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UAL Awarding Body



Unit 12: Specialist Study

Sarah Wilson; Adam Jones; James Ashford; Chris Leinster

Date Issued: 17th September 2018
Final Deadline: 2nd November 2018
Vibe Productions

Vibe Productions requires you to produce a short production on specialist

areas within the media industry.

Vibe Productions aims to provide a professional service for media productions

and educational content. They are looking to include a section on subject
specialisms on their website in order to continue to build up the series of
resources they currently have.

Your production must be completed and

submitted by 2nd November 2018.

Your visual production must include details on

the development of your specialism, found
interviews with specialism specific experts and
self-created content.

For more information, please visit

The Fine Print

You must each produce your own documentary using the

following guidelines:
 Your script must be AT LEAST 1500 words long, not including interviews
 Your production can include interviews
 Any interviews should be recorded with experts at a relevant location
 You must never have a blank screen

Prior to shooting your production, you must submit the following:
 Planning
o List of questions for each interviewee (If interviewing)
o Equipment list
o Clearances / permissions
o List of sourced footage (including for your year 1 footage)
o Script that is a minimum of 1500 words in length
o List of items you will be producing to go into your production
Grading Criteria

Unit aim: This unit will require students to research and critically
examine the influence of historical and contemporary contexts on
their own practice. The unit will enable the students to
demonstrate a greater depth of understanding of their discipline
and place within it.

Learning Outcomes Tasks

1. Understand the principles and Research

practices of a chosen discipline in
creative media production.

2. Be able to locate and evaluate Research

information from a range of sources.

3. Be able to communicate ideas and Production and Evaluation

arguments in a variety of forms.
LO1 Research:

Vibe Productions needs your production to be factually correct in order for it

to be used online. To ensure this is the case, you will need to complete
research from a wide range of sources.

1. Secondary Research – Using the internet and books, research the

history of your specialism. What is it? How has it developed? What
effect has technology had on it?

- Videos – find at least 2 videos of people

discussing your specialism and discuss
what is being said in it

- Significant pieces of work – are there

any productions that were particularly
influential in your specialism? Try to
find a number of them from old to
new. EG; Baby Driver for cutting to the
Beat and editing

2. Setting up interviews – Would your documentary

benefit from interviewing people with specialist
knowledge? Try to find people that you could interview in your
documentary. What makes them suitable? Is interviewing them a
realistic possibility? Not all productions will benefit from interviews.

3. Harvard Referencing – Ensure all of your research is Harvard

Referenced. This is easiest if you complete it as you work rather than just
doing it all at the end. The more references you use, the greater the
reliability of research.
LO2 Planning and Production:
Prior to shooting your production, you need to plan it to ensure its success.
Complete the pre-production booklet in as much detail as possible as this will
help you to produce as professional a product as possible. It will make you
more time efficient when filming and will make sure your interviews run

Your pre-production should include the following

(some may vary dependent on production)
 Production Schedule
 Interview Question List
 Props List
 Location Recces
 Clearances and Confirmations
 Contingency Plan
 List of sourced footage
 Script with at least 1500 words

Your script must be at least 1500 words in order to meet the specification. It
should put together all of the research you have completed and analysis of
videos that you are doing. Please ensure it is formatted as industry standard.
This word count does not include any interviews you may undertake and is
based solely on your narration.
A good video should be shot in a well-chosen location that adds context to
the interview. In the past, students who have sought a proper location, have
had much greater success with their videos – it is worth the extra effort!
If recording an interview, take time over setting it up. Check the audio is
recording and that it is framed correctly. Can you see and hear the
interviewee clearly enough?

Your production should include

 Introduction to specialism
 History of
 How technology has improved it
 People in industry (their trade mark films that show off this skill)
 Techniques (you can use the work from year one to demonstrate
techniques as well as finding new ones)
 How certain techniques are mastered (show how it is done by doing
them yourself as well as showing examples from films)
 People talking about the skill
 Why this skill is important to industry

Please do not stick to one medium – your examples must come from FILM, TV,
Make sure you use examples form year 1 (this shows progression) but at no
times are you allowed to use previous scripts or written work for your new
production. You can reference past research however as long as it is
referenced and you state that you found this information in Unit ….. whilst
doing (which ever production is was)
LO3.1 Weekly Journals:
You need to complete weekly blogs on the problems you have faced, how
you have resolved them and what you have learned during each week. It is
important that you stay on track with these by completing them each week!

Further guidance for these can be found at


LO3.2 Evaluation:
See the written evaluation tab for guidance on completing this evaluation.

You should focus on how this research and the creation of this production has
helped you learn more about your skill, understand how to do it better and
discuss how it will help you improve your future work.

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