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Student Workbook

Systems (3)


Student Workbook for Technical Certificates in

Light Vehicle Maintenance and Repair


Page ……….... Page

Introduction 3 Oscilloscope: 32
Cathode-ray tube 33
Electrical Measurement Screen graticure 36
Equipment: 3 Oscilloscope operation 36
Unit multipliers 5 Progress check 3 41
Multimeter use 5
General fault finding procedures 7 Vehicle Testing: 43
Voltage 7 Ignition timing 43
Electrical faults 8 Exercise 2 44
Open circuit faults 8 Exercise 3 46
High resistance faults 8 Ignition coil tests 49
Short circuit faults 8 Test procedures for a conventional
Exercise 1 9 ignition system 49
Short circuits 10 Exercise 4 50
Before the resistance 10 Spark plug and high-tension cords
After the resistance and after the tests 51
switch (earth switched circuit) 10
After the resistance but before the Integrated Ignition System: 54
switch (earth switched circuit) 11 Ignition coil 54
Ignition module 55
Inspection and Other Fault-Finding Battery voltage should be displayed 55
Techniques 12 Signal rotor and pick up coil 57
Inspection of vacuum and governor
Diagnosis without a Code Reader: 16 advance 58
Progress check 1 24
Hall Effect: 59
Code Readers: 25 Ignition trigger signals – Hall effect 59
Progress check 2 30 (Cont.)

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Direct Ignition Systems Diagnosis: 61

Inspection of ignition signal and
wiring 63
Progress check 4 66

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Within Phase 3 Ignition Systems, we need to look at diagnostic procedures
associated with electronic ignition systems. To enable this to be achieved, the
workbook will incorporate sections from other phases, to be used as a recap
before entering into vehicle diagnosis. The use of multimeters and basic
diagnosis is taken from Phase 1 Foundation Skills LV02 and short circuit and
open circuit diagnosis is taken from Phase 2 Electrical and Electronic Systems
LV33. Each of the areas will enable a greater understanding on how to
proceed with ignition system diagnosis.

Electrical Measurement Equipment


volts, ohms
and diodes
10A port
300mA port Common

As the name suggests, a multimeter is capable of measuring a number of

electrical units/values.

The selector allows you to choose which value the meter is to measure, such
as ‘Volts DC’ and the ports at the bottom of the meter allow for differing
connections of the multimeter’s leads when necessary (the red lead only has
to be moved when measuring current flow normally).

Every type of multimeter normally has a button that enables the technician to
choose the maximum value that he wants to measure (the range of the
meter). On the example shown, this is the yellow button in the middle of the
selector. Selecting the smallest range for the circuit that you are working on
aids accuracy.

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~ __
V ----
__ __
---- ----
A 300mV


Starting from bottom left, the electrical values that this multimeter can typically
read are:

• amps AC
• amps DC
• volts AC
• volts DC
• 300mV DC maximum
• ohms
• diode tester.

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Unit multipliers

One amp is equal to one thousand milliamps, which is written as 1A =000mA

One amp is equal to one million micro amps and is written as 1A = 1,000,000

One thousand amps is equal to one Kilo amp which is written as 1000A =

One million amps is equal to one Mega amp and is written as 1,000,000A =

All other electrical units use the same multipliers such as 1mV, 1MW.

Multimeter use

12 v 12 v

A voltmeter displays the
12 v difference in voltage
between where you put the
red probe and where you
put the black probe

A voltmeter (a multimeter with volts selected) must always be fitted in parallel

with the circuit – this means that the circuit is not broken to accommodate the
meter; the meter is fitted across the circuit.

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• Always switch the
circuit OFF first

• Always disconnect the

component from the
remainder of the circuit

Close switch

An ohmmeter (a multimeter with ohms selected) is always fitted across the

component or wire that you want to test. Current must not be flowing in the
part of the circuit that you are testing as this will seriously affect your readings.
An ohmmeter measures circuit resistance by applying a known voltage to a
circuit from a battery inside its case and measuring the resultant current flow –
from these two values it can calculate the resistance using Ohm’s Law in the
same way that you have. If current is flowing in the circuit from a different
source (i.e. the vehicle battery) this will seriously affect its calculation.

always fit an ammeter
in series with the circuit

Never connect an ammeter across a resistance; a good

ammeter has zero internal resistance

An ammeter (a multimeter with amps selected) must be fitted in series with

the circuit whose current you want to measure.

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This means that the circuit must be broken and the ammeter must be put into
the circuit. A good ammeter has an extremely small internal resistance so it is
important that you take care not to short a circuit out by putting the ammeter
across the only resistance in a circuit (provide the current with an easier path
to take through the meter). This will at best blow a fuse in the meter and at
worst set it alight!

General fault finding procedures

Diagnosis is a significant part of a vehicle technician’s responsibility. With the

proliferation of electrical systems on a modern vehicle, an ability to diagnose
electrical faults quickly and accurately has become most valued.

To be able to fault diagnose electrical circuits accurately and quickly, an

understanding of voltage is critical. This coupled with the correct use of a
voltmeter will enable a technician to find virtually any fault.


A few voltage rules must be understood and remembered:

Voltage is electrical pressure – it ‘pushes’ current around a circuit.

Voltage will drop across a resistor.

Volts drop will only occur if current is flowing.

The amount the voltage drops across a resistor in a circuit is dictated by the
comparative value of that resistor i.e. its value when compared to that of any
other resistors in the circuit. The bigger the value of a resistor, the greater the
amount of the available voltage will be used by it when compared to the other
resistors in the circuit.

The voltage after the last resistor in a circuit will be 0 volts so long as current
can flow.

If there is only one resistor in a circuit it is also the last resistor and therefore
the voltage after it will be zero so long as current is flowing.

A voltmeter displays the difference in voltage between the position of the red
and black probes.

