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Prompt: #5 Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of 

personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others. 

Word Count: 646 

“Just Have Izzy do it”

The scenario is, teacher A tells teacher B they need something done, maybe copies made or

a run to find a material “Just have Izzy do it”, says teacher B. This scenario is one that happened

second semester my junior year. I have developed a lot of responsibility among the teachers and

staff at my school. I am known as the student everyone can go to, for any task, and I can get it


As far back as I know, I’ve always been a student the teachers could rely on. Before I

moved to Colorado, my geography teacher in 8th grade signed my book saying I was the student

she could count on to run the class smoothly if she ever had to leave. I’ve always been that person.

Starting my freshmen year, I met my new geography teacher, Mrs. Anderson. I was in her

class both semesters but became her TA second semester, and took on adult-like responsibilities,

including grading and scoring student quizzes and maps.

That was my first experience of responsibility with the staff at this school.

The next year, my sophomore year, I was her TA again, this time for both semesters. That year, not

onl8y would I help her with the usual class grading, I would grade notebooks and folders also. Or I

would to go down to the teacher lounge to retrieve or make copies. Or occasionally I’d be asked to

help with Mr. Mendoza, the other geography teacher as well.

Last year, as a junior, the respect of the staff and teachers continued to increase, resulting in

taking on a lot of responsibility. I was Anderson’s TA for the first semester, still doing the usual

grading, with the added ability to enter the grades into the gradebook, and continued to do so

second semester. While becoming helpful in many other aspects. Such as help reminding Anderson
of things she needs to do: from making copies, to going to meetings, or even reminding her when

she needs to get donuts for her students. I enjoyed the work I did because I knew it was helpful

and appreciated. I’m glad to know that my services are needed and people expect the maturity

from me and what I do.

When talking to Anderson, whether it be other teachers or an Assistant Principal, they

know to suggest me to accomplish the tasks, even if i’m not the assistant anymore. Because i have

become a reliable source they can use.

I have developed my leadership through other outlets at school as well. In choir I am the

president of concert choir, to help Mrs. Nickel with anything she may need. I take attendance each

day, organize the sheet music after each concert, and help make sure the students are on task, as my

class has 54 students in it.

Along with those I am also the one in theatre who knows lights the most and then can be there to

fix the lights for every show that’s in the auditorium, especially the choir shows.

In their respected atmosphere, Nickel knows I’m there to help the class or willing to change the

lights last minute if I have to.

This past year I have also participated in Link: a leadership program for integrating

freshmen into the schools atmosphere. I have taken charge of a lot of projects in my como

mittee, such as making sure to print off all our calendars for the month. I do a lot of Link

things out of the class too. I work on the board, cleaning, designing games, themes, and activities.

Ending my junior year, I spent my passion project in Link, working on the plan for the next

year's class. I have planned out how we’ll share the workload with commissioners and made a

proposal to my principal, Mr. Conroy, for a grant to fund our summer leadership summit we attend

with student council, in which I asked for over $3,000. He responded with asking how much the

whole trip would be. And he gave us $6,000 to fund the whole trip.
It is an accomplishment to have these responsibilities. I’ve made a lot of growth from these

experiences, as I’m able to be trusted and relied on by the adults in my life.

College Entrance Essay Peer Feedback Rubric
Classmate leaving feedback: Justin A Meyer (ya boi) 

Feedback for the writer: There’s sentences that I think should have different word choice.

College Entrance Essay Peer Feedback Rubric

Classmate leaving feedback: 
Skye Ziegler 

Feedback for the writer: This is a great start, but I would probably narrow the events down to one
event versus many and go in depth showing how this has made you and others feel. Being
general shows a lot that you do, but you do lose the in depth feeling college admissions wants to
learn more about you.

College Entrance Essay Peer Feedback Rubric

Classmate leaving feedback:dej 

Feedback for the writer: try to tie it back together in the end of why this is an accomplishment/ to
the topic

College Entrance Essay Peer Feedback Rubric

Classmate leaving feedback: Axel 

Feedback for the writer:

There are certain sentences with a repetitive nature, specifically the 2nd one. However, it really
shows your passion to help others and it illustrates who you truly are

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