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Ar. Junjje D. Rod

driguez cu
By Ar. Junje D. Rodriguez, cuap

Copyright © 2016 book Property & Managed by

All right reserved

ISBN-13: 978-1519487834

All right reserved no part this publication may be reproduced stored in a retrieval system or
transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical photocopying, recording or
otherwise without written permission from the author.
“I am Master of Fate and Captain my Soul.”
A Very Popular Quotes

This book will make you to changes your perspective. –About yourself and it will bring
you a detail on how to “Think Like a Master Architect” even you are not architect in

This book is the continuation process through my previous book regarding ATS
Consolidated System Process and Approach which it’s included more specific format
and guidelines for achieving your specific target. –The Goal to Success in Life.

Think “Like a Master Architect” has not been discussing here your current condition,
your professional skills and whatever had a mode on the state of your mind. This
method of ATS (Analytical, Technical and Scholarly Approach) continuous teaching will
be elaborated on how to “think like a master architect”.- The architect of your own life
was simplified as the process of mastering your own will and it will prove the
manifestation your desire to be.

Gautama Buddha once said “We think, we become” and how does the Bible said about
your mind “And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.” Can you
relate if there any contradiction between these two popular phrases? The lesson I
learned from other great persons which on how do they think that have been
encouraging me and give awakening my ability to constraint by enormous changing my
perception, about to myself, about to my personality, about to my mindset.

This book is dedicated to everyone who aspiring for their life-changing process and to
those who have willing to mastering their fate.

“Think like a Master Architect” as I simply defined as minding your own business.

In 1 Thessalonian 4:11 is something said like this:

“And to aspire to live quietly, and to mind your own affairs, and to work your
hands, as we instructed you.”

The Author

Life is like a “Puzzle”. Find the missing pieces of Success.

This is one of my favorite quotes lately of the Year 2005 at Safaniya, Kingdom of Saudi

It has been over ten years when I still remembered and just now I’ll be going to use it for
my financial breakthrough.

Your Life, our Lives are like a puzzle, and only God knows what the ends result will look
like. Let him put the pieces together.

Special thanks to my family; to my father Pedro T. Rodriguez Jr. and my mother Ma.
Cecelia Diaz, to my Brother and Sisters.

To Col. Perfecto V. Loba and Josefina Galicia Loba, Kuya Javier Loba, to my beloved
and supportive wife – Jennifer Loba Rodriguez, to my Daughter and Son.

Ar. Crispin S. Manuel, UAP – who have helps to complete these principles and
continuous process.

To Young Aspiring Architect who has been first batch embarked on my Architect Board
Exam Online Review Community.

To all students in Architecture, to young Aspiring Entrepreneur and those who engages
with Business Acumen.

Many thanks to Pastor Anthony Marzan for his spiritual guidances.




Understanding the Function of Mind


The Importance of Gestalt Principle of Architecture


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500 Collective Questionnaires (Past Architect Board Exam 2015-2017)



This is to explain how your mind works and which may be current perception. The explanation
of this principle of mind through the basis of formless things, this is a spiritual energy that could
probably dictate of what we think and how we act, is the set of cognitive faculties that enables
consciousness, thinking, perception, judgment and awareness of existence who and what you
really are.

This principles work in every experience you had already been experienced, from overwhelming
to disappointment. Knowing those principles are you make wiser decision and choose to live
better and better, peace, calm and contentment into your lives.

Over the few years as ordinary man and architect in profession, I had several experienced and
understanding in practice has demonstrated that people can create a rewarding, better health
and professional lives.

The simplicity and in-depth analysis of the principles are having a dramatic effect on many field
of endeavor, including setting business, investing, physical and mental health, and education,
intelligent and other wide range of professional education programs.

In fact, most people around me cannot understand how to use their mind and I would be
explained better about the key basis of my observation over a year.


Many of us think that our mind is designed to host a constant stream of thoughts and there is
nothing we can do about it. - That is right as many of us did not know how going to set their
Mind. –The mind is in charge we need just to follow. The buzzing can’t stop and we can’t make
it stop. – My suspicious from this is a big lie.

Your mind – my mind is a tool that you can able to control, if you choose to and depend on you.
It can be an asset that allows you to experience a wonderful thing around the world. It can also
be a major source of pain and sorrow even misery in your life if you let it fixes it your negative
thoughts such as FEAR and LACK.

Mind is like a tool, like a “hammer.” that we used to- Many of us we can define that hammer is
simple tools for carpentry but very few of us don’t know how to use it.

There are two set of carpentry work, one is for rough and one is for finishing. Other set don’t
know which one is good. – Being undecided on their decision to make. The function of mind is
the same like “hammer” you must decide what you want to become.


A typical cycle of mind is something like this:


Though & 
Interaction  Emotion 

Reaction  Belief 

What is wrong with this cycle? There is nothing wrong with it if you’re feeling good and
experiencing what brings you happy.

However, if you’re reacting based on your negative and limiting your beliefs, you won’t have
control and you will negatively react most of the time.

I conducted interview for my peers and through professional architects and I find out that many
of them would tends to dwell more on the negative than positive idea.

Ohh Noh! How dare this interviewed! The architect of such structure has this kind of mind. How
about you young architect? What is your idea right now?

Now we need to break this process of negative vibe of thought.