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Electrical faults

To recap, there are three main types of electrical faults. These are:

1. Open circuit faults:

2. High resistance faults, and
3. Short circuit faults.

Open circuit faults

This fault causes an incomplete electrical circuit in which no current flows.

High resistance faults

This fault causes the reduction in the flow of electrical current through a circuit

Short circuit faults

This is a faulty or accidental connection between two points of different

potential in an electrical circuit caused by pushing the load and establishing a
path of low resistance through which an excessive current can flow. It can
cause damage to the components if the circuit is not protected by a fuse.

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Exercise 1

1. High resistance fault

Key points:
- Before bulb: _______v
- Before A: _______v
- Before C: _______v
- After C: _______v
- Before D: _______v
- After D: _______v
- Failed component: _______

Consider this circuit as serviceable showing a simple earth switched lamp

circuit and in the condition pictured (switch closed or on).
Mark on the voltages at all the key points. Identify which component has

2. Open circuit fault

Key points:
- Before bulb: _______v
- After bulb: _______v
- At E: _______v
- After E: _______v
- At the switch: _______v
- After the switch: _______v
- At F: _______v
- After F: _______v
- Failed component: _______

Now consider an open circuit fault in connector E (poor terminal contact).

Mark on the voltages at all the key points. Identify which component has
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Short circuits

Short faults can occur in three areas on a circuit and each area will have a
different effect on that circuit.

Before the resistance


This will result in a blown fuse, popped circuit breaker or a serious fire!
Because the short to ground has reduced the circuit resistance to virtually
nothing, there is no limiting factor to the amount of current that the battery will
produce (except the battery’s amp hour rating). This will result in a serious
excess of circuit in the affected circuit.

After the resistance and after the switch (earth switched circuit)

This is probably the best kind of short circuit fault as it is not actually a fault!
In fact, it can be considered something of a bonus because if the proper earth
for the circuit should develop a problem (such as a resistance build up at the
earthing bolt) we have our ‘fault’ to fall back on!


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After the resistance but before the switch (earth switched circuit)

This means that the driver cannot switch off the affected circuit. The
resistance has its usual permanent supply but it now has a permanent earth,
courtesy of the fault. If the circuit is one where the consumer (lamp for
example) is not normally visible to the driver – such as a luggage
compartment light – the driver will complain that the battery keeps going flat.
This type of short circuit is known as a ‘parasitic drain’ fault as the affected
circuit is draining the battery (like a parasite).

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Inspection and Other Fault-Finding Techniques

Don’t rush in!

Charging into diagnosis is seldom productive. Working too quickly and

without logical thought can lead to missing the simple, obvious faults that
would be identified had a more logical structured approach been taken
initially. With complex systems, a well-structured, logical approach should be
taken. This approach should be adhered to throughout diagnosis (simple or
difficult) and in most cases the same approach can be used time and again.

Driver interrogation

The driver of the vehicle probably knows more about the vehicle’s history than
anyone else and they normally have first hand knowledge of the fault. If a
vehicle develops a fault, simple or complex, the driver will have sensed more
of the symptoms than the technician can during workshop diagnosis. It is
therefore important to ask the driver the correct types of questions before they
leave the vehicle workshop. The driver’s comments can prove valuable,
especially with an intermittent fault, which is often difficult to locate.

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If the correct types of questions are asked initially, the answers can usually
save time by preventing unnecessary diagnostic routines. The customer is
normally willing to supply the information, so why not allow the customer to
provide you with the information you require to ease fault diagnosis?

By gathering information on the problematic system, you can identify a logical

diagnostic sequence that will help you to identify the fault. By checking and
testing strategic parts of the circuit, you can quickly reduce the size of the
area that you need to concentrate on.

You may think that you need a large amount of data and information before
you start fault diagnosis, but by viewing a circuit diagram, you can eliminate
certain sections of the circuit and therefore not require all the information
initially believed necessary.




Build the puzzle until one of the pieces is missing or doesn't fit

Refer back to the information and the diagnostic sequence throughout your
test routine. You may have to follow a different route if the components are
too difficult to access or your findings are not as you had first thought.

Visual inspection

Always be prepared to change or re-think your strategy.

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Aural inspection

Many technicians become confused when diagnosing complex electronic

system faults. If there is insufficient information and the technician has limited
knowledge, guesswork can take over. The technician will often condemn a
component that they do not fully understand, and may make a diagnosis by
looking at the quantity of the suspect component that the parts department
sells; this leads to the parts person diagnosing the fault! This is a potentially
expensive (and embarrassing) strategy to adopt, as many parts departments
will not allow a workshop to return parts once purchased.

If the new part ordered is not required (the guess was incorrect) the price of
the part has to be absorbed by one of the parties, workshop or customer.
When the price of the part is low e.g. £10.00, the amount can usually be
absorbed into the vehicle diagnosis time. However, when the price of the part
is high e.g. £200.00, the cost cannot normally be absorbed by the customer
and the cost has to be absorbed by the workshop - reducing profit. If this
happens on several occasions, confidence is lost and electrical/electronic
diagnosis is then often contracted to other third party businesses - expensive!
The reduction of such work in a workshop will quickly lead to de-skilling of the
technical staff. Technicians need to undergo regular training throughout their
workshop life to allow them to service and repair the modern motor vehicle.

When formulating your diagnostic strategy, ensure that you prioritise the
checking of the obvious first. When the electrical circuit being tested has an
ECM, there is often a tendency to over complicate matters.

Many workshops do not have equipment capable of testing complex electronic

components (e.g. ECM or similar); there is therefore a tendency to assume
that the remainder of the circuit is also complex.

There may be an electronic component at the centre of the circuit but the
remainder usually consists of general electrical items that can be tested with
an ordinary multimeter (bulbs, switches etc).

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From knowledge gained over previous electrical and electronic courses, it
should now be clear that although modern electrical circuits are often fitted
with electronic control modules, the testing of such circuits still requires similar
skills to that of simple electrical circuits. If we assume things are more
complex than in reality, we can find ourselves very frustrated if the fault is not
initially obvious.

