Shariah Written Output Basic Concept

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(Theory of Abrogation)

The Qur’an has always been a medium through which Islam and the Muslim faith are
structured and wherein the relationship between Muslims and God are mediated.1

Among the theories that have been developed in the interpretation of the Qur’an is the
theory of Naskh, a theory stipulating the abrogation of a verse of the Qur’an by another.

What is AL NASKH?

Al Naskh literally means “obliteration”. It is also defined as “abrogation” or the

replacement of one thing by another thing. It means the right to change or repeal God’s
previously given revelations that God supposedly gave to Prophet Muhammad.

It may also be defined as the suspension or replacement of one Shariah ruling by another
provided that the latter is of subsequent origin, and that the two are enacted separately
from one another.

What is the evidence of Al Naskh in the Qur’an?

Muhammad justified naskh with this surah in the Quran:

"We do not abrogate a surah or cause it to be forgotten except that

We bring forth [one] better than it or similar to it. Do you not know
that Allah is over all things competent?" - Quran 2:106

What are the conditions of Naksh?

Al Naskh operates only in Shariah Law and not in beliefs; in other words it excludes the
application of Naskh to rules that are founded in rationality alone.

The following are certain subjects to which Naskh do not apply:

•Attributes of God
•Principles of faith
•Shariah of Islam itself
•Rational matters and moral truths

It applies almost exclusively to the Quran and the Sunnah. Its application is confined, in
terms of time, to one period only, which is the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

Abdulrahim, Roslan, Naskh Al-Quran:A Theological and Juridical Reconsideration of the Theory of Abrogation
and its Impact on Quranic Exigesis. January 2011.
These are based on the fundamental Islamic belief that Quran and Sunnah are both
revelation from Allah and He is All-Knowing, Wise, On-all-Predominant and The-Expert
of his worshiper’s nature, good, welfare and benefit. 2

Further, it must be noted that Quran is the word and ruling of Allah while Sunnah is the
wording of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) for the ruling of Allah.3

What are the wisdom behind Al Naskh?

Al Naskh is used to test the believers, to closely follow certain specific laws, while in
others they are required not to follow them. This variation tests the willingness of the
believers to submit to Allah’s commands and to submit their faith in Allah’s wisdom. 4

Here, abrogated commands are replaced by something better than previously

mentioned which shows that Allah desired Good and Ease for its people.

Four (4) Types/ Classes of Abrogation

1. Naskh of Quran by Quran

• Naskh of Hukam (ruling but not wording)
• Naskh of Tilawa (words of text while ruling is retained)
• Naskh of both Hukam and Tilawa (both words and ruling)

2. Naskh of Quran by Sunnah

• Naskh Quran by Sunnah Ahadiya (singular narration)
• Naskh Quran by Sunnah Mutawatra (successive narration)

3. Naskh Sunnah by Quran

4. Naskh Sunnah by Sunnah
• Naskh of Mutawatar by Mutawatar
• Naskh of Ahad by Ahad
• Naskh of Ahad by Mutawatar
• Naskh of Mutawatar by Ahad

What are instances where there can be no abrogation?

First, that the text itself has not precluded the possibility of repeal;
Second, that the subject is open to the possibility of repeal;
Third, that the abrogating text is of later origin;
Fourth, that the two texts are of equal strength;
Fifth, that the two texts are genuinely in conflict and cannot be reconciled; and

2Eltahan, Abeer, Abrogation (Naskh) in Islam: Al-Nasekh Wa Al-Mansoukh taken from:

3 Eltahan, Abeer, Abrogation (Naskh) in Islam: Al-Nasekh Wa Al-Mansoukh taken from:
Lastly, that the two texts are separate and not related.

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