang mga mag-aaral)

6. Helps the students 3.48 3.5 Agree

acquire knowledge.

(Tulungan ang mag-

aaral na mamana ang

bagong kaalaman sa

paksang itinuro sa

pamamagitan ng mga


7. Discusses the lesson 3.43 6.5 Agree

properly. (Talakayin ang

aralin ng wasto)

8. Encourages students 3.45 5 Agree

to participate in

discussion. (Mahikayat

ang mga mag-aaral

upang lumahok sa


9. Prepares lesson 3.52 1 Strongly Agree

easier. (Ihanda ang

paksa ng mas madali)

10. Explains the lessons 3.48 3.5 Agree

thoroughly. (Ipaliwanag

ang mga aralin ng


Composite Mean 3.409 Agree

In the table 2.1, which is expectation and perceptions in terms of subject taught ,

shows that the weighted mean is 3.52 implies that the respondents strongly agreed that

the teacher prepares lesson easier. Second in rank, the weighted mean of 3.51 indicated

that the respondents strongly agreed that the teachers improved the skills and

competencies of the students. Third, the weighted mean of 3.5 implies that the

respondents agreed on the teacher explained the lesson well and the teacher helped the

students acquired knowledge. Fifth in rank, the weighted mean of 3.45 indicated that the

respondents agreed on the teachers encouraged the students to participate in the

discussion. Sixth in rank, the weighted mean of 3.43 implies that the respondents agreed

on the teachers discussed the lesson properly and the teachers make the subject

interesting. Eight in rank, the weighted mean of 3.37 indicates that the respondents

agreed that the teacher gives the meaning to the lesson. Ninth in rank, the weighted

mean of 3.25 implies that the respondents agreed on the teachers make the students

satisfied to the subject. Lastly, the weighted mean of 3.17 indicated that the respondents

agreed on the teachers used devices activities and suited.

The composite mean of 3.409 implies that the respondents agreed on the

expectation and perception on senior high school in terms of subject taught.

2.2 Expectation and Perception on Senior High School in terms of Delivery of


Table 2.2 Summarizes the expectation and perception on senior high school in terms

of delivery of instructions

Table 2.2

Expectations and Perceptions in terms of Delivery of Instructions

2.2DELIVERY OF Weighted Mean Ranking Verbal

INSTRUCTIONS: The interpretation


1. Uses of instructional 3.46 2 Agree

materials.(paggamit ng

edukasyonal na mga


2. Delivers the lesson 3.55 1 Strongly Agree

properly.(Maihatid ang

aralin ng wasto)

3. Plans the lesson 3.05 10 Agree

well.(Iplano ang aralin

ng mahusay)

4. Gives systematic 3.42 4 Agree


sistematiko ang


5. Makes the lesson 3.41 5 Agree

easy to understand.

(Gawing mas madali

ang aralin para mas


6. Has mastery of their 3.40 6.5 Agree

lesson.(Magkaroon ng

pagwawagi sa kanilang


7. Gives clear 3.40 6.5 Agree


linaw ang pagtuturo)

8. Is approachable. 3.38 8 Agree


9. Speaks clearly. 3.36 9 Agree

(Pagsasalita ng


10. Manages the 3.43 3 Agree

classroom activities

well.(Pamahalaan ang

silid aralan ng mga


Composite Mean 3.39 Agree

In the table 2.2, which is expectation and perceptions in terms of delivery of

instructions , shows that the weighted mean is 3.55 implies that the respondents strongly

agreed that the teacher deliver the lesson properly. Second in rank, the weighted mean

of 3.46 indicated that the respondents agreed that the teachers uses instructional

materials. Third, the weighted mean of 3.43 implies that the respondents agreed on the

teacher manages the classroom activities well. Fourth in rank, the weighted mean of

3.42 indicated that the respondents agreed on the teacher gives systematic instruction.