Road test

Record your results as you carry out your tests. By recording the test results
at each stage (correct or incorrect), you can review your diagnostic plan at
any time. Then if for any reason you are interrupted, you can come back to it
later and recall the results instantly. A record of the test results will also assist
if another person is to continue where you left off, rather than needlessly
repeating checks.

Diagnostic information is often difficult to access in the independent repair

market and this type of information can be very valuable. If information and
data is collated every time a repair is carried out; whether it is information from
repair manuals, information printed off test equipment or data gathered during
test procedures, this could be used to construct an effective diagnostic library.
Few people are blessed with a photographic memory! It may take a little time
to set up in the first instance, but over a short period the library will grow into a
very large, in-depth point of reference.

Some of the information that you can obtain from test equipment data list
print-outs is unavailable from technical information suppliers and therefore a
serviceable vehicle is a unique source of valuable data. If the information is
good or even bad (an idea is to highlight the bad data) the data can be used
as a comparison against vehicles to be repaired in the future.

A simple PC is capable of providing an effective database utility at very little

cost. The information can then be catalogued into various categories and
quickly referenced.

This approach is virtually guaranteed to increase productivity and profitability

over time.

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Diagnosis without a Code Reader

The previous section has looked at diagnostic techniques that will help all
technicians with the solving of both complex and non-complex system faults.
Within this section a more formal process will be explained. This process will
look at solving faults using diagnostic codes if present, but without the use of
a code reader. The material used for this diagnostic process is from a
Japanese manufacturer, although most manufacturers will have similar
diagnostic material available.

Step one of the process involves questioning the customer regarding the fault
that they have reported. As described earlier the customer is the best person
to explain what the fault is and when it happens. Pre diagnostic question
forms are available, but the service staff at the front desk usually use them. If
possible the technician who is going to be carrying out the task should speak
to the customer, this eliminates the possibility of the message being passed
on incorrectly.

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Step two of the process relates to the checking of diagnostic codes. Each
manufacturer will have a different way of doing this, although most vehicles
have the facility to check the codes without a code reader. This usually
involves shorting out two of the terminals within the diagnostic plug, and then
counting the sequence flashes outputted by the engine, or diagnostic warning
light. When the codes have been collected they should be recorded so that
they can be used if needed later in the diagnosis process.





To complete step three the codes need to be cleared. Again, different

manufacturers will have different way of doing this although disconnecting the
battery for approximately 90 seconds will usually clear the codes. The reason
that the codes need to be cleared is that other technicians may have
attempted to fix the vehicle. While attempting to do this they may have
disconnected different sensors looking for the fault, each time that a sensor is
disconnected a code will register within the electronic control unit. If as a
technician you try and diagnose all the codes outputted, then the diagnostic
process will be lengthened and tests will be carried out on systems that are
not faulty.








?….What Happens Next….?

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Steps four and five are linked, as the vehicle now needs to be placed in test
mode (if the manufacturers’ system allows this), and then road tested to
simulate the fault. By placing the vehicle in test mode the electronic control
unit becomes more sensitive. Many manufacturers use two trip logic when
the electronic control unit is retrieving information from the sensors. This
means that the fault needs to happen twice before the engine control unit puts
on the diagnostic warning light. When placed in test mode the fault only
needs to occur once and a code will be registered within the electronic control

When the road test has been completed the electronic control unit needs to be
interrogated for any codes that are present and this take the form of step six.
If a code is present then the next phase of the diagnostic process will take

To complete step seven, the system relating to the code outputted needs to
be diagnosed. Again as before, each manufacturer will have their own
diagnosis process to enable the technicians to complete this phase. As an
example, a page has been taken from the engine manual of a Japanese
manufacturer. This same manual would then be used to extract the correct
diagnostic process. If no literature is available on the vehicle, then the
technician will need to draw on information gained from various phases of
their training, to give them an understanding of how the system works. Most
of the codes used by the different manufacturers are generic, so even if the
manufacturers’ manuals are not available, the technician should be able to
use the code to point him in the correct direction.

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When the faulty system has been repaired the vehicle needs to be road tested
again (before the road test the codes should again be cleared). This enables
the technician to confirm that the vehicle has been repaired and the fault no
longer occurs. After the final road test has been carried out the electronic
control unit should be rechecked for codes as this will help confirm that the
fault has been rectified.

This process can be used for any occasions where diagnostic codes are
present. But what if there are no codes present? The process for diagnosing
faults when there are no codes present is not that different. The process will
take the format as described in the inspection and other fault finding
techniques. One important introduction is the carrying out of basic
inspections; these involve the testing of the following systems:

• battery voltage
• air induction system
• idle speed
• ignition timing/sparks
• fuel pressure
• valve clearance
• cylinder compressions
• emission system (using four gas analyser).






The order in which these systems are checked will depend on the type of fault
that has occurred. Some manufacturers incorporate faultfinding charts within
their vehicle manuals. These charts will help the technicians to head in the
right direction for a given fault, and not start testing systems that have no
relevance. An example of this has been taken from the symptom chart of one
of the major manufacturers. The vehicle fault is that the vehicle does not start
(there is no initial combustion). The system chart point to four possible areas:

• ECU power source

• ignition coil (with module) circuit
• fuel pump control circuit
• injector circuit.

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The fault can now be simulated and each of these systems checked. When
simulating faults, it may not be possible to do it on the road, as you may need
the vehicle in the workshop with the appropriate test equipment. Various
faults can be simulated within the workshop and the two diagrams above
demonstrate this.

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Circuit voltages

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Engine ECU Terminals

After you have completed the simulation, and the system at fault has been
identified then information on that system will need to be accessed.
Depending on the vehicle and the technical information available to the
technician, the faulty system can then be checked, and diagnosed. Examples
given are of the types of technical material that is available to help in the
diagnostic process.

