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CADASTRAL REGISTRATION PROCEEDINGS monument or remove such monument, or shall

destroy or remove
any notice of survey posted on the land pursuant to
ORDER FOR SPEEDY SETTLEMENT AND law, shall be punished by a fine of not more than one
ADJUDICATION; SURVEY; NOTICES thousand pesos or by imprisonment for not more than
one year, or both.
Section 35. Cadastral Survey preparatory to filing of

(a) When in the opinion of the President of the NATURE AND PURPOSE OF CADASTRAL
Philippines public interest so requires that title to any REGISTRATION PROCEEDINGS
unregistered lands be settled and adjudicated, he
may to this end direct and order the Director of Lands > Upon the initiative of the government
to cause to be made a cadastral survey of the lands
involved and the plans and technical description > To have titles to all lands in the stated area
thereof prepared in due form. adjudicated

> Public interest demands that titles to any

unregistered land settled and adjudicated
(b) Thereupon, the Director of Lands shall give notice
to persons claiming any interest in the lands as well > The principal aim is to settle as much as possible all
as to the general public, of the day on which such disputes overthe land and to remove all clouds over
survey will begin, giving as fully and accurately as the land titles as far as practicable, in a community
possible the description of the lands to be surveyed.
Such notice shall be punished once in the Official > Nature of a proceeding in rem
Gazette, and a copy of the notice in English or the
national language shall be posted in a conspicuous
place on the bulletin board of the municipal building of PROCEDURE LEADING TO THE ADJUDICATION
the municipality in which the lands or any portion OF PROPERTY THROUGH CADASTRAL
thereof is situated. A copy of the notice shall also be PROCEEDINGS
sent to the mayor of such municipality as well as to
the barangay captain and likewise to the 1. Cadastral survey preparatory to filing a petition
Sangguniang Panlalawigan and the Sangguniang
Bayan concerned. 2. Filing of petition for registration

3. Notice of survey

(c) The Geodetic Engineers or other employees of the 4. Publication

Bureau of Lands in charge of the survey shall give
notice reasonably in advance of the date on which the > Though there is no express mention of any
survey of any portion of such lands is to begin, which publication requirement following PD1529, there has
notice shall be posted in the bulletin board of the to be mailing, posting and publication following the
municipal building of the municipality or barrio in Cadastral Registration Law
which the lands are situated, and shall mark the
boundaries of the lands by monuments set up in > Publication in the OG twice under said law
proper places thereon. It shall be lawful for such
5. Filing of answer
Geodetic Engineers and other employees to enter
upon the lands whenever necessary for the purposes
6. Hearing of petition
of such survey or the placing of monuments.
7. Judgment

(d) It shall be the duty of every person claiming an

interest in the lands to be surveyed, or in any parcel CADASTRAL SURVEY PREPARATORY TO FILING
thereof, to communicate with the Geodetic Engineer OF PETITION
upon his request therefor all information possessed
by such person concerning the boundary lines of any > Opinion of the president that public interest requires
lands to which he claims title or in which he claims that title to unregistered land be settled and
any interest. adjudicated

> He may order the Director of Lands to cause to be

made a cadastral survey of the lands involved
(e) Any person who shall willfully obstruct the making
of any survey undertaken by the Bureau of Lands or > Notice to be published in OG, posted in bulletin
by a licensed Geodetic Engineer duly authorized to board of municipal building; sent to mayor and all
conduct the survey under this Section, or shall those concerned
maliciously interfere with the placing of any
> Geodetic engineer of the LMB shall give advance
notices to all claimants of dates of survey

1. Description of the lands

2. Accompanied by a plan
Section 36. Petition for registration. When the lands
have been surveyed or plotted, the Director of Lands, 3. Other data as to facilitate notice to all occupants
represented by the Solicitor General, shall institute and persons having claim
original registration proceedings by filing the
necessary petition in the Court of First Instance of the 4. The parcels shall be called lots and shall be given
place where the land is situated against the holders, cadastral lot numbers on the plan
claimants, possessors, or occupants of such lands or
any part thereof, stating in substance that public
interest requires that the title to such lands be settled
and adjudicated and praying that such titles be so
settled and adjudicated:

The petition shall contain a description of the lands

and shall be accompanied by a plan thereof, and may
contain such other data as may serve to furnish full
notice to the occupants of the lands and to all persons
who may claim any right or interest therein.

Where the land consists of two or more parcels held

or occupied by different persons, the plan shall
indicate the boundaries or limits of the various parcels
as accurately as possible. The parcels shall be known
as "lots" and shall on the plan filed in the case be
given separate numbers by the Director of Lands,
which numbers shall be known as "cadastral lot
numbers". The lots situated within each municipality
shall, as far as practicable, be numbered

beginning with number "one", and only one series of

numbers shall be used for that purpose in each
municipality. However in cities or townsites, a
designation of the landholdings by blocks and lot
numbers may be employed instead of the designation
by cadastral lot numbers.

The cadastral number of a lot shall not be changed

after final decision has been entered decreasing the
registration thereof, except by order of court. Future
subdivisions of any lot shall be designated by a letter
or letters of the alphabet added to the cadastral
number of the lot to which the respective subdivisions

pertain. The letter with which a subdivision is

designated shall be known as its "cadastral letter":
Provided, however, that the subdivisions of cities or
townsites may be designated by blocks and lot


> Director of Lands through the Solicitor General

> Shall institute original registration proceedings

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