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MODULE: Managerial communication

NAME: Nikunj Patel
INTAKE: Nov 09

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1. Introduction...................................................................... 3

2. Background of the study.................................................. 4

3. Analyses of Statement...................................................... 6

4. Organisation of Study....................................................... 6

5. Research Methodology..................................................... 7

6. Conclusion......................................................................... 8

7. References and Bibliography............................................ 8

What can we do to continue the process of developing the many skill required for the 21 st century
in workplace. In business and professional communication has its own component or working
pieces. Many times for good communication we can apply by our company vision, orientation to
work and resulting for corporate culture. We got four communication skills for business
competence. Relation life, public life, work life, techno life. We need for business good level of
communication skill. In relation life we have got two type of communication verbal and non-
verbal. Communication for good relationship required effective listening, small group or team
communication, interpersonal communication and gender and multitasking skill. Or second
communication in business and professional work life. Work life competencies include good
resume, interviewing, leadership, decision making and problem solving, conflict, stress, crisis
management. We got ability to understanding of “appropriate”. Also contributes to successful
work life in an organization. In work life we have to conduct good level communication. Public
life our public image through effective oral and written presentations. Communication begins
with the ability to identify goals for given message. Techno life involves your ability to
effectively develop and growing number of communication technologies that are in the
workplace. Effective communication is all about convening our messages to another company
employee and thesaurus. And also receiving information and sending to us to frankly
understanding. Sender and receiver both are communication of message is meaningful. And also
communication competence sensitivity, knowledge and skill required to sender and receiver
messages both are accurate and appropriate for that depends upon company situation. Decoding
is the physical process of transforming incoming message in to thoughts and ideas.

Positive communications are rare, powerful and highly effective. We are not referring to
sweetness or a false positive attitude that usually turns employee off. Its mean the ability to
consistently see and communicate what’s possible instead of what’s not. Its little bit understand
why so many employee in the company fall into a negative communication. Many people don’t
seems to realize how negative attitudes they have become or how subtly destructive it is, so on it
goes. In the company establish a positive, focused mission and then set out to accomplish that
mission. Negative attitudes and communication of those negative attitudes hold our company
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back. Communication strategy is nothing but a management method for formative the most
important process of communicates with business area. a good communication strategy permits
you to work out better without over our effort and to enclose the matter in a research point of
view’s communication strategy eliminates hesitation or doubt, main preparation and includes all
the assignment contributor in progressing the nature of the research. it is a work that is the point
which is is brought out as joint people. Formal communication is generally associated with flow
of communication across an organization chain of command. a good level of organizational
communication information move in three type of part downward, upward and horizontals.
Downward communication is information that flows from subordinate to supervisor. When we
need additional information from company managers than we have to asked them how to write,
suggest to ideas to improve the department of the company. That like type of we can engaging in
upward communication. Horizontal communication is information that focuses laterally between
people of the some rank or status. In horizontal communication. People get to meeting and solve
the problem and give advice to each other and also each other share information through the
grapevine. They are engaging in informal communication the type of information that passes
through the grapevine is both business and gossip. Oriented, when employee can’t get the
information. They need through formal communication channels. They invariably resort to
informal channels.

Communication strategy is a long term plan of the work which designed and for achieving
particular intended goal.” strategy is the direction and scope of an organization over the long
term. Which achieves advantage for the organization through its configuration of resources
within a challenging environment to meet the needs of markets and to fulfill stockholders
expectations” in the all scenario, strategic management is all about taking decisions its strategic
decisions. It has such decisions is where is the organization wanting to achieve the goal for its
business and it’s a direction for the strategy. The other is which business are should a
organization complete in and what kind of activities are contains in such business area? And it’s
a market and scope of strategy, the advantage of strategy is how organization can execute better
than the competition in those business markets. The main decision of strategy is the resources
which are skills, assets, finance, relationship, facilities, technical competence and these resources
are necessary to compete with the competitors. It also shows that what kind of environment
affect the ability of business like external and environmental factors. The values and expectations
of stakeholders who have right and they are doing all the things around to the organization.

As a COO provide to employee those who are personally affected; if the bad news have
personally or individually for certain employee. When we announce to bad news in front of the
customer .when give it to them time to listening. When downsizing of a department or when
company not doing performance well in market competitions and making business very low
profit. Those whose job are on line should know in advance if possible many employee to always
think about his job’s chief executive officer in the company give it to bad news, with no matter
what the news, it is always best to allows people the news, it is always best to allow people the
opportunity to hear it from COO own lips. Many time employees don’t like face to face
discussion with senior level manager.COO always think about first employee in the company.
Carefully take the best time of the day to make the announcement .many employee whole during
the working day feel like stressful in mind. So most of employee like meeting end of the working
day. Depending on situation, though, it may be more benefice to hold the meeting first thing in
the morning and also employee like when COO announcement what is good news for us.COO
provide a clear and concise explanation; clearly explain where the company stands without
withholding information to make employee feel better .many time expect that employee will
have questions and allow everyone the opportunity to ask them. In a company staff best way
possible to positive communicate with noninvasive and straightforward manner.COO when
finished the meeting after employee shift the focus to what comes next. When employee heard
about company “bad news” they will start to thinking of the impact it will have on them.
Employees think if company start project established in new country. Than company reducing
labor cost or benefit in company. Company seeking to deal with the future situation both
immediately and down the road. Whenever major items will be covered. COO when finished the
announcement about the new country project established than it is best to provide something in
writing keep it in explain understand the employee brief and distribute it end of the
announcement as find way to clear any problem and removal to employee query in mind. When
in the company COO deliver bad news to employee when always think about your shelf in the
mirror if one is available. And then notice when we announce bad news in company think about
you will be sharing with another person and always keep in mind we want someone to approach
with bad news and also COO voice not like angry but helpful towards employee and when we
deliver to word to employee because this only makes the person worried and irritated. When
COO start the news begin to say to employee. When they trying to know how to say something
or when COO finished messages when give to them some change to arrangement or excuse our
shelf. When we announce bad news in the company. We lead will appreciate the straight and
honest truth. Always before deliver to bad news first COO checked to all information which is
facts or not without that solid proof and acceptance will be tough for employee. And also COO
ready to prepare for when established new project plan in other company its charts and graphs or
geographical situation, accommodation or market situation all data must be available on the
internal company website. And also prepare for answers to that question and also they want to
prepare frequently asked questions. And also show the empty towards employee because of
when they got messages about this company relocated business in another country. They will
shock first time. Because many employees lost job so they scared about it. And also bad news
always COO tell to them face to face not give to the via message to mobile or memo or internet
via mail. When COO prepare message it is very make to clear its not to create confusion or
message with creating in line with corporate value.

