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COLLEGE: College of Business DEPARTMENT: Commercial Law

COURSE CODE: CONSLAW (Constitutional Law)

INSTRUCTORI Atty. Mikaela Francine Lagarde
CONSULTATIONT TH 5:30-6:00PM (Commercial Law DepartmentJ
This is a course offered to students of the College of Business and the School of Economics rvhere
principles, righLs, and
obligatio:1s under the 1987 Philippine Constitution are studied and analyzed, Each major
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Spirit of Faith 1, Refle ct Christian values IN learning and un derstanding Constitutional La
and tn protecting
the rights and enforcing the respons ibilities found therein.
2. Promote orderliness and in the
Zeal for Service 7. Develop a consistency and mastery in work output based on th e parameters
of the Spirit of
) Develop the practice of guiding the subjects and orbjects of Constitutional Law
in complying
with relevant and in them.
Communion in Mission 7. Develop work ethics in preparing for special projects and other activities
2. and ers and the or within the classroom.

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2. Understand written, spoken and visual text, and convey information =.-.
that is meaningful to
and the Church.
Critical and Creative 7. Generate ideas and information to meet current and emerging needs
Thinkers of society.
2. Increase aptitude at spotting and avoiding/ responding to abuses
of power by the State.
3. and with n nd
Technically Competent 1 Understand the fundamental a nd specialized con cepts and principles
of Constituti onal Law to
help analyze existing derb ates, disputes, national issues, and
other legal problems that cou ld
2. Critically reflect on probiems and lssues to shape ideas and s
olutions that contribute to a
b etter
Ethical and Socially 1. Reflect the University and COB ELGA values, as well as th
e ethics relati ng to Political Law.
Responsible Citizens 2. Uph old respect for la' especially the Constitution.
3. Observe and guarantee the rights of other individuals
4. the role ofthe Government social
As evidence of attaining the above learning outcomes,
the student is required to do and submit the following
dates of the term. during the indicated

LO1: To ensure Due Date
the Special Projects During designated dates.
sufficiency of the
students' knowledge
and familiarity with the
complexities of
Constitutional Law
LO2: To demonstrate Writing Reviews, Essays and Pap ers During designated dates.
creative writing, critical Analyses on fudicial Decisions
thinking as well as the
ability to analyze legal
principles and cases in
their written
LO3: To demonstrate Digesting Case Laws, Decisions of the
the abiliry to identify During designated dates.
Supreme Court
the legal issues and
summarize a case in a
clear and concise

LO4: To ensure the Class Participation through Voluntary Every session, unless otherwise specified or
students' clarity of and Ir{andatory Recitations announced.
speech and the facility
of the English language
while at the same time
achieving accuracy with
regard to the
substantive law or
subject matter.
LO5: To broaden the Class Discussion, Integration and Every session and/or at the end of each topic.
understanding of the Clarifications
students in areas of the
subject matter, which
might need further
LO6: To measure at the Tests During designated dates.
very least, the
satisfactory and
sufficiency of the
students' knowledge of
the topics discussed on
a periodical basis.
LOTt To measure Midterm Exam Date as designated by the University.
sufficient knowledge of
the topics discussed and
within the scope the
midterm exam.
LO8: To measure Final Exam Date as designated by the University.
sufficient knowledge of
&e topics discussed and
within the scope the
final exam.


Aside from the final exam, the student will be assessed at other times during the term by the following:
A. CaseReviews/Analyses
B. Essays and Papers
C, Focus Group Discussions/Group Activities
D. Voluntary and Mandatory Class Recitations
E. Long/PeriodicalTests
F. Midterm Exam

96-100 - Excellent;
91-95 - Superior;
85-90 - Very Good;
78-84 - Good;
72-77 - Satisfactory;
66-7L - Fair;
60-65 - Passed;
Lower than 60 - Failed.

Oral Activities

Written Activities
Midterm Examination

Learning Outcome Topic Week Learning Activities

House rules, class policies 7 Lecture, Recitation,
Course introduction CIass Discussion,
Focus Group
Reflection Paper

7,4,5,6 Concept of State and Government 2 Lecture, Recitation,

- What is a State? Class Discussion,
- Fundamental Powers of the State Case Analyses and Discussions
- The Philippines as a State
- The Philippine Government
- The Philippine Constitution
- Constitution v. Statute
- Preamble
1,,2,4,5,6 The Legislative Department [Article VI) 3-4 Lecture, Recitation
Class Discussion,
Case Analyses and Discussions, Special
7,3,4,5,5 The Executive Department [Article VIIJ 5-6 Lecture, Recitation,
Group Discussions, Case Analyses and
7,4,5,6 The Judicial Department [Article VIII) 7-B Lecture, Recitation,
Class Discussion, Case Analyses and
Discussions, Special Proiect
1,2,4,5,6 Constitutio nal Commissions [Article XI), Local 9 Lecture, Recitation,
Government (Article X), and Accountability of Class Discussion, Case Analyses and
Public Officers (Article XI) Discussions, Special Project

7,3,4,5,6 Declaration of Principles and State policies 10 Lecture, Recitation,

(Article II), National Territory (Article I) Class Discussion, Case Analyses and
1,3,4,5,6 Bill of Rights (Article IIIj lL-74 Film Viewing on Martial Law, Lecture,
Class Discussion,
Case and Discussions
'j-,2,4,6,7, B Final Exam 15 Final Exam

HECToR S. Dn LsoN aNo HecroR M. DE LEoN Texraoox oN rHe pHrr,rpprNn Cousrrrurron [Rex Book Store, 2015).

Joaqurn G, BenNes, THe 1987 pHrr,rpprr,rE CoNSTrrurroN:A Corr.rpRsHrrusrve pnrurn, panr II (Rex Book Store, 2011).
fonquru G. BsnNes, Cor,rsrrrurroNal RtGHTs AND Socrar, Der\4eNos, PART II (Rex Book Store, ZOO+J.
ISAGANT CRUz AND CARLo L. Cnuz, Cor,rsrrrurronal L,rw (Central
Book Supply, Inc., 2015J
Aurouro NACHURA, OurllNs REvrEwsR rn pourrrcau Law (VJ Graphic arti,'lnc,, 2015).


Sources of Case-Laws / furisprudence:
A.CD Asia Online
B. Lex Libris, CD TechnologiesAsia, Inc.
C. Philippine Supreme Court Website <wr,vw,>
Attendance. Students are expected to come to class diligently and on time.
The maximum class days that a student may be
absent is 5 day. Two occasions oftardiness
constitute 1 abiencl from class. Absence approved and sanctioned by the
shall not be counted against the student. The student is, nevertheless, University
responsible for it and not excused for missed class
activities, tests, and other class requirements.

Written Output. All exams, projects, reports, papers and other written outputs
must be submitted on time. Any requirement
submitted after the specified date and time shali no longer be received
andaccepted, and shall get a grade of 0.0.
Respect and Decorum, The students are expected to observe
proper decorum and shall give respect to their professor
classmates. and

Final Grade. As a general rule, the passing grade for the

class is 1.0. However, for Accountancy students, the passing
2.0. grade is

Cheating, Plagiarism and Acts of Dishonesty. Any form.of dishonesty is extremely

by the University through the Discipline Office and
prohibited and shall be severely dealt with
tire Student Hananoon-

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