Fifth in rank, the weighted mean of 3.41 indicated that the respondents agreed on the

teachers makes the lesson easy to understand. Sixth in rank, the weighted mean of 3.40

implies that the respondents agreed on the teachers has mastery of lesson and the

teachers gives clear instructions. Eight in rank, the weighted mean of 3.38 indicates that

the respondents agreed that the teacher is approachable. Ninth in rank, the weighted

mean of 3.36 implies that the respondents agreed on the teachers speak clearly. Lastly,

the weighted mean of 3.05 indicated that the respondents agreed on the teachers plans

the lesson well.

The composite mean of 3.39 implies that the respondents agreed on the

expectation and perception on senior high school in terms of delivery of instructions.

2.3 Expectations and Perceptions on Senior High School in terms of School


Table 2.3 summarizes the expectations and perception on senior high school in

terms of school activities.

Table 2.3

Expectations and Perceptions in terms of School Activities

2.3SCHOOL Weighted Mean Ranking Verbal

ACTIVITIES: The Interpretation

Teacher ...

1. Makes the school 3.29 6.5 Agree

activities fun

learning(para aliwin ang

mga mag-aaral).

2. Calls for active 3.33 4 Agree


sa aktibong paglahok)

3. Helps to learn new 3.28 8 Agree

skills that are useful in

day activities.

(Makakatulong upang

matuto ng mga bagong

kasanayan na kapaki-

pakinabang sa araw

araw na gawain)

4. Exposes students to 3.31 5 Agree

their specialization.

(Ilantad ang mga mag-

aaral sa kanilang


5. Aligns the school 3.36 2 Agree

activities to important

learning. (At mahalaga

sa pag aaral)

6. Assist students to 3.29 6.5 Agree

explore new things.

(Tungulang maglakbay

sa mga bagong bagay)

7 Helps students to 3.34 3 Agree

build new friendship

with others. (Bumuo ng


pakikipagkaibigan sa


8. Helps students to 3.22 10 Agree

learn to be a


kung paano imaging


9. Makes the students 3.42 1 Agree

willing to follow.(Gawin

ang mga mag aaral na

handang sumunod)

10. Prepares the 3.23 9 Agree

students to

learn.(Ihanda ang mga

mag-aaral na matuto).

Composite Mean 3.307 Agree

In the table 2.3, which is expectation and perceptions in terms of school

activities, shows that the weighted mean is 3.42 implies that the respondents agreed that

the teacher makes the students willing to follow. Second in rank, the weighted mean of

3.36 indicated that the respondents agreed that the teachers aligned the school activities

to important learnings. Third, the weighted mean of 3.34 implies that the respondents

agreed on the teacher helps the students to build new friendship with others. Fourth in

rank, the weighted mean of 3.33 indicated that the respondents agreed on the teacher

calls for active participation. Fifth in rank, the weighted mean of 3.31 indicated that the

respondents agreed on the teachers exposes students to their specialization. Sixth in

rank, the weighted mean of 3.29 implies that the respondents agreed on the teachers

makes the school activities fun learning and the teachers assist the students to explore

new things. Eight in rank, the weighted mean of 3.28 indicates that the respondents

agreed that the teacher helps to learn new skill that are useful in day activities. Ninth in

rank, the weighted mean of 3.23 implies that the respondents agreed on the teachers

prepare the students to learn. Lastly, the weighted mean of 3.22 indicated that the

respondents agreed on the teachers help the students to learn to be a leader.

The composite mean of 3.307 implies that the respondents agreed on the

expectation and perception on senior high school in terms of school activities.

2.4 Expectations and Perceptions of Senior High School in terms of outcome

Table 2.4

Expectations and Perceptions of Senior High School in terms of Outcome

2.4 OUTCOME: The Weighted Mean Ranking Verbal

Teacher... Interpretation

1.Helps the students 3.29 8 Agree

improve self-esteem.

(Mapabuti ang

pagpapahalaga sa sarili)

2.Help build comradeship 3.42 5 Agree

with others. (Pakikisama sa


3.Helps students to be a 3.04 10 Agree

professional.(Tulungan ang

mga mag-aaral at upang

maging propesyunal.)

