Quiz CLJ 4 1st Quiz

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Name: ________________________________________ Date: __________________

I. Identification / Enumeration:
Relevant Competent Burden of Proof
Measure of time Public knowledge Object evidence
Laws of Nature Unique evidence Documentary evidence
Judicial Notice Law of Nations Geographical Divisions

_______________________________ 1 - 2 Requisites for admissibility of evidence.

_______________________________ 2.
_______________________________ 3. The duty of a party to present evidence to establish his claim or
defense by the amount of evidence required by law.
_______________________________ 4. The cognizance of certain facts which judges may properly take and
act upon without proof because they are supposed to be known to them.
_______________________________ 5 - 8 Examples of mandatory notice
_______________________________ 6.
_______________________________ 7.
_______________________________ 8.
_______________________________ 9. Sample of discretionary notice
_______________________________ 10. Those evidence addressed to the senses of the court.

II. True or False. Write True if the statement is correct, otherwise, write False.

_________ 1. Once the primary source is shown to have been unlawfully obtained, any secondary evidence
derived from it is also inadmissible.
_________ 2. Competence is determined by law while relevancy is an affair of logic, human experience and
common sense.
_________ 3. The principal guide in determining what facts may be assumed to be judicially known is
_________ 4. The purpose of evidence is to prove a fact in issue through the presentation of admissible
_________ 5. Supreme Court is the court of last resort.

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