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With the correct system identified and all the checks carried out, the fault then
needs to be rectified. After rectifying the fault the codes should again be
cleared. The vehicle then needs to be road tested to confirm that the
operation of the vehicle is correct. After the road test the codes need to be
checked again, if no codes are present then the vehicle can be returned to the

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Progress check 1
Answer the following questions:

1. What is the name of the component that is used to measure

Voltage/Amperage and Resistance?

2. If an electrical circuit is said to be "open circuit". What does this mean?

3. After checking the diagnostic codes why should they be cleared?

4. What type of electrical faults will cause the engine to crank, but not start?

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Code Readers
Each manufacturer will have their version of a code reader/tester, specifically
for diagnosing faults on their own vehicles. With the introduction of data link
connectors now fitted to all vehicles, it is possible for an independent
manufacturer to produce generic code readers. These code readers will
access many different vehicles across a range of manufacturers, enabling
even small garages to have access to the vehicles diagnostic codes for use in
vehicle diagnosis. Although non-franchised dealerships will have access to
the diagnostic codes, it may still be necessary to obtain the manufacturer’s
literature to assist the technician in the diagnostic process.

Within Phase 3 Ignition Systems we will look at the code reader designed by
sun/snap-on (Modis). Selected pages have been taken from the operator’s
manual to give an overview on what types of feature are available on code
readers/testers. When diagnosing ignition systems faults the scope feature
provided can be invaluable.


The Modular Diagnostic Information System (MODIS™) is a hand-held unit

designed to host various tools and accessories used in the automotive repair
industry. Its open architecture platform utilises integrated vehicle testing
instruments and information.

MODIS™ features an on-board diagnostic module that interrogates the

numerous on-board electronic systems in the vehicle, and provides expert
guidance to assist you in resolving symptoms, codes, or complaints.
Additional integrated measurement modules enables you to obtain exact
measurements of identified problematic components, connectors, or systems.
MODIS™ easily accommodates future enhancements and various plug-ins
that allow you to configure the system to meet specific needs.
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Main menu

The Main Menu screen consists of screen buttons that appear in a vertical
column on the left side of the screen. Selecting one of these screen buttons

• a submenu
• a currently installed module
• a function
• the Status Bar at the bottom of the screen.

On initial start-up, one of the menu selections is highlighted indicating the

current active area of the screen.

For detailed information on menu items that are specific to a plug-in module,
refer to the relevant manual for that module.


This menu allows MODIS™ to operate as a fully functional scan tool on the
vehicle ECU.

The functions of this menu are available only when the Scanner Plug-In
Module is installed. It states error messages, trouble code definitions, data
read-outs. It also performs specific tests on the vehicle under test. In the
Scanner Plug-In Module manual, refer to the introduction section.

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This menu allows MODIS™ to operate as a graphical multimeter to measure

volts, amps and ohms. Specific setup instructions are provided on screen.

The functions of this menu are available only when the Lab Scope Plug-in
Module is installed.

In the Lab Scope Plug-in Module manual, refer to the introduction section.


This menu allows MODIS™ to operate as a 4 channel lab scope.

The functions of this menu are available only when the Lab Scope Plug-in
Module is installed.

In the Lab Scope Plug-in Module manual, refer to the introduction section.

Freeze/Run mode

Select to toggle between Freeze and Run mode.


Stops data collection in order to be able to review previously collected data

frames. When in Freeze mode, the Run button is displayed.


Data is continuously captured, which can be seen by the running Data Buffer
Indicator bar.


Select to capture data frames in a controlled way.

Automatic modes

Select any of the other modes that will trigger the Snapshot to be taken
automatically if the condition set is met:

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If the engine speed falls below a certain value

Code Set

If the vehicle sets an error code


If the signal level is outside a specified range

Saved Data

Select Saved Data to efficiently manage the data storage area on the


Select Utilities to alter settings and controls for the overall functioning of the
MODIS™ unit.

Ignition system

Select to state the ignition system of the vehicle under test.

To calculate RPM, it is necessary to identify the ignition system and method of

connection for the RPM lead. That way the Lab Scope Plug-in Module can
calculate the RPM division factor for the vehicle under test.

Select to set Ignition Type:

Standard (Coil)

Connect pick-up to the coil wire on a distributor system.

Standard (Plug)

Connect pick-up to the plug wire on a distributor system.

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Waste Spark

Connect pick-up to a plug wire on a waste spark distributorless system.


Connect pick-up to a plug wire (if applicable) on a direct system.


Select if the ignition system of the vehicle under test is not stated above:

a. Connect to a plug or coil wire

b. Set the RPM factor to display the correct RPM.

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Progress check 2
Complete the following:

Below is a selection of slides from the power point presentation, identifying the
process of diagnosing a fault with the assistance of a code reader. Make
notes from the presentation identifying the key differences.











?….What Happens Next….?



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Throughout this phase descriptions have been given on different methods of

diagnosing non-complex and complex system faults. Each of these methods
will assist the technician to diagnose the ignition system quickly and
accurately. Most modern code readers will have an oscilloscope function that
can be used to identify the signals sent from the electronic control unit to
operate the ignition system. If a modern code reader is not available then an
independent oscilloscope can be used to identify these signals. To use an
oscilloscope, a basic understanding of how it is operated will need to be

Within this section a description on how an oscilloscope generates the

waveform and displays it will be covered. Also a brief description will be given
on some of the controls that enable the technician to display the waveform,
although a practical exercise is advisable to give a greater understanding.

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Cathode-ray tube

The cathode-ray tube is the part of the oscilloscope that enables the user to
see the waveform that is being generated by a vehicle component. Its
operation is very similar to that of a normal household television, using an
electron gun, deflection plates and a screen to generate the picture.

The electron gun is at the centre of the operation of the cathode-ray tube. It
emits a stream of electrons that are directed at the back of the screen which is
coated with a phosphorescent material. As the beam of electrons hits the
back of the screen a spot or trace is illuminated by the phosphorescent
material, this illumination is only temporary. Moving or deflecting can
illuminate the beam to the left or right, or up and down the screen as desired.

