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iO fale T} Location Policy Suburban Police Metropolis Dislocate Local Relocate Political Locale Growing Your Vocabulary: Learning from Latin and Greek Roots Chapter 3: Chapter oe Here and There Here and There i ion! Uptown, downtown, and ali around Location, location, in this chapter; youll learn some words with roots meaning "city’ and “place. Roots to Learn: urban location suburban relocate urb loc police local . policy locale poli political dislocate metropolis The Latin word URBS, URBIS means “city! The root, URB comes from this word. IF something is URBAN, it is related to a city or located ina city The opposite of URBAN is the word rural, which means'“related to the country" Do you live in an urban or a rural area? IF something is SUBURBAN it is related to an area that lies outside of, but close to, a large city. SUBURBAN areas surround most cities, Why would someone five in the suburbs, rather than the city? There are many reasons Suburbs are usually newer, are more open, arid have less traffic, Why would someone live in the city, rather than the Urban areas are ofte suburbs? There are more restaurants, museums, shows, and museums generally more things to do in the city, and commuting is less difficult. So, really it’s 2 matter of personal tastes. Inural centers, Most and theaters are located in urban areas. REFIX ALARMI } f sé sub- + Way = subway—a passage, or way to move about, || 4A under the street t Ar ‘sub- + zero = subzero—below zero degrees in | temperature | SanERRARNEnE aaateene amen A Gro 1g Your Vocabulary: learning from Latin and Greek Roots earner see ape 1 a Chapter 3: Here and There “The Greek word POLIS also means “city The root POLI comes from the word POLIS. The roots urb and poli both mean “city” In METROPOLIS, the Greek root metr means “mother so METROPOLIS literally means "mother city"You might remember that metr also means measure!" When you read, use the context to avoid confusing"mother” words with “measure” words. The English prefixes mega- and megalo~ both mean “great’"We use them with words like megalopolis. The words megalopolis and mevopolis mean almost the same thing, They both describe a large, important city, But megalopolis can also mean a region with a large population that contains “Annette’s cat walked from her more than one metropolis" neighborhood to the metropolis. “There isa megalopolis in the eastern United States called "BosWash" It extends from Boston 1 Wash- ington, DC, and includes New York City and Philadelphia. This region contains four of the world’ largest metropolitan areas. also contains nearly 50 million people! Have you ever read Superman comics or watched Superman ‘onTV? Inthe story, Clark Kent grew up in see reles"\hon he moved to "Metropolis he became Superman. ven though these places are made up, they are good examples of a typical small town ‘and big city. Can you think of some key differences between small towns and big cities? POLICE 2re government workers who make sure that everyone follows the law. Around 27 BC, Roman emperor Augustus Caesar established the first organized POLICE force. Their main job wes to protect Caesar from assassination! These men worked in Rome and were also responsible for fighting fires and arresting lawbreakers. Police officers protect the city and are there to help. i Jo} Growing Your Vocabulary: Learning from Latin and Greek Roots kes Chapter 3: Here and There APOLICY is a rule, procedure, guideline, or action plan followed by a person, group, business, or GOTTA GO, government, Many urban POLICIES are made by the mayor or by a city council The residents of the city elect people to these jobs. They vote for the leaders they think will make the best polices. What other schoO! policies can you name? IFsomething is POLITICAL, it relates to governing and government. Presidents, senators, governors, mayors, and city council members are all examples of people who have POLITICAL jobs, Many of the people who hold these offices belong to one of America’s ‘two main politcal groups—the Republican or Democratic party. The elephant and the donkey are the symbols of the Republican and Democratic political partes. Ee SUFFIX (RM it $ The suffixtion means “act” or “process.” Examples: add + i+ —tion = addition—the process of adding | celebrate — e + -tion = celebration—the act of eas] Growing Your Vocabulary: Learning from Latin and Greek Roots | Chapter 3: Here and There ‘The Latin word LOCARE, LOCATUM means “to place: The root LOE comes from this word. pip Tuer sr oe snes Ben? A LOCATION is the position of something Global Positioning Systems (GPS) use satelites in space, along with receivers on Earth to determine the LOCATIONS of objects on Earth. The elephants needed to see their exact location on the map. RELOCATE means'“to move" orto establish in a new place!” Most Americans RELOCATE somewhere within the United States when they move to a new home. If you had to move somewhere else, anywhere in the world, where would you like to relocate? Why? Jeff and his family prepared to relocate to their new home. IF something is LOCAL, it is physically close to or related to a particular place. Most children attend the LOCAL public school—that is, the school nearest to their homes. People also tend to use lacal gas stations and grocery stores, rather than driving to places far away. The local market sold everything tat people in the neighborhood needed Growing Your Vocabulary: |eaming from Latin and Greek Roots + Rings trilogy was shot in New Zealand? TIPS: Here are some ways to tell the difference between Chapter 3: ifyou watch the credits at the end of a movie, they wil mention the LOCALE where the movie was filmed. OY, “Amazingly, some movies are made hundreds of miles from “the places they portray. Did you know that the Lord of the AB fal Fig| wow PLAY THE TEMPEST location, local, and locale: + A locale is a place. It is a noun, + Local is an adjective used to describe something that is near a particular area or location. + A location is a place where you can find something, = The word location is a noun. ‘After the neighborhood theater was destroyed by @ hurricane, the actors used the middle school «as the locale for their productions. DISLOCATE means “to put out of the usual place or location.” The term DISLOCATE is often used to describe a situation in which a joint in a person's body, such as a shoulder, has been pulled out of place. tt can also refer to a feeling of being discon- nected from others. Examples dis + ogree = disagree—to nit agree is— + honest = dishonest—not honest Byron dislocated his elbow ond wasn't able to play ball with the other kids at school Growing Your Vocabulary: (earning from Latin and Greek Roots

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