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569 Death of his father, Abdullah

c. 570 Possible date of birth: 12 (or 17) Rabi al Awal: in Mecca Arabia

c. 576 Death of his mother, Amina

c. 583 his grand father transfers him to Syria

c. 595 Meets and marries Khadijah

597 Birth of Zainab, his first daughter,

610 Qur'anic revelation begins in the Cave of Hira

At 40 years old Angel Jebreel (Gabriel) said to appear to him on the

mountain and call him: The Prophet of Allah

610 Begins in secret to gather followers in Mecca

c. 613 Begins spreading message of Islam publicly to all Meccans

c. 614 Heavy persecution of Muslims begins

c. 615 Emigration of a group of Muslims to Ethiopia

616 Banu Hashim clan boycott begins

619 The year of sorrows: Khadija (his wife) and Abu Talib (his uncle) die

619 Banu Hashim clan boycott ends

c. 620 Isra and Mi'raj (reported ascension to heaven to meet God)

622 Hijra, emigration to Medina (called Yathrib)

623 Battle of Badr

625 Battle of Uhud

627 Battle of the Trench (also known as the siege of Medina)

628 Treaty of Hudaybiyyah

629 Conquest of Mecca

632 Farewell pilgrimage and death, in what is now Saudi Arabia

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