4.Assist students discover 3.27 9 Agree

new things. (Tulungan ang

mga mag aaral madiskubre

ng mga bagong bagay.)

5.Allows the students to 3.52 3 Strongly Agree

know to follow.(Huwag

pabayaan ang mag-aaral

na malaman kung paano


6.Allows the students to 3.55 2 Strongly Agree

know how to

respect.(huwag pabayaan

ang mga mag-aaral kung

paano ang paggalang)

7.Helps the students share 3.56 1 Strongly Agree

new ideas.(Tulungan ang

mga mag-aaral magbigay

at magbahagi ng mga

kanilang mga kakayahan)

8.Helps the students 3.38 6 Agree

improve the


ang mga mag-aaral na

mapabuti ang kanilang

mga kakayahan)

9.Help the student 3.33 7 Agree

understand the important

concepts in the senior high

school strands(huwag

pabayaan ang mga mag-

aaral na maintindihan ang

mga strands)

10.Prepares the atudents 3.49 4 Agree

for the future(ihanda and

mga mag aaral para sa


Composite Mean: 3.38 Agree

In the table 2.4, which is expectation and perceptions in terms of outcome, shows that

the weighted mean is 3.56 implies that the respondents strongly agreed that the teacher

helps the students shared new ideas. Second in rank, the weighted mean of 3.55

indicated that the respondents strongly agreed that the teachers allows the students

know how to respect. Third, the weighted mean of 3.52 implies that the respondents

strongly agreed on the teacher allows the students to know to follow . Fourth in rank, the

weighted mean of 3.49 indicated that the respondents agreed on the teacher prepares

the students for the future .Fifth in rank, the weighted mean of 3.42 indicated that the

respondents agreed on the teachers help to build comradeship with others . Sixth in

rank, the weighted mean of 3.38 implies that the respondents agreed on the teachers

helps the students improve the skills/ capabilities. Seventh in rank, the weighted mean

of 3.33 indicates that the respondents agreed that the teacher helps the students

understand the important new things. Lastly, the weighted mean of 3.04 indicated that

the respondents agreed on the teachers help the students to be professional.

The composite mean of 3.38 implies that the respondents agreed on the expectation and

perception on senior high school in terms of outcome.

3. Perceive of respondents in SHS Program

Based on the interview that the researcher conducted

4. Significant Relationship Between the Expectation and Perception on Senior
High School when Grouped According to Profile Variable
The data include the significant relationship between the expectation and
perception when grouped according to profile variable (sex, and strand).
Table 4.1 below shows the significant relationship in the expectation and
perception on senior high school when grouped according to profile variable (sex
and strand).

Table 4.1 Significant relationship between the perception and

expectation when grouped according to profile variable

Profile Chi square p- value Verbal Decision HO


Sex Subject .024 .887 No significant Accept


Delivery of .026 .803 No significant Accept


School .122 .727 No significant Reject HO


Outcomes .001 .975 No significant Reject HO

Strand Subject 311.391 .000 Significant Reject HO


Delivery of 281.014 .000 Significant Reject HO


School 258.020 .000 Significant Reject HO


Outcomes 287.885 .0000 Significant Reject HO

Based from table 4.1, there was a significant relationship between the profile of

the respondents in terms of strand and their expectation and perception on senior high


The Chi-Square test values showed no significant relationship valued at 0.000

which was lower than critical value at 0.05.

The researchers based the result from the 95% level of confidence with 5%
margin of error.

5. Proposed Recommendation

Table 5.1

Proposed Action Plan

Key Results Suggested Resources Person/s Expected

Area Activities/ Needed Involved Outcome

Time Frame

Planning Collaboration Paper Whole group The whole

Process group will find

out the best
Ballpen plan of their

paper through



Data Gathering Collaboration Money Whole group The whole

group expected
that the
Time outcome of their

Ballpen survey


and interview

can easily

finished through


collaboration of

each member.