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To enable this movement of the beam, deflection plates are fitted. The
electron gun emits a beam of negative electric charge, so the deflection plates
are positively charged by applying voltage to the plates. This causes the
beam to be drawn towards the deflection plates.

If we now apply a sign wave voltage to the vertical deflection plates, the spot
will move up and down through 1 to 9 as shown, this will be in accordance
with the changes in the input signal. By increasing the rate of the input signal,
a vertical line will be displayed on the screen. This will not allow the
technician to view periodic changes in the voltage. To eliminate this problem
horizontal deflection plates are fitted that allow the beam to show changes in
voltage that occur over time.

A generator is built into the oscilloscope, which applies voltage to the

horizontal deflection plates. This voltage changes at given intervals causing a
sawtooth waveform to be generated internally, but not displayed on the
screen. The action of the spot moving from left to right on the screen is called

In this way, the voltage change in the X or horizontal direction applied to the
horizontal deflection plates is combined with the voltage change in the Y-
direction applied simultaneously to the vertical deflection plates, appearing on
the screen as voltage changes directly corresponding to the time based
changes of the input signal.

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In order for the technicians to view the waveforms generated by the
oscilloscope, they must be static. For this to happen the sawtooth waveform
and the signal inputted into the oscilloscope must be synchronised, if they are
not then the waveform will not be displayed on the screen. If as in the
diagram the two frequencies of the sawtooth and input signal are not
synchronised then the waveform will not be displayed. In this case, the
signals are said to be unsynchronised. When the technician attempts to
stabilise the waveform displayed, they are said to be "synchronising the
display". To achieve this both the input signal and the sawtooth wave must
start at the same time.

In an actual oscilloscope, the signal to be observed enters the signal

generator, which generates a trigger pulse, and it is only at that moment
allowed to create a sawtooth waveform.

For this reason, a static waveform appears on the screen even when the
frequency of the input signal changes. This is because the same part of the
input signal always causes the trigger pulse to occur.

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Screen graticure

When viewing the screen of an oscilloscope it looks like a piece of graph

paper that you used at school. The grids of squares that make up the screen
are called "graticure". This grid allows the technician to measure accurately
the waveform with relation to voltage and frequency. The grid consists of a
group of squares of which there are ten divisions horizontally and eight
divisions vertically. The squares are 10mm in size.

Oscilloscope operation

10 Divisions
8 Divisions

On viewing an oscilloscope for the first time most technicians find all the
different controls and abbreviations confusing. If an explanation is given on
each of the different operations then understanding the oscilloscope becomes
easier. Within this section an explanation will be given on the operation of the
different switches needed to operate the oscilloscope effectively.

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Vertical controls

Mainframe controls

The first set of controls to be examined, are the mainframe controls. These
will vary depending on the oscilloscope that is being used. The intensity
switch works the same way as the brightness control on your television,
allowing the brightness of the spot to be increased or decreased. The focus
switch allows the clarity of the spot to be adjusted. Finally when the beam
finder switch is pressed, regardless of the frequency of the input signal, the
spot will be shown.

The vertical controls are positioned within the set of controls that operate the
two different channels or input signals. Most oscilloscopes are able to display
at least two signals at one time. The vertical control allows the waveform to
be shifted up or down to the desired location.

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Volts div & Variable


The volts/divisions and variable, acts as the range selector on a multi meter.
The voltage difference between the divisions can be adjusted making the
wave higher or lower. An example of this is, if a waveform is inputted into the
oscilloscope with a peak voltage of 1 volt and the volts/divisions switch is set
to .5 volts then the wave will rise through two vertical divisions. If the switch is
set to .2 volts then the wave will rise through eight divisions.

Operating the AC/GND/DC switch allows each of the channels to select one of
the three settings. When in the AC positions the operator is able to observe
changes in voltage with the direct current component cut off. Changing the
position to GND causes the trace to be generated by the internal circuitry
rather than by the outside source. When the wave is generated internally it is
said to be a "ground state" waveform. This waveform is used as a reference
for externally generated waveforms. The final position DC, allows a signal
that includes both an AC and DC portion to be displayed. For this reason both
DC and AC signals are viewed with the switch in this position.

If the oscilloscope being used is able to display two signals, then vertical
mode controls are available. These controls allow the waveforms to be
viewed either independently or simultaneously. The ch1/ch2 button needs to
be either positioned in or out depending on which channel needs to be
viewed. As with the channel buttons the mono/dual button needs to be
positioned either in or out depending on whether one or two signals need to
be displayed. The other buttons available in this section will vary depending
on the oscilloscope being used, so the instruction manuals need to be

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To control the position of the waveform with relation to the right and left, there
is another button positioned on the top oscilloscope. This will help the
operator to position the waveform on the ideal position when measuring
frequency and voltage. The control alongside is a variable control and should
be locked in the CAL position when reading voltage. This switch is operated
when the operator needs to look at the shape of the waveform.


Vert Mode

The final control that will be explained within this section is the time/division
control. This switch controls the horizontal sensitivity of the oscilloscope, and
each square of the grid then relates to one of the units selected. An example
of this is if the .2 of a second was selected then each of the squares
horizontally would equate to .2 of a second.

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This section has only overviewed some of the controls associated with the
oscilloscope. To gain a greater understanding a practical exercise needs to
be carried out, using the oscilloscope.

Below are two waveforms associated with the ignition system, the ignition
operating signal and the ignition conformation signal. If either of these signals
is missing the vehicle will either not start, or in the case of the ignition
conformation the vehicle will start and then stop. Not all manufacturers use
an ignition conformation signal so when diagnosing faults check the
manufacturer’s specification.