If you referring to my recent book on how to pass the architect board exam and I have
mentioned there about the system process, you can easily to digest what I really meant hereof
what I am explaining right now.


Though & 
Interaction  Emotion 


First things you needd is to EMPTTY your mind because wwhen you em mpty your m
mind it will release
and takinng precious space in yo d heart. Oncce you proccess what is on your mind. –
our mind and
You gain n positive pe
erspective. You
Y act, whe en needed, ffrom the CLLARITY into TRUTH. Yo ou no
longer feeed the loop.

The simpple ways to empty

e your mind.–is doing your IMM
which immerrsion is the ssame

You can take these

e actions an
ny time you need to brreak the cyccle of consttant thinking
g and



on is the bes
Meditatio st way to caalm your oveeractive mindd. It’s simple
e and requirres only a coouple
of things and your willingness
w to
o do it. Now let proceed to other use eful of your mind. This ccalled
“Paradigm” accordingg to the stud
dy of my favo
orite mentorr Bob Procto or.


Let us ta ake psychoa analysis of between

b the of actuarial sciences. – Our
ese two extrremes lies o
physical body to pro ove the scientific evidennce which ouur mind is m
more relevannt than the other
scientific possibly of analysis.

bconscious mind is like

Your sub e a huge memory
m ban
nk. Its capa
acity is virtu
ually unlimite
ed. It
ently stores everything
e th
hat ever hap
ppens to you .

By the timme you reac ch the age off 21, you’ve already perrmanently stored more than one hun ndred
times thee contents ofo the entire under hypno osis, order p
people can o
often rememmber, with pe erfect
clarity, events from fifty years before.
b Yourr unconsciou us memory is virtually p
perfect. It is your
consciou us recall that is suspect.

The func
ction of your subconsciou
us mind is too STORE an nd RETRIEV VE data. Its job to ensure
e that
you resp
pond exactly the way you are progra ammed. You ur subconsccious mind mmakes everyything
you say and
a do fit a pattern
p conssistent with your
y self-con
ncept, your ““MASTER PROGRAM.”

Your sub
bconscious mind
m is subje
ective. It doe
es not think o
or reason independentlyy; it merely o
the commands it re eceives from m your cons scious mind . Just as yo our conscio
ous mind ca an be
thought of
o as the ga ardener, plan nting seeds,, your subco onscious mind can be tthought of a as the
garden, or he seeds gerrminate and grow.
o fertile soil, in which th

Your con
nscious mind
d commands s and your su ubconsciouss mind obeyy.
Source of
o Information
n Encyclope
edia Britanniica


Knowing the subject matter is more easily for us to understand of what I meant about
understanding the function your mind. When I was a child, the most memorable moment comes
in my subconscious mind is to become mastering my fate someday and somewhere. – Without
having a shadow of doubt! What is the next step in your life beyond if those are not going to
happens? But to grow up started defocusing of what you already had in your subconscious

While we were growing up few of us were supported to develop boundaries of who we are. It is
precisely due to our lack of boundaries we develop barriers or control mechanism, yet again this
is an illusion based on lack of self-experience. It is not possible to experience self while we seek
control; in this way of living our reference is external, “It is designed to keep “YOU” out there.

My daughter Sheikha Jen and I have big fans of ‘Barney the green dinosaur’. While we are
waiting to her mother on Salam Mall at here in Doha-Qatar, one day I had realized what Barney
said and remembering the moment when was the first time we watched his cosplay. He always
saying before they start the play this favorite rite “Imagine the things of what you pretend to

My life, My mind has starts crystallizing image about what Barney say while my burning desire
started to find of what I have planned to pretend to be.


Mastering the function your mind is not an easy process, you will consider a lot. – Your
experience than your experiment to explore from nothing to getting something but the most
important skill I had developed was to learn self-mastery.

The lack of this skill is the number one reason why people didn’t success in their lives. Self-
mastery is means you’re learning how to control your fear, emotions, doubts. –Body, Mind and
Soul. If you can learn how to master these things – to control yourself – you can able to control
the whole world.

I want to share you something my own experienced that every time I lost my temper with my
job, I lost. Every time I let fear set in when my cash flow statement did not look promising return,
I lost. Every time I got into downward spiral of working in my career rather than on it, I lost.

I give you an example; most entrepreneurs have certain triggers that cause them to literally lose
it, that “it” being self-control. For many, it’s money. When the money runs out, the fear kicks in
and the limbic part of the brain takes over. They do insane things. It’s no different than the
caveman running for his life from saber-toothed tiger. You stop thinking and become

But we’re made up of body, mind, emotions and spirit being. In order to learn how to master
yourself, you must feed those things. Exercise, learn, rest, and meditate or pray. Taking time to
do those types of actions will help you to develop this most valuable skill.

But most of all practice the opposite of fear, which is your “belief”. In every situation, never let
your emotion overpower your intelligence. If you feel bad circumstance and feel yourself losing
control, stop and think and re think, of “What do you believe?” the Bible said more about and
you should act accordingly.

Control is fear based. The underlying belief is “I am not powerful enough to fully trust.” This lack
of trust is nothing to with the outside world; it is a lack of trust with our self.

I would like to share with you about my favorite dictum once I want to empty my Mind and
Mastery a one skill;

This book is Not Finished Yet!

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