Writing Collaboration Ballpen Whole grouo The outcome of

Process the writing

process of the
Time whole group

through their


they decision to

divide the

different parts

of their paper to

each member.

Chapter 5

Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations

This chapter presents the summary of the findings, the conclusions arrived at

and the recommendations borne about by the findings.


The profile variables of the respondents that are grouped according to sex, 57 %
are male and 43 % are female while in terms of strand mostly are Humanities and Social
Sciences (HUMMS) and Tech-Vocational Livelihood (TVL) with 31 %, Accountancy and

Business Management (ABM) with 23%, General Academic Strand (GAS) and Science,
Technology, Engineering and Mathematcs (STEM) with 8%.

The expectation and perception on senior high school in terms of subject taught
shows that the composite mean of 3.409 implies that respondents agreed that the
respondents have expectation and perception on senior high school in terms of subject
taught. Then, expectation and perception on senior high school in terms of delivery of
instructions shows that the composite mean of 3.39 implies that the respondents agreed
that the respondents have expectation and perception on senior high school in terms of
delivery of instructions. Next, expectation and perception on senior high school in terms
of school activities shows that the composite mean of 3.307 implies that the respondents
agreed that the respondents have expectation and perception on senior high school in
terms of school activities. On the other hand, composite mean of 3.38 implies that
respondents agreed that the respondents have expectation and perception on senior
high school in terms of outcome.

The Chi-Square test values showed significant relationship valued at 0.000 which
was lower than the critical value of 0.05. Then, the formulated null hypothesis (there is
significant relationship between expectation and perception on senior high school in
terms of sex, and strand) was rejected.

The researchers based the result from the 95% level of confidence with 5%
margin of error.


Based on the findings, the following are the conclusions arrived at.

1. The profile of the respondents in terms of gender are male and female and the

strands are HUMSS,GAS,ABM,TVL and,STEM.

2. The expectations and perceptions of SHS in subjects taught it gives more

meaningful to the lesson and makes the subject interesting. In delivery of instructions,

they expect that the lesson is delivered properly and makes the lesson easy to

understand. In school activities, they expect that makes school activities fun learning and

help students to lean to be a leader, and for the outcomes they expect that the teacher

help students to be a professional and to prepare the students for the future.

3. The respondents perceive that the SHS program is the same as the 2years in

college, and they perceive that if you graduate in senior high school ,you can easily find

a job.


5. To addressed the expectation and perceptions on senior high school.


The following are the recommendations given

1.Senior Highschool. To be responsible and find the value of education.

2.Teachers of SHS. To consider the strength and weakness of the students and provide

appropriate activities to their thinking capacity and abilities.

3. The Future Researchers. To use this study as a guide for further research.

4. Parent. To encourage and support their children regarding the importance if


5.DEPED. To provide enough learning materials and facilities for effective teaching.


•Address correspondence to Kenneth M. Tyler,Educational, School, and counseling

psychology, College of Education, University of Kentucky, 229 Dickey Hall ,Lexington, KY 40506

or Kenneth

 https:// assets .publishing. service. Expectations.

 https:// scholarly. sec.dsu./.../50678 Expectation Literature.

 Vroom,V.(1964).Theory of Expectation and perceptions. Retrieved from:

https://expectancy theory. com> what -is-theory

 Definition of Activities.(n.d.).Retrieved from.

www.the definition encyclopedia.can>article

•Definition of Deliver.(n.d.).Retrieved from.

www.the> article

•Definition of Expectation.(n.d.).Retrieved from.

https:// org>document

•Definition of Outcome.(n.d.).Retrieved from.

https:// definition. net>

•Definition of Perception.(n.d.).Retrieved from. >perception


Respondent 1.GAS ,Anna Marie Ilustre ,Lucsuhin ,Ibaan ,Batangas

-"Ang SHS ay dagdag na 2 taon ng pag-aaral na ginaya mula sa ibang bansa, at

preparation din ito para sa college na makakatukong upang maenhance ang skills ng