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Progress check 3
Complete the following:

Using an oscilloscope test the ignition system waveforms, adjusting the

Volts/Divisions and Time/Division controls to create different size waveforms.
Draw the results on the screens below, making reference to the position of the
Volts/Divisions control and the Time/ Division control.

Use the oscilloscope to probe two other systems of your choice and again
draw the results below. A possible recommendation for one of the systems
would be the injectors.





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Vehicle Testing

Ignition timing

Within Phase 3 Ignition Systems, an explanation will be given on how to

adjust the ignition timing on an engine fitted with an integrated ignition
assembly and an engine fitted with electronic spark advance ignition system.
If an engine is fitted with a direct ignition system it will not be possible to
adjust the ignition timing, as it is done directly by the engine electronic control
unit. Before this process is explained a re-cap on the importance of ignition
timing is given below.

For maximum combustion pressure to be reached within the combustion

chamber, the spark that ignites the air/fuel mixture must be delivered at the
correct time. From the point at which the spark is delivered it takes a given
amount of time for it to propagate throughout the cylinder. To achieve
maximum combustion, spontaneous combustion of the air/fuel mixture must
occur at approximately 10 degrees after top dead centre. To enable this to
happen the flame propagation period must be taken into account. When the
ignition timing is adjusted to incorporate the flame propagation period, then
the spark is actually delivered before top dead centre.

Engine load and engine speed also have to be accounted for when calculating
the correct point at which to deliver the spark. For this reason the distributor
incorporates a governor advancer which adjusts the timing in relation to
engine speed, and a vacuum advancer, which adjusts the ignition timing in
relation to engine load.

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Ignition timing is checked using a timing light (strobe light). In order to check
ignition timing the engine must be running at a given rpm (check
manufacturers’ specifications) usually deemed to be idling at approximately
500-800 rpm. When the engine is idling neither the governor advancer nor
the vacuum advancer affect ignition timing. The top dead centre mark on the
crankshaft pulley should then be marked, as should the appropriate timing
mark on the timing cover. A timing light is then used to check that the two
lines match up. If the lines do not match up then the timing can be adjusted
by loosening the distributor retaining bolts and adjusting its position relative to
the engine.

Care must be taken when adjusting the ignition timing, as incorrect adjustment
will cause engine-running problems. If the ignition timing is over advanced
then spontaneous combustion of the air/fuel mixture will take place early. This
will cause the combustion pressure to be abnormally high, leading to
excessive engine knock. Excessive engine knock will cause component
failure of valves, spark plugs etc. due to excessive heat generation inside the
combustion chamber. If the ignition is over retarded the consequences are
less damaging to the engine. Spontaneous combustion will take place late
into the combustion stroke causing the engine to lose power and the fuel
economy to go up. As there is not an excessive rise in pressure or heat within
the combustion chamber component failure should not occur.

Exercise 2

Ignition timing process

When checking or adjusting the ignition timing, the engine must run until it
reaches the normal running temperature.

Connect a tachometer and a timing light to the engine. The tachometer can
either be connected to the ignition terminal of the check connector, or in a
conventional way to number one plug lead. This will depend on the type of
vehicle and the type of tachometer that you are using.

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If there is a sub-diaphragm fitted to the distributor, the vacuum hose must be
connected and the end of it plugged.

Using tippex or a light coloured felt tip, mark the ignition timing mark on the
crankshaft pulley, and the correct degree marking on the timing cover. Start
the engine and check that the idling speed is at the manufacturers’
specification. Using the timing light check that the two marks are aligned.

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If the two marks are not aligned, then slacken the distributor bolts and turn the
distributor to the left or right, depending on whether the timing needs to be
advanced or retarded. When the marks are correctly aligned, retighten the
distributor bolts. Finally re-check the timing to confirm that it is correct.

Exercise 3

Electronic spark advance

When checking or adjusting the ignition timing, the engine must run until it
reaches the normal running temperature.

Connect a tachometer and a timing light to the engine. The tachometer can
either be connected to the ignition terminal of the check connector, the
integrated ignition assembly service connector, or, in a conventional way, to
number one plug lead. This will depend on the type of vehicle and the type of
tachometer that you are using.

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The next part of the process relates directly to one Japanese manufacturer,
and each individual manufacturer will have their own process of adjusting.
However, the sequence described will give an overview of how ignition timing
is adjusted when an electronic spark advance system is used.

Using a service wire, short the two appropriate terminals of the check

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Using tippex or a light coloured felt tip, mark the ignition timing mark on the
crankshaft pulley, and the correct degree marking on the timing cover. Start
the engine and check that the idling speed is at the manufacturers’
specification. Using the timing light check that the two marks are aligned.

If the two marks are not aligned, then slacken the distributor bolts and turn the
distributor to the left or right, depending on whether the timing needs to be
advanced or retarded. When the marks are correctly aligned, retighten the
distributor bolts. Finally re-check the timing to confirm that it is correct.

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Ignition coil tests

Test procedures for a conventional ignition system

The primary coil can be checked for serviceability by the use of an ohmmeter.
The high-tension cord along with any wires connected to the coil must be
removed. The ohmmeter must then be connected between the positive and
negative terminals of the coil. The reading taken must then be compared with
the manufacturers’ specification.

As with the primary coil, the secondary coil can also be checked using an
ohmmeter, but the probes are placed as per the diagram. The reading
obtained must again be compared with manufacturers’ specification.

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The final resistance check is carried out on the ballast resistor if one is fitted to
the system. The probes are this time connected across the ballast resistor;
the reading must be taken and compared with manufacturers’ specifications.

Voltage checks also need to be carried out as the coil will not operate if the
voltage is too low. If voltage drops below approximately eight volts then
insufficient current will travel through the primary coil causing secondary
voltage to be low. This will lead to engine misfire.

Exercise 4

Turn the ignition switch to the on position, and connect the voltmeter between
the positive terminal of the ballast resistor and body ground. If a ballast
resistor is not fitted then carry out the next test, both with the ignition on and in
the start position.