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Sometime in the company bad news going to make good news for employee. But they are
doesn’t know about its advantages or disadvantages for us. Some time bad news badly proves for
employee. Bad news make in the term of sophistic approach. When manger prepare for bad news
in the company that time care about use statistical references. When COO delivers to bad news
to employee when COO first prepare about bad news it happened in future advantages and
disadvantages. When company relocated business in another country company can get
opportunities in global marketplace. And also intercultural communication is the process of
sending and receiving messages between people whose cultural background could lead them to
verbal and non-verbal communication and when new project relocated in another company to
employee efforts to recognize and surmount cultural difference will open up business
opportunities throughout the world and maximize the contribution of all the employee in a
diverse workforce. Thousands of business depends upon export significant portions of their
revenues. If company employee work in outsourcing global market they may well be called on to
visit or at least communication with vide variety of people who speak languages other than
English and also most important significance is in the global market place, most natural
boundaries and domestic market are opening to worldwide competition as business of all sizes
look for new growth opportunities outside their own countries.

Outsourcing main advantages bring the money in the country. Company focus on core activities
that company made on path of progress to successful and also we can improve business activities
without sacrificing quality or service. When company activation outsourcing preventing we can
good performing it at reasonable operation cost and also outsourcing make a reducing cost and
efficiency savings. Outsourcings reduced the overhead and make best company which can be
moved easily. Operation cost whose costs are running out of control must be considered for
outsourcing. Many times company department that may have out controlled on overtime that
time outsourcing can better motivators. Outsourcing company can bring better management
skills. And also outsourcing can allow making seasonal operation or cyclical demands. It can
make a staffing flexibility. Outsourcing provided a level of continuity to the company and risk
management. Outsourcing developing skill in internal staff and also increased information and
knowledge also using in decision making process. Employees participate in making a decision
more likely to support the decision enthusiastically. Outsourcing can bring better high
performance levels in the company and reducing employee boredom, increase feelings of dignity
and self worth and reduce stress and tension between though outsourcing has many
advantages in the new company. It also has a number of potential disadvantages outsourcing
company not driven by same like our company they think about just profit so many time we loss
the managerial control some time team members may have a hidden agenda-private
counterproductive motives, such as a desire to take control of the group or to undermine
someone else on the team. Outsourcing main depends upon a threat to security and
confidentially, outsourcing company main objective increase profit and decrease expenses. It
makes a quality problem. Many time international companies could go bankrupt because of
credit crunch period. We will now be tied to the financial well being of that company.
Outsourcing word effect to mind different people lost jobs because of they were shipped across
the country. So outsourcing will bring bad publicity. Another common reason for failure is poor
communication particularly when teams operate across culture, countries and time zones. Poor
communication particularly when teams operate across culture, countries and time zones. Poor
communication can also result from basic difference conversational styles. Many time employee
coming from different background may they have different type of work habit and concern
technical employee just focus on the accuracy and scientific standards, when COO forward
message to employee about new project relocated in another company when employee differ in
writing styles and personality traits this two factor can make in the company creative nature of
communication when in the company COO select collaborators be carefully those who got the
experience, information and top talented needed in each project avoided inevitably leads to
frustration and wasted time. When COO announcing the news in the company makes sure they
haven’t had the opportunity to work together before. Make sure they can get to know each other
before being asked to collaborate. Employee always depending on each other, make sure prepare
individual responsibilities are clear. Including who is supposed to do what and by when. And
group writing is often a slow, painful process that delivers bland result, research and outline
together but tries to assign the actual writing to one person or divide longer projects among
multiple writers. And also COO always doesn’t assume that everything is working just because
we don’t hear anything negative.

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From the above study it has now been clear that the current communication is not fully resulted
by the business ethics. But communication depends upon a variety of local, state and federal
laws govern communication between employers and both potential and current employee.
Because in the point of view company relocated project in another country so company reducing
their operation cost and established new one project in another company. The previous research
and study has shown that the communication is the result of multiple factors those negatively
affecting to employee, capability to provide motivation. While employee are unable to deal with
these factors efficiently at the same time. Those multiple factors are effecting to employee via
“bad news”. Outsourcing creates business activities without sacrificing quality or service. The
effect of the communication have directly or indirectly, made life tougher for millions of people.


1. John v.thirll and Courtland l. Bovee (excellence in business communication) eighth edition

Pearson international edition



4. (Copyright © 2007)


Excellent-Communication (james E.Grunig and Larissa A.Grunig)
( “Linking Business Strategy And Excellent Communication) Department
of Maryland (usa) University of Maryland.


(By. James bucki, Guide)



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