Respondent 2.ABM, Regine Joy G.Halocon,Balanga,Ibaan,Batangas

-"Senior high school for me is a way to have another knowledge and skills as well as to

be ready in facing college-life.Also because as a growing economy,we must go with the

trend,because we are one of three countries that does not established.Senior high

school,so that we Filipinos,our try must also advocate the program,because how a days

company and business,abroad are seeking for the students who have NC2 and

graduated in SHS and for us to not look the opportunity to identify some areas that need

improvement because k-12 program advocates student to be more capable in facing in

front of many people as well as showing their hidden talents and skills that may inspire

other.It also make us more familiar to the college life that will eventually help us to more

ready and aware to the next stage of life.It makes us develop my self as well as our

social skills and over all individuality."

Respondent 3.TVL EIM-1-B,Javier,Regine A.,Matala Ibaan,Batangas

-"Ang masasabi ko sa SHS ay ito ay makakatulong sa mga kabataan na hindi na

kayang mag-aral sa kokehiyo."

Respondent 4.TVL EIM-1A,Philip Jonas Malvar,Bago,Ibaan,Batangas

-"Ang SHS program ay isang magandang oportunidad para sa mga kabataan na tulad

natin dahil sa dagdag 2 taon na pag-aaral,dito natin mahahanap o mapipili ang tama at

gusto nating tahakin,sa ating future bilang isang manggagawang Pilipino."

Respondent 5.HUMSS,Angelyn G. Marasigan,Catandala,,Ibaan,Batangas

-"Ang SHS ay nakakatulong sa mga mag-aaral para madagdagan ang knowledge

(kaalaman),skills,(kakayahan) ng bawat isa.Ang maganda pa sa SHS program ay kahit

hindi ka magpatuloy sa kolehiyo puwede ka nang maghanap ng trabaho o magtrabaho."

Respondent 6. HUMSS,Marisa Sitenta,San Agustin,Ibaan,Batangas

-For me SHS is a additional 2 years for study in high school,which helps students to

develop their skills,it also helps students to be ready for college and also helps us to

choose what course we really want to take

Respondent 7.STEM,Gonzales,Jayseree S.

-"As one of the student who pursuing their dreams all I can say is its helpful.Helpful in

terms of being knowledgeable and ready enough to face our path to make our dreams

come true.This k-12 curriculum program helps us to realize and pursue what path do we

need to take".

Respondent 8.ABM,Torrano,Zyrell Ann Marie B.

-"Para sakin ang SHS Program ay ang tulay sa pagitan ng SHS at College, kung saan

dito sa programang ito nae-enhance ang isang mag-aaral sa nga gawaing maaaring

harapin sa nga susunod na taon. At nakakatulong rin ito para tayong nga mag-aaral at

ma-familiarize sa nga subject at nga paperworks na kakaharapin natin sa

kolehiyo.Gayundin,ito'y upang ma-ensayo ang ating kasanayan sa ating napiling

larangan, sa tulong ng Work Immersion na kahawig ng tinatawag nating OJT sa


Respondent 9.HUMSS,Javier, Angel C.

-"Ang SHS Program at makakaapekto nang positibo at negatibo sa ating mag-aaral.

Negatibo ito sa paraang madaragdagan ang aspetong pangpinansyal, at magtatagal ang

proseso sa pagkamit ng mga diploma sa piniling nga propesyon ngunit sa kabilang

banda, makakatulong into sa atin sa pagdedesisyon kung ano ang nararapat na kurso

para sa atin."

Respondent10.HUMSS Bubos, Angelyn M.

-"Bilang isang SHS Student, ang SHS Program o K-12 at isang programa ng

departamento ng Edukasyom na naglalayong mapadali ang paghahanap ng trabaho ng

mga estudyante pagkatapos nilang mag-aral. Ang K-12 Program din ay isang daan o

instrumento upang mas mapalawak pa ang kaalaman ng bawat indibidwal higit ng nga

estudyante at mas mahasa pa at mapaunlad ang kani-kanilang nga kakayahan."