Approximately 12 volts should be shown on the meter.

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Finally connect the voltmeter between the positive terminal of the coil and
body ground. Place the ignition in the start position and approximately 12
volts should be displayed. If the reading is incorrect check the wire harness.

Spark plug and high-tension cords tests

Before any tests are carried out on the spark plugs a visual inspection of the
spark plug must be carried out. When this has been completed the electrode
gap must be checked.

While visually checking the spark plug attention must be paid to both its
condition and colour around the two electrodes:

• If the engine and spark plugs are operating correctly then there will be
grey-brown deposits around the electrode. The electrode gap should have
increased but only by approximately 0.025 mm per 1000 miles.

• When the electrode is contaminated with dry, black, sooty deposits, then
carbon fouling is the most probable cause. Carbon fouling is usually
caused by an over-rich mixture, which in turn will cause a weak spark.
With the introduction of electronic fuel injection this problem has been
almost eliminated, but with engines fitted with carburettors the problem still

• Oil fouling of the plugs is associated with worn engine components. The
most common entry points for oil into the combustion chamber, are either
past the piston rings (due to either cylinder bore or piston ring wear), or
past the valves (due to wear in the valve guides or valve stems). When
this problem occurs the plug electrode will be coated in a wet oily deposit
and will be black in colour.

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• Overheating of the spark plugs also leaves a visible sign on the
electrodes. The electrodes become glazed with a white appearance. This
fault is usually caused by incorrect ignition timing, which causes the
combustion pressure and temperature to rise excessively.

Electrode gap

When the visual inspection has been carried out the spark plugs must be
cleaned if necessary, and then the electrode gap must be checked. The
electrode gap will vary depending on the type of ignition system and the type
of engine with which the spark plug is being used. Manufacturers’
specifications must be used for the spark plug gap. When the specification for
the spark plug gap has been obtained, then the correct feeler blade must be
selected and placed in the electrode gap. As the feeler blade is placed in the
gap there should be a small amount of friction between the blade and the
electrode, if the gap is incorrect then the gap must be adjusted. Incorrect
electrode gap will cause incorrect operation of the spark plug leading to
engine misfire.

After the spark plug has been checked and the electrode gap set, spark
checks can be used to check both the high-tension cords and the operation of
the spark plugs. Remove the spark plugs from the engine, and then refit them
to the high-tension cords. Hold the spark against the engine or body ground
and then turn the engine over. A spark should be generated across the
electrode gap. If a spark is not generated then both the spark plug and the
high-tension cords can be substituted with new components one at a time to
decide which component is faulty.

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Complete this test for all spark plugs, if none of the spark plugs are sparking
then the fault is earlier in the ignition system. This type of test can also be
used to test the operation of the ignition coil and high-tension cord between
the coil and distributor.

Disconnect the high-tension cord that is fitted between the ignition coil and the
distributor at the distributor end. Hold the metal end of the high-tension cord
approximately 10 mm from a good body ground and turn over the engine. A
good spark should be generated while the engine is turning. If no spark is
generated then the high-tension cord should be checked for serviceability, and
if this is found to be correct then the ignition coil checks should be carried out.

Checking the serviceability of the high-tension cords is a relatively easy task.

A resistance check needs to be carried out on each individual high-tension
cord both when connected to the distributor cap and removed from it. An
ohmmeter should be used to do this. The two test probes from the ohmmeter
should be placed one at either end of the high-tension cord and a reading
should then be taken. This should then be repeated for each of the high-
tension cords, and a reading of no higher that 25kΩ should be obtained.
When completed the process must be carried out with the high-tension cords
attached to the distributor cap.

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Integrated Ignition System

Ignition coil

Before any inspections can be carried out on the integrated ignition system,
the distributor cap must be removed and the wiring disconnected.

To inspect the primary coil resistance, select the ohmmeter on the multimeter
and place the positive and negative probes in the position shown. Check the
manufacturers’ specification for the resistance that should be obtained.

The secondary coil can be checked using the same process as the primary
coil, just placing the probes where shown. Check the manufacturers’
specification for the resistance that should be obtained.

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Ignition module

When inspecting the ignition module, the distributor cap must be removed, but
the electrics must stay connected. The ignition switch must be placed in the
on position and a voltmeter used to check the voltage.

The voltmeter is connected with the positive probe placed on the ignition coil
positive, and the negative probe onto the body ground.

Battery voltage should be displayed

The power transistor within the module should now be checked. Using a
voltmeter connect the positive probe to the negative terminal of the coil, and
the negative probe to the body ground.

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- +

To complete the next test a 1.5 volt battery should be connected between the
terminals as shown in the diagram. If voltage is applied to the transistor for
more than five seconds the transistor will be destroyed.

- +

With the battery connected, connect the positive probe of the voltmeter to the
negative terminal of the ignition coil and the negative probe to a body ground.

The reading should be between 0 and 3 volts

If the reading is incorrect then the module should be replaced.

When the job has been completed the ignition switch should be turned off.

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Signal rotor and pick up coil

The air gap between the signal rotor and the pickup coil needs to be
inspected if problems occur.

Check the manufacturers’ specification for this clearance.

An ohmmeter is used to check the resistance of the pickup coil. The positive
and negative probes should be placed as shown.

A resistance of between 140 and 180 ohms should be displayed.

If the reading is incorrect then the pickup coil should be replaced.

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Inspection of vacuum and governor advance

To inspect the vacuum advance, disconnect the vacuum hoses and connect a
vacuum pump to the diaphragm. By operating the vacuum pump apply
vacuum to the advancer and see if it moves. If it does not move replace or
repair the vacuum advancer. After checking the vacuum advance, replace the
vacuum hoses. Next, inspect the governor advance, by turning the rotor
counter clockwise, and then releasing it. The rotor should return quickly in a
clockwise direction. After this test has been carried out, move the rotor and
check for excessive play.

