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Noun / synonym Verb Adjective
Browser / viewer To browse ?browsing (interface)
Cache / storage space Cached (data)
Connection / bridge, alliance Connect connected
Distribution/ grouping distribute distributed
Host/ computer, server Host
Hypertext/ object oriented db Hypertext Hypertexted
Interaction/ reciprocation Interact Interactive
Layer/ blanket Layer Layered
Link/ association, command Link Linked
Packet/ message Pack Packed
Peer/ someone Peer peer
Request/ claim, demand Request requested
Response/ result Respond Responsive
Scale/ proportion Scale Scaled/ large-scale
Server/ messenger, host Serve Serving (machine)
Spider/ wanderer, program Spider Spidered
Stream/ feed Stream Streaming (website)
Visit/ tour Visit visited

ICT Dictionary
browse – to access and view web content with a web browser, usually without looking for sth
Cache – a temporary storage space or memory that allows fast access to data.
Host – a computer connected to a network and providing facilities to other computers and their
Hypertext – A computer-based text retrieval system that enables a user to access particular locations
or files in webpages or other electronic documents by clicking on links within specific webpages or
Packet - a relatively small unit of data sent over a network
server -
a computer that makes services, as access to data files, programs, and peripheral devices, available t
oworkstations on a network
spider - A spider is a software program that travels the Web (hence the name "spider"), locating and
indexing websites for search engines. ... Spiders are also called robots and crawlers, which may be
preferable for those who are not fond of arachnids ///A program which follows links on the World
Wide Web in order to gather information.
stream - a flow of data, as
an audio broadcast, a movie, or live video, transmitted smoothlyand continuously from a source to
a computer, mobile device, etc.

1.Figure 1 – video sharing website; file sharing website P2P
2. both of them are file sharing website but one is specific for videos whereas the latter is for all
types of files (text, video, image, compressed, etc)

1. Figure 2 – the graph shows the real and projected change in data transfer by protocols

2. Both protocols are present in the graph as being the most used ones online.

3. streaming – you only stream the data so you cannot save it in your computer nor share it
P2P file sharing – you receive the files in your computer and share them online

D. 1. decreased
2. 2011, increasing
3. slightly
4. risen, increased
5. doubled
6. carried on

E. 1.b
2. f
3. e
4. c
5. d
6. a

1. Figure 1 shows a simple P2P network.
2. The main advantage of peer to peer network is that it is easier to set up. In peer-to-peer networks
all nodes are act as server as well as client therefore no need of dedicated server. The peer to peer
network is less expensive.
3. digital media: documents, video, audio-visual
4. Besides being a network that shared illegally many copyright files, you had to wait for the
download to finish whereas with Youtube or Netflix you can stream digital media without lag and
abiding the law.

B et C. Anticipation

1 - The best way to analyze Web 2.0 is to identify its key technologies and services.

2 - The first development we should look at is the creation of static websites.

3 - The next stage to consider is the development of dynamic websites.

4 - One of the most popular languages was PHP (Pre-Hypertext Processor), an open source product.

5- server-side scripting languages made it easy to move data between active web pages and

6- Flash fundamentally altered the way in which users could access visual and audio-visual

7 - An important effect of these technologies was on the use of peer-to-peer technologies for
accessing audio and video content.

1. paragraph that starts with “It was against this background...”

2. the first one : ???

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