2.1 SUBJECT Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly

TAUGHT:The (4) (3) (2) Disagree

Teacher... (1) the meaning to

the lesson(nabibigyan

ng kahulugan sa mga


2.makes the subject

interesting (Gawin ang

paksa ng kawili-wili)

3.improves the skills

and competencies of

the students (Mapabuti

ang kasanayan at

kakayahan ng mag-


4.devices activities and

suited. (Mga

kagamitan upang

maging hiyang ang

mga mag-aaral sa mga


5.makes the students

satisfied to the subject.

(Gumagawa ng mga

paksa na nasisiyahan

ang mga mag-aaral)

6.helps the students



ang mag-aaral na

mamana ang bagong

kaalaman sa paksang

itinuro sa

pamamagitan ng mga


7.discusses the lesson

properly. (Talakayin

ang aralin ng wasto)

8.encourages students

to participate in


ang mga mag-aaral

upang lumahok sa


9.prepares lesson

easier. (Ihanda ang

paksa ng mas madali)

10.explains the



ang mga aralin ng


2.2DELIVERY OF Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly

INSTRUCTIONS:The Agree Disagree

(3) (2)
(4) (1)

1.uses of instructional

materials.(paggamit ng

edukasyonal na mga


2.delivers the lesson

properly.(Maihatid ang

aralin ng wasto)

3.plans the lesson

well.(Iplano ang aralin ng

mahusay) systematic


SSsistematiko ang


5.makes the lesson easy to

understand. (Gawing mas

madali ang aralin para mas


6.has mastery of their

lesson.(Magkaroon ng

pagwawagi sa kanilang

aralin) clear


linaw ang pagtuturo) approachable.


9.speaks clearly.

(Pagsasalita ng malinaw)

10.manages the classroom

activities well.(Pamahalaan

ang silid aralan ng mga


2.3SCHOOL Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly

ACTIVITIES:The Teacher ... Agree Disagree

(3) (2)


1.makes the school activities

fun learning(para aliwin ang

mga mag-aaral).

2.calls for active

participation.(Pagtawag sa

aktibong paglahok)

3.helps to learn new skills

that are useful in day

activities. (Makakatulong

upang matuto ng mga

bagong kasanayan na

kapaki-pakinabang sa araw

araw na gawain)

4.exposes students to their

specialization. (Ilantad ang

mga mag-aaral sa kanilang


5.aligns the school activities

to important learning. (At

mahalaga sa pag aaral)

6.assist students to explore

new things. (Tungulang

maglakbay sa mga bagong


7.helps students to build

new friendship with others.

(Bumuo ng bagong

pakikipagkaibigan sa iba)

8.helps students to learn to

be a leader.(Pag-aralan

kung paano imaging


9.makes the students willing

to follow.(Gawin ang mga

mag aaral na handang


10.prepares the students to

learn.(Ihanda ang mga

mag-aaral na matuto).

2.4 OUTCOME:The Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly

Teacher... Agree (3) (2) Disagree

(4) (1)

1. Helps the students

improve self-esteem.

(Mapabuti ang

pagpapahalaga sa


2. Help build comradeship

with others. (Pakikisama sa


3. Helps students to be a

professional.(Tulungan ang

mga mag-aaral at upang

maging propesyunal.)

4. Assist students discover

new things. (Tulungan ang

mga mag aaral madiskubre

ng mga bagong bagay.)

6. Allows the students

to know to


pabayaan ang mag-

aaral na malaman

kung paano


7. Allows the students

to know how to


pabayaan ang mga

mag-aaral kung

paano ang


8. Helps the students

share new

ideas.(Tulungan ang

mga mag-aaral

magbigay at

magbahagi ng mga

kanilang mga


8. Helps the students

improve the


ang mga mag-aaral na

mapabuti ang kanilang mga


9. Help the student

understand the important

concepts in the senior high

school strands(huwag

pabayaan ang mga mag-

aaral na maintindihan ang

mga strands)

10. Prepares the atudents

for the future(ihanda and

mga mag aaral para sa



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