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Hall Effect

Ignition trigger signals – Hall effect

The Hall drum is connected to the distributor shaft. When the distributor shaft
rotates, the drum rotates. The drum has cut-outs; the number of cut-outs
corresponds to the number of engine cylinders i.e. four cut-outs are used on a
4 cylinder engine.

The Hall switch is an integrated circuit (IC), which is affected by magnetism.

The illustration shows an open/close switch which we will use to represent the
Hall IC. The Hall switch receives a power supply at the “+” terminal. The “-”
terminal is connected to earth (usually via the amplifier). The amplifier passes
a signal voltage to the “O” terminal (typically between 5 - 10 volts). The
amplifier uses any changes experienced in this voltage as a signal to switch
the ignition coil on or off.

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High voltage

When the solid section of the drum passes between the magnet and the Hall
switch, magnetism cannot influence the Hall switch. If magnetism cannot
influence the Hall switch, the Hall switch will be open. When the switch is
open, the signal current cannot flow to earth, therefore the signal voltage at
Hall switch terminal “O” will be high (and also at the corresponding amplifier

Switch circuit voltage low

– Earth circuit

When the cut-out section of the drum passes between the magnet and the
Hall switch, magnetism can influence the Hall switch. If magnetism influences
the Hall switch, the Hall switch will close. When the switch is closed, the
signal current can now flow to earth. The signal voltage at the Hall switch
terminal “O” will be zero (and also at the corresponding amplifier terminal).

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Direct Ignition Systems Diagnosis

Check the spark plug for sparks

Check ignition plug leads

The following flowchart will demonstrate some of the tests associated with
direct ignition systems. We will look at a flow chart for a non-starting engine,
although many of the checks could also be related to an engine misfire. As
with the previous diagnostic flow charts this will take the technician through a
set of checks that tests most of the components associated with this system.
When starting to diagnose this system it is very easy to forget the basics, so
begin by testing the spark plugs and high-tension cords. Some direct ignition
systems do not have high-tension cords as the coils are fitted directly to the
spark plugs.

Check the spark plug for sparks

Check ignition plug leads

Check ignition coils & modules

When the spark plugs and high-tension coils have been checked, the ignition
coils with modules are next.

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First, disconnect the high-tension cords from the ignition coils. Using the
ohmmeter section of the multimeter place the positive probe in one terminal,
and the negative probe in the other. Refer to the manufacturers’ material to
obtain the correct reading for that vehicle. Reconnect the high-tension cords
and carry out a spark test to test the ignition modules.

Check the spark plug for sparks

inspect ignition plug leads

inspect ignition coils & modules

Inspect camshaft & crankshaft

position sensors

To inspect the camshaft and crankshaft position sensors, disconnect the

sensor connectors and use an ohmmeter to measure the resistance between
the terminals.

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Inspection of ignition signal and wiring

Inspect IGT signal

Check for open and short in

harness and connector in IGT
If open or short found, replace or
signal circuit, between engine ECU
repair the harness and connector
and ignition coil

Using the tuition given in the earlier sections of the phase, access the wiring
diagram for the vehicle you are working on. Find the diagram relating to the
ignition system, and identify the wire terminal on the electronic control unit and
the connector for the ignition coils and modules. Carry out a short circuit and
open circuit test on the harness and connector. If a fault is found repair or
replace the harness or connector.

Inspect IGT signal

Check for open and short in

harness and connector in IGT
signal circuit, between engine ECU
and ignition coil
V Turn the
ignition key to
the cranking
Check the voltage between the IGT position when
terminal of the engine ECU and carrying out
body ground this test

After this has been completed, measure the voltage between the ignition
signal terminal the electronic control unit and body ground (use the earth
terminal on the electronic control unit).

The voltage should be more that 0.1 volts and less than 4.5 volts.

This inspection can also be carried out using an oscilloscope, by checking the
waveform between ignition signal terminal, and the earth terminal. Both tests
should be carried out with the engine turning over. If the voltage or signal is
incorrect then replace the engine electronic control unit.

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If this test is OK, then disconnect the connector to the ignition coils and check
the voltage again between the ignition signal terminal of the electronic control
unit and a body ground.

Check waveform between IGT

terminal and earth

Disconnect the connectors from the

ignition coils and check the voltage
between IGT terminal of the engine
ECU and a body ground V Turn the
ignition key to
the cranking
position when
carrying out
this test

The voltage reading should be more than 0.1 volts and 4.5 volts.

If the voltage is incorrect then replace the ignition coils.

Disconnect the connectors that are connected to the ignition coils. Measure
the voltage between the power source terminal and a body ground.

The voltage should be checked with the ignition switch in the on and start

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Disconnect the connectors from the
ignition coils and check the voltage
between IGT terminal of the engine
ECU and a body ground

Check ignition coil power source

Turn the
ignition key to
Check for open and short circuits in the cranking
the harness and connector position when
between the ignition switch and the carrying out
ignition coil this test

Battery voltage should be displayed. If the correct voltage is not displayed,

the power source circuit should be repaired.

Check for open and short circuits in

the harness and connector
between the ignition switch and the
ignition coil

If a fault is found with the electronic

Check the electronic fuel injection
fuel injection main relay then
main relay
replace it

Replace the ignition coils

Job done

If this is found to be OK the next test must be carried out to confirm that there
is not an open or short circuit between the ignition switch and the ignition coil.
Replace or repair the harness or connector if a fault is found. Next, test the
electronic fuel injection main relay, and if a fault is found then replace it.

After completing all of the ignition signal tests the ignition coils must be faulty.
If the tests prior to the ignition signal tests were carried out then a faulty
ignition coil would have been found earlier.

All of the above information should be reinforced with on vehicle testing.

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Progress check 4
Answer the following questions:

1. What function of a modern code reader is used to display waveforms?

2. How many vertical and horizontal divisions are there on an oscilloscope


3. What can an oscilloscope be used to measure?

4. If the ignition timing is retarded, what symptoms will the engine


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