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SCENE VIII Romanza Larghetto P — ee a eee: —-? [67] emorino “ee Uno fur-ti- - -v0 Who can de - ceive a Lan ae| ae am > fa - gri-ma negl'oc - chi suoi_Spun - te: loving heart?, ove is not blind_but wise. ing heart? not blind_but wise “Le EN GR ZR) Om oS y gio - = va-ni In - - + vie = di - ar—sem- tears appear — like twin—stars in your quel-te fe-sto- - (saw two glow - - P che pit cer - can - doio What great-er joy can | che pit cer-can-do io we? Whatgreat-er joy can | know? mia-+-ma— lo ve-- do, 0 ve - - - do love me, —you love me, youwapt forme! PN Un so-loi-ston - tei pal pi-ti Soon I will hold you close to me, P Ste ate | A> 2e~| ace se del suo bel cor—_sen = tir! i miei so-spir con know you are mine a - lone! <. If 1 could hear your Be =| we aml a = — pp sz fon - = de-re per po-co a" suoi_so- spir! heart. reply in “an = = swer tomy own! LED ES pal - pi-ti i pal- pi-ti sen-ti con -fon,- dete i miei co'sual | 50 on = “ly. (could hear your loving sigh -spond ing to myown in sweet re~ 4ue79 Cie-lo, si pud— mo - rir; di pid—non- then |) would glad - ly die! that would be— —— ~N cie - to, si pud, si pud mo - heaven, then’ 1 would glad-ly— thie-do, non chie - ~~ 9, heaven | ask 0° more — — a a di pit non chie-do non chie = That would be—heav-en, | ask no— espressivo r ft "RF ‘THE HERALDS ARALDE (sti further off) (ancora pitt lontano) va "In Peking, she com.mands "No oneshall ] ‘Que. ‘sta not’. te nes. sun dormain Pe Sostenuto 424529 sleep td.night See nal Nes. sun None shall Nes sun TN =z Nes. sun (Geng stun farther ott) {cong ancora péblontane) Nono shall sloeptonight! po saa Nes. sep tonight — dor. mal sleep tonight! dor. ma 424920 i ‘THE PRINCE IL PRINCIPE = —p ~ = Ee = = = aay = Noneshallsleoptonightl. None shallsleeptonightt. Nessun dor mal. Nes.sun dor - mal. [4] Andante sostemto, —— ‘THE PRINCE ML PRINCES = = oe $ = ==72 oo J 5 ‘i ; Princess, thou - ing, — in__ thy lone. ly Tu puree 1 sa, nella tua fred ~ da = # iL ‘THE PRINCE hekinales os, ——— — : ba == oe = = : 6S = —— a — cham . ber, watch . ing the stars, whichthrobwithlove and stan ~ Ba guar. di le stel . le che tre-ma_ no da- Zz = He = = — eas ~ ey t mT eS = ¥ z = oe tr Wi ‘Ta. * PPatnccatt Re. * mg 292 ‘THE PRINCE IL PRINCIPE dim. If long ing; with hope and long re e dé tm te Be. *® ‘THE PRINCE TERME Within myheartmy seo. ret lies, andwhatmy nameis nono shall Mail mio miste.roéchiusoin me, tl mio nessun sa_ atempo . = Bt : re coe Senge [* Creer ee ; Corey | 27 ol 2p to iv pL Ser ete See ben cantato > Sa, ‘THE PRINCE TheaiNeLes know! None, none, till on thy heart. ~pra! No, no, sul. la twa boc ‘THE PRINCE, ILPRINCIPE —— fess =, it, as soon as morn- quando la. le - J ce splen . de- ~~ ‘THE PRINCE ILPRINCIPE ‘THE PRINCE IL PRINCIPE. — shallmy kisses break the sil . ence—‘thatmakasthee mine! bacid scioglierd? si- len - sto. che ti fa mi ~ a! ——_— - 02 daa 7 TOR EU (behind the scenes-rather distant) (Gnterno wn po'tontano) Ahiwhathisnameis none shall know. Andall of us, a-las, shall TL nome suo nessun E noi do.vremahi_md, mo. CHORUS OF Wowen CORO DONNE Ahiwhathisnameis none Andall of us, alas, shall HL nome suo neesun a E noi do.vremahimé, —mo- ‘THE PRINCE con anima JLPRINGIPS Se oot ‘0 night de. part 0_ye stars grow Di. le. guao not - te! tra.mon.ta . te, ‘THE PRINCE IL PRINCIPE. ee _ OE = _ pal . er! © yo stars grow pal - ler! At daybroakshell be stel . lel Tra.mon.ta . te, stel . lel Al.Val-ba vin - ce - _ poco rit. . — >> EZ wa JTg San. om uv # ‘THE PRINCE TL PRINCIPE, erese.molto mine! ‘Mine at last! Mineat last! -rof * Vince. ro! Vince - ro! worwn ‘Gorm, (cone) 6 tempo affrett. Tall. t erese. molto se = om